Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1910, p. 6

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TRA THE . DAILY BRITISH. A al {Taylor have been ithesnly guasanice of satisfaction In zand 3 pound sealed tins {mever In bulk--at your grocer's. 11 'caasi & SANBORN, Montreal Women Cannot be Strong and Healthy Unless the Kidneys are Well. lame or of Kidney Trouble. erditiary conditions they w and ready to bear t - Jt imhard to do housework with a weak and aching back. Backaches come from ick kidneys, and what a lot ef trouble kidneys cause. But they can't help it. If more work is on them than they ean stand it is not be wondered that A get out of order. Weak back is simply a warning from the kidoeys and should be attended to immediately so. as to avoid years of terrible suffering from kidney troubles. Doan's Pills will cure you in the ame way as they have cured thousaads as Alberta B. Clarke, Stoney Creek, writes: trouble weak - Un . Milbure Co., Limited, specify 'Doan Davis. Gasoline Engine Every. year the Davis En- gines are growing more popular among all classes of motor" boat" owners, This proves that they are reli- able; "5 CF |, The Davis Engine will start when required, and will keep going until they are stopped. Be sure and visit our works and examine our new 1910 models. © You are not under obligation to buy. Just come and see how our engines are built; then we feel sure you will place your order with us. 'a TTHE LATE TEOMAS I. HILL ing backs are the ~~] was troubled with | TWO LEEDS DEATHS WILLIAM BRYAN. Russell H. Britton to Manage the Gananoque Wringer Works--{an. ada Cabinet Company's Property Not Yet Sod. Gananoque, darch 7.-Thomas R, Hill, a well-gnown and respected rve- gident of feeds township, pass d to rest at his home near Marble dodk, ton Saturday, in th: forty-second year ol his age, a victim of consumption. Mr. Hill was a prosperous farmer. t His wife was send some weeks ago to | Brockville general hospital for treat {ment. The funeral takes place ifs fternoon to Gananoque vault. William Bryan agzhty-one years of ! a lilelons resid nt of leeds township, passed away at hin home {near Long Porat on Friday. He leaves two sous, Jacob and Thomas, residing [at Long Point, and two dawrhters, {Mre, 5. M. Chipman, Ottawa, and Mrs. L. E. Murphy, Potsdam, N.Y. John Larose, River street, is the Towner of nu fine Holstein three-year- told wideh, on Friday 1) ght, presented hom with a handsome pair of twin {ealves, both well developed. | The Tiger hockey team, of this town, {ard the Ramblers, of Lansdowse, were Ibifled for a game at Lansddovne this evening for 20 a side Mes re J. Wilson ard Robert appoinisd mem- of the board of health for threo vice George Peck and David Byron, whose terms have expired, In Rev. J. T. Piteher's adult I Movement Pible class, which been rechristened "Everybody's Linle Clase," an attendance of 133 was re }pistercd vesterday, ! {According to statements from a re liable source the old Canada Cabinet feompany's property here has not yet been dikpored of by E. A. Wright, of Montreal, the old company's ligeida- ttor. Offers have been received from several parties but no deal has as yet been made. | Charles Shook, checsemaker at the Willetsholme fidtory, has rented D. iJ. Loyd's house on King street prior jade, Ww hey {to his removing to th: west early in { the spring. William Linney, during the past lwiek, disposed of his handuome red dence an Oak street, to Leo. Round, an Fnglishman located here for the year. Mr. past Linney and som, Charles, expect to leave for the west about [April Ist. Mrs. Linfey and daughter wiil remain livre antit the male por {tion of the family are satisfactorily located, Russell H, Britton has veepted 1he position of manager of th: Liangnogua Wringer Works, operated by (he os tate of tha'late O. I. Cownn. The twa young sora of Mrs. Riuh- ardson, Wint!peg, who is visiting her | brothee, 1). A. Mitchell, First street, ~made the trip here from. Winnipeg hore | talons, and ened