Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jan 1910, p. 8

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THE BRITISH DAILY WHIG, FRIDA + 1 ¥.. JANUARY 14, 1910. Safe and Pro] able Store Closes Daily | 8 0rclock | JOHN McKAY | 149-156 Brook St. > a BANK OF TORONTO $4,000,000 > ' THE 4 Canadian Police Amateur Ath has affiliated "with and 'in future will the KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET. GEORGE B. McKAY, . , Manager. TORONTO 1s SUFFERING FROM z DIFFICULTIES. The Street Cars Were Kept hunning West are all Behind. : Toronto, Jan. 14.--A regular western blizaard struck Toronte, early this morning, and, as a result, the city is, to-day, struggling along under difli- lenlties. The street railway had pre pared igself for the storm, and, in con: seq anaged to keep all cars running pretiy well on time. Suburban fines, too, in keeping their itracks clear." All railway trains from the west are away behind time, how- ever, as much as three hours. The storm still continues. : Fire from the furnace started a blaze under the stairs of the St. Clair ave nue school, West Toronto, this morn- ing, and within fifteen seconds of its discovery the stairs were blazing hel. The children were all got out in safety, but some had to be taken out by the winduws. Most of those in the upper flat went down the burning stair, but a few would not pass the fire and ' returned. Une boy, named Taylor, jumped from a second storey window und broke a leg. Two others also ju , but escaped injury. There was a great deal of excitement for a time, but the blaze was put out with Se wh ABR, S58 AN 15COME RETUEN a @F =m FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE : Canada Cement Company, Limited SECURITY These bonds are secured by a First Mortgage on the properties of the Canada Cement Comp- - any, Limited, They represent an actual in- vesiment in the property of practically three times the nmount of the present outstanding bonds, The mills owned or cont by this Company are among the | best established and most efficiently equipped on the continent, with a capacity in excess of 4,500,000 barrels per annum. They include The Lakefield Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Montreal, P.O. ~ The Lakefield Portland Cement Co.. Ltd., Lakefield, Ont. ' The Owen Sound Portland Cement Ca., Ltd., Shallow Lake, Ont, The Albérta Portland Cement Co., Lid., Calgary, Alta, «The Belleville Portland Cement Go., Ltd., Belleville; Ont. The International Portland Cement Cs., Ltd., Hull, P.2. L The Vulean Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Montreal, P.2. The Lehigh Portland Cement Co., \ Ltd., Belleville, Ont. + \. The Canadian Portland Cement Ca., Ltd., Marllink and Port Col borne, Ont. Arrangements have also been made to acquire a controlling interest in the following companies : The Western Canada Cement and Coal Co., Ltd., Exshaw, Alta. The Eastern Canada - Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Quebec, EARNINGS The net earnings in 1908 by seven of the tonstituent Companies, representing less than fifty per cent. of the capacily po new Company, amgunted to twice the present bond interest charge, 5 Estimated yearly net earnings, $1,400,000, based on the sales of the Companies comprised in the Mergér and the cost of manufacture . under 'exifting conditions, together with the restoration of normal prices, Proper and successful management is as- sured by an efficient board of directors and capable executive. Stragetic position of the plants of the Canada Cement Company enables it to serve the trade « inall parts of Canada. INCOME TO INVESTORS . After careful investigation, we believe this .. bond issue to be well secured, and the bonds shold form an attractive investmént at par d accrued interest yielding six per cent, 7 X \ aL » a ne i Ei] STRAIGHT INTO YOUR} Clothing, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Uslerwear, cte, % : | {four goals to one. an extinguisher before' serious damage had been done. « IN SPORTING CIRCLES. Curling Matches Last Evening-- Basketball League. Two curling gam:s wera played at th: rink on Thursday evening. T. M. Asselst.ne winning from Prof, Gwi'hm 20 points to 5, and E, 0. Sliter win- ning from Prof. MeDgnul!, 16 shows to 8 { 'This evening lour Napanee rinks will play here. The visiting skips will ae J. DB. Ham; Dr. Leonard, R. Edwards and W. M. Wilson. The local teams wiil he-shipped by Prof. John Watson, A. Strachan, R. D. Sutherland and 71. 