Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1910, p. 8

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Daily 8 O'clock : JOHN McKAY 149-155 Brock St. ; A Savings Acconnt IN THE Bank of Toronto i= both safe and profitable, and in addition is a very great con venlence and help to all whe are frying to KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET, GRORGE B. McKAY, Manager. 'Club Night, Satur- da Night. ay 1 Every Pelion uses Bar. 15 dn Skates ds from put- No NEDDTS, ting ou ) ht curve, just ' Jusiiper and the 1 $4.00. to boots, at minds- | ing - Plotsk province, after a trial ride "bn k miles ivi s, Collars, Ete, 3 - {Robert E. Perry, is to four, \ er 4 in CAN FILE PAPERS AND WITHOUT THE DEPOSIT DE- MANDED OF HIM. Cameron Has Resigned His Office. Montreal, Jan. 20.--The secretdry of the Montreal Branch of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, Dakers Cameron; who has held that office for {the past five years, resigued the office, to-day, to accept a position with a Tootl Hustpose fem. : J BE wae handed down, this in suparioe court, by Shas BLP. artin obtained a against 'the city, which will nomination ] allow him to file ho $22,000 a a clerk of the city. rendered the decisi if a J. P. B. Casgrain enter- ing for the mayoraity. The first i the © date of the Citizens' Asso- ciatiof" candidates were en- tered § * "4% Your seats on the board ai control, Dr. Lachapelle, F. L. Wan- kelyn, I. N. Dupuis and Joseph Ainey being the candidates of the Citizens' Association. There are contests for the city council in all the twenty-two wards of the city, CARNEGIE HERO AWARDS, Two Nova Scotlans and an Editor Included. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 20.--A news paperman with a comfortable income, a Po atoount and no debts waswun- earthetl by the - Carnegie hero fund commission, This became public when the commission annownced that seven- teen heroes had been added to the list. George ¥. Burba, Dayton, Ohio, is lucky newspaperman, who, un- der rare difficulties, rescued Catherine Murty, twelve years old, from drown- ing at Saydersville, Ohio, on April 12th last. Mr, Burba is editor of the Dayton Daily News. The only way in which the commission coulgd recognize his act was to award 'a bronze medal. Five silver and twelve bronze medals were awarded and about $19,000 in money. The acts of heroism cover re- wouss from drowning, electrocition trains, fire and suffocation, John A. Grady of East Baltic. P, E. IL, and Duncan J. Campbell, Camp- bell's' Cover, PEL, receive Ironze medals and small cash awards for rescuing three foreigners from a 'ship that had broken its back on a reef in the Gulf of St. Lawrence at Priests' Pond in November, 1906, GRAFTED $4,000. What a Mining Engineer Tells in Court, Detroit, Jan. 20.-That he assisted the late Sigmund Rothschilds, tobac: co millionaire, to graft $4,000 from the Caoadian Klondyke company 'and that the money eventually came out of the Guggenheim Exploration com- pany, of which Benator Guggenheim, 'of Colorado, is the head, was the les: timony of James M. Elmer, a mining engineer in a suit against the Cana- dian Klondyke company, in Judge Murlin's court, yesterday. Elmer js ming for $1,666, alleged to be due him in salary from the company. E}- mor said Sigefund Rothschilds told him to buy two dredges worth $80,000 for the company to charge the soma 000 extra. Rothschild o mor $4,000 and told him to take that $4,000 in payment, Elmer said the $4,000 came out of the Gug- genheim concern against which the charge was levied later, $10,000 Purse For Peary. New York, Jan. 20.~A national tes: timonial, with a purse of $10,000, for flamed for the of February Sth, when Gov: ughes will preside at the Opera House, The testi- monial will be under the auspices of the civic forum. Commander ) ill tell the story of his trip to t%e pole, x evening ernor M Twins Born On Ice Floe. Gallipolis, Ohio, Jan. 20.