yan : 77- NO. 12. - HOW THE SWISS ENJOY LIFE AMONG THE SNOWS OF WINTER gat tor Su i KINGSTON, ONT ARTO, - E-- rr 8 SATU RD. AY, RA ED SIN 3 "i INBIUY. Y PASIKETS | WINTES SPORT SWITZERLAND, - PAG ais Um A SILOEE. sus WHAT 15- PROPOSED SMALL PARMS 8 PLAN FOR GREAT BRITAIN. Conservative Leader Tells of Project for Their Creation Through a Na tional Land Bank.' London, Jan. 12.~To the Now York Herald correspondent a prominent leaded of the Gonseryatives, who, of course, spoke solely from his side of the political fence, thus outlined a plan for the propdsed systematic crea tion of thousands of small farms. in Great Britain. It must be understood though, that many liberal leaders ia vor a Smilae scheme, 80 the possibil ity of its ostablishment in Great Brit- ain is by no means merely the dream- ing of a dream. "1 the conservative party is success ul at the elections," said this politi- ol authority, "it should raise a gov ernment loan of $10,000,000 to $15, 000,000 for' the purpose of financing a national land bunk. This bank then should gradually purchase blocks of farming Band, consisting of 'several thousand acres each. These blocks should be divided into small farms, each of from fiiteen to twenty-five acves. These farins then should be sold to applicants on terms something like this : : "All applicants would have, to satisfy the land bank authorities that they = possessed requisite farming knowledge and experience. They must agree to pay the bank yearly instal' ments, which would be in proportion to the size of their respective farms These instalments would be fixed by the bank so ak to gradually redeem the loan expended on each block of farms, also to cover the yearly inter est due on it, and to include also a small loan advanced to each farmer for the locking. of his farm with pou] try, pigs, possibly two or three cows and the purchase of necessary agrieul tural implements, Farms, of course, could be sold outright to those financially able to take them over at once and avoid obtaining the {freehold by the inytalment plan. Proper baild- Sprained Wrist and Ankle _ After Being Laid Up With Great Pain for Ten Days, Relief Was Gained " Instantly by Applying NERVILINE of the most soul-distressing 'ac- cidonts that can befall bad vided- on cants, Vance money farmers owning their own Barests ads | made for - the blood, but desiring money should matically these farms and disposing of the varions large A sma)l percentage, na would have to be charged for I helieve, is s farmers at ket centres. turally, this service. This absolutely essential to overcome exist ing obstaclés and sands of small farms in Great Britain Econdinic conditions i States have tion unnecessary, the average support this plan were he over here." free traders, proud to belong. It was of a negro evangelist, had not mustered set himself to expound. He announced that in life there were oply | one leeding to death dnd | One of perhaps, ciples he two paths, the other to damnation. audience remarked. : "In dat g¢nse, dis niggar will hab to take to de He (Lord Balfour) proposed to take] to the woods, elyan, ankle or wrist sprain. only had known "of Netviline earlier 1 could have saved mysell an enormous amount of « , fed many agoniving mess.' Thus 'writes sa young farmer living Ie. 1 "umbied froma ay loft to tl TESTIMONIAL horn floor and No. | sprained my right 4266 | ankle and left * wikst. They "wwels led "rapidly and cadised dxcruciating paing. It was not: convenient 'to 10' the'eity, and the liniment in & Was When I. got vile reli came quickly. It took bid "the swelling, relieved the ke pain and veo Proved cases," ue dny mean : your home, king,' ad fifteen vears, Aaong These pictures of outdoor winter sports in They show that the women have their full share in the their own stories. pleasures of the tolk, too, to see them, for example, | formance as racing on skates when inside of big baskets. | as much skill as the old-fashioned American sack race, . amusing to the onlookers. The "shove race," {sport in which the women take a pends largely on the prowess of their men chaxupios is, the ! shows the greatest skill in keeping her seat is Mast apt to win ti | Skis Ing is familiar in all countries w here heavy snow is met with, illustrations show two methods used, in Switzerland when difficult slopes are to be climbed. ings of all kinds, too, would be farm taken by appli-| who feel each collecting while the bank also would ad- on good secnri to improve them "Until farmers connected with the] land bank had oans advanced to them and had pur chased outright those farms they were renting from the bank they should be placed under the immediate supervision | of sxvnrt vicitine farming advisers ap- pointed by the bank, thereby suring / Lig proper