y X THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 16, 1900 151000 BY SISTERS ITFN.YEAK.OLD MEE. 8 BURGLARS WITH GUN. | TRAVELLING CLUS NG HL RG TS Cansimas aang New Yea Hotays Hound Jrip tickets will is the trade- mark which is found on every bottle of the § | genuine r Scott's Emulsion the standard Cod Liver Oil preparation of the world. Nothing equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of young and d old. All Druggists Through Pullimans to and from Ottawa vig Brockville daily, on trains 2 i Send 10c., name of panes this ad for 2 and 5 our beautiful Savin Bank and G' id's Ss Boo Pullman accommodation reserved in ad Skee a bank conts is a va e Wnt all other information furnish wm application to scott a BOWNE J.P. HANLEY, Agent | 126 Wellington St., West, Toronto, Ont. Sohuacn and Ontario be issued at' Single First-Class Fare 24th and 25th, to return until Dee. 27th and on Alvt and Jan. 1st, 1910, good to return Until dan. 3rd, 1910, also at First- Class Fare-and-One-Third ood going Dee Sint: 29nd 28rd, 24th iath th, 20th, 301th, Bist and Jou i { 1 | Un- Disarmed and Beaten, Hut | Pistol daunted, Youth Gets and Fires As They Flee. Trenton, N.J., Dec. 15 leavor to save his little harm and the home of his parents iro the depredations of thieves, f.ouis Lanning, the ten-year-old son of Charles Lanning, caretaker of the Casino at Hroad 'street park, a sub-! ith, comfrowted two burglars with a | {rifle The thieves after procuring a saveral smaller pieces ind $106 in money, threw some shrubbery near the house and fled The boy managed to get back into the house, and procuring his father's revolver discharged it seve- ral times after the fleeing robbers. , Both Mr. Lanning and his wile S-- a -- [were away from home. Both children ! £0 to school, but little Isabella, aged |? six, fell ill and did not go to school, and her brother remained with hen | for company While the enildren! | were alone Louis hearu someon Tong PEMBROKE MRM Gasoline Engines fe he mire i IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Rsilway in the dining room he { men rummaging through a sideboard. Christmas & New Year| MADE IN KINGSTON Excursions As soon as they saw him one pounc- Round trip tickets will be ed upon him and took the rifle away «.. One-Way First-Class Fare Good going Dee good Dee in an en- | gister from to I=t, 1910, good feturn until Sh, 1910 Tickets sold to intermediate points between Montreal and Tor- Ohto in connection with the above ah not be valid on trains 1 and disarmed Bhim, and watch, a locket, | of jewellery } him into | Corner L(g Sts Inspect them before pur chasing your Engine. sold at It was then that they carried him new Good ge 24'h and 23 | outside, in the rear, overlooking the | Inke, and after striking him several | times threw him into a hedge. turn 1p Kong and 1st, January Engines from 1 1-2t0 20! paruers January 1910, ard, | H. H.P. le ri First-Class Fare and One-Third wh | Selby & Youlden, Lid |, Children ah. Ontario St. P img - December CONFESSION hmit, December December 31st, 1910 ; return limit, «ith, 1900 and Two Antonio having wile ano was 16 Good going December pi Mh, 20th, 28th, 20th and Janu Ist 1910 January Sth, 1910 Full particulars at K. & n Ficket Office, Ontario St F. CONWAY Gen. Pass, and two captured and brought imit Mang terday He at first but \kr u, late Cleveland and G. P ve ained fessed with maint he had quarrel ith last and innocence iater Agent 11 3 Ke told how h vcd his when ne December ordered one of the pol kitled killed we litle ri and bed on For Coughs, Colds, BRONCHITIS, SORE THROAT, | | HOARSENESS, CROUP, ASTH. Then he boy, hid fled wile BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY union station, Ont ariel wireet ft p.m. daily (Sunday hog deisg or T'w eek Sydenham Napanee oo, Tantackhurn and oil pomtd norin | MA, PAIN or TIGHTNESS '1M To wecure quick despatch to Bunnoel, THE CHEST and all BRON. Ontarios route" vour 'shipments vie fay] CHIAL or LUNG TROUBLES of Quinte Railway. For further particu-| there is nothing te egual lars, apply R DICKSON, bis "hone, No. 8. hn Dr. Wood' S Norway Pine Syrup. | c BERMUDA 4 | It contains all the virtues of the world | SC EW L NE oF OCEANA. 