YEAR 77-NO. 40 YET ANOTHER = Naval Policy Advanced By| the Opposition. HIRE DREADNOUGHTS IS THE SCHEME PROPOSED DR. CHISHOLM, BY Who Refuses to Endorse the Policy Borden the of His Leader, R. L. Peace Advocates Endorsed Government Policy. Bpecial to the Whig. Ottawa, ¥eb. 17.~The naval debate, which is entering on its second lap, wae marked in the commons, yester- day, by another mew policy contribut- ed from the opposition which has al- ready advanced three divergent pro- posals. Dr. Chisholm, of West Huron, declined to endorse the policy of his leader for a direct contribution as not being in keeping with a proper na tional self-respect, or with the under- lying principles of Canada's develop- ment as an autonomous nation with: in the empire. He made the original suggestion that Canada should - hire peven Dreadnoughts at a cost of a million and a half a year, to protect Atlantic trade routes and safeguard Britain's sources of food supply. He gave another unique turn to the de bate by dialating at a considerable Jength on the wisdom of developing the Hudson Bay route. Mr. Beaupar- lant, speaking in French, and Mr. Congden, of the Yukon, both spoke as pgace advocates. But while deplor- ing wasteful expenditure on prepara: tions for war, they admitted the ne- cessity of maintaining adequate police protection on the seas by way of a navy and they endorsed the govern ment's policy, A. M, Beauparlant, of St. Hyacinth, in resuming the debate on the naval bill, spoke briefly in French in support of the government's policy. While not an enthusiast for the expenditure of money. on battleships, he maintained that Canada had now reached a stage in her national development: when it "was necessary to take steps to assist the mother-country in policing the trade routes of the empire. Even though the world was growing weary of wars and sighing for universal peace, it was still the duty of Canada to help and maintain the supremacy and unity of the empire, thereby in- suring Camada against absorption hy some foreign power. On general prin- bE ar manity than was Napoleon, y holm, of Hurom, in the tourse of a lengthy speech, rather dis- approved of the policy of the govern- ment and the policy of his leader, Mr. Borden. He remarked that the gov- ernment might well have devoted funds towards the assistance of Messrs. Mc Curdy and Baldwin in their aviation experiments at Petawawa, last sum- mer, since the time was coming when airships would be more affective than war vessels, in deciding the destinies of nations, He thought that the clash of arms between Britain and her com- petitors would come before the com- pletion of the Canadian navy, which would not be fit for service before 1920 and he emphasized the preparedness of Germany on land, on sea and in the air, for the coming struggle, which might result in the dismemberment of the British empire, the plundering of jts wealth, and the capture of King Edward, as a prisoner of war. At the same time he was not enamored of Mr. Borden's policy, which involved the payment of tribute, the turning back on the progress of our constitu tional development, and the sacrifice of national selfsrespect in hiring out our national defence to others. His own idea was to hire 'seven Dread- noughts, at a cost of $1,500,000 a year, to protect Atlantic trade routes and safeguard the food supply of the motherland, He concluded with a long argument in favor of the development TASTE GI 705 'PAILY MEMORANDA. ity Counell, 8 pm, Court Frontenac, 1LOF, meets evening. w 14th Band nlght. Good usen Street 8 y Church 536 te § pm. day night. Admission, 10c. Queene excursion to Toronto on G TR, 1285 p.m. to-morrow. he * nt Ads" if you require Wateh t help or wish te better your tion. Bijou--Sequel to Forwiar? Har: Bro win s | deavor this at the Palace Rink Friday Methodist Kiities' full band at Royal Rink Fri- | the same disease, are five more "The Celebrated Millionaire and the 8 Gouty Foot." no- (Chisholm s suggestion br. i proof of the diverge ! 