me. SThe PAGE SIX. ON GHARGE OF iA YOUTH PLACED UNDER ARREST BY THE POLICE. Accused of Having Hand in Robbery at L. W. Murphy's Store--Was Itemanded a Week--An Jee Com- apny Was Fined. As the result of « made by Constable James Bateson, Frank Stimson, aged seventeen years, wips placed under arrest, late Thursday afternoon, by that constable, in con- nection With the theft at the store of L. W. Murphy, corner of King and Princess streets, on December 21st. Stinson was arraigned in the police court, this morning, but was not ask- ed to plead, and was remanded a week. It is understood that Stinson made a confession to the police about the rob- bery, and thai he also implicates an- other lad, who' has left the gity. It will be remembered that the store was entered about nine o'clock in the even- ing, just a short time after Mr. Mur ~phy had lockdd up for the night. The contents of the till, amounting to $1.99, and a small quantity of tobacco were taken. The case was given over to Consta- ble Bateson, and as a result of the work of that officer, Stinson was tak en in charge, Stinson, so it is claime ed, admits teking a haod in the breaking into the store, but says that his pal took the money out of" the w till. The charge against him, a¥ read out in the, police court, this morning, was that of entering the store and stealing a quantity of tobacco. Stinson has been in trouble before Some time 'ago, he was before the court, when he was charged with threatening to strike his mother with an axe, The magistrate mms A i A an investigation heard a charge against the St. Lawrence Ice company. The charge was that on December 16th, the company procured ice, in- tended for domestic and other use, at a place other than that defined by the local board of health, and without gétting the board's approval. City Se: licitor Mcintyre conducted the prosecu- tion and Medical Health Ofticer Dr. Williamson, was also present. J. McD Mowat appeared for the company. The defence admitted having gecured a quantity of ice from Belleville. It had ouly been secured in order to fill out orders, however, and had only been used by a local firm for cooling pur- poses, Mr. Mcintyre said hin wish that a heavy posed, but. pointed that if the board of health to be effective, the rules governing the board must be The people taking the from the company should be protected. The magistrate ¢sposed of the case, by imposing a fine of $56 and costs, ten days that it penalty be im- was not oul was observed ice or PROVIDED FINE TREAT. (hiristmas Tree At First Baptist Sun day School. First Baptist wits 'greatly interested in r nis . tree entertainment, last evening Wo beautiful trees, one for the mem of the cradle roll, gaily decorated, aml heavily ladon with presents for the jupior members of the school, adorned the platiorm. Pr. E. J, Lake, the presided. There were choruses by the general school, and by the primary de- pattment; a short address by the pas tor, Rev. I, Laing, a hearty vote theptks to Mrs. Pickering and sons for providing the beautiful and a number of recitations by the little tots. Then, to the great amusement of the young people, Dr. Lake, by meats of his stereopticon, threw upon' the screen a number of snap-shot pic tures of schelars and others, as en- gaged in games and races at the mid- summer picnic After this some fifty or more carefully selected books were presented to the winners of awards in the school These distributed, the troes were stripped of their preciods fruit. Every child in the primary de- partment and on the cradle roll re ceived a present. Bags of distributed member of the gchool, and all went home happy over the success of the ment " school Christ- Sunday their superintendent ol trees, candy were to every evening' entertain THE LATE W. J. McCLELLAND. A Well-known Resident of Kingston, Passes Away. William J. McClelland, a resident of Kingston for half a century, died 'at the residence of his daughter, Mrs James B. Holland, 182 Clergy street; at 5.15 am., Friday, after an illness of only a few days. He was ip fairly good health at the beginning of the