Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Dec 1909, p. 4

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ara uit ---- ae oem i . a x PAGE FOUR. / BEST "Variety. LOWEST Prices. CHEAPER. than *Cata- logue" or out-of-town prices, Agent for "Lunn's."" Prices and Goods guaran. teed or money refunded, CORBETT'S, "NEES SAA ASICSIISIASIGICIASIIIIK X i A. CARD OF < THANKS. SHEA SHEAR a = Let is take this opportunity # of thanking you for the very * liberal patronage extended to us during the past year, which has been "the best yet." We extend to Su the sea- son's greetings, and trust that for you and yours nineteén ten may be a Happy New Year. Yours truly, L. T. Best ASHER ARE AAIO0K HAAHAAA & = * 4 FHI ' Hard Coal Clean, f THE WHIG, 76th YEAR : at | meditation is wholesome for the na- HAAAIAAIIIK Y BRITISH. WHIG. published tree, ston, Ontario, Editions at 2.30 and 4 or Pp making price of $1.50 per year. , hed Bn one of the beat Job Prints g Offices anada ; rapid, lish, |and cheap work ; nine {mproveld Presets, i ai ns . The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director: added, Weekly Attac TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Oham- bers, 32 Church St., Toronto, H. KE. Smallpeice, J. P., representative. f yr --- v Daily Wibig. SUFFERINGS OF THE POOR. A woman, Mrs. Clark, a sufferer from 2neumonia, was found dead in a hack outer room of a house on Queen strest, Toronto, anfl a coroner's jury reported that the place was unfit for human habitation .and a disgrace to the city. The jury said the owner of the property. deserved censure, and also the city, as the medical depart-- ment should look alter the sanitary conditions of the lodging housgs. It was quita clear, from the evidénoce of- fered in connection with this case, "that many human beings are treat- od worse than cattle in places of this kind." One secs rising before his' vision a for the civic corporation, huge task fi that it should properly as- sume. the people are demarding nore and more clearly gnd one The social conditions of attention. Every year it is evident that the lodging question is of "the fst consideration. Human life is sacred and must be cared for ipl in our climate, £0 piteously cold at -times, the city council should 4 upon its more striking features. This tion and for 'he individual. The lily has - its lessons to- learn from experience, and the world's scroll for 1809 affords ample material for the most serious. study. The Cana- dian people have great cause to be profoundly thankful. Peace has brooded over them during the year. There has been a complete absence of plague and pestilence. Providence has been kind in its dealings, and nature has been lavish in the bestowment of its riches. Hence the old year goes like an old friend, and one can pray for nothing better than a new ° year which will promise quite as well. The individual has his lessons to learn in the varied transactions of the last twelve months, If the opportun- ity were given some things would be undone, some things would be done differently, some things would not be dope at all. Wisdom's ways are plea- santness and all her paths are peace. There can be no quarrel with the past year. In true patriarchal "fash- jon it seems to give its benediction, and man faces the New Year with the purpose strong and immitable, to make it the best of all the years, and the richest .in its results. There is only this advantage to be gained in looking back--that one may get an inspiration for better life and service, and let us hope that this in- come to every reader to-night. To each the given, "A Happy the spiration will of the Whig cordial greeting New Year, and Many Returns of is Season." EDITORIAL NOTES. Sce the old year out and the new one in to-night, but let the watching and waiting be done with decorum. -- use of buildings their 'I here are not pérmit of the offer adequate protection. {all the larger citics miserable shacks fit for Wving poses, and, though the ned is which do not occupants | in, i which are not pur- not <0 pressing in Canada as in England, the t'me is coming when the munici- pality will be laden: with the resplon- | ibility of fully caring for its poor. | In Londor the gocial'sts are to be! { success of their of poor. It of { buildings have been unduly expensive, { but that {which can {|The fact that {to supply the very poor with the nes commended upon the for the housing is true that some the! the schemes an error of judgment be' remedied is or-avorded. the masses are moved | cossaries of life is one of the best and | brightest, signs of the times. APATHY IN CIVIC AFFAIRS. The idea, that the people have a i.. - - : right to