Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1910, p. 12

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si an PAGE TWELVE, TREE -- 4 TRAVELLING No, 100 George £t, Sorel, Quebec. Rates to 1:uilere 1 wor b disease for seven ! OW | pears, with iful pains over the front of the bois er the back and down One-way Bec eis on Sale da 15th, at the Kingston exjco points at | Tickets | stop-over ati For full parti- fifteen days without any action of the i; bowels. I was iil in bed for one whole and the last Rites of thie Church were ouver, administered to me. I was treated by Victoria, aq Portiand, Oreg i y. Mex | . : And fo other Pacific Coast certain points en route culars, apply to bs . : s 4]. the legs. I had indigesfion and chromic acl constipation and the fonstipation was ' 90 bad that I went sgmstimes for ten to 1 s year. At one time I was so low that Sbakane. Wash | everyone thought I was going to die, Spokane, 0 Nelson, BC BC | Soattle Wash $45.10 "| six different doctors without any benefit. acoma. Wash : 1 fan Pragoincs, Calf. fn les, Calf ego Calf. proportionately low rates goed for 5 and 10 days J. I". HANLEY. Agent Corner Johnston and Ontario Sts KINGSTON Gea RaiLwaY IN. CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Trains Leave Kingston L. Express--For. Ottawa, 1" Quebec, 8t. John, NB. Hali- ton, Torbnto, Chicagu, Denver, rew, Sanit Ste. Marle, Duluth, St Winnipeg, Vancouver, Beattle nd asd Sag Francisco. m~~Lockl for Sharbot Lake, ® with C. P. R. East and West. 5 am. Mixed--For Henfrew ana points, Mon, Wed, KINGSTON OTTAWA. Leave Kingston 12.01 p.m, arrive Ot- tawa 6 p.m. Ottawa 10.46 arrive Kiugston 8.56 p.m. nye il particulars at K. & P. and C. P R. Ticket office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. MADAME JOSEPH LIRETTE Then I got a sample of "Pruit-a-tives," but I Lad no faith in them at all, and | would not have taken them omly my liushand begged so hard for me fo try them. As soon as I began to take "Fruita-tives'" 1 grew better, the bloating was relieved, the sleeplessness was cured, my stomach acted, and the bowels were moved, brut above all the fearful womb pains were made easier, I have taken eighteen boxes in all aud I am now perfectly well again." (Signed) Manamre JOSEPH LIRETTE, soc. box --6 for $2.50--or trial box 2¢¢. --at dealers or (rom ¥Fruit-a tives Limited, Ottawa. ' and am, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. » Jrala aves union Station, Ontarial $3 5 Recipe Cures street Wm. (Sunda yt 1 for Tweed, Ta oem am, Tay re! ! to, Bannocklurn and all points north, | Bannock- | Er sv Weak Men --- Free burn, Maynooth, and points on Central! Ontario, routs your shipments via Bay | of Quinte Raliway, For further particu | DICKS HN, Agent, | Phoen Ko. 8. | Send Name and Address Today-- co | You Can Have It Free and Be 1 BER MUD A Strong and Vigorous. Largest and Fagteast Steamers 8, 8. OCEANA, 8,000 TONS 1 have in my possession a prescription for 8S. S. BERMUDIAN 5,600 TONS. | nervous debility, lack of vigor, weakened . ' Jas o Manhood, failing menmary and lame back, Wireless on both Steamers ; also bilge brought on by sses, nnnatursl drains, or , that has cured so many men right iu their own uy additional help or medi- ink eve man who wishes to 8, orty hours from Frost to Flowers, Ballings from New York at. 10 a.m every Wednesday and* Saturday WEST INDIES | Shia his. mgyiy po fring yeky An Oo. uietly, should po av . Now 8.8 "GUIANA 8,700 tons, 8.8. | determine 10 send a copy of the preseription RARDMA 8.000% tons, 8.8. ""KOR-| free of charge, in & plain, ordiaaty sealed en- NA." 8,600 tons spll from w Yark | velope to any nan who will write me for it. SYers aiternate Thursday at 2 pm. for! Tas preseription comes from' a physician Bt, Thomas, poraix, St. Hits, Frid who haa, ade a special stody of men and | ca, artinique, Bt. | am convine it 1s the surest-adting combi- me and, Duperars. For ful ustion for tie urn of deficient wmawhood and apply to A. w vigor failure . cer pt together, Agents, Quebec Steamsh Jo., think I owe it to wy fellow man to send way. New York, them a copy in staionce S0 that any mah ompany, Quebec or to} adywhere who is weak and discouraged wit J NLEY and C 8. KIRKPAT- | repeated faliures may ston drogging himself Ticket Agents, Kingston. with harmful patent medicines, secure what I