eo § * : 3 Wn ATA St. din pon ki Ht oe tins tt on A 5 # ---- NEW COPYRIGHT BOOKS AT THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PRICES: THEY AND 1, by Jerome. . .. PILLARS OF EDEN, by Philip THE STRAW, by R. Ramsay ANTONIO, by Ernest Oldmeadow. . . - THE GOOSE GIRL, by Harold MacGra THE FOREIGNER, by Ralph Connor Ph "THE MAKING OF BOBBY BURNIT, by Chester... . SPECIAL MESSENGER, by R. W. Chambers . CAPTAIN STORMFIELD'S VISIT TO HEAVEN THE IRON HEEL, by Jack Loudon R. UGLOW & COMPANY, 141 PRINCESS ST. "Myhels ih... capri SLES for 90¢ by Mark Twain 90c Ey January Bargains: yy mg FRAGA SR VA IO ERE Tw NOW osc ¥ + vrs. = NOW BSe NOW 44¢ . 48¢, 25¢, and 20¢, drei NOW $3.25 . +. REDUCED TO $4.30 Women's Felt Juliet, $1.25. Women's Felt Slippers, The. Women's Felt Slippers, 65¢c. Others at. . .. .. .. i... .. 0 Men's Tau Calf Blucher Bal, $4.50 Men's Tan Calf High Cut, $6.00... ... . a Pl a AN NNN PERFECTION Cocos Marte paar Lanst) is the most you can buy. will make a cup h NEA ew a R i Pe Done at the House of Quality is satisfac. tory proof that honest trading, efficient service, coupled with faie prices, wins the 1 confidence of the public. A, =. Herod, rincess St. The House of Quality. Phone 83, economical that Half a teaspoonful of cocoa -- rich, P Good Locations in Tisdale and Whitees Townships, $700.00 and up wards, Held under short time options. Must be Sold ut once. Au exceptional opportunity. Hennessy &.Gilmour «Members Montreal Mining Exchange. $6 NOTRE DAME ST. WEST, MONTREAL TELE MAIN 7:0t ----- BROOM MATCH AT ATHENS, How The Girls of That Village Amuse Themselves, he ony Ja ae excursion to on AY was well pa a * The hockey pir] rl in a tie, fopr to four, "The local team defeated the ENigville team at hockey here, 5 The ny ot ball match on the rink, last night, was largely attended and most ox while. The rival teams were the Wiray" and fhe "White," and were composed chivlly of hi shool students, The result i de. CA -- J. Sexton, Mrs. M. Derbyshire and Miss 8. Leggett. A load drove to the Outlet at Charleston on Tuesday to then» religions convention . Evangelistic gorvices are in pro gress (AL the Holiness Movement church. Philip Geiter, New York, i assisting, Reeves Holmes and Mul vena are attending counties council, Harold Deeton, of the Fdmonton hoc key team, came down from Ottawa to visit J. G t Kappel beiore return- ng fo west. Willeid and Miss Clara Taber are visiting friends in Parishvifle, NY. Clarence Carpenter, Morrisburg, 'N.¥.. is spending some tithe with B. Loverin. W. Ackland, of Calghiry, "Is a guest of his brother, J. Aokland. : BE Missionary sermons were in the Methodist church on ay last BE a layman, 6. R. Put] nam, Merrickyille. contributions ; tod 4 : awioun to rly Among thow from here attonding : The. family of J. Krutzman, Hamil. had a nurow escape from their "house; in' maney' and here the Presby- : meant © atl Ay sveping were © LN. Beckstodt, sow--this mom: | 1 © Why net some at ome sevilla mom: EE Rd A JTHE SPORT THE SAWYER SHOE STORE § | Fur and Mee. Joseph Thompson, My, their second game, at the covered last Wednesday's game. \ {he ¥ » PANY » FIONTENAC JUNIORS. TO PLAY AGAIN HAVE! Queen's Il. and Cadets Come To. gether Again This Evening--Dis. | trict Curling Games Start' Here | To-morrow. Since the announcement about the Picton-Trenton junior O.H.A. game, played in Trenton on Friday evesing, James T. Sutherland has been in communication with Secretary Hewitt, and received word that the * Picton team won the game ip overtime, the final score being seven goals to five. The mistake was made by the opera- tor who sent out the score before the 'overtime was played: This will niake 'a great difference in this district. °K Victon-wins in Belleville, to-night, the locals will play their protested game with Picton, in Picton, on Wednesday evening, and ii they are defeated the {longue will stand a tie, the play off being a sudden<dgath game in Trenton on Saturday evenihg. OW the other hand, if Picton is = de foated by Belleville to-night, or hy Frontenac 'on Wednesday wight, then | the locals will be champions and will | on [fined the onrsmen $25, while the rink ting into the intake pipe, and some of ORITISH WHIG, MONDAY. JANUARY 31. 1910. . WATERWORKS' INTAKE PIPE FOR A LEAKAGE. 