Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Mar 1910, p. 5

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4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1910. PAGE FIVE. Popular Copyrighted Fiction. The great literary successes of the time--books that have at- tained their marvelous popularity through In thelr mechanical makeup, these splendid books have a merit. their own individual character and distinction such as is not usually found excepting in the high-priced editions. They are full library size, well printed on excellent paper, most of them are illustrated---some with the finest color work--and manner known to the trads all are tractively bound in cloth i nu the very best "i _. SRN eg SG Msi Among the recent Books will be found the following: = Rich Men's Ch ildren." "The Shepherd of the Hills." "Running Water." "Daughter of Anderson Crow. «princess Zara." "The Halo." "The Coast of Chance." "Dr. Ellen." "The Shuttle." "The Message." We have two hundred difierent titles to select from. American $1.50 Copyright Books to be Sold at 48 Cents Per . LOOK OVER OUR WINDOW SUPPLY. R. UGLOW & COMPANY, 141 PRINCESS ST. DM. Spence, N a Har Lace 1.25, 1 ew Waists sn Corsets 1dsomely Embroidered and Trimmed Waists,: $1.00, 00, 1.95. pea nd New White Linen Waists. New Ohambray Waists, plain colors New "Str fped Chamtiray" Waists. New Black Lawn Waists, Corsets! Corsets! The latest and "best fitting Corsets. The Leading Mil- linery Store. Al a . Write us Thay will gn Hike hob cas Whien £ob1 send ol Erle hai gold i ve go Tie Pin and a beautiful Ki barrel, of our seeds, { cents per Sac Dominion Seed Co. ' Dept. 188 Toronto ifle, handsomely ehonized stock and atest style sights, complete for selling only $1.80 worth ber our famous seeds Handsome Watch and Chain, Gold Cuff Links and Tie Pin-- s Cannda's LJ is 3 to-diy and we will send you only at our "Ring, also this 'newest style, hand pair of Indian Head 'Write for sel at ou! + Act at once and be the first to be selling the famous A ---- EARLY USE OF IRON. Reason for Believing it Originated in Central Europe. Chicago Tribune, iron age is co mmouly believed to have begun in Africa or Asia, The latest investigations prove that it was not worked in Egypt until the ninth century before the Christian era, or in Libya until 450 B.C., that the Semites adopted ite use still later, and that it has iron is mentioned in were weapons til 100 'A.D, and in Japan until AD. According has investigated this tallurgy of iron must known in Uganda only within the last five or six centuries. 1, a Ching 400 B.C. Bronze ed in China un- 700 to a Mr. Ridgeway, who subject, the me have originated in Central Burope, especially in Nori oum, which approximately represents modern Austria and Bavaria. Only at Hallstett and in Bosnia and Tran sylvania, from which countries the Achiaps and have iron, at first as an to the bronze, which od. Everywhere ¥ a plies a foreign Meteoric iron was in remote iquity, wis Worked a se cutting or smelted. In oth metallurgy, iron, that originated ope. Ek Try pe The 3 Record hi of are supposed migrated to Greece, gre found of a gradual introduction but were ing, and ords, it not the know BMS Tonight or Mata es air i OW man frequently: gets to of it ultimately dis placed Wery else iron was in voduced suddenly, 5 fact which im- in Egypt no doubt --it worked, by was not known in Cen "Bu Shakers was the) in CARUSO WON OUT. He Had to Sing to Prove Identity. Dramatic Mirror, They are telling a story in Paris of an experience of Caruso at the New York post office that Postmaster Mor- gan possibly may not have heard. As the story goes, the tenor went to the post office, accompanied by .a friend, to cash a large money order sent to him from Europe. The official refused to hand over the t to him, Ca ruso vainly exhibited envelopes, checks and piutographs, the y stal employee would not be convinced. "Come again to-morrow," he said, coolly. "But 1 am leaving this country to- night," exclaimed Caruso. "I must have my money now !" The tal official suddenly appear ed to have been struck by a bright idea. "You claim to be Caruso, do you? Well, then, you can easily prove it; sing us something !" Taken aback at the request, Signor Caruso hesitated. But the postal