1 that Until Friday at fof a new trade channel for Canadian | put ledements and policies within the op-! la Canadian . with vacillation the alleged emergency in respect to Verona. England, and to that end the pro- Hood exports via Hudson Bay. ING NORTH i FF. D. Congdon, of the Yukon, i position. Mr. Borden's proposal for | ilma-- ! pavy was boldly begun' it it was en 'May Stay {and inconsistency. He claimed that! the German peril had been manufactur- | ed for party political purposes an THEN FOR 8] nD i posal tu give Dreadnoughts would (faa) not permanently solve the problem. | Ea tle thought the time had vome to stop waving the old hag in an en- to make party capital, aml! he urged that all this war scare taik was til-advised and more hkely to provoke war than to make for peace. the militant imperialist who went around looking for trouble for other nations was, he said, no true imper- alist, | Helore the orders of the day were enlled Mr, Armstrong, who for the past four years has been periodicunlly complaining about the German sur- tax, and who has now lost his griey- ance, asked the finance mirdster for some additional light on the agree ment just entered into between Ger- r ' many and Canada, Iu reply to for to-night, about one mile outside series of questions from Mr, Arm- ol Verona village. strong Mr. Fielding said there was no | Camp was broken at Murvale prompt correspondence to be brought down ly at 9 am, and with a bleak driving on the subject as all negotiations had (wind and the thermometer five de becn of a personal nature between [grees above zero, the batteries march- himself and the German consul. The 'ed until noon, when a halt was order- German conventional tarifi which was the horses he granted to Canada on the hist oflfed and the men given a light lunch. articles contained in the schedule was [fots of good hot tea, with bread and the minimum German tariff aod the cheese, wax served out to the men ardeles to which it would be applied [very liberally, and they certainly covered, he thought, all the tings! quired no urging to dispose of most important in Canada and which 'meal. Within an hour the march was would' be valued most highly by Ca- {continued until within a mile of the nadian exporters, Canada did not village of Verona, when they found a give Germany favored pation treat- most desirable location for camping. ment and was refusing the advantages The supply officer immediately saw the geven to France which Germany de loaner and setured permission for the sired, he did not believe that any [getillerymen to occupy the grounds. manufacturing industry had been built Trees are quite plentiful on the camp up 'in Canada in reliance on the con lorounds, and the camp has taken pos- tinuation of the surtax which was |.esion of a nice little hollow spot simply a temporary war measure. | where men and horses are well shelter- Mr. Lalor questioned this latter {oj from the cold wind that still Blows. statement and declared his belief that | Tents were erected for supplies, and the removal of the surtax would oper- | the cooks soon had their big fires ate injuriously in the case of some | hrightly burning and their pots stew matmfacturers whon would suffer from |i," Kettles boiling and tea brewing. the admission under the lower tar¥f [ju horses have a much better place {than last night, and their lines look of raw materials used by German { well. Double blankets cover the horses BACK TO ARTILLERY QUARTERS IN KINGSTON. 'How the Artillerymen are Rnjoying | the Somewhat Frigid Outing--The | Events of the Trip are Racily Pre- | sented for Whig Readers. ® {special to the Whig. | Artillery Route March, en route, in Camp at Wallroth Grove, Verona, Ont., Feb, 16.--~Through a most diffi- cult section of this north country for a distances of about fourteen miles, the artillery detachment of Kingston pass- ed, to-day, on its way from the camp of Inst night at Murvale to the camp @& ed 80 as to allow to re the competitors, Mr. Fielding said this was a matter | =nin to-night, and every horse ix in which could come up for discussion | ha best of condition. Not a single under the general tariff policy of the | applicant for medicine; in fact, since government, The surtax was not bas- | jo marched out of barracks on Tues ed either on the principle of revenue; .. every man has been in the best or protection but was simply imposed Cor osu the hostile attitude of Ger-1| At ix o'clock the supper bugle was Mr. Borden asked if the other