THE BRITISH DAILY WHIG, MONDAY JANUARY 10, 1040, Ho Be Lite 149-155 Drosk St. F WINER CRIME WEALTH AWATTS, A "MAN iN WORKHOUSE, and Was the Cause of his Sentence, Enriches Him. New York, Van. 10.~-Serving a sen- tence in the warkhouse for attacking a man who he said had taken his wife into a mestourant where he was obliged to wait upon them, Frederick Milner, is in ignorance that his wife was buried in St. Raymond's tory. Neither does he know that by het death he will share in a fortune of $100,000 leit by her mother, the Inte Mrs, Mary Ann Kelly, Keeper of the lighthouse at North Brother Is- land, known as the "Mary Ann" light- house, Milner was arrested December 28ih on, complaint of Joseph P. Schwab, and arraigned in the Morrisania po- lice court, Schwab charged Milner with having attacked him. 'Milner ex- plained to the court that he was 'Theeparated from his wile and Lhat seve ral of his friends informed him that she was going out in company with Schwab. START NEW YEAR A SAVINGS | ACCOUNT Banko! Tol ONE DOLLAR opens the ac- count, and we add interest TWICE a year. A General Banking Business Trans- acted. Your Account Solicited. Paid up Capital $4,000,000 Rensrve Fand $4,750,000 $47,900,000 Kingston Branch: 107. PRINCESS STREET. George B. McKay, Manager. Dustiane, A Sanitary Swit Compound It's . dust absorber and germ killer. It cleans floors and brightens carpets. Distribute handful or two fn a| line at inning end i sweep and sweep In , using an ordinary broom or brush Dustane is adapted for on Carpets, Mat tings and Rugs, ¥ of all kinds. OUR a oh After using a week's trial, If satisfaction has not heen attr i ed return balance of can and get ur money back. Le pgs, Household Size. WIGHELLS ROWARE | 83 Princess 8t., Kingston, Ont.. Sowards Keeps Coa 1 AND Coal Keeps Sowards. Have You Tried Him ? - Phone 155. ary 5 Taternaton and Yochrane ol ha married in Sturgeon 'oA chatge of bigamy has | safety deposit vault in his efiects. | box contained bonds worth $60,000. He said he was employed as a wait- er in an inp at Clason Point, and a Schwab the latter came there accom- panied-by Mrs. Milner, and that they deliberately selected the table he was serving for a rapast. Their first order was a bottle of wine, and he declar- ed that, fearing to lose bis employ- ment, at their back ready to do their hidding throughout the meal, One*week ago his wife was taken ill, suffering from an attack «I nppen dicitis. She was operate] on at the Red_('ross hospital. A MISER'S FORTUNE. Ragman Left Securities Valued at the Sum of $60,000. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 10.--A fortune of $60,000 in gold securities awaits the heirs of Jeremiah Moynihan, an aged miser ragman, who died Friday, apparently in destitute circumitances. Moynihan wns to have been buried i the potter's field to-day, but the pub lie: administrator foupd a key in_a ¢ Moynihan was eighty years old. He lived alone, and so far as known had no relatives in this country. Ont., Jan, ears of age, was ab- ducted in broad daylight, yesterday as he was' returning fram Sunday eohool. The lad has been living' for some time with Mrs. Brovk, who was constituted his legal guardian in view of the fact that his father and mother had separated. Yesterday it is alleged his mother and grandmother met him as he was returning from Sunday school and. got him into a cab driv: ing off with him. The police are "in vestigating. RELIEVE > Hamilton, Vv aughan, nine "1 Have awful spells of Neu- ralgia and have doctored a great deal "without getting much benefit. For the last two years | have been taking Dr. Miles" Anti-Pain Pills and they always relieve me. 1 have been so bad with Neuralgia that 1 sometimes. thought I 'would 'go crazy. Sometimes it i8 necessary to take two of them, but never more, and they dre sure to re~. lieve me." MRS, FERRIER, 2434 Lynn St, Lincoln, Neb. Sold by druggists everywhere, wi are authorized to return price of fi if thay fall to benefit. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. || neath of wite Who Had Left Him few nights previous to his attack spon |. fof trade rooms on Monday, January TO SHOW HER LOVE. Italian Girls Infilets Awful Tortures --A Strange. Story "Rome, Jan, 10.