pa-- SURPLUS EARNINGS shonid be safely Bank kept. NO better of place for them than & Bavings Account Tor- onto at BANK or TORONTO Our joterest pay- ments make wage earners for you of your spare dollars. NO DELAY in depositing or withdrawing money. KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET. ---- George B. McKay, Manager. Gost of Living High Not if you tse one of our Sterling Orange Slicers And Make Marmalade our way you will save dollars. 1 Doz Oranges .+.60e (got the Be a She 3 Jun ater.. .... ..Net Will maké 30 Glasses Marma- lade at 20c each $6.00 Saving on Season's Supply $6.10 And the ouly outlay is for our Slicer, which is a pleasure to work with at Sold only at 90¢ March 4.0. MeNieoll, the C.P.R., stated, t he mod trains run on a lower achedu Jonklin, wife of W. ore, "5 SWren will not live. e's Hardware 7 SHOT BY TALIANS ONE OF THE CHICAGO DETECT- IVES MAY DIE. The Italians, Arrested As Suspicious Officers--The Italians Made Their Escape. 4.~Patrick J. Chicago, March W. Wren, city deiec- Quinn and John tives, were Ians, at 4:30 and it is feared The shooting fol yuo she arresting of the tric as sifpicious characters, by the police. men. Wren went down with the first two shots, iwo bullets striking him in the abdomen. Quinn was not badly hurt. Both officers, as they fell, puli- ed their revolvers and a dozen shots were exchanged. The Italians took to Buds heels and disappeared in the. A MATRIMONIAL AGENT. Suing Benedict: For One Hundred Dollars. Guelph, Ont., March 4.--A hundred dollars for a wife. This is the amount that J. Morris, Guelph, charges that '. Hammill, a farmer from near Fer- gus, promised to pay him to perform the office of Cupid. The matrimonial transaction was ventilated, yesterday, in the division court before Judge a.m. | Chadwick, when Morris brought action to recover the hundrid dollars, on the grounds that the wedding had been successfully consummated. The evidence showed that Hammill, a widower, made an offer to Morris in December, 1907, of $100 to find him a wife, but Morris demurred, pointing ont that Kis first wife had been dead but a short time. A year later Ham- mill repeated the offer, and Morris took hinr to his own house, where he was introduced to the woman in the case. They seemingly became interest. ed in each other at once, and the wooer, moved to Morris' house, ap- parently that he might be near the woman, He remained there until Au- gust, when Morris says he hinted that he did not want him around any long- er, and about Thanksgiving day the wedding took place. Morris then claim- ed the $100. Judge Chadwick, after hearing much evidence, dismissed the action--the parties to pay their own costs. GOT HIS NOTES MIXED. La Patrie's Explanation of the Inter- view. Moutreal, March 4.---]a Patrie to- y comes out with a Gilbert and Sullivan explanation of how it came to publish an interview with Ro- dolphe Forget, M.P., in which the con. servative M.P. for Charlevoix was made to repudiate the leadership of R. L. Borden, and to prophesy his sveetly, decapitation. La Patrie states that its reporter had two interviews in his notebook, one with Mr. Forget and the other with an anonymous conservative member from the pro- vince of Quebec and that he got them mixed up, putting Mr. Forget"s name to the wrong interview, Pert Suggestion, New Orleans Picayune. r. Boastem--I often regret that I fid not attend some college and ac quire a little more polish. Miss Cut- ting Hintz--Why don't you hire soe om finisher to rub you up a trifle Farmers' packed butter, per Ib., 22¢. Choice roll and print butter, per lb., 2 lbs. lard, 25¢. 3 tins plums, 25c. 1b. . green or black tea, 25¢. 1 lb. 40c. pure coffee, 25c. 1 dozen 40c. oranges, 20c. Lemons, per doz, Be. 15 nutmegs, Se. 'Mullin's grocery. The death took place, Wednesday, of "| John Greatrix, one of the best known residen of ts low. The deceased was born in England seventy-eight years ago, and for a number of years resided i India, where he was mn connected with the militia. Bibby's, the $2 hat store. GE MEAT 3 Ate offering te their patrons a First Prize of © BEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS CASH Have you entered the Contest? % Send Post. Card to Orange Meat, Kingstqn, Ont., for full particulars of the Prize Contest No. 8: - Orange Meat and Milk is a Perfect Food. 1 ELTIES 'put into stock the daintiest Characters, Opened Five on the! shot down by three Ita- lgotiations 'per cent. ac | Viets, collector CANNOT MAKE OVERTURES, Semis. The U.S. Tariff Commissioners Busy at Ottawa. : Special to the Whig. tawa, March 4.