YEAR 76-N0O. 300, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1909. 3 LAST EDITION Here's to the Christmas maiden Caught 'neath the mistletoe ; Here's to her deat. lips, laden With sweetest fruits that glow Here's to her charms entrancing-- Bow to her happy rule ! Her merry mirth"s enchancing The joys of carefree Yule ! ---- DAILY MEMORANDA, Masonic Installations, Monday The Whig will not issued on day Band noon, « Skating at Royal Rink Friday and every afternoon "The Volunteer 8.15 pm. Bijou Theatre and other "'Heinze."' Civic Nominations, alty, 10 am. Trusteeship, 12 Band at Royal Rink noon. Skating every Christmas holiday children, 5¢ 66 99 io witness said that it was } | y ] downstairs. In describing { NOT GUILTY iquaretette leit "the house, ! | said, ohe girl had to be and - ing the girl's hat, and tied her around her head be war at Royal Rink, Christma after night ren Stanford Organist, 2.30 Saturday and Acquitted. Lother wa to walk out not so bad, and was "Heroine of Mafeking Pictures. Great oO Hit The two girls followed, giving Monday Ma ' : Aldermanic and Bi noon | came story as Christma afternoon Special price then the vifl which was not hited Nesbitt and.-Hés squad broke into the treet building. Both girls f drinka and 1 oblivion ---- rwo | Sergeant "| policemen THEY YOUNG "STUPIFIED WOMEN | Electric |= Portables Immoral Purposes--No Intent | the police station. Shown~--The Pri Explain Police Constabla Taylor, Wi Thes Were Ford With the sccversd Girls When the Police Chme Fhursday. af Herbert Stan sONers evidence as an police court. At the court house on ternod ford fore Judge | the evidence of the raid, as told {the preliminary hearing. | Samuel Arniel wae next called wn at two o'clock, Frank Redden Madden but were acquitted that in a genslty was 80 sever the cro obliged to and in this and enred be on a gerou the judg the Come and see the graceful AED telling of finding Redden under designs, high grade makers. holding where case clearly every : it " ' i lin the transaction. : ed his case herve. The workmanship and finish ° are a delight to those who appreciate real craftmanship prove CASse grails word not brought a smile of g emma -------- ------ prisoners' face was first called by Mr. Mowat ot Judge Madden » Robertson Bros. -f oc proner: vou that vou did on Wednesday, , 15th, to be liquor two young girls, so as stupify them in order carnal girls Roth "prisoner guilty and decided to once by the judge. J4,.1 K.C., prosecuted, and J prisoner had a broken and broken. had tipped over in the ditch had broken it. Herbert Stanford was called to Mr. Mowat said that they to Collins Bay and while there top, Are charged December cause taken intoxicating to to have unlaw said pleaded tried at Whiting McD, Mowat by ful connection with two not be of beer whiskey. | drunk. {ing any unlawful conmection and -the girls had two fe said, that all Your appeared for the \ few new examined Mrs the witnesses were Fuller, for owner of including the prosecy the for the defence. | ter's evidence went a Christmas 3 Be wards getting the prisoners off Bright and Ha PPY | A Tnrge pwd gathered stowed the one of them on the twenty-third Clarence The. lat to and very tion, honorable towards the siid Redden did all being Witness driving. of the rig went down in the ard tipped 'over. To Mr. witness said that he was not street long way | the trial and later were put out of the -- | corridor altogether, Jas. Roden & Co bes | to right Witness Col called Witness remembered the hotel Ire. Bdith Fuller, wife of the s Bay hotolkeeper, Mr Whiting the was lhirst put in a room anid it was thought better to them there until morning. night prisoners and husband's two and up came to her TO GET RID OF. Our big stock of Heaters, Cookstoves, Box and Pug Stoves, 1 will sell at a reat sacrifice price. TURK'S, 'Phone, i) . ame intoxicated. She was stairs in bed but came arrived, down later and saw them going away, alter they shad be- come intoxicated. Witness, im reply to Mr. Whiting, said that she did not sce the prisoners or anyone else give the girls any lignor, but knew they America | had some, as she heard them speaking wien the (party himself and three others girls in the room was because girls were went up to pacify them, and try keep them quiet, and were there that reason policd came #m, Frank Redden was next called 1s he the pal she chal: The police of Pittsburg longed all the police forces of have td 1 {1o'd sme