1. Asselstine. To Arrange A Game, Arrangements are on foot, for a hockey match between the Kingston & Pembroke railway team and the hoc key team, at Verona, It is just pos- sible that the game will be played some evening next week, at Verona. Last year, the railroaders had one ol the fastest teams in the city, and it is epected that they will he able to "go some': this season. The Baseball League. A meeting of phe City Baseball League will be 'held at 8 o'clock this cvening in the Halt Hotel, to ect officers and talk over the business for the coming year, Notes On Sport. Ottawa defeated the All-Montreal team, 15 to 0, in Montreal, on Thurs ay night. Ques have made final arrange Michael's, holders of or chempionship, for an exhibition game on Monday night. The Royal hockey team wus defeated in Deseronto, on Thursday evening, eight goals to' 1. Deseronto has a very SLO team, tat has not lost a game yet this season. The junior intercollegiate series will open here this 'evening when the Col Jegiates will meet Queen's III. Colle giates are present holders of the trophy and will make a good bid to hold it. : Two basketball games were schedu- led for Thursday evening at the Y.M. C.A. for 'the McRedridge trophy, but both were postponed. The teams do not seem: to be taking as grest an interest in the game as they should. The Irishmen and the Wolves played an exhibition 'game at the Palace rink on Thursday evening before a large crowd, the former team winning ont The Irishmen have a strong tesm and will be well heard pf in the city league series. ~ PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The 'People--What They Are Saying Aud Doing. Miss Loretta Doyle, Belleville, is the guest of Miss Nellie Hanley, Welling- ton street. ; Mrs. A. Brebnet, of Cape Vincent, who has been visiting in this city, returned to her home, to-day. 3 F. Conway, superintendent of = the Kingston & Pembroke railway, is in Renfrew and Montreal on bnsiness. Henry * Crumley and A. B. Cunning hai are the provisional directors of Crumley Bros. Ltd; $40,000 is the enpital. . John Seath, Toronto, superin- tendent of education for Ontario, is here regarding the fuculty of educa- tion of Queens, ith ols Tilden Quinn returned wl Mrs. ;Bammuel Tad 4 ot {o New York, to-day, alter ng a few days with her er. ir hy fu gent, Montreal street. : G. P. piack, adverti ising, mahagss of the Sun, Star and the Weekly News, of St. John, N.B., is in the aity. He i trip to the west. BLIZZIRDY TINE in Fair Time--The Trains From BANK OF TORONTO. - Annual Report Shows Spiefidid Re- : sult for the Year. The anoual report the Bank "of Toronta, which on eo five of today's issue, Will be read with lintevest. It shows a splendid re cord for the . year, the met profits reaching ' 8579471. the bank has added ¥250000 to its rest account, 1810.000 to the pension fund and has written off $77,666 on the bank pre- mises, carrying $65,971 forward te 1910. The rest account now stands at $4,750,000, against a capital of $4,000,000. The Bank of. Toronto {shows healihy fnerease in deposits, which are now $34 500,000, against $26,800,000 a year ago. The total assets this year are $47,989,000, against $39,755,000 last year. : A branch of the Bank of Toronto was opened at 107 Princess street last October with George B. MeKay as ma + It bas already developed a fine iness, Re ; TURKEY ISSUES AN ~ ULTIMATUM Constantinople, Jan. 13.