be consulted upon certain and | great tribune yct speaketh through his Confidonce grows every day that the liberals will win in the imperial elec says Mr. ° Clark, the Toronto Star's special correspondent. tions, The labour men are still in the Eng- ish elections. They are Mickawber-like, waiting for something to turn up--in the way of parliamentary indemuities. in Should the tariff reformers win England, and a tax be placed on Ca- inadian products, what will become of our preference ? Will it not have to go? The Gladstone centennial was observ: 'ed, the wotld over, by British literary public men. Though dead the many admirers. The London "Times has been getting "Hail Columbia," because it insinu- ated that Westen Canada had to be bribed into a loyal support of British institutions. A greater libel could not 1 . Kingston's Civic Purity. Stratford Beacon. Kin, is likely to eschew politics It will be a-wise move. Politics has proven an injury" ts -the gouncil:_vantl Toronto Globe. Hospital and court disclosures show that the drug habit is deplorably on the increase, The unfit of every age and race seem to succeed in devising means of ridding the world of their influence, Amateurs, Indeed. Kincardine Review. Ten 'men have been arrested stealing: Cobalt ores. Serves "em right. Why didn't they adopt the le- gal way of organizing 4 company, is- suing a lot of stock, and "doing" the public? Why The Combines Flourish? Torontd Globe. s When J. W, Curry, K.C., was crown prosecutor in Toronto there was a serious effort made to enforce the law against combines as other laws are enforced. Now the dominion passes the law and the province neglects to enforce it. That is the penalty for having a provincial government with a warm heart toward combines. Wealth in Ontario's Crops. Hamilton Herald: We talk of "the Golden West," and yet look at the story told by the official crop reports. This grand old province of Ontario has this year beaten out the three prairie provinces Fin the value of the field crops har- vested. Ontario's figures are 308,000, and those of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta combined are $192,839,000. ei -- Money In The Railways. Toronto News Government railways pay in New Zealand as. they do in Australia. The New Zealaod government reports as- sert that the state roads earned a net profit of £814,711 last 'year, re- turning 3.13 per cent. on the capital of £29,000,000 invested in them, The total earnings in 1909 were £2,929, 526, and the total expenditure was £2,114,815. Commenting upon the in- crease in the cost of-mivintenance the minister of railways states that it is a natural corollary of the demamd created by the expanding traffic for engines of greater power, cars and wagons whyjncreasoed carrying capa- city, and faster train gervices. He confidently anticipates that, as a. re- sult of the expenditure incurred in conpdetion with betterments during Lihe past few years, a diminution of maintenance sxpenditurs is now with- in measurable distance. No fewer than ten million passengers were carried on to develop settlement within reasou- able qistance of large centres by the use of additional motor cars such as the Canadian railways might utilize in and out of Toronto. : Made Certain Of It. A through train on the Rock Island to the city during the last few years. $200, the railways last year. It is proposed) ah Electors of Victoria Ward: Do you ber and roofing tted by fire. ) to $10,000 lant was com ly loss will be frem An stg A the People r 's Mutual Life Insurance association and League, Syracuse, N.Y., to show cause why its aflalrs should not be turned over to the state superintendent of insurance was granted by Justice W, S. Andrews. Bajus' XXX porter, ale and I are put up in kegs and bottles. Delivered to any part of the, city. i _ The French chamber of deputies passed the tarifi by a vote of 365 to 42, after a protracted discusiion. This represents a victory for the high protectionists and the tariff com- {mission, which practically had its own way. Why neglect that cough, when Hall's Cough Balsam will cure you. Large Bottles, 25¢c., at Prouse's' Drug Store, corner Princess and Clergy streets. At Deseronto a barn owned dred bushels of grain, ove hundred ; bushels of roots and one-cow, was totally destroyed by fire on Wednes- day night; loss estimated at $1,000, insurance 3400. Messrs. © The Trust and Guarantee !company have been appointed admin- istrators of the late Annie May Rob- ison, of the town of Wingham, in the county. of Huron. The estate is inven: toricd at over three thousand thiée thundred dollars, being composed of a {small parcel of real estate in the town of Wingham; cash in banks at Wing. ham, and mortgages amounting to over two thousand dollars, Bride Comes To Flower, | Flower, Dec. 30.