ARTA Ico i So desliill'd FT 00 BHT IEEE RE AY AMET 3 ahd arrive. at Clty West. City. Arch 12 BG iy 28 Toupee Eps 0h 4 oe Sukak wus » PERS » a 3 meben 823358 En ia 2253 "FPYIER E = 2 SEE 1110 BEEFES: '. Earsgen -™ oa ~8 » «88 = = = ; th_Pullmans to and from Ot- Brockville dally on trains 2 fecommodation reserved in P. HANLEY, Arent. nd Ontario SCreets, <ToNG JPEMEROKE RGU R7:NY © IN CONNECTION WITH 'Canadian Pacitic Railway ' Trains Leave Kingston "N301. pam. Express--For, Ottaws, 1 Quebec, St. John, NU, Hati- m, Toronto, Chick 2 Dany mfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Mach, Winnipeg, Vancouver, d and San Francisco ee al for Sharbot rr, St. Beattie Lake, ing with C. P. R. Bast and West. Th a Mixed--For Renfrew ano Biermediace points, Mo Ye Bh, Tues, and KINGSTON---OTTAWA. (Leave Kingston 12.01 pun, arrive Ot- tawa y § p.m. 2 ve 10.45 B Eston n . w am, arrive ! 3.58 Dam. particulars at KX. & PP. anda C. P ieket office, Ontario Street F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. i BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario ret, (Sunday ox , Na i to Bannock. I Ripinenss via iro) 4 8 your shipments via int Railway. For further particy. RB, W. DICKS)N, Agent, _Largest 'and Fastest Steamers 8, OCEANA, 8,000 TONS . BERMUDIAY, 5, : on oth unr 00, TONS. Bours from Frost to Flowers, overy Wednesday and Satarday York fn the season. WEST INDIES B. "GUIANA" 8,700 tons, 8.8. g "000 tons, 8.8. "KUR- 0 Sail from New York Thursday for §¢ ix, St. Kitts, Autigua, Martinique, St. . For fe the. 'oni $6.50 15 2 # by Moters, ste. 3 BET ve Cit : WTA To inpou W. Va. F -------- a Government Refused Ald to Antarctic Consumpt EEE RT Ate SCOTT . W. Ge "ama en GRADES ASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING 'OILs, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Clarence and Ontario Streets, OWES } | 1 } i : i ! | "1 feel that owe | life to Lydia | 'Pinkham's Vege- | Compound. Eleven years : was a» Ww i "Ishadow. Thad been | under the doctor's J carebutgotnorelief. si My husband per. @ ed 'me to i Lydia FE. fl Vegetab m- od ike a charm, It lieved all my Ji séry. . 1 advise als ert Ao take Lydia E. Pinkham's und." ~ Mes, Enya Vienna, W. Va. ~-- the last ten years of ps E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- made from, native rots and ntilts no na: or ha And to-day holds the he fetualk Ba fon. i 3 RE ; w to re Lydia, E. Plokham's SCOTLAND IS AGGRIEVED, Expedition, : London, Jan. 20.~Scotiamd 'is deep- ly aggrieved because of the govern: ment grant of $100,000 to Capt. Scott's: Antarctic expelition. Scotis has an Antarctic expedition of her own, headed by Dr. W. 8, Bruce, sup- ported by the Royal Scottish Geogra- phical Soelety, and equipped with Scotch' money. Bruce's plans were announced a year earlier than Secott's, and his Previous record justified government 'patronage, yet his' application for a grant was , which _in the eves of the Caledonian press constitutes "an jn. sult to Scottish geographical research and Scotland ks Whether Bruce's will now be carried out -is. { self with glory, | red label on were handed the het just | come i doubtful, FRONTENACS 11 As Picton. Was & Playér Shot, Froutenacs Played Only Six Men-- The Visiting Team Plays Peculiar Hockey. : Froptengek.... ou. i... sper" dd Pictons A SO ener B Onee' i the Frontenac juniors proves superiority over their op- ponents in the junior: secfon of the UH. AL, when, pn: Wednesday a DEAT PICTON BY 10 5». y at the coven rik bey" played with Pleton, winning out by 11 to 3. After the bitile cold spell the ice was in firg condition and. as for a crowd about $00 people were in the fink. Before the game "Jim' Sutherland informed the Picton manager that Fronten:*s would" only play six men against thar six, as the players