Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1910, p. 1

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YEAR 77-NO, 42 Of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. ARECORD WAS MADE THAT BEATS THE RUSSIAN HORSE ARTILLERY, The Canadians Stood Their Four Days' Wintey Trip Weli--Every- one Proud of the Artillery That Has Made Such an Enviable Ree putation. {By Whig's Military Correspondent.) Just as the clock in the tower of the city hall tolled out the hour of four o'clock, Friday afternoon, the route march contingent of the R.C.H. A, marched in through the gate of old Tete de Pont Barras, amd into the centre of the square, where their com: manding officer, Lieut. Col, Burstall, after a few words of commendation for their work and conduct through out the march, gave (he order to dis mount and dismiss, when like wow before the powerful rays of the sun, the men of the march melted away un til there was not a man to be seen on the square inside a few brief seconds, MAJOR 1. N, 8. LESLIE, Commanding "A" Battery, ILO.H.A such as were detailed for fatigue ter. -- ara Rtew they were home, vith every onstration of joy nd gladness their own petnliar way, rushed for their stalls in the ; ; ® , where théy = werp soon provided with good heavy beds of straw and their boxes well filled with food for the evening. A good grooming and blanketing made them for a night of rest and slumber, hey surely 'enjoyed alter . their in the march, especially that ; march home through the ww along every road over were forced 30.4 travel. noon, yesterday, the contingent Cif oto a their est Wi t were provid: haut thee supple depart; pousi give me. The gored and fed and an all to prepare for pi i I ike the the forced march home. 1 pm. the bugle sounded "dress" and then came the mount and the detachment on the move. Swinging out Portl fund rand, they Pushed bra: into t snow, which, in ne was seven and eight t No whip was necessary to rge the horses, just a word, that was and they would bend to their work til the traces mreaked and the guns waggons filled with what was left r supplies and camp requisities, d through every drift and over + embankment. They wove on home and they knew it, and knew that the march heralded all over the land its way into the records of tia department at Ottawa and war department in the old and wanted fo make a re Hi Eff te I i ie £ : » i 5 g £E fie 2 i p---- NARCH HONE cord that would spell credit to their own corps and praise to the militin of the lund of the maple. The march was one that any corps might feel aceustomed to heavy snow falls has in the composition of their military forces a battery of horse artillery that can yesterday, The campaign in Man- churig during the Russo-Japanese war {was "one filled with terrible experiences in snow and ice and biting blast, and the men of both armies suffered terri- biy throughout that portiog of the fight. The Hussians are used to such experiences, and yet no detachment of even Russian Horse Artillery could have made the showing that Col. Burstall"s men made during this week. In the North-West campaign of ISS5 our troops experienced some terrible hardships during the awful winter of that year. The thermometer, would drop to twenty-five or thirty below rere, aud they had very little of the warm, comfortable clothing issued to the soldier doing winter service these days. They stood it well, and yet many of them were ruined for the rest of their days through exposure to cold. The best that could be given the local * artillery marchers was issued, and not a single man as he marched into barracks showed any signs of suf- fering, or that he had suffered through sleeping out under the blué canopy of heaven every wight, Every horse was in the best of condition, and the toss of the head with the significant switching of the tail, showed that they had lots of ginger left and that they were good for any further duty they might be called to perform. We wani- ed to know what our men and equip- put them to the test, and now we await the report of Sir Percy Lake to the minister of militia and the militia council at Ottawa. This will cover the tactical and technical features of the march of this week and will make in- teresting reading. Just as soom as the men were dis missed off parade what a rush they made for the wash rooms. All through the work they had gone without their usual duily ablutions, not thinking it wise to use the snow and ice along the march for washing, but now they were in barracks and plenty of hot amd cold water was available and they certainly used it. * Those who declared that the men of the R.C.H.A. would' not stand proposed march twenty-four hours, and that half would return in the ambulance and go mto the station hospital, ' have been fooled and the