BS a rs rer sattmr. AY, SORROW AT [i QUEENS i OVER THE PEATH OF sists, gi "DANIEL M. GORDON. i . i THE BRITISH DAILY WHIG. pt -- INCIDENTS OF THE PAY. Newsy Paragraphs ;phs Picked Up By Re- : porters On Their Rowids. . J, Dennison huss returged from in his sister in Ingersoll. Orders Wiliam >waine, piano uber. recvived at McAuley's. Phome 775. Buwilight g : Wait ! for our Big Annual Furniture' passing of the Principal's Wife Was tris rb b bbb b ries | Sole, commencing Jan. th. James! yoy Sudden om Friday Night-- | Reid. , Mr James Third, Wellington street, | The civic finance commitiee met last | Attended a Dinner Parly at Her | s sib 1010. ne. tn - --_-- e---------- } Bold in "Low Price Wool Blankets 3 pairs of White Wool Blankets, slightly soiled, we are selling at $2.50 Pair. : ur throat wom ty -R that cough hurt you, if you use COUGH DROPS--THE CANDY CURE rie GOOD FOR BAD THROATS ----e race Two. nh bother you, ner _ PATERSON'S meres DELICIOUS TO TASTE ~--e i © cents a Red-and-Yellow Box full TATERSON OF BRANTFORD or : BY reel DOCTORS APPROVE THEM --0p-- gave a party for about fifty of Master | Regimald's boy and givk friends, -last { night. There were ten or twelve tables full of young guests, playing progres- sive games, and the prize winners were _ Furniture, Carpet and Curtain Mid-Winter Sale BIGGER THAN EVER. REDUCTION ALL ROUND. 80 styles of Iron and Brass Beds re- duced from $1.00 to §10.00 on each great line to select from, and price that mean a saving to you. 1 Cabinets, Side- ius, Ruffetts, Lan- € Tables, and every Hooum. A lar uid a big re uction » 1 His Manogany Seat holstered vd Green V iver, seat up Re $150. This is a large Parlo $, RUGS, LINOLEUM, CUR RRO 1h, CUSHIONS. evi r wy done promptly "Photie § Phone 0. Yours, e cholce to clear oul and, Miss Helen Duff and Master Bennie Robertson. The helpers were : Miss Katie Gordon and Miss Constance Tandy * The senior lite had a jolly drive last night, which ended in a dance and supper at the Yacht Club. The girls in the party were: Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Helen Crowe, Miss Dorothy and Miss Matjoty Brown- field, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Ph lis and Miss Charlie Short, Miss Marie and Mies Dorothy Carruthers and Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Mrs, Brownfield kindly chaperoned the dance. - > Le There have been any number of small affairs going gn within the last week, but all the sort that never pecome sufficiently public to be chronicled in the papers. Bridges f four, dioners of six, teas with half a dozen close friends, they are all veiy pleasant, but thdr size ab solves them om mentios. Mrs. da MoPartand, Emily street, will not receive until the we cond Tuesday in February. She is going' to 'toronto to spend some weeks with Mrs. Frederick Hammond and help her settle in to her new home. She will also stay on for her daughtér's post-nuptial reception. S » - - Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie street, charmingly entertained at bridge on Wednesday evening last. Eight tables were in play. -» -» The tournament for the Leslie shield, is going on steadily among the Badminton players, at the Armour- 108, "- - o> Mrs. Arthur Flower March will en- tertain the Bridge Club at the Coun- try Club, on Tuesday evening. - "> 5 Miss Lillian Mowal, Queen's réai- dence, ga~e a little tea, yesterday, for Mrs. P. Norman. Nissen. 3 we ae ae Mrs.. 'David Murray, Frontenac street, will give a party for her chil dren to- night, n r > A few people had a ne ot bridge , =, Harrison Co. { Warehouse See Our Window Display of and Mats for Christmas to $7.50. " Sofa Rugs, from $2.50 to $5.00. Door Mats, from 7Se. $1.50. "Sheep Skin Mats, $1.25, $1.50. to from Bedroom Mats, from $3.50 J "te $50.00. Smyma Rugs, 'to $5.00. R. McFAUL Kingston Oarpet Warehouse. from $1.00 at Mrs. Russell Hale's, King street, last yn. Miss Ethel Barrington, Ottaws, is visiting Mrs. Hobart Dyde, Johnston street. iven a lunch ha. Bing Andie lecy, Miss Fielding, es Taylor Wood, of Daw- "who, with her husband, the of the North-West Mounted Police, is east, on furlough, wilt _be here shortly to pay a visit to her sob, one of the eadets at the Royal Military Col Her hus- band has gone down to fexico. Mrs. Huster Ogilvie ic expected in town on Monday