--Howard McGonegal was .mariied, yesterday morning, at Arpprior, to Miss Lawa Mcintyre. The happy couple arrived at Flower on the noon express, and were greeted by many friends. Invitations are out for a dance at Stephen McGonegal's, in honor of the bride and groom. Miss Derrick, teacher, has been re-engaged for next year, much to the satisfaction of all. Miss Sadie Cameron is spend- iig the holidays at home. Mrs. James Miller, of Snow Road, spent a few days with friends here this week. B. Lyan, of Perth Collegiate Institute, and Lyon Appleby, of Renfrew Col- legiate, are spending the holidays at home. Miss Hannah Revill, of Ottawa, spent Christmas at home. Mrs. John Jackson, of Ekoba, was a guest at Flowes>xcsterday. Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Wood, Lanark, spent a couple of days in Flower, as the cuest of A M. Deachman. Miss Effie Deachman, Ren: ifrew, spent Christmas in Flower, Mrs. John Church, Renfrew, and Mrs, Wil {liam Fisher, Barryvale, are visitors at |S. McGonegal's. Miss Aggie Lyon has returned from Kingston general hos- pital, and is improving slowly. . Miss wint a man who can give all his| oi Sine to boom our city ? Then vote for |' ley. : At Watertown, N.Y., the Case lum- | W. Brown, and containing two hun-} { It's not our chartable disposition, by a long shot, that induces us to sell Overcoats at a loss this time every year. We're simply pursuing a reasonable and sensible business policy. " We've determined to have bright, fresh, new stock at the commencement of every season. We'll not offer-our tide old stock, carried from season to season. 3 - at Bn a an / : } » ' ¢ Just to Show You What's Doing Here Now. : $ « : College Ulsters Now $10.00. We will leave it to yon to say how much these | ~The Cobalt Ulsters . The dressy Double Breasted Ulsters, with new newest coloring. Beautifully tailored. Now $16.00. We are not going to say what the regular prices MEN'S CLOTH REEFERS AND PEAJACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. So In Fancy Tweeds, new standing collars, all this season's goods, Coats are worth, : 'two style collars, in the swellest patterns and were. - Men's stopped a few moments at the Engle: Jivelyn Cameron is viriting friends at wood station onef day. A passenger J(cegla. Alexander Love is the new got off to walk-around a little. As trusteo for the coming year. Mrs. If the temperance vote on Monday is | the train began. te move again the john McGonegal and Miss Ethel are passenger jumped aboard, but just yisiting friends at, Folger. then he discovered that he had but one overshoe. Thinking .that he drop- ped the other somewhere on the plat- 3 30. " ess form and as the train was gang loo ret re elo Siting fast. for him "10 jump oll ant TeCOVEL | whool was held on Kfiday evenirg it, he pulled off the remaining shoe last and was a great success Re: and threw it on the platform, exclaim- |ceipts, $30 " The St Johu's * church ing, "There--that makes a good pair Sunday school held a Christmas en- there should be! , of overshoes for somebody." Entering Sorcaiament on Wednesds evenin town should decline to run because an- > > se is seat. 3 Y al g | the car, he proceeded to his seat. jg Quite a number of Christmas {otha one down town broke into elec- | There, to his great astonishment, WAS (Lidtors are hero this week, among tion arena. The experience revives the {his etch. 2 Pi Bo iets Sie 'them 'being : James Chapman and : " . ih gust cam s face, ) slew Ty question, Am I my brother's keep- pan hesitate. = Quickly 'picking up the lies of Broskeville, Me. Tope, of lone arctic, he hurried' to tho-plat- [Norman Rikley's, Robert Stevenson, ' Sn : form,. threw the shoe . as far as he | of Southampton John Work, of To- Prof. Hume of Toronto University, | could back toward the other one and |) oto, and Mr. and Mrs. Latham shouted, "By jiminy, there is a pair{(jark, of Wilton, at James Steven- of overshoes for somebody ! son's, Mrs. Prinyer, of Wolfe Island, lat Mrs. C. Wemp's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Feenan and Miss Brunne, King- ston, at George Park's. Miss Lueilla 4s | Haselton, visiting friends in Roches:' Iter, N.Y., has returned home. W. LE. | Top'ff and family, also Mr. and Mrs. | Fdward Wemp, spent Christmas with | Stewart Smith, of Millhaven. Miss Ethel Toplifi, of Bancroft, is spend- ing her Mwolidaysi with = her parents here, {occasions and on their own business, |be put in type. Bright, ~ Good Coal lis being emphasized in a manner which {will not be. forgotten by the city : . { iathers. .Some of