op- inion we have always entertained of the abilities sal endurance of a good Canadian soldier has been vindicated. To the officers and men of the R.C.H. A. we extend the hoartiest of cone gratulationa and thanks for the treat. ment extended to the press through out the march and we Lope to have the plessure and privi ALK a 1 or along the lakes of the south or wherever military destiny may com- pel them to go in obedience to the ell of duty to the land of the beaver and the maple. SLIGHTED AT COURT, Curious Incident Marks Recent Court Function in Vienna. Vienna, Feb, 19. <A curlous incident whion occurred at the recent court bali has excited much attention in diplomatic circles, As wife of the doyen of the dploma- tic corps (at present Herr von Tschar- schky, the German ambassador), Mme. {schirachky was considered entitled to the escort of Count Adhrenthal, the foreign minister, in the procession to the ballroom immediately behind the imperial and royal personage. Count Aehrenthal, however, request- od the papal nmandio to escort me, Techirsehky, amd he himself escorted Lady Cartwright, wife of tha British ambassador. There is a dispostion in certain quarters to magnify the inei- dent, and to suggest that it is not unlikely to havé important political con 8 The court officials, » however, deny that Mme. Tachirshky has any special privileges, and assert that count Aecenthal has a right to escort any woman, ASKS: IS A HEN A BIRD? Eggs Are Not. Washington, D.C, Feb. 19~"Is hen a bird This pussling problem was put up to Robert O. Hailey, secretary to the of the treasury, by a citi- who desires to be straight. *h appears, as set gut in the Tear, that whereas eggs are ject to a " five conts per dozen in Bailey turned ¢ | customs division. proud of, and no country; nal the work of gur own soldiers ment could do in a winter's march; we | the | Eggs Subject to Duty, Dut Bird's ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SWIFT, ACTION Respecting the Lords Is Likely to Be Taken. THAT IRELAND BE EXCLUDED FROM EXCISE CLAUSES Of the Financial Bill--Premicr As. quith Cannot Yield This--Labor- ites do Not Demand That Veto Question Precede Budget Meas sure. London, Feb. 19.<Individual labor- ites disavow the uliimatum George N. Barnes, the new chairman of the wsbor party in parliament, sent to Premier Asquith, demanding that the veto question precede the budget measure ja the bouse, They, say the labor party has not reached a decision as vet, and assert that the chairman's manifesto constitute merely an ex pression of his personal opinien. Keir Hardie, however, endorses DBaroes, having previoudy thought, he says, the Premier Asquith had guarantees {from the king. It is expected John Redmond will offer an amendment either to the pre mier's speech next Monday, or to the budget measure, to the effect that Ire land shall be excluded from the opera: tion of the land and excise clauses of the finance bill. The premier cannot possibly accept such an amendment, but the Irish leader will be in a posi tion to say he did all he could and with this explanation will allow the 'budget to pass. ' { Herbert Samuel, the new postmas- ter-general, in a speech, declared the government's action respecting the {lords would be swift, courageous and (decisive. "LOVE GERM" LATEST DEFENCE. Expert Says Men Afflicted Are Nof Insane, Chicago, Feb. 19.--The "love germ" in the latest defence put up hy a man {charged with murder. He is Thomas Katsone, a rvestaurant keeper, who shot and killed Victoria Kowales on a street car. The testimony indicated he was infatuated beyond control aid that the girl snubbed him. But victims of the "love germ' are not insane. Such, at least, was the opinion given by Dr. James Whitney Hall, chief expert of the state. "The 'loye germ' ¢ ole "dip e all physiciatis recognize. If isn't in sanity, though; it's a mere perversion of the will power," said Dr. Hall "This man knew what he was doing when he killed that girl. He knew it wa wrong. He was in possession of every faculty, plus the mental effect of the 'love germ.' There are many manifestations of the 'love germ.' Some develop tragically. Others do not. Often they are merely funny. {Why do some couples elope when there lis no family opposition to their mar- ringe ? It is the 'love germ." Why do yoiing men sometimes elope with their mothers-in-law ? It is the 'love germ' working." br + FAMILY GOOD MIXERS. The Tafts Do Not Carry Themselves as Exclusives, Washington, Feb. 19.