ool- { sounded, and men and officers got su onies would receive along with Great {other fine old Irish stew Jom a 8 Britain the minimum German tari (cooks: and all - ate theic fill, foe wy on all articles, Mr. Fielding replied grateful to the people of the Emer ald that. he was not certain as to this 1sle for the invention of such a tanty hu the general was that |and substantial epicurean Juxnsy ireat Britain gave Germany most miscellaneous composition: At 9 pm favored mation treatment on all |the section commanders served t é articles imported from that country {Men with "Bovril Bullbantis," enc whereas Canada declined to do this, {this liquid stimulated every Wan 8 di- and hence had made only a partial gestive machinery into all inds of ae arrangement for entrance into Ger- |livity, making them move about wit many of Canadian goods at the min-'|a bop, skip and a jump. imum German tariff rate. | The pale, quarter moon came ont clear and looked down kindly on the [tae camp in the woods, but no {oon shine or smile could confine the {boys from having their bonflres. Trees {began to fall because a strong arm {wielded 8 keen axe and laid it at the root of some of the giants of the woods who looked fit for splendid fire service, and soon the camp was ablaze with warm, cheerful fires around which the men gathered and sang their fa- vorite songs, and dancing their ia vorite dance. Everybody GRAVE DISORDERS. It Is Said That 3500 Soldiers are Slain. Canton, Feb. 17.~The disorders which began two days ago between Chinese and foreign drilled soldiers were resumed yestedday. There was no tierce clash betwoon the mutineers amd the loyal troops during which it is re ported 500 were killed. Foreigners are nominally safe, at least, as Canton is barred to all except natives, the gates f the city being shut four days ago, However, it is not known at what time affairs may take a serious turn and a number of white residents have moved to Pekin. VERY SAD, INDEED ONE was brim ming over with merriment of the most demonstrative character and yet ii was all without disorder or even a suspicion of rowdyism. During the march; to-day. the am bulance waggon on its high stiity run- ining. rigging, went clean over in a big snow drift and the solitary ocen pant, who was driver, got a cold bath in the heap of fleeey snow i Neither man horse was injured, nor the waggon damaged. There was a continuation of mapoeuvring simi ilar to yesterday and with the same {eave and accuracy. The Hearse and the Ambulance Went | Gen. Lake and staff leit the camg to the Same House--Typhoid enily in the evening for the pucpone, of M Tie! seeking a good, sale place lor | Paver Han Many Victims, | shell Ee Two local farmers acted Special to the Whig. Las guides, knowing every foot of Ottawa, Feb, 17.~Yesterday Deady |geound in this section of country. & Harris, undertakers, sent their un- {Finally out in the neighborhood of the taking conveyance and their ambul- ' {feldspar mines on what ix known as ance, at the one trip, to Deschesnes, Fourteen Island Lake, an ideal shoot- pear here. Sadly unusual are the cir | ling ground was found, with p,enty of cumstances. Ellen, the seven-year-old | natural targets. This natural artillery duughter of Israel and - Mrs. Gravelle, range has a four-mile frontage, with died, yesterday, of typhoid. In the gue mile to right and one and one Water Street hospital, suffering from [hall to left, clear of obstacles, Here of {they will fire to-morrow and the their children, Amanda, aged twenty; shots from eighteen to twelve-pound- Emmanuel, seventeen; Cleophile, thir- lers will make things lively in this teen; Joh, nine, and Baby Alreada, | lonely haunt of fish gnd game. Une of aged three. Two of the five are very [the big eighteen-pounders bas been seriously il The casket for the dead [changed to a large, heavy sleigh for nor DEAD AND FIVE HOSPITAL. ARE IN girl was taken out to Deschenes in {the march, and the sleich has been one conveyance and the ambulance fixed so that for firing the gun can be CRYSTAL GLASSWARE ate SEE a rybody knows and ap- 7 in Fort, Sherrie, aaa an 7 © brought back three of the children. | raturned to wheels again, where it can The two others have been at the hos- [be safely fired. pital