official was insistent, and had invited his colleagues to act as So the famous: singer gave in his most enchanting tones the ro- mance froin the third act of "La Tog His bravissimo !"" exclaimed the officials at the concluding notes. "And now," added clerk, "here is your packet. We knew who of Canada of Business as at 31st January, 10 ACCOUNT ~ PROFIT ANw pod 4th rate 13 paras por ke -Ringston,'! rem -- 33 the amount of taxes paid. It was alsp pointed out how mach orzeniced MIEETS WITH FAVOR HELD A "SMO labor could ' obtain. The department | : itt Canada was one of the best on the A FINE GATHERING AT THE continent. Farmers had also secured THE MERCHANTS TO HAVE ORPHEUM HALL. an agricultural department. As re | SPRING OPENING. gards organized labor, the speaker | : "Twas Given Under Auspices of the held Feaily 10 help it all he Sauld, bus | Big Preparations being Made--Fine , Retail Merchants' Association-- 0} (he retailers what they should do, Displays of Goods te be Made An Address by E. M. Trowern, Touching on the bread bill, the Big Outside Crowd Expected. ' General Secretary, and Others-- speaker said that the bill proposed by | 14. suggestion made by the Whig in Programme of Music, ete. IW. F. Nickle was one of the largest |. ioue of Saturday, February 26th, of i that the merchants of Kingston should {i roblems that gentleman had ever The Orpheus Hell wid-the po. of been up against. He held that BO | this month hold their anhual spring ¢ g a her" heli | openings on the same dates, has met : 3 ~ Ye legistature had the right to tell a man the occasion being a "smoker," held what he should hay or sell. The bak- | withthe ubasimous favor. of the busi iness men of the city, why have taken Nader the winpices ot the Hetad Mareh- ers, he declared, were not all thieves ants' Association, ingston. It ties to crime. People were. well | ' i i . was the first event of the kind under- sed gin tell the weight bread. IT hud the Inaitor =» 4 mast ant huianic taken by the association, and it was poker should be allowed to make the eniilrieeS er poi i in hands for a great success, in every respect. Mem- broad the weight he desived, but should Hibutual a much nd be accom- bers of the wholesale and retail trade he made to put the weight on it. i dished go ores utu 2 dates gathering together, smoked "the pipe| The upeaker referred at: Some | the hits re tir a of peace," had a social time together, length to various. works now being | pecial object for visitors from the sur- listencd to some fine addresses, and de taken by the association, and rounding country to come to the city for a day or two to familiarize them- also to a programme of music, recita-i yoked that everyone should do every- tagus, ste, selves with the spring and summer styles, and to make their season's pur- ere was a good sttend- thing they possibly could to boost ange, and the members of the associa the King convention. Hon Bave . avery reason to congratu-| gH W, Richardson spoke briefly. He | hoses. : . a on he et Fhe ol hl 2 ont dt cl, ae doe: int : ness, one must reach out for it. Local | Thureday and Friday, March 16th eral similar ones will 'be held from business had been benefited to a great | 17th and 15th. All the merchants have time $0 ume. jextent as a result of the market train | cntered heartily into the scheme and E. M. Trowern, of Toronto, the pro- every Thursday, on the K. & P. rail | othe shove dates their windows will wineial secretary of the Retail Merch- way. Efforts had been mude to secure | contain the most handsome displays ants' Association; gave an address, cheap rates on the Bay of Luinte rail | over witnessed here. Goods will be of- dealing with the work of the associa-|way, but no agreement could be reach- fered at the lowest spring prices ! pos tion, and addresses were also deliver-led with the company. If the cheap sible. The theatres report ' they ed by several Kingstonians, including rates could be secured, he had no will put on special attractions during E. Steacy, the president, who occupied doubt but what the business would | (he spring opening days the chair during the evening; D. Laid- be increased. The city, in order' to| The Whig last autuma, urged law, Dr. E. Ryan, George Mills, and grow, should reach out for the trade