Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Feb 1910, p. 8

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Ie re PAGE EIGHT Thin Skinned Little Lady Seedless Orarsce, 15¢c dozen : Oranges, Larger 2 y 30c. 20c, 25c¢ Sweetest on the mar- ke. : ZW. H. Carnovsky, On the Corner Brock and Wellington Sts. , . When yon want an engine which is economical and will give you the very best results JustTry A Davis They are sure to prove satisfactory in every way. see exhibit at H.W. NEWMAN'S, Princess fet # the cough spasms, Ee a nIaininS there is always a loss of strength and flesh that or- dinary food cannot restore. Scott's Emulsion excellence in this disease. ALL DRUGGISTS" ek fend ibe. sitio of Raper a frau ui' Having Be nk and Child's » (rood Luck bread & better | | Alro try us for Steam Engines and | Water Tube Boilers We can give you satisfaction, DAVIS DRY DOCK cy 'Phone 420. ---------------- a ------ i rp ae HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILA FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC, PROMPT DELIVERY. WwW. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Olarence and Ontario Streets. Apples . Bellfiowers, Snows, Tallman Sweets, Northern Spies. Sweet Cider Coast Sealed Oysters D. COU PER'S, won 10 ae kind are nip for i» we sell. "SCRANTON S08 Is good coal and we guar- 'Phone, BBB 0 8 8 8 8 ob 0 ss ve ~~ THE RISE OF United Empire Loyalists | ~ An Info Sketch of Ameri can History, aluable for Librar. By So 1 DE) FRONSAC. : Address Britian Whig. Kingston. of | HYSICIAN DVISED Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Columbus, Ohio. -- "I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. | pound during! change of life. My | doetor told me it was good, and since | taking it I feel so | much better that I | can do all ork again. I think! Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. und a fine remedy | or all woman's | my friends what it has done for me rs. E. Hanson, 304 East Long St, | Columb Ohio. : Anothér Woman Helped. Graniteville, Vt. -- "I was passin throughthe Changeof Lifeand suffe from nervousness and other ang symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's fabie Compound restored Ty healthand glrengin. a and proved worth mountains to me. For the sake of other x ering women I am willing on should publish my letter." -- Mrs, CHARLES BaArcray, R.F.D., Granite- ville Women who are passing thyough this critical period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills pe. culiar to their sex should not lose Pht of the fact that for thirty years L E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the the. STandATd a for female ie ty almost avery oo Sem. pity you will find women w been hh to health by Lovin E Pinkham's Vegetable Co mpound. WHAT CAUSES DANDRUFF. Greatest Enropean Aathority on Skin Diseases, Says It's a Germ. The old idea that damdruff is scales of skin thrown off through a feverish vonditjon' of the sealp 1a exploded. Prof, © Unna;, Mamburg, Germany, European authority on skin Jisoases, save dapdrafil is a germ disease. The germ birrows under the sealp, throw: mz up livthe sonles of caticle, and sap- ping the vitality of the hair at toe toot. The only hair preparation that kis dandrufi germs = Newhro's Here pivide. "Destroy the cause, you je move the effect." iio only cures dune deal, bur stops falling hair and {in stamps for sample to The Delig te) hn dress n Hold by ailing druggists. Send 10e. Herpicide Mich. One dollar bottles G. W. Mahood, special mits a Juwuding growth. Co., Petrait, gusranteed. agent. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, INSURANCE FRAUD ALLEGED CONSPIRACY UNCOV- ERED IN KEXTUUKY. Three Arvests Made--Money Already Fraudently Obtained Amounts to $100,000 -- Many Combanies are Victims, Louisville, Ky., Feb. |. -Rapid de velopments are expecied in the al logod insurance fenuds, which state officers and officers of the insurance compaties involved claim will reveal bok and systematic robberies of com: panies in hall a dozen states. John J. Reane, Timothy O'Leary Jd. Needham were arrested charged with defrauding the surance conv panies, which pliployed them as local agents of tholsands of dollars. The law's net, it As said, Jill not be drawn