--This morning Messrs. Emery and Pepper, of the United States special tanfi commis sion, saw Hon. Mr, Fielding, minister _finanes, and Sir Richard Cart- wright, mivister of trade and com mete, While 'there is nothing offi- «ial, it is understood they did not ask that Canada wake any tariff concessions. They are continuing ne : this afternoon. It is pointed out here, to-day, that the States gets far more concessions from Canada than Britain despite the Bri- tish ferential tarifi, and hence Canada cannot be expected to make ares. th X t is sai at Major J. E. Hutchie son, of the 43rd Duke of Cornwall's Own Rifles, Ottawa, will be adjutant of the 1910 Canadian team to go to Bisley. Last yaar, a Toronto man was adjutant and a Dundas one command: ant. There is some questions as to whether an Ontario man should get it this year, But it one from this pro- vince is selected it wi J Tance i ill be Major The bil of the Dominion Millers' As- sociation was erred to a sub-com- mittee by the House of Commons pri- vate bills committee. From the pow- ers sought, some of the members seem- ed to have scented a combine. The promoters offered to make any amend- ments decided by the committee, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hons. Pugsley and King, were waited on, this after- noon, by fifteen workingmen from To- ronty and Montreal, why presented pe- titions asking that the Welland canal be deepened. The rien represented no particular organizations, but simply pressed the fact that the work would give employment to a great number I men, besides assisting navigation. Sir Wilfrid gave the men a good hear- ing, but no definite assurance. RAILWAY CHARTERS. The Ontario Legislature to Pass Amendments. o Toronto, March 4.--Hon. Mr. Hen- drie, at a meeting of the legislative railway committee, this morning, an nounced the decision of the govern: ment to respect the charters which, it is expected, will do away with char- New spring hosiery. Livingston's. William Swaine, piabo tuner. received at McAuley's. Phone 778. h. I oronto Snfuersity drops out of 1. ntercollegria te Hockey it be Said St. Michael's will be in. . Cunningham, pispo taser from Clackering's. Leave orders at Me bookstore.' - Auley's . Heath's English hats. Livingston's. A carter's sleigh was called into ser- vice, this , to remove drunk to the police station. The had to be carried in bodily and in the cell, New shirts at Bibby's. The annual ball of the Ancient Or- der of Hibernians has been fixed for March 30th, at the city hall. Invita- tions for the event will be issued next week, See Livingston's shirts. Capt. C, Daryaw is making some ex- tensive repairs to the schooner Ford River. This schooner made some of the fastest trips on record, last sea- son, in the coal carrying trade. Carrying Place Budget. Carrying Place,, March 3.--Blake Young is seri us ill with scarlet fever, and littTe hopes are entertained for his recovery. Miss M, Clark, of Trenton, a trained nurse, is in charge of the case. A number from here at- tended the sale at Charles Clandeu- vin's, last Tuesday, Miss Eva Chase is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Empey, in Trenton. The government has done away with the Weller's Bay light house. H. Chase is likely to leave, as the government has closed the lights. The sawing machine is doing a rush- ing business here; the yard is full of logs. Horse buyers were iu this vicin- ity, on Saturday last, and offered fancy prices for horses. Work is pro a man laid - 2! To Married Life With Good y < With =, An. Oliic man is alleged to have re mained in one of the local pourhouses for forty years rather than run the risk of ;matrimouy. A relative left 600 pounds, to he paid him on his mar riage day, and with interest the sum now .stands at 2,000 pounds, but the confirmed old bachelor says he would rather want it then marry a woman who might want to put mustard plast- ers on him or make him take a bath when he didn't want one! A Dower Law for Wives, The Winnipeg branch of the National Council of Women has interviewed the Manitobs government and asked Ahat a dower law be passed, giving the women of Manitoba the same property rights as the women of Eastern Can- ada. The women's delegate was kind- ly received by the government, and a promise was given that a dower law will be brought in daring the present session of the Manitoba legislature. The vernment expressed sympathy with measure, and promised to support it. In this province wives are protected by their marriage settlement or else the husband and wife hold their pro- perty in common. Ontario asd the eastern provinces have dower laws, but a wife in Western Canada has no lsgal claim on anything vomivally owned by her husband. A farmer's wile may toil early and late, helping him to pay for the farm, to add acre on acre, and build up a comfortable home, and then he can sell or will it all away from her if he chooses to do so. The law recognizes a wile ny the partner of her husband only in regard to her duty, to keep his house and rear their children, and for this she is legally entitled to no remunera- tion, While