Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1910, p. 2

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~~ PAGE TWO. Mid-Winter ~ Sale Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums, &c. EVERYTHING REDUCED ~ 10 1-2 te 20 pe. Mhoula™ simply mean propriation, ant oui chasing pal Ep will ey The City Eng matter with t dent this week ths company "N to the paving. city does not cotntl ut 2000-1500 parlor Suites. Paro seduced 10 Rame, $35.00, ug, Carpeis Pable Covers Draperie cloth, Shades all in the © 'Phone HO. T. i, Harrison Co. wu, Linoleums, Oli- eduetion. Yours, | Carpet : Warehouse ow Display of for Christmas SrA ur Wind Rugs and Mats Presents. Hearth Rugs, tr 7.50. aR Rugs, from $5.00. Door Mats, om $2.50 " 330 to from #f5e. win Skin Mats, fr 1.25, $1.50. com Mats, trom # Men's Godd-year Welts, in Box Calf. Regular §¢ and $4.50, On Sale. . $3.50 "Boy¥' School Beots at cost. All Feit Goods at cost. § Don't forget the place. Jack dohnston's '#0 BROCK ST, Adams' OI Stand. WALKS AND ROADS| ROAD PAVING . BEFORE THE BOARD OF WORKS. Street Railway O¢m "to Bear Any of Expense--Four Miles of Walks to be Lald This Year, City Engineer Craig does not think that more than four miles of concrete walke will be laid this vear. There are now only ten miles of boardwalks in Kingston, and in three years these will pearly all be replaced. At present there are forty-four miles of perman ent walks in the city. The opening of new strects wilt add another mile of roadway. There's no place in Canada that has better walks than Kingston. The Board of Works does not antiei- pete any trouble in securing the pro- erty for the extension of Upper Nitham street. Satisfactory figures to Squares, Curtains, ( | tiring managers, ides are expected to he fixed. weotoadiock result, it would arbitration, and ex- "1 in an arbitration the lways comes out likely there will be he Board of Works oad pavisg qpestion, Qier is t up the fae str y presi ht that G re, it "probably will lose in traffic bin of various blocks as the perations proceeds, is a contribution for it to make. NDREW'S GOOD YEAR. Reports Show Flourishing Condition. of Affairs, e annual congregational meeting Jot. Andeew's an was held in > church hall on Wednesday evens , Rev. Dr. Mackie presiding. The ort of the treasurer showed the ar in the history - of year olosed with ' outplas a all the debts were J £500 paid on the 'mort- reducing to $7,500, The rts of the arent saicties show- the different organizations to he ina flourishing condition. - The re J, F. Lésshe, J. A, Minnes, W. A. Gray and W. G, Craig were all re-elected. Refresh)- ments wers served during the even ing to the large number) of members present, » C RCE BANK BUYS Property at Corner Brock aha King Streets. e Ontario synod has about closed deal with the Canadian Bank of 'ommerce whereby the latter purchas- the synod property at the corner of rock streets, consisting of r shap and Wallace '& flower saleroom. The synod nd intended erecting a building itself d renting the cornet as a drug store i the upper portion to the' Oddfel- ws of the city. Then the Bank of Commerce entered into negotiations for the property and it was announc- ed, to-day, that the deal was about closed for the purchase. The bank in- tends erecting a handsome building, snd the local branch will occupy the lower flat. A COMING EVENT. Race Between Ice Yacht and Auto mobile. A rather unusual race will be held on the harbor some day in the near future' when the Snow Cloud, H. S. 'olger's fast ioe yacht, will 0 a few miles against Thomas MecAuley's fast automobile. The race will be quite a drawing card in local sport: ing civeles. Curling Games. The games in the regular rink ser- ita were played at the 'urling rink, on Wednesday evening, and were all juite close. D. 8. won from Rev. R. Laird, 12 shots a 5. F. McDonald defeated J. M. Ae 12 shots to 10. GG. Strachan won from R. D. Sutherland 12 shots to 9. Petticoats in Favor. Petticoats are in favor -again--that is, those without fullness over. . the hips. The ew petticoat is in two sec- tions, the upper reaching the knees smooth Stipe a aud the lower Kall in flounce form. It is not necessary that) Joh shall he of the same 'material. A ovely model recgntly had the { of 'ivory white ho de om lower a froth of lingerie. Such a petticoat could be dry clean- ed without ripping, ol il preferred, laundered, for the Ii » lon of this silk wash if the is carefully given. Of course, Pr (silk) and taffeta flounces are popular. ---------------- Gave An Address. Miss Stening, from the -- Victoria Homes, Peigan Reserve, gave a most interesting address on thihe work there in St. George's hall, on Wednesday, Her desire is to teach the Indian wo- men handicrafts, and to gather them together for various forms