Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Feb 1910, p. 10

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" n Trains will leave and arrive at City Depor. as follows: BY FERS Logal I mtd. 12.5 p er mse 3:07 Pui. Total cn. T00 pany Toys gb pl BS i, except LTTERE EEBEEE 00 p. ns 3, 2,-8. 4.5 86 y; other trains dally hrough Pullmans to and from Ot "fawa via Brockville daily on trains 2 3 nan Secomimodation reserved In advance and all other information fur- om 11 \ wpiteatio t _ Corner Tonndan & Sun- © LEY, Agent. tario Streets. IN CONNECTION WITH Leave Kingston Express--For, Ottawa, Quebec, Bt. n, NB, Hall to, o, gnver, Toronto long ih Br: Seattle, to ith C. est. .r PMixed-- For Renfrew and Wed, and Trains pm. onl, e points, Mon, KINGSTON-~OTTAWA. ante Kingston 12.01 p.m, arrive Ot- : ve, ye 10.46 am, arrive oR LI pa pa lars at XK & P. and C. P R. Ticket office, Ontario Street, } ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. . aves anion « Juation, hn y hatin FE May ler a on Contrai te Raitwey. Por furthe partici. on & W. DICKSON, Agent, 00 "BERMUDA . BY TWIN SCREW LINE Largest and Fagtest Steamers 8. 5. OCEANA, B,000 TONS : , TONS, 8, 8, FERIA, 5,000 ZOXS, ose _hours from Frost to Flowers, Sailings from New York at 10 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday. 4 WEST INDIES ¢ 8.8 "G6 NA' 8,700 tons, 8.8; PPARIMA, V0 8.8, "KOR SONA," 1.000 tons sail from New Yark 5 avery. alternate Thursday at 2 p.m. for a oman, Bt. Croix, St. Kitts, atigya, : Dominica, artinigue, St. and ) nor full Goodie Steamship Co., ow York, uebec r o a oH WRK PAT : Agents, Kingston. a cellar filed with Coal, with an excellent quality. WALSH, 55-67 Barrack St. n't Forget TO TRY Nolan FOR YOUR GROCERIES, 338 Princess St. Our Coffes at B5¢: and 350, can- M. heavy and hard to digest. Scott's Emulsion Send 00., name of paper, snd this ad. for our besutital ok ach an coma loud Lack Peas: SCOTTNE 126 Wellington St.. W. TORONTO mg cin a phan DANDRUFF Al SED BY GERM. A New Discovery That Kills the Germ aud Prevents Baldness, Pretty nearly all the hair prepara- tions for dandruff have some merit in allaving itching af the scalp, and being 'a fairly good dressing for the hair, but there is only one that re cognizges what causes dandrufi, falling hair and baldness, and that destroys the eause, alittle germ--and that is Newhro's Herpicide, 'This germ eats its way into the walp, it digs up the scalp into little white scales. Unless it is destroyed there's no permanent stopping of falling halr and cure of dandrufi and baldness. Newbto's Her- pride kills the germ. "Destroy the causa you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Sénd 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpi- cide Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. G. W. Mahood, special agent, mn an et SUFFERING TEN YEARS Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound pm hi aS, or died, when I read about E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; 80 bean to take 1 and am we agains relieved of all my suffering." -- Mrs. G eorak JORDY, Box 40, Marlton, NJ. Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. ey made from native roots and rbs, contains no narcotics or harm. ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases we know and thousandsof voluntary testi: on file in the Pinkham labors at Lynn, Mass, from women who have been cured from almost every form of plaints, inflamma ceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every suffering woman owes it to her. self to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- r to Mrs. Pinkbam, at L Mass. Her advice is free, aad ways helpful. THE RISE OF United Empire Loyalists An' Informing Sketch of Ameri- can History, Valuable for ies and Research. lo By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price, 50¢ . Address British Whig, Kingston. Had Given Up All Hope of Living. vor Ba WE erry Pills. rs. Andrew Savoy, Gmtten's, N.B., writes: --" In the I chia Ses told me that not! or & case like mi i E & i i IEEE Hi £23 gs heart | Wi WHAT WHIG OORRESPONDE TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario-- What People Are Moing And What They Are Saying. Walnut Grove Notes. Walnut Grove, Feb. 12. Mos. 8, Bell is very low. George Bell made a busi- ness trip through this place on Fri day. Mrs, John Sharp is able t be out again. Mrs. 0. Snider has return- ol home from Belleville, where she was ealled to the beside of jer husbarel. \ nines ; Itenis From Vennachar. Vennachar, Feb, 11.