week, and enjoyed a re-union with his children on Christmas Day. Apoplexy was the cause of his demise. ' The deceased was born in Antrim County, Ireland, and came ta Canada fifly years agb,.settling in Kingston, where he resided ever since. His wife died thirty years ago. Mr, McClelland ss survived by three daughters and one son: Miss Agnes, of Picton: Miss Sarah and Mrs. Holland, of this city, andl Richard J. McClelland, assistant City Engineer, of Kingston. The late Mr. McClelland was one of the oldest members of Bethel Conm- church. He was a member of the Ancient Order of. United Work- men, and a conservative in politics. He was an upright citizen, and leaves behind an honorable memory. ! Joe Martin Is Hopeful. Winnipeg, Dec. 31.--A letter received here from Hon. Joseph Martin, refer- nog briefly to his own election, says : "The contest in East St. Pancras will take place on or about January 15th, 1 expect to be elected easily.' Chickens And Geese, of Jas. Lots nice Gigese. young Chickens and Crawiord. A complete library of Italian and foreign newspapers from" the ecarbest times i: to be instituted in Rome, and more than 200.000 collections have al- ready been secured, Vote for Smith, he is a heavy tax pater, a man of good judgatent and plenty of time to weve the dty. We all ought fh be just as oudktusl in performance as we are in ppoaiise y China has as 'many different dialgets as Fuarope has languages. Chickens and Geese, Craw ford, u Ww N-- INCIDENTS oF ™E DAY. porters On Their Rounds. Chickens and Geese, Crawford. Shuting Cua javets ing; 3 Jackson, of Winnipeg, is a ya days in the city. _Rose Hill Creamery Butter ip every- body' 8s mouth, made from pure cream. Vote for Smith in Rideau ward, a man who has. large interests in city. Chief Armstrong, of the fire depart: ment, lefi Thursday night for Toron- to 'on business. 5 Mrs. Bay A. Smith left thik after- noon to join her husbard in Torgn- to, where they will reside. Vote for Smith and success in life. A number of New Year's visitors arrived in the city, to-dny, to spend the: holiday with fiierils and rela- lives, The Salvation Army gave the ward patients in the general hospital a wreat, on Thursday, of music and deli cacies. Both were muck appreciated. Chickens and Geese, Crawford. The 'warrant officers, stafi sergeants and sergeants of the R.C'HA. will hold a New Year's dance in their mess room this evening. A large number of guests are expected. Tie Kinston covered Dissbesiay oven- rink drew a darge crowd of skaters and spectators an Thursday evening. Excellent mus. ic .was furnished by the 14th bard. Lhe icé was in perfect con 'vtion. Workingmen of Victoisa Ward: Do you want a man at our council hoard who will give the employee and em- ployer a square deal ? Then vote for Aniley. There in St. o'clock, service 7.301 *Te will be a thanksgiving Mary's cathedral, at this evening, when the Deum' will be sung. The Leather Workers" Union, Otta wa, has entered an appeal against the decision of Magistrate O'Keefe, is dis- missing the. charge against the Hugh Carson company, of importing alien labor. adler & Howorth, tanners, Mon- treal, send the Whig a very brilliant calendar for 1910. J. O. Hutton, Kingston, too, has remembered the of fice with a tasty one issued by the Western Assurance Co. *'Life membership" in Inn Library, for $1, during the month of January. Books can fe exchanged | over the world. Regiflar price $1.50, Gibson's Red Cross Prug Store, special agent for Kingsto Revival services are being continued in the Holiness Moventent church, Di- vision street. A watch right service will be conducted. Rev. W. Tompkins will be assisted by Rev. E. Bishop, In- verary; Rev. Mr. Jefirey, Violet, and Rev. i. Seale, Gananoque. On New Year's day there will be services at 2.30 gnd<R p.m., followed on the Sun day by three preaching services, the Tabard is WAS NOT CONVICTED. Laid Under Statate. Charge Was a Veren Larsen, a Swede, thirty-four vears old, who has spent about twelve vears of that time behind prison bars, appeared" before Judge Price, on: Fri- day morning, charged that he did on