~A Mir ange Ses comes from Turin about the ads of servant girl who became possessed oi a religious mans. The woman who! emplo,«d the girl found ber crucified on a bed. After an investigation the! employgr discovered that the girl, af te: placthy Heating gE the an_her head and infheting ere Wo in her chest, nailed Bert feet and her lefi! hand to the bed boards and calmly spent, the pight suffering yortures. When discovered the woman ras exhausted from pain and loss of blood 1 and was taken to a hospital in a dy ing cond' tion. She admitted that +i] of Tove of ihn Saviour she had volun | tarily crucified hersglt. Her' reason for this, she said, was hat she Wished to) share Christ's «uf nos. A The doctors déclab that he hysterical and therefore insensible to] pain, but the common people Tegard irl is the case as miraculous. WHIG'S FASHION HINT, | Black Crepe-de Chine Gown, with silver palllettes. "The Power.of the Press." This is probably' the most exciting moving picture that has been shown! this season. The New York papers| gave: it lengthy and commerdablo] nefices. It shows a "war" between crooked mayor and an editor who was determined - to do his duty, even though it would cost him his life. 1t was only when he stood beneath an elm tree with a r around his neck that the mayor's daughter, whom the editor had befriended, af peared on the scene. with a posse of policy and effec, od a rescue. There are many thrilling scencs. To-night and Tuesday after- noon and eveniig at the King Ed- ward, Pans-O'Nelll Wedding. A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Mary' 8s Cathedral, on Monday morning, when Henry Pans, son of William Pans; of Penetanguishene, was united in matrimony to Miss. Mary Gertrude (O'Neill, Saughtat of Mr. and Mrs.\ James 0' Neil', John street, this city. The er was assisted By his brother William Pans, and the bride _ by ' his sister Miss Johanna O'Neill. After the ecrémony, the wed: din pasty | retired to the home of the bride, w here they partook of a sump- tuous oh Mr. and Mrs. Pans left on the noon trait for Toronto. The out-of town guests were the groom's father, mother and brother. Attacked By Preamonia. Rev. F. C. Cassidy, who returned from Japan' a few months ago, with his family, «and who came to the city 3 spend the winter, is seriously ill. Cassidy attended the - stu- wl E nvaition at Rochester, N.Y., and was' taken ill there, being forced to to his bed for a day or two. He recovered sufficiently to come home where # suffered a relapse, To-day his condition beciime so serious that he was removed to the genetal hospital. He is suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. / Chand Club, * A meeting will be held in the board 10th, img. tho Ki for the purpose of or- inst them, it being al ¢ an has a Yes, we've stirred the town; and we don' wonder, when such Hats, Caps and all sold at 20 Per Cent. High Men's Furnishings are Grade Clothing, Off our regular close - price. It is not strange that the whole towns A lejking about this sale. . oi persons 11 helt are reques the purpose of t triotism by en the institutions, histo on Canagdian Cla}. a Ba this move- "It is 1 inc Pot t y ing , arts, litera: a MITTEE NOT SATISFIED. ition, but it is expected that Lf REFUSE BRANT MONTREAL EMERGENCY CoM]. { 'Regard ony Connells. Action Fa Inadequate Effort to Avoid Their! Responsibiliyy---<Cost of Ruaning { the Emergency Hospitak Montreal, - ~The Typhoid ergeney Horpital commilfes will | proba ly refuse the grant' recently passed oy the vity council, as a to- tall; inadequate effort to avoid their bilities. The coundl allowed [31 per for each patient, but! the ove Say the emergency hospital i is over $3 per day per patient. \ The | committees P take ard that they {have done work ah should have boen done hy the council, and that the city should bear the expense of the hospital, which was rendered ne- cessary the municipal neglect of the water wm Ald. H. B Yates has: withdrawn from the mayoralty campai This leaves in the fidd Dr. J. Guerin, the nominees of the Citizens' assoc Mayor for =a Payette will be nominated second term. 3 ENTIRE HOSPITAL ENGULFED, Disappeared Witu all Inmates into _Disused Mine, Vienna, Jan. 10.