tight 'until i further encloses at least three "promigpent Louisville physicians and a scoryg or more of "dummies." The wagfants were sworn out by =. Henifk, secretary and treasurer of the Inghana National Life Insurance company of Indianapolis, Ind., charg ing that (he three men under arrest defrauded the insuring indigent, diseased and crepit invalids, and through collusion with relatives of the applicants shar- ling in a division of the death claims {when paid. It is charged they sub- | mitted sound persons to physicians for : {physical examination but had the poli- vies made out in the names of | other person in {collusion with physicians. {charged that 8100,000 or i been fraudulently | manner. Mr. obtained in SWEET GIRL GRAD. JAILED. {Just Because She Stiikers to Riot. Philadelphia, Feb. 1.--Miss Margaret | Gruening, a graduate of Smith Col {ege, and a well-kno.'n suffiragette, | was released at midnight from Moy- j dane nsing prison, where she had heen {lv ked up Tor more than ten the charge of Miss Grueuing, fof Dr. Emil Gruening, of New Is one of the orgameers of the { svlvania Suffrage League, {other suffragettes she is taking part in the strike of {shirt-waist worketis: While she {doing picket duty Friday night front of a waist factory, a riot oe- tured "hetween the strikers and girls {who are still at work. Miss Gruening j with a number of the strikers, {arrested {tion over night. { the morning ore inciting riot. who is a daughter | York, Pen- ac.ive At the hearing she was held in in ken to the prison in the van {other priconers. [| Her friends did not learn of jwh veabouts until late last night, fwhe n buil vwas entered. ITS A WISE FATHER. | { { Many Babes Secretly Adopted by i i Wives. Chicago, Feb. 1.--*'There | are in | Chicago to-day men fondling infants that are their own, but babies adopted the'r wives--and the the wiser." This was the statement made to-day v Lyman W.© Rogers, treasurer of the National Maternity hospital, from | which institution he says some 2560 minnts are adopted into good homes | every 'vear, Of these 250 infants, more than one- half are believed by the "fathers" to be their own, he declared. A major: ity of the babies, he says, enter homes in stations high above those they would otherwise occupy. : It is rare," said Mr. Rogers, "that ia husband wants a child that is not j his own blood... H some husbands {who are bringing up children knew {the (ruth about them I tremble to | thnk what the consequence would not by "fathers' are none the Ii never forget to tell | FELL WITH CORNICE. IF Accident at New Court House, | Vancouver, Feb. 1.--~The first Iatal accident in the erection of the new provincial court house, corner of Geor- a and Howe streets, begun two years ago, happened, on Saturday, when Norman Brown, cornice layer, and a well-known member of the Celtic Football Club, met death. He was overseeing the laying of a three-ton cornice, holding the rope of the hoisting gear lifting the cornice into place, 'when the tackle slipped, the cornice dropping to the banuisters thirty feet below. Brown fell with it. After striking the bannisters he rolled off and fell to the ground. He was frightfully injured and died in the hos- pital in a few hours. "irst. Fatal Believe She Has Evil Spirit. Halifax, Feb. 1.--~Word comes New. Zeal te settl vastern Pritte Tdward Island, demand by the simple Jarmer fisher folk, that Father Walker, Rally Bay, i man of an evil spirit. Chennee, and she is thirty years of age. Her parents ate dead, and she he been keeping house for a brother. on getiy married she declared she'd as soon have a devil in the house, and, her subsequent demeanor has vinted ber neighbors that she should he exorcised hy the church. Prof. Celeman Honored. Toronta, Feb. 1.