December 24th, in the township "of Hine shinbrooke, threaten the buildings and home of one Mar- garet Lay. The accused, through his counsel, D. M. Mcintyre, pleaded 'not guilty." Mr. Whiting appeared for the crown. "It is not necessary & much time with the case," M Whiting, "as the threats only verbal, not written, and the section he was committed for trial under, only written Threats to destroy so I cannot ask for con- take said were up covers buildings, viction." Turning' to the prisoner, Mr. Whit, ing said: "You have a bad record, and 1 find that on July 23rd, 1903, you were convicted for stealing an overcoat and satchel, the property ,of Frank Rielly, but were let out on' suspended sentence, On September 12th, of the same year, you were found guilty ' of stealing cattle and sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary .only being recently liberated. Since vou have been before a magistrate for theft and how are committed on this charge." "I back tae country will send instructions to the magis trate to have you arrested and will have to put up securities to keej the peace, which I am sure you can not raise, and then you will have t« go to jail" Judge cused, said" in you go to 1 in addressing the ac part : 'You na- turally a criminal, and I do not know what to make of vou, but if some before me, and" 1 have tunity, I will such a that. society "will be iree from you for some time." When asked why he stole articles, the prisoner replied that he did not know, he guessed help it. Beiore he leit court he pro- mised to stay away country. are you ever an oppor give you from the back Winter Term. nicht at Business College, head of strecet, Monday, January 2rd. keoping, shorthand, typewriting, graphy, civil service, general improv ment, English and matriculation. graduate of Queen's university been added to the teaching Rates moderate. -H. VF. principal, Phone 440, kingston Queer Day and classes ha Queen's Beaten In New York. Queen's hockey team was defeated by St. Nicholas, in New York, night, by 3 goals to 1. It got wha any scrub get. it has little better than a. junior fence. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County J. } {8 Frank t s senior partmer of the firm of F. 'heney, & Co. doing business in 'ity of Toledo, , County and State afore said, and. that pn ol pay th sum of ONE HUNDRE RS fo ach and every case et rr tha sfanhot be cured by the use of Hall' Catarrh Cure. ANK.J. CHENEY. ap! 8 ea A W. GLEASON, Notary Public all g& Catarrh Cure is taken intern Ally mucous surfaces of the system tor testimonials tree. + CHENEY 3 oo Ber edo, oO. Sold 5 Take Hall's Far all 75 on Phis. fae constipa- tion Newsy Paragraphs Pic Picked Up By Re- « spending the Wrong to burn down & before the judge | up you = term | he couldn't Book- | tele- | staff. Metcalfe, Thursday i team could be expected to | Queen's has had no practice, and | de- Cheney makes oath that he of them are Frepeaters," the | Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, and acts directly on the blood and | Sena i BE DAILY 1s FOUND A CURE nits TO OVERCOME CulOR BLINDNESS, Former Canton Man Presents Proofs Befoye Boston Scientific Bodies--- Solved the Mystery. Canton, N.Y,, Dec. . 31 ~:Chatles Sheard, a graduate of St. Lawrenc; university class' of 1903, and who is row prdfretor of physics in the Ohio State university, »s in Poston Fefore the National Scientific bodies, to pre- sent his original researches and dis cover'es regarding color Professor Sheard claims to have sol- vitl the mystery of the cause of color blindness and to have fe fected a means for its cure. kis Profe sor Sheard's mother and seve: ral brothers and sisters resided in Canton. He is a don of Rev. Charles Sheard, who was at one time jas yor of ie 'M." BE. church here and who died while retarning from a meting of conference of this= dis trict, which had . just elected him presiding elder. - WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC. | Finding of Immigration Commission Arouses France. Paris, Dec. 31.