ay ¥ . = eS @ 4 vi yg LASSE BDITION -- ve ------------ WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont, Jan. 15 tawa Valley and Upper St Fine and decidedly cold or. stationary or a little perature. aily 7 | ONTARIO, ca SATURDAY, JANUARY 1910. LATEST NEWS THE WORLD'S TONGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and. Re membered. Russia fears a new Japanese for JAiTd movement on Harbin and Viadi vostok, ' Canada's trade with the United States for the year 1909 was the highest on record. Archer Baker, of the Canadian Paci fic railway, London, is seriously ill with paeumonia. : Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King address ed the Boston City Club on the work- ing of the Lemieux act. Toronto University has cancelled de- gree of M.D, given Dr. 8S. B. Pollard, Toronto, now in 'the penitentiary. U. 8. Congress plans to act on Pre sident Talit's recommendation for a higher rate of postage on magazines. President Tait has brought to an md the republican party fight in the United States House of Representa tives, 'The decision of the Japanese gov- ernment to open Port Arthur as a free ommercial port of entry is expected shortly. - J (Mlicials of the Fish and Game Pro Association, Quebec, announce a seizure of , mink skins to the value of £1,400. i; . Johnson, for fraud at Windsor, ghtting $400 fraddulently, prison for YEAR 79-NO, 12 ARE TALKING KINGSTON, MULL OF HO so «mil: The First Elections Are in Progress. ---- SOME RAILWAY STATISTICS. -- EE -------------- SPANISH OFFICERS PUNISHED. RIND TO POLICE. 19 Some Interesting Information Given; About Roads. Some interesting information re specting the railways of Canadas, is contained in Railway Statistics which have just been published by the De partment of Railways. The railway mileage in operation in 1909, increased 1,138 miles, as comparéd with 514 in 1908. This increase does not include the 675 miles of new trdnscontinental railway, which were opened for traffic during the year. It is estimated that 3,50) miles were under construction on June 30 last, "Khe mileage in Canada in 1909 was £4,104. In Ontario, the increase in mile age in 1909 was 296 ing together the fist, second, and vard and siding tracks, a total of 30.330 miles of rail is obtained. The mileage of govern- ment, owned and operated railways was 2,089 miles, costing in all, $111, 545,903. In this item, are included Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway, 265 miles long, belonging to the Province of Optario and Interco- onial Railway, 1,447 miles in length. During 1900, subsidies were paid to railways in Canada as follows ; by the Dominion, $2,500,612, by the provinces £397,111, by municipalities, $393 875, w oa total of £3,201, 601. In addition, and grants, aggregating - 55,116,017 acres were made to railways up to June 30 in 1909. The railways of Can- ada carried 32,683,300 passengers and 66,842,258 tons of freight in 1909, a decrease of one million in passengers, and three million tons. of freight as ompared with 1908. The passenger scrvioa brought the railways revenue mounting to $45,282,326, while the reizht traffic produced $96,685,076. I'he total earnings of the roads were $145,056,336, and the net revenue was $40,456,251. This was sufficient to pay hree per cent. upon the capitalization f the 87 railways in this country. Thirty-six, however, had deficits in (909, Canadian railways paid last vear $1,504 880, in taxes and $63,216, 362 ta their 125,195 employees. The equipments of Canadian roads n 1509 were, 3,939 locomotives, 117, i719 freight cars and 4,193 passenger oaches. In addition there were 12 ocomotives and 9.345 cars . ease, while 7,550 cars were in use the companies sery Would Give Them Day Off Each Week 15 Every man in service should have twen- ur. hours off duty every week in r to see his family and rest.' Sa d Controller Spence, in mov- ing t the board of contrcl ask the police commissioners to rearrange the police so #8 to give each man one day a week off. At present i 3 * | each man gets one day.a month. | "We are sll Sabbatarians and all } believe that every man should bave Mr. Takes Severe Measures Following a Manifestation, . 