Ihureday last, Reeve (. E. Britton #xnl a ey 'ays (his week in Toronto and Brantford and before leaving hore ar- tized to attend the: banquet in New York city toudered to Lieut. Robert their mother on f, Peary, oof Aretie fame, in that city, on | | "aturday evenin Her Firs The Winnipeg ec Press says : Mrs, Peter. MeCallum, formerly' Miss Floy- jenve Franklin, received, Wednesday, for (the first time since her marriage, in i het suite in Moxam court, She wore a | lovely gown of pale blue satin with {yoke and {und was assisted by her mother, Mrs, ! Franklin, who was gowned in black | embroidered chiffon with jet trimming {and a black plumed hat. The pretty | rooms were decorated with fragrant {pink carnations, while the tea table | was centred by a shower of Killarney { roses. Mrs. Homer Bunnell and Mrs. |'T. R. Ferguson presided for the first {hour and Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. R. B. Henderson for the second and as- sisting wefe Miss Grace Franklin, Miss Ethel Holliday and Miss Helen Doyle. Reception, i The car ferry Bessemer, which went down in December, is lying in deep wa- ter, fourteen miles off Port Bruce. I'he wreck was discovered, it is said, by a man who was exploring on the we for salvage. Longhoat is seriously ill. Dr. Scheck | doing his best to fight off what looks like an attack of typhoid, SICK HEADACHE Sour 'Stomach, Heartburn, Canker Sore Mouth Cured by Mi-o-na. Sick headaches are eaused by indi- gestion and a general disturbed con- dition of the stomach, Cure ths indigestion and the head- in ' " a a8) ja. number of Deposits! fect. Finully she {all theses troubles. ANDI AC 9 ache, hearthurn, sour stom- ach; and that "all in' fedling will vanish, Na-o-na tablets will cure indigestion or any other stomach trouble. They will relieve almost mstantly, G. W. Mahood has so much faith in then give you your money hk to produce enough to digest all the ad you want to eat. It promptly puts i into the over ed-out walls of the Use Mé-ona for a week dnd you can sat what you want any time vou want it, and take pleasure in doing it. 'a . Your blood. will . be richer, redder, : Miona, and it J 0 » BAYS tion umber ol _-- ime ior for a mn ' We Alot 36 me. oF Co Et nn 8 ] I can confidential ly recommend Mi-o-ma." New i has! sleeves of baby Irish lace, | NEWBGRO LACKS HOUSES \ --na-- To Accotiimodste People Who Wasit tor Settle There. Newhoro, March Samyel Prick ard is moviag™ front John Leggett s farm mete: Partland to J. T. Gal iagher's houde on Simcoe street, where he intends opening a meat market. Arthur Hull . is moving from Joba Nolan's farsx. near Philipsville to Heriry Warrdn's farm near the vil lage. Ernest Hull is moving from Croshy 15 Martin Knapp's farm west of the village, William Mann is mov- ing fro here to Portland. Henry Mudford is moving from William Bass' farm to. Felix MeNally's, and Robert Greov has beew engaged to work for Mr Tass this season. Daniel Mc- Carthy, Peéfwd, is moving to the tc lton farm wear here, which he re cently 'plrehased, and Wesley Knapp, who worked the farm basi season, ii moving inte Mrs. Paul's house on Railway street. ' There ig: not at present a vacant house in the village, and several fami move here from " . fies are wanting to : outside places. 3 Mesure, Dakgavel and Canon, Elgin, representing the South Crosby tural Telephone company, waited upon the municipal gouncil at a special meeting on Monday "vening and were given permisgion 10 build their line through the village and instal 'phones. In the spring the line will be continued from Crosby to Newboro and possibly . to i Westport. . Local sugarmakérs are prophesyiog a poow sugar season as the Lrees in many bushés 'were damaged badly by the sleet storms last fall and .the re cent thaw will alo afiect the run, Miss Gladve Kennedy, Wesiport, is again in charge of the College school, in the absence of Miss Crovier, who reported seriously, ill with typhoid "fever at Heri home in Westport. W. R. ! Cameron, rdnewidg old acquaintances here, for