-4ieorge Flake has returned from the lumber woods near Folger Station. Zera Snide, who has been laid up with meashes, is able to be around again. J. E, frith, reeve, is in Toronto this week waiting on the government in behalf of the township. W. W, Garrett, of Tweed, is here this week, Latimer Locals. Feb, 12.--R. Samuel Taylor is visiting in Watertown, N.Y. A tea meeting is to be held in the dhurch, Wednesday night, Feb, 23rd, instesd of Feb, 26th, as reported last week. John Taylor has engaged E. C. Haf- fron, Lanark, for cheese maker in his factory for the coming seasom. A sur: prise party was given Mr. and Mrs, Edward Cochrane, on Thursday even ing. Latimer, Former Wilton Lady Dead. Wilton, Feb.,12.--The remains of Mrs, Thompson, widow of the late James Thompson, arrived here to-day from Watertown, N.Y. Mrs. Thompson, who was Sarah Jane Stewart, had lived in Wilton all her married life until a few years after Mr, Thompson's death, when she went to Watertown to live with her daughter, Mrs. Herbert la- pum. Besides Mrs. Lapum, she leaves another daughter, Mrs. Albert Elliott, Ouvry, Ont., and two sons, Herbert, of New York, and Charles of Water- town, N.Y. Deceasl was seventy-eight venss of age. Herbert and Lloyd pum accompanied the remains, La- Outlet: Notes. Outlet, Feb, 14.--The annual meet- ing of Warburton cheese factory was held Friday. Some of the young people attended the carnival, Thursday. F. Fody and M. J, O'Grady are doing a rushing business. Mrs. R, Milne re- turned home after virciting her parents. A number of young people attended the leceder-Fodv wedding. W. Mc Cready, Sand Bay, spent Sunday at J. Slack's. Quite x number are On the sick list. Miss Josie Milne spent Sunday at T. Dea's. Miss Amna 0: Geady gave an oyster supper Satur- day eyening in honor of her! Rous, Miss Leeder and Miss Shea. be i -- Lyndhurst Locals. Lyndhurst, Feb. 14.--A. Sweet has sold his butcher business to T. Me- Cannell, who takes it over the first of April. John Wheeler, barber, has tak: en his departure for Gananoque. Visi tors : Miss G. Johnston, of Oak Leaf, at Mrs. G. 8. Rooney's; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Harvey have returned from Montreal, where they spent a week with their son, John; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Tate spent one day' this week ip Plum Hollow, with E. C. Stiter, who is very ill, without any hope of recov- ery; Miss Pierce, of Delta, at H. Singleton's. Mr. Smith, the new An- glican minister, has arrived to take up his duties, Meleombe Matters. Melcombe, Feb, 14.-St. Patrick's church was the scene of a pretty wed- ding on Monday last, the contracting parties being Miss Della McDonald, youngest daughter oi Thomas Mo- Donald, of this place, and E. Me- Donald, of Hanley, Sask. Mrs. D. Donevan is visiting relatives in Elgin. 0. W. Landon spent a few days 'in Athens last week. A successful tea- meeting was held at Mr. Leith's on Friday evening in aid of the Preshy- terian church here. Mice Lena Slack, Outlet, was the guest of Miss Louisa Cochrane for a few days last week, Mrs. P. Nugent, Kingston, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, T. McDonald. Death at Mississippi. Mississippi, Feb. 14.--Death visited the home of D. Crawford and called away one of the oldest residents of this place, in the person of B. Craw: ford. Deceased was one of the pioneers of the community, aod was in his sighty-eighth year. Petitions circu- la for a local option campaign in this municipality are being largely signed. Mrs, JJ, Gilchrist entertained a number of friends on Tuesday even- ing last. Miss Myrtle McCumber, vis- iting her sister, Mra. Walker, has re: turned home. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, R. Shannon, of Saskatoon, at I. Al- lan's; Mrs. J, Hughes, of Sturgeon, at F. Miller's; Mr. and Mrs. Shultz and JA. McDougal, of Arcola, Sask., at J. Hannah's; A. Geddis, at W. R. Al Ian's, At Marysville Tyendinaga. Marysville, Tyendinaga, Feb. 1.-- Joseph Ryan and bride returned home from their wedding trip on Thursday. Mrs. John Fahey arrived home alter a visit with friends in Kingston and Brewer's Mills, Miss Eliza O'Neil, of Elgin, is visiting her sister, Miss Jon- nie O'Neil, teacher of school section, No. 6. Miss Aggie McCormick, King- ston, is\ with Miss Annie Fahey. Miss Grace Sexsmith, of Kingsford, spent a couple of weeks with ber sister, Mrs. John Russell. Miss Eva Darcey spent Sunday with Miss Mary Traynor. Miss Annie Ford spent a few days with Mrs. J. C. Meagher, Mr. and Mrs. m Alexander are with her fathef, John Miss Annie Corrigan, of is with her brother, John Corrigan, t . Trevelyan Tidings. _ yn, Fh 12h marri of Miss Hattie to Mighael py Bion Dn ae pod nn James' church Fi Rev, Shes, Brockville, ix the guest of . and Olive Leeder. Mes i the week: ter, Ethel Shea, guests of Mrs. T. D. Me Names, Lansdowne, returped on Sun- day, accompanied © by Messrs, ¥. Fodey and M. J. O'Grady, of thast place. Miss Agnes lLdppan spent a Sunday recently the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. Willimm Flood, Sheatown, Clarendon's Budget. Clarendon, Feb, 14.--~lce harvesting is geperal. A vaung son has come 10 stay at J. J. Tyswk's. R. Leishman is iaid op with a sore ankle. James Campbell has returned from a busi ness trip to Kingston. Messrs. M. Hunt, (C.P.R. despatcher, Toronto) and DD. W. Hunt, operator of Dauphin, Man., are visiting their sister Mrs. J, Il. Cannon. J. A. Reed, 1.P.5., visit wl the school and reposts favorably, Thomas Kirkham has been busy at James Park's, South Sherbrook. Messrs. Thornton, of Ogdensburg, N.Y. and Lyttleton, of Toronto, are ship- ping lumber to the Wilson Lumber company, Toronto, Mise Martha Leish- man is visiting at ladore. Mr. and Mrs. John Boles, Jr., is home from Kingston. Mrs. William Hutcheson has returned to her home in Gananoque. Messrs. Whitmarsh and Church, of Westport called here over Sumsdav. They are buying raw furs. Mrs, Will. iam Conboy, of Oso is visiting Mrs. Thomas Kirkham. Reports From Mallorytown. Mallorvtown, Feb, 14.--The town- ship eouncil met last Monday and ap- pointed the road masters for the dii- ferent divisions and is considering the construction of a bridge at the mouth of Jones' Creek, A. W. Mal lory is shipping large quantities of milk to the Kingston Dairy School, even though the milk is very scarce. The late John Dickey, son of Peter Dickey, passed away at the Montreal general hospital, on Tuesday morn ing, having only been sick a few days. His sister, Mrs. Bates, was with him to the last. The remains were placed in the Brockville vault. Mise Gertie Lake underwent a sue cessful operation af the hospital for appendicitis, Alexandr Gibson had the misfortune to get his hand cut in a ciroular saw on Friday. Dr. Lane dressed his hand, putting in six atitehos, George Dickey, son ol Peter Dickey, arrived from Michigan on Friday. Miss Huldah Mallory was the guest of Mrs. (Dr.y Shaw, Lansdowne, Miss Bertha Mallory is a nurse at the Eastern Hospital, Brock- ville. Charleston Briefs, Charleston, Feb. 14 --The snow storm of Saturday made the roads very heavy. Mr, and Mrs. Charles E. Frye, Soperton, visited the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Johnson, on Sunday, Mrs. W. J. Berry, Scel- vy's Bay, spent a few days last week with her mother, Miss H. Johnson. J. foster made a business trip tC Smith's' Falls on Thursday. Mis. D Beach is recoverl from her illness. Her sister, Mrs, Young, Forfar, is staying + with her. Mrs, P. Flood, Trevelyan, spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. T. Foster, Services are conducted every Friday evening and will continue during Lent at Trinity church, Oak Leaf. Ther were no services at Oak Leaf on Sun- day on account of the illness of the pastor, Rev. R. B. Patterson, The heavy snow storm of Saturday vented the Charleston and Oak Feat junior hockey teams from having a match on the ice at Oak Teaf. Mr. Hudson moved last week to his farm uear Athens. Our teacher, Miss Jen nie Eyre, purchased with the proceeds of the concert lamps with reflectors for the school house, also some new window shades. Recovered His Goods. Maberly, Feb. 14.