of in- struction. Miss Stering is goi a? Ottawa, and, with Mrs. George will interview the go nt and ack for a grant for the PT Vincent Morrison, a young lad at- tending Cataraqui "school, was acci- dentally struck in the head by a pisce of coat in the hands of. an other lad named Wilirid Esford. The mother of the: fied lad, not know- ng 'how badly her was injured, sent for the pile Pt C. Timmerman responded and quicted things down. Cure Eczema Quickly. Nothing can be more tant than to Hh eczema with a sliding EE Be ture and integrity. ulidug the fiery ig od Sicinne Sho have teed Hamilton's y Not Likely |? onde PUPIL WAS PUXISHED. Given Cat-o'-Nine Tails For rue ancy. The crusade against "truancy is oy ing carried along. In the fuvelly court, on Thursday morning, appeared on a charge - of playing 'nockey," was found guilty, and sentenced to be punished. The lad will '! no doubt, attend to hix studies better in the future. Jt was not his fiest | offence, gnd on this account he was or- dered to be punished. Hix father was also' summoned before ths magistrate and told of his endeavors to get the! boy to attend the school. ! ------ A -------- { The Canadian Club, | A meeting: of the Cangdian Club executive was held on Wednesday ev- | ening to take steps to increase the membership, which is now 150, and to | arrange for meetings. 'The ood is in correspondence with several pro-! mint public men and meetings will | be 'arranged to suit their convenience. The opeming meeting will take the form of a banquet on a Wednesday evening hotly, | The following meet- inge will be held weekly or fortnightly at th: noon hour, An effort wil be made to interest the labor men of the «ty in the work of the club and secure' their co-ope ra- | tion for it is desirous that the or- ganization should be representative of all classes, GEORGE LEWIS, President of the Kingston Trades and Labor Council. A well-known barber and proprietor of shop on Princess street. : ------------------ Neatly Put. New York Sun. The house committee club recently received complaint : "IT have the honor to in- form you that I lunched at the, club thie afternoon and had as my of a New York this unioue gour- omelet y three the club, mets. was served. It contained flies. As an old member po jealous of its reputation," I naturally found this embarrasing, as, in order to make an equitable division of the omelet, it was necessary either to di- vide a fly--a nice bit of carving, as you must concede--or forego a fly 'my- self. T beg to suggest that in the fu- ture, when an omelet is served for four persons, it should be either with (a) four flies, or (b) no flies at all." Old Sailing Vessels. Modern steamships have a very brief life as compared with the old sailing vessels. The Princess Mary, which conveyed King William III to England from Holland, in 1688, and was then over seventy years old, last- ed until 1827, This vessel was re tained as a royal yacht until the reign of George I, by whose orders she was sold. As the Betsy Cairns she sailed to the West Indies and back for over ifty years and then, after another change of ownership, was employed as a collier until February 17th, 1527, when she struck a rock and was total- ly wrecked. Practical Christianity. Harper's Weekly. "On behalf of the sewing circle of this church,' ' said the pastor at the conclusioh "at the morning service, "I desire to thank the congregation for fifty-seven buttons placed .n the con tribution box during the past month. If now the philanthropically inclined donprs of these phbjects will put 4a halfidozen undershirts and three "of other strictly secular garments on the plate next Sunday morning, so that we may have something to sew those buttons on, we shall be additionally grateful," iain A Judicial Mind. The Argonaut. Lord Lansdowne once congratulated Lord Crewe on an eloquent speech in the House of Lords. *'1 have followed it," he said, "with earnest attemtion "not only on account of the im: portance of the subject but also on account of the noble lord's judicial attitude, 1 admired his earnestness nd his eloguence, but what impressed me most wae his impartiality." A pause. "Yeu, until the fence his lordship was coming down." East in World's Race. After conturies of stagnation - the near cast is in the world's race for! growth and progress, Port Said, fifty | ens ago a small Arab camp, now s a population of 50,000. From one hut, in 1830, Piraeus has grown to #0000. Mersine, not. in existence when Theahim Pasha anchored his flost w it now stands, hus 22,000, Beirut has multi 6,000 inhabitants into 150,- 000: from 2,000 in 1840, ith, sal owt Gl 18, 1 0 m ' 2 --smpi-- Early Mail Service In Main. From the Lewiston Journal In 1783. indiviiuals hired 3 man to go from Castine to Wiscasset and sudvess | carry letters once a fort- ht, fe vale Sc distance ia. will be held rn minute | did not know on whic side. of the [| LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN| GENERAL. Occurrences In The City And Vicinity | --Other Brief tems of Interest Easily Read And Remembered. David Heck, of * ing a few days in the Wikis , Swaine, piano tuner. Orders rece at McAuloy's. "Phone 778. br. I. G. Bogart was called to Ber- | wick, Ont., on Wednesday, on acount | of the death of his mother. Buy Zam-Buk Ointment at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. It's fresh there. | Mr. and Mrs. Sauve have yeturned | , from their honeymoon and taken up residence at Garden Island. piang tuner ordery at Simmons Bros'. twenty per cent. January enamelware sale now on. See Dur wi we, for cut prices, ® Miss Li Sharp, Sunbury, return {ed home after a pleasant visit with ¥ Mian Mamie Woods, University avenue, Ask for Bajus' ale. The best and purest beer on the market Only the choicest malt and hops used. Ndthing i else, The opening meeting of the he year of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Y.M.C. on Friday afternoon ay. from Me- at 3:30 o'clock, The ice boating on good. Several hos the day. Quite skating on the Gas the harbor is ts were out during a few have also been lake. and Electric acoounts are now due. Pay at and save ten cent These additional! subscriptions have | been' given to the Mowat hospital | fund : Prof. (i. W. Mitchell, $20; Prof. | W. 0. Walker, $10; Capt. W. Simmons, | 5 . Quite a large number came into the city last night from Gananoque, Na panee apd Harrowsmith, to attend the "White Sister" at the Grand, last night The installation oi officers of Court Stamey, Canadian Order of Foresters, which was to have taken place, 'en Wadnesdayv: evening, was postponed until the next regular meeting. A young man recently recommended fcr the letter earrying staff of the lo- cal' post office proved to be over the age limit and could not he accepted by the department. Another appoint ment will be made this week, Myle's Anti-Pain pills, sold 'at Mc Leod's drug stores, corner King and Brock and corner Montreal oa Prin- cess ¥treots. A citizen was at the police this afternoon complaining that girls had been accosted a man at the corne Bagot streets on ny. W. H. Reid, 's having his once per court two and etruck by of Queen and Wedne sds ay even. the well-known butcher, supply of ice cut at Anglin's Bay, and teamed to his storehouse at Williamsville by Joseph Hackett. The ice from twelve to fouttecn inches thick at the bay and said to be of a fine quality. Seasonable drugs are always to he had at Best's, No maiter what you want you can always get il there. Between four and five hundred people were skating on the harbor on Wed- nesday afternoon. The ice was in per- fect condition, smooth and clear. A large jingles of ladies were out, and all seembd to enjoy themselves. The ice yachtsmen also had fine sport. Pajus' XXX porter, ale and lager is put up in kegs and bottles expressly for family use, Delivered to Any part of tht city. : Thr chairman of the hoard of work gave a wider distribution of sant vesterday, than heretofore enjoyed. Keep up the good work ! However, Bagot street west and Park avenue should be included in the list. It is not to late to sand them. Police Constable: John Naylon ceived word from Gananoque, that his cousin, Joseph Naylon, died there early, this morning after a lingéring illness. The late Mr. Naylon, about thirty-five years of age, was the son of the late Patrick Naylon. He was an unmarried man and was employed in a Gananoque factory Local option was sustained in Port land township by 453 to 148 in the re- cent elections. The Whig, through er- ror, reported the act repealed, and this was due (0 the returns sent = us, The vote was on repeal and the re turns sent in 'were 433 for 148 against, As a matter of fact the vote was the other way : For repeal, 148; against, re- to-d a, or Li Fur Gaps for Men We have the aed largest stock and best values in Kingston. Here are some of the * best sellers. Miok, .