the past' few weeks, left for his home in Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs | Charles Patterson, Crosby, critically {il with blood poisoning, is little better. | The government pasons arrived here from Bur¥itt's Rapids on Wednesday and are evgaged rebuilding. the wing | walls and parts of tid side walls of the locks: Mrs. William Moulton, of this place, ! died af the homo of her futher near Ellisville an Saturday evening, alter al long illness with comsumptian. She is survived by her husband and three t children. "The remains were interred at Seeley"s Bay on Monday. I Mr. andl Mrs. Moore (the latter for- merly Mra. Mary Brown), of Syra- cuse, are: here for their honeymoon. A (reception, in: their honor was held at the home of tha bride's sister, Mrs. O. Steadman, on Wednesday evening, © L . ar WHYG'S FASHION HINT. ot 4 n i i i PHOTO COPIMGHT 1990 BY REUTLINGER - FE SVE COPYRIGHT, NEW YORY MERALD CO Blue serge: tailor costume. a ,. DIED AT WEST DULUTH, The Late James P. Shannon, Form- * Jefly of Kingston. The *desth occurred at West "Duly Minn, fast Thursday, of James , iy Shannon, from a complication of dis eases, aged séventy-eight years. The d. 'was born at Westbrook, township off Kingstan, where his fath- or settled alter the revolutionary war, in which he! took part. For twenty- five years Mr. Shaonon lived on Al- bert. street, 'Kingston, and' was well known heve" | Besides his widow he loaves ' five daughters andl. three sons. The daugh- ters, all of whom live in West Duluth, are Mry. George M. ¥ i bald Boyd, Mrs. Allen Brouse, Mrs. A. K. Lindgren, Miss Edith Shannon, whe lives at bome. The three sons are > § Agr h Jt "ob Butnuin, Minn, ormerly of | uth; ' George D. Sham y of Isle Royale, Mich., and Hiram Shas n, pf Spencerville, Out. AH his" sonw-lg-lgw and danghters-in: law wets K quians, with the ex. ception f "Ai J. Lindgren, and were well known this eity. The funeral was held from the family residence, 588 North' Fifty-eighih sve- nue west, #turday afternoon, Rev. Arthur J. Haag, pastor of the West Duluth Baptist church, officiating. In- ternient took! place: in Oneots ceme- tory. Six of the deceased's grandsons acted as pallthearaes. re BRICKROW ONFRE _, . AT THE CORNER OF GONE Ax You just try ONTARIO STREETS. 5 2 L > 34 i The Firemen Hat a Difficult Task in| Getting 'at the Flames--The maze Was in the Upper Flat of Due of | the Houses. The $remen had a very stubborn fight for about two houss on datur day sftanoon. About 2.40 o'clock, tire was discovered in the brick row ay the | corner of Gore gnd OUntario streets. tie fire was first discovered in the | housé oréupied by Mrs. M. Wet uirk,"] off Gare street, and ah alarm' was at | onte sent in from box 19 at the corn | or of King and Gare streets, and an- | other from box 19 at the CUseadien | 1 olomotive Works. The entice depart ment was sooh on the scene and found the fire going merrily it the uprer flat of the house. 'The flamer spread in between tke partitions," and soon the store én the ¥ corner occupied by Mrs. J. Graham and the house next on Ontario strees, owupied by Heury Johnson, were fi led w th smoke. The firemen used | Pabcocks 'at first, and then were fore | ef to run in a line of hose. 'The flames got up through the ceiling in to the roof and the men had 'to 'cut holes through it, The firomen were surprised to find no less than three | lavers of roo. each one covered with | riously injured. At two or more layers of shingles, this ier room, with making quite a job to eut through. snd. superintendent's house werp Sr 7 fe dvr an hour's work the fire od with a loss of $20,000. was completely under control and was p---- oon extingnished; The worst damage | 1 % by fire wag in the McGuirk home, but Says Editor Is Alive, both the other resitleness wee. heudly Vancouver, March . . damned by smoke and water. The contradicts the reported death of vohn wrecked things, doing S150 damage building is owned by tha Canadia Houston. 