--Prof. A. P. Cole: man, of Toronte University, has been Bor the Hin hison eda} by the val Geological Society, of London, oto Seguished giologinal in- ar The Murchison medal was founded by Sir Frederick Murchi- from in a + of A Versatile Family. and] Patrick | insurance companies by' de-" some | precariois health, by | Renick | more had | this | i Incited Women | hours, i With many an | the | was | in} was and locked in a police sta- . $506 theil, in default of whith she was ta- with her fully three thousand announced his intention of X. OSTEOP: ATHS REC -- The Me dient Councit Offers to Come yromise, The Medical Council of Untar wall ofier strong opposition to the applicgs tion for the incorporation of a College of Osteopathy by the legislature The farthest the cians and Surgeons is the News is informed, is to have some arrangement by which the osteopaths will conform to the standard eb by allopaths and homeopaths on the sube jeots in whichoall -agrees Sth av ana: tomy, physiology and chemistry. For their own particular subjects they would be alluwed to appoint their own examiners. Dr. Robert Henderson, of the leading osteopaths of the city, told the News, this morning, that he could foresee opposition to the proposed os teopathie council, but that that the only real solution of the problem Ww hich now confronted medical men, "It will entail no addit ronal expense to the government,"' he id. "The leading medical meq are coming to see the importance of osteopathy. They now consider it vomething more than the superficial treatment they formerly thought it to be. There will be oppo- sition to the movement for an osteo pathic council, hit we only want to treat the medical doctors fairly and 'we expect fair treatment from them." io withing to go, ane was ------------------ WHIG'S FASHION HINY. i i = PHOTO COPYRIGHT 19I0.8Y REUTLINGER EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT, NEW YORK HERALD CO Blue serge tailor costume with black and silver braiding BROS. CIRCUS COLE SOLD, Owned Hy Late Martin Downs, Torgnio. Corry, Pua., Feb 1. sale took place here circus was disposed of mer. 'The show owned by the tate. Martin J. Downs, of Toronto, Canada, who wns ope of the most ex perienced. showmen und was noted ior of Was J. A mammoth when (ole Bros' under the ham- was his selection magnificent horses. These were sold to Fiss, Dorr & Car the welkkfiown firm of hor& denk ers of New York, who had secured irom James Downs an option on the horses. The purchase price is said to have been 5.000, Among the stock disposed of to-day were ""Bufiale" "Erie," the two pets of the showman These the cities in which they Queen the big elephant, who stampeded dur ing the blowdown in Corry on May 15th last, also on the block, soll, and camels were named after were horn went tentvew Boy Struck by Train. Renfrew, Jan. 20--The little year-old son of M. A. Deitz struck by the CPR. local train morning and hig recovery is doubtful. ; PILES Quickly Cured Relief, Cure Trial Package Mailed® ree to All In Plain Wrapper. five- was this very Instant Permanent We want every man and woman, suf- fering from the excruciating torture of piles to just send their ame and ad- dress to us snd get hy return mail a free trial package of the most effec tive and positive cure ever known for this disease, Pyramid Pile Cure, The way ta prove what this great remedy will do in your own case, is to ijust fill out free coupon and send to us and vou will get by return mail a free sample of Pyramid Pile Cure. Then after you have proven to your =eli what it ean do, vou will go to the druggist and get a G0cent box. Don't undergo an operation. Opera- tions are rarely a swecess and often lead 16 terrible consequences. | Pyramid. Pile Cure reduces sll inflammation, makes congestion, icritation, heking, sores and uloers dissppear--and the piles simply quit.- No knife and its torture, No doctor and his bills, For sale at all drug stores at Se. a FEBRU, FAR X 1 College of Physi | 1910, [COMES FROM ODESSA © MINISTE R KEEPS KEPS STH DAY, Rev, In. W. Aylesworth, Whe Formers Iy Filled Pulpits in Northern New York Observes Day at Rome. Rome, N.Y. Jan. 29 hey. I. W. Aylesworth, a well-known and highly extoemed Methodist clergyman, at pre- sent living with his daughter, Mrs George ©. See, at Fugeka, fear Bartlett, on Wednesda), January Mth, celebrated his cightieth birthday an- miversary. In commemoration of the event he was the recipient of S00 handsome souvenir cards A ily gathering and difimer held. Rev, Mr. Aylesworth is a son the late Rev, and Mrs. Robert Ayles worth and was born in Odessa, twelve niles from Kingston, Ont. He stu- divd at the academies of Bath and Newburgh, and at the age of twenty- five began preaching