--Certainly there should be no complaint of ihe demo- cratic tendencies of the present admin. istration. One day last week President Taft walked over to the Press Club, talked with the newspaper men who happend to be there, and then saun- wered down the street, speaking to the individuals whom he met and knew, Early the same day, Mrs. Taft walked from the White House down Pennsyl- vania avenue and through the F street shopping district without ostentation, and accompanied only by one of her sisters. Miss Helen Tait and two school girl friends went to the capitol and took in the sights there like any other group of girls who are sightsee- itlg in Washington. There is not the slightest evidence that the presidency hus made the Tafts anything but hu ings. Theie tendency to "mix +" will a long way to- ing the Taft family in } . Jhth crowds following a pur suit, the elephants took to the side alks, and many persons had narrow {Bs big beasts to hall wreck the winery, where kegs about. n a vacant $8,500 IN LOST MAIL BAG. ---------- Went Astray as Result of Accident on Railway. North Bay, Ont, Feb. 19.-Not =a little excitement has been oceasiomed among thos: directly concerned i the disappearance of a registered package contaning 38.500 sont by mail from the ('oohrane branch of the Hank of Ottawa, to the Toronto office. As neither mail bag nor money turned up at the destination, the suspicion of robbery deepened and an investigation has boon in progress. Peter T. Cgol- ican, postoffice ingpector of Ottawa, has been workdig on the case and has jocated the missing bag with the money intact. It seems that the bag went astray on Feb. 9th, whea the T. amd NX. 0. express left che rails north of Eagle hart, delaying traffic and making it necessary to transfer the mail, ex press and baggage around the wreck. As there is no mail car or clerks Lo tween Fngldhart and Cochrane, mril matter is carvied in baggage cars, T, & MN. 0. Railway employes have for some {ime expressed dissatisfaction at the responsibility involved in hand} ny mail bags, ana it is understomd that a mail car will soom be placed on the run between Englehart and Coch- rane, Prez He bas heen na preside "aver the haristie Congress 0 be ued Bi Montreal next summer SUICIDE ON BRIDAL MORN. J Sr oe Bmw me of Bullets Wounds His Mother. in-Law. Vienna, Feb. 19.~A panic was call- al at a wedding banguet here yester- lay by the attempt of the bridegroom, + coal dealer named Martin, to com- mit guieide, ¢ While the banquet was in progress he gquarreled with his brother about not have enough ou which to keep his wile, and, drawing a revolver, fired several shots at his own breast, Two of the bullets lodged in his sreastbone without inflicting danger- ous injury, but a third severely wound- ad his new mother-in-law, who was sitting at his side. Fearing that he was going to shoot the bride next and then everyone else, the guests overturned the table on the bridegroom and then managed to take hig revolver away. It is said the bride ntends to apply for a divoree. IF CANADA IS TO ESCAPE MAXI MUM RATES Under the Payne Aldrich Act Washington State Department Communicates With Ambassador Bryce on the Matter. Washington, Feb. 19.--In view of the fact that the maximum rates under the Payne-Aldrich act will be automatical- ly applied to Canada on March 31st, only six week co, unless it is shown in the meantime that Canada iz entitled to the lowest rates, the state department has sent a com: munication {to Ambassador Bryce, stating in substance that this govern- ment, entertaining only feelings of the warmest. friendship for the people of Canada, regrets that no steps have been as yet taken, either by Canada or Great Britain to place the United States in possession of facts which might prove that the dominion is en- titled to the most favored rates, It is suggesied that the British gov- ernment indicate what course it would like to pursue in arriving at the facts whether through the British foreign office or the Ottaws officials. The state department is quite willing io adopt any feasible suggestion as to procedure that might be made, * but owing to the short time yet remaining it is thought negotiations should be as prompt as possible, here. Mary dy, fourteen years old, was bitten on the wrist, last night, by a lurge col lie, owned by Thomas i dog, which was muzzled, acted very wali ing at & oun, who The Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, Toronto, are ministration, with estate of the late , {town of Tills The executors dead. The estate n over bo 1 by the Pope to] his. share of their father's patrimony. be dnolaredt Lathe woul MUST ACT QUICKLY is Harrison. The hold named in the will are | FEBRUARY 19, 1910. -- LATEST EWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. THE WORLD'S TIDINGS Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Hasily Read and Re membered. Almonte was defeated by Armprior in a match in the U.R.Y, Hockey League, by a score of 10 to 4. A man was seen to deliberately shoot at a T. & 0. railway boarding ear at Cobalt on Friday night, Ottawa's water