1 are already. out of the running for the National . hookey championship. { Ottawa and Wanderers for first and, second places in the National hockey. league sounds lke a good safe bet. Russell Bowie, rove: for the Mont: | real Victorias, fell over his stick at of practice game and * broke his eotlar- | hone. : Ine New Ontario Hockey league has) engaged 3 lawyer to igvestigate the! charge thet players for Port Arthur | Drinking Water, were offered brives to throw the fame. | x thatthe. oily. health depars Several arrests are threatened. : ow City hea art | Toronto Globe : Bill O'Hars Objects, es, has located ihe cause of he to the clause in his St. Louis con ever cases that have g : izact, which he has just received, pre | here during the past month, it remains | venting him from playimg winter for the city council, through its water: gomes, Bill bas asked the special per {works committee, to order an immedi mission of Bresnahna to play an oc ate examination of the intake pipe for casional game of pool in his new place' 8 leak Sheangh Yalich Sewage has, no here, . (goubt, en A was a ty Sports of Pitisburg. who figured phoid epidemic here seven years ago, thomselves as among the wise, bet!it was a leaky joint in the intake heavily on Smallwood, giving odds of 'pipe that caused it. The leak was ae 10 to 4 that he Ruud beat f.ongboat. paired, and Apnoid Seased. bar ali It is estimated that $15,000 'was bet | e medica alth cer al op Smallwood at these : heavy odds, along suspected the water of being the but longtoat Fou away from him af- cause i the Proment taney ive eases tir the tifth mile, ithat have develo this mont ut It cost the Argonaut hockey club'could not state positively. For over just 855 for the default of their junior three otk, Sousiant bacteriological team of the game with the T. R. C. tests have n made of water sam- juniors at the Motual street rink, Tor- ples, and finally a contamipation was onto. Every cont of this will have to discovered in the samples reported | be jayel belore theic soajors can go upon, on Saturday morning. Evident i on with their schedule. The 0. H. A. ly a small amount of sewage is get- THE The Water Contaminated by Sewage, And There'll ve More Typhoid Until the Leak is Repaired--Boil it contains para-typhoid bacilli, evi- . denced by the last sample examined by . Christ's Second Advent, Prof. W. T. Connell, of Queen's Medi: At both services, in Bethel church, cal College. The other two samples vestérday, Mr. Stephens preackel on contain colon bacilli. Both these claims $25, and the referee #5. i : i i | : ove shall see | Christ comes for His own the | world saw Him He was on the eross W. W. GIBSON, The popular manager of the Fronten- ac Senior Hockey Club and donor of the { Gibson trophy In the Chty Hockey ! League, i ------ mm ---------------- play off with Oshawa, home-and-Home games in the next few days. This iw a rather complicated state of affairs, but the locals hope to come out all right All the juniors should be atl 'prae- tive this evering after MW jucen s II! Cadets gafne Junior Granites Win, On Saturday afternoon, from five to six o'clock, a good, fast, clean game of hockey was witnessed at Palace rink, when the GRnavogue Wanderers met Granite Juniors in a friendly game. The, score at half time stood 5 to 1, in Granites' favor, and in the second hall Granites scored three to Wanderers' one, making the score at full time 8 to 2. The Gananogue sev- en play good, fast hockey, but were rather lost un little on the latge rink, as they play on a much smaller one in their horse town. The teams : Wanderers--Goal, Nelson: point, Gor- { don; cover, Churchill; rover, Phillips; {centre, Wright; right wing, Kidd: left wing, Latimer, Granites--Goal, | E. Richards; point, \. Caterton; cover, A. Hughes; rover, A. Purtell; centre, A. Robinson: right wing, R. Boyes; left wing, H. Thorn ton. City League Hockey Games, Three City League games will be plaved, on Trhosday evening, on the difierent open air rinks, In the junior series, Portsmouth and St. Mark's will play their second game. In the sen'or series, the Granites and Young Irishmen will play, and in the Kings- ton Ampbeur Hockey League, the St. James' seven will try eonelusions with the Wormwith's team. All games will be ghod ones, and should draw large crowds, The senior Granites have arrapged a game with the Lansdowne teum, for Wodnesday evening. A strong team will be taken down, as the Lansdowne boys have the reputation of being fast ones, Uistrict Curling Games. The rurling games for the