--Thé Matin declares that the findings of the Umited States Immigration Commission whieh placed France first among the nations as an exporter of so-called white slave recruits, constitute a national dis grace, anch appeals to the government to begin pourparlers immediately with Washington for the effective sup- pression of the traffic. The paper insists that France in re- ality is the mokt decent country on the globe, and one where home life and virtue are mest beautifully - ex- emplified s yet" abroad, and especially in the United States, scandalous French literature is circulated and the extent of the monstrous white slave traffic has given her the reputation of being the centre of depravity. Paris, the Matin says, is pictured as the modern Babylon, and adds: "The government must intervene, It a question of humanity and national hotior." AT BETHEL CHURCH. is Christmas Tree And Entertainment Last Night. The annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment of Bethel church was held last might, and provided a fine treat for the many who were present. There was g gift for every one on the tree, and the five members of the congrega tion, who understook to play the role {of Santa Claus, hal a very time of it. During the early part of the evening, there was 4 fine pro- gramme, which was given by members of the Sunday school, and which in- cluded songs, recitations, and dia- logues. George Mills, the superinten- dent, acted as chairman of the even- ing. busy - rpoNT US OWN THEN If," Canadians Duty to be Good the "Hinglishmen." The Man on the Corner interesting conversation he the street the other hight. lishmen who have not been for more than a year were en route 'to their homes and families, and were feeling nice and happy with their beer lcontents. One remarked to the other: "And wot kind of a Christmas did you 'ave, 'Arry *" "Oh, ho, Joimes we'ad a good time. We 'ad a 'ole room full of things." "01, supposes them Kind loidies "was to yer family,' indeed. Them decent. But Tote, they ? Don't us to reports. an heard on Two Eng: residents 0 d "Yes, us pretty shouldn't them ?"' treat why own Sr p------ , BIRTHS AND MARRIAGES Kingston This Year Good Showing. Up to the last day of the were registered with the 1439 Lirthe, 367 deaths and rages for the past twelve This shows. an excess of 72 births ov- er deaths. The births increased while the deaths decreastfl. There were Jes » deaths this yvar among infants. "1 he |lirth rate was ahout 2.28 per cent. It would be better for hingston it {was just double that. 'The number of meniazes eonstitutes record, |viz., 252. Building is [not te only thing increasing in Kingston. In Present a year there city clerk 2502 ma manths > a construction that's Vote For For The By-laws. The opinion among leading citizens that the three by-laws submitted y» for the vote of the people on Monday should carry. The most important {one is that regarding the purchase of a five engine. The street extension by- laws 'are also important. It will cost more a year hence to buy the pro- perty desired. as values are on the in- The ratepayers should vea on all three by-laws. I , [lrease. i vole Cape Route Tied Up Friday. +! As a result of the ice, the Cape Vin A' vent Mute was tied up and the Thou- sand Island Steamship company an- nounced' that there would be no' boat to the Cape. As a result, a great {many who had intended going over the border for the * holiday. were disap pointed. The steamgr Wolfe Islander was able to make her tiips as usual | She is a great ice breaker t| New "Indian List" Issued. A new "Indian lst" by License Inspectot {copies were, to-day, (different. hotel-keepers in the | Three new names wep added, bat * that is, men who halve already been on the list for {a term|and have again been enrolled has been idsued Wright, and city two e r t1 5 Chickens And Geesé. Lots Chickens [Fei of nice young Crawford. and Jas. Vote for Smith in Ridean ward, { man who as time-to give to the - fairs, of the «ty: Charles Mosley, Barrie {to-day. for Peterboro, to over the New Year. H you are true to yourself, show no injustice to gthers. a ai- street, visit left, friends you will blindness. | distributed