WEARS A No. IT BOOT New York.--Geo. Dolling, seven feet and a quarter inch tall, arrived here today from England. He was met at the pier by his brother-in-law, Benj. C y, who is a mere stripling of 6 feet, 83% inches. Dolling wears a number 17 boot, about six inches wide and sixteen inches long--eats enough for three jiediiary NEWS OF NEIGH cam: Mies. Netiie Balbraith, ie [home again from visiting Mrs. Joyce, (Gretna Miss Nellie Hamilton, home m Napanee; Mack McDonald, Bick- | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND: =I Corners, Sunday, at. Fm ENTS TELL US. | The Tidings From V Vazious Points in Eastern --------rt LANSDOWNE HAS MEASLES. Ontario--What| Village Band Gets Bandmaster-- - People AyreoDoing And What] Two Latest Arrivals. A Tour That Can Be Made With Comfort. Dublin, (Ireland) Express, Oct. 19, 1909. A trip t to Alaska is one 1d dértaken by ] and of the many bookings undertaken by the Grand T runk "#ailwey officials in London, few tickets show the des tination to be that part far nérth of Canada, where coal and gold, together They Are Saying. " Lansdowne, Dec. 21. Mrs. M. R. men--and enjoys every mouthful. M¢ Dosald is seriously ill with measles. It is a great thing when one goes to 3 the table with a hearty appetite-and sound digestion. Many things | fend to | with meteorological observations, are | ; | often supposed to be, the chief reasons Lyndhurst Locals.. Mrs. M. J. King is recovering from a |; ns A of that land. That La Lyndhurst; Dee. 20. --Miss Alma severe Lh of the same disease. A such a trip can be made with little make us eat less than the body, irann "has returned irom Kingston, great many. are down with measles. | 00 osha ordinary fatigue of travellin |* Constipation, . Bil ess, i'l whe wd she was visiting. G. 8. Rooney Robert Shields, injured some days |. coy proved by a recént communi-|' What do you think would be more Liver, Weak Stomach, 'Impure Blood, { as Some home from Winnipeg lo ago in a' runaway, is able to he out. vation sent to Fred UC. Salter, . Euro- Priteg more apprec a mo yore | sick Kidneys--all these troubles affect spend his Christmas holidays. Mrs. | i1he Lansdowne band has secured pean ftrafic manager of the Grand useful than a to a House or a | Digestion and the desire for food. . John B. Harvey and family, of 'Mon- |Simm: Manhardt, of Toronto, ss Land: 4p railway, from Bromley Chal- Plote of propery? A mosking indeed "Fruit-a-tives""; made from fruit juices | treal, have arrived at her father's; W. | master. A. J. Watson, of Matar ile, | Jonor, F.R.G.S., who has just returned tug. It you wish to play Santa Claus to and tonics, is the best appetizer, because |D. Green's, to spend the Christmas N.S. is visiting friends" herd. He is | irom the north-western limit of the some pirpose, see us about various pre- "Fruit-a-tives" makes the stomach. | holidays. Thomas Johuston lost a _bandmaster there, as well as a pros. | North American continent. The let- Bertier 56, hav, or pale; and determing | gtrong--the liver active--the boweisand | horse one duy last week by its falling perous sailor. An enjoyable assembly. | te: has an added interest by reason of We have houdes in the town or country, ys reguiar--iue pure and [on the ice. . |was held in Latimer's hall last Thurs- | the fact that on the day of the offi- lots in every direction, and all at very | the skin clean, Mi I Jantiove well | | n---- day night, Miss "Dot" McCaw, of {cial 'opening of the Grand Trunk rail- Which-then-seemed qujie, sufficignt to our childlike credulity. e *'Pruit-a-tives". At Lavant Station. Toronto Universit nding the ti 17-19 Cock: pe i Tora ity, is .epel ol way's new offices at 1 ocTspe Till we beheld with | our own the FIVE ROSES qual tests. Ghana direct fom Fru | Lavant Station, Dac. 2]. ~William | tholidays with her favo! het, Mrs. Shir- | street, S.W., Mr. Challenor was the Byes ty US ati] So tha, Seyi wig | | Harding and" sister, Lins, of 'Arn. le¥. and Mrs. G. _F. Deane, XJ. first person to book a passage with = ing properties to choose frym. prior, have returnéd home, They were Watson, of Woliyil, 5 Kindly 8s | the company for Uauada. On Desmin The milling process; yl already * indi widual ast Is made of iy know, Mistress Housewife, isa con- of the product ; Justasyou. ess wha t Pegi Fist Sosa ir The Quality of Your Flour - Another big thing we sa¥ at Keewatin-- a hi The significant perfection of the Testing Syste. Lg op We used to hear some 'millers boast of testing every pound of flow before it leaves the mill. ¥ easily purchasable prices To the home-comers uring the holiday gesson. An investment in ingston -pro- Double Brick modern, good situdtion the guests here of William Thomas. E 'sisted in the musieal selections at the | ion Day (July 1st) the trip was plan-1- E A row of four Venéered Dwellings, | HEALTHY PLANTS. J#=WcFarlane and family spent the Methodist church, Sunday morning, {ned and provision made for the jour- Bplencid. socation weblcend in Poland. Norval and in the Anglican church in the | ney,and, in the first week in October, tinued series of eliminations." Housewife, at A corner block, iaciuding store, pay- | Require the Most Carel n orval Lee has int Fe wen to see we 0 per cent. net =| return rom Kingston, afte evenin ack in E » . 1 03 areful Atten-| turned § King after a few g. | back England again, the well-' : In a large modern mill, like the peep | he co. tion As Well As Good Soil. "| days' visit. R. H. Somerville, | J. W. Heaslip is confined to his | known geographer has been pleased to FIVE ROSES plant, if is estimated oing in pl 5. Single Brick, modern 7 bed-rooms, | Pid you ever see a rosebush which-- | Queen' s, arrived on Saturday, to sup [home with metsles: Born to Nr. and write to the Grand Trunk offices ex- double parlors, dining room and kitchen {despite the most beneficent envivon- [ply the mission field here for the.holi- |Mrs. Joshua - Humphrey, on Friday, pressing his entire satisfaction with s So. Li and we can talk it over. I can ment of soil--of sunshine--and of "ai |d6¥s. Some of the young people will 17th, a dan bier. Born to Mfr. and | the easy way in--which the journey K ids mosphere--seemed never to achieve a | vis sit Ompah, this evening, for the con-1Mrs. Orville' Cuery, on Friday, 17th, a | Was accomplished. : After thanking the' D. A. { al healthy growth {cert. "W. Drew, Long Lake, who was daughter: Wesley Cliffe, from Mani- |railway officials for making his! VS kon of manure will not help a | repairing the telephone line between [toba, is renewing old acquaintan:cs Jeans JL uasiportstion Pieusara nd rr {plant that has a canker eating out its |here and Lanark, Kas returned home: | here. W. Js Weir, oi 'Queen's Eniver- | cOMioriable, 9 S8YS was 97 Brock St. heart {James Rejd, who for five years past [sily, Kingatan, is spending a few pleased, indeed, with both the road | You must destroy the cause before {had lived"in Saskatchewan, returncd,{days here. NE Shaw, of ueen's and oiling stok-of Jour Sompany: | pe Fi og FIVE ou © n x the effec st Ww ries ie : . and i in i py! ey are redu y : oan remove the effe f last week, on a visit to his old home | University, Ry is home for the A Fh RO terion! Sua reasons only nr = bargain Indeed. 