several days. The probabilities are that the Artil- Sorm--r------ lery will camp here over to-morrow ONLY ONE DISPUTE arel to-morrow night instead of re- Ts turning to Murval: as intended, and Occurred in Industrial Trade During January. then on Friday they will make a Ottawa; Feb, 17--Only one pew vy forced march to Kingston of some 26 miles, arriving home at a good bour trade dispute marred industrial eondi- {tions in Canada during January, ac- cording to the . Labor Gazette. This Friday night. Just as soon as "they turn south the character of the tacti- was a strike of ten bricklayers at To- were five dispu gal scheme now being worked will shange and the batteries will be aet- tes in ing in the defensive and making a the month, or three fast retreat before a superior force employees through strikes aggregated 44,994 days, as compared with 45,730 days in December. Jn all 271 indus- tris] accidents occurred in January. t: acciden {protection of Forts Henry and From thnae, blowing up the . Cataraqui bridge and thoroughly blocking every oth-r means of access to Kingston. Today, (Thursday) will be the most interest ng of all and will be a test of the technical ability of the Royal | Eigh proved fatsl. The num- ber of idents in December was 344, of which 126 were fatal. Canadian Horse Artillery. ROE KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, from the north, falling hack upon the {da 1910. ly a score of eampaigns wishes his Kingston friends to know that he eats 6 ham saodwiches for breakfast. For other parts of his meal ask the | genial "Jack" when he gets home. Col. Burstall seems to be every- "LATEST NEWS thi inter out ng. . Vero Tahe is an officer of few Despatches From Near And h rth : oe -- Distant Places. wards, but the charm of woods has made his tongue ready to say pleasant things | GIVEN IN Cooks Grangresh aml Allcock are among the hardest worked in camp, | put they do their work cheerfully and well and everybod: is getting good! food well cooked. Captain Panet is doing some photos graphing en route. A Toronto phowographer came ito camp yesterday. He made many flash lights at night. There was a good sprinkling sacred songs in the singing of evening around the camp firds. Many formers and villagers are visiting the camp and are full of ques- tious too. What a big business a cake and pie seller could do if he visited the COMP. (hoon given an irease in pay The hoys have a weakness for pie and | "po." Wiliam Hall, a superannuated cake you know, . . | tethodist minister, died at Weston. Ls Whig arrived in camp at 6pm} Mi Agnes hikns, meee of Senator yesterday and all appreciated the | piking, shot herself at a Kansas City' courtesy of Mr. Penge. thotel. She may recover, A ten-year-old boy was attacked by {two great eagles while ow his way {home from school at Laporte, Pa. THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Epsily Read and Re- membered. Elijah Décon was found dead Long Lake. Michigan Central engineers of i last near have TALK OVER THE BREAK Of an Engagement Among English London, Feb. the breaking Miss Margery court, brother of Lewis Harcourt really existed "Cit was publicly of | on cancession of Sidney, Juby, a farmer, shot the heart with =» He was believed to be of weak MISS MARGERY CUNBRD. ' John Millen, Niagara Falls, Ont.) Young Folks. 8 : tence of three years in penitentiary. Mt joa Segag mont Har | At a session of the legislature's rail Hunara anc AOD Ar fo {was unanimously re-elected chairman. engagement i igi Mrs. H. Bt. George Bakiwin, Torou- t nounced. {blood vessell and dying shortly after Just after the last Ascot race meet- |, pefg, | Wednesday evening, took place in the city hall and in desi dhan two hours | In the ninth {Henry Hector | rifle, mind. charters with no immediate prospect of construction, was a charge made in bot. : Berlin got a jolt from the private become a city by act of parlia- {men The eity found itsell opposed w It will be & big job to repair the {steamer Wissahickon, which wis he did not consider the Harcourts' {he late next season when the vessel is means adequate for the support of his {ready to go into commission. tied on the lattér by Lady Harcourt. strikes as they dread the efiéét upon Then both parties to the engagement net earnings of granting merely such p gg © g sisted an the wedding. The party of |vately believe to be reasonable. the first part contended that his| Andrew Carnegie has notified the broke the engagement altogether. Mise [£10,000. The money will be fortheom- Cunard's relatives now assert that |ingras the work progresses. The Sim- ance matters are sure to readjust fumes. ; : themselves in the face of all this. Two detectives are in Petersburg, William and Ovvis Seyler, brothers, ar- rested in connection with the death of { February 4th, hi os LEAD MINE TURNED OVER TO Al laaac Tetro, a farmer in West Elgin, ten by a dog running wild the othe Who Will H 1d it 1 c io day. Wednesday the bull developed 0 olé or a Company ~ be Formed--=The Directors are The two horses are now under treat iment. Very Soon. / : ¥ : of control, Thursday morning, the teu- The Frontenac lead mine has Leen gor of F. H. Dickenson, Hamilten, for estate and Machar ostate, to Samuel lo nnection with Toronto's great new L. Barnhart as trustee. Mr, Barnbart sewage scheme, was accepted. It was pany to be organized as the Canadian| A (Granby delegation is here sup smelting Company. Limited, under porting Henderson Miner, manufac £500,000. Mr. Barsbart it will be Te peeing the late Senator Baker. D. B called is the Barnvart, who sold his yi." MP. for Mississquoi, and Long Sault Development company, for the vacancy. which company have been trying to] Qi lomon King, bookkeeper for ow d summing the St. Lawrence river to fur deniers, Toronto, arrested. in Lon use Af POWer, | don and brought back to this city, ng Company, Limited, will be Samuel : ih a = $? <a - charge of conspiracy against his em I. Barnhart, capitalist; Tdward J, ployers... It is alleged 'he stole goods Tan Sead 3 the Shah an bakeriss, | The anti-gambling bill was before i ¥i sy ; an, ise committee on Thursday. Mr, John Seeley, New York; John C : . £42 : '1G . v . y ting the ( i * | Grange, wrote strongly suppor tapser, New. Yors: David Murray, bill, as did Mrs. Dunn, of Montreal. been appointed secretary amd treasur- |' ; 3 the ¥ or of the company. | Toronto, did not think horse racing a influential men commected with the! Two men van burnad to Heth i Company is Fred L. Dewey, president|® Wreck on the LEA ? 3 United States. The company will start | Bowman Shen, comiuetor; Maugh operations at the lead mine agd the | Clwni Edward Bennett, brakeman, soon as the weather will mit, | cutof, two freight Yrninn ining oe which will probably be about the lst | gether In a rear-anc » ' + 2 i n or} As the laws of Ontario require the | canght fie, a caboose be'ry utterly consumed. Le advertised in the "Ontario Gazette" | iriv Quvs. 3 : ® {ture of an escaped canvi t but no for thirty days, it will probably bel jamnge was done. Al x. Rondeas ' + | was . SE plotele, Saw ioe]. The fuoaifh. office 11, confederates. He was awaiting re {sears for horse stealing. Thursday a lman met him in Cote St. Paul. he London, Feb. 17.--Amid scenes = of jin pursuit, Rondeau, when cornered, the Evatt iia soanifested by {pulled a revolver but he was disarm ollowers a nents | alike, Joseph Chamberlin, the con- servative leader and member from Bir Mayor Appoints Brother, Montreal, Feb. 17.~The first act of y. . Chamberlain has been in poor health | int his brother secretary "to the for several years, and be was so weak, | Board of Control. The i t name to the house register, merely | ; making a cross siter his name. | "Colgate's rapid shave powder" however, was hailed with delight bv ton at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. the conservatives, who are hopeful | 1 there are lawyers is heaven they health and again take his place as the {fession there. nant figure in the part Thy spinster who boasts of being 17.~There is talk aver Evelry store burglar, received a sen- This | $Y committee, Hon. J. 8. Hendrie months before o, fell on the sidewalk, bursting =a ing her futher Withheld his assent, as | A big fire in Fraserviile, Que., { the building was totally destroyed {himself through { That western railways are securing the senate by Senators Davis and Tal tills committee when 1t made an effort a petition bearing 1,000 names -- {ashore on Outer Duck Jsland; it will daughter, but money lately was set Railroad men do not so much dread had influenza, and Mr. Harcourt in- [demands for higher wages as they pri health. was bad, but finally the latter dibrary board of Simcoe of a when she has recovered her nerve bal- (coe library shelves contain 10,000 vol- Va., to arrange for extradition of COMPANY FORMED ::: Adams, Atlantic City, N.J., on TRUSTEE, {had a fine bull and two horses bit hydrophoia and had to be destroyed Named--Work Will go Ahead At the meeting of the Toronto board omveyed by the Guan estate, Romanes .iqtruction of the outfall sewer, in holds the property in trust for a com: lq. £195 504, the laws of Ontario, with a capital of {or ws member of the senate; suc Harnitart's Island fo. $900,000, vo the Judge McCorkill are also mentioned get the Canadian govermment to al jy i. & Schwartz, wholesale cap and The directors of the Canadian Smelt last night, pleaded 'not guilty" tw a B. Pense, Kingston; Orlando 1. Cush H fom. the. firm. Kingston; W. 6G. Uraig, Kingston; 'Drury, president of Aha. Daminion manager Northern Crown Bank, has Mr. Smith, of Cooper, Smith & Co. Ome of the large stockholders and | had improved the stock at al). of the Citizens' National Bank in the | Near Jemkins Junction, Pa. Den i= erestion of a gonecul smelting Plant ag | Fairview. The uecident. occurred an 6 of April. {ears were piled up and the debris petition of a company for charter to! Cun play figured in the siting cap all of five weeks before the company is | ol. "round from Joliette, Que., jail tario. { moval to penitentiary to setve seven Chamberiain Attended, {police were notified and were quickly politieal ed before doing harm. mingham West, was sworr in, vester- | the new relorm mayor has been to ap- to-day, that he could mot sign . his | has raised a storm of protest. That he was able to appear at all, makes shaving easv. Sold in Kings that be will continue to improve in fare vot allowwsd to practice their pro- he hopes to be fanev free doesn't always faney ber meeting at her TO sUoC Rumor Has Brilliant Future for R, C. Smith, Ottawa, Feb. 17.--1t can be definite ly foreshadowed that when Hon. Sydney Fisher goes to the senate he will be succeatled as M.P'. for Brome by R. C. Smith, K.C., Montreal, who will then go into traming to succeed Mr. Aylesworth as minister of justice at the close of the present parlinunent. He has been selected to act as counsel for the trans-contisental commission- ers before the committee on the Lums den charges, and if called to the cab met, will but be following tie coclént of Chas. Murphy, who, after acting for the commissiomers -in the Hodgins case, was later called to the mn sly, : ED FISHER. pr WROUGHT HAVOC, Winds and Snow are Damage. Feb. 17.~UppreCecentead France, today, is adding havoc wrought by the temp the last three davs Landslides and avalanches in the departments in the Alps endanger towns and tourist resorts; winds of evelemie force blown down houses gn Marseilles and in other has derailed trains. The only relieving note in the reports, that come in today, the lacs of rain in the valley of the Seine aml the fall in the river at Paris When dawn came the crest of the third flood of the years wai passed, Doing Great Paris, weather in to the ests of have places; snow disastrous FOSTER vs. GLOBE, The Case Came on For Hearing in Toronto. Toronto, Feh., 17.~ of Hon Foster, aguinst Dr. J. A, Macdonald, editor of the Globe, com ~The suit George EK. Hon GE. Foaren menced in the jury assiz 14 the city hall, this motning, before Justice Ma gee, EF, B. Johnson, K.C. and N. W. Rowell, K.C,, appeared for Dr. Mac donald, and I. ¥. Helmuth, K.C., were for Mr. Foster, The court room was crowded and the "largest corps of pewspaper men, some of them from a distance, that have attended a trial in Toronto for a long time. Up to adjournment most of the time was occupied in a discussion whether the defence should amend its statement cal and legal usual interest are The suit is for 850,000 damages for alleged slander during the electiognrof 190%: The defence was in having the statement of defence amended as to include the speech delivered hy Mr. Macdonald, at Orillia, in which the alleged libel was committed, was fair comment upon the evidence brought out before the Roval ( mission on Insurance, in which, it will be remembered, tion with the 1 be allowed to of claim. Techni points of more than involved sticcessful ir Foster's Swan River transaction was shown, The address of Mr. Hell muth, the outlining of the clagma of the plaintiff, was well begun at ad journment. It was, as far as if before luncheon raignment of Dr OBA went time, a seathing Macdonald, DRANK HIGHBALLS PROHIBITION MEETING 'TWAS REAL CRUEL. As Hubby Left Whiskey Bottle in Ices Water Tank---Mrs. Now Asks for Divorce, Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 17.-Cruel and barbarous treatment, in that he loft a bottle of whiskey in the tank, so that her women friends, ered to discuss prohibition, partook v rye highballs instead of spring wa ter, is alleged against her husband by Mrs, Mary Moore, Mekeowsport, asks divorcee, Nhe declares that ridicule before "her dearest friends." Mrs. Moore says that one warm day ast October she called a prohibition house of women who had been struggling put McKees port in the "dry" column. One of the guests became thirsty and advanced to the drinking tank. In the tank, up known to Mrs. Moore, her hushand had set a bottle of whiskey to cool. A maid had plumped ice on top of it and broke if, with the result that Mrs. Me Kelvey got a fine whiskey mixture. Her exclamation brought other wo men to the tank, and, when they had tasted the liquid, the meeting broke dp in confusion. Mrs. Moore says her husband deceived her by drinking whis- key unknown to her, , at AT A Moore we-water gath who t a¥ed heddd he her up to to Almonte School Trouble, Almonte, Ony., Feb. 17~The high school tangle remains unsettled. After a stormy session of the board, a spec isl committee was sppointed to go fully into the matter and report Neither the teachers' resignations were accepted nor the motion for the form or meeting rescinded, and the affair, creating tremendous interest, is still in abeyance, ! The Noble bakery on Market street, Lockport, N.X., was gutted by firs on Thursday morning. The origin of the fire is unknown. = _odan LAST EDITION I WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Cnt Feb 15 fae A PES i ate. bat i 7 SPECIAL OPENING DISPLAY --OF-- ress Fabrics To-Morrow S n Easter ia but five weeks AWAY It is already time to have preparations under way [ Easter Costumes and Spring It not by chance, but rather by careful planning that our Showing of Dress Fabrics is as complete now as you would expect to find it a month later it is to-day by far the most extensive and the most beautiful display we have ever undertaken Among the New Fabrics are the ARP di is MOSCOVITE SUITINGS. TUSSAH ROYALS. BRADFORD WORSTEDS. E pia BRITISH SERGES, OTTOMANS. QUEEN'S CLOTHS, TWEED EFFECTS. IRISH HOMESPUNS, BROADCLOTHS. TUSSORAH DIAGONALS, Ete, In every New Bhade that Fashion decrees Ladies, Please Not Every bM of counter space that can be spared will be utilized for the display of the New Suit and Dress .Fabries, together with our magnificent showing of Dress Trimmings and Accesories. DON'T MINS SEEING THEM, BORN, Feb, H tom, on 11th, nd Mrs Coyle, MARRIED, At Chisholm, on siwood Metoalfe, Florence Helena Orser, m HENDERSON In Feb, 18th, 18316, by Rey, J h Augusta Jean Hender- A. Miine, engineer, both Kingston, 3. D Wednesday na Sharpe, the. 2.30 pm 16th, at the 268 Princess relict of the private) Fridwy Kingston on Feb ioe of her son 230 pm n_ Feb 17th, 3 Victoria Bt, let of the late inter Winnipeg and papers pleass Anne Kingston, on Feb. 17th Eliza Merrett, aged $1 take place from her late Wiliam Street, at 19 y 18th inst ¢ Gloucestershire England, papers please copy ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker, Yhone, 577. Princess street. We have still on hand a small quantity of the famous "RICHELIEU" GOODS LIMA BEANS, : TINY BEETS. TOMATO PUREE. SUCCOTASH, FRITTERKORN. SQUASH. SPINACH, RED KIDNEY BEANS. GUAVA JELLx. SHRIMPS, . JAF ANESE CRAB MEAT. Jas, Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries. "Dull Times" don be Kiraid to sxcha Goods as the coming. Prices Examine our big Steck A "dollar" looks good 'Phone 795. a and now. It is expected the debate om the had lature tonights pet will couelude in the Ontario fogin