there are fair-minded men who recognize the fact that their wives have a right to a share in their joint earnings, there are others who consider themselves sole owner of all, overlooking the fact that the wives have in many cases worked every bit gressing favorably in the new Meth- odist church. Fishermen are reporting good catches of pike and mudcats. | Mrs. Fitzgerald leaves for Detroit on Monday next. The Woman's Guild of St. John's church held its meeting at' ter-mongering so far as this province is concerned. . Mr. Hendrie submitfed a new clause that will be incorpor- | ated in all charters or charter exten- sion bills and which, in effect, pro- vides that railways shall be com | menced within ten years of the grant. ing of the charter and completed within three years after the bill granting the charter has passed the legislature. 1 the tonstruction of the railway (s commenced and fifteen of the capital stock has not been expended thereon, within two years after the passing of the act, or "il the rallway is not com pleted and put in operation vithin hrec years of the passing of this act, then the powers granted to the company by the said act shall cease and be null and void as respects much of the railway as then remains uncompleted." DROPPED DEAD IN OFFICE. $0 Collector of Customs at Digby, N.S, Suddenly Called. N.S, March 4.~John M. of customs, dropped dead in _ his private office, yesterday | afternoon. He had the office of collec- tor of customs for about twenty-five years, succeeding his late father, Bots- ford Viets, at time of the latter's superannuation. A son, Guy, is man- a of the Bank of Nova Scotia, at ace Bay, aud left Digby, Wednes- day, for a trip to Boston, Digby, retary to Hon. W, S. Fielding. CROUND GLASS IN DOUGH. Union Men Attacked Non-union Bak- ery in New York, New York, March 4A gang of a dozen armed men attacked a non-un- ion bakery, on Allen street, ypsterday, beat up badly the hali-dozen men em- ployed there, threw quantities of ground glass in the batches of dough being , and made a Ww the ace. Three of the Bakers were badly injured by being ten over t Sond with revolver butts, after being compelled at the weapon's point to hand over the contents of the cash drawer, -------------------- TOP OF THUMB CUT OFF. Accident to Alfred Gendron, Engineer of Glengarry. Alired Gendron, Quebec, chief en- gineer ou the steamer Glengarry, who came to Kingston a few days ago to fit out that steamer, met with an un- fortunate accident this morning. He was at work at the machinery the cylinder fell on his right hand, crushing the thumb so badly that the top of that member had to be ampu- tated at the firet joint by Dr. Hanley at the Hotel Dien. Awaiting Result of Game. Frontenac juniors are eagerly await- ing the result of to-night's game in 'gronto, between Preston and Barrie. | effectively rendered by Mr. Cross. The Another! son, Robert, of Ottawa, is private sec; when (10 game | py, Mrs. H. LaTour's, on Wednesday last. Miss Florence Hay is visiting in Conse} con. Allisonville News. Allisonville, March 3.--On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hicks attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Albro De- mill, of Bloomfield. Joh, McFaul left, on Thursday, for Detroit, Mich,, where he intends spendi a week or ten days, visiting relatives. Miss Ida Boyd went to Belleville, yesterday, for a few days' visit. Mise Claribelle Huycke entertained about forty of her friends om Friday night. Mr. and | Mre. Grant Valleau visitied, Saturday ¢nd Sunday, with friends near Cherry Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Huff- man are away for a two weeks' visit at Trenton. Carl Bryant is moving this week, in part of Danford Ains- worth's house; he is going to work his farm next summer. 1 The Late Mrs. James Lawless. The funeral of the late Mrs. James Lawless took place Friday morning from the residence of her son on Uni- versity Avenue, to St. Mary's Cathe | dral, where a solemn requiem mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Hanley rector. During the service, solos were arers were Dr. James Gallivan, of Peterborop M. J, Lawless, P. F. Law- J. V. Lawless, nephews, and .. and P. Lawless, Grandsons. P. J. Kenney, of Peterboro, was in attendance at the funeral. The many friends of the deteased mourn the loss of one much beloved. ------------ The Usual Night. Chicago News His ignoramce of history recently shocked ofte of the woman friends of ia young Buffalo society man. It was alter a dinner party at his house and she was telling him what she had learned in her private history class, One thing led to another and all the time he was getting into deeper water At lag she surprised him by inquir- ing: ;'Now, tell me, Mr.