to visit Mvs. John Bell Carruthers, wt CAmandale" Lady Cartwri eon in Stawa lo - Miss Helen Patton, who has been visiting Mrs. A, W. Cooke, at "Hazel dell," will return to Toromto on Tussdny. Mrs, B. Munro will return to Low- ell, Mass, on Tuesday, after a pleas apt Wit to Mis. John M Macdonald, University avenue. Mrs. W. Harty, jr., assisted at the bridal reception of her sister, Mrs. George Cassels, who reciived with her mother, Mrs. J. K. Kerr, at *'Rath- nally," Toronto. Mrs. H. 8. Strathy, 'of Toronto, has teen entertaiipghg Miss Agnes Laut, the noted writer; this week, - > al Mrs. « George Fade, visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Mahood, Gore street, for several weeks, returned to New York, on Friday, taking her The result from their we is quick wad For sale at all drug stores, granddau War, little Miss Anna Ma hood, with he Miss M. Cuicheth, Portsmouth, visiting friends in Na Mrs, Charles Abbott cae down, un- expectedly, from Stratford, yester- day, and gave a pleasant Surprise to everyone. She is with Miss Macaulay, King street. is Miss Marguerite Care-Harris is stay- ing with Mrs. Edward J. B. Pense, at Me anada." She will receive with ostess on Tuesday: wh S. Skinner is rip from Mont- real, for the "woulk-tud The Lord happy and their trip pleasurable axjurisnmd. % Arthur Git after a month's visit wit jand Mrs, W., J. Rae seh er left for her home in Toronto, a Francis Cooke, who; with her little son, has been in her old home in New York, is now at "Haseldell," Kate Craig, Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss | cent evening, but transacted business. Capt. Guisolly,; 'of the Canadian S00, has retained from a business trip to this city. a 24 Gas and Electric accounts are. now ! due. Pay at once and save tea only routine per | 'The Kingston branch of the Ontario | Teachers' Alliance has a membership | of fifty. od Bella Stewart, Jones' Falls, is | friends at Pittsburg and Aing- ston. the Farmers' lustitute meeting held at. Kilburnie, on" Tuesday, was well attended. Call and see sample board of motor . Loat fitungs at H. Milew' 8, 272 Bagot street, anisa Laturney, Kingston, has been '* engaged for 5. 8. No. 7, Pittsburg, | 'or 1910. s { 0. F. Telgmann is in Napanee re hearsing amateurs in "The Chimes Of sormundy."' simmons' Bros. 20 per cent. iry enamelware sale now on. vindows for cut price. Era. Oiver, Franxville, who met ~ith an accident about a week ago is saining slowly. i. Cupningham, piano tuner hictenng's. leave orders at \uley's boukstore. Capt. A. Plunkett, of Cobourg, has! wen spending a few days in the city, | renewing old acquaintances. Bargains in. all departments, i Big Annual « 20th. Bros, 20 per ceat. Janu: Janu- See our i from | Me- at Furniture | | 1 at | St. hae 1 gave a social be home Bf Mrs. Brash, ence, on Thursday. R. Kenneth Mylks, oKOttawa, re resenting the United Wireless Tele raph company, is at the ndolph. How many sticks in the pile of wood n Best's Drug Store window. five lollar prize to you if you can guess, Mre. S. E. Babcock, left, today, on v trip to Watertown. Miss E. rond, left to-day for Cape Visicent., | Laxative Bromo-Quinine cures a cold o a day. Sold at Prouse's store (up town post office branch). Capt. Edward Gough, of the Great | Akes Towing company, Chicago, is | isting at ls old bome-in this city. It will pay you to wait for Big nonual Furniture Sale, commencing | Chursday, Jan, 20th, at James Reid. Miss M. Lake, Inverary, i$ spending | 1 short time "with her cousins, Mr. ! nd Mrs. Charles Asselstine, North | I'renton. Our brass fittings are cheaper than others because we buy direct from manufacturers. H. Milne, 272 Bagot street, Rev. Dr. Mackay, missionary secre- ary, will address the Sunday school ; sternoon. Norway Cod Liver Oil, clear an rystal, strictly fresh and pure, is sold t Prouse's Drug Store {up town posi fice hranch). The Dean of Ontario will preach lis Gurth sermon to students in St. ! Gores cathedral on Sunday even: is subject being * "Miracle." "fo escape typhoid, don't read Mon- treal papers, put a check on drafts, o'l the water and infuse with Gil | lert's pure teas and coffees. Mr, and Mrs. 8. G. Stewart, Jones' Jalls and daughter, Mrs. Stratton, Pittsburg, have returned from attend- ag the wedding of Miss Lulu Smith, | lum Hollow. The