'Mifuess Houstwite, yr on cannot cute dandruff and bald- [near here. Miss Frood, of Renfrew, holidays. Miss Manuel, of Brock ville, 3 i : : The arran ents you made for me i ter" mills where the flour pr interests are well looked after. ness by rubbing on hair lotions, and [hassbeen engaged to teach the school [is nursing in. the village. gen s rubbing in vaseline, ete for the coming year. Mrs. Howard | very much added to my comfort and lion is governed by its chegpressee ran A Holiday Gift You must look to the cause of the and two childre mn, of Moira, N.Y., have AGED STEELA MAN DEAD. enabled me to. each) Koy estination 3 ™ : You wouldn't expect a watch to run, ©. FIVE ROSES is never * killed *' In That would bo appreciated. by & |trouble--it's a germ at the roots of [arrived to visit 'her parents, Mr: and 3 -- the t quickest Pos Ne Sur. atest if samme St he pare or wiigels were grinding due to hot rolls or bearings. Jone Pile or Soughter would, be a your hale which causes. it to fall out. {Mrs Thomas, 7 : Dr. Northmore Caught on Bay ait hom ED ATIY's Sin dur- iis a © alm A It cannot lose its elasticity, its ayy: FURNITURY : New ars Borg ide destroys the | 3 ad _ in Snowstorm. ing my passage on your road The i power of expansion in dough and y a5 Tm, and . p a} i i : BY ; : Alar ys oF BR far a, perm; an ienithy: hair is the sore | Two Oso Res} i Died. 3 Stella, Bec, . 20.~The death took | route you worked out for me was a ¢ Suppose, Madam, there are. a hun- oven. i = (larendon, Dee. 20.--John Barr is|place, dai Emerald, on Tuesday, Dec. | most interesting one, and coming back dred varied processe3 i FIVE ~ It must be pure, and strong. and As this line of goods increases % Id by leading druggists. Send [Lome irom the general hospital iu a [14th, "of an, p!d and much respected | as | did over the Rockies. and the ROSES milling and @&fh'Sere wholesome, and sweet in valid as Hine Sous on, you will a Canine at sample to The Her: fair way to recovery. James {emp-|r.g'dent of Amherst Island, in the | Great Lakes, 1 did not travel over a air a yfieatet You kriow this, Madam, by the true money in them instead of other Ho oui e a a ich ws dollar he'l has shipped his last load of beef | pursan of Veter Instant. Deceased | single mile a second time exvept the Sou 2 S $1.90 2 Manitoba wheat flavor, the rich useless articles. a | special agent. eed. Geo. W. Mahood, ev. le to Shontrel for this season. {had been in Poor health for some | short ruii between Sarnia and To- arre less, creamy bloom, the different baking all in see ¢ Ke Rev, Mr. Stewart, of Varham, preach |time. He passed 'away at the: resi- fronto. Will you be good enough to But there's nothing stingy about - consequences. L.. LESSES,. 1 here on Sunday morning. Mr. ard dence of hig daughter, Mrs. 'A. W.|send me particulars of your 'Roun FIVE ROSES quality. We tell you all thisbecause any flour Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts., |e. James White will settle ip {Hitchins. He had just 'celebrated his | the World Tours.' I am thinking that | Not only is'every step essential, but is *' good enough" till you know : William ran is con dninetieth bitthday "on the Saturday |next spring I may" have another run after each intermediate process an ETTER. 4. Small Stone Dwelling, cheap, for | quick buyer, that some of the material travels nearly a mile, all this time being + * 0 With this test Staring each in the either cleaned or redueed into finer face, Ro map can shirk his task : particules or granules: Sli bag Bagh sy oii Lion Every =P. Madden, m are whe next mar; Correct: mpurities en from your Heur £2 additional purification. } Bveryturg Fat be ip and it 'None could be overlooked or siight- . of the finished flour by the Keewatin ed without affecting FIVE J public-baker, ' Kingston, Ont. Havelock. valescent. Mr. and Mrs. George hefare. The late Mr. Instant is sur- | out to the west and if 1 do I should 2 vy Crain, of Gananoque, have returned {vived by oné son, Nelson Instant, on | like to return home 'via the east." = _-- . bo | x i i i Mier a short visit with [riends. Miss the homestead, and two dauwghiers, | Thus the whole of Great Britain is LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING CO., £FD., MONTREAL Kilborn, of Sharhot Lak: iajvis Mrs. A. 