district cup will open at the eurling rink on Tuesday, the first draw being on Tues: day morning, at nine o'clock. Two teams from Brockville town, from trockville Eastern Hospital, from Col- borne, from Nupanee, from Belleville, Cobourg. and Kingston will compete. The games have been twice postponed, owing to soft weather, but the thied tines promises to be the charm: and work wonders. The Visiting teams will be entertained by the locals. daring their stay in the city. The games will last about two days, and the winners will play off with the wisners of the Lindsay section. Lr Queen's 11. ws. Cadets 1. Queen's 1 und Cadets T wili play rink, this evening, lo decide round of the intermediate el ate. Queen's go to game one oal to the good, ar they won the Ft game 3 goals to A. The soldiers 'blame the soft ies for their defeat, and will try to reversé matters to-night. The teams will line up the same as in "the first On Satesdsy at Bath Road, the et he Tn Di The tina Uataragui by # to t i s - reforend, st Elgin: hua, ay Sasa tie won rom inburg, by to 1, Jamis Smthfwas refores. at Chaist's second Advent, Selling upon types of bacilli cause intestinal trouble, the prominent place it held in the and are dangerbus. Hence the neces str ptures and its influence on Chriss sity of the people drinking boiled wa- tan Living. There are twice as many ter. Those who do not use boiled wa- references in the Bible to Christ's se- ter, or water heated to over 160 de cond Advent than there are to lis grees, which will destroy the danger- first, and yet even among real Chis: ous germs, take a risk. tinns there is dense ignorance ard ine Dr. Williamson, medical health offi- difference conecrning these all import: cer, is satisfied that the origin of the ant truths, There are' two aspects of typhoid had been located. He exam: Christ's *oming closely noted in the ined various likely cases, but éonclud- word of God. The one is His coming ed that the water was to blame, as it for His Saints and is Jlainly stated was the only thing common to all the in 1 Thesad iv.-13-14. be other is cases that have developed. It took when He comes with them, when every some time to prove it, and while he Him and when nations wag experimenting in that direct} because of Him. When he advised the citizens, nearly t is world weeks ago, to boil thewdrinking ; The last time th? tor. Until the intake pipe has | + age entrance into it attended to, it | To Comes will be necessary to continue drinking | in judgment. boiled water, if people want to run | a no riskst Dr. Williamson expects that HOPES F Y another bateh of typhoid cases may : result from the contaminated water of . the past week, but, of course, he says BELIEVE THEY WILL SHARE IN that very lew cases may possibly FORTUNE break out. The water that Prof, Con oJ nell last examined would readily cause typhoid, od dre ave hee The Family Expects to Receive at donking a hundreds hen Least $8,000,000 as Their Share Ty, health officer has made an offi of Col William Baker's Property. cial report to Mavor Couper, Ald. Watertown, N.Y. Times. Craig (chairman of waterworks), and Heir to millions, Mrs. Mary J. Superintendent Hewitt, and asks that Tout, wife of Henry H. Tout, of the an immediate examination of the in- firm of Tout & O'Brien, barbers, of take pipe be made. Over threp weeks 107 Public Square, avers she cares only ago he suggested this examination, for heriold friends and -antiounces her but had no direct proof of water con- intention of devoti the vast wealth tamination, though it was suspected she is so soon to i to the inter. Now the proof is on hand, and the su ests of charity and the poor. "We perintendent of waterworks is making are just plain people," Mrs, Tout con- preparations for an examination. cluded. Superintendent Hewitt thinks it is Mrs. Tout and her sigter, Miss An- possible that the joint repaired seven nie Robinson, both residing at 204 St. vears ago has opened & little, or that Mary street, say they have been noti- a valve in the pipe close inshore has fied that they are included among the been disturbed by a vessel that dis. uine heirs to the wealth of their great- charged 'coal at the waterworks wharf great-grandfather, the late Col. Wil- two months ago. Heavy seas might liam Baker. The fortune is estimated have caused the vessel to rub against upon information given Mrs. Tout, et the valve. A diver may be able to de $190,000,000. The property comprises tect the place of leakage, though it valuable lands in the heart of New will not be easy, because the presence York, including blocks on the famous of the i#8 on the barbor makes it very Bowery, one of . the main thorough- dark beneath the waters, and it will fares of the town in her great-great require. the closest scrutiny, with % grandfather's time. There is also in bright, sus over head, on the part of a cluded pier No. 5, one of the city's diverito doeate a leak. However, that biggest = water gateways. There are is the first thing to be tried. Taxes ri? now very, very valuable, in : nna Philadelphia, Poughkeepsie, along the : 4 length of the Hudson and among the . DA. "Hotel Arrivals. Lehigh Valley coal mines: Neither J. U, . Jubenskernburg, Rotterdam, Mrs. Tout nor her sister, Miss Robin N.Y: W&"T © Henry, Clifton son, know of all the properties in 'Springs, NY; W. H. Walkley, F. W. volved, s Robinson, Montreal; B. M. Britton, To- Mrs. Tout the daughter of the ronto; F. T. Miller, W. M. Miller, Na- late Thomas Robinson, of Kingston, panee; W. H. Christie, Patrick.Cleary, Ont., am officer in the Canadian cus. St. Catharines: J. B. Haunt, Boston; toms service. They can trace their lewis Moses, london, Eng; J. A. lineage back to William Penn and Col. Craig, Hamilton: G. D. Righy, Chi Baker, and there is no doubt aboul cago, I. A. M. Culver, Chicago: L. their claim' to the estate, it is said. 'C. Bergin, Montreal; T. A. Baker, To That they should share in the proper ronto. ties of Col. Baker, was the heli { Mrs. Robinson, the mother. Her claim | was about to be proven" when ther | death occurred, only a fow oth from that of her husband, twenty three vears ago. The children shall wail will not swe Him. the next time will be when He * iS is of A License Is Required. ** Reader asks: "Js it necessary for an agent who sells goods from door to door to procures a license? Ii necessary, where is it to be pro cured, and at what cost *"' The u¥-law relating to "Hawkers and Pedlnrs™" requires a license for house | to-house selling. The license costs filty dollars and is to be had from the city treasurer. ' of whom theré were nine, had pot the means of pressing the claim. "Wo are all working pe ple," Mrs. Tout explained. That they doubted the fabulous wealth that was said * to have accumulated from the esthite of their great-great-grandiathor is apparent from the fact that when a ° Lie ching stam, as enc + TRY THE MONEY- BACK CURE 88 Robinson a few Weeks ago, , FOR INDIGESTION : family laughingly concluded that all they would get out of it was the stamp, and did not trouble to answer. ! Later, another letter came from At torney Crooker, of Philadelphia, =» cousin, and to him they gave er of attorney fo) sesure the property for them. Aside from the veal estate in thic country, Col. » who was a strict royalist and' left England in the seven: teenth century, had a deposit in the Bank of England, from which there is now an annual income of $120,000. He remained loyal to the king during the revolution. Previously he had acquir- od large tracts of property in the cit ies mentioned. At the treaty between the vietorious colonies and the oth i that t of an subjects mot be molested, The estate could be claimed for four generations. Mrs. Tgut is informed, regardiess of thers, ! ! rs. Tout came to this city yn Kingston, twenty-one vears ago. = married Mr. Tout twenty-one yenrs ago. For the past : Mr. Nine times in ten stomach derange- ments are responsible for sallow com- plexion, dull eyes apd thin body. It is the stomach that supplies nou- rishing Blood to the muscles, the nerves, and skin. 1 the stomach is healthy, plnty of nutritious matter will be absorbed by the blood. if it is not healthy, the todd will ferment, and undigested, will Jase along through the bowels, furnishing so little nutri- tious matter that' the blood becomes impoverished, and the glow of health vanishes, Hf you sufler from nervousness, sick headache, belching of gas, sour taste {in the mouth, heaviness after eating, fur anv other miserable stomach dis {turbance, vou need Mi-o-pa, and the sooner vou get it the quicker you will be healthier and happi It will releve any disiressd stom- ach condition almost immediately. Tt will. eure if used according. to dire tions. G. W. Mahood sells it for 50 cents «x large box, and he thinks enough of it to guarantee it