meeting of the Skating Chub to- tight has been postponed for there is not a member who is not grieving vith the family of that much beloved voman, Mrs. Di M. Gordon. The board of health has been called o meet on Monday afternoon to ransact' general business. The board's inaugural meeting for 1910 vill not take place till the 24th. Rub a child's chest with ted Oil, warm and. give one half easpoonful = Wild Cherry Balsam Best's) and you can cure croup in a ew hours. Just try it and see how vickly it acts. ! Arthur Watson, who has been spend- | ng a couple of months in the city, vill leave, on Sunday, for Bridge. vater; Nova 'Scotia, where he will { ake) charge of the Bridgewater Cloth: ing company's store. On the 16th, a convention will begin in the Holiness Movement church on Jivision street. Rev. R. C. Horner will conduct it. Rev. Mr. Gui, a Jerman, from Stone's Mills, N.Y., will! conduct the singing. Simmons' ros, 20 per cent. Janu- #¥-enamelwnre sale pw on. See our vindows for out-pries.., Despite the many ions over le turned | wit at the Prlace tink on ~ Friday svening to enjoy themselves skating 'iq, the fine music ished by the sons of Scotland ban. The ice was Jin fine condition best it has been yet, and the large crowd of young people certainly had a great time. The Trusts and Guarantee company, Limited, Toronto, afiyieg Jo for letters of administration 3 tate of the late Bridget Ryan, of the sity of Toronto, who died on or about December 25th, 1909. This estate is a small ono and consists 'principally ol a share in her deceased son's veteran land claim, cash in Home Bank, To ronto, and a policy in the Mstrapeli tau Life Insurance Co. © Blected Their Officers. At a meeting of the Baildi Couns], Jui -on Friday ui i Comphor- | bounter attrac ; iy. 1 Friday evening, although not feeling | | was summoned, and relieved her. When | | with great suddenness. | Presbyterian | Prince Edward Island, and afterwards of Kilehrengn, Scotland. ! was married to {kind and gracious hostess, Red- \have | dod ¢ | ceased. echolbrs of Cooke's church to-morrow {1Y | taurant, | his memory. House Early in the Evening. There is great sorrow throughout the 'city, to-day, over the death Mrs. Daniel Gordon, 'wife of the es} teemed principal of Queen's Univer | Mrs. Gordon passed away = at! 11:30 o'clock on Friday night, aftér a | few hours' illness of an affection of the | hoart. She ind been troubled with this affection two years ago, but in re- | cent months wae much relieved. ' On | 12 Pairs of White Wool Blankets Ww orth 35 50, to clear at $4.50. 15 Only | Bed Comfortables At $1.25, 1.50, 1. 75,2 2.25 foi 3.00, less Special Discount of 20 Per Cent. CORRIGAN'S HELD JOINT INSTALL: ATION. in the best of health, she came down (0 a small dinner party, and sat! and helped through a couple wf the | courses. Feeling a little weak, she! retired to her room. About eight | o'clock she bad a chill, and Dr. Third | the doetor lefty, Mrs. Gordon was rest- ing quite c rtably. Later she had' another attack, and the end came' The late Mrs. Gordon's maiden name | was Eliza 8. Macleghan. She was the | | daughter of Rev. John Maclennan, | Officers in Chosen minister, at Belfast, Friends Installed Friday Night. 8 On Friday night, Councils Nos. In 1869 "she and 217, of the Canadian Order of Daniel M. Gor- | ( hosen Friends, held a joint installa St. Andrew's | tion of officers, in their hall, and there 1 . she went | wus a large attendance of members. with her husband and family to Win- | hr. J. H. Bell, grand medical examin nipeg, and in 1887 to Halifax.' The er, of Hamilton, was the installation family came to Kingston in 1903 when n | offic: r. W. Campbell, <i Hamilton, Dr. Gordon was appointed principal of | grand organizer, was to have been Queen's. present, to take part in the proceed Her children consist of three ings, but was unable to do so, owing and two daunghters-- Rev. Alexander | to the severe snow storm, in the west | Gordon, of Lethbridge, Alia., who has | ang the fact that he had to be im , been visiting at the family home for | Sudbury, on Saturday. After the in the past three weeks; Huntley, of |stallation, addresses were delivered by Dundas; William, of Brisbane, Aus- Dr. Bell, Dr. McCarthy, Dr. Richani- tralia, and Misses Katie and Minnie at | son, Joseph