merchants 15 keep their windows lit H. W. Richardson... Refreshments were of the surrounding district. We needed at night. Before that time & very few served, JJ. J. Lackie having this part to have faith in ourselves: we needed business windows on Princess and ad- of the programme in hand, and carry- 10 be aggressive. Nothing could ever joining streets were kept dighted. As ing it out in an able manner. Crosby (he accomplished single-handed. a result of the Whig's *'keep-your-win- & Connor's orchestra was presénl, | "Plug jor the Welland canal," was dow-lighted" campaign nearly every and provided a fine _ programe of lone of the keynotes of a short ad merchant lit up at night and the re- music. Songs were given by "J ack? dress delivered by John Plewes, just | .01¢ was that hundreds of people came Hurley and George Gillespie, recita- before he gave a most entertaining | jown town each evening to witness the iwinjow displays. It costs only a {small sum of money to light the win- tions by Edward Mullin, and a mono- mgnologue. logue by John fe Every number "Drop the hammer and use a horn" re- | dows for a few hours, and the mereh- {ants should begin again to make win forth warmly appMiuded, and brought o,o another keynote and it was orth an encore, : 5 ceived with great enthusiasm. At the opening, the president of the' And next came the old, old slogan, | jw lighting general. During = the association, Mr. Steacy, extended a "Donit knock, but boost. us | spr ng opening, it is suggested that own welcome to. the members and |. Aud the retail merchants of Kine: {girdles of incandescent hghts should their friends, and took occasion to ston, intend to boost all they can. |L, girung across the middle of each thank the loeal press for Ine interest This was shown at every stage of tie { block on Princess street, to make an token in the, bus i, ith maker. Dad it will be a {attractive electric display. Ogdens- paign started by e merchants. Hh thing for the city. the aid of the pross and all the busi-! On motion of Ald. F Lu ness nen, he felt sure. that, Kingston cdohn Hewiop, a-yerv. early Nole. 0 4 Tie follow ng. ia wdist of moielatin would have a Prosperots season, of In thanks was tendered Mr. Trowern fob | whe have joined in the spring opening other words the sity would bum, his having come to the city to address | vament : ihe president made his remarks bricl, [the meeting. in order to give way to the other] 1p, moving the resolution, Ald. Hoag |, Hie" Mahood's Drug Store, Montreal speakers. 'said that in the past the retail mer | Syock company, E. P. Jeskins Cloth D. Laidlaw spoke of the good. that chants of the city had not met ling company, C. Livingston & Bro., could be accomplished by the revi gether as they should. There were | the H. D. Bibby company, Joseph His- men coming in closer touch with each many perhaps, who were not acquaint Lock, J. W. Marshall, Dalton & Sons, other. Twenty-five years ago, he said, ed. This had been a fine gathering, | j Redden & Co., Bunt company, Me- that business, for the most part, was and he hoped that it would not be!Kelvey & Birch, Routley's Cigar carried on in a ,, David Harum style, | the last. : < ; . : | Store, Roney & CoE, Jo ' do, or be done," but at the present' My. Trowern paid a warm tribute (0 | Ap, Chown, Abernethy Shoe Store, time he was glad to note that there My Steacy, the president, "and t0 | Red was a new form, and that the gold: Secretary Mitchell, for their worth |p Uglow & Ca., Rodger & Wright, en rule held good. Much could 'be Be 4q officers. They were doing fine work | McIntosh Bros, C. 8. Prouse, F. W. complished through organizations and he expressed the hope that al {1 Coates, Carroll & Co., Wormwith Pi- through the men getting together and the next annual meeting these two of- an; company, Campbell Bros., William discussing matters. He felt sure that ficers would be re-elected. Davies. company, Filiott. Bros. E. better things were in store for Kings Midnight was reached before Beaupre, College Book Store, D: A. ton, and speaker urged «uli the very enjoyable affair was brought Weese, Angrove's. T. MeAuley, Steacy jong business men to take heir sue close with the national anthem. & Steacy, Crumley Bros., James Reid, om this fact, that much) sou pe a el