management and their being run on (he munerative lines. "Moreover," entirely redeemed all of the most re- he concluded, make aifrangements for syste the produce of course, American citizen Switzerland really tell It must give a lot of pleasure to their me taking part in such a laughable peve It takes quite and is even more also pictured, is another and though the race des who prize. The a prominent part, woman Women with pala, ecolpries weak and' both mental using Carter's Ic pro- | faces, Mone metimes a mivhty discouraged, will opinions is and bodily wn. Pills, nerves and com- plexion. | 1 jo $ or i i ' ng receive 9 to by Digsappointneats come which are to ifm who is forever wail | | vigor | ' Javms the ban} it for mar- bring about thou- the United rendered Sl h an anstitu but we feel sure that would Take To The Woods, London Advertiser. | Lord Balfour regaled the House of! Lords with an suecdote strated the position of the to whom he said he was | woods," Former Parliamentary Usage. M. A. P. London. > Parlismentary minners in dayd, when the Lords fought the Com- | mons, are revealed in Trevelyan's hook | "late in the session," "the Lords amended » bil by striking out the which offered a bounty portation of corn. resénted the affront . . tossed the bill ovae the table ; the members of both parties, ss they | went out, kicked it along toward the door." Both parties joined i in the foot- ball practice 1 Britain's 'changed considerably since Shore days. { He Left No Margin. Hamilton Snectator. ries W. Morse, the,American "oo these too clever people of which every community pos | obtained his righes by sailing as closely as possible the line that divides enterprise | from crime, with the result that. oa I. day be veered across that a % And Inet week he went to, prison; £05 |. the last subterhige legal delay having been axhvsted to obtaid release or pardon. . % Cut Rate Funerals. Builaip Courier. Ban the recent was one of writes The Cc methods examples. He 3 Se war' tiptore undertakers one of he, Bllowing i he rod Hr which illu- | Unjonist | 1 i ! who, | the prin his | | the old : Trev money | provisions | the ex | bl ons , . me Speaker | and | certainly lever con are quite likely to content | ac dower, J FANT ARY 15, 1910, ) LAWYE Re S MATRIMONY MIXED. He Admits 'Sham Marriage, * Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 14.--~That George (. Smithpeter, a wealthy Car- raltoh Mo.) lawyer, shammed mar- riage with one woman and that since ihe was made defendant in a breach {of promisa suit he marited a third wo- man, giting his entire fortune as a is charged against him. Mr. Smithpeter was sued for $20, } by Miss- Edna: Noble Post on une 18th, 1908, and deposillons are being taken in the ofty, Mr. Smithpeter hae made a sworn statement in which he says in. part : "Mrs. Juliette Smith; Brooklyn, N.Y, consentud to a marriage. The license {was properly drawn up, but the tificate was signed by a gambler, whe wrote *Mimster of the Gospel' after, j his name. That was in October, 1903, tin Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Smith took the license to show it to her sister but 1 tare up the certificate. 1 mar ried Miss Nollie Strickland on Decem iber 5th on condition that I deed her all my property, whieh 1 did." gi His Treat. London Argonaut In the course of {3 Lore a railway journey the other day, Queen Helene visited a | small way-side station, "where she was i met by the mayor and corporation in ail the glory of their robes of honor. E An elegant luncheon had been' pro queen, wishing to has- urney, requested a mem. tation to get her a . This was promptly t, but while drinking it a drop fall on to her travelling dress. Her majesty at once sought for n handkerchief~ to remove the stain, { whereupon the worthy mayor, misun- { derstanding her action, murmured { humbly Ah," no, your majesty, 1 you it's all paid for." ------------------------ A Very Candid Critic, Gueiph Mercury. | Lord St Aldwyn, » whois better known as Sir Michael Hicks- Beach, a | former conservative chancellor of the exchequer, has written to the Times rejection of the budget | deploring the | by the Hones of 'Lords, and declaring proposals | that Mr. | Llbyd (Georges cannot, ip ' his judgment, | des scribed as socialism and revolution- | ary. what side of politics seem to: take the ame view, assure - an f-------- The + benefits thal exertion tween come without and far be that { { | | } are - few | SCENES IN THE BRITISH CAMPAIGN Be properly | All the 'great men po. matter on | 'j other day a physician _SECON D SECTION. on eS NR "Every One Thought | I Had Consumption. Pe=-ru-na Saved Me." "I THANK DR. HARTMAN FOR PE-RU-NA." "I hardly know how to thank yon for the good Peruna has done me, ~ "I suffered five years