believe is the gunickest-arcting restorative, upbuilding, SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever devised, and so cure himself at home quietly and quickly. Just drop we a line like this: Dr. A. E. Robinson, 3838 T.uck Building, Detroit, Mich., and I will send you a copy of this splendid recipe in a plain ordinary en- Yelops free of charge. A great many docters would charge $3.00 to $5.00 for mere! writing out a Prescription like this -- but I send it entirely tree go " - Revillon Freres - ESTABLISHED 1788 H The largest dealers in % ; Furs and Skins in the world, A COLD PREVENTIVE. We pay the & Gellar filsd with Coal. I can sup HIGHEST MARKET PRICE axcellent quality. 55-5 for all kinds of Raw kurs and Skins Honest assortment. Quick returns Ask for our 1909.1910 PRICE LIST + IT'S FREE OFFICE AND STOREROOMS | < A 134 and 136 McGill St. Montreal, WER PAY EXPRESS CHARGES, looking for ts "J PRET, we ort SCRANTON Booth & Co.. FOOT WEST STREET. Simin to our Stock of Grand Old » a . Anti F it Unite: Empire Loyalists|$ "ana 0a Articles An Iuforming Sketch of Amer: | Come early and make a Sele: san ivory, Valusble for Librar | § U0P pralls the spring rush 1s on. {es apd Research. if you have anything good to sell, 5 x drop a card to By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price, 50e. : L. LESSES, Address British Whig, Kingston | j. Cor, Priveess aug Chatham Sin, | THE FRONTENAC | 5000000000000 000000000 LOAN ND INVESTMENT SOCIETY _ ees en Up To Die THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATERDAY. . FEBRUARY 19, i910. re . m-- The Echo That "Was Moved 3 By SOPHUS BAUDITZ. HALIFAX FISH CAKE NOT A BONE IN IT) the very highest grade of Adanic : Codfish in 1s most economical form. | B Prepared easily enioyed : | B digested Your grocer candi ETI there wax an' uncommonly. powerful echo in the heart of a math J tain pass, hard in the Lybian Desert. | = ™ gh rilie was no very cheerful one, | Echo. "Not another stroke of work for mortal man rarely strayed that will | do in this place. x way and still more rarely did there] '"As you please,' said St. Peter and come any one who gave the Echo a calmly went his way. cliance to show its skill. He knew as well as the Fcho that One fine day St. Peter was making {there was no possibility of its remain- his rounds dmong the world's echoes | ing silent when it was addressed. to see if there were doing thei: duty. | Poor Echo; it had now a weetched In due course of timc he reached the existence. To be compelled to do mountam pass pear the Lybian Des: | what one has lost all interest in do- ert. -- jing is always a torment, and it can "fiood day !"" said he. readily be imagined how uncomfort- As a matter of oourse, the Echo | gable it made the Echo to be obliged promptly replied : "Good day !" {to repeat the name of every chance "You have a fine, sonorous voice," | uraveller and his sweetheart and other observed St. Peter. | trivalities. "Without wishing to praise myself I | At first it bad repeated in full, ring believe I have," sau) the Echo, in al, jing tones the entire name. Now it matlesty--for even an Eolio can speak | chiefly confined itself to snapping out, of its own accord when it will--"but after an ill-tempered fashion, the last pray what satisfaction is it to me ? (syllable. Answer it must, and that Unce in a while a hungry lion roars for | was what was so irritating. negro flesh, and every other vear or| There were rare occasions when the 50 u Bedouin shouts for a runaway | Echo managed to have a ttle amuse camel. That is all the diversion I /ment through hearing something be have. If this continues 1 shall lose | vond the ordinary, \as for example, my voice. Already it is growing {when three unruly schoo, boys shout- rusty. Don't you think it is about |«d at it a whole volley of naughty time I should be moving 7" words. Sad to relate the Echo was "Possibly," admitted St. Peter, "but | sufficiently demora'ized to repeat the where would you like to go naughty words at the top of its voice "It "is all one to me, so it is to|--not ome, merely, but twice, some lively. spot." 2 *Ab, I ean, bear it no longer !" "Very well, 1 shall think the matter | thought the fcho one Whitsunday over." > | morning, "Dispense with thinking it over, 1| had passed a sleepless night after beg of you," hesought the Echo. "It {reverberating until it was warn out would take too long before anything [with the shrill tones of a singing so- came of it." ; Now, St. Peter, as every one kmows, | tainments at the edge of the ravine, is goodness itself. Moreover, he liked | Consequently it felt more at odds with the Echo's straightforward way of | humanity than ever, speaking, and so, forming a sudden "Fen times would I rather harken to resolution, he said : | roaring lions and hoarse-vaiced camel "There is an honest old Echo up in | drivers than to such four-part songs. the Saxon mountains that has shriek- | Ugh ! And this is Whitsunday. A od itself hoarse and longs for a dhance | fine prospect 1 have before me, for- to rest, You two might change sooth, Verily I shall go mad? Leave places." here I must, by fair means or foul. But Once "Many thanks," rejoined the Echo, | Where can I find a refuge ? and 30 it Was taovel. | And the Echo thought and thought. In a friendly ravine whose rocky | Suddenly an idea dawned upon F--an walls were overgrown with moss aml idea that seemed so brilliant as to ferns amd through whose midst flowed ©8USe its originator to laugh out- a brooklet bearing tidings by day aor right. . . by night, from the mountains, the! © treams of people came pouring in Fcho fouml its new quarters, : The lo the ravive from early morning. change was indeed a happy one. if | Everyone Was eager to hear the Echo, before there had been cause to com. , Which being oy particular high spirits plain 'at lack of occupation, there was Hairly outdid itself. : ere plenty to do The valley's Echo l Among the guests ame the senio had been celebrated, but naves so mus class of a Young Ladies' Institute 35. How: . (from the nearest town. Two class "it js really astonishing how it has | teachers and the principal herself ac been picking up of late," people de. Soupanind them. The entire class was clared, and pilgriinages were under- jn gy oh the proper post. and ane gon from iar and aver far te or. 191. s teu hers, striking an impressive press purpose of hearing it. Guides f retibudl 4 Salle out Den not, particu made it a business to select the most hae nant Voice, ti rh | i favorable points of observation from yrineipal f th i IeaL namic o the which tourists could hear it to the : > ep dep. nefits snd ivi os Marino hol en asa delicate mark of attention ge. that cost-the poor teacher dearly. + A few 'wecguds of expectant, awful silence, and then--horror of horrors there came teverberating from the depths of the ravine, borne on the Echo's powerful voice, a word, a very naughty word, bne of the naughtiest words it had learned from the three unruly boys. The teacher felt positively ill. As for the princifal of the Institute, not { having heard the word that had been spoken but having beard %the reply with terrible distinctiveness, she cast a withering look mo. the teacher and cried in a voice wavering with indig- nation : "Your services are no longer requir- ed my good woman." Then, - in view of saving the situa. tion she fook the stand herself and shouted the word "Goethe !" That was eminently proper, she was sure. This naturally flattered the Echo, al- though it could not help feeling a bit chagrined that any one should sup- pose it to be merely the old Echo that had regained its voice. However, that main essential was that ite wish had been fulfilled and it was now lo- cated in a lively neighborhood; Years sped" swiftly by, and for a while the Echo led a merry life of it. From winter {ill summer, and from summer till winter again it rejoiced and made glad, and the dwellers of the vale blessed their Echo, for the great influx of visitors that increased year by year However, people can become tired of everything, and so, too, can an Echo, It was not strange that our Echo gradually discovered it to be far from amusing to be from morning until night at the call of every individual who took a fancy to test the strength of his lungs. There came moments at A pause, longer than the first en- length when the poor Echo looked for- | sued, and then came, like the rumbl- ward all summer long to the peaceful {ing of thunder and the jarring blasts monotony of winter. | of the trump of doom, the very "1 actually it | naughtiest of all the neughty words no longer." the Echo knew. As though fearing to day to St be misunderstood, it 'repeated the rest or 1 shall strain my veice. How | Word twice distinctly and without the would it be for me to go to Ems ?"