to eure indigestion. Tout has "The Coll 1 "The College Girl" is oe. spoke on the parable of the GRAND OPERA HOUSE. The Partello Stock Company on the : Boards This Week. "The Royal Chef," a musical ex- travaganza, pleased the audience that witnessed its production at the Grand, on Saturday allerncon 2nd evening. It several ' clever people in Walter A. Bohme, Lon Chaney, Leona Herimerman, Ethel Belch and Charles Vaughan, The form | er's song, "let Me Go Back" made a great hit, and so also did "O'Rielly," sung by leona Heimerman. . To-night "The College Girl." To-night at the Grand Opera House the ever-popular Partello Stock com: pany opens a week's engagement (ex: eepting Wednesday), in a repertoire of extra fine plavs, opening in the great Rah Rah success, "The College Girl," sister play: to Widow." te with' many good dramatie situations, excit: ing climaxes, invigorating comedy and staged with magnificent scenery and electrical effects. Dockstadet's Minstrels, "The Sabara Belle," and "The Hu man Flag," are (wo wonderfully in mious amd spectacular scenes in Lew ckatader's 1910 minstrels, Coming to the Grand on Wednesday, February 2nd, matinee at 3 p.m. evening at B18. Those who have followed the. rareer of Lew Dockstader as a produc er of up-to-date minstrelsy doubtiess will recall that during. the past ten years he has come forward each sue ceeding season with some novel ideas. Years ago he made his first entrance while standing in the middle of a bill board, the arrangement of the pie tures on the fence being such that Dockstader's outline was mistaken for a lithograph. Then he had an auto- bile, and that was followed seven years ago by an airship from which he delivertdd his monologue. This sea- son Lew Docksthder and his minstrels, under the management of James H. Decker, will show the patrons of the Grand a real airship in operation in the auditorium of the playhouse, 5 LATE SAMUEL H. McKEE. Funeral Took Place on Monday Morning--Many Floral Tributes. The remains of the late Samuel Her. bert McKee were laid at rest on Monday morning, the funeral taking place from the home of his sister, Mrs. David Harris, 4 Cherry street Rev. J. D. Boyd conducted the ser vice, and the pallbearers were three brothers of deceased, John, Robert and William, and three nephews, Wil liam J. Harris, Richard Harris and Edward Harris. Many beautiful floral tokens were placed on the casket, testifying to the high esteetn in which deceased was hid. They included a harp, from the employees of the Long Foundry com pany, Rochester, N.Y.; pillow, from hie niece, Mra. T. Andre; pillow, from Jobn, Robert and William McKee, brothers of deceased; sheath, Mr. and Mrs. Smallridge; sheath, Mr. and Mrs. Wiltshire; sheath, Mr. and Mrs. William Hastings; wreath, from Wil: Kam J. Harris, Richard Haris, Ed. ward Harrie and Mise May Harris; wreath, Mre. DD. Harris: wreath, Cana: tian Order of Chosen Friends; wreath, employees of the Montreal Transporia- tion company; spray, Frederick King; spray, James Brickwood Deceased was a charter member of Council, No. 20, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends. Deceasad's brother, William McKee, and the latter's son, Thomas, of Rochester, were present at the funeral, and also William Jarrett, of Syracuse, N.Y AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Rev. Dr, Paterson-Smyth, Montreal, Preached Sunday. Rev. Dr. Paterson-Smiyth, rector St. George's church, Montreal, oc cupied the pulpit at both services in St. Paul's church, on Sunday, and de livered forceful sermons. At the morning service Dr. Smyth preached on the word, "1." which as he pointed out, was one of the short est words in the but which, at the wonderfully important used almost every day The preacher, in way, endeavored to introduce member present to hin own well, the real man. No matter what might do, we could never get from ourselves. We off character. Each day, we building up something, We realize our own importance and member the passage, "What shall #t profit a man ii he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul ¥' At the eyening service, the preacher talents, and referred to them as the parable of responsibilities. The church was to the doors, at this service, snd the sermon was a most interesting one. The speaker, during his discourse, pointed out that every person had a talent, which was not given him for his. own sake, but that be might