--While be- buffeted a on an ice floe on the Ohio river, last night, Mr. and Mrs, William ents of twin girls, on a ho The family lived named "Ohio" and Virginia." At last the Renfrew millionaires' hockey team has won a game. At Renfrew onl Wednesday, it defeated Les Canadians, of Montreal, by nine Bernier played with Je here are real and 3 your Clothing, Unde 20 Per Cent. OF Eserythin Leary |Switeerville recently. Mrs, Shields became the par- | Mie'n t that had been torn | home {loose by ico. The babies have been x r DAILY Roa THE BALLS OF QUEEN'S" Soft Weather Affects Style of Hockey : Play. 2 By Our Queen's Correspondent. ; Inability to shoot, together with an almost total absence of combina tion play, for which perhaps & heavy ica bearing' a burden of superfluous mow was largely ible, charac terized the final workout of Queen's senior hockey team at high noon, to- day, as preparatory to momentous clash with Varaty at the covered rink, Friday evening. The weather than offers every assurance of rain for the morrow. However, no such note as that of pessimism ails in the camp of the P ¥ The exis tence of incl t atmosp i ditions necessitates that the individual style of play be resorted to and in 1 all bell, Crawford, Dobson and George on the forward Jive. Gilhert will guard the nets and will, probably, be as gisted on the defence by Trimble at cover and Mackenzie at point. Trimble is the find of the season and will .ably LG1l the position vaeated by 'Hod' Pennock. - R. MacTavish, A, D. Anderson; A. Wilson and J. Robinson, Queen's re presentatives at the Rochester = stu- dents' convention, addressed the ¥.M. C.A, meeting this aiternoon. Prof. McClement will speak before year '11 arts regarding a memorial, Friday afternoon. C. B. McKee, of Calgary, president of the Canadian Teachers' Association, wishes to meet with any Queens stu- dents desiring tO teach in the west uring the coming summer months. Mr, McKee is at 346 University avenue between the hours of three and six, and seven and eight o'clock, Thursday land Friday. FREE TRADE REMINISCENCE. How That Policy Carried North Essex, Ottawa, Jan. 20.--The new member for North Essex, Oliver J. Wilcox, in his malden speech fn the house, gave some. interesting reminiscenses of other days in the¥ constituerh:y. Among them was the story of Mr. MoGregor, the liberal candidate in 1896, who made his campaign on an absolutely free trade policy, He culled upon the people to rise in their might and drive thence the customs officers stationed alorig the Detroit river, The day after the liberal victory in 1806 many of the electors who had listened to Mr. Moliregor's. fuee trade soeeches and had probably woted for him, journeyed to Detroit and returned heavily laden with purchases. They flatly refused to pay a cent of duty, Their free trade cause had won, was their answer. this department Queen's is i i strong with a ernie diy sci fi {cent illness. Thomas INOT SO MUCH HAY SHIPPED FROM WOLFE AS BEFORE. ISLAND . Farmers Go Largely Into Dairying --Coming Social FEvents--Robert Boyd and Miss Mary Moran Wed- ded. i Nelle Tani, Jon New that osu » usiness 1 brisk p-¥ the Island and ° wh quantity of both loose hay is on the move, but there A £on- |g ing of pasty as well is sold and business Say he on the increase. It is a boon to 'the islarders as sometimes bread is impossible to be had at any prive, The hockey club is to be commend- ed for the enterprise it has shown in having a first-class skating rink on Mr. Armstrong's premises. The rink is well lighted and has a cosy dress ing room: The rink is bsing well patronized and the venture will prove successful. The hockey club played its first mateh in Kingston oh the Palace rak on Saturday. The former club held its annual dance last night in the C.M.B.A. hall. A goad sum was realized. The next in order is the CM.B.A, afnual ball which takes place on the 26. The committee is sparing no pains to make it a suc Oss, The masquerade, which everybody enjoyp, takes place on fhe 28th. On Feb, 2nd the A0.U.W. will hold its annual ball and on Feb, 7th last but not least, the sailors' ball will be held, * The Epworth League concert, recently held in the .C.M.BA. hall, was a decided Success. It realized the handsome suni of $70. Mivhaol Troy is again confined the Hotel Dieu hospital, Kingston. Peter Keegan is shortly expected home from the Hotel Dieu, as he has quite filly recovered. Miss Mary Con- ly is rapidly improving from her re- hits, who has been so seriously ill, is recovering, Mrs. William Bolton and dau htar, Miss Myrtle, visiting in Cornwall for the past couple of months, returned home on Saturday. Timothy O'Shea epent 'a few ' days, last week, at Ni- agara Falls. Joseph Griffin, Water- town, N.Y, was a recent visitor with to To erown all this the same Mr. McGregor was later himself appointed a custony official, and >velished the! job enough to take it. ------------------ THE LATEST RETURNS. | The Unionists Have Been Making! Gains, London, Jan. 20.