rates will be re duced ten per cent. from January lst last, if Coutroller Hinchey's plans are followed out. ir, the Ontario legislature on Friday, Mr. McKay, the opposition leader, submitted an tmportant amendment to the power commission act. The Canadian bank statement, for Janvary, shows savings deposits of « ver $508,000,000 and total deposits in Canada of £746,631,000, Ottawa's public school rate, this year will be six and two-fifths mills, a reduction from last vear, when it was six and three-quarters mills, R. Bunyanfor many years a pro: minent flour and feed merchant of North Bay, Unt., died, on Friday even- ing. He was in his fifty-fifth year. fremier Whitney suid in the Ontario legislature, on Friday, the govern mend would take drastic steps to stop reckless driving of automobiles. The heariug of evidence on the race track gambling bill was contludsd on Friday night and it was agreed that counsel should put in written argu ments, The provincial government was iwalted upon, on Friday, by a large deputation of French-Canudians and asked to revognize the existence of bi lingual schools. Ag a result of an appeal from the members of his congregation, Rev. Dy. J. Barclay, of St. Pauls Presbyterian church, Montreal has consented to de lay his resignation wntil October. The SS. Hohenzollern, of Bremen, was driven ashore, on Friday night, on Bird Island, Dummorly Ray, and it is feared all on board were lost. The ship is a total wreck. The death took place n Toronto, od Ahupaday. sh t of Miss H. L. Phe Y a A oo days ago ipa ek to Toronto for special treatment. Nofvinations for Drummond and Argenteuil for the Provincial Legisla- ture will be held on Februsry 20th and polling on thy Bth Maych. The elect.on is owing to unseating of Ms, Laforte, W. Leach, chafleur, told at the trial of Dr. Fritch, at Detroit, of hav: terious packages to a lonely spot on Feorse Ureek about the time Mabel Millman disappeared ladt October. In January 6,638 immigrants enter- ed Canada, as compared with 4,097 in January, 1909, During the ten months ending January 31st, 1910, the total immigration was 165,567, compared with 125,653 during the same period of the preceding fiscal year. Of the £100,000 desired hy Arih Lichop Bruches: to finance the euchar 'etio congress, in Montreal, next sdm wer. 865.000 has already bean sub. scribed. The largest single subser p tion was $25,000 by the geutleme:. oi St Sulpice. Dogs belonging to Edward Bmith, J. Huntsherger and the Imperial Ten company, Hamilton, went mad, on Raturday morning. Just what eaused them to break out is not known, un- leas they went crazy through wearing muzzles. So far gs is known, they bit DO person. Jesses Cole, aged about fifteen years, while, on the way from his Home, about one mile north of Hagersville, walking on the G.T.R. fr to bis work in the employ of William Walker, cattle buyer, was run over, on Satur: day morning, and instantly killed, and cut to pieces by the snow plough. TROOPS PATROL CITY Lest & Race War Should Break Out in Cairo, Hi. Cairo, Nl., Feb. 19.-F ig a sum- mary TAC WAr as a result of the shooting down. of twelve white men by puty sheriffs in vepeliing the the Alexander county jail, Adjt.-Gen. Dickson aPpanled to ar ernor Dencen for a force company © state troops in a midnight Conference. Company 1, of Vandalia, arrived here early (o-day to reinoree the three companies already on {2 ground, making a total of 258 wniommed men now patrolling the strests of the city. Coroner McManus prepared, today, to an inquest upon body of Alexander Halliday, killed By a volley from the deputies in the attempt io storm the jail. for ad- government pt of the George Frost, of the of Oxford. inventoried ing driven the doctor with three mys-|. "CANADA LIFE." i ¥ Another Year of Splendid Record in Insurance, The Canada Life 'Assurance Copupany the father of Life Bwurance in Cana da, presents to the public on another page in this paper its sixty-ghind An- sual Report, There is no sign of old age in the company, but every evi: dence of a continumnce of the growth and strength that comes to businesses that "make gol." The Canada Life has "made good' in the past vear's bus ness. Insuranos to the amount of $12,195 514.00 was applied for and of this $10,139 43.00 wae paid for substantial indrease aver the previous year. Total Insurance now in force anounts to the large figure of $124, T7L026.00 which is an imerease of $4, 000,000.00 over last vear. In spite of the increased insurance the expenses continue to decrease, ns they did the previous year. This speaks well for the ambitions and abibty of the officials who are responsible. Over $2,000,000, - 00 will be paid to PolioyhoMers as profits for the last five vears--the largest in the history of the company. This enterprising company has an office at 18 Market strost, Kingston, in charge of J. 0. Hutton, district agent. Full information how a policy will shape for you will he cheerfully given Passing Supplies. Ottawa, Feb. 19.