--Fhe Turk- ish government, {o-day, sent an ulti- matum to the powers that if Crete, which is under Turlish suzerainity, carried out her intention of sending dputies to the Greek parliament, Turkey will seize Thessaly and hold it as security for Turkish interests. Thessaly is the northernmost division of Grede. Efer since the. abortive attempt of Crete to annex herself to Gree, failed, through the interven tion of ther guardian powers, the is land has been stirring up trouble and is still ivsisting od political union with Greece, Turkey recently sent a communication to the powers regards ing Crete but received an unsatisfac- tory answer. fiad Man In Trouble Again. Friare Nikel is under arrest at Mor den, Man., charged with arson, and theft. He set fire to a stable and de camped with a farmer's' horse and rig. When capturéd Nikel was at. tempting to break a trail to the boundary and freedom. Nikel has a vécord- for various serious crimes dur- ing the past few years, having served six months in the Portage la Prairie juilf for stealing soveral watches and another six months in Stoney Mount ain for a crime committed in Winni pez. He was also sentenced to two years in Stoney Mcuntain on a charge of indecent -assanlt, and served six months of that term there. The re ma ning eighteen months he spent at Kingston penitentiary as being a lupatie. - Beethoven And The Mock Marriage. "A 'Mock Marriage," or "Reunited at the Gallows," is the title of a drama which is shown at the Bijou to- day and Suturday. (It tells the story of a young man who inveighled a girl into what he su I: a false mar- riage, only to find eventually that he had entrapped himself. It is a power- ful drama, and the interest is added by # great scene entitled "The Ride for Life." Repentinee and reunion end he play. There is also a drama en- titled "the Deaf Musician," or "The Life and Death of Beethoven." This cannot fail to interest thopsands of people to whom the name of this great man i# a household word. Blanche Whittier singe. -------------- A Chinaman Summoned. Ben Lee, proprietor of the King street Chinese restaurant, has been served with & summons to appear be-. fore the magistrate on a charge of allowing igor to be consumed on his jes. The complainant in the case is Inspector Wright, and the cade will be heard on Saturday morning. It is alleged that some men who were in the 'restaurant, on Friday morning last, brought whiskey with them, and drank it in the restaurant. Penitentiary Barber Shop. Inspector Dawson has been at the penitentiary for the past two days. The guards ave hoping he will recomn- mend the re-establishment of the bar- ber shop which was abolished a couple of years ago, and which is. very much missed. The guards pétitioned some time ago for the re-establishment of their tonsorial parlor. Great Bargains In Shoes. Miss Dutton, having moved a large stock of boots and shoes from. her store at St. Thomas, is prepared offer great bangaing in men's, men's and chi 'gs shoes of every description. Also rubbers, Mackinaw socks, trunks, it cases, tele"copes, ete. Printess stree! \ to wo- Dress-making classes will commence on evening, the ISth." All wishi join should y imme diately at the building, 196 Johnson street. v to Niagara Falls, snia, wds ar "the young Itali- IN NOTE LEFT BY A SUICIDE IN MONTREAL. He Drank Carbolic Acid in a ..0om in the Queen's Hotel--His Re- mains Will' Likely be Buried in Montreal. ; Montreal, Jan. 14.--Nathan Witten berg, the Jew from Winnipeg, who drinking carbolic, made a touching ap- pealifi™a mote he left, to have his body sent back to Winnipeg, but it is unlikely this will be done and the Baron De Hirsch officials afe ar- fanging to inter the body in the He- brew burying ground near this «city. Coroner McMahon disposed of the case this morning, without calling a fury, as jt was so evidently a case of de liberate suicide. It is stated in railway circles, here, that D. Pottinger will be acting chair- man of the board of management of the Canadian government system in place of M. J. Butler, CM.G., ' Who goes to the Dominion Steel Go. Sub-Chicf Briere, of thé fire depart ment, who knocked down an ambu- lince driver at a fire, recently, was acjuitted of a charge of assault; to- day, on.the ground that two drivers were pulling at an snjured fireman and that, he was jusiified in protecting his men. Senator Casgrain angounces that he will be a candidate 'for the mayoralty in opposition te Dr. Guerin, the 'nominee of the citizens' eorgntittee. THEIR WOODEN WEPIHNNG, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Connor, Princess Street, Entertained