story the | moaning of the girls that brought her the way the the witness 1 carried out, he (the witness) went out, carry : veil itness said tha Redden | on. girl was badly intoxicated and A able stn the ; in police court, omit | ting pothing of the story as told CHARGE NOT PROVEN = re. Bach told of the drive out, had | the arival at Collins Bav, the tw | {fatal of 2 foreign draft for 318,000 three days --- : unfil of Clarence | said that | Spokane, Wash, | after the second drink they remember- lark, an inventor, | od nothing until they wero brought to { has who first | containing oer Constable | .ontending. D and {on the sides and the rear of the | corroborated the above evifence, also | hine with two top wheels, giving the the came action as bed and pulling' him out. Constable | peed of 'the McCarey followed and told of his part | revolutions a minute, while the gyro- Mr, Whiting rest- | scope wheels are geared to 2,000 The owner of the 18g the men used | dome to hold the TV ofl Ix this month, his intentions all through girl, the On the way. back one side hollow Whiting able to | take care of himself, still he was able the rig after the mishap. | said when they came to the Clarence street building the girls were as they were drunk keep The wit- ness said the reason the--police found with the the crying out and the men to for and no other when the and m the debauch that ended so disastrous Jy. Witness said he had seven or eight drinks while at Fuller's in Col- lins Bay. Like the former witness Redden could not tell how the girls clothes came to be disarranged un- lesa it was when the rig tipped over. Herbert Fuller, under sentence of three months' imprisonment for sell- ing liquor to these four people, was cal'ed by Mr. Mowat, and said the four used about a bottle of whiskey, {all he had in the house. He was not cross-examined. : Mr. Whiting ejldressed the judge only for a few moments and r. Mowat not at all. In delivering judg- ment Judge Madden said : Lhis 1s a very serious offence, and the crown must prove clearly the imfent to have connection. Evidence - is minus of intent. It certainly was a drunk- en escapade that cannot. be too strongly censured. The prisoners can thank the police for entering beiore anything ~ further happened or they mizht have to face a more evcrious {charge, and it was bad enough to arrest them in the cordition they were. Whiskey is the root of nearty all: the world's trouble, and the soon- er it is realized the better.; ' find you not guilty and discharge you." DYING MAN'S SENTENCE. Let Of With Six Hours' Imiprison- ment. Montreal, Dec. 24.--The echo of a three years' old crime was heard when Evarist Leduc, who'gave himself up to Detectives Giguerre and . Jsshorge~ad- mitted to Judge (Choguet that he was one of two men who, on the evening of February, 1907, held up Fredinand Fvans, in his butcher shop, vorner of Demontizny and Champagne streets, at the point of a revolver, and took from him $81 'and a gold watch. Leduc is dying of consumption. This fact, and the fact that an uncle of his in' Quebec has returned to Evans the value of the property stolen, led Judge Choquet to impose the very mild sen- tence of six hours. \ MADE MONEY Dr. Cook WII Not Be in © Want. NETIED BY LECTURES WHAT THOSE WHO KNOW HIM TELL. bo He Went to Europe He Drew Out Some $18000--He Will Have Over - $92,000 Still in Safe Quarters. New York, Dec. 24.--Dr. Frederick tA. Cook made in the ndghborhood of $100,000 out of his newspaper and lec- % | ture contracts, after announcing that he had discovered the North Pole, ac cording to the estimates of those who have been most: closely in touch with him. Of this amount, it is calculat ed, $92,000 was netted from his lecture tour. ih The explorer's expenses during = his trips around the country and his hotel bills in this city, and at the Hotel Gramatan, are estimated to have reached about $10,000. It is said that Dr. Cook had on de posit with a bank in Brooklyn before his recent disappearance, $100,000. He omé money on deposit at the Carnegie Trust company, but drew out before he vanished. Invented Flying Machine. Dec. 24--W. R living in Spokane completed a model of a flying machine, one-sixth of the normdl size, cubic feet of plane sm the trouble while walking |face, with which he will attempt flight down Clarence street, gave the same [early next month. he ful He believed has solved the problem of succes ceant Nesbitt followed and repeated |aerinl