--The children are having a holiday on account of the teacher been sick with a bad cold. Repairs have been made on the school house, and fine new blackboards have been put in. A gentleman passed through here on Tuesday evening and stopped and fed his horse at a man's barn and then drove off, taking with him the man's robe, lap-rug and string bells. The farmer did not notice until noon the next day that the things were stolen and he was soon on the track of the thief, ut he had a long drive before him as he did not locate the horse and rig until he had driven two miles on the other side of Par- ham, where the horse was tied 8p to a shabby looking howse. On making enquiry he was told the man was not long in taking all that had been stolen from him out of the cutter.and drove home quite satisfied even A he had to let the thiel go at large. Mrs. Lloyd Flett will shortly start so the west. Mrs. Strong and Miss May Young spent Sunday at 'Wm. Smith's. Willetsholme Wafts. © Willetsholme, Feb, 14.--~Many from here attended the tea meeting at Ma- ple Grove, last Wednesday. The friends of Mrs. Bennett are sorry to hear of her illness, Miss Elly Wilson is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Brash, St. Lawrence. Miss Nettie Bennett spent last week with Miss Enia Wil- son. Mrs. T. Bell is visiting daughter, Mrs. B. Balls, Sunbury. Mrs. William Cochrane has returned home, after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. H. Orr. Miss A. Sherbino, King- Few Doses Regulate Out-of-order Kidneys. A real surprise awaits every sufferer om kidney or bladder trouble who sleeplessness, infl lids, lack of energy and all symp- toms of out-of-order kidneys simply vanish. Uncontrollable urination {especially at night), smarting, offevsive snd dis- que, are guests of Miss Enia Wilson. Mrs. J. Kilduti is on the sick list, He cept visitors: J. Roberts amd A. Thompson, at J. Bennett's; F. Demps ter; Npringheld, and L. Woods, at James Wilson's; C. MeAlpin and Fiva Berry, rae alls'; (©. MeClane, at TF. MeNesléy's: Gerald Mills, Gananoque, at John Wilson's. R. Wier, W. Green- lee, F. Boyle, H. Fisher and W. Hen nett spent Sunday with Wilinid Wil son. C. Shook and family have mov- ed to Gananoque. Miss Hattie Me Neeley is visiting in Gananoque. H McNeeley, at J. McClenmatil's, Dui- ferin, ¥ Budget From Stella. Stella, Feb. H.-A dance was held in Victoria hall, on February Tth, un der the auspices of the Stella Hockey Club. Music was furnished by Rus sell's orchestra, Wolfe Island, H. 3. Patterson and A. E. Howard are drawing milk to Kingston. RR. Caughey had a bee, on Friday, draw- ing lime from Kingston, for his new house, which he will erect in the spring. John Filson, is also drawing lumber for a new house. Walter Wemp has returned from Sharbo lake, where he has rented a farm. A. KE. Weller has moved part of his hay to his farm 'at Kingston Mills. Mise Ger- trude Preston, is undergoing treatment in the Kingston general hospital. Mrs. James McKee and family, are on the sick list. J. 8S. Neilson has engaged Ross Pringle as clerk in his store. Horses are in great demand on the lv. Miss Etta Strain has returned home from Bufialo. Capt. and Mrs. C. Patterson and family, Buffalo, N.Y., are visiting friends here. Mrs. M. J. Filson and Ralph Filson, Kings ton, have returned home; after spend- ing a few days at D. Caughey's, Jr. News From Rockport. Rockport, Feb. 14.