at Elgin, Ont., delivering his first sermon op July 12th, 1855. He was ordained in June, 1858, in the Methodist church at Napanee. "He came to the states inv June, 1868, and located in the state of New York, which has since been his home. Joining the Northern New York conference Rev. Mr. Aylesworth was first assigned to a pastorate ut St. Lawrence, In succession he filled the following charges: Evans' Mil, Three Mile Bay, Turin, Westmoreland, Now Haruord, Taberg and Cleveland, N.Y. After leaving this charge he went into lecture work for a period of three years, under the auspices the Good Templars, a temperance cr ganization, in which he met with suc Coss, Returning to the work of the istry Rev. Mr. Aylesworth was as signed successively to Harrisburg, Sackets Harbor, Felts Mills and New London. At the latter place he served the last five years of his active Vite, returning to the superannuated list in April, 1909, aiter fifty-four years of active ministerial work Since his retiring last April he had preached 119 times and delivered three lectures. He is in excelent health, retains his strength and vitality to a wonderful degree, and an able and interesting of the gospel. About four years death of Mrs. Aylesworth the helpmate who for had stood faithfully by her hushand's side in the work at the numerous signments. The members of Rev. Me. Aylesworth three sons and three Robert M. Aylesworth, of Paterson, N.J, Frank W., of Caproh; Albert R. Aylesworth, of Utica, Mrs. George Bessee, of Fur- eka Mrs. George Drum, of Westmore- land and Mrs, Thomas Hughes, Oneida, x over fam- was also of of mane- sen is to-day expounder ago the. sudden removed 80 many years ia v are daughters : Rev, of A REGRETTED DEATH. Ruius M. Stevens Died at Alexanduia Bay. On January 26th, 1910, at Alexan dria Bay, N.Y., Rufus Miller Stevens passed from earth to his reward. He was the youngest son of, HK. M. Ste vens, of the township of Bastard... Leeds county, on whose farm he a born some thirty-eight vears ago. Af ter leaving home Mr. Stevens was en- gaged in the hardware business both ax clerk, Reavéliee and manager, until nhout one year ago he commenced business on his own account in Alex: andria Pay, where he was successful in 'building 'up a good trade in his line." Wherever Mr. Stevens had been located or employed, he had the es- teem and confidence of all his acquain lances and business associates. He will beymissed, not Only in the home andthe social circle, but in the Sun day 'school "yids ehiarch, where he was teacher and member of the choir and a faithful worker in the cause of his Master. Eleven years ago Jennie Roberts, lived only he married = Miss Adams, N.Y. who vear after marriage. After the death of his wife he resided \. Gananoque, Ont., for about two ars. About seven years ago My Stevens was married to Miss Ethel, youngest daughter of Dethuel De- Wolfe, Gananoque, who survives him. He is also survived by his father, mcther, two brothers and three ters, namely, Isaac, on the homestead, Adolphus, Watertown, N.Y., Mrs, J, Mayle, Addison, Ont., and Helen and Haunah at home. Much sympathy is hereaved family one Sis. extended to the and large circle of friends and especially to his aged mother who is confined to her home through illness. REACHING TO THE COAST. on Grand Trunk Pacific. Montreal, Feb, 1.--At the G.T.P. oi- fices figures have been given showing that 923 miles of steel are now down on the main line west of Winnipeg. This i« more than hall way from Win nipeg to the coast. Taking off a hun dred miles oh the west end, where steed is being laid now, and adding it to the finished Kone, would make 1.023 miles of trick dows, out of 1,750 miles west of Winnipeg, leaving only a little over TO mi of road to be completed to open the way to Prinee | Rupert. Track-Laying A HANDSOME GIFT. and Mrs. Sim Simmons Present Church With Organ. Colborne, Feb. T.---Mr. and Mex. I), LL. Simmons. of this place, have pre sented the Colborne Methodist chsrrh with a pipe organ with tubular phen matic aition. The instrument 8 to be installed in the church by May 15th, by Edward Ly» & Sons, Toron' to. The generous gift ie very greatly | appreciated bv the congregation, Me] and Mrs. Simmons had previoutly made generous gifts to the Sunday ob Mr. a MB or Seino Denver, Feb. l.