navigation by creating friction at lon the element against which he 1 Four propellors ave used ma The side propellors is 1,000 the gyroscope re- |volutions a minute. There is-also a air under pressure " } and | snd give the ship the steadiness main told of the condition of the rig, which | { ined by a descending parachute. The r Jap, andl He body | completed machine will be forty-four I'he prisoners told him thet | feet from tip to tip and sixty-two feet and | hom pilot to rudder, the motive pow- er being two forty-horse power gaso- and | ine engines. went he had four drinks of whiskey and one of were Witness denied positively hav- with the girls, saying he was gong to mar Two Years In Penitentiary. Woodstock, Ont., Dec. 24.--George A. Thornton, a former resident of Swea- borg, was arrested at Ingersoll, on a charge of bigamy. The information | was laid by Pearl Whitfield, of Flint, Mich., who claims that she was mar- {ried in Toronto, on June 17th, and {that 'he deserted her about a month 'ago in favor oi Hattie Knapp, of In |gersoll, to whom. he had been married lirt 1904. Thornton was convicted and given two years in penitentiary. Constable Arrested. Hamilton, Ont., Dec, 24. --The com munity in the vicinity of Hagersville lis in a state of excitement over the ar- rest of County Constable William Rispin, on the charge of stealing sever- {al hundred dollars' worth of seeds from FE. W. Almas, a prominent sped | dealer there, and ex-reeve of the vil: lage. Have no equal as a prompt nnd {pos'tive cure for sick .headache, bili- "ousness, constipation, pain in the side {and all liver 'troubles. Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pills. Try them. Fancvacreams, Lge" J. Crawford, LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. THE WORLE'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Litile of Evurything Easily Read and Remembered. : It is altogether likely that Edmon- ton and Ottawa will meet in Stanley cup games on January 15th and 20th next. Plans for the new Quebec bridge will be open for inspection at Montreal on January Jed. The estimated cost of the bridge is ten million dollars. Sales of stocks on the New York stk xchange for the full year of 1909 will approximate £20,000,000,000, or about $500,000,000 more than in 1908. Rear Admiral Kimball, in command of the United States naval force, in Nicaragua waters, has been ordered to prevent the escape of ex-President Zelaya. At Dunkirk, N.Y., the 500 boiler- makers and boilermaker helpers of the Brooks plant of the American Loco- motive company, went out on strike on Friday morning. Several -blood-stained flags, borne by Canadian Regiments in the war of 1812, have been handed over fo -the dominion' archives by the militia de- partment. Henry Hillyard, of Hillyard Bros., Jumbermen, mill owners and former shipbuilders, St. John, N.B., is dead, aged sixty-two years. He was ill only a few days. ' The battleship Utah, the greatest warship éver built in the United States, has just been launched from the yard of the New York Shipbuild- ing company, at Camden, N.J. For the death of a son, killed in the Grand - Trunk railway yards, Madawaska, through alleged = negli- gence, Mrs. Margaret Thurston, has issued a writ for unstated damages. At Bridgetown, N.S., Enos Taylor, aged thirty-five, was killed while help- ing to move a building from one place to another. Oxen were pulling it and while goading them on he fell under and 'was crushed to death. Thomas B. Harned, a Philadelphia lawyer, has brought suit against the International Magazine company own- ed by W. R. Hearst; adking damages of $75,000 for an alleged libel in the current. issue of the Cosmopolitan Magazine, in an article entitled, '"Tra- gedies of the Sugar Trust." The Earl of Lanesborough, appoint. ed successor to Sir John Hanbury- Williams, as military secretary to the governor-general, is on his way out to Canada, accompanied by the coun- tess, and their children, Lord Newton Butler and the Ladies Eileen and Betty Butler. A broken truck under the baggage car-of No. 94 east-bound C.P.R. Win- nipeg-Toronto express derailed five cars twenty-two miles east of Mis- sinabie on Friday morning. Three colonist cars rolled down emba seventeen passengers being /injured. Three will go to hospital at Sudbury BARONESS KEEPS CHATEAU. Leopeld's Daughters Tried to Seize Estate Left Her. Pointoise, France, Dec. 24.