Wilson, chiel councillor, home. R. C. Bell, and others. Following are Jucen's upiversity students and fa- | the officers installed : j culty deeply mourn the de wth of Mrs. Council No. 20-P. C,, ! Gordon, for, socially, she the | C. C., Joseph Wilson; V. C,, ¢. FE mother of the institution the | Linton ; recorder, R. C. Bell ; treasur seven years that she at | er and organist, Archibald Pettigrew ; her university home, she had been a prelate, A. Spencer ; marshall, H. I. Only 'those | Knowlton ; warden, A. Montgomery ; with Queen® | guard, G. F. Rocking ; R amount of en- | Hawkins. the principal's has Council No. 217-C. ('., Dr. Robert whole student was | Hanley ; V. C,, William Driscoll, re ily, aid seldom was there an | co.der, D. Staley ; prelate, Miss M. ening. event- at the university, | Hanley; mar & Cecil Tierney ; ward Mrs, Gordon was not pre- (en, Mrs. CC. Davidson ; guard, John pared to ent rtain the participants at | Donovan ; sentry, Peter Shangraw. ther home. Fxery orgavization at the The auditors, Messrs. James Gowan { university was Yemembéved, and so it | and Capt. Kirkwood brought in their was that the ehdents loved the ott, which showed that the sum of principal's gracious Wife who ever had | $11,165 had been handled during the them in her thoughts. \'To them thero| year, and that the surplus over all is, to-day, a great blank at Queen's | (xaend ture, amounted to $518.80, The by the removal from theinmidst © of | ym ibe rship at the close of the vear one they revered so much. | 1909 was shown to be 675. There were The Union Jack 1s flying) ab half four deaths during 'the year. The mast on the old arts' building out of | | council is, at the present time, in a respect. to the memory of the de |beiter condition, financially, than it The, funéral has 'been ar-{has bean in the past twenty years, ranged to inke' place on Monday af | Big hteen applications were read for fternpon at Taree o'clock from the fam- | | membersh ip, and. there were seven 'ini residence. | tintions. In addition to the surplus, {it might be of Interest to state that ithe lodges. have room furnishings, valued at between S800 wu £1,000. Case Against Restaurant Keeper Was | Further Adjourned. In the Saturday police court Lee, proprietor of the Chinese King street, pleaded guilty" when "| §Special Sale in Music Rev. don, then pastor , of OUR MUSIC AT church, Ottawa. In 1852 : LEADING ONES ARE: 10 CENTS PER > 1 Reniember You. When 1 Marry You Dublin Daisies Darling Sue Are You Engaged? if Somebody Loved Me! Just For a Little Whilg in The Evening by the light, Dear Loulse There's Nobody Just Like You Good-Night, Dear. « THE COLLEGE THE FINEST BOOK STORE 260 PRINCESS ST. I Like Your Way Somebody Lied Heart's Melody . pL Drifting ! sons Lonesome Just a Little Fond Affection Use of Moonlight | | What's The Moon- When There's No "One, Round to Love Cherry In The Glass t A. B. Bryant; Sunbonnet Sue was In hae resided BOOK STORE IN EASTERN OXTARIO. 'PHONE 019. intimately connected any idea of the ter taining sentry, wife body STERLING SILVER TABLE WARE people | re; Many are unaware that with our Staple Patterns of Sterling Biwer (Dessert Spoons Forks, Table Spoons and Forks, and Teas SATURDAY POLICE COURT. and ¥ Ladies' Flastic Ribbed Vests, White or Grey, lace trimmed, J buttoned in froot, long sleeves, regilar 30c. line, for 25c. each, Ladies' Elastic Ribbed Draw. ers. ankle length, in both styles, all sizes, White GF Urey, 2c. each! ! Men's Black Cashmere Socks, extra, fine quality, sizes 94 16 11. A We. line for only Ie, a pair. : 7 Extra value a Men's Heavy Ribbed Woollen Sucks, at 25¢ an pair. ™N S Ask" to. see the line of Ladies' Black: Cashmere Hose, at 25w a pair. Big value. : ) i We have the greatest value in the city in Linen Towels, at 25¢. a pair Plain white ot i with colored border F : 2 PE i : spoons) we Sell one, two or as PR 2 . i PEUPPED DEAD OX STRAT. many as required, thus making easier the purchasidg of YhSiver at for the Home." SMITH BROS.,, Jewellers, Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Kingstonian's Sudden Death at Ogdensburg. "Word was received in the ®ity of the {desth, at Ogdensburg, N.Y.) of a { former Kingstonian, in the person of { Mrs. Margaret Mallette, wife of Capt. | Justin Mallette, Sr. Mrs, Mallette dropped dead on