-John Hayes Ham i noted 1 and BIRTH. | : a PILLS FREE, SO You CAN TRY THEM Before You Buy Them We certainly make it for anyone, who needs Gin Pills, to find out how valuable they ure First of all, we will send absolutely free of charge, a sample of Gia Pills to every sufferer from Kidney or Bladder Trouble, Lame Back or Kheumatism. Then, after you have purchased the regular 50c. boxes, we guarantee to re- turn your money if Gin Pills do not do all that we claim for them. You risk nothing-- you have every- thing to gain--Dby writing for a free sam- ple of Gin Pills, You can try them and sce for yourself just how mich good they will do you 'This is the Way Mr, Dietrich cured himself of seridus Kidney Trouble, St. Agathe, Que., April 6th, 1900. "1 received vour sample box of Gin Pills and as I found them highly satis- factory, I am using Gin Pills $ regularly and can highly FS them LP, DIETRICH, Write the National Drug & Chem. , 3 Limited Dept. B., Toronto, and a free sample will be sent you by retum mail Regular a size boxes are sold, by dealers at a box--6 for $2.50, 28 NONE BETTER MADE Had Given 'Up All Hope of Living. Heart Trouble Cured by Milk burn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mrs. Andrew Savoy, Graitan's, N.B., writes: --" In the year 1805, | was taken sick and did not think } gould live any lengtivef time. beart and people told me that nothin could be doue for a case like mine, consulted the very best doctors, but they could do me no good. For seven weeks 1 could hardly cross the floor. "1 had no My trouble was with my | A § } 3 £ Empire Type il, 8 Good § as New, Oaly $25.00. Motors in stock. House Wiring our specialty. Up-to-date Gas and Electric Fixtures, Agents for the Davis Gasoline Engine for Motor Boats. Visit our show rooms A.W. Newman Eeetric Co, $ 'Phone, 441; 79 Princess street. SPECIAL SHOE SALE 20 Per Cent. Off Regular Goods Boots Shoes Trunks and Valises : reistesssiareeiee "ve : i H. Jennings, King St pain, but was so weak nobody in the world | ean believe how I felt. 1 Lad given u all hopes of living and had given my litt g'rl to my sister-in-law. "One day a friend eame'to see me, and | calling me Ly nane, said, * Lizzie, if | were | you I would try a dose of Milburn's Heart | and Nerve Pills as they are good for heart | My husband got we a box, but | rouble fof two days | was not {#bling any better, Lut onthe fourth day my husband said, "1 believe those pills are doing you good.' 1 was able to eay, better this morning.' He said, * Well, will get you apdther box right away, vi took two boxes and three doses out of the third one, and 1 was perlectly well and have not been sick since then, "1 will nover be without them in my home for God knows if it had rot been for | Mitburn's Heart and Nérve Pills; I would oot have been alive riow Price, 50 cents per bor, 25, at all dealers or mailed direct oe receipt of price by The TF. Milouwm Co. Limited, Toronto, Oot 'Yes, 1 feel a goo feud i 2 boxes tor | Pasteurized Milk is Pure and Safe Therefore be wige and use only Pasteurized Mil Regular delivery every morning to all parte of Lhe city by my mirfk wagRomk alno delivered with 0c per ba fam 250, 2&¢ per don o Syrup, $1.00 per gal S. T. KIRK, 277-281 PRINCESS 8ST, Phone 417 Agent for Asselstine"s Yarn IAIN HAASAN English Nut Milk Chocolate, ac and 10c packages. Cadbury's Plain and Nat Milk Chocolate 25¢ 'Half Pound Package. IA. J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. Our Big Clearing James Reid, Sale of Furniture Bed sale of Springs Iron Beds as low frzen, time--During our big clear we are running a special rans Iron Beds, Mattresses, We have as $2.50, all ing fine ard and ww Hercules that Feit, Feather Pillows ia all weights, Woven life Cotton Mattresses, Wire Springs, Wool and all sizes, Inst a time, These are fast sellers, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. "Phone 147, FARAH HHFEEEFFE RAIA IANA 30c per peck. EAI Canada Red Apples, . Special price per barrel, Fine Cranberries, 10c and 8c Quart. . Malaga Grapes, loose from stem, 10c Ib. R. H. TOY 302 King St. | Phone 141 PE EIA *? aE bale A ---------- m-------- co

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