with pain in the stomach. About a year ago it bécame #0 bad I could hardly bear it. I coughed day and night and grew weaker and weaker. The pain extended through my body and I also had difficulty in breathing, which made me cough. Everyond t. t I had consumption. "My husband heard of Peruna and bought fivg bottles. This treatment vir tually cured me and now I recommend Peruna to every one who is suffering. "I thank Dr. Hartman for this excellent remedy." Ste. Julie de Vercheres, P. Q., Canada, «Mrs. Mois Parizean NEGLECTED cold is generally the, ' Peruna has been found the most res first cause of eatarrh, © : 1iabte of all remedies for coughs, colds Women are especially liablé to colds. | and catarrh, by reason of the fact thas These colds occur more frequently dur- | it goes at once tothe very seat of the ing the wet, sloppy weather of winter | trouble, + and spring than any other time Of the | Iisearches out every erevice, every year, Often they | duct of the body. It qiiiekens and equals are not consid-|izes the eirculs- BEWARE OF ered serious and | tion of the blood, CATCHING COLD. are allowed Yo! thus relieving the «run on, or they I congested muoous are treated in such a way as to only | membranes; Itex- palliate the symptoms, while the cold ' ercises a healing becomes ' more deep-seated and the { and soothing effect upon the mucous patient finally awakens to the faét that | membranes, no matter whether they 'she has a well-developed case of ca-|are {he more exposed membranesof the tarrh. head and throst,or whether they line " By reason of their delicate structure, | the remotest oells of the lungs, the lungs are frequently the sest of a | Mrs. Jaschob, 1681 Hicks St.,, Toledo, cold, especially if there is the slightest Ohio, writes: weaknessof theseorgans. The treatment | "When I wrote 10 you for advies, 1 of estarrh of tho lungs is also more dif {oad-baansiaik-tar_shiug. Fue. ; 1 ad » ro rom eo flenlt and discouraging thatt eatarrh of not. hireathe ou my ---- 1 also any other organ of the body. had 'pains in my ehestand a conghy K « It wonld be wise thorefore, to guard | took Peruna sesordiag . #o direstions against it by every precaution' posible, and 1% has sured ma." # Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 010, WOMEN SHOULD PE-RU-NA THE REMEDY FOR CATARRH OF THE LUNGS. Smokeless Qil Heater The automatically-locking Smokeléss Device 'is an exclusive feature of the Perfection Oil Heater. This 3 Automatic Smokeless Device doesn't allow the wick to rise to a point where itt CAN smoke, yet permits a strong flame that sheds a steady, glowing heat without a whiff of smoke. No ether heater in the world com= pares with the PERFECTION Oil Heater - (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Turn the wick high er lew--no smoke, no swell. Burns fer ® hours with ene filling. Instantly removed for cleaning. Solid brass font hols 4 quarts of ofl sufficient to give out a glowing hest for 9 hours--solid brass wick ' carriers--damper top--<cool handle--eil indicator, Heater beautifully finished in nickel og Japan in a-watiety styles, Every Dealer Everywhere. i" ENG ALY Yours, Vela for ve Circular THE QUEEN Or CITY OIL CO. AREAL ALKRRERRRE School Gardens, What The Doctors Did. or Leaver Pot : : GC ie Miss Louise Klein Miller, tot: ave Yilsatt hax a little dus _ ischool gardens at Cleveland, Ohio, de. ] ty HH a livered a lecture under the auspices of r @ the horticultural society at "8 | the Filyals home to hor. He ex [George's Hall, last night, on school | amined the child, with the aid of algardens asd Bow. to pot ohikiton in | stothoscope.. When father cnime home | | that evening bf asked what the -d i Satested » aie growing of fruit, flow fh ont ci: as a nk, pte i "Neth i of e members and school tenchers | eet Spd te ke" va cin by Pa : ' y [Commissioner J aren Wilson, president {of the sedety Drivieg from Aghefis to Glen Buell, { {e. J. Givoy, a leading dairyman, sus i Smart Weed . and Belladonna, com {1ainad injuries in a runaway. which are | bined with the other ingredients used {feared will result fatally. Crossing the jin the best potons plasters, make Car [tracks of the DB. & W. railway, his {ter's 8. W. & B. Backache Plastors {be feather upset, and Gilroy was dr god ge in the market. Price 25 {if & mile before he could release ! William H. Bolte, Iroquois, a former oe resident of Brockville, died on Wed | The | nesday in Brockville General Hospital, | j whive be had been a Patient for « 'month. curator of jst telephoned me all over, : the ohild's reply. } a" death ix announced wt Prescot! of Clifford Hollingsworth, only son ohn" Aollinceworth,. The yousiy ms jwas only twenty tour youre of age TE - "Is C Good Tea All it's do and strength is petancd i the scaled package.