to the | BRITISH wh A. W. RICHARDSON, WARD. T, F. HARRISON, The Polling Sub-divisions Various Wards. These polling subdivisions municipal elections on Janu are fixed : . Sydenham ward, Neo. 1, at Wellington street, Thomas deputy returning officer. Sydenham ward, No. William street, Joseph Ontario ward, No. hall, John Ort, Ontario ward, No. Bagot street, John E. St. Lawrence wad; King street, A. kK. lawrence ward, Princess ) J. at at 1, at No. DB, St. 316 Cataraqui ward, Wellington street, Cataraqui waftd, Wellington Cataraqui Jagot street, Cataraqui Montreal and Donaldson. Frontenac ward, Princess street, Frontenac ward, Colborne street, Frontenac Colborne st Frontenac John street, Frontenac street, George No. 7, at William C No.: 8, at street, ward, Noa. 9, William Woods. ward, No. 10; John streets, No. John No. Thomas ward, No. reet, William ward, No. Robert J. ward, No. John street, William J. Rideau ward, No. 16, borne and Division Saunders. Rideau ward, Princess street, Ridean ward, Brock stréet, Richard James. Rideau: ward, No. 19, at N per William street, Herbert Rideau ward, No. 20, at University avenue, Os ; Rideau ward, No. Princess Atreet, John Peters, Victoria ward, No, 22. at Earl street, Andrew McMahor Victoria "ward, No. 23, a i Division street, (hester Woot Victoria ward, No. 24, King street, Vigtoria Beverly and 1, Fur 15, No. Henry No. 17, at 1%. at ward; King Na... 25, streets, The big Niagara, Ont. was totally destroved by day morning. 000 or $60,000. Wormwith's Royals, at the morning. The Regiopoliz hockey hockey Royal rink, i tear friendly game with the fact juniors, Before voi have done with will regret the triumph justice, J. Rr at Andérson. 12, 4 13 7at Dean. 14, at No. Allen. at sireets, H. fire, The loss will, reach $30, SYDENHAM ONTARIO WARD. in for ary No. Lo No 1 | Lorthohox views wished to. have Jifrom the rite in any heterodox man- 4 ner. on MANITOBA FARMER was PROM ISED A RICH BRIDE, Supposed Broker Was a Wag--Kept up the Jest Too : Tong gut Disap- pofated Swab Seeks Redress in Cour ts. - Winnipeg, Pie, Bl. George Moore is a "well-known Winnipeg: merchant and the wag of Portage. avenue. August Brandis is a Scotch farmer. of Toulon, Man. pecially Moore' noe; iis a 'comedy , peenliar & bg the stage set le for ne Brandis wants 1,000 for logs of expects Moore te pay for it. Moore told Prandis he could find him a rich widow with $50,000, who wanted to marry. He said it as a joke, but Brandi wad 'so Seiious he kept it up for days and weeks. There is no sug- gestion that Brandis was to pav Moore, but when the former" found it was a' jo he started the suit for damages. ! A CAUTIOUS SCOT. Elder's Search For Strictly Orthodox . Minister. London Spectator. A Scotch elder who did not believe 'that his own ) minister hel strictly his babe baptized, but would not risk 44s spiritual welfare by having him per: So he walked to another only to find ths minister he wag away fishing. The next ome Vdirected to had' gone illod with indignation, he his companion : "We'll gang to maister Erskine. That' godly man will no be fishing or hunting." . | So he found -the. house, but as he approached it he heard'the sound of music. When the servant lassie opened the door" he remarked to her : i "Ye have company the night. I hear the fiddle going, "Na, na," she answered, blushing "Robin could na play like vou, but th: minister aye fiadles a bit afore he goes. to bed." THé good man went away making his errand known. No minis- ter who played the fiddle could haptize his baim, so he went back to his own,' who neither fished, hunted nor played forbidden music, avd let him name the child. town he hunting said to without "Blind M.P.s. A blind man, following the example of Professor Henry Fawpett and oth- , is standing # tren at the British general ection. This Walker King, the' Liberal candidate for one of. the divisions of/Somerset- shire. Mr. King, who is an excellent speaker, said that he delivered his first speech twenty-five years ago. An- other Liberal candidate for the same county is named King--Joseph King, who is standing for North