Friends. On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. J.' W. Connor, 575 Princess street, were 'At Home" to about forty of their friends, the occasion being the cele- bration of their wooden wedding. The house was tastefully décorat ip pink and white, the drawing rdom neing lighted with five candles in each corner, and five bells of carnations }J were hanging from the eeiling. The {ining room 'was also decorated &n pink and white, and lighted candles, the table being decorated with [ink and white carnations. After the guests ar- rived Mise Hazel Rutherford' played the Wedding March, to the strains of which the couple entered the drawing room and greeted their guests, Rev. Mr. Forneri spoke a few appropriate words in honor of the occasion, Games and music helped to make he evening a success, also the solos by Miss Spencer and Miss Gertrude aidley, which were very appropriate o the occasion and much appreciated yy the guests. Refreshments were served about twelve o'clock, the "an- niversary cake being lighted by "five candles and served - by 'the hostess, About two o'clock the party broke up after forming a circle around the cou ple and singing "Auld Lang Syne" and "God Save the King." Some very handsome and useful pre sents were received and very much ap: preciated by the bride and groom of five years' standing, t k 1 1 I serrm--t Deliberate Bigamy. y Ottawa, Jan, 14.--Charged with de- liberate bigamy, John James Eyre, and his wife, were arvested by .Detec- tive Culvert, last eveming. Both par- ties admit that they were married on | June 40th, 1909, by Rev. Mr. Loucks, of St. Matthew's Anglican church, ak though both knew that Mrs. Eyre's first husband, James Wilson; Hull, was still alive. The first marridge took place in Christ church csthedral, three years mngo, and was performed by Rev. Mr. Smith, Car robbers at/ Niagara Falls, Ont., were sentenced, on Friday. "Kil" Stevens, the leader got three years in penitentiary; Ben. Warren, a year in Central; W. Leach, receiver of stolen goods, six months in Central; B. R. Bently, married, off 'on suspended sen- tence. Mrs, Wesley Scott is freel, at Lon don, Ont. She was acquitted of the charge of murdering her father-in-law, Harvey Scott, at Thorndale, on Sept. 13th, "Bay Dr. William's Pink Pills," for pale people. Bold in Kingston, at Gib: son's Red Cross Drug Store. Take no other. Stanhope Alexander Forbes has been electeden member of the Royal Aeade my. His wife is an Ottawa lady. : The . provincigl govern-ient collected ¢ for fishing licenses, lasi year, the sum of 874.797. , 2 Goldwin Smith was elected honorary president. of the Toronto Press Club. Dustbane, A Sanitary Sweeping Compoind ---- It's a dust absorber and germ killer. it cleans floors and brightens carpets, Distribute a handful or two in a line at beginning end to sweep and sweep in the ordinary way, using an ordinary broom or b is adapted for use on Carpets, Mat tings and Rugs, Floogs of all kinds. OUR GUARANTEE. After using a week's trial, if satisfaction has not been attained return baffincé of éan and get your money back. 850 pkgs. Household Sige. TOUCHING MRE] killed himself at the Queen's hotel by |. Dusténe | Special Sale Of | Embroidery TO-MORROW, Commencing at 9 A.M. and Continuing All Day. We have just secured the following Enibroidery Bargain. One uf the very best we have ever had, and we will offer it To-Morrow ; 900 Yards Embroide Mostly in widths ranging from 5 to 7 inches wide and values from 15 to 20c yard. There are a few Insertions and Beadings in the lot. . Your Choice ot Any To-Morrow, 10c Yard 3 NOW READY. : Delineator for February, 1 5c. Butterick's Fashion Sheets Free Butterick's Spring Fashions The large Quarterly Book with Coupon in each for any Pattern Free. This book is sold at 25c. Good Values ar IN one White Cottons Sheetings Pillow Cottons Ah, foci ' ¥ Some Bargains At Our January Shoe} _ Sale. i 80 Pairs Girls' Fine Lace Boots, regular $1.50, sizes 11 to 2. ] nsiai ions - NOW $1.00 30 Palrs Boys' Boots, sizes 11, 12, 18. Every pair solid Boys' Calf Boots, size 1 fo 5. p- 15 Pairs $1.00 Ladies' Rubbers, 48¢. Mew's Rubbers, 8c. :

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