--An extraordinary ac ident ccc irred, Saturday, nt Raibi, in Carinthia, The sudden collapse of the site of a disused mine completely engulled a small hospital building. Not o vestige of the hospital ~emain- ed and only a 'huge cavity ApPaared 3 in the ground. Seven *inmates the hos- pital, including Surgeon Wesseley and his family, perished Fletoher Snead Vanished, 8t. Catharines, Ont., Jan. 1}. Without leaving ever a note to say where he had gone Fletcher W. Snead, husband of the East Orange bath-tub murder victim, has disappeared from the New Murray Hotel here, where he has been employed Under the name of John Lucas as second cook since his disappearance - from "New York in March of last year CAUGHT "EM IN NETS OHILDREN DROPPED OUT OF A * SCHOOL HOUSE. . Which Had Caught Fire in Hull The Herolsin of Seme Men Called Forth Praise--~Firemen Injured. Ottawa, Jan. 10.=A costly fire oc curred, this morning, at. 9 o'clock, wheréby the Catholic school, on St. Henri street, Hull, was totally de stroyed by fire. There were over 200 { little children in the building at the {me who, however, were taken out safely, through the heroism of a num: ber of 'men who entered the burning building and lowered the children from thy u story into nots held by the firemen below. "Anxjous relatives gath- ered in front of the burnirg building, beseeching men save their little ones. The fire apresd very rapidly and the smoke bewildered the children, and had it not been for the prompt action of residents near the school there would have béen sérious loss of life. Two firemen were-injured seriously. by a piece of roof collapsing and they were swept off a ladder near the top of the building to the ground, a dis- tande of twenty-five feet. The school was built at a cost of $30,000, in 1905, and is only partly dovered with insurance. ------------------ © DIRE FATE 'E THREATENS. Something Terrible Prophesi Happen John Bull. London, "Jan. 10.~That the New Year holds some tirrible fate in store for John Bull is predicted, although in more or less vague te by the majority of' those who profess ability to Xt a corner of the vil of the future, The latest ill omen 'to scare superstitious people is" (fat in 1910 Good Friday ocours on March 25th, to A a forebode great evil. When Good Friday falls in Our Lady' 8 ingiand shalt meet with grave mis- ap. says an old saw, Strangely enough, when Good Friday and Lady Day have coincided there have bees an unusual number of disasters. The events of 1864, for instance, include the Fenjan outbreak, Th killi 8 250 8 by the bursting reserveke. in Sheflield, 200 killed and wounded in Belfast: riots /the loss of a warship in the Chine sa and the burning of a | in{ the Indian ocean, wim ae were lost. . 2 and as far back et {sa ' rs on which Good Fri 1796, ° also day "tell on Lady Day, sn unusual number of grave disasters * were re corded, ~ At Brewer's Mills, , Brewer's Mills, Jan. 7. --Many from iste. altiled the party in the Ma- sonic hall, Seeley's Baw. School has Lady Day, and that is supposed 1] ABSOLUTE | dr Liver Pills. ~ABTTERS To THE EDITOR. | Mathebiasical Problit For Eraent: town Scholars. To the Bditor) : i ie : Town township. carried local option by 16 votes and they geve the vole for local option 319 and against local option 320. That' local option ear: is the . J 36 is the majority, then 40 plus 16 plas 160 (the one fifth extra rquied to carry local vition) must equal' the vote 'given for lodal - option, viz. 519, whereas above showing is ond -496, showing an ¢rror of 23 votes, - T'ske another view, If 519 represents the temper ance vote then to defeat the temper ance vote the antis would have to poll 347 vot=, whereas they polled only 320. From this standpoint the majcrity for local option would be ke 'the temperance people win - if three-fifths. of total vote is polled by them it's on this clause, perhaps, your correspondent errs when he un- dertakes to Rive the majority as he takes three-fifths of the total polled," 'which is 508.4, and deducts that from 519 (the temperafoe vote) and arrives at the 16 majority. The statute requires the temperance peo- ple to poll three-fifths whilé anti temperance requires two Privy Now on. the basis of 3200 anti "temperance voté the temperance vote wins if they poll 480 votes. Whereas they polled 519, showing from this view 30 of a majority. The fact is evident thas the people of Ernesttown polled 30 more votes than 'was required to carry local option. A Bat if a temperance vote is . of one-third less. in values which is standard set by the gevérnment than an anti-vote, then 39 minus one-third of 39 equals 26. So that from ' this showing: the majority would be 26, Nr. Editor, what do yoil say the ma- jority is VOTER. ; ------------ Centreville Tidings. o Centreville, Jan. 8.--An old and re- spected resident of this village pass- ed peacefully 'away on Saturday, 'ia the person of George C laney. William Hinchey was removed to the Kingston General Hospital and continues quite ill. Joseph Kellar, Winnipeg, and Le- nore Kellar were the guests of Ed- ward Perry last week. Williath Ken- ney, Kingston, and Leo Hinch, Cam: den East, were guests of Charles In. goldsby during the holidays. School has reopened with Vernon Paul again as teacher. Flections passed off quiet ly, there being only two candidates running; and they were for deputy reeve. The rest of the ¢ouncil went in by acclamation, Wiliam Fleming, of Peterboro, spent Christmas at home. Noble McGill ig stil. under the doc-4 tor's care, but is gaining slowly. Ed-J ward Lyons is confined to the house. Joseph Barrett has returned from To- roto. Miss Mary Ann Parrett is visiting friends in this vicinity, Chief Armstrong reported to the eity council that during 1909, there had been seventyfour alarms of five. The total loss was $27,577.48. In two fires the damage by smoke was 87.- 920.22, and by {lames only $290.50 The fifty-ninth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Robert FE. Waldron was cel lebrated at their home "Locust Lodge,' ' Sidney Front, on 3rd inst. The Board of Works will deal this week with the Bi ir of putting men at work breaking stone in the city quarry. The City Eiigineer favors it. A number of mer are' employed these days cutting marsh hay for the "ice companies. One youns man has over ten tons cut and pil It is likely that- A motion to repeal the laundry tax wi'l shortly be made in_the city ecuneil, Mrs. Daniel McRae, of Lonsdale, died siaddenly on Saturday. The Indians used to snare snow- shoe rabbits with a bit of soft wire and afew whitewood twigs for bait, but they have found that it is pro- ductive of more rabbits to use a gun loaded with Dominion Amm- nition. The new Demimion Sysiem of inspection proves every care Midge or shot shell perfec, Domin. ion Cartridge Co., Ltd, Montreal. ns Cenulne Carter' Ss lried no one doubts, but the majority | vote't'y i Great January Whitewear Sale We have been planning for this sale for months with' the object of making it the most effective of our long series ef suc- cessful WHITEWEAR SALES. Every garment in these heaps of Snowy white thay will greet you when you come 'to see them is made vinder the most thor. oughly sanitary manufacturing conditions. Why the factery that makes this White Underwear, that you will buy here this 'month, is regarded as the best in this Do- minion, and itis proud of its products. Nightgowns, 20 different styles, from 50c to $5. Corset Covers, In many new and pretty designs, 2 to $2.75. Drawers From the well-made plain hem-stitch- ed frill Drawer at 25c up to the dain- tiest lace trimmed makes at $3. Skirts A great array of pretty White Skirts, from the plain makes at 59¢ to the very latest designs in Lace Trimmed Skirts at $7.50: dn TROUSSEAU SETTS | 4 pieces, Some very pretty setts now ready, 54. 80, 9.25, 9.50, 15.75, 18.95. ~ Come and See These New White Garments. Even if not ready to buy, you are at liberty t.- make any selection and have it placed aside until required. r January Sale Ladies & Men's Fi ine Shoes Starts To-Day} Some great Bargains in Ladies'and Men's Good She 10 Tables Full of Bargains eharticolars later,