Nomersetshire, -- When Mr. Fawcett was standing at Brighton, an elector asked him how he--a blind man--was going to '"'catch the speaker's eye" and vote in the right lobby. Mr. Fawcett scored efiec- tively by replying that he would de- pend on the kindness of friends. But, as to mistaking the lobby, hy said he might octasionally vote wrong, "but at all events that would not be so bad as your present M.P., who is always in the wrong lobby, and ers is WHERE TO VOTE ON MONDAY. the the | Jd 12 vitt, 06 ophy. Ontario No. Johnson. at 216 No. No. Lennoy. No. lark. No. N¢ at « Jame at mell, Ne Wi No. Sharpe. No* o. Holc No. No. i. t i. N« at No. Alfred Simmons. at on No. does it on purpose !" The answer was cheered to the echo. Other blind M. | Ps have been Mr. Macdonald, an | Irish member, and Sir * W. Tindal { Robertson. i | Sleeping in Church, Newark News. "Charles," eaid old Mrs. Spreckles to her husband, "I'm so ashamed of the way you go to sleep in church Sunday after Sunday that 1 don't know what te do. I can't hardly hold my head up and look the people in | the face after the services. You are | such 5 devout man on week aays that { [ don't see why you show so much on His nti revolts at funy es tl climax was revealid | "in-a damage suit in the county court, || time and disturbed affection, and hel sought {| he | White Label Ale India 'Pale Ale Invalid Stout Mid Ale 136-138 Princess St RIGNEY & HICKEY, Agents, Kir giton, We pick, peck and het a ) crop. aré RY verioesia Or Thee get the finest oranges you must insist on fruit that is wrapped in tissue paper with the word "Sunkist" printed thereon. "Sunkist'® Navel Orusides Are Seedless They ere delightlally 'sweet, juicy "and fberless. They, are firm, thin skipoed and deep tinted. : "Sunkist"? oranges 'and lemons are picked by gloved - hands, wrapped in "Sunkist" Jissue paper, packed 50 as to eliminate chances of becoming bruised or soft. No bruised fruit or+fruit that falls to the ground is put ine "Sunkist" reper, «Looks for ""Sunkist" on the wrapper. Ask your dealer for oranges and lemons with "Sunkist" label on the tissue paper wrapper. nges and lemonsiwithout "Sune kist" wrappers are not "Sunkist" brand. Be sure you get oranges and lemons in their original "Sunkist" wrappers, = Free: Rogers' Orange Spoon To make it doubly int ing for you to insist on *Sun- kist" in the original ly intagesing fox oranges or | we will give you a beautiful Rogers' Orange Spoon. Just send us twelve wrappers and six 2c stamps for postage, packing, ete, and we will send the spoon by return { mail. Get adozen Sunkist" and send today for your first spoon. Address California Fruit Growers" Exchange ® 32 Church St., Toronto, Ont. EE En. --r disrespect for sacred things the L Sabbath." "There's no disrespect intended," an | swered Mr. Spreckleg. "1 am like the | little boy next door, All 16 | looks forward eagerly to the Sunday 290 James Gowan. ! at 13 3s ner | A. s 267 No. >. No. Robertson, at corner Col liam 619 3460 MU .Up- ler. M6 Telgmann at No. 670 248 >. 3 Di corner Bates, milling plant Fri- team plays the: Saturday n ory it, from goes to Gananoque on New Year's 'day for a town vou in- auto ride his uncle gives him. It is the crowning event of the week to { him. Yet he goes to sleep invariably i before he has ridden a mile," and he doesn't wake up until it is all gver. | Because Willie goes to sleep no | sign that the ride is not doing him good, is it?" Gladstone 3 The Beggar. is any nd the late Lord Greville were sincerely attached to cach other, and "'Fulke Greville," as he used to be called, acted for some Mr. Gladstone time as private secretary to the liber- | the Gladstone's | al leader. two wege residence' in Harley street, when they | were accosted by a beggar. "Ms he was letting himself in with bis latch- key . Mr, Gladstone signalled to the; man to follow him, and bade him be seated in the hall. "What, sir," ask- ed Greville, "would Mrs. Gladstone say to this?" "I am going to fetch Mrs. Gladstone immediately," was the answer. not cast, fear, One dark, entering cold night Mr. a moment hali dead with a