--The decided in favor of Baroness Vaughan, and ordered the removal of the seals which had been placed upon her - property at BaHincourt At torneys ior the daughters of the late King Leopold had sought to seize the residence given the baroness by their father, and as a first step had placed seals indicating the claim of owner hip upon the property court For Unlimited Term Toronto, Dec. 24.-- The provincial au thorities expecl the dominion govern ment to hand over to provincial ma gistrates and judges the right to im pose indeterminate sentences This will assert, and in fact will form the basis for prison reform. Representa {ions have been made to" the minister of and a favorable reply i: looked for early next year. justice Left Immense Fortune. New York, Dec. 24.--The estate of John Stewart Kennedy, the multi-mil lionaire banker, who died last Octo ber, is valued at over $100,000,000, according to the will, which has just been admitted to probate. He left about $30,000,000 to charity. . His widow receives about 5,000,000 by terms of the will 1 --- 10c. While They Last, 10c. * Fancy Toledo kisses, 10c. lb, while they last. Crawford's. Bajus' XXX Porter is manufactured from Plunkett's celebrated Dublin malt. It is a great health-builder and is recommended by physicians. Finest chocolates, 30c. - J Crawford. Skating #s one of Canada's greatest and most healthful sports, and the covered rink is the place to come to get good ice. Finest chotolates, 30¢. J. Crawford. George Stocks, so severely injured by falling from the steeple of St John's church, some weeks ago, was qufficien(ly recovered to be taken to his home on Ontario street, to-day. Molasses kisses, Thursday, only 10ec. J. Crawford. ! The Grecian Military League has de- cided to overthrow the ministry 'of its own creation. Finest chocolates, 30c. J, Crawford. 3 nt, MINISTERIALISTS SATISFIED. Will They Be When Balfour Gets Busy ? = London, Dec. 24.--The Christmas campaign has not clarified the situa- tion, but, on the contrary, has com- plicated the" issues before the British electors. At present signs are not wanting that the ministerialists; from the premier and cl of the ex- chequer downwards, are quite satisfied with the progress made. But, of course, a Vi New Year cam- paign by the conservatives, with Mr. Baliour leading, may change thei confident demeanor. 1 The official announcement is that the writs for the general tions 'will be issued from the crown office on January 10th, thus corres ponding with those in 1908. « This will give the radicals what they claim to the advantage of a Saturday poll in the earlier constituencies. Joseph Chamberlain is makin, for his enforced form by a series of telling letters. one he says: "I do not find any difficulty in an- swering 'those who profess to believe that tariff reform will make food dear- er. In Germany it has not raised the cost of living and I do not see why it should do so in this country. On the other hand we may arrange mat- ters so that goods imported free are raw material, not finished manufac- tures." zoom At Newport, Lord Tennyson read a letter from Mr. Chamberlain, stating he hoped this elegtion would be the end of a system which had made pos- sible all we complain of, especially un- employment. Lord Milner, speaking at Cardiff, said the present duty -of the people was to consider the relative position of both parties and disentangle it from irrelevant matters which had been raised to prejudice one party. The people had to consider the finan- cial proposals of the government against' what was really the true in- terests of the country. John Burns, at Nine Elms, com- plained of the placards and cartoons of the unionists which, he said, were scandalous. They were issued, he de- clared, in the interests of the food taxer and the trusts, which would get a footing through the tariff and bring about the moral degradation of the people as well as political corruption. I was monstrous that London should be subjected to grotesque exaggera- tions which hid the facts from the people. Mr. Macnamara declared the party had let itself in for a defeat. So far as he could see they knew it; they knew they could not face the constitutional issve raised by Lord Lansdowne"s motion. They, therefore, rushed frantically from one expedient to another. made elec- up In tory record ne ------ FOR WESTERN FARMERS. Money rom Crops Finds Outlet in Luxury. Detroit, Dec. 24.