--At three o'clock, this afternoon, the returns réceived of yeaterday's voting showed the union- ists had gained tén county seats in England, one in Scotland, and one in Walon. The reports showed no liberal ing, but the nationalists have won "ollege Green, Dublin, from: the union- iste. The parties at this hour stand : Unionists, 158; liberals, 132; labor- ites, 25; nationalists, 50, Voting is taking place, to-day, in forty-seven districts; thirty-six of these. are in the country and the res sults will not be known until fo-mor- row, - News From Kepler. Kepler, Jan. 20--Mrs. George Law- son entertained last week, in Rovor her husband's birthday. A boy baby bas artived at Frank Clark's. Ross Bavener is home from i and is now vigiting his brother, Hermon, Collins Bay. James Lindsay has re- turned from ing bis holidays in the city and' intends spending a few days at Barney Guess', Harrowsmith. Walter .Swateer visited his parents at Hiram Wartman visited in Sydenham last week, A ty for the you people was at J. McBride's Fri- day night. © Visitors { Mise Alma Cl i y and Miss Edna 1 f ley, Kingston, at ons; Miss Carrot, King- there's, T. ett's, hes hig. at Frank : . Townsend, = at er spending a couple of her sister, © an ist community in ing has g "on. The community has for its motto, "Neither God nor law;"" hig mother. John Greenwood, ur., suc- cessfully moved a dwelling house, last week, for Grant Pyke. Collector Davis Jina obllected over $8,000 of taxes so ar. On Tug morning a wedding tock place, in the Church of the Sacred Heart, the contraeti ies being Miss Mary, the of James Moran, J.P. Boyd. The ceremony was performed hy Rev. Father Spratt. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Mollie McGlynn, and the ' groomsman was Daniel Lacey. The winsome bride look- ed charming in a suit of blue broad- cloth with watered silk trimmifigs, hat to mateh and carried a prasty houquet of white carnations, he bridesmaid was attired in a suit of maroom, with black hat and ostrich - plumes. After the ceremony the bridal party drove ed Pain of b er where dinner was by a few of their intimate friends. The bride was the recipient of 8 large number of presents, which testified to the high es- teem in which she is held. They will of {take up residence in the new home on the farm "which the groom y purchased, aud will be at home . to their friends after February lst. TO CORRECT CRIMINALS. Surgery Found to be Beneficial at That proper medical attention can do more to reform some convicts than "| prisons is the argument put forth by Henry. Solomon of the State Prison Commission, who made his report of inspection of Sing Sing prison at Os siming, and also of several police pre cinet station houses in New York city recently, : Sia host oT Geporime Sho Sin, ing's ital: ment un dor Dr. has been materially im- proved and that this is« 3 y the ease in regard to the isoner's surgi : t. He points out now 'that the Jrison "should: pravide the surgeon with adequate nap pliances for conducting necessary op erations and also give him the as sistance of a physician and a trained ter | y y : on J : i. THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1010. 1 "1 protection. The ' { turning officer, vanh eX 5 TO SETTLE CLAIMS. An Insurance Polley is Now Avail . able For It Windsor, Ouk., Jan. 20.--Judge Me Hugh is preparing to disburse the of a $20,000 insuramee policy, in accordance with an arrangement made by Morris Hickey, a former well known business man. Hickey failed in the butcher business, in 1880, and was $10,000, He left Windsor fo go into business elsewhere and later without the' knowledge of his ereditors wrote to Judge McHugh, later assigning a $20,000 insurance policy and instruct- ing him to hold it for his ereditors' t ¢ policy was filed away until Hickey's death which has just occured in St. Louis. the proceeds will be more than enough to setile with all the Windsor credi- tors, 'Wolfe Island Council. Wolfe 'Island, Jax! 10.