15. VETTE - Mads Fis iy higher ® Pe Toremto, Jan i, Cadopted The government fol of e. Polis i "res * of y ; an tniion Budget Debate In House of 5x in fron of the Commons. ST000 'FOR FREEDOM i connection honars to TRADE AND | EXPLODED POSTER'S THEORIES, lowing ) mpaigh of criticism in the distribution of troops of the Melilla ex- | De Villar, captain Madrid, has been removed nc + : Servite ition. Count I of his posifion and all heads of the of which the manifestants s« have been relieved { Several of those who demonstrations huve fortress, while other in to be made. pe gr from army corp i said y "and: ~gven if it requires a appropriation it should * Controller Church éx- f in favor of a day a » police. rs of the force will short f Grasett for permission tion to the board of aps. ' were one day of rest in seven," "thifr took piember ol Pp IT IS AGAINST THE TARIFF RE- gi FORMERS. IN x been nt i arr v Cadets to be Dismissed, Washington, lent A Joint Manifesto Issued by Ba.four and Chamberlain to Show That » | Paritt Will Not Raise Pricés of vood or Taxation on Working Classes. ed Bounties a Clear Hand-out to Ine terested Parties--The Situation in! the Yukone--A New Method in the Administration of Oaths, Ottawa, Jan, 15.~The budget de- bite was resumed, yesterday, by Dr.) Michael Clarke (liberal, Alberta), and continued the whole of the afternoon and evening, Several members took part, including Mr. Crothers (conse vative, Elgin), Mr. Congdon (liberal, Yukonj, Mr. Bradbury (conservative Selkirk), Mr. Paquet (conservative, 1'Islet), Mr. Turcotte (liberal, Quebec county), and others. i Dr. Clarke gave an exceedingly able review of the various phases of the fiscal programme as reflected in the policy of the government and in the doctrines proposed by opposition. He stood firmly for the doctrines of free trade, and exploded many of the theories put forward by Hon. Georgy E. Foster and other members of the ex-finance minister's party. In regard to the bounties on iron and steel, Dr. Clarke declared that Canadians were paying a premium to get in Canada | goods which Providence evidently in tendéd should be made elsewhere. One portion of the country was being help ed at the expeuse of another, "While wes need railways," said Mr, Clarke, ""we- are paying a bounty afd making | table the necessary steel rails more expen- | their sive. Bounties are a clear hand-out the public in many cases to some interested portion of the com- | 1Irther save munity." He said that the present [IMIS governmeat had in ils trade policy [Thine observed the natural order of develop | { ment of industries by encouraging ag Floburs. ore {couservative, West Fl | Wella B. 15.~The repoct. of the gin). oriticizin the A i million dollar government elevator at g the glowing accounts puri Colborne shows that from Sep put forward by liberal members as to | fember 25th to th : Jan. 15.Colonel Seott, of the military aca- t, has forwarded a | department f hazing at the superint to present demy a report or polite comb to : il mstances After idemy sone WILL USE NON-UNION MEN. 15.~The morning of polling finds both parties outward} full of hope; the liberals tally anticipate a comfortable majority at any rate, while the conservatives think th such a majority will so small as practically to be a searching inquir London, Jan board three i class Present Employees Given First Cliance at Jobs. 5.0 15 meaner s hird were i confide for hazing three third clasamen will be dismissed as the law passed 4 the departinent pi Deadwood, , Jan. telags mer I'he dec tion tha { they intend tablish permanehtly the Hills union labor conditions and install the card system, the man- agements of the thirteen largest min ing properties in the hills have issued notice employees that yuld thé new conditiens before outsiders . were imported All closed down announced of erations With the to oF Black t be at worst in useless ow years ago to wipe out hazing at the military academy makes it obfiga- | The betting to be five to thre tory for the wi to dis lor to four againit the conserva lets found of hazing. tive tariff reforme who made a great final effort to conv the elec that will + system of protection g pre A, Balour Chamberbain, last night) , tersely ' non seems ar department guilt gx Mss cad nce to their Forged Baseball Tickets. they Haven ham Cutle leaded gu Prin tenced to yer to Rahono and Je with th orate bread ss under mm under New ; Conn., Jan and to having forged baseball state ta 15.