Main street, about 10.30 o'clock, on Sunday night, 'as she and her husband, and {two friends, were on their way home {from spending the day with friends in ithe west side of the city, On the way thome, Mrs. Mallette suddenly began to | gasp for breath. "I'm ¢#dying, 1 ean't breathe, smothering," were her last words, {she fell into her husband's rms, quickly expired. For many years Mrs. Mallette had suffered from heart "disease, and this was- the ciuse of death. She was siy {ty years of age, and born at { Cornwall, where the family Fyved: until sixteen years ago. Besides her hus { band, she ig survived by two sons and {two taughtds , Delbert, Justin, Clara {and Mrs. Jennie Blanchard. Mrs. Mallette was a devoled member tof St. Mary's parish, and was a faith {ful and loving wife and mother. The {funeral took place on Wednesday morning, from the family residence, | Hamilton street. Ben | Foriner res- i "not charged with alloving | liquor to be consumed on his pre mises. B. Walkem appeared on be- half of accused. Inspector Wright, who is prosecuting the case, was not ready to go om and the magistrate consented to an adjournment until rext Friday morning, when withesses will be summoned to give revi dence. Michael Hogan, who has been on remand a weck on a charge of drunk- enness, was sent over for another week. The niagistrate wants to find out where Michael secured his liquor, as ho was on the list, but Michael's memory is so poor that be has been unahle to ' tell. Perhaps another | Tweek wiil be sufficient to brush up + I'm ns and CRIN EI Two drunks were alse on the was et. One was fined $10 and and the other was taxed $2 costs. » In the juvenile court six children | were belore the magistrate for truancy. he parents were also sum- moned and they were given final warning that they must in the future tend the ehildren to school. 2 ocar- costs, and of Catt -- ! mm ---- { 1 am phyThg Big Prices for | Fars, ron't send your {from home. The market THE ALWAYS ey) SY STORE. Haw Furs away is higher { than you think it is, and 1} can do foster for you 2 |W. F. -Gourdier, 76, 78 td 80 BROCK ST. Kingston, Ont, Exclusive F urrier. nen on Kingston's Famous Fur Store. br. Dyde Pleased Them. Carleton Place Canadian The name of Prof. Dyde, of. Queen's, i the Sunday preac der was sufficient {to charm all hearts and minds. He {had spoken here a few weeks pre || | vipus 'oA "Canada" and that speech | cansed dam to leap with a single { bourd high up into the esteem of all | who heard him. It was the signs {inanual of his skill in Jogic, his git of humor, his atfluence of thought and bhis familiarity with eurrent, off-hand i brass and epigrams. These latter he FOR THE SICK R f 3 = vould not employ in the pulpit but he skated pretty near to the brink ou soveral occasions, once quite to the verge when, in the eveming, he said that Jesus was driven, like a tenuis ball, racguetted to and fro between Herod and Pilate. Every' little dis tante be would spurt "sto the elr like an artesian well with a ~ phrase that would ifluminate apd «pell-bind, We have been 25 years in the Drug and Preseription Business. Our store is equipped to serve the sick in the very hest ner possible, and, handling sidelines, enables us to our entire attention to demands, man ®o niet give To Run Full Time, their $For some time "past - the Dominion Textile company's mills here have been running only three-quarter time. This morning, the local manager, received word tthe mills woold now re quire to run full time and to resume full operations at once. It is thought the break in the cotton market is the SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 10 ONLY beautiful Sable} Marmot stoles, No. 1 quality, 3 Saba ZX heads. ade. satin lined. When purchusing or directing your foiends to a place to pus chase Medicines, Sick Room Sapplies ar Fine Toilet Special ties, we hope to merit your at tention, tbsp i A pe Oe ow Hugh MN faa L secre- LC presid, Wilkinson; : splendid va- ras $10. * Ga P50 for cause of the ® change. All Prescriptions are careful ly filled, just ns the physician orders, nothing but the purest of drugs is used, and. prompt delivery guaranteed. Dr. A. P. Chown, The ¥ XY. W.OA. Devas making classes will commence Pp Jun, a4 All id spply hs Y6 Johnson bu 4h ny sei Si rs IA 0H SNAPP MN MAINA