1 he World says Mr. Hous (me student was arrested Locomotive company and is covered | ton is still alive, at Quesnali He left | "The pope has accepted the by insuries, hit whether The peivate | Blackwater yesterday. While there he, the bishops of the. 'province loss was covered by insurdres or mot | complained of insomnia, but was Ind could, not he learned. good spirits. Before the firemen narveivell a. ran pm------ | vicariate at Keewatin : named William Marcelle, boarding . at Gi, Langlois, M.P.P. for St. Louis, | At Helena, Mont., Louis Henry Jobnson's, was pvercome by | and Archille Bercevin, ex M.P.P. for actor, died, an Saturday. smoke. The mah was working in the Beauharnois, will be appointed to the! was stricken with heart tronble, whil attie, trying to put out the flamés Quebec legislative council. Fin his dressing room at the theatre when the smoke got the better of him " BEER rink any other beer purest ingredients tured in wood once and you'll never d Specially brewed for family use from the money can buy. Thoroughly aged and ma Salvador is the beer par excellence for health and Brewed by . 'REINHARDTS' OF TORONT Sold at all liquor stores and hotels Local Agemt--E. BEAUPRE, Kingston. Tel, 313. Damaged by Snowslides. : Nelson, B.C., March 7.--The Wileox | ; aA and Ymir Mines, at Ym, have beens | Larsen, receiving weloer of the Philadel werionsly "damaged by savawslides. At! phia brane h of the the Wileox the bunkhouse and dining! Bank of ( amden, Nak; room were catred away, and two men the local police when he Yueir thine the he boilers, dynamo, ' bezeling $C junds. , On Saturday dents went on the Charged With Embezzlement. Philadelphia, March 7~Thomas, ¥ wanted we of em LL O00 on» of was the morning il ste ramphge, 'made ar 5 ol ot { diocese at Regina, and an apostol strength. | Sa wm | First National gurrendored 1b arned that instifution's A | telegram assault on a Montreal restaurant aml views of | toniface, Canada, and created a new | James, the Me! James Liaw a 6 p.m TRAVELLING, RAND TRUN Low Rates to Pacific Coast st Tick- 10 April from LEASE SYSTEM One-way Secend Class Qoloni 48 on. Sale daily. Mawh ist 15th at he foliowing rates | Kingston { { Spokane, Wash | Nelson, BOC | Vancouver, BC { Victoria, BO i Seattle, Wash. { Tacoma, Wash i Portland. Oreg i f San Francisco, Calf {Los Angeles Calf | $435.10 5 ena Y$40.09 | And to other Pacifie Coast points at | proportionately low , rates Tickets | good tor & and, 10 days stap-over atl | Sertaln points en route. For full parti- ulars, apply { i i { J.P. JIANLRY. Agent. i Corner Johnston and Ontario Bts | c | Reduced Fares to Pacific Coast i One tickels on sale {dally Ee J March ist ta April 1bth at following jrates: ISPOKANE, WASH i 1 $45.10 | A SAN DIEGO, CAL. $47.05 {MEXICO CITY, MEX IVANCOUVER, BC KINGSTON -OTTAWA | VICTORIA, B.C | SEATTLE, WASH Leave Kingston, 12.01 pm. arrive Ot- Ottawa Bat a.m P10 PORTLAND, OREGON {LOS ANGELES, CAL. ¥. CON'W Uen. way colonist t SAN FRANCISCO: CAL. Leave arrive Kingston ¥ ab AY, Pass. Agent. and he lost his senses. He was car ried out to the street, where some men, by working his arms and legs; succeeded in bringing him around. H¢ was 'very ill for a while after coming nto the air, but gradually récovered, and inside of an hour was as well as ever. Thé fire was caused by rats or mice 'i the "'garvef, eating matches: Th loss was considerable," as to contents, and was not covered by insurdnce. THE REASON WHY NEW COUNTY REGISTRAR. John Gibson, of Inverary, to Get Ap pointment. "rdeha Gibson, butcher, of «Thverary is to be the new ' registrar of Fron tenac county, as successor te, the Jat J.D, Thompson. The conservative ex ecutive of the county met, on Satur- day afternoon, in the Randolph hotel snd wfter a couple of 'Hours' "delibora tion, decided in favor of Mr. Gibson 'there were a number of applicants for the position, but: the Inverary ma: geomcy, to be the favorito irom «th start. W. D. Black and. M. Avery: ve beived a certain' support, The recom mendation of Mr. Gibson was eventu ally made