~Abra Louis Weiner, who Yale sen y ference to the colonies and issued the mines with the ty Joseph ention m res Announcement Monday Evening : tickets, were a i de AS SO \ as tariff reform would not raise dd the of taxation paid by the working class prison for from one ntl Hofiman, charged claring m-nmion men can, be procur than S00 men- are afiected, the Home iftesm me each. Juli the price of fo nor proportion { ph would while over ume offence, , sentenced and were on articles for consumption, nor . now closed to four tively «ix months in. jail respec -- : Pinchot May Be Head. H they sav, lessen employment, it would develop trade with the "Wildcat" Mining Schemes Toronto, Jan. 15.~Prof Ha at the engineers' club, referred anxiety Ideat" mining schemes to get avors reports from repu The engireers by honorable donduct have would them if the publie n seeking the reports «© Specials To-Night | Ladies' Underwear, 75¢ quality, * ea states. I'he liberal press 'ar as strenuously, i the peopl 'to vite to protect the v to," urging that if : the buguel is House of tate, The may Conn., Jan. 15 Gifiord Pinchot pointed head of the Yale ol to take the place appointed by : the d speakers, ain, to to the | ap . Fores of Direc President place recently Pinchot, is fre X in very the work of the here .and holds a prolessorship of for tection the ty the tion of Certayr le Engineers. con ocen i Ont., sent months : Democratic leaders at Albany, NY «dmit that votes enough are pledged to encompgss the defeat of William J. onners i state chairman, Existence of a Russo-Japanese agree- ment t® oppose Mr. Knox's Manchur- jan railway plan is disbelioved b liplomatists at Washington. Miss (Catherine Hill, daughter of the Unité States ambassador to Ger. many, will be presented to the em- press at a levee on January 2nd. Twent: ge! iseri de eforth Commons, would be, "helpl ; | | | liberal 1 1 ms was ah fifteen aved till moCrati + My tis to Central 2 Heavy Overstockings, special, at ... very dow before with cata cla ex the great on how the of the voters Confident financial 48 mn : . toucle with the conlifion « stectiogpst A who engineered the crisis,' to are Fleeced Underwear for special guality, at .« BOe Ladies' Winter Coats, $12 to - $17 garments, at .... $4.60 1 Men, working results These aud all depends twenty per their ballots. delivered, last night, by Lloyd-George : he season's close 950 . 'at York, with the lords again his the prosperity of the country, said he (oi bushels of grain werp received for text; by Bonair Law, Austen Cham questioned very mich "whether Can- export, U70,000 bushels for Montreal | berlain, Lord Grey, Winston Churchil ada's advancement had beer COmmEn- | und 750,000 bushels for consumption at and John Burns. ¢ surnte with her points. About 350,000 bushels | Aceordiny [TRIED SUICIDE AFTER MURDER i OF GOVERNESS. 128 ues { . Port Colborne Grain-Elevator, CANADA REMEMBERED in the Gift of Pictures by bate Dr. [ Mond. London, Jan. 16.~The value of the state of the late Dr. Ludwig Mond, 1.0 German chemist, who died ' here," December 10h, and who left part of Lis art treasures to the Ihitish Na- vonal n quiet . Mai. A. OO. Fuges, nding regimental depot, i] Canadian Regiment, oldniantry been" transferred to the Halifax ommantd and will leave Quebec to as ume hid new post about the Ist ol April, Maj Fages will he succeeded in the Quebec command by Mui. Fiset, a is TT i yl NORST BOYS TO BE LEFT AT HOME IN FUTURE. cent, cast speeches wer ma Ra ha as by to the Mirror, election a n {hese Lon "en j i North Lambeth, Fulham, North and Islington South. twenty provincial . seats, which the conservatives expect to win, are Ashton Under-Tyne, Fallmouth, Puen lov, Cambridge, South ampton, and chester. W. 'I'. Stead says that if the liquor interests were out of the contest the iherals would get a majority of 400 He now prophesios a majority of X including fifty laborites. and c¢ighty > o-d ay: 3 n Te d slingten, feet when a giant wave swept the i a A. McCullough, assistant engineer of the C.P.R', is being boomed for the position of deputy winister and chief engineer of the department of rail ways and canals. A special despatch from Lisbon quotes from an authorized source af firming that * the marriage of King Manuel of Portugal and Princess Vic toria Patricia, youngest daughter of the Duke of Connaught, will occur next May - Underwriting at one per cent, has been completed for the Canadian loan of £4,000,000 at three and one-half per cent. As the helders of bonds, maturing on July lst, have the op- portunity of converting it is not ex- pected that much money will pass. tery © np 1 hich to selected by that institution, 'in lags f twelve, are to go to the galeries | cf Europe and Canada. [ MAY HANG IT UP N INSURANCE BILL IN OF COMMONS. oduding ¢ remarked that within twenty G98 years Canada would stand foremost amongst | mineregl-producing eountries, He ns serted that if a more equitable sys tem of nccotnting had been adoptes | by the govern pent, it would he im -------- possible for ¥. Foster to say that | : " " » ¢ the administration of the Yukon ter | Make Teage ay Appear as Put of ritory-had resulted in a deficit. In the | Burglary--Saspect Found Biceding Yukon accounts appeared payments | Under a Bed. which should have been shared by oth- | Poughkeepsie, N.X., 15.