--J. C. Coe, a Sas- katchewan farmer, dropped into De- troit, Sunday, and by the time he had finished his errand, yesterday, he had purchased thirty automobiles for his farmer friends of the far North-west. He was not an agent. He told his neighbors he was going east, accom panied by bank draits. Coe paid $4,- 500 for his own machine, and 'the cars were all high-grade, several be- ing the $4,000 to £5,000 class. Bump- er wheat crops in the North-west were the cause of so much prosperity. May Be Passed On Montreal, - Dec. 24.--At \pext Mon day's meeting of the effy" council the amazing step will 'be taken, having for its purpose the return of the fa mous Cannon report on C1Vic corrup tion to the attorney-general on the ground that it is not complete and that the aldermen who have been con demned by the report have not had opportunity to properly forth their side of the case. Some of the aldermen named in the report are re sponsible for thi move and admit that such a resolution will be intro duced get oo s-- Gets Rhodes Scholarship Montreal, Dec. 24, --Albert A has been selected for the Rhodes scho larchip in the gift of Bishop's Collegs at. Lennoxville. He twenty-twe years of age and entered the college in 1906, taking highest mathematical hon ors and winning a scholarship threo times. He is now studying theology. Oranges 25¢. oranges for 15 30c. oranges for 20c. pex doz 0c. oranges for 25c. pen\doz Ripe tomatoes, pineapples, ete At A. J. Rees', 166 Princess street Sturley ser doz Gave His Salary To Charities. Toronto, Dec. 24. --Ald. O'Neil sprung a surnrise on the city by refusing to accept his salary of $300, which is due him as an alderman. He divided it up among local charities 10c. While They Last, 10c. Fancy Toledo kisses, 10c. Ib, they last. Crawford's. while ------------ Louis Gauvreau was killed in Rit chie's lumber camp, near Mattawa b a tree falling u hin. His father was killed in.the s®me manner at fhe game place four years ago. Molasses kisses, Thursday, only 1% J. Crawford. Miss Isbester, a nurse, has obtained $4,000 in her action against the Do minion Fish company, at Winnipeg for injuries received in the burning «f the steamer Premier two years #&go. Sale of mittens, red and black, 15c. and 25. toques, cardinal, navy or white, 25c. New York Dress Reform. . W. J. Kennedy, formerly of A. Guan & Co., mow of New York, is home, visiting his sister in Portsmouth. The G.T.R. trains from the west, this afternoon, were only sbout twenty minutes late. - Finest chocolates, 30c. J, Crawford, silence on the plat- | igi WEATHER PROBABILITIES. ., Pec. 34 Ottawa Valley . Aawrence : (IV am.)v West winds, fair. Saturday, first. snow by night. fair at CHRISTA! js And the last few hours to make a good suitable gift. It is choice of { easily done here You'll be pleased with wha you see and the service, A Few Suggestions FINE FUR PIECES, DAINTY NECKWEAR, NOVELTY BELTS, } TTMBRELLAS, ; HANDKERCHIEFS, HANDBAGS, FEATHER RUFFS, SILK PETTICOATS, KNITTED JACKETS, LINEN TABLE PIECES, DAMASK TOWELS, LINED GLOVES, WOOLLEN GLOVES, TOILET CASES. ret bbb bb bitte ee & $ This Store will be open until 10 O'clock. 3 i 3 PEFFIVISIIISINVINNG Men's Neckwear ina Great Variety LINED GLOVES, id COLLAR BAGS, a FINE BRACES, in gilt boxes UMBRELLAS, HANDKERCHIEFS, ETC. BORN. in Kingston, to Mr. and a son Useful Gifts for the Little Folks WOOL GLOVES, KID MITTS, TOQUES, SASHES, BEARSKIN COATS, OVERSTOCKINGS, GAITERS and CLOUDS. A Merry - Christmas MINNES 1009 Minnes, MARRIED. O'HARA--COMPTON --In Kingston, Dec. 23rd, 1909, by the Rev J Emma Cowmpion, James Compton, 7 O'Hara, of MacMorine, daughter of ©t., to George town, N.Y: HERMANSON--HAKRMER --~On Dec: 1909, in the Methodist Church, ¥ ton, Sask., by ths Rev. Good Ruby May Trend, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 8 Har: New Glasgow, Que. (formerly Kingston, Ont.) to Albert H Hermanson, of Buchanan, Sask DIED. WALLER.--At, Pittsburg, 1909, William Henry twenty-nine years, IF part Funeral will take place from the fam residence, Sunday afternoon, U 26th, at 2 p'clock (Lethbridge Herald, please copy.) FAIRBAIRN.--In Kingston, on I 23rd. 1909, Williams Fairbairn, (fo erly of Mossgefl, Ayrshire, Scobis aged seventy-three years, th months and nine davs. ; Funeral from hig late residence, Montreal 8t., Bunday afternoon, ' 2 o'clogk. Service at home, af o'clock. Friends and . acquainia respectfully invited to attend. ------------------------------------ ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 43 ag on Der Waller, Phone, 577. 207 Princess stre®