the candidates are {not a strong one the inference will be EAST ( maTeNT "0 104420 English on Caps We have aboat 25:Dozen Men's English Caps. Golf Style and Driving Caps. Some with fancy flaps, ete. Some silk lined made to sell for 0c, 75c-and $1.00. Our price starting Monday, 19¢c. THE H. D. BIBBY CO, that the people are not touchy on the referendum. At present it is under. stood that they are not pleased with | . expressing a profound respect for pub+ Budget From Bath. opinion, but it would have seemed if this manifestation the election. The principle is correct, that lie | more fortunate | | i -S. Anglin & Co. ' | North ¥Fnd Wellington St., 'Phone had occurred a little earlier in the liquor question. ' It may be all right, but it is certain- 'when the pepple ask for it, in any 2 shen Lhe pep « sk for it, Y |ly not apparent why a candidate up- considerable number, a referendum, in order that the coun- | | | | |: | cil may have the benefit of it in. pass- i a > asi | : . | =! ing upon important questions. | At the ! upon the 'apathy which the tt | Bibby's Cab Stand Phone 20l. ih DAY or NIGHT game time one must reflect! at times upon public ques- the social side of the evening. 'Fhe auxiliary has now sixteen members and eleven associate helpers. The January meeting will be held 'at the parsonage. At Plum Hollow. Hollow, Dec. 30.--Mr. Mrs. CO. Wiltse are guests at J. Wil tse's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid, of Smith's Falls, have returned home. The Misses M. and L. Wing, Lynd- hurst, are holidaying at W. .Gil- ford's. The Christmas tree and con- cert passed off successfully, the door receipts being over $37. H. Kilborn, Genanoqué, has returned home for the winter, Witness the vote in Winnipeg a 'says every = suicide should be investi- {gated so { that 'and struction may be better any 'No man, it is contended, takes his "i fe jew days ago when only 2,000 out of the causes of self-de- 30.000 electors went to the polls, b: understood. ¥ READY FOR THE NEW YEAR. § SAR RRR SERRE Rh SRI Good line of Suits and Overcoats at the following prices: Suits at $5, $6.50, $8, $10, $12, and $13. Overcoats at $6.50, $8.50, $10, and $12, Also, good Stock of . Underwear, Sweaters, Sweater Coats, Shoes, - and Rubbers Cliffs Real Estate Agency ESTABLISHED 1882. | debt which represents a mortgage up- | Where you can buy or sell ou the taxable property--without the property. Also Insurance people's approval, figs: with it and would seem that a system of cheating written in best companies. aL must the revenue has been carried on for small number think it worth : : ny ! nk 1t worth | jitor and founder. The Courier will, years, the total involved running up GEO. CLIFF, ave 1.. . ) 95 Clarence St. {if its improvement continues, become |to millions of dollars. It is possible, ore cee. seesseeeee | MONGAY. The attendance in the city After The Sugar Thieves. Montreal Gazette. The United States government asking £5,000 from congress to enable it to prosecute those responsible for the sugar-weight frauds that have been attracting so much attention. From what has been 'declared it the use of the ballot gave c-- sign of what they thought of a money while zane. What. catises his insanity ? The Jarge. liabilities--cannot contract \ by-law council Plum and cannot incur {That is the great question: % ---- The Canadian Courier has 'passed its third year, the | a and entered _upon a promise and an astonish- igh very gratifying to its their while to vole when they The Auxiliary Met. Woodburn, Dec. 27.--The Woodburn Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society, held its December meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Thompson, on Friday evening. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Me Connell presided andl the programme, consisting of readings, ete., was inter- gsting and instructive. At the close Mrs. Thompson served coffee, sand- wiches and cake, which added muck to S-- asked to do so. also, that more than sugar refiners were concerned in the bad business, and that some big election funds were made bigger by contributions from the direct beneficiaries. This thing of government of the people by the people for the people as it has de- veloped in America is at times rather rough on the people. one of Canada's most successful week- lies. at ISAAC ZACK 271 Princess St. Note the indifference which attended N the civic nominations in Kingston on : Ladies of Victoria Ward: Do you want an alderman who will give the temperance causo fair consideration ? Then vote ailey. The times abe many when the man who is wise in his own conceit acts foolish. X The men ' who are leading British S hall was