T. F. Harrison & Col, O'Brien &Co., Somplished through united lore; 8 SEEKING THE AID Warwick Bros, Thomas lambert, merchant should not endeavor lo play ree Crawford & Walsh, A. CC, Waggoner, tha game by himself. : : Of Board of Trade in Local Entei: | George Mills & Co., J. H, Sutherland The speaker, in closing, paid a Warm rises. & Bros., Smith Bros, Lockett Shoe tribute to the work of Mr. Steacy, the i M oe | Store, John Laidlaw & Son., R. Wal | president of the association, who had, | Last evening the council of the board dron, Grimor's, H. W. Newman, Sim: he said, accomplished much good by lof trade was waited upon by two de- | = © Broo 'S. J. Horsey, W. Mitchell. keeping the association such an active putations in Jegand to two Joes} a 1S. Henderson, Louis Abramson, beg. terprises, an e assistance © ede Corbett, R. H. Toye, Taylor. & George Mills then introduced Dr. {board was asked for. J. Macdonald, Sohn. Corbett: ox & Graham, Best Ryan, who, he said, always had the 'of Ottawa, outlined his scheme for the Drug Store, 'W. A. Sawyer, 4. B. Me interest of the city at heart, to give establishment ol « Juca) sempany to 100d Reid & Charles, Mahood Brow., an a ess. operate motor ussecs from ingston | © tw : - hts 3 fallac Dr. Ryan congratulated the asso- ath, Odessa, Sydenham, Batter- BR pick, 8. H. Knox & Co., Wallace ciation on having such a good turn- lea, and Gananoque. In Ottawa, there out of members, and stated that it|was a company with a capital of $40, was indwed something new to see 0 00, and the business paid well. Last meny men engaged in wholesale and | year twelve per cent. for depreciation retail business athered together, He 'was written off and a dividend of five felt sure that this would result 8 iper cent. was declared, And then the much good for the industrial life of [hygness js growing. Mr. Macdonald the city. Better things for the itv iywanied the interest of the board of would be sure to follow from this|, de in the enterprise here, which he union. The one thing that was ne-io.o cure would be a success. It was essary for the advancement of the. the intention to begin the operation city was that the business men should { ; busses oatlv in. May. The matter band together for its welfare. Kinz | oop come before. the board at its ston had all the advantages and thers 'mext general meeting. The specialties he has introduced have was no reason why the historic old | J. L. Whiting, K.U., and W..J. Fair | been a great help to cheesemakeérs. The city should not go ahead. a... addressed the council on behalf of the (firm is now well established at 197 Reymyding the shipping facilities | Lo Shinbuildi . Fr Tian ot : DR or i Prin. : : ingstom Shipbuilding company, and ellington street, one d Dr. Rysn said that there was no [el that op board give its assis. cess street, and ix prepared to under doubt whatever but that before long | : . 2 ; as K ; wl. [tance in carrying the dry-dock exemp- [take all kinds of cheese factory work, the Welland canal would be enlarged, | by-law to g submitted to the { plumbing, tinsmithing, ete. nd then Kingston would be at the {49 \ 8 foot of the aon shipping business. | pobple on March 21st. po. rany this } He predicted that in due time King: bylaw the assistance of every « tizen ston would become the "Bufinio of is needed. A two-thirds majority vote Canada." is required, and it can easily be seen The speaker urged the men of mon ithat in order to get 1,600 voters to ey to invest in Kingston instead oi come out and cast their ballots in fa- outside places. This would go mash vor of a by-law when there is no elec towards building up the city. 1} tion on, the most strenuous work will it was a case of losing money one be required. The council of the board might just as well lose it in his owe promised to see that the by-law was ity, and then someone in his own given every possible assistance, as it city would benefit, and some is endorsed by all the business men of perso in an ouside place. lL hore the city. were shim Beatie he goa per- ; haps, lose thoussnis of ars hv Boling it in outside enterprises and, A Beautiful Complexion. not say a word but if he should! As a substitute for a beautiful com- lose a small amount in Kingston he |plexion, some women resort tp paint would raise an awful row and 'one and powder. Rut the more sensible would hear about it for years. Every- use Wade's Tron Tonic Pills, which one should join hands to make King- | produce a 'natural, healthy complex-| ston the leading industrial, commer- ion, rmke new blood and a robust] vial, social and. educational centre in constitution. Price, 256, at Mecleod's NS whould suk 'politics. suid talk | TT: tates. es, | OW! 1 tics tal : ! rae Nt. , W w sen is provident; at Extensions Granted. j marly mat, Whe wae id the clos® of Dr. Ryan's ress, i The militia orders announce that ors in tha Kingston penitentiary, Mr. Trowem was then introduced. 