--On account ¢ the heavy fall of snow, the mail did not go out from here Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Slate are spend ing a few weeks with friends at Mall orytown. Richard Aaxdress has return- ed home after spending a couple of months with his son, Melaox, at St, Thomas. Joseph Rogers, Sr., spent a couple of days last week, in Toronto, Phe Ladies Aid Society of this place Leld its annual '"'at home," at the nome of Mrs. 8. Wileax, Poole's Re- sort, over forty guests being present. A dainty supper was served. Capt. Robert Carnegie, of Cape Vincent, N. Y., is spending a few days with re- latives here. Miss Ida Ferguson is spending this week with Miss Ethel MoNeely, at Wilstead. Joseph A. Rog- ors has returned home after taking a susimess course at Brockville Collegi- ste. Andrew Rewd, of Holland, is pre paring to build a new brick house. Mrs. John Hunt and baby are very ill with measles. Dr. Henry, public school nspector, Brockville, visited our sdhool one day last week. A. A. Ferguson of was ho service in the Methodist church Sun- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edgley spent Sunday at Mrs, H. Hunt's, who is ill at Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge, Caintown, spent Sunday at T. Hodge's. Affairs at Lansdowne. Lansdowne, Feb. 14.--The 'Granites' ol Kingston played the Ramblers here on Thursday evening. A clean fast game of hockey. They were defeated 6 to 4. Lansdowne always has a wel come for the Kingston boys. Mrs. Joseph Doak and Mrs Fresman Doak were called to Kingston to the bedside of the former's husband, who is dan- werously ill, Miss Mae McNiell has en- tered Brockville geveral hospital as a nurse-m-traiming. The Presbyterians of Fairfax held "A honey social." on the 10th, at the residence of 8, Leith Mooretown, N. W. Sparrow, teller of Merchant's bank, spending the week- end at his home, near Brampton, Ont, Miss Blanche Beaupre, of Kingston, has returned home after a visit with Mallorytown, spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. (Dr) Shaw. Messrs. Phillips and Mooney spent Monday in Brockville. Mrs. 1. Stevens, of Trish Creek, is spending a few days with her sister here, Rov. Mr. Shrewsbury, of Queen's College University, King: ston oeoupidd the pulpit in the Pres bvierian church, on Sunday night. The carnival held in Arena Rink, on Saturday was a decided swecess, the rink being crowded with skaters. Miss Dell, high school teacher, won the prize for lady's best ¢ stume. The patrons of the Merchar 's hgak, here will regret to learn that Norman Sparrow, teller leaves td-day for Flgin, where he will be manager. * Frees Him From Poisgn. Havana, Feb. 15. Former Postmas- tor-Geperal Nodarse, who, yesterday, began serving , a sentence of four years' imprisonment, was released by order of President Gomez on account of eminent services in the war; of the revolution. Nodarse was convicted on his own plea of shooting Senor Tor riento, editor of the Politica Cémica, on account of the publication af ar her [offensive cartoon. . 4 ening influence directly water and other bladder mis- AS treatmen sete gli og dp Sg ey qtr ng bg Among other things that fail to im- press a man favorably are his wife's relations. WAKES WONEYS GT FI ENDING LAME BAGK AAD BLADDER MISERY anywhere in the world; which will ef- st so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist can sup- It is needless to feel miserable and worried, because this upusual prepara- [tio goes at once to the out-of-order kidneys and urinary system, distribut- ing its cleansing, healing and strength- the or- gans and glands affected, and com- the cure before you realise it. Your physician, pharmacist, banker or mercantile agency will tell you that Pape, Thompson i cinnati, is a lar fics & Pape, of Cin- ge and responsible thoroughly worthy confidence. Lonly Pape's Diuretio--fifty- drug store--any- codbern, ui island: a number have been sold late | has completed his fine new barn, On|w «account of bad roads there the Misses Irwin. Miss H. Mallory, of tay . i: WEAK KIDNEYS Cause More Suffering Than AH Other Diseases Combined, i H the kidoéyvs are fwhole sy aches, rhey ti itorpid liver, co thervousness, | vawning, urie when it stan jete., atl out of order the y sulffée. Head as and swellings, ipation, indighstion, drowsiness, sleeplessoess, secliment in is twenty dour hours, that kidneys have been diseased for months, and i not properly tre without delay, + Brights disease, and blood {poison, with convulsions and death | wilt surely follow {| * Warner's Safe Cure for the kidueys, liver, bladder and blood makes the liver active and heals the diseased kid neys. It is 4 cure for all diseases of the kidneys, bladder and blood. T Se. and Rl, izes and all druggists, " Pills, 'purely vegetable, from injurious sub- stances, a perfect laxative, cure ladi gestion, Bilionsnesness, Torpid Liver and Constipation They da not gripe or leave any bad after effect. 