did not want to takesa mean advantage, or to be in 8 y way unsportsmanlike. This news was very pleasant for the visitors, who were afraid they were goi up against seven players, but still, if Frontenars had dropped two mien t have won out, Picton hey, unable to play Jewel, who was over age, and had brought no spare man down. Frontenacs won because 'they played hiekey all the time, completely out- classing thir dpponents in every traunch ahd at every stage of the game. The forwdrd line worked as one man. Their 'rishes wore fast, tricky and their shots true. They checked closely, 'sot a fast pace, 'and | nisver missed a chance to. check back. On the line Browse, Millan and David- J son played beautiful 'hockey and hon- ars were about 'even between then. Davidson seemcd at times to be the most effective, 'steatout player, then Hrouse would take the lead, and as for Millan he 'was always right on the job, and in many Ways was the best maf on the ice. On 'the 'defence Basie Ne vid and Marchand all played sthllar games, and showed that eachy man knew how to play his position,' They absolutely refused to be cogfed out, on any occasion, but when u good opportenity afforded boty, | Hg#ott and Davidson could rush down | tenacs will {the ice in a wiy that would surprise out. tae vailbirds. Davidson was very of- fective, playing about his best ame of the season. Hazlett at cover show- jed his worth, very seldom missing a |graces-the ice with 'his preserice. rush, and Wwhén he checked he checked #(if. Marchand in goal covered him- playing about" the best game of 'his career. Te wis cor- tainly on the job and a lot with the at the met door. 'Thid accounts for every man on the team 'dnd shows clearly how, when they play together, every man playing his game, they can win, and also showed clearly that on good ice, undsr fair conditions, ov are Picton's masters in every sense of the word, and ' 'caf trim them on neutral ie¥ in [ive ;games out of six. Picton dre not 'a bunch of dubs or anything like that and they play fine hockoy at. tmes but on Wednesday they were not up to Frontenacs classe Frondenacs set the pace and held it from end to énd and at times Picton boys had to lag a little as it got too fast. In Cooper, the goal, the visitors have a good man who plays a stoddy game, Jones and Chsstn@tt are very. fair, but play a rather peculiar game, having no re- gard as to the method of checking a man. Kennedy and Burns are the most effective an the forward line, do- ing the bulk of the work, the game itself was one of the fastest seen here in years, full of fast st junior games seen here, full of lightning rushes, clase, stiff checking, sensational stops and more sensation- ul one-man plays, and strenuons. In the first half the pace set seem- d impossible for the players to hold mt they stuck to it gamely till the ind of the half. In the second period 'he pace was not quite st times, in flashes, it would be re narkable. The teams: Frontenave (11)--Marchand, goal, Davidson, = point; Haelett, cover, Brouse, centre, Millan, left wings Da- idson, right wing. Picton . (3)~Cooper, goak. Jones, solu; Chestnut, cover, Kennedy, con. tre; Burns, left wing; Spider, ri ying. ~ Referes--Harvey 'Sproule, Toronto, Summary of Scoring. First half: Frontenacs--~Prouse, 1 min. Frontenacs--A. Davidson, 3 min. Picton--Snider, 2 min. Frontenacs--A. Davidson, 3 min. Frontenace--A. Davidson, 2 min. Frontenacs--Mrovse, § min. Picton--Bwrns, 2 min. Frontenaes~Brotse, Frontenace-Hazlett, 10 min. Frontenacs---Millau, 3 min. Frontenacs-&, avidson, 1 min. Frontenace--A. Davidson, 1 min. Picton--Snider, 2 min. Durksons dt faa tenack, A. avidson, times; iziett, 3 ti ice. Picton, utt, Jones, once Kennedy, H--Frontenacs, Hazlett, Kingston | cold still! blow, so fast, but! been , JANUARY 