'gh, period of appointment of Lieut for robbery, in Woodstock, was liber. He was not present, he said, 10 give '0g J Galloway, as deputy assistant uid Wednesday, under the ticket-of- an address, but rather (0 give a heart: gineane-general of the Western On loave act. 3 to-heart talk to the retail merchants. (1, command, has been extended un- He spoke a% a man having experience Lal May Ist, 1911. A similar extension r a Gift in the retail line, as he had spent [yo pon granted to Liewt.-Col. IN. D. | endered % thirty years behind his own wounter. Young; acting D.AAG, for Fastern {| On the eve of the departure of He had been endeavoring to find oUt | Gutario. : IB. Davis, assistant manager of the difficulties of ve wholesale and re Northen Crown Bank, for tail trade, and would sav at the out. Spring Announcement. Ont., citizens of | , that these two classes were not Campbell Bros." new hats are i. | sombled: at the Ellison Hous and pro 'often enough, and that ! -- i | serited him with a gol watch = and The fruit of the play, "The Taming 'chai, as a token o Of The Shrew," put on im St. An |! r oflener. the high esteem which he was held by them. | dvew's hall, by a number of 'girls, is being enjoyed at the general se Look For Early Opening. i i : from Fort William hospital. in the form of three | Reports : "beautiful couches publi ards' they are looking for am early open bing of cough romdn" Gia [10g of Navigution there It has been > ) 8 mil winter. : through Pgh aren, Toke wl it is stated that it BIG the be good burg, a J. Hoag, follows out this idea 4 | | Hoag's Drug Store, Kinnear & d'Es- to- Cross Drug Store, H, Jennings, "the to | Leased New Premises. have leased Wellington the street, Lemmon & Sons property at 197 opposite Moore's garage, and are oc- cupying it gs a tnsmith and plumb- ing shop. Mr. Lemmon was the pio- neer in the cheese factory supply trade in this district. In nearly every fac tory ean be found some of his work, {including cheese vats, plants for the | manufacture of butler from whey, ete, Buried at Napanee. | Napanee Express. 3 { Mrs. John Pnelan, relict of the late | John Pheian, Napanee, died on { Tuesday at the home of her daughters jin Newark, N.J., aged eighty i Mrs. Phelan was a tormer well known i resident of Napanee, her husband hev- ing at one time a hotel keepe: here. He was also a guard at Roek- {wood hospital for some time. A | family of five, four daughters and one {ron remain, two of the daughters living !in Newark, as does also the son, Ur. | John Yhelan. The other two daugh- Jom Downey. The funeral took place from the regidence of Miss Walsh. Received Pardo rdon. Notification has been received In it. Thomas by Leilch snd Gren, bar iristers, that Charles G. Sells, for id the i i 3 to .ex- associa its L £ it i 2 of the E ! £5 Fa smaller place than Kingston, | Dwyer, Dr, | Vvears, | (ers are Mrs. Jos. McAllister and Mrs, ! SUNDAY SERVICES. The Filling of the Pulpits--Themes { Considered. | St. Andrew's--Rev. Dr. Mackie. Ser- {viees, 11 am, and 7 pm. Strangers land students welcome, | First Congregational ehurch--11 a.m. { Rev, Prof. Laird 3 pm, Sunday school and adult Bible class; 7 pom., 1G. DD, Pound, ofSallors Rest will preash. Sete. free, good music. All are welcome. St. Paul's church--Morning prayer and Holy Communion 11 o'clock, preacher, Rev. Rural Dean Dobbs, M. ., rector of St, Paul's, Brockville, Sunday school and Bible btlass, 3 p.m. | Evening prayer; T o'clock, preacher, iRev. 0. G. Dobbs, M A. {| Salvation Army Citadel--11 | Hol'ness Meeting: 3 pan., Free Adj. | Easy Testimony Meeting, "Battle and Mrs. Baird, wil lead; 7.30 p.m., Souls." Adjutant { Brantford, will address the meeting. Special music and singing, All are wel- am. and Baird For come, First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor. Services at 11 am. iand 7 p.m, Rev. R..G. Blundell, evan- ge'ist, will preach at both services. Bible school at 245 p.m. Speaal evangelistic services continued next week. Strangers cordially (nvited to {all the services. {| Bethel Congregational chmrcE, Cor. | Johnson and Barrie streets--Services, at 11 am. and 7 p.m.; Evangelist C. A. Ste;T as will preach at both ser vices. Subject for morning, 'The Re membrance of Christ"; evening, "The Last Call.' vice the ord munce of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed, First Church of Christ, 8 tist-- Sunday services, 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Subect, "Man"; Wednwday evening testimonial meeting 8 o'clock, Freer public reading room, every afternoon, except Sunday, 2 to 5 o'clock, Monday and Thursday 'evening, 8 to 9.30 o'vlock., All are cordially welcometl to the services and the reading room. Cooke's Presbyterian church, Broek troet--Rev. W. 3. MacTavish, Ph.D. pastor. The sacrament of te Lord's Supper will be observed at the mor ing service. The pastor will preach a tle evening eervice. School Bible Classes, 3 p.m Young People's Meeting, 8.15 p.m. Strangers welcome at all services. | Bt, George's Cathedral-Fourth Sun- day monty ~ Holy Communion, <4 ta.m., Matins, 10.15 o'clock; Choral | Celebration, 11 a.m., preacher (anon Htarr; Sunday School, 3 p.m.; Bible Class, 3.156 p.m.; Baptisms, 4.15 p.m ; | Even song, T«0'clock, preacher, Canon i Grout;: Wednesday even song, 8 icloek, preacher, Rev. R. 8. Forneri, 1} D. Queen Street Methodist church--Rev. 8S. Sellery, M.A, B.D. pastor. 1] am. Rev, C. A. Sykes, B.D, sub { ject, "Christ as a Churchman"; 7 p.m. Rev, '8. D. Chown, D.D,, secretary of | Temperance and Moral Reform; Sun- {day school and Young Men's Club, as { usual. Regular week evening service. Choice hymns, anthems and solos. Ev {ervbody welcome. i Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- Irie and Earl streets--Rev, M. Macgil- vray, D.D., pastor. Services : 11 {mm., "The Fevers of Life and Their {Cure." 7 pm., "Some Matters of i Profound Religious Moment." Sun day school and Bible clase, 3 p.m | Py aver meeting and communinion pre i paratory Friday, 8 p.m. {Stramzers and students cordially in- {vited to all the services. St. James' church, corner Union and Arch streets--Ven, J. Ker Macmorine, M.A., D.D., rector, 50 Clergy street east; Rev. T. W. Savary, B.A, vicar, the parsonage, corner Union and Bar rie streets. Fourth Sunday in Lent. 11 am. Morning prayer and holy communion; sermon, subject, "Safety | inTemptation."" 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes. .7 p.m. veiling prayer and sermon, the fourth wore from the cross, "My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me 7" Brock street Methodist church, Cor. Brock and Montreal sireets--Rev, T. E. Burke, B.D., pastor will preach at both services. Music, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m; moming anthem, "Like As =a Fatier": evening anthem, "We Praise Thee Mighty God"; duet, "Abide With J. Burtech and Madame Dun . 10 a.m., Class Meeting; 3 p. , Sunday School and Bible Class; Mondey, 8 pm, Y. P. 8 social even ing; Wednesday, 8 p.m., Prayer Meet ing: Friday, 7.30 p.m., Boys' Brigade. 8 pgers made welcome. ee ss street Methodist Chureh-- Pastor, Frederic H. Sproule, B.A. | Anniversary services 11 a.m. and {p.m. Sunday @hool and Bible class, 13 pom; Junior Christian Endeavor, {10:15 p.m. class meeting at glose of | morni service, Epworth League, { Monday evening. Prayer and praise service, Wednesday, 8 pm. Morning Sunday o'- 3 i i | { service, _| preacher, Rev. Dr. Scott, of Queens. LT morn: male E preacher, Rev. F. A A., of Japan. Music, ng, anthem, 'King of Kiags"; vening dy chorus, solo, Miss Grace Mitchell, Ev | en'nz, anthem, "Holy Art Thou" solo, Weilliam Macks mixed quartette, | "Iheve Is a Land of Pure Delight." Sydenham street Methodist chureh--- i Rev. Charles Alfred Sykes, B.D, | pastor--10 g.m., Jumor League and A {Shaw's class; 11 am, Temperance {and Moral Reform Services, preacher, i Rev. 8. Dwight (hown, D.D., general geccetary. Special offerings for this {department will be receive at morn. i and evening services; 2.45 p.m. Bible School and Men's Class; 7 pm. Public Service, preacher, the pastor, Theme--"The Lost Christ." Music, morning anthem, "God So Loved the i World', solo, "1 Heard the Voice ol | Jesus Say," Haro Angrove: evening 'anthem, "The City of God," (unac | companied). solo, "Daughters of Jeru- { salem," William Eva. Scott's and Christy's { Celebrated hats at Campbell Dros' | Pilsy's lor the best $2 hats. The smoker, lest might, was a rare, igood occasion. The merchants fra i ternized and were merry. They have pot had such s good time since the days of "the big drives." See Bibby's new $1 shirts. {| "The children's favorite," Red Cross worm Sold only at jron's hed Urogs drug store. * At close of moming ser-: Gib | There was a mesting of the marine | Pimples Disappear In A Week Quick Action of Stamt's Calcium Wafers in Every Variety of Skin Eruptions, Send for Free Trial Package To-day. Boils have been cured in three days, and some of the: worst cases of skin diseases have been cured in a webk, by the wonderful setion of Stuart's Cal cium Wafers. These wafers contain as & their main ingredient, the most thor ough, quick and effective blood-cleans- er known, calcium sulphide, Stuart's Calcium Wafers. contain no poison or drug of any kind; they ave absolutely harmless, aud yet do work which cannot fail to surprise vou. They are the most powerful blood puri- fier and skin ¢ ever discovered, and they pever derange the system, Read what an lowa man said when he woke up one morning and found he had a new face: % "By George, 1 never saw apything trying to get rid of pimples and blackheads, and guess 1 used every- thing under the sun. 1 used your Cal cium Wafers for just seven days. This morning every blessed pimple is gone and I can't find u blackhead. I could write you a volume of thanks, I am | so grateful to you." You can depend upon this treatment being a never-failing cure. Just send us your name and ad dress in full, to-day, and we will sent vou a trial package of Stuart's Cal cium Wafers, free to test, After you have tried the sample and been con- vinced that all we say is true, you will go to your nearest druggist and get a S0c. box and be cured of vour facial trouble. They are in tablet form, and no trouble whatever to take. You go about your work as usual, and there you are--cured aml happy N Send us your name and address to day and we will at once send you hy mail a sample package free, Address F. A tuart Coo, 175 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. HE MOST VITAL PROBLEM BEFORE? THE BUBINESS MAN TO- DAY IS THE ORGANIZa~ TION OF HIS WORK. IN THE WORKING OUT OF THIS PROBLEM THE UNDERWOOD BILLING TYPEWRITER 18 ONE OF THE GREATEST AIDS. UNITED TYPEWRITER C0. LTD., J. RC. DORRS, KINGSTON. TFALLS Pl We have issued a Booklet ex. plaining the principles of sound investment, showing how Invest. ors, either large or small, should piace their funds to obtain safety for their principal as well as good interest return It marks the pitfalls which investors should avoid and in which so many are caught. A copy will be sent gratis upon request. Advice or reports upon any ins vestment gladly furnished with. out charge AEMILIUS JARVIS & CO. JARVIS BUILDING, TORONTO. ELECTRO PLATING Partridge & Sons have put In a plant for all kinds of Plating. We are nowy | prepared to do your Bliverware. Call 'or write. Crescent Wire and Iron Works BIG BARGAINS In the Shoe Repairing: All kinds of Polish at Low Prices Now is your time to come in and ses the bargains. Big stock of Rubber Heels and Polishes JOHN GREEN, The Well-known Shoe Man. 3 PRINCESS STREET. i The Man is Mad. Cobourg Bentinel-Ntar, Alexander Killman, why was com- mitted to the Cobourg jail by Police Magistrate Horsey, of Bowmanville, on a charge of vagrancy, has beey ad- judged dangerously insane by the 'ex- aminers in Juoacy, and is now await ing removal to Rockwood asylum, Kingston. He is one of the characters who figured in the récomt jail investi gation. » ' Bled to Death. Tried to trim a wart with a ra zor, and severed an artery. The on- ly wart cureis "Putnam's," which like it. There I've been for three years #

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