Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1909, p. 8

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> ; STEEL TRUSTS PLAN : Es | Banking PEGI ! THE ankof Tonto} =: Forty INVITES LADIES Very ©« ged Them to the Thousand Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. i close on the declaration {by the heads of { wainst the Unit {poration, there w conlerences in the of the corporation that Pittebure, with workmen, will he the battle gv if a battle there to be. The workmen of the eorporation who BUSINESS 5 stock © and draw dividends ery = facilit 2 from the profits of the corporatic tand to the of war organized d States Steel re Some. Impx Pittsburg It as ACCOUNTS -- assist. and re ed by efficient In- iH mint G EF bankir lank to {rue cor 1d I A preciated, KINGSTON statement by BRANCH (107 steel cor . Co pe ration is $3.50 UP. ~ JOHN McKAY, : n of war THE FUR HOUSE, 149-155 Brock Christmas in official of mion as an ofl acoeptanc Hon = declarabe "When 1 sted that the ste wanted to make wo par mployees, ar nterest RISE OF THE i] hey . E hat they we United Empire Loyalists Toronto | fof grt. corporation. o Au Informing of Ameri ean Wistory, Valuable for Librar les and Research Ry VISCOUNT Price, Sketcl DE 50¢ FRONSAC frugal n | Pra corporation Address | | { | | \ i Ww stall, | Ih tion in th partment Mi man who has |} h land As Tho Wood Medicine Co, | Toronto, Ont. | « Sleighs i oa FOR EVERYBODY, DOUBLE RUNNER SKATES | | Daniel the tinies For Giving the Greatest Pleasure i ' I wor | We have Nothing such health i . | CLAUS Mitchell's Fr ch W. A. MITCHELL'S =: + The Only Place! HARDWARE. |i bo ident ary slsjerfunfosforfonfaeen]s 1 of vo ee T - teeteetente Lae 30 y ? retest eetastentonl ent B + Ct Jt ' lestenten! . + v Leetest. Fae Jac) . ' Loelen! LILI SLT) TE fos on lentes tuetontante " P. M. BROWN, ( Principal. " ote luetente Christmas Gifts That All Men Like There is tmiiel ilort Longe Wann ¢ and th no man « | | | Ch Shorter House Coats an gratiied with so sum House Coals, $3.50 to 5.00 Dressing Gowns, - $5.00 to 15.00 l.ook over this that vou know will be ] He JUST THE THING weaters, $1.60 to $500 r Suspenders, 25¢ te 75c. Fency Vesis, $2 50 Neck Scarfs, 50c to $3.50. Neckwear, Z5¢c fo © Skirts, 75¢ to $1.75. and Mitts, Umbrellzs, $1.00 to $6.00 All Umbrellas initialed Free {pat to $500 (loves ye to $3.50 wear putin Faney Boxe 3 with the spirit of Ch » Best of service, looking or buying. ivingston's, St. D A STRIKE HOLD ITS MEN. - Invest Corporation--| Workmien | Draw Dividends Regularly 16.--Followny wdmitted | thousands of | regularly | the west vonsidercd by of eacher 4 to the board upon the (5 rd before ouse Goats and Lounging Robes ned quiet resttulness in these list and see if you do not strike]. Our store f Istmias, and we pionuse 78=790 Broc Kus chum. THE DAILY BRITIST werre THURSDAY, DEC INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. i Reporters On Their Rounds. TO Muiflers, $1 to $2.50, at Hunt's, | Order your Christmas chocolates at | Best's. i Navel oranges, in (dozen, at Gilber 30c. and 40c. a with once winding, for 39 A bunch of keys picked up on [street await { xtation. Bibby's $4.75 suit cases. Mayor Couper is candidate party People of un owner made | ee of all tie labor | cor. | RO or section wiant | parties have asked him to run again, oflier so he's the citizens' candidate. | Fanev shirts at Hunt's \ vew line of clocks just arrived at ound, | Beeley's, Come and sie them. Woon A number of for the hold |H \. arrived in the to-day, They were met by wd taken to the barracks to enlist. Bithy's suit eases Chrtstmas post cards, fancy, at Best's, and Mrs M issued invitations the mar {riage of their Margaret, to m- | Dv. Holward Spohn, on January 6Gih We have one quarter-hour repeater watch left, strikes } hours, and hours, with tell the time thea might' in a sliver case Reeley =, Neciwear for \ workman named Charl employed on the tel Dien Rospital "fell from a scafiold, fortunately caped without seri He was taken to Dr. Mo urgery, where a higl his hand oh forturiat? recrnits R.C citv an officer MY Are swell pora are 10e, a the | dod n, th M: ie | have Haney, Toronto, for daughter, during £0) is you Lo for . at Hunt's Harrison to the Ho Christmas at new wing nun He indeed, ol sil girl over admit maton he price I<landgr ot relief of \m bes top th went fe amex 1=land 1 1 Land who have Aletha boat and re n ince 'ik ped up on running will go Mond turn ear with t wstma 1 i nesta evening, morning, their Chr ILLEGAL SALE OF LIQUOR Bay Hotel Proprietor Trouble mn taken { n in ourt, morning, that they bv the voung men who them on the dicastrausly for when testified were en whiskey ompanied suibrod un ned. The oul drive that Ub con Friday mormag, Moreland, of b yom, by istice of the Peace who has been notified Wricht aenhbam, pecton A Display Of Fine Art I J admivers of china painting will to that Miss Maymic Gananoque, #5 to hold an and ie of her work city, commenc to (Fr day) evening, ape uing all day Saturday Shi lds has studied the painting under such eminent Marshal Fry and M M York, also Nulich, of ha be glad learn Shae exhinition this MOrrow- have ing contin Miss } china on New Chicago, and the quasty of her work ever, is suine.ently well-known here to 1 ire ¢ndorsation Her olleetion of paintings, which compris ny articles suitable for Christmas v will be -on-exhibition at street, the late Dr. Mc Friday eveni no lengthy al residences, on Saturday Ladies Giving Tea Young Ladi Guild church holding a ts th week ho It. is being hel Best's drug service 18 being Mabel Day, ter . "the The re "we h luring whi oll patroaized co parlors at excellent Miss lookiy an ited by fine eup of | every patron and ristma hopper open from 10:30 ind wilk | he cause and hould help al each day wm Saturday might ie lor a nds of the rk rorthy uild Notes From Kepler r, Dec. 15. --Joseph Lawson ¢ h their daugh Anderson lowly from an The WMS MeBride's o My Kuapp, ianghter, Barvriefield Noble Ellerbe dang Harrow that Smith and family, ptus | Townsend; My Westhrooke, at J 0] ha returned hom Xu VY with Mi Fownsend attack will meet a Monday wife at Levi k, and vee ter, Bolton mproving ippendieiti Mr fohn n next Visitor Cran ms wife ant \ } Latimer at A and Mrs. Walker, « McBride' LiuoTtes mith, Artichokes And Salsify Dark gree Boston head lettuce Carnon n spinach, mipe tomatos , only te. a head AJ left rat m with Fowler, iormerly her H iour-year-old se nan in milton, Ont., about eeing to pay for his, _however, and left the + woman, with whom the took epi ed to do him to the relief She the police did not there was pur before she magi who ruled rovide for another woman's child Chime Ylocks at Rheeley's, tin the i A quer Ottawa, has been i that he has heen awarded the gree LL.D. by Laval University No true woman will stand way lew airly |" the cheap city. Audet court, registrar for husvand arranges the furni Toom ! i better to KNOW more than VOU | tell than to tell more than + i Holl ath it and holly wre vak hit Hou i Newsy Paragraphs Pieked Up By Keeley's eight-day watches that run! i the | at the police from | shuht | i case will be heard in _the railw and i ol A ' she child had office have to the h 3 16, 1909 CREW ARE WIROONED MEN OF STEAMER THREE | DAYS WITHOUT FOOD. | Vessel a Total Loss--Ran on Out-| er Ducic Island in Smowstorme-- Heavy Seas Prevented Help From Manitoulin. little Carrent, Oni, Dec. 16. inew steel steamer Wissahickon, of the {Anchor kne, ran on the Ouler Island, Lake Huron, Sunday night, in lan eastern gale and blinding storm. The lower decks and stern of ithe steamer ave submerged, and {supplies are cut off from the crow, who have might. Heavy prevented ing from the Ducks to the Manitoulin, miles, until two fishermen succeeded i the island, where the steamer is, seas Cromss- } CIweive by H Pugs are being sent out First Mate JJ. John Ersken irom the Soo for the rest of the crew, | thirty-two, men in all. « All are safe on the island, but have i suffered the extreme weather and from of food. ( and Erken walk eight miles through ined Fernlee, the nears telephone on the 'Manitoulin Island. The Wissahickgn bound from Buffalo Duluth gel ral Ihe and severely in lack had SNOW as sey to water to is of |T00 DOO wi with four thousand t merchandise, valued at wel only two iwill be a total wreck ve wit years old AL O Organizer Had Hospital. Uw to onter General ma. Dex 15.~The toe right It 1s located ' Mill street Phy spared no pains with experienced hock hould be a tevell has moved place he vied utilizes a meat hop hou skavwny rink ma Lo make 1 best, and Mich: el W 3 i door 0 ie Jame on vin wa in the e vaeat Norriprton and Lan Mr, Payne to sce Ih irter wain after his illness Levi and Stanley Lane captured two north gf Mud Lake, from ( obalt from ; moved Rev. A. H mn Smith in ne 1s glad Pavone ed by Fverve round "Tryon foxe LC owdy Oliver Sophia Areet Lk foe James home \eley Williams' to the house ls Peters, Wes AOU, here for time hospital, . Kingston, last ck, Mrs. C. Craig the Kingston inder Mis Mill by \ laboring to the quite ned general hospital treatment along kK. abandoned until next Hamilton has moved house she lately pm Irom Samuel Irish, M. Marian, Val'evy, wall od M1 Hamilton on the farm, Front Road. moved terrace tely strect has on occupied Sand od oeganizer, some past, weut week, has retur Irom vhere Kence he wa building the had beer Mes. M. of the ny pring nn: part based Pleasant CAREER OF A DESERTER. From Home of Twelve. Mai ihsence of native of Ran Away at Age Daily the Peck, to England recentl covered that he still to be wrested for having deserted from 1896 His career, remarkable related ved him London Miter John forty . Nottingham years returned and, dis was Liable hi how that wat regiment in has been so the ce not Ww i lacts were Lhe ral froe ou pardon, but pension as well age i ) ran awa from home twelve and went to the Afi ferree ibsequently joined {UU rnmea trans erved in the declared he pot diamond chance embu While a Cornnto. on * day 1 ht » Ep Albany wa Nicara of a bayonet messenger fre orved off th x 2 Luan sentry nn I he | thw me incident Senge ol the matter and reach the i commandant of the port, who ecaliod on ( hs Oliver Alban men have quarter ommander Che beed ordered to keep to: their at might Put kodak on the 15 the best gift at Best' President Zavitz, Ml Guelph Agricultural on the Ontario government ask ors Christma You them Creelman, i ready College this morn salaries of the ing to that the teacher insti {tution be raised to the figure the same of m teachers in the of science i prof and in cia ant school Con sideration promised An endl « lady variety of statable gentleman, at Best's, a Toronto law commit ted trial for of $430 from Mrs i or Stephenson, lor : ged thelt Pethick Bibby's suit A young man's first love that how he ever recovered so «quickly row sell Case werion he wonders all | had no food since Sunday i vesterday, when i in reaching | vB | small gasoline launch and brought off. | Cassey ang Lngineer i & Pi ears of the ied expressed all the paid to 5 i the Anme affair is so piterward Deafness Cannot Be Cured. as they canno f the ar ite desiness i 3 sLituti * caused by an inflamed the mucous lining of Eustachian Tube. When this tube is flamed you have a rumbling sound imperfect hearing, and when it is entire is the result wm can be taken wed fo its will he destroyed ut of are can is not hat of the yg ' give One sinpndred Dol e of Deafpess (caused by cz be cured by by an in fla med urfare ia tarrh Druggists, Taks Hall's Family remedies. | and un- out te normal for Hall's Catarrh | ~The : Duck | snow- | SPECIAL. SALE. To-Morrow Morning From 9 to 11 Owing to the large number of Remnants and short lengths of Dress Goods that have accumulat- ed during the busy season we have decided to clear the lot at exactly half price, so for TWO HOURS To-Morrow Morning will'offer all Remnants of Dress Goods At Exactly HALF PRICE. REMNANTS, ranging from 1 yard, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6 yards, of all kinds of Dress Goods, many suitable for Ladies' Dresses or Skirts or Waists, others just the things for Children's Wear. \ll at 50c¢ yard for 25¢c. All at 75¢ yard for 7c. All at $1 yard for 50c, And so on through a long list. Remnants of Cloakings and Beavers Suitable for Children's Winter Coats, will be offered at exactly half price To-\or- row Morning, 9 to 11. \ TO-MORROW We will have ready a splendid range of New Umbrellas Just received to-day, and many novelties In handles. Ladies' Umbrellas, $2, 2.50, 1.50, Ladies' Umbrellas, $3, 3.50, 4 00. And Men's Umbrellas, $2.50, 3.50. Men's Umbrellas, $2, 1.50. Men's Umbrellas, $1, 3.00, MANY of the handles are sultable for En- graving Initials. This we will do WITH- UT CHARGE. ker ple include *or Travelling Goods for Presents The finest assortment of Good Bags we have ever shown. Suit Cases 'Solid Leather. New stock. especially cheap for Xmas. Hockey Boots The best values in the country for Girls, Boys, Ladies and Gentlemen. Open Every Evening. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE FFEIIFITI FIFI IF ION Marked P0000 PDC 0000000000000 these oeteee el

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