20, 1910. of Fedar- and "exhilarating ex- € Fe - " : once, A. Davidson, "three: said ta possess the dements Chestuntt, twice; Uonce, once; - dling quickness" citément." Regitia's bobapiel, last week, was a record-hresker for Saskatchewan, hav- mg an ontry of sixty-three rinks, The new ipk at Regina, with its 'nine wheats of ite, & declared by the Winni- peg Free Press cobrespondont to be "nedoubtedly the finest curing plant in the wold." A Brockville eredtion iu the line of motor boats will figure next season ig the famous gold challe nge Mp races oh "the St. Lawrence. A Broc-ville 'firm has been given an order to turn out a boat of 230 horse-powir; to cost $10,000, for competition against the famous Dixie [I, which has successfully defended the trophy for the past two pears. The craft will be forty feet ong aml owned by a moter bogt en- thusiast of New York city. ney, once, a. ¥ Total pepaliies--Frontenses, 13 1jn-! utes 1 icton, Sh fntes, in the best half Frontenacs weve always in command and kept the play in Putin's territory folly hlee-qum - tors of the time, and andy for the good work : dn goal Picton would have worse. "Tho 'stick hand sng of the Frontenac fobw was a lostire of the hall. the second. ball about the same ten be Raid, g Hirst Len mi utes Shen the was 'fuirly, "even De: teams scoring, theo Haslet "wend alter Leo Millag," Hime be w ;over the 'Arms, heir _ forwards, right t 'ahd took their 'bumps, ) them were goud Dupe, hit [the 'Visiting defence seémed to believe long shots were best, and stayed out. |" It 'wis on lohg shots that Picton beat Pronienade at home last week. | When the Picton players were infors- i {etl, before the 'game, that the hings- {ton players Tod agrond 10 play only {six men, three eheers were givén for | the locals, as they were good sports, | Frontenaes now head the section, {with three wins apd one Toss. Picton Ihave played four garos, lost. one 'ant thad one, 'disqualified, putting them | second, and the first 'game with Fron- also have to he Sure "Bouncer" Brouse, as usual, made a | great hit 'with the ladies, 'who always | [turn out in large numbers when he | Queen's Aud 'Varsity. The senior Intereollegiste hockey ser- J {ies opens in the 'city on Friday even jing, when Queen's und Varsity will | together. Varsity and Qiieén's {are old rivdls, and 'every year the rail {birds condider this game the best of {the scason, and" 'Ho doubt it 'will be, | Queen's were 'pretitly handicapped at {the first of the seasoh, in the loss of {their entire defence, bit 'the difficulty was well overcomie and the team that | will 'defend the Allan 'cup will be one tobe proud of.' Gilbers, Mackenzie and Lockétt will be the new 'wien, und dll are old hotkey players, who shold !make good. The team, under the. able {guidance of Dri Js J. ifarty, has been working faithfully 'all season, and is now in fine condition, The followin players will line up on Friday : G i bert, goal; Mackenzie, point; Lockett, cover; George, rover; Crawford, centre; Campbell, Jott, wing; Dobson, right ng. . | From all reports, Varsity has an ex- ! seedingly strong team, but there is a grave doubt whether it will be strong enough to overcome Queen's. PHOTO COPYRIGHT 190) BY REUTLINGER 3 EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT, NEW YORK HERALD OO! Entire Costume of Baby Lamb with chinchilla trimming. | Coughs, Colds Bronchitis If there is an ailment | in the throat or chest, | it is surely the remedy be! affected part. It's be | cause the healing essential |} conveyed direct to the} va- § for of Catarrhozone is sreathad juto the sore, irritated: throat and bronchial tubes, be cause its balsamic fumes kill the germs and destroy the cause of the trouble. These are the reasons why Catarrhozone never yet failed to cure a genu- ine chase of Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis or Throat Trouble, The wonderfully- soothing vapor of Ca- tarrhozone instantly reaches the furthest recesses of the lungs, produces a | healing, curative efiect that is impossible with a fab- let or liquid, which goes merely to the stomach, and fails en- tively to help the : throat or lungs, To "permanently olre vour winter ills, "your coughs, sneezing, and Ca- tareh, 'by. all 'means use a tried and proving remedy like Cathrrhozone. Rut baware of the substitutor and "imita- tor.» 