~Sarah er parts ol Canada, such as the cost '() Breymer, aged twenty-six years, a six nationadists, 4 oH maintaining a large mounted po pretty and cultured governess at the Dr. Clifford says the majority lice force in the territory, and the ex- [vor home of Mr. and Mrs. Barnes be nearly as large; if not quite enditure upon the telegraph system. ©ompton, Millbrook, Dutel in 1906. : he. government had imposed heavy you found taxes upon the territory. He predict- go. v ed that the Ontario government would | "grok Schermerhorn, of the same one day realize that the royalties col- | oy nd who is employed as coach lected from Cobalt mines should be [C00 0 100 Compton: place; has been Scarborough, two or three in Man Monthly Style Book for February now ready and Schools League -- Lord Roberts Colnmends Scheme and Says Airs of Arrogance Are Not Tolerated in Canada. *ublie HOUSE Jan. te-Drafting of Bill So As to Separate Fire From Life May Have That Effect. Ottawa, Ont. Jan. 15.<The senate banking and commerce committee took up the consideration of the insurance bill. There was some discussion as to wil 50, as 8 county, in her bed, strangled to s-- The New Oath. London, Jan. 15.--The oaths act 1909, the object of which is to. pro of expended in the district. Mr. Cong don declared that mining machinery should be admitted to new sections of the country free of duty, Mr, Sperry, 'the new member Lunenburg, 'N.8., was introduced Sir Wilirid Laurier and Mr. Fielding. Mr. Lewis (West Hurow) introduced a bill providing a new method for the adminigtration of oaths. lie said that in Great Britain and in Canada . the practice. of kissing the book was now considersd unsanitary. Therslore, his hill provided that the deponent for * should hold the Testament in bis up- | lifted hand and swear to the truth of "his assertions. Such a method of ad ministering oaths would prevent per- jury by the type 81 persons who avoid ed kissing the book. ! DAILY MEMORANDA. No ¢kating club to-night. Band at Palace Rink Monday night 3 "rempost and Sunshine,' Grand Opera House, 5.15 pan, John RR. Mett: in. Grant, Hall, Bun 3 poi, BR rm, Kingston Township Agricultural As- sociation. Cataruaul Village, Hall, 1 pm. Monday. Ag Biju Theatre ~The Mock Marriage." or "fteunited at the Gallows?™ "The Poat Musician" or "The Life of Beethoven." Blanche Whittier sings by i day, | 4 Grand Operas House, 415 Se itire nud Death in 4 new ga brought to this city chafged with the murder. He made an unsuccessiul at tempt at suicide, cutting his throat i with a razor, | Schermerhorn was toa weak to make much of na stntement. He did sayy however, that he stood watgking under window of the Compton mansion while Shtire Ohashi, the Japanesp but ler, committed the deed. This state- 'ment the police. diseradit and say there is no doubt in theic mind but that Séhermerhorn strangled the gov lorness to death either during or follow- ling a criminal 'assault. | Chief McCabe is of the opinion that | Schermerhorn blackened his. face to {give hin{ the guise of a pegro before | sommitiing the. crime. The servants in | the house stated to the police {when the coschman first appeared af {ter being summoned thete were patches {of black on his face, alto black finger lorints on the wainscotting in the room !oecupied by Miss Breymer. Stre Front is Blown Out. Ogdensburg, X.Y... | front of - James 8. Bowman's { hardware stores was blown out on | Thursday By an explosion of gasoline tvanized iron motor boat tested by the use of ja pint of gasoline, | tank which was i for ed adr and {8 lighted candle. 1 ae Te " Complete, 97 Soe the Sever Line . are: offering * pA ver precy Sat if a iB AN The place caughy fire, but only slight {damage was done Mr. Bowman and | his helper suffered bwrns in fighting Lihe fire but though at work on the { tank, they escaped injury from the {explosion Customs Cotlector Washington, N.Y. Jan, 15. William 1, Grant, the collector of customs at Cape Vincent, N.Y telegraphed his | resigmation "to the treasury depart: ment and it was 8veptel, to take eficet pu the Mention of his soc wig Ho than the Jlst inst o resignation. Shot Pedlar 1 Eye. Woodstock, Out., Jan. 15--Thomas salker was oui' shooting rabbis on 5 hth line, ying the = ight. "up. He will be that 1} Jan. 15.