in providing the out- of hunger, cold and basin of hot soup and {with a wight's lodging. The next day, he 'war sent to quite reclaimed, ment. a home, and later was placed in employ- i Mi. Asquith At Oxford. "Mr. Asquith won the position | president of the Oxford Union in a period of reaction (1873-4) « in the Union and the country. He first held the office of treasurer, and his reform- ing 'energy in that position had as one of its fruits the introduction into the Uniow of afternoon tea. be first: stood for the présidency he was beaten by Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, and his election a year later was a triumph for & personal force aud of strong individuality - which had "mace themiselves felt from the moment that he came to Oxford. Jt is interesting sinc to rememwpor that his first speach in the Union was on the reform of the House of Lords--against the ré'cu'ion of the bishops in thit Assembly, ; Canina BE week ho | That lady; on appearing, lost | DR. MAURICE EGA! AND MISS CARMEL ECAN. o © New York, he tality of the legation to Dr. Cook in could not re. ho way involved the American govern- ment, declared Dr: 1 The pre- cident's message to Di; Cook was most Personally I regarded Dr Cook as a man who had probably dis covered the The decision of the University of Copenhagen is final, but as some of instruments and re- cords are to be brought forward by Pr. Cook, 1 do not feel that he should be condemned until everything is set- tled." IN Dec throw Declaring asgpersion on any | putable American citizen who asserted ha had found the North Pole, Dr. Mau F. Egan, American minister to Penmminrk. who was one of those to re Dr. Frederick (ook in Copen returned from Europe on board 11, of the Scandinavian line, With him eame his Miss Carmel FE Lan. action in extending the guarded. pole. I | hagen, t he I | ceive the Oscar American daughter, "My hospi stone m ------ A QU ESTION OF PROPRIETY. importance of the time and place of smoking. as well as the quality of the smoke, be for one moment overlook- ed. Gentlemen certainly must _. not smoke in the school room, whife hear- ing the 'rithmetic class; or in the par- lor, save by special permission; or at a wedding or in church: or at a ball while waltzing with the: young buds. We immediately acknowledge many and binding Emitations. But speaking big and large, taking the question roughly and tentatively and hither and anon, we find ourselves ready to admit the hypothesis that a gentleman may smoke. se tec ---- Deliver me from the mag who chronically inclined 'to forecast. | May Smoke Under Certain Circmm- stances, Ric hmond Times-Despatch May gentlemen smoke? Is gentleman smoking" contradiction in terms ? The question can {tatively settled, since nobody knows exactly what & gentleman The world \swarms with definitions, not one tol which is acgeptable to evervbody. Nobody living can devise a definition which his neighbor next door will ac cept as being exactly right. Still, we shall say that, though the authoritative definition of a gentle- Iman has never Been given, most of us like to think that we know one when hitn. And when we seek to 'visualize this dim, shadowy, elegant figure, we find that we can insert a cigar (of course, a vel fancy-priced and fragrant one) in the imagined lips without any sense of having ruined "the picture and demolished the ideal. It is a historic fact that many male persons who have been widely ac wepted as gentlemen have smoked. Some of them did not smoke fragrant cigars at all in fact, hadn't the price. They, smoked the most i and outrageous : wld nine ome of Sain around "an a never be authori- =, is Is Your Scalp Itchy? Don't let scalp disease develop. Why fiot do as others have done--rub in Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. This kills the dandruff gePm, cleans the scalp, destrove scales, promotes their growth. You'll have splendid success with Dr. Fi amilton's Qint --for gudeu, falling hair, sates, Stehinen: and sealp disease there is* nothing better. Get Dr. Hamilton's Ointment to-day, 50c. per box. : wi 'W, E. ELMORE & CO wé see