'Look for CATARRHOZONE only, S50¢. and 81, at ali dealerg, Lr Catarrhozone A meeting of the hy xd Baseball League will be held ay even- Just Breath It. --- ing at the College Inn Cigar » e TheDavis Engines Princess streot. Are always on top when durability, economy and speed is cons'dered. See K: A. H. A, Game. One senior game in the Kingston Amateur Hockey Association will _ be played at the Royal rink this evening, when the R.C.H.A. seven will meet St. James'. This should prove a good game, as the teams are very evenly matched. The soldiers have not yet {lost a game, but the saints have only eated once. City League Games. 3 Three city league games will be play- ed this evening. On Royal rink from nine to tem o'clock, the Y.M.C.A. juniors will 'play St. James'. At Portsmouth, the jumicts from St. Mark's, Barriefield, will meet the Hat ters: Bay seven, and at the Palace rink the senior game will 'be played be tween the Irmhmen and Granites. All games should draw, good crowds. Basket Ball News. The final game in, the City Basket- ball lea, for the - MeFedri trophy will be played at the Y.M.C.A. on Thursday evening, January 27th, between the Cranes, captained by Frank Birch, and the Hawks, captain. el by Dopglas Pound. These two teams are evetly matched and should put up a fine game. Exhibit at H. W. Newman's ble Steam Eogine, Water Tube, Boiler or any Steam or Gasoline Engine Fittings call ag [DAS DRY DOK. COMPANY "Phone 420, When" you want a relia: | we "SALADA" is the same wherever or whenever you buy it--always of wav Its native purity and garden freshnéss is pets fectly preserved in sealed "SALADA" Packets. rg THE oma NAL AND ONLY The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for COUGHS, CoLDs, ASTHMA' BRONCHITIS. * "DIARRHOEA. DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effectually cuts short 411 Sttachs of SPASMS. Checks asd seventh those too often fatal dissases---FEVER, CROUP aad AGUE. "Ta'3dl3 pAllistive ia NEURALGIA. GOUT, RHEUMATISM. hlorodyne i: igiid taken in d , graduated gecording to the malady, n on > Ne licves of Sehddere (Ay oreates m calm refreshing sleep | ghlays semitation of the mervous system whem all other remedies fail: loaves E2 bad effects; and can be taken when no other icine can be ded. INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by all Chemists. \ a er TI a. The immense wsuceqss of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. NB. «Every boltle of Gedvin:' Chlorodyas bears on the sfemp the mame of the inveator, Dr. J. Collis Browse ¢ NO LET UP IN THE BARGAINS AT | SUTHERLAND'S RED-LETTER SHOE SALE a year, and our Bargains are always genuine, A child can buy here 4 and be sure of saving 25% Discount On the best Shoes in Kingston at Kingston's Best Shoe Store. COME EARLY. J. H, SUTHERLAND & BRO, Where the Good Shoes Come Froni. OUR BIG CLEARING SALS IS NOW ON. This is an opportunity to Réfurnish in the Latest Designs at Sale Prices in all Departments. "RUGS AND MATTS. OILULOTH AND LINOLEUM. DRESSERS AND STANDS. IRON BEDS, SPRINGS, AND MATTRESSES, PARLOR SETTS AND FANCY ODD CHAIRS. No Old Stock-- Everything New. Mail Orders promptly attended to. Packing Free § 4 -s James Reid. a FRESH ARRIVAL | (AUSTRIAN BON BONS B iA.