<~The house of com- mons spent a very quiet day on Fri duy in supply. The estimates of the alnister of public works were under consideration but the debate was of a desultory character, Hockey, The big game ol the season, Otta- was va. Wandevers, ut Montreal. A rurning score given at the Iroquois to- night. REV. ANNA SHAW STRICKEN. Leader Had Just Ended Plea for Ballot, REV. ANNA H. 8BHAW. York, Feb. 10.---Rev. Anna Howard' Shaw, president of the Na- tional American : Woman's Suffrage Union, who presided lust night at a meeting in Cooper Union, in honor of Mise Alice Paul, the "Anerican Hun- ger Striker," fell in a faint at the conclusion of a vigorous address, and at a late hour, last night, was said to be in a critical condition New UNIFORM LEGISLATION = To Remedy a Very Practice, Owtawn, Feb. 19.~The semate com mittee on health which has bad ander consideration the question of the pollution of streams has recommended to the senate that the only remedy for the prevailing dangerous practice of municipalities of disposing of sew age, by draining it mto the lakes, rivers and stresms of the country, lies in the passing of prohibitory or controlling legislation, The commitiee finds that this only can be brought about by eco operation between the provincial and federal governments sod it, therefore, recommends the conservation comrswion take steps to call _ together the health authorities of each province, to mest in conference at an early date, and endeavor to devise some nniform legis lation to remedy the prescat evil, Harrowsmith Happenings, Harrowsmith, Feb, 18.~Mr, aod Mes, William Dowker, wlio arrived from Manitoba some time ago, have commenced housekeeping n the vil kr ge. Mr. Dowker is now busy looking up Borges to take with him when he returns some time next month. The hookey team is waiting patiently for the K. & P. employes to get ready for the return match, amd expects vo do much better work when they again meet. The Harrowsmith boys deserve credit for their success this winter They have only as vet been defeated in ons game. Me Mow, of drew, gurchadnd four teams of horses here yesterday, two from J, PD. Bhibley and two from J. Deline. Mra. William Davidson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hart, at Colebrook. Mes. L fammon, of the city is visiting Ther danghter here. Mrs. Wright returned to the ety to-day. Mrs. D. Goaves kas her pew grocery store opened. Washburn Notes, Washburn, Eeb. 18. -W, McBroom is drawing hay from the sta- tion. Mrs. C. Ash has rétaroed home after a visit in Rochester, NXY., al home. Miss Grace Weir is at ut Pangerous that } LAST EDITION ------ --_-- rT ---- -- i WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont. Feb. 19, i ami. tawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrentse Fair and cold to-d8y and on Sunday: We beg to announce the arrival of the New 3 Silk and Wool Shantungs We also want to emphasize the fact that they will not crush, that they shed the dust, that they are light in weight, that they promise to be very | v this summer, that M they are 45 inched wide, that we are glad to be able to sell them at per yard, $1.15, This beautiful material comes fashionable ¥ In all the few and desirable shades, Our Great Wash Goods Department A goodly prospect of a des lighted summer is spread Dee partment--a prospect of sums § around our Wash Goods § mor as delightful as dress can make it, Thousands of yards of beaut! fal Fabrics tha ] rin BEANS In Kingston, on Feb, 18 1810 George Sears, aged 68 years, . Funeral from his Jate residence, 148 Gari Street, Monday, 10 am, St. John, NH and Halifax, N.§., papers please copy iv FPOUGHTON--In _ Kingston, on 3 igth, 1910, Mary CC. Swoughiah. daughter of the late John Stouggh- ton, Rector of Bath, in her § Year ¥ Ottawa and Toronto papers please copy. a S-- ROBERT J. REID, The Le Undertakes, Phone, as Princess street. We have still on hand a small quantity of the famous "RICHELIEU" GOODS LIMA BEANS, SUCCOTASH. FRITTERKORN, SQUASH, SPINACH. RED KIDNEY BEANS. GUAVA JELL). SHRIMPS, JAPANESE URAB MEAT. Jas. Redden & Co, Importers of Fine Groceries. "Dan People, don't be to a dollar" looks 'Phone J News Perth. Perth, © Fob, 174-The ladies enters . taiiment in Asbury lectures room # suctess in every way. Harold v eron, who hf so badly hurt in toboggan slide, és getting a little i dei Be NeMillan returned from he general hospital, Ottaws, : rices. Turk's. mond, spent Porth Inst ; nei isn Se Charles Hickey was sentenced Oakville to sightess months for bing a farmer, "Zam-Bak'"

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