25¢. a box. To convince overy sufferer from dis eases of the kidnevs liver, bladder and blood that WARNER'S SAFE CURE will cure them, a sample bottle and a sample box of Warner's Safe Pills will be sent FREE OF CHARGE, post ipaid, to anv one who will write WAR INER'S SAFE CURE C0, Toromto, {Ont., and mention having seen this {liberal offer in the Whig. The genuineness of this offer i= Jully guaranteed by the publisher, Everything in Daintiest Lace Yes, really en n= bound W elowd urine, inicate your ated uric acid liver, iT i» put up is feold by Wrner's Safe absolutely free ervthing, and the most delicate collection, Cleaned or Dyed here. and In our ever- satisfactory way R. PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, 80 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. aboyt the wonderful Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Syringe. = Best ~Most convenient. It cleanses J he cannot supply the MARVEL accept no other, bu send stamp for illustrated ugk --~sealed. It gives full partie. wlars and directions invalugble to ladies, JiNDSOR SUPPLY CO., » Ost. General Agents for C Wood's Phosphodine, The Great Englis Tones and inv, whole eT new Oi ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des- pondency, Booveat Weakness, Emissions, Sper Batort haa, and Effects of Abuse or Kxcesses per box, six Jor One will pi al fn cure. Sold by all dr or mailed in n on wool] of price, New; Bl 8. i mais Ba ty Windsor) Toronto, Dr' Martel's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Proscribid and recommended for women's ail ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proves worth? The result from their use is quick wd permanent. For sale ot all drug stores. - Young man, don't marry a parlor ornament unless you can afford 10 hire a cook. x The more expensive a thing is the easier it is to get along without it. RE AANA AFTERNOON being perfectly fresh. PHO 00000000000000000 A LAB EPPPEP PELE PLE LEPPPEE PEI Monumental Works as the happiest spot on earth, but in order to enjoy it properly it must be YOUR OWN HOME---not the land- lord's\property. Every man ean have a home of his own if he goes the right way about it, and we can show him the right way. We have plenty of desirable properties which can be bought as cheaply as if you were pay- ing rent Let us show you. FULL PARTICULARS AT D.A.Cays, 57 BROCK STREET, TURN OVER , That is what we are going to do to our Stock of Grand Old Antique Furniture and Odd Articles Come early and make a selec tion while the Stock is complete and before the spring rush is on. ' If you have anything good 16 sell, 3 drop a card to . LESSES, Cor. Princess and Chatham i ad Che Sta, HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILN > FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. WwW. F. KELLY Toye's Bullding, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Chiver's Marmalade All sizes. Ready Cut Macaroni Fine June Cheese, Fresh Oysters. D. COUPER"S, 841-8 Priscess B% Prompt Delivery. OUR LABOR BRAND of Canned Salmon is choice. No finer fish ever wagged their tails In the Pacific Ocean ANDREW MACLEAN. Ontario Street, 'Phone 76 » Wah Long's La First-class ~vor uaranteed, me a card and 1 wiil call romptly for our lsundry. 158 weLLY N ST, atween Brock and Clarence Sta. Who sald "Sour "wraut 7° is » ready for use and you can depend on Et Sh a -------------- HIGH GRADE 372 PRINCESS ST. OPP. YMCA. PETTY TTTTTITTTTTTTTYTTY TEA CAKES. We make a speciality of FANCY CAKES and 2 WAFERS for afternoon teas. Try us with next order. If possible leave your order one day in advance and in that way you will be sure of them 2 St $ We Arc Manufacturcrsof Traps and Beads, Load Pipe, Shect Write for Lists and Prices. Long Distance The Canada.Metal Co., Phone M 1729.

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