* slightest abbreviation. : "It is not customary to move everd The principal of the Institute other day," observed St Peter. "It f swoaned away and the pupils went was by your own wish that you came | °° hy sterics. Tae scandal wa here and vou will, therefore, now have complished. Nothing could alter it. to abide by the consequences." In order that no ome with any sense "Then 1 shall strike." cried of propriety shoulc be obliged to listen to so indecorous an Echo, St. Peter removed it forthwith. Thus, in o certain measure, the Echo hal gained its point, but whether it Was content deponemt saith not. As a punishment for ite willfulness and unseemly behavior, it was station 18d at Spitzbergen, between two nak- led rocks, out of ses There a snorting whale or a growl: ing polar bear . alone occasionally break the opprstive stillness. So iright in| the weather, as we all know, that it seems natural to give credence to the report of an ancient harpooner to the effect that or poor Edho seems to be laboring under a severe cokl. Natural Bridges. Detroit News. Interest has bven aroused lately in believe I can stand exclaimed the Echo one Peter. "I must have more the i ' fF Farmer's Wife's Story Food Lacks Variety--Ill Health Fre- quent. Everything ome eats in comes from the country yet farmer's table shows the iety and his wife 'works 'the hardest. In this sweepini arraignment Mrs, J. Y. Tate gives the cause of her illhealth: "I lost oly appetite, gas formed in the stomach and caused great disstress. A sense of 'fullness or distension, with achiug. pains in the left shoul der blade and back, inflicted fur- ther suffering upon me. My system was sluggish, and with other troub- | the natural bridges of the country, les incident to women, my state with the resuls that a samber of new, was miserable. 1 used to wish for ones have been brought to hight. The this and that toeat, but a far-|state of Utah has four that were here town the least var- ous wrth Rienard caverns |Chiver's Marmalade President--Sir Richard Cartwright faved on Uity aod Farm Pro | ™ Municipal and © Detwn | All sizes. purchased Dupromits roca vert and interest allowed a 8 ©. MG Managing buceror | Ready Cut Macaroni Fine June Cheese, Fresh Oysters. D. COUPER'S, 841-8 Princess St: Prompt Delivery. 'OUR LABOR BRAND A HI HO WH. Y, Auctioneer Phane 76. 219 Soe Si Bau mers tahle i+ mostly for well folks. |tofore practically unknown, aud the it was a good thing I heard of last one to be investigated is the larg- Dr. Hamilton's Pills--they fixed up 'est. It is about four miles vorth of the the stomach some, "and then 1 boundary line between Utah and Ari- could eat. By acting og eudicdly up- {zona and between the Colorado river on the system, my bi was made and the Navajo mountairs, The rock pure, and I got color and strengty, 'is hard sandstone. One end of the In a few weeks 1 no more bridge juts out from the wall of the gas, nor . the full feeling--everytiing canon floor, while on the ather side seomod to get pight all at once. [the Springing line is at the base of can eat anything now, do my own [the cliff, so that the arch is not per- work and feel lifa Worth living." etly symmetrienl, though the curve Don't fail to use Dr. Hamilton's lis smooth and has scarcely a break, Pills--they are the right medicine to (having a clear span of 274 feet, with make and keep vou well At all its crown J] feet above the bed of dealers, in 23¢ boxes, ithe small stream which flows beneath it, Frigid Music. | iClevaland Plain Dealer : : with a little time the side has parts. {cicty that had been displaying its at- | 27,000 DINNERS EACH DAY. NN. Ey Thirty-nine Different Ea: Estab. A, ting The biggest restaurant busitiess fo: any single street in the world js done in Chicago. This was discovesed the other day by a trip down Randolph street, which caters to the inner wants of more people than any other section of the city four times its size, An accurate count showed thirty- nine different eating establishments lo- cated on the street between Michigan and Fifth avenues, a distance of six short blocks. Six different national ties are represented by these estab lishments, and- 27,000 diners are ad commodated by them every day in the year. To buy these 27,000 meals costs this little army of eaters approximate ly 212,000, which 'totals nearly $4,500, - 000 per year) These startling facts are not gener- ally known to Trec uenters of the loop district, and when it is taken into con. sideration that the entire number oi workers in this section of the 'city does not exceed more than 10,000, it seems hard, to 'believe that so many of them should go to the same short street when they want to"take a meal. A tour of "restaurant row," as it is called, however, will convince the most skeptical. The nationalities represented glong the "row" in the order of their rela- tive popularity are: American; Cer man, Chinese, Kosher or orthodox He brew, Hungarian, and Italian. Of these the number seeking American fare stands first in the list with a total of 12,800. The lovers of Tuetonic fare fol low a close 'second, 12,000 diners sit ting down every day in front of dishes prepared by chefs and served by keil ners and keilnering who learned their art in the kaiser's domain. t Next in popularity, strange to say, , come the Chinese, for no less than 1,650 {citizens who have developed oriental {takies make their way daily into their l establishments to appease their hun- ger in mandarin style. An additional 30 are about equally: divided between the practiced gourmands who can only be satisfied with the heavy dishes of the magvar's hand and the abstemi- ous Jew, with his centuries old gver- sion to all flesh meat that has ot been killed by the rabbi"s hand. An other 100 sock the spaghetti and ra violi of she Italian food expert. | An infroduction to the delights of the "row'" would better be begun by a dinner at a Chinese restaurant. Un- oss the visitor has been coached 'in the intricacies of the Chinese menu he is liable to meet here with a serious difficulty from the endless variety of dishes shown, each of which has a stranger, more unpronounceable, and more mysterious name than the last. He is politely assured, however, by a note printed on the page before him that if he experiences any difficulty in making selections the floor manager will cheerfully aid him. After having decided whether he will try "birdnest soup" or just plain ; 'chicken subgum soup," he meets the problem of selecting relishes. These extend from "'sweet pickle ginger" to "raw water chestnuts." Next lobsters claim his attention, running from "lobster chop suey" to "lobster sub- gum with mushrooms." For his fish course he may choose "fish chop suey" or "black bass subgum with white mushrooms." = Then follow eighteen varieties of chicken, among which are two that are flanked by his old friend "subgum." ' In this style a rich collection of names of eatables floats dizzily past his gaze through the meats to canned fruits; cakes, and imported Chinese teas. Some of the more odd sounding names encountered are: "Shrimps, noddle warmein; yetoamein: fried noodle subgum; pork egg for young; gamgot or little preserved oranges; booloo or canned pineapple; sarlee or canned pears; rice lichee nuts: seumeu and wonmoo tea." The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doney,. Solmesville, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, on February 9th, when their only daughter, Evelyn, was married to Arthur Peck, Weyburn, Sask. Water Bad For Eczema MANY SUFFER DURING ©OLD WEATHER--GREAT RESULTS FROM De. Chase's Ointment Winter is dreaded by people who are subject to such skin aflections as eczema and salt rheum and by others whose skin is easily irritated by cold and dampness. herd is nothing so bad for eczema as water and exposure to cold pierc- Ping winds. And there is nothing so of- fective in curing eczema as Dr. Chase's Ointment. This has been proven in many thou- sands of cases stch| as the following Mrs. George A, Brewster, Millwood, Man., writes: "I have used In Chase's Ointment for a skin trouble which used to return again and again and caused me much misery on ac count of the terrible itching. The Ointment eutirely cured this disease and | have never since been troubled with it." Mrs. John J. Delory, Linwood, An- tigonish county, N.S. writes: "I want to say that Dr. Chase's Oint- ment has proven a great: blessing to me. I had salt rheum one hand and could not get it heated up. The itching was most distressing at times. Two boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment has cured me completely and I glad- ly recommend it to every sufferer." ~ In scores of ways Dr. Chase's Oint- ment. is of greatest value in the home, in curing pimples, blackheads, chapped skin, chilblains, frost bites, sores and burns and every form of itching skin disease, Sixty cents a box, all dealers: or FEdmanson, Bates & (o., Toronto. Write for free copy of Dr. Chase's Re- Phonograph because he believed it wast eonly sound- reproducing instrument that fulfilled all conditions, and because he believed that by means of an Edison Plionograph only could the widest distribution be given to good music. : : Victor Herbert makes good music himself. He is now making it for re- production in the Edison Phonograph and is himself supervising the work of his own orchestra in making the Records. Victor Herbert's Records are but one of the many attractions' which the' Edison Phonograph offers you. How about an Edison Phonograph Christmas? Raison Standard Rocan.De bad from#is. % to $1.0 Edison Amberol Records (pl twice astong) : 45 Edison Grand Opera Reco . . &Se. todL2s There ar» Edison dealers SrELENhaS Go fo the § hear the Edison Phonograph play h Edison and Amberol Records and get complete catalogs from yout dealer or from us NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 100 Lakeside Ave, Orange, N. J, USA. HANDSOMELY DECO- FREE RATED DINNER SET FREE Lmdles. wewill give you this beatiful ful! sized dinaer sot abaolutely without cout, This is the Chance of a Lifetime. An Honest Proposition. ple TT Sy Ad der te Vegetable il ~=Abe wonderful remedy inligostion, unbea' nm. 0 stimulate the aDPetite, regulate | he bowls, and clear the Companion, An Ie earoinr tonic, WA | We will ake you # present of this handsome sot, exactly as we eld. Takes silcantage of this if you wast 10 get a handsome set of dis aluvely free, EF" ALL WE ASK YOU TO SELL IS ONLY 8 BOXES "3 at 25c. per box ! of Dr. Burdick's famous New Life Vege able Pilla. Deing determined 10 gain a nations! repetation ae the most gressive firm in Canada, and to gain a wider distribution of our strictly pore, high-grade n we you to sell oar medicine, and to vara this becatiful set quickly by ding wit which will entitle every purchaser to receive from us 3 Handsome Box of resents © shell ring, pisin engraved, and chased or set wh beset ia) sparkling je a mond rubles and sapphires, etc , { sacred Rewurraciim Plant of Bari The ost ; | handsome gold plated or silver broach. ---the | atest oriental filagres donig 3 ment, I tie or scarf pis, new handsome shape, goid Raishad, and very att raey design and 3 wt Ph of our ing 18 his raval uniform, aod our Queen in full court dress. This magni it box of presents, auactly as ibed, we will vend fully prepaid to every one wis purchases & box of og? o wane from you, and wil urn us the certifica'e with only 50c, to cover cost of packing, meihiag, etc, the diferent artiales. bai t ing this w rful offer is to induce people to try var mbdicing, and 10 receive the omaion of every we will got when the Cortificats 8 signed aod returned 10 gu. This liberal offer ma Your friends will ba delighted with this wou. de uy to Socurga » Pon't mise the opportunity of a Heetime. rite ug to-day and agres Sbomes, and return the money. only . We trust you with our medicine tit As 4008 88 your and the certificates have been returned to us. we will pr iv ship the dinner to eo. Wo arrange to stand pay. ment of all freight charges 10 your nearest station. ve . Burdick's fa an it, i" 'Write - matter what it costs us. a handsome sets of dishes, we will Depts 132 Toronto, Opt. he: i methods are Bonost. Bon't ive thie wreat opportunity. ress, t hes for your home, abso! The Dr. Burdick Mediciae Co. Hall & Parlor ~~ Heaters When you require a Base-Burner, examine THE "ARTGARLAND" & ART "AMHERST Acknowledged the best Stoves made, Sold Only at ELLIOTT 8ROS., esi Everybody Who Eats Bread Should avoid danger of Impurities in delivery from the Oven to the Home. 3 Insist on your Baker wrapping his Bread in' GE EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS 'We are the original manufacturers of BREAD WRAPPERS now used by Leading Bakers, Otfawa, Montres! 'and other cities. : Te THE EDDY CO., Ltd, Hull, Canada. Ll lL lr

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