$20 to Cast Otter, $15 to $25. Seal, $12 to $25. Persian Lamb: 871 $11 Russian Laub, $4 {laid up in Ann. 15¢. Shaker Flannels Specials this v wee k 12 1-2¢. : Girls' and Boy Ss' Black Wool Mitts pair at 12 1-2¢c. Each ¥ Weetpor, is i | Extra Large Size Bath Towels S Special thi Special at 15¢. s Week . Ladies' Natural Wool Drawers Odd Sizes, Worth 75c¢. and $1.00, Clearing this week at 50¢ Pair { Lemmon Bros. Unbreakable Yarn Made Socks in ack and Grey Special at 25¢, Pair CORRIGAN"S AGED MAN IN HARD LUCK. Asked To Be Taken Station. "I'm fagged out and can't walk other step," said an old man, as he | walked into the police station, this af- | ternoon, and asked the constables do something for him. "Tens in the station house last | night\ for protection," suid the old! man, continuing his story. "My home | is in Lachine, but 1 have been out in | the west. I'm now. on my way home, and would like to get railway assist- | ance. I met with an accident and was | the hospital for several In At Police an- | to weeks," The police gave the and will inquire into his case, and Mayor Couper may possibly give him transportation as far as Brockville. At Your "Own Price night we are selling, by and butter plates, bon bon dishes, salad sets, jardinieres. J. Hiscock, man protection, | auc- | cake | Every tion, bread plates, hut bowls, MoGill senior hoe key Laval in Montreal Wednesday night 13 to 1. A run of sprinting. team defeate | . luck requires considerable | Amn Amn The British Elections will and including January 24th. ordered extras for the week: Crucible Co,, "ELDORADO." $1.00 per doz. to manufacturing concerns free 280 PRINCESS ST. BRITISH ELECTIONS continue all through the week up to i. Speciad Cable ranged for by the Toranto GI, OBE Service has heen: are and MAIL, of which we have Price, 2c per copy. Dixon's "Eldorado" Pencils The best Pencil on the market to-day is the Joseph Dixon Sold in all cities in the U.S. at 10¢ or Made in all grades to suit all purposes. We have received an order of 30 gross which we offe r at 5 ots, each or 50c¢ per doz., and gumrantce any 10c¢ pencil on the Canadian market. it to be a¥igood or better than Samples will be supplied of charge, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK STOR® IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 'PHONE 919. 1 MORE room to show the: big'tnge of spring styles in our Ready-to- ear Department. This is the Way to Get lt-Read} Bib sizes 3 for only 89¢ each. of age; $1.00 to $2. LADIES' KIMONAS, in a variety $1.95 for only 95¢. 12 ONLY LADIES' SUITS, Black, White, sizes 386, 38, 40, 3 DOZEN LADIES' WHITE LAWN A 25¢ line to clear at 15c¢ each. LADIES' PRINT WRAPPERS, Navy and White, i 2 to 38, good goods, but must go quick; The balance of our WINTER COATS, to fit children u 00 garments to ¢lear at 39¢ ead APRONS, with Embroidered and White, «Garments Black 90c {0 § years LADIES' LUSTRE AND CASHMERE WAISTS, Cream nd Bl in odd sizes, priced up to $2.50 each, to clear for 75¢ ech. of dainty designs, assorted sizes, Navy, and. Brown) Blgek and newest styles, priced up to $20 60, must have the room, hence this low price---8$6.95. # Sale Starts on Friday Morning 2 1 TE E---- Money Savers. Erie lard, per ib., je. | Good .tub butter, per Ib., 2%. Farmers' roll or print butter, per Ib., 2c. Fresh eggs, per doz., 28c, 4 lbs. ginger snaps, 25¢. 3 lbs. mixed biscuits, 25¢. 1 1b. good cocoa, 25e. 1 Ib. 400. Japan tea, Mullin's grodery, corner Division streets. oe. Johnson and \ A pretty wedding took place at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald, Front Road, township of Thurlow, on Jan. 19th, when their eldest daughter, Ethel Maud, was united iv matrimohy to James Harvey Bradshaw, of Point Simmons Bros." twenty per cent. January enamelware sale now on, See our windows for cut prices. The cadets at the Royal Military Satlege ate hating a dance on Feb. Go ahead when you think you are LE shale to # AION Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store. FOR THE SICK | ; We have been 25 years in the Jrug and Prescription Bu Our store is equipped to en | the sick in the very best man ner possible, apd, handling no sidelines, enables . us fo give our entire attention to, their demands. ! When purchasing or directihs your friends to a place to pur- chase Medicines, Sick Room Buppliés or Fine Toilet Specialp ties, we hope to merit your st tention. All Prescriptions are "careful ly filled, just as - the physician orders, nothing but the ho: put of of drags is used, and prompt" | delivery guaranteed. Dr. A. P.Choun, | | STERLING SILVER TABLE WARE Many people are wundware that with our Staple Patterns of. 'Sterling. Sliver | sert Spoons and Yorks + ¥% able Spoons and Forks, and" Tone spoons) we Sell one; two or as many as required, thus making easier the purchasing of "Silver for the Hoge." SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Tdcenses. 1 am paying Big Prices for Raw | Furs, von't sena your Furs away | trom home. The market is higher {than you think it is, and | can do | better for you. WW. F. Gourdier, 76, 78 and 80 BROCK ST. Kingston, Ont. Exclusive Furrier, $Can Do High Class Work No. contradiction can wash out that fact. It is as clear as the water we yp, ine effable as the snowy white. ' ness we impart to linens, and as unyielding as the starch in onr collars and cuffs, We Do High-Class $ Work Kingston Laundry § Cor. Princess and Sydenham |

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