~The newly and Geo. Gillespie, J Geo. Furper and John Flynn, couneil- lors, made the necessary declarations of qualification and office and took their seats. Minutes of last meeting confirmed. Moved, Greenwood-Flyan, and resolved that these steamboat ae- counts be paid : McKelvey & Birch, amount of account, $1453; Jas. Crawford, 1 month captain, $50; 1D. Simons, 1 month engineer, $66.66 ; Jas. Davis, 38 dayy mate, $50.66; R. Keel, 36 duys deckhand, #4: John Crawford, 36 days deckhand, $24 ; Geo, Rattray, 16 days purser, $16; R, Rerry, 31 days fireman, £36.16; Mrs. Davis, 36 days cook, $24; Harry Davis, 24 days extra deckhhand, $3.75; G. Keegan, 18 days purser, $158; Jas, Crawford, 506 meals, $60.72; G, Kee gan, 360 meals, $13.20 ; Mrs, ni We Baker, amount of account, $1.85 ; Mrs, Rawley, washing, $2.65; John Friend & Son, amount of sceount, 75¢.; R. Waldron, £33 88. Moved, Greenwood-Gillespie, and resolved that these township ac counts be paid: Robert Grimshaw, deputy returning officer, $6; Joseph McAvoy, deputy returning officer, ; T. J. Connolly, deputy returning offi- cer, 86; John T. Murphy, deputy re $6. Henry Holliday, deputy returning officer, $6; Mrs. Matin, chrity to Norris, $6; Mrs. Cadotte, charity to Norris, $10 ; Mra. P. Kelly, charity to Norris, $10. Moved, Furner-Gillespie, that Robt: Yott and Henry Ren be given the bushing of road on ice to King ston, at $4.50. Moved, firasuwonn: Fifon, that Henry Henderson be given bridge on ice at 20c. for the season to Islanders, or Bc. round trip. Resolved, that the appointment of assessor 'be laid over to next meeting. Moved, Flynn-Furner, that by-law be passed appointing T. D. Minnes and James Allister, auditors, to audit town- ship and steamboat hooks for 1909 at a salary of $15 each, Moved, Gilles pie-Furner, that the reeve be ap- pointed manager of the Steamer "Wolfe Islander" and that he and Geo. Furner be empowered to sign cheques on bank for monies deposited to the credit of the steamboat on all orders issued by the council. James Dufiy allowed $2 for statute labor per- jock -€ itm 10 the first Monday in February, st 10 a.m. A Sudden Death. Parham, Jan. 17~The rain of to day has settled down the mow a lot and the roads are quite slushy. Dr. Genge is &ept busy owing to so much sickness through the community. Vol er Hartman, while at school on Monday, fell on a rock while sleigh- riding down hill, striking on the back of his head hurting himself so he is not able to attend school. The death of Merinus Grant was a shook to the community as one weck ago he was well and to-day he was buried, hav- ing died with pneumonia. He leaves a wife and one child and many friends to mourn. Earl Bertrim, who has been an invalid for over a month with rheumatism, is gaining very slow- ly. G. A. Smith a bee, the other dey, drawing wood and got as good supply drawn, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs: R. Geod, at J. Goodfellow's, sr.; Mrs. T. J. Hickey and brother, at ©, Barr's, Mrs. E. Bertrim, G. Beririm, M. Lake, at A. C. Wagar's; Mr. and Mrs. G. Foster, M. Smith, at CC. Ball'ss' Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wagar and son, at Ernest Bertidm's; Mrs. W. M. McCumber and son, at J. Wager's T. Wagar, at Mr, Hartman's, Fred, Charlton, at J. Smith's; Mra. G. A. Smith, who has been an he sick list d@ble 0 be out for some time past, is again, Vennachar Notes, Vennachar, . Jan. 17.--~Outside of the religious or church papers, more Whigs come ta this post office than all other papers combined. James Corer made a business trip to Eganville last week. This week he is to make a trip to his brother-in-law's Henry Grant's, near Dog Lake. Rev. N. G. Har 'returned from Odessa, assisting in revival services. Rev, R. Burnham, Picton, is billed to hold quarterly mestings here on 30th, School is progressing nicely with Miss Grace , as teacher, Miss rey inable to meet liabilities of more than} it is expected | elected council, Wm. Fawcett, reeve, | h Greenwood, | Whitewear Sale The first week of Our Whitewear Sale was 8 great succes. Hundreds of White Undergarments were sold, and many who "came merely to look, pur- chased freely. We have the best values in Whifewear in Kingston, and ask you to see this display. Come To-Morrow You are most welcome to examine and compare this Whitewear with any to be had either here or in Toronto. Nightgowns i 30 DIFFERENT STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM. 50c¢ to $5.00, Corset Covers FROM 205¢ to $2.75; Drawers FROM 23¢ to $3.00. White Skirts Trousseau Setts consisting of 4 Pieces These are very dainty and with New Desighs of Kinbroidery and BOOB. «svn $4.50, $0.25, $0.00, $15.75, $18.00 COME AND SEE THESE, YOU MAY SELECT ANY UNDERWEAR" You wish and have it placed aside until required if you are not quite ready to buy just now. Butterick Patterns for February > now ready. We Will Give Per Cent. Discount | During January on all 20 Goods for $4.00. $6.00 value for $4.80. oo e £ $10.00 value for $8.00. A GOOD'STOGK TO SELECT FROM. © $5.00 "

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