'W. Hitchins .and Mrs. W. Me- | quickly put in touch by this great | oe at J: H. Conuow Ss. Yio Ba Seid, Ri largely attended funeral railway system, with what frequently ° mie eishman, o ttawa Normal [was hel on 'Thursday to Glenwood [is said to be the uttermost paris of ySchool, and Floyd Cannon, of Albert |v 4 : st Hs ---- vault, and was conducted by Rev. .J. | the earth, a olleze, Belleville, are home for the |C, Dixon. t - HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, = GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. " Fora Reasonable, Seasonable, Comfortable Gift for Christmas A A AL AAAA ead SA440% KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE SIMITED) HEAD © QUEEN STREET. 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenly-Sixth year: Fall Term begins August 30th, Courses' in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, . Tele- graphy, Civil Service and Foglish. Our graduates got the best pos - tions. Within a short. time over. sixty secured positions with one of the largess railway - corpora- tions in Canac Enter any time. Call or write for pilonnation, H. F. MET. 5, Principal. Bellflowers, Snows, Sweets, Northern Spies, {Christmas vacation. Nr. and Mrs. | The Preshytirian bazaar and oyster | CAME OF > ANCIENT FAMILY. Tuesday and Sunday res) sectively: [Gl ro 3 o ' 2 Carter' s = Poca: {Glen ingot on of Capt. Gin | pero haiom. day was a success, Much credit is |Stevison, has 'returned home from Wafts From Westbrook. and Miss * Nancy 'Buriigh, attending safe at Norwich, England, and which * {teacher for 1910. William Frink 4s Dr. Northmore and Joseph Bray had slthough the son of a village par- Viasiues 354 Gurarie Streets. Soo Pac-Simile Wi vpper Below. tenth wedding annfversary of Mr. and [Snow storm, in their gasoline boats, | Wellesley, in Sometsetshire, and = from tetakn_ wag school, is spending the holidays with A Christmas Toast. of lreland, in the 13th century, the We suggest one off these Warm Slippers, Over- st ox time was corrupted into Wesley." 1 FOR BILIOUSNESS. last wer Mr. and Mrs. M. 'Mec p FOR CONSTIPATION, l.. Grass. Mrs. Abraham Asselstine adhe be clear; who was sent over to Ireland © by THE SAWY SHOE STO E 5 i B ery of Lord Kildare, then govermor-gene- ER x FOR THECLM a ed about twenty of 18s frimde 18 May 'it bind eloser to. un WIIG Lido or An Et a on 2 ge 3 J AY spent. Miss Edith Saundercock = and |And the spirit of Christmas last all fed info Colley. Elizabeth Colley mar- has secured & position as motorman |* . » A eventually passed by will to his : COBAL TS i met ects ten ote lae "Ret, 2 |W tp Beard Sols? ol yop 'men Bradshaw, of Alberta, is visiting Twoomey, 'of Belleville, and Very Rev. | thereupon assumed the name "and _ar- Christmas of 11909 hood on Saturday morning by Arch- [age as first Lord Mornington. He was in the city. on Monday and will be | Wellington, vho was the first to re k From 30c. tu B0c. 15c. per 'share ary 6th and 7th, and the last night mas than ever by our stoc Jver One Dollar 80 Per Cent. of the {he from "Wesley" to Wellesley." In all Write, 'phone or wire us your arders, [contracts for the building of the road | Caused: By Disziness, Biliqusnesa mons during the last decade of th | : \ only $2. Do, a Jardiniere Stand only Coast Sealed Oysters migsiohs. of 4 Ke, bo | Patriarche & Co of rheumatism; he is ove of the can- DROPPED IN THE STREET. EATS nce je Rae of "Aythul a . i '9 i i Child's Morris Chair oly £3.50 ; . "Phone, 76) Prompt Delivery. | Corner Scott and Wellington Sts, TOR-| Rogers met with a painful accident. | Donaghue near the entrance of the {Robert Burke, two of Oso's oldest supper, "held on Saturday evening, Their funerals were largely attended. {who - has been ill for 'some time past, _ With regard to the newly discovered Ps . . due Miss Roadhouse, who trained the [sailing on the upper lakes. R. Nel the founder' of Methodism, which, writ- Little Liver Pills. pupils. son, of Queen's, is spending the holi- | °F in a peculiar cipher, have lain for- WwW. F. KELLY Must Bear Signature of % | Westbrook, Dec. 21.