8,000 TONS | Wild Cherry Bark ond the soothing. X olliors . healing and expectorant pr t f 8 00 sl! properties of |, omber . BERMUDIAN,' © Vr 6 0 JON «| other excellent herbs and barks. ii . . Mrs. John Pelch, |... hours wn Frost to Fl Terres Ww Rdser, Ont. |" ped ory Wodnes day and Saturday is one York in the season Nasty writes pa WEST INDIES Hacking Lontput New 8. "GUIANA" 8,700 tons, Cough I ARIMA 3.000 tons "ROR Cured. 3.000 tons Sai from S444 0040 nate nesday Croix, St. Kitts, Dominica, Martinique, toes and 'Domerara. For fii] 800d. At last 1 was advised by a riend i to A. TE. Outerbridge | £3 try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine .Syrup | and Quebec Steamship Co. | and with the first few doses I found great a New York ARTHI 'B] rolief and AHERN a. ctor. Quel relief and to-day mv hacking cough has Heke JP HENLEY entirely disanpenrad and I am never | Railway KIRKPAT Ticket Agents without Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup | ston in the house." The price of Dr. Wood's Norway Pi Syrup 18 25 cents per hottle un in a vellow wrapper, | the trade mark, s¢ he sire and accept | none of the many substitutes of the original * Norway Pine Syrup." of next Days, costing $400 and up EGYPT Mpnufacture d only by The T. Milburn of the Including all necessary Expenses 0, * imited, Toronto, Ont. expected \ of Y Cruise Dept., White Star Line, Toronto . SUR Agents P ti 1,000 mil { ~ ~ x pe 0 ay and Jaks thie HIGHEST GrADIS™ == GASOLINE, SHACKLETON'S JOKE COAL OIL, the child her th and he she rain leaves for them TRAGEDY IN JAPANESE MINE Two Hundred and Sixty-two Lost Lives B.( De the Monte Ww Men Victoria, 16. News by a colliery Fukueka 2th, But ten the [broug rht Tpan, of ragedy at Goo prefecture ot mvolving Wireless on keels Forty vilings ev from New an explosio Wers, of employing 1,75 of 11000 | \ wa troubled with a nas ty hacking cough for the past six rn - nths and used a |. t of different re-nedies but they did » e po | Vivtiin, 3.8 escaped miners dead bodie £100 to 3 + + 3 ment rave Lhe and is providing bereaved GREAT WATERWAYS Be Swimmer 6 Abert ratinay TO TAP will Next Winnipeg Phe Waterway they exw point a el ( in Operation King i and ine It is put three pine trees | oflicinl« the 150 mul to middl HH) Lrreat tate eration io an of | immer " CRUISE of the "ARABIC" 10 the HOLY LAND and | Sails Jan. 20, 1910, jor 73 that to have hw ine the dmonton by the the no line to Fort north maining McMurray ompleted by the ie to be I his the will give om of uavi m lar novkh Read Fake . Telegram From Cook I ondon I Imhlin LUBRICATING UILR FLOOR OIL, GREASE, EI PROMPT DFLIVERY W. FF. RELLY [ftw OUR CUSHION SOLE Toye's Building, %: 10 BOOTS PUT A SMILE ON A MAN'S FACE Our nted In De Walsh, Morrisburg Me yh mitreal I Frank without Vagrancy g, Ont. to having broken leman Bros of fancy of Poli Castleman, ¢all we Wanted har answer Clarence and Ontario Streets, WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY Is Resul: and De the the oi Prolonged Study ers, vesterdav, i Cushion y Research the jewellery and tend ordir tw relief to tired hav The Marconi session a8 tumbie ac s of his w vid nod CN are Warmer than light Welt Sole Price AