¢ ' 's Sweet Restorer CELEBRATED White Label Ale India Pale Ale Invalid Stout : qo y ar cn RG Pe . 5 Abounding in stimulating goodness, a most health- XXX Porter 25% = Zw ful and pleasing beverage. Its sustaining and Extra Mild Ale invigorating qualities are beyond dispute. The Robin h Hopd Min : > el hn O to your grocer, buy a package of Asepto--- y pia a N Ee it will cost you five cents--take it home and dissolve ROBIN HOOD new : " oa 1 4 "a single teaspoonful in a pan of dishwater, ns » i 5.5 a g 4 i | That's what you do--then see the result. Note FLOUR 3 3 Bo ' 3 : how it cuts the grease--how it leaves your china x and glassware bright and shining---how clean and wholesome it leaves your pots -- your pans -- your Is Made ** Different ** cooking utensils, BT . " A i It does all that--and more. It destroys every trace Ever since this mill was started it has been working =) Lo co" of the germ life that exists wherever there'is sus- at its full capacity trying to keep up to the de- Rl dF mand for Robin Hood Flour, tenance for these microscopic trouble breeders : : to feed upon--it sterilizes and renders every- Ever since this flour first got into the homes of the West, its success has been nothing thing antiseptically- surgically, if you will-- bOc.; trial size, clean. That's why yon should always wash short of Setaatiogal a f i a We want you to be a party to this suec- cess. How can we induce yon ? all enters. glass, chingWare, éutlery == gny ~urticle wer would be brothors. The used for eating or drinking with Asepto. By highest quality ? Robin Hood Flour has it. By bestvalue? This | {om } | wot | ery fact that his words have found It makes contagion impossible. § Sa | that they should *love all Perhaps the very quickest way for \ 1 or tha t s < ' L e flour gives it. i 4 "lig, of | i i i ] Large bottles ach wide appreciation is proof that * ol ne you to realize how it cleanses is Th Mads 5 do wrong to nons i for you to note the way it en m, why not you FE | ' sweetens your dish-cloths, start using it ¥ y ' KANSAS MISER'S BURIED GOLD. bE sweetens yo sh-cloths, Ask your grocer about our Money-Back Guarantee. A TAT SA TA ATT OT] | 01 Gentleman Had Money Burted AD | °° Tell your a = send RE ANAS ad aL ANT ANE oS % a hs Form. you a package of Asepto SASKATCHEWAN | -- all good grocers sell Love all trust a few, [humanity at large and talk broadly A story which smacks of the days ib at five 0: , FLOUR MILLS 0 wrong te non La se 1 abouL taking up "the white man's|oi Capt. Kidd and his hidden pirate it a € n CO. Led. Atl Well fil i En ds Well Co olathe ws | urd n." but in time of dispute they | boards of fiction hus come to Might in | an, in WS Sea x + settle het fiflicultios i Kansas, following the discovery ot} H E Moose Jaw . hte refuse to settle their difficultic w | Kansas, following | ey ' 4 v= could not have a eto guide thin sroitration, selfishly and wickedly ve- | 21 000 in currency by the heirs of : F " ' the slice gh n by & . + ny 'Love | Sorting to war. Hud the modern na- | Perry Rice, one of the old-time resi- | M G. CO. Rousillkn to her son Bertram, y BE, 4 Te Rig he | kh ghe wid time esse 1 SH hat is an ancient command, | iors been in pired by the, principle | dents of Glen Elder, io died Beeeit { ST. JOHN, N ! ; K I individuals : hnve..of 'love there would have hen molly, The heirs are continuing the search B. hich Satins es it as found in Spanish-American war, no lritish- | ii the belief that only a portion of the a cite "Tove thy peignior Boer war, no Russian-Japatese wae {old man's wealth has been uncovered Lod ns 3 2 ' t . bret" 3 \ somniand 10 * Tove | here 1s no true love in thele hearts and before it ends the home place will as thyse in the col vaulting ambition instead. be turned upside down. one another." : a Clhiistintity Ax individuals it 18 as necessary to Some of the money already unecover- For two thousand yo a establish the | 8Tasp the ida to "do wrong to none" | 4 was in the vard. more of it in the | has ary or beavoring during these two | 8% 1b 18 that of loving all. The latte cellar and a roll containing $5,000 was 3 y h d yenrs the world has been |'s the theory of right living, tha for found in an old mattress just before | thousan I a and bloody: wars. | mt is tts practice. The cruelty, ty- it was consigned to the flames, Mes. : v ¢ « A . att »v » rent wit b outc of love in the )rasny, cheating of the business world Ross, one of his daughters, was There is the opp ; looks | afe wron_ng tens of he thousands : tid le 3 k . 3 Each y searching for hidden treasure in the hearts of the nation« arger operators hrutaily callous har. Ger . BE pe cellar and found a buriad ean which with jealous eyé-on the ot a Patt, | bys Sallowsty | ; 5 have | a NAME 1 are feontained 215.000, This money was juan Ih -- h a oh 8 Sivines f urd orted to in trade to put competitors | id { been ha aching the do ' e i he h ome versdl love, knglish poets and think- ers have been proclaiming the brother ren ? ie lean which was buried in the yard £5, rg F J ONS AND hocd of man. The love they bear ne bh re Rf io. athe - he nu ey ve a he wax. {ona ET) i oi ¢ warships | aha . y ir. Rice OW yr his eccentri- | EARLY JNBISCR glee = ed iv " in hi fied ad . a iden of ( hristianity, that they <hould Mr. i 4 by . Keng y ws had al x - and stand'ng artes. , ine | love all, that they should love thei Mies, and lor years pas £ ot EXCESSES HAVE UNDER shipping the (heist they are powring| B07 Bo "0 Fhoy sho 2 thule EE a PE MINED YOUR SYSTEM fosth, libations to Hew A wong) improving. Missionary movements, | 1 the Towel whi h nswered the par t is not easy to iH a ty i nthropie movements, labor re: {POSe Of a home to am . that Tr tat [the teas do that ear the naticns past history proves p forms, all indicate that though the {much city property,. in luding several thing debili will weaken all organs of The sufferings endured at the hands of oY, anc eate v g J a Et » avod Early and Excesmes have he 2 SG heart. The lav is far distant when all men shall | i! bi 3 . | ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural rival Jokers fubile "nh He is as brothers, it is nearer at the {atme, | from which he Se dive ' | nd AS t "| Facinning f the t tieth eentury | siderable revenie , which he refuse 0 | Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never develop individual iam .- sinning of th wentieth tury | Dr oditaaat manhood. They remain weak- in a world where busines A to ess ue hy Bln | Tonorit in bunks lings, mentally, physically and sexually. How you feel? wally comes to the shrewdest, ant he vars go Kobest Burns sad. in Bro Phere. wae much spevulation 'belore Are you nervous and weak, despondent aod gloomy, wicked frequently flourish like the photic Vision, that the brethorhocd oF his at ae to where he kept. his |= specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, yeen hay tree. It is not "As ye man: wis coming He: dees i wealth, and if was commen talk that weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, 8 d that' men: should do. to = you, | wa! wis coming. e dreamed /p |wealth, ar Y alk th bashful, debilitating in urine, pimph would that nw them" fhe com-|Yonz of a time when man to man tha {it was buried about the place ie on the face, eyes sunken. hollow cheeks, careworn "ex: do ye also to m : bo. Buk lod or the tech. whith has. so hand pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy mand has been shorten n p-- tn rerardl ] A A x nd ateevith, tired mornings, restless nights, change- iness it~ too often is, po others." 2 able moeds, prematuredecay, bone pains, hair loose, ete. while this state of things exists uni- gr a hile age = x > » workmen This i the conditionour New Method Treatment is fl {versal love is an impossibility, I will Ware sREAVAIng Diseases { { : Jl in geld, and the search was taken out of business, Honesty is at a pre | L re x . ith renewed vigor and in an old mium, Why is this the case Men do ["P ¥Hh X€ 5 ar ill Tw» x, € sir labors were wats I closely | § he devil of and their la be tune or an] of love by the old man until one oi them un gelfichmess in the heart. 'The armed Expected Death Any Day. earthed a can filled with glittering | ean re ? coins hich he carried away with , tho armies . . : gold coins, w A fleets patrulling Ye ne, every coup- | Mother Case Where Life Was him to a more secure hiding place learning the art © hy slicemen in the cities--are Saved and Health Restored Rigries are in general circulation of the 3 i . i . 0 St dae | love is not the ruling by "Nerviline." mysterious happenings, which the ole h. = neighbors have . witnessed about the force ¢n ear! nither: side 43 the We have all read and heard of the place for years past, and indicate that | Kut sh there pr ar a heraand. Foote ge its of Sciatica, Jat only those Lil of the old miser's hoard of wealth | questi is o sere » | who have been tortured by this dread ated. "Often late s.nce the doctrine that God is love has not vet been locate & i ESO FD Po is only necessar malady can fully appreciate what 11 at night he has been seen busily dig- ig hu ny of those to fast, mean to be cured after. years. of nS Bots in his yard and it is be- i a years to see that love has sul ering. a sia te it hi ) lieved that he was during these periods | hoor at work. Tho care bestowed on x - so he feels' it in N omn retin his wealth. the sick and helpless, the as eylams and ny fo Mil 1a Se word is ith in Late one night he was seen to go | hospitals, the sducationut--ihs titutions, eh He a -t sjok : Nr Rings ma S116 his well with a lantern on his arm | the factory laws and a hundred other | the ug Holnention © is HATee | ond it ie thought that at least a part | off-springs of man's love for man, yvars nt e Roya an Sues ioe, 1 4 his fortune will he found at the | chow that steadily through the ages Ant na : inde of eat or had to bottom or hidden away behind some te world has heen growing better. nt the pight trains. Dampness, fo loose bit of the stone curbing. As he | It is Bot necessary that in loving | ane 3Panure brought on sciatica that dropped out of sight in the well the | all, all should be taken to the be- | affected my left side. Bowtimes an neighbors wondered, but considered | som. Prospero could truly say to attack would come on that mac . we that it was one of his ecoantricities, N Caliban, \ BO a. Ju ark : a 24 erie Re and thought but little of it as he re IST think of eating Moir's Chocolates | Such rare, delicious, enticing "#1 have us'd thee, complete ripple that I ad to ie up appeared p fow. moments Inter. U think o ag ) . dh ; kL Filth as thou 'art, with human care" | ™ job. : ae in despair, rome sely Re the stories go, and before ihe He could profess love and care, and bert Din ih tifa i One _n search for his wealth ig discontinued | at the same ime chastise, Tt {s love |08 i Br nis - a his farm, as well as city property, . ra OY f. } b hy If your that shows tolerance for the erring, Seat re ng to my - mat Lhd wil be thoroughly seare hed. He left surprise. Moir's Chocolates are for sale nearly everywhere yo tenderness for the weak, and pity for ns " recommended bod BI. A ad no will, though it is thought thal his dealer does not sell Moir's please inform va, snd we'll 1el} you where ths unfortiinate. That Snakespesre's ta on ment "rub h il hin property is worth at least 550,000 be. ; love all" does not mean a passion-| mes a day, and got relic - In or t sides the currency which so far. has | you can get them. ate afecmon for all is seen fn the se : to build up my genera nd clause of the passage under study CURED health and improve my been unearthed. : MOIR'S, LIMITED HALIFAX, N.S. Feast afew™ In aworld of com- blood 1 used: Perrozone, i pr ho | hey: i : The Char. veep ladiafoud focirsiiindcuadiomsoic: 3 wiv jealousy and hate, i SIX one tablet with each meal. Vancouver Sunset tes given, A man is Sonfdones if in the ed. I have used all Kinds Pi constable who hos. Just ifiven O( da ---------- ---------------------- delicacies! The luscious, creamy centres, with their thick, rich, pure chocolate coatings, are simply irresistable. Each piece is a delightful | : to Jind many to whom FEARS, 1 continued this treatment!" wy. dL tndant leaned over Che * rail | ir ishing and wholesome. You feel good all day. |B holt hearird can bel YEARS. four months and was cOr-|yiih o pasty soe. eh of Bis lie he finds a hall-dozen of nments, and ue truthially say 1 videncs." he snorted. seems wonder: : Delicious these cold mornings --heat biscuit in oven, lwo and women 10 whom he can un- [that Nerviline is far stronger, more | fully certain about the details of my trust his purse. Rut | penetrating, and infuitely better Uian | case, but how J» it he doeon't ll his | BEVERA ALL WEATHERS. jae bot ilk over it and mit to taste. Try it. lost bin howto alope. Pe will | anything else for relieving pain. 1 kage, hut how, is | fin © oa is THE GE FOR i fellow officers to corroborate what he! i fail in life's battle unless he is fight. | urge everyone with Jumbago, neural , Sold by all grocers, 13. a carton, two for 5c. -t ! says ? } » ing shoulder to shoulder with trusted |gis, rheumiatiom of sciatica to Pel "Becanse," replied the man of blue, | - io trusting friends. « Neeviline. I know it will eure them." | «yore *spnens to be only ons con | Eppvs® tem The idea contained in "Do wrong| There i0't a more highly-esteemed i giable stationed in the village." i lo nil ® in reality included in the | oitizen in Wostebister than Mr. Hires.] "But | saw two Inst night," indie | Ere lence -- hm yh -- axprossicn "Love oll." I is impos | What he says can be relied upon. For nantly asserted the defendant. i ce C {) C OA LL ible Jor one who Jorten, nowingly | six gears Kince heing cured be hasn't} "Exaetly'" the policem joined o : the chars of * Evpear at breahlast Warme dnd Sustaing Comforting Greet J you Tx bowen Asa _-- beverage & is perfest had x single relapse. Ban't hatmept any | triumphantly, "That's jest the charge Shing from your dealer but ""Nervi-lagainet you." >