unanimous. The position, although held by city men fof': years past, is now claimed by the"cdunty An effort is being made by beens of IS BEST STRENGTHENING TONIC for Feeble 01d People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Persons, and to Coupteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most world-famed tonics -- the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease, tastes good, ahd agreed with every one. L We return your without question if Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for it. : GEO. W. MAHOOD, Druggist, - Kingston, Ont. BAY OF QUINTHE RAILWAY. Train leaves Unton Station, Ontario Street, 4 pom. daily (Sunday ex epted) for Twedll, Bydenham, Napanee, Deser onto, Ranpockburn and all points north Tp sécure guick despatch to. Bannogk burns, May if, and points oa-Central i your shipments via Bay Fur further part! DICKSON, way Ww Agent / =) v / A COLD PREVENTIVE Is a cellar filled with Coal. 1 can sup- ply you with an exoellent quality P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack Si. 0000000000000 OVOOOOD J. 1H. Metealfe to have him wppointed:} Empire Music Couipetition. The award of thi judgés in tHE tom- petition for the prizes 'recently' offerec by Dr. Charles Harrise for the best choruses. expressing' the imperial. ides in music is awarded to Percy Fletcher {who also was the jis winger in an other redent musica competition): A further prize of £30' is awarde te Dr. Cuthbert Harris, Deranged Kidney Actior Causes Florid Skin Blotches, Flush: ings. First Showing Of New Spring Shoes Our buyer has just returned from Boston 'and New York, having visited the best American Shoe Manufacturers. . The liberal orders placed have ar- rived and we are now showing the newest up-to- date effects in Easter Footwear, including T he New Queen Quality Shoes For Ladies. Mrs. Conrad Schasd, Hamilton, dis covered what a gredt many women would like to know, the cause of red- ness, that unlike natural heathy eolor | suffuses the entire faee. It is humill ating indeed to a refined person to al- ways present the appearance with "dram drinking." In writing of her cake Mrs. Schmid says: "Cosmet)- ques and local applications were guite useless. By reason' of an' dching pain in the back I was retommended bv a friend to use br. Hamilton's Pills to relieve my Kidneys. . bra covered that failure of the kidpeys to remove matter from the blood was the causé of my heightened color, br. Hamilton's Pills at once removed 'the causa of the pain and gave me a complexion that most youdg girls aight envy, I have the most satis factory, proof that = dy. Hamilton's Pills not 'only regulate Shes pggans put wrify the blood. thor iy." No other medielne will #0, quickly clear thy skin; cote: pimples, erup- tions and all blemighes, For general family use, as a blood cleanser * and tonic laxative Hamilton's - Pills van't be excelled. Pewnwwigf = sib stitutes. All dealers sell. Dr, Hamil ton's Pills, 23ec. 'per bos. We will be pleased to have you call and inspect the new lines. J, H. SUTHERLAND & BRO, { COAL! The kind vou are looking for the Kind we sell Scranton Coal conl and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOTY WEST STREET, s is good Y FO OPOOOOOOO00 a.» ee IChiver's Marmalade = All sizes. Ready Cut Macaroni Fine June Cheese, Fresh Oysters. D. COUPER"S, 841-8 Princess Bt Phone 76, Prompt Delivery. THE CLUB. HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. There are other hotels Aut none approach the Club for alike sur- roundings. Sf Located In centre of eff and close to principal stores and tjeatre. Charges are modyrate. Special rates by thd week BETTER THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES TO-DAY THAN EVER~ JUST TRY M-CorRM! MCoR! six months ago. Ce t much more so : improvement in process and materials Nas | 'jpsulivld In greater crispmess. finer flavor. & gure dellcloun quality. They are suverior to ail. Prove it Make 8 fest. Try them now. : S -

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