--Miss Vanluven, the Normal School," at' Ottawa, are |2T¢ NOW being published, it may be [husy dressing clover in' this vicinity. [quite an experience, bei ng caught out | son, he belonged to a very ancient ---------------- Mrs. Frank: Smith, Fellows. Miss {but managed to reach shore safely. |an Irish branch of which, founded by, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.lyo oo 0 gure Chiéstias, may it bring present Duke of Wellington and the shoes, Rubbers, Felt ' Boots, Overgaiters, Moceca- FOR TORPID LIVER. Donald, Odessa, spent a recent Sun- all, far and. near. In the male line the duke and earl i» FOR SALLOW SKid. is seriously ill. Edwin Bell entertain- it soothe every sorrow and dry | Hentyy V11, .5 watch over the conduct cently at fis home, "Cluster that! is« deri: "The name of QURE SICK HRADACHE. Miss Katie nssisted Mrs. Rose in| through the' year! ried Garret Wesley, and Lis estates in ! oO N M RGI Yat J. A. Sproule's: Dean Twoomey, Williamstown, Ont., | morial bearings of the house of Wes- 4 A N Cedar Valley News. We have done-our part to make - ] attaehed to the diocese of Kingston. vert to the 13th century form of 0 60c. to % - Tallman |\.ri c. per. share of Popular Holiday Gifts to select . : "'eabb atch." The Great ) : We also handle 30, 60, 90 aay con- thon ay pale ins ven bd Newark Man § Collapse the records of the Irish house of com- . . Seas * 18th century, dnd in the early y cash or on margin, as far as here. George Elliott is and Pains in the Back. 5 Ne J ay 75¢, a Medicine ot Toilet Cabinet . : sey. I y © e ha D { Ov PER"S didates for the coming election.| Warm weather and acute indigestion on ey $ was ouly atier Bb and . ' STOCK DEALERS, Iso Parl Musi Kitchen C b- also rarior, usic or 1 en vab While walking out of the house he Pennsylvania railroad depot last Is Agricultnre Declining ? Genuine : 3 est ; und most respected residents, di passed 'off very. successfully. Clifford Records of "Jobm Wesley, the | m The Christmas entertainment on Monwith pueumoria, is out of danger. B. diaries and journals of Johu Wesley, { days at his home, "Miss Annie Reid |80tton for over 100 years in an old : | Kingston, succeeds Miss Scholes. as thome for the holidays. well jo call attention to the fact that Toye's Building pei ; ) 3 ni : [Sane Smith and sister attended the |in the bay, on Friddy night, in the |family, which hailed originally irom Very sa. and as easy Lorraine Smith, of Toronto Normal Waleran de Wellesley, justice itinerant FOR HEADACHE. Smith. D. Sheehan and A. Snook | Earl Cowley are descended in the s good cheer female li Th § t that CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. attended court in Kingston as jurors May the joy of this Christmas. reach male line. e name abou a I sins, Fine Evening Slippers. day the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ww. May the message of Christmas to all |are descended from Walter Cowley, every tear. tage," where an enjoyable time "was Cawley, was 10C years later transform- QUrVIng ici > i . Ireland, gwhich were very considerable, == . - * rving a delicious lunch. Percy Wright Rev. Father Thomas O'Connor ; . and who was ordained to the priest- | ley, and was raised to the Irish peer We, fequite'a deposit as follows: Cedar Valley, Dee. 20.--Rills ile. bishop Bruchesi * in 'Montreal, arrived | the grandfather of the great Duke of this a bigger and brighter Christ- Stock Selling Deposit Required. | out for the races on Big Point, Janu- rom 80c. to $1 ..25¢. per share|of the races there will be a hop on spelling the name, transforming it from. A Bissell Carpet Sweeper Sweet Cider racts. fined to. the 'house with an: attack commissions of the iron duke, he ap- . nec 0 he se an a «o ge only $2.50, a fancy Velour + 8 . tlained @ rank of colonel that he Charles Yellan and 1x. R. Rogers, fre [were the chief causes of a physical nn he Well Ta nel that hb 241-3 Princess Bt: Patriarche. Block, caretakers of the covered rink. J. |collapse that overcame Mr. J. V. 3 ai, . r inets. These are fast sellers, at fell th stone walk and sprained | Thursday. : Ee i k into a cab aud he was hurried to his JAMES REID'S. Phone 147. i a THE FRONTENAC i 3 Hoard's Dairyman. 0. i . J ' poli an. lif him Secretary Wilson has been on a tour | ojo ol " : his ankle. A. .. (Rogers has moved 3 ary #1 ! ! err ibd et LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY he i ge or He om ard Bome. In ab interview pext'day Mr. of observance through 4he eastern ¥ 8 « $ ps 1 he says that it strikes him of the club house, as the commitiee Donaghue stated : I was practically States ane te 1 ; ESTABLISHED; 1863. BY he on ased it for a pool room, and unconscious when I arsved home. 1 thes Sgrieu) : hg ork wl President--Sir Richard C ight. | E. J. Allen has charge of the dane- knew | was in bad shape, because for |!' '* oh ® osc 6 1p low Io. an ee asa ar wright, ing class. James Barrington and sans weeks' I had been fighting against | ' the west, TOO wherever there is - x a ew fortriahi. for the. west "Wy. pains in my back a¥ severe as i I |a declining iertility and crop: yield. | perties. Municipal and County Deben- | leave In a lortnig > " |had been shot at. Indigestion aud Agriculture has declined greatly in | COAL! a kind you are looking for n° kind we sell. HEISE EEF. BER AEE NAS Money issued on City and Farm Pro- 87 Clarence street. Ganong' s Chocolates Moir's Chocolates Webb's Chocolates Stewart's Chocolates ~~ Cadbury's Chocolates 4 1b. Box Cadbury's Opera Chocolates for $1.40 A.J.REES, 166 Princess St } Phone 58. AAA ANAS ANAAAAAANANNANNN . Le i S. C. McGill, Managing Director. an attack of appendicitis. Misses lapse, and no doubt had been keeping | for they do not get any such yields oi aptee prompt delivery. 'Phone, rs ' | wife 'knew just what I needed. Ske | Wilson's remarks : | Wood's English Bd, partnership. FOOT WEST STREET. SW me to bed. In the morning 1 was as | them to buy wheat lands in Canada. d Veins, Cures Nerv- Budget From. Bethel. -- ayia Ey and Effects of Abuse or Kxcesses, | the re-opening of Camden East Me- [and I felt like a new man. From now | modern meats. | cannot see what et | and evening. Rev. Mr. Sexsmith, B.A. perly equ ulated; 1 will use Dr. Ham- | farms. Why, last. ear £000,000 bush- | Worntertu Winds 'oronto, Ont. - ---- |success, $74 being taken in. Miss |day's illness." Good profit can be made on any ' of Furniture Sales given special at~ ace Galbraith bad his thumb -badly |ily, to your friends. You ecanmot|io the cities must see now that the » z Pe" Mortguges purchased, DepositalA. Rogers has an attack of pneu, | 2% the Red river country of Minnasols, | x 11 t t t ; o "SCRANTON received and interest allowed. monia. James Ralph is suffering from biliousness were the cause of my cal-| !"® oy) rive co y of | ionasotn, | ua 1 y ( -anno Be Bea en ie : 3 : 5 . izzi 'heat there as they used to. Coal is good coal and we guar- Lottie Bell and Violet Yellan will up the headache and dizziness from |W i 3 : 4 : he Here is a pithy 'passage from Mr. *. 3138, : ' train for nurses. James Washington whwh I suffered. Fortunately, my 3 Pp F g Booth & Co 8 P " and George Curren have dissolved gave me three of Hamilton's Pillg Sixty thousand Ameéricans have gone oy Poe rent Zagish of Mandrake and- ternut and put |to Canada and taken $60,000,000 with fervous & systent, makes new he d fy i 3 Joos os! eoonforfororoeforeeerforfinfectorfe orry, Des « resh as 'a daisy, my system was | They would do better to take up these wiritleiniinn i a Wie e Mental ant Brain Worry. 'Sper. | Deéthel, Dec. 16.--A number attended |cleared of its load of poisonous waste | old farms here and inanage them by To et oa" on Rye wl thodist, church on Sunday morning on, in order to k my system pro-|ever started folks away from these plain kg. on receipt of price, New pamphl i > : mailet ree. The Medigine Go. of Newburgh, conducted both services. |ilton's Pills regularly, 1 know many els of potatoes were imported into The tea on Monday evening was a [who do: so anil they never have a |New York stagg--That should not be. res - -------------------------- " Td : . - Laura Galbraith visited over Sunday | Why not bu sealthy, hearty and well. | the farms © with. POLASORY. A fifty | WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer with relatives in Camden East." Hot- [You owe it ta yourself, to your fam-| cents a bushel. Many who have gone | tention, County Sales of Farms, || [crushed in the cream separator. Miss [Work properly; you cannot be happy country offers just as good opportuni- | Stock, ste., have Deen my specialty I'. Forrester, a former teacher, has [yourself il you are tort: by ties. The "'going west' idea has about 1 = i for 1 ear If farmers . : s he high r, poss renewing acquaintauces. J. digestion, and all the nag pain expired. The west is all right, but s0 | com------ -- " the high dollar, get my services; , been , : Curl "is getting out timber for a new and unpleasantness which accompany | i; the east. | expect we will see men | ' : A SQUARE b M B Ed it--if you are weakened hb i = arn. Miss Bessie Edgar and Miss w anaemia sy from th st to tak n Xs Olive Salsbury were visiting Mrs, if your blood is being bolsoned and a ronoily elas S-. : Done at the House of Quality is--satisfac. tory proof that honest trading, efficient Builders and EE Levi Salsbury recently. Visitors: Mr. FON ym uphtt Prd scnstipation. : hd" Mrs: John Connolly at J. M. 0 ering from any of t a Mr. nd Mrs. Yerge Em- these derangements of the system-- The Good Recomsentlations. service, coupled with fair prices, wins the confidefice of the public. Use Sashweights made in King. berly at J. 'A: Salsbury's; Mrs. J. eithe temporary or chronic vou lad wasnt much to look at -- Ae E. Herod, , . A s he average errand boy in the a l Curl, Sr., with Mr. and Mrs. Walter should go at once to the megre: t che- just t ht a : A COLD PREVENTIVE. ston at Angrove's Found ext, ; mist and ask him f average office. But he wasited a job. Js a cellar filed with Coal, 1 can sup- - E TY. | Higgs'; Mrs. Shier and son, oi Al i. m for a box of Princess £t. The House of Quay, Phone 837 i Hamilton's Pill Thi : | The boss was talking. ply you with an sycellent quality. | Special prices for large auantities. berta, st her father 8, J ates Robert. laxative ill a perio tonle- "You want a job th my slove, hey ? P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. SO ar Jes Lensg Ro id uae cher putify and enrich your blood; banish | Have you any recommendations from . EAVER FLOUR _ iy gin Berni Bor _. constipation by safe and natural | YOUr last emplayer, my 'boy ¥, { er cousin, s ve § 3 ry HN tint," i ti | Good for Pastry or Bread, Wo com-|and Mrs. J. B. Alkenbrack were the meals; Improve helt appetite; "quiet bov thi he et red ro ace plaints. For the last fourteen years wel. .c.c of Mr i Mrs. B. Rose i s 8) you to sleep | Pov. © » BYery £ - bave been handling it. Price is moderate. tin o x. rs an ; Le, > soundly. Dr, Hamilton's s Pills wil] part with me. » ~ A. MACLEAN, esthyool, 101 a jew avs. Vr. andigive you \ strength And vigor. 7} -------------- Florists, Phone, 239. For Xmas Ontario eweet: | Mrs. Percy Scott were Monday visi- | will you gth work nr ah Extravagance is quite likely to be large stock of Plants, Cutflowers,|---- -- [tors at .Mr. Robinson's. Mr. and [per box, or five boxes for $I, at ull | followed by dishonesty. Holly, Mistletoe, Waxeathing, ete.| There séiems to be no regular time. |Mrs. George Hufiman, Moscow, on ldealers, or the Catarrhozone (cm-] The true conqueror is he who can Order early and get first choice. {table for 'golden opportunities - Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 'pany, Kingston; Ont. and does conquer self.