small. It may have been ac- [opinion just now are Asquith, Church- "cepted a foregone conclusion that [ill, Lloyd-George, Balfour and Milner. : | as ls Mayor Couper would be re-elected by but of civie Balfour has been silent, through indis- position, but he and the Chamber- good many, wrapped up in the city's fain's manifestos are without much ef- shotild have taken an hour to fect. : Then Age and ague are not easily shaken off. was the an- has recovered a | has resumed acelamation, there affairs and Taking No Chances. New York Press. Cornelius V. Collins, the brilliant |§ criminologist and superintendent of New York's state prisons, narrated at pual review stump. I I IT Or wehure, : listen to it. the ward nomina- ~~ : = = " : ; at The Hamilton Herald hugs the lifeless Rideau tions = were enough. ward had a scene in-which the plain gospel was expounded for the edifica- tion of those present, bul generally, from not a. delwion-- that as soon as Ontario has matured a technical education policy the tech- to | hope--we hope it is a Ginuer in Troy some reminiscences of his interesting work. "A clever criminal "of gluttonous proclivities," he said, "once couche a complaint in rather peat terms. My cell | nical college which was promised Hamilton will be { right. When Ontario {thing it will be time enough to cen- reason, are not deeply concerned ii x °F ) . | sure the dominion because it does not about those who act for them in the : begin. there was an absence of spigit inspector, entering 'this man's one day, found it very hot and stuffy. "Why have you got your ventilator closed ?" he asked. The burly and gluttonous answered plaintively. "Well, inspector, yer honor, the last time I had the ventilator open a wasp flew. in, you see, and carried off my dinner while my batk 'was turn- ed," id All some- established. the wards, and the conclusion follows h 3 as done Ladies' Evening Footwear Gold Sie | White Kid Shoes ; Blue Silk and Pink Silk Shoes Party Shoes for Children | inevitably that the people, for some prisoner Patent Ankle Strap = Gun Metal Strap Fancy Beaded Strap +-ow Pump Ties " In Your Cellar and find oul whether, you i sn bins are well filled, © Know already? Just thought we your memory a little ---- ly Tamworth "Pidings. , it QQ . yi 2 VRAD Tamworth, Dec. -30.--Mr. and . PASSING OF THE YEAR, \ Pressley are at George Reid's.' L. Fhe old to-night. It | y and wife spent Christmas in brought its joys and its sorrows, its Napane®. W, A. Fuller, wife ei its disasters, ie enig- y spent Chiistmas in Montreal. Ee austet Tons "iE 1G Way and Miss Magoo Way at mas and its enterprises, its hopes and pane Stanley Wagar and 'wife here, its horrors, its changing moods, from | Archibald Tells, late of Queen's col- Prave to gay, and from the lively to lege, at home. Henry Richardson is Ra) S laid up'with a sore hand; The coun- the Each ; : : : . \ "Boil went in by acclamation. Mrs. Al- peculiar history, and that of 1909 will pert Spire and son are visiting at ;be: quoted, because of 'the events or Sampson Shicld's. John O'Brien and | wife, of Collingwood, spent Christmas he dine vear adh .-. lat home. C. F. Noll and wife spent he dying year suggests a period | (hyistmas with her parents. Mrs. G. As one liggers be- | Kennedy is visiting friends here. Miss couch of the fridiit' who is [Baxter is at F. Harkness'. contemplatés Hig Mrs. M. ary ol vear dies a ------------ Harriman's Great Fortune. Montreal Gazette. The newest estimate of the wealth of the late Mr. Edward H. Harriman, puts its at the time of his death"at two hundeed million dollars. Mr. Harriman began with nothing | You know, {o sell good, clean coal our business. distresses and is Our Phone No. 9. CRAWFORD; foot of Queen St. severe a 8 y evere. year has ils own died while still .5 'comparatively young man. In the old days it used to be said that adventures were for the adventurous. Nowadays the prize of courage and daring seems to be riches and an immensity 'of them. "Our Evening Shoes A p-- Yoters of Victoria Ward: Our city Wahts politics cut out at the council : board So do you. Then vote for for introspietion. Bailey. i side th Anvway, the gossip isn't forever handing you advice. hs Gilbert offers g 108 bar box of best ) o Baundry Soap, for $3.90, hows ' of the ¥ : bp epochs that culminated within it. a Inn of Red Cross "Special New Yea's Offering," Life Membership in the Tabard Library, for $1, during month { Janpary only. Gibson's Drug Store. passing away. -and com- you - By your own acts make any teristics, wo he halts in the last { io i ; | mendation that may come passing year io reflect 'merited ' *

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