use it so that it would be a blessing to others. SALVATION ARMY'S BIG DAY. Anniversary Services Were Held Saturday and Sunday. Splendid trowds attended the an niversary services at the Salvation Army Crtadel Saturday night and all day Sunday. On Saturday night welcome was extenddd to Mrs. Ad jutant Kemdall, who, was stationed e ten years ago. At the close of the service two persons came forward lo the Mercy Sent. \ The mestings all das Sunday were full of interest, Mrs. Kendall asarolled five recruits under the colors and ae of same time, The word was moment of each to Away were erly stationad at Kingston. S were sent by Colonsl W. A. Me eesdgres Intyre, New York: Lieut. Usl 6G. BE. Addie English language, | Was | the a most interesting | we could not shake | filled { "Sour stomach," lis a form of indigestion in h gu { tirely too much hydrochloric acid is secreted by the stomach. A sour taste in the mouth is the most symptom of acid dy } saliva, which is normally al found, when tested, to be : acid, or just the opposite of what it should be, and is a state of secte~ tion which causes rapid and extensive destruction of the teeth. Everything eatesfiturns more 'or lees sour in the stomach, but sweets sad acid fraits are far worse in have such an ex 3 sour taste gs to set the teeth | an sige. ydrochloric acid is an § | constituent in the gastric juice, when too much of it is N does positive harm to the mucous ing of the stomach, and when dyspepsia is long continued jt sete up chropic gastritis, gastric ul and other serious diseases. ture loss of all the teeth has caused by acid saliva, which was pendent upon the excessively acid cons © dition of the stomach. STUART'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS, besides fury "ing pure, aseptic pepsin to the stor "i to dilute the excess of hydrochlo: id, and to digest teids and alouminous foods very oughly, also contasin bismuth subni- trate sod calcium carbonate, which are { antagonistic to the acid, and ore neutralize the effect of the ex: {amount of acid in the stomach, the continued use of these tablets will {change the perveried condition of the secretions to a normial state. Il you are suliering from "'hyperche lor-hydria,"' as physicians term § lor in other words, acid dyspepsia, {experience a sowr taste in the mouth, with acid eructations or hear ibegin al once the use of Stuart's Uys i pepsia Tablets, uling one or two af ter each meal, or as may be required, . and the same quantity at retiring time, for if this trouble is allowed to run on, it may cause serious organie changes in the stomach. There are cases on record where the lining of the stomach has been completely eaten away through perverted action of the secretions, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been tried in all forms of 'Indigestion and dyspepsia, with uniniling success, #0 that no matter which form ¥8 may be suffering from, the quickest way to bring about a cure is through ithe use of these powerful stomach tablets. Secure from your druggist a fifty cent boy, and get cured of acid dys pepsia, or whatever form of indiges tion you may be suffering. Also send us your name and address for free sample. Address F. A. Stuart some fon; 150. Stuart Dig, Marshall, | HERE 18 ONE ITEM OF THE MODERN . OFFICE EQUIPMENT IN \ WHICH IT IS THE POOREST POLICY TO HAVE ANYTHING BUT THE BEST. IT 18 THE TYPEWRITER, AND THE BEST 18 THE UNDER- wWoob UNITED TYPEWRITER C0., LTD BR. CG DOBRS, » KINGSTON. should | re | Curtain Cleaning In Winter To keep the home clean and at tractive in the social season one must occasionally even in winter, take down their nce curtaine an pave thom clenned. This is where most people send thelr curtains, R. PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, > @ Princess St, Kingston, Ont. { § i I ¥ uy Fi rr sted in the meetings yesterday, with er speaking and singing. A number jot the local soldiers . gave their exe thy recollections 'apd mpressions of Army in the early r bright jdaye. The silver band added ness to all the proceedings hy ite stirring music. i The saniversary. gatherings will come jclude with a eoncert aod social this fevening. This will give the friends and | com mn ooportunity of personals ly mesting Mrs. Adjutant Kendall bee fore whe leaves for oronto, beh i Came For Protection, | Two "knights of the road" Lihe police station, Saturday | protection, and stayed there | i $