~The en | Ney peazon is given at the depariment when a bullet from his! Oscar Muldover, jusk pedlar, | Jouki i vida a substitute for the practice oi kissing the book," came into fore on January lst. Francis A. Stringer, senior chief clerk at the law courts, in a letter to the Times, gives the mode of . administering the new oath as sanctioned by the lord chief justice for use in the king's bench division A witness, after giving his name, will be told: "Take the book in vour right hand and raise your hand." He will then repeat : 'I swear by Almighty God that the evidence 1 'shall give to the court (and jury) topching the matters mn question shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the trath." Each juryman in the same way will swear "that I will well and truly try he issues joined between the parties and a true verdict give according to the evidence." < Mr. Stringer explains that "kissing the hook" has not been, formally abolished. The new act says: "Any oath may be administered," ete. Any- one who prefers old methods may sti "kiss the book." bat by the act" officers administering the oath must use the new form unless, the person {taking the oath objects. ain ---- Masher Ordered Off. Hamilton, Jam 15.~Arthur Libbie | was ¢harged in the police court, yes terday, with annoying a young lady with his attentions, and was given twenty-four hours in which to lave ithe city. Tt was shown that he had been annoying her for some time past Land that in consequencd she had to have an escort whenever she went out in the evening, fs he was likely to force his attentions upon her. i Not Expected To rave. 8 | New York, Jan. 18. Artie Shibley, iti the Gyenr-old schoolboy whe was { shot "WIste ®t play by a blackbeardad maniac i= barely alive. The bullet went hrough the body and in addition to {ihe shook aml the dangeriof somplics: | tions, he is greatly weakened by hem: forvhages. His playmate, Robert Lomas was instantly killed by the madman. | There is no clus to the assassin. Banker Schiff Resigns. {New York, Jan. Ed aech 1. Rohifi, 'of the banking of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., hax resignéd from the exeentive dotmmittess pnd directorates of the Un- The loan is asstived SPLENDID SERVICE. Rendered to Canada in Foreign Parts. The splendid service rendered Cara- dian trade abroad is exemplified, most lconcisely, in a supplement {io the Weekly Report just published by the department of trade ahd commerce This supplement has been prepared by J. E. Ray, Canadian trade comms s- sooner, St. John's, Newfoundland, and consists of an admirable booklet of seventy-five 'pages upon the great LORD ROBERTS London, Jan, 15 t a session of the annual conference of headmasters of English public schools, which" is be- ing held in this city, a resolution was jitroduced . welcoming the establish ment of the "Public Schools League for. Imperial Land Settlement." The resolution. goes on league is welcamed because it 2 poses offering Pnglish youths careers in vhe over-se domli.ions of the empire. Rev, Branston Grey, headmaster Bradfield College, lack of organiiation, some of land's worst boys had one out made the name of Englishmen ove eather ill-omen in Cavada. A lotter was read from Lord Hob he was surprised. to find that there analloyed satisfaction. There grand careers on for m Canada, Lor must : would. net toleralp. airs of arrogance. tt For Joseph. E. Phillips' Release. being made by To OC binet ie have Joseph E. Phillips, former presi By April Mr. he vears of bis five-year thinks that justice would be Phillips way released now. the secoud to. say that the pux- of Berks, in speaking of the resolution, said that, owing to Pag api boi arts, in which he cordially common Lad the scheme. He- said, among olher thirigs, that while in Canada in 1908 were young FEhglishmen in that coun try whe were not always viewed with were inglishmen d Roberts said, but it he remembered that Canadiuns Toronts, Jan. 15. Another effort A 0 dent of the defunes York County Loan wind from Kingston penitentiary Phitlips will have serv. son tense ine Kingston, and "hig deunsel ; i served if This is jon that has been mads Tor his relense since he was sen: tenced. possibilities of trade in Canada's sis ter colony, This teview of Newfound: land is, perhaps, the most ambitious fort ever made hy any of the de partment's oflice:s hroad. New- foundland, as a market for Canhdidn manufacturers, takes paramount posi- btion, The island is alone, perhaps, the only ground on which the do- minion can,' at present, enter into commercial competition upon equal footing. Proximity is an immense ad- vantage, to which similarity of race is second only. - ) Canadian supremacy in this market is indicated by the important figures for 19078, those of 1909 being not vot available. Canada's share was $4,957,617, that of the United States 1,950,802 and the United Kingdom 32,668 802. situation of the two countries and the present pesition oscuricd by Can ada in the markets of }ewloundland, therefore, ite publication. is most op- {portune. The informatic « obi fned m the sapplemont is of ver; considerable value to Conacian firms pterested in subject and should be of very great interest and it appears. io have been prépared with mpre than ordinary care. It ts the last word upon the Newloundiund ie. AT DEATH'S DOOR. Richard Olney is a Very Sick Man in Brooklyn Hospital. Boston, Mass, Jan. 15. --Richacd (Jnsy, secretary of State'in Presidiat Cleveland's cabinet, (0 aay, lies at death's door in ahs ivory HI Pop ital; at yn. Mr. operated on Thursday. The fact that been ill Was been gearded with gress secrecy. 5 5 1s o. From the geographical si-4 Oloey wad on for ahdomiral tronve he hud whether or not there should be {wo bills, one dealing with firé companies and another with life companies. Hon. G. W. Ross urged-that be separate hills. During the recess he had been in "corréspondence with insurance experts on the subject and their view seemed to concur with this proposal. He moved that a sub-com- mittee of five be appointed to re-draft the bill, separating the provisions re garding lile insurance, from provisions respecting fire insurance. It was urged against this proposal that the whole bill would be hung up for some time, pending the work of such sub-committee, and it was fur ther suggested that the commitiee had no power to change the hill into two separate bills. Senator Beique sug gested thay this Iatier difficalty might be got over by separating the bill jnto two parts, one for insurance, and one for fire companies. After a long discussion the matter fwas left in abeyance. there In The Church. To-marrow no doubt =i be the us unl number of people + cough eon tinually, through the & r #e. Thought fal people could avoide this by the pur chs se of some throat lisenges befor Fhand. This .would be appreciated by many people, and especially, so at Best's. Where you may purchase any thing in the line. Attention being ealled to zymole trokeys, which pleasant and efféctive. ---------- Killed On The Railway. Napierville, Que., Jan. 15. Elmer A. Herbert, baggage and express mes renger dn the Napicr lie Junction rail way, was Killed, this morning, during #unting opetations, It is su he fell on the top of the ear. Her bert lived in Rouse's Point and was unmarried. 1 5 : Stole a Cent; Eighteen Months. Elizabeth, N.J., Jang 45 --~For steal ing one oent from a sot machine James: Green, a negro, was sentenced to eighfeen moths in state's prisor in the Union county couct. He had previensly been convicted of larceny. GIF. Docks At Seattle: Reopttle, Wash. 15.<Plans and ifications for Trunk Pacific pier be cost. of $300,000, will be TAH ar' to Isaac Alberta isras MARRIED. COOLAN~HOLLAND-~In Wednesday, Jan, residences of the bride's Cherry Street, Burke, Lydia Holland, Kingston, © 1610, at th arents, Rev. 'T. BE of Kingstos 1 Coglan, of Coutls y 13th, by the GORDON-<In o'cloc FRASER ital, in months James W o'clock one of Phone, 577. DIED. Kin 14th, 1810, Eliza 8. pal Gordon, Queen's University Funeral on Monday, Kingston on Baturday, Jan urray Frater, Aged four years, sk an Fra ROBE Coffee Perfection the latest jc Mills. Electri We oan mow ; Coffee to any degree of fineness re Bh quired. Try our = ae Java and Mocha Blend Ground while you-walt, C5 Guaranteed Pure. Jas, Redden & Gt. Inporters of Fine Groce Inn, rrincls 2.5 ston, on Frida wife of 17th inst, at He 191 General 16th eight sar days, son Funeral from his father's resident Mack St, Monday afternoon, & oT 3. a The Leading Undertaker, 287 Princess stree onr Coffee (H ; installer we have " i and most improves Price, 40 conta. About the q snd have earned, hog 4