--.what_ are the Knights of the Bath?' He stam- mered for a while and finally blurted out: "Why, Saturday nights, 1 sup- i pose." A Model. Chicage Record-Herald, *0h, mo," declared the younger oes to amuse with him." "Doar me ! What a splendid man! How long have you been married ?" "IH be seven weeks next Tues Unconscious Self- Criticism. Paris Figa Me. X, the subreditor, was asked to write an article on superstition and imbecility, : When opening tence follows : ""Thas imbecility is not on the wane of the followi lines will amply demonstrate." : A Reasonable Preference. nde: Blatter. Fair lovalid--What kind of as hard as they have, or, il her posi- tion has not demanded actual labor on her part, she has in other ways fulfilled her share of the partnership. The proposed *law will recognize the wife as a financial partner in the home. A western journalist says, "It will give the women who have done so much to build up our land a legal claim on the products of theislabor It will give to women a dignity and an independence that every true hus- band wishes his wife to have." Art and Practice. Winnipeg Saturday Night, A lady teacher whose duties lie among the juvenile Hebrew popula- tion--notoriously the brightest body of children in attendance at the pub- lic schools of the city--was so de lighted the other day with some sketches which a little Hebrew boy had made that she took them home to show to her friends. There was a little gathering at which a number of bright minds were assembled, and she passed the efforts around. Some of those who saw m were so enthusi- astic that they thought steps should be taken to give the lad special train. ing in wrt. There was one gentleman present who did not share jin the gen- eral enthusiasm, although he armit- ted the merit of the sketches. In dis- cussing plans for the future of the lad they turned to him and asked him what he thought about it. "I was thinking," said he, "that vou might succeed in spoiling an ex- cellent button-holy maker." His Rats. M. Paulhan, corgratulated by a corn ent on his record-byeaking flights at Los Angeles, said : "Flying conditions are so perfect in this beautiful city that I could, | believe, fly up to Paradise from here-- unless, indeed, the Wrights, besides owning the afr, owa paradise, too. The. Wrights, much as I respect them, claim to own too wuch, They are as bad as Monsieur Panl. Monsieur Paul was a grocer, Rais overran his city and a price of two sous a head was placed upon them by the town coun- cil. Monsieur's errand buy, working carly and late, managed to slay nine- ty rats in the cellars and attics of the shop. The boy took his prey to the city hall, and returning to the grocer jubilant, showed Monsiear Paul the nine francs he had gn'ned. "The grocer held out ! s paln. " 'Hand the money here," Io said, 'You know very well those rats were mine, not yours." ™ < The Eternal Feminine. Utica Globe. Quoen Elizabeth, in a chararteristio rage, had proclaimed the doom of the courtier. "Off with his head !* 'The culprit courtier was heard mutter something to himself, "What said the callifi 7° demanded Elizabeth. *May it please yous majesty," fal. tered one of the guards, *'bis words were : 'Pretty rough. It is lecom- »" ing' The virgin queen plumed herself, her her mirror to and it wae a . We judgnent discretion t ue. 1will hear further what he way have to say. i ify or fi¢ hes THE New Spring Suits Usual styles, usual values in Women's Tailored Suits The prudent woman in buying a New Suit looks for two things--Good Styles and Good Values. Women are finding these two qualities in large measure in the new Spring Suits we are showing. The new touches of Fashion are quite evi- dent, Lut there are no freaks. We have nothing to show that is not good taste, Nothing that a Kingston woman wonld not care to wear, and the making and materials ARE RIGHT in every detail. Whether you pay $11.50 or 25.00 Or any price between, you can expect the Suit to have correct modeling and to hold its smartness till you outwear it. Come And See Remember just 3 weeks until Easter, and if not quite ready to buy you may choose any suit and haveit placed aside until required. Wash Goods Kingston women need little coaxing to appreciate something de- cidedly sut of the common. This is best shown in the large Sale already of our New Wash Goods. New Ginghams From the great Scotch maker, Anderson, of Glasgow. The colors are absolutely fast, and the designs are pretty, and the prices 1 y = aR a 15¢, 20¢, 25¢ a = New Foulardsy: In exact coples of the expensive silk designs shown. Many of these come in one or two Dress Patterns only. New Wash Poplins, New Crinkle Effects, New Linen Suitings, New Oxford Suitings, 124c, 15¢, 20c, 25¢. & gs & $ No Damp Feet, No Sore Throat, No Colds Boots I Your Children Wear Rubber We sell the best and at the lowest price, en $2 ; Boys' Heavy 2.50 ; Big Girls' 2.25 and 2.50 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE;