» ng EINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 135, 1910. i i { i ise the Bank! B---- A SILLY FOOL. Thought it Illegal to Disturb Hang- ing Man. Cleveland, Feb. 15.-A misconcep- tion of American law on the part oi Otto Pich gave John Z%ahowr, his father-in-faw, ten minutes extra in which to die. Pich found the old man hanging in [HE CHANGES That Are Announced In British Cabinet. ' BACK TO FARM. Stock. Jefierson Hadley, like Chancellor Day, will je the back-to-the-farm movement the first bluebird arrives. chased a 120-acre farm to-day says that just as soon as the Missouri's Chief Executive Will Raise City, Mo., Feb. 15.-Gov. when He pur- anc public fish LATEST TES Despatches From Near And Distant Places. n Wh LAST EDITION GOOD SAMARITAN. Helped Women Home--Is Viciously | ' Assaulted. Hamilton, Ont., Feb, 15. --Henry Brandt paid dearly for his act of chivalry and good Samaritanship per- formed Saturday. He saw a lady fall on the shi y sidewalk, and at once rushed and picked her mp and took her ---- R PROBABILITIES. WEATHE To 15, 160 am mt, Peh and Upper swith nesday ge to de ithe pantry of bis home and keeping {himself away from the wall by push- ling on a shelf. He was still alive and schools close he Will move his family to it and live there until the fall. The policy he wntends to pursue as long as home. As he was taking the woman, a for- IF IT CAN BE DONE | PURCHASE I8 SUBJECT TO ORDER | OF PARLIAMENT, | " The Grievances of Hon. George E. Foster are Set at Rest--aA Separate Proclamation For Canada--May be New Cabinet Minister, Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Feb. 15.--In the House of Commons, . yesterday, Hom, George E. Foster Qostioned. the government as to whether the decennial revision of the bank act would be made this seasion. Hon. Mr, Fielding replied that offi- cials of the finance department were engaged in preparing a revision of the . As there was a great deal of business now before the house, he Hhiatght » short delay would work no . However, the bil would be introduced very shortly. Hon, G E, Foster complained | that the government had actually pur- chased 'the cruiser Niobe, without con- sul parliament or securing an ap- propriation for the purpose. He was told by Sir Wilfrid Laurier that the negotiations were not yet com , and that the correspondence would show the purchase to be sub- ject to the approval of parliament. Mr, Foster enquired whether Mr. Fielding had ascertained if Canada would the benefit of the mini mum t of the United States. He had observed that Great Britain and Germany had been admitted to the minimum tarifi, but not the latter's colonies, Mr. Fielding replied that Canada | tain. A separate proclamation respect- |. ing the dominion would probably be ' made by the United States. ¢ Gerald White (North Renfrew) mov- ed his resolution calling for the pro- duction of all documents relating to the ot uct ion a pn pl ued Georgian canal. Mr. White spoke from shortly after 3 p.m. until the six o'clock recess, and continued urs: (Parry Sound) fol: is expected that before the end week Sir Wilfrid Laurier will announce the first of the cabinet shanges which are impending. As pre- viou announced, Hon. L. P. Bro- dour's illness is so serious that he t contemplate a return to public Yio at any early date, and just as soon as he can be moved he will go south for a six months' rest. Hon. Raoul Dandurand, sake of the senate, has been offered t portiolio of marine and fisheries, which will include the control of the new Canadian navy, but he has shown no Ainpastion to undertake these one- rous duties. It is probable, however, that before the week is out, he will be announced as Mr. Brodew's suc former cessor. It may Be taken for granted that the navy will be placed in the hands of a «Canadian minister, for s reasons, and the strongest men within the political ring are Mr Dandurend and Hon. Rodolphe Le- misux. The latter, it is said, would not be averse to the portfolio of ma- rine and fAsheries, but radical changes in the cabinet, unless absolutely neces- sary, are not favored by the prime minister the parliamentary ses sion, and it may be that the general shoffle in the cabinet, which is = im- pending, may be delayed until the re- CORA. Mrs, David Beatty is Popular, Feb. 15.~Mrs. David Beatty, da the late Marshall Field, of C is one of the most popu lar hos in Ghent Britain. She i J Grand Opera House, 8.15 - ed | ae dren, Tue ogres Nu ol CAR fhe Bors: 3 i tion bill, which was reported to £126,000 for lotte harbor gets $71,680, while Great Sodus Bay and Little Sodus Bay har bors will receive $30,000 each. An ex penditure of $37,400 is provided Buffalo harbor. There is an item $36, 000 for the continuante of work on the breakwater at amount is all that can be used to ad- ble. exchanged, but before took his seat Farthing two great cordially, at {reat an cient religions the superstitious as to believe active, Pich had heard that it was illegal for anyone but the coroner to disturb a hanging man and he left at once in search of somebody who could summon that official. Meeting a policeman, he explained the case to him. The officer made a quick run to the Zahour home and suceeeded in cutting the father-in-law down before life was extinct. Zahour died in an ambulance, however, on the way to a hospital. FOR PUBLIC WORKS. Appropriations For Improving Har. bors. Washington, Feh. 15: --Néw York state comes in for a substantial shar of the $42,355,276 provided for water way projects throughout the country in the rivers and harbors appropria the house by the committee on rivers and harbors. Among the amounts specified is Oswego harbor. Char for Cape Vincent. This vantage this year. QUITE CORDIAL. Great Applause When Prelates Shook Hands. Special to the Whig. Montreal, Feb. 15.--A striking ex ample of the existing entente cordiale was seen at the inaugural meeting of the new city council, late Monday af ternoon. would not be included with Great Bri- | bishop |The two great heads of the churches Bishop Farthing and Arch Bruches: were in attendance, n Montreal, sat opposite each other m either side of the city clerk's ta- A formal recognition had been Mayor Guerin he conducted Bishop to the archbishop, and the church men shook hands The introduction was greeted by pplause from the aldermen and Nea Claim Mea. Boston, Feb. 15.~Christian Scien tists are discussing the claimby Prof. : Yoshisaburo Okakura of Tokio, the keynote of Mrs. Fddy's doctrine was simply transplant ed from Japan. The Japanese schola that Mary Bake: made his claim in a lecture before the Lowell institute. "We had in our an fundamentals o Christian Science," he said. "In th latter part of the eighth century there was a strong belief current in Japa that all suffering wns ascribable tc discord of the four elements of nature and at one time the people became sc that all physical disease was curable by purely spiritual means. Thus Christian Scienc owes its real beginning to Japan." Wooden "Tombstones" Burn. New York, Feb. 15.--City firemen are still talking of the freak fire among the "marble" tombstones of the Holy Trinity cemetery, Brooklyn, which de stroyed a row of manuments and was well on its way tu set fire to the en "2 itire burial place when discovered by » small boy and an alarm' turned in The firemen found that the "marble' monuments were in reality frames of wood, which had been treated with somo preparation that looked lik marble and granite. Four hundred dol lars worth of the tombstones'. had been destroyed. Gets Wrong Body for Burial. Chidigo, Feb. 15.--Because the coun: try morgue keeper gave him the wrong botly to bury when he was shout tc lay his brother's remains in the grave, Bartolomew Costello) has filed with the voutitry board a bill for $45. The mistake of the morgue keeper, he said, forced him to hold two funerals, anc the bill covers the expenses of the first, or wrong one. Costello told the county hoard that he was forced to pay a double bill for church services and pall-bearers, and that in addition, he lost two days instead of one. Woman to Boss Police. Chicago, Feb. 15.--Vested with al most the same powers as the chief himself, Miss Kate J. Adams, will rule over the 2,000 Chicago bluecoats. Miss Adams has been inted secre- tary to the chief. She will rank as a lieutenant. She will have the power of arrest. She will wear a five-point. Ee Li To tion i w seek an audience with the chief and leary the nature of their business. She will have the power to give orders to sergeants and patrolmen. Beat Head Against Cell Door. Ont., Feb. 15.--When Fred- was defeated i than three hours, ly yesterday, HERBERT SAMUEL IN HE WILL FILL POSTMASTER- GENERAL PORTFOLIO. A Safe Seat Will Likely be Found For Him in Lancashire--Some of the Other Changes That Have Been Agreed Upon--The Standing of Parties. London, Feb. 15.--The following cab- net appointments were announced last night : Neoretary for the Home Department ~Winston Spencer Churchill. President of the Board of Trade-- Sydney Buxton. Chancéllo: of the saster--J. A. Pease. Postmaster General--Herbert Samuel, J. A. Pease, the chief liberal whip, was defeated at the general elections, yut it is expected a safe seat will be ound for him in Lancaskire. Herbert Louis Samuel has lately eeu under secretary of state for the nome office. So far no mdication has been given whether the badget, or the restrictions of the powers of the House of Lords, will receive precedence but the liberal ress expresses confidence that a solu tion of the difficulty has been found snd that the government will manage o tide over the crisis. The News states that the guestion of the lords' seto will be taken up first, while the limes, on the contrary, says the budget will be the firet business. Speaking at Mountain Ash, last right, Keir Hardie tke labor leader, wid that, despite the sensational de velopments in the situation, he be- ieved parliament would last. two years. Perhaps the lords' veto amd he budget would run through the sommons together which plan © would cetain the Irish vote for the govern ment. The labor party, Keir Hardie said, had no interest in forcimg an- sther election immediately and prob- wbly, would support the government n whichever course the latter choose o take when it introduced the budget irst or the lords' veto. The cabinet was in session for more and as a ¥y slans were decided upon, Undoubtedly the parliamentary programme was liscussed ot length but nothing is mown 8 yet as to the any was reached. The last election return is in. It is rom the Islands of Orkney and Shet- and. The figures show that J. C. Wat- won, liberal, received 4,117 votes and Hemsley, unionist, 994, In the last lection the liberal candidate polled 1,837 and the unionist 1,021 so there # no change in representation. The fimal standing of the parties is as 'ollows ;: Liberals, 275; Conservatives, 178; Irish Nationalists, 82; Laborites, 0. Duchy of Lan A Quaint Ceremony. London, Feb. 15.--Whether it is de vided to deal first with the House of Lords or with the budget, the new House of Commons, which meets to- day, must do one thing before it foals with anything else. It must dect the speaker. Until there is a speaker, daly elected. in the ¢hair, no body has the right to call upon any- yody else to propose anything. TEs ceremony of election is quaint. The clerk of thy house rises and points in solemn silence to some per- on of weight and emimence, who rises and proposes the name of the man up- on whom both parties have previously agreed. The clerk them points to an- other member, who seconds the nomi. nation. The house then unanimously salls the chosen mar to the chair. Wearing court dress and a bob wig, the speaker then rises and ac tnowledges the honor done him, and is sonducted to the chair by his pro poser and secomder. Standing on the platform upon which the chair is placed, ho again expresses his thanks, and then retires to assume the full bottomed wig, and the robes of the fully elected speaker. His first duty is to go on the House of Lords and inform the lord chan- sellor of his existence wd ask for the king's approbatior That being ob- tained, he solemnly claims '"'all the an- cient and undoubted rights" of the dommons, and in particular that they may at all times have access to the whenever occasion may require, and that "all thar ings may receive the most favorable construc- tion."" This procedure has obtained since the reign of Henry VIII. Killed by Cutting Teeth. . Columbue, Ohio, Feb. 15. Cutting seven teeth in one day Richard Stev- enson, ten-month-old son of the late . W. C, Stepenson, died, yesterday. after an illosss of two days. The boy fad at different times cut teeth, hav- ing five in all, when, on Friday last, he cut sevem in a few hours. The brain was affected Dr. Cook Discovered. Valdivia, Chili, Feb. 15.Fraderick A. Cook, the explorer, and his wile arvived here; yesterday, on board the larman steamer Osiris, having taken a cabin at Mohtevideo. Dr. Cook tra . Craig. He to-day. all at 3 A writer in the Herald savs: "H Prof. Maenaughton is serious he should reverend, and get decision if jout of the church to which he pro- Maternity Hospital. where he remains in the executive chair. The governor talks very earnest! about his farm, from which he make daily trips to his office in a automobile. at Columbia. agricultural college ultural starts his agrie venture wit! eleven hogs. STIRS UP A ROW. Prof. Frankly. PROF. MACNAGHTEN, Montreal, Feb. 14.--Rev, John Mac Gill, and formerly of Queen's, bringing fire on his head with the way of higher criticism. In a paper, remarkable for its frank "The Person Jesus," and criticized the viewpoint of the solemn saint of the lugubrious hem to be but the dream of a poet. In consequence of the conflicting ac counts of the birth of Jesus, Prof Macnaughton"s : 10 get SP Ml go discard the title, fesses allegiance.' PAY MUST THEIR FINES. Gananoque Police Court Must Cough up at Once. Gananoque, Feb. 15H, wo dollars and costs. gon, on a similar charge was let gc for bein the McDonald and F. Perman drunk and disorderly and will be given a hewriug at date. The police magistrate has all persons having unpaid fines stam and settle and thereby save furthe trouble. of Grace churadh has been coutplete and ance. The walls have been tinted J. Limage, of Kingston was in tow yesterday. The Misses H. McCalpi and C. Clow, King street spect Clifford ing the past few days home yesterday. here left | NURSE'S SKULL FRACTURED. Graduate of a - Jured. Calgary, Feb. 15.--While on her wa from Calgary to atlend a case Clareholm, Miss Scott, a nurse, livin, here, had her skull fractured in to recover. of 'the: Women's hospital, Montren and very recently joined tite staff i Calgary. Saturday morning, case of Mrs. was met by Dr. Steve, who was drive her to the wa ] a tang were passing theough a gate, Miss Scott was precipitated to ground, her skull being badly fractw ed. The doctor was thrown out injured. -------------- QUITE A CURIOSITY. Legless amd Armless Baby Born Hamilton. Hamilton, Ont, are much interested in 8 case at 1 aw gave birth to a child without or The hospital doctors other childyen, formed. They are at pgtdad, add ' will He will raise stock ard poultry and devote his spare time to scientific farming, as taught by the He three horses, two cows, two calves and Macnaughton Talks Very naughton, professor of classics, at Mec- is the publication of his recent utterances in ness, Prof. Macnaughton has discussed keenly ash heap. He further declares ' the story of Bethle: advice is to' renounce any detailed story Debtors Dempster, on a charge of drurkenness was taxed David Thom Information Kas been laid against G. ing against them to appear at once The work of decorating the interior } pe adds very much to the appear-| bufi color with pale green trimmings. | the past few davs with Springfield friends. Britton, New York, spend Montreal Hospital In- runaway accident and is not expected | Miss Scott is a dunte Dr, Steve, Clare [ents holm, telephoned Ald. Frederick Currie | to send down a nurse to handle the | Tawisen, living near Clareholm. Mise Scott went down and | The parents to [single day, Mrs. Tawisen's place. On almost the horse bolted, getting en- wire fence while they and the | apparent and | Feb. 15. Doctors oman, arms! : say | that the mother of the child had three! all of them perfectly}at two per cent. a lose to oc-i and man vount for the strange feat that jou ihe recesit mo! propria that rebuild | relief v THE WORLD'S TIDINGS "GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody--- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membered. bh The Mamilton city council decided to leave the number of liquor licenses at sixty-six. S88. Orcadian has arrived at Port land from Glasgow; SS, Tunisian dovked at St. John. Dunnville ratepayers carried by-laws to bonus a gas engine works, and a telephone manufacturing company, Wolves are said to be very numer. ous in Carling township, and a hunt is being organized at Parry Sound. Zelaya, the deposed president of Ni- caragua, will write a book, giving what he calls the true history of his downfall. Abdul Hamid, who for thirty vears was the despotic sultan of Turkev, is hopelessly insane and is starving him: soli to death, The valuation of the estate of the JAlate Matthew Leggatt, Hamilton, will yield to the provincial. succession dut- ies the sum of $10,000, Tuckett Cigar company had decided to concentrate its entire business in Hamilton. This will mean the aban- Conment of its Montreal branch. Delegates in large numbers are ar- riving in Toronto, for the annual con- vention of the Ontario branch of Do- minion Alliance. About 500 in all are expected. {1 Hon. A. J. Matheson, provincial treasurer, who. had an a.m broken by a fall on an wy pavemeni will be able to leave the hospital in the course of a day or two. Herbert Jokn Gladstone, secretary for home affairs and through the re- cent appointment is about becoming governor-general of South Africa was elevated to the peerage on Tuesday. The explosion of a five gallon jug of whiskey which wns ripening behind the stove in the kitchen of Israel Hanteman's flat in a Jefferson street + | apartment, New York, started a fire on Tuesday amd five persons injured. Two suspects have been arrested for the murder of Jane Adame at Atlantic City and are being secretly held. The slain girl's brother has been summon- ed from Atlantic City to attempt to identify the men as the Seyler broth- ers. The government forces composed of 30,000 men, under melvin gi) Gen- erals Larchavarria and Porta Garrero, have begun an attack on Matagilpa, Nicaragua, captured by the insur- gont-General Chamorro, on February 10th, Mrs. M. Ariebel Blanche Robitaille, Quebec, wife of Dr. Edmond Verge, and daughter of Hon. A. Robitaille, { prothonotary of the superior court, ten # died, on Tuesday morning, after ). case days' sickness. She was only twenty- an early |geven years old. The funeral of the late Hon. John : i : 3 issued | op riton took place from Mr. Charl- orders to the dhicf constable to have | ©! {on's residence, at Lynedoch, on Tues- | day afternoon, There was a large at- | tendance, and a number of members * {of parliament and other friends were esent from both Ottawa and Toron- The funeral services wefe eonduct- d, | od by Rev. John Johnson, Lynedoch, {assisted by Rev. W. J. Day, Simcoe. | The collision of the big steamer, | Western States and the Tug Prince- | ton, in Buffalo Harbor, on May 21st, j of last year, was recalled on Tuesday | morning when three libel actions were i moved in the United States district "1 court before Judge Hazel. As the re n n OF | sult of the catastrophe in the harbor thres lives were lost through drown- { ing. The victims were members of the Princeton and the administrators of their estates are seeking damage amounting to about $50,000, y WITCHCRAFT SLEW CHILDREN. NEAT | Deaths Aseribed to Woman's De- % moniac Arts. Reading, Pa., Feb. 15.~That seven- | teen of the twenty children of Mr. and i. | Mrs. Frederick Carl, of this city, died n las the result of witchetaft, was the {startling statement made by the par- A daughter, twenty-eight years and was buried last week. 1of , died ge 58 'the children died when The majority quite young. : have never been ill a while, their children wasted to skeletons. Avanding. 5 y- isicians said several o' the children were afflicted with marawnus, a wast- ling of the flesh withou any fever or disease, whis "powwow {doctors declared that (he Tittle ones were bewitched by an aged woman. {Qeveral of the children in their illness {scratched their mother on the neck {and face, screamed for hours apd | manifested other queer symptoms until init died. | ie physicians declared that sev: eral of the older children died of tu- berculosis, Mr. Carl believes all bewitched, 3 r- he | ------------ loans Tor Sufferers. Paris, Feb, poi feigner, up the steps of the house where 15.--A 815,000,000 loan to small merchants uscturers who lost heavily in food, and a 85.000 000 ap- she boarded, Brandt alleges that a man named Malvie came put and kick ed him down the steps and badly as saulted him. The woman also fared badly in the mix-up and is in a bad condition. Malvie was charged with aggravated assault and sent up for trial. The motive for the assault is not yet known, SEARCH ABANDONED For the Naval Tug Nima--Looking After Derelict. loston, Mass., Feb, 15.---The gov. ernment, to-day, took the first step in abandoning se@®h for the naval tug Nima, missifig * ten days. All belief that the little craft may yet be afloat or that her thirty-two mien are alive has been given up.. The speedy recall of the vessels on the.search, was ex pected after the revenue cutter, Gris bam, was taken from her cruise for the Nima, and detailed to hunt down a derelict which lies in the path of shipping in Massachusetts Bay The develict is a two-masted schooner and the belief is that her crew went to the bottom when she capsized in the snow storm gale, CLOSED HIS MOUTH. Might Say Something and be Sorry After, Los Angeles, Feb. 15.--Becomi 08 sessed of an idea that he might ake gome remark for which he would he sorry later, Vernor T. Bennett, a tired missionary, closed his mouth with safety pins. He had pushed three pins through his lips and snapped them when found by his wife, At the receiving hospital Bennett would not give any explanation except he thought this was a good method of keeping from talking. A certificate charging sanity was filed. re him with in AT BROOKLYN BRIDGE The Lives of Many Passengers Were Imperilled. New York, Feb. 15.--~An L train, on the Lexington avenue Kne, jumped the tracks at the New York end of 'the Brooklyn bridge, early, to-day, and imperiled the lives of hundreds of yassengers, Many were cut and ruised by flying glass and the en tire elevated system on the bridge was tied up. The second car of the train was thrown from the tracks and was suspended at an angle of forty-five degrees over the promenade being held from falling ouvly by a light guard rail which threatened to break any moment, Heiress to Million. Portland, Ore., Feb. 15.-Mrs, Mary Booth, more than sixty years old, for years a teacher in the local Chinese mission, now finds hersell heiress $1,000,000, wroperly and money te this amount having been willed her by George D. Nelson, of Springfield, Mass., who died a few years ago. Mr Nelson left a $6,000,000 estate. H. C. Kigg, an attorrey, who be came interested in Mrs. Booth's story and who worked on the case for & contingent fee, will receive $470,000, Nelson was the coachman of Mrs Emma G. Vinton, widow of Fdward Bliss Vinton, and after her death =» will leaving her entire fortune to him was found. Mr#s Booth was Mrs Vinton's sister, and Nelson, alway friendly to her, made ber one of l¢ heirs. Rounding Up Wild Horses. Spokane, Wash., Fey. 15.--Two thou sand wild horses, scattered over an aren of 100 miles in length and forty miles in width, In the hills and val loys of Grant county, Wash, arc be ing rounded u for Thomas Per or and Witliam Thorpe, of Shuts, to be sold im Dakota, Mcntana and other western points Johony Smith, chief Buckaroo of the riders, says the work will oeupy from thirty or tifirty-five dave. 'The best horses ithe bunch will be «nt 'to the ranches in Montana and North Da kota and South Dakota to be broken for polo and will then le shipped ft New York, Boston, Uhicdgo and othe points, where they command high [tices To Help the Problem. Spokane, Wash, Feb. Brown, president of the 1 company, of Spokane, oper plants at Portland, Ore, Wa North Yakima and Spokan and Caldwell, Idaho, doing ¢ business of more than $20,000,006, fers his plant for any period from ninety days to a year to assist the federal government in solving the pro blem of the cost of living. David ol dairy Walla Wash, enrh Avisos Agree Upon Arbitrator, London, Feb. 15.--H is understood that the United States and Venere jan governments have agreed upon the Esrl of Desart, who represented Great Britain in the international Norti Sea enquiry commision, a! Paris, 1905, to be ithe third arbitrator in their disputes submitted to . The Hague. in Fraudently Taken Up, Spokane, Wash, Feb. 15. Frederick Dennett, United States land office commissioner, hax given out a deci gion that 1.3404 acres of land in the south half of the Colville Indian reser- vation, t of § must. hav § TO-MORROW I8 Wash Goods Day at '"'Steacy's," and that means a showing such as you have never seen will greet you upon entering this store fl COME, LOOK, COMPARE and § CRITICISE h you will Wwe ex tend a cordial invitation to everyone whether they come to buy or not. In the display you +§ Will notice the | | COTTON REPS, LINEN PONGEES, JACQUARD FOULARDS, | CREPE CLOTHS, DIAGONAL SERGES, FRENCH COTILS, COTTON OTTOMANS, LINEN WIDEWALES, COTTON CREPONS, COTTON CREPONS, PLAIN COL. LINENS, STRIPED LINENS, HOMESPUN LINENS, FRENCH ZEPHYRS, 3 PAR EXCELLENT, Ete. A Great Display Every bit of counter space on the ground floor of this Big Store will be used for this Exhibit, DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT, HUGHES to Mr STUART Funeral will The 'Phone, 577. BORN. in }¥ ge on 15th inst snd M Thomas Hughes, & N.Y. on ; to Dr. mnd Bradley (nee Mit. est own Gr te M, DIED. In Kingston Feb, 14th, Mrs. Jane NtuRr take place from her son's Ja vy, 464 Brock bh. 18th, 23% quaintances y attend ROBERT J. REID, Undertaker, 227 Princess street We Spokape, be returned as Indian ; i » thy i righ oe Sau, pave still om hand a smal quantity of the famous "RICHELIEU" GOODS LIMA BEANS. TINY BEETS. TOMATO PUREE. SUCCOTASH. FRITTERKORN. SQUASH. SPINACH, RED KIDNEY BEANS, GUAVA JELL:a. SHRIMPS. i JAPANESE CRAB MEAT! Jas, Redden & Cr Importers of Fine Groceries. "Dull Times." People. don't be afraid Lo 1 y tor good Goods as the good of time i= coming Prices 2 Examine aur big Stock RUN. = "dailar' looks good 'Phene 795 Talbot Gets His Seat. 2 Ottawa, Feb. 15.<Speaker Manil has received notification from Justice Pelietior and Lemieux that the pefh tivn against the return of Col. ©, " . Talbot for Bellechawse was called #8 Montmngny snd dismissed owi w Inck of appearsnce on behall of tes petitioner. Cok Talbot is consequell ly confirmed in bis sest. A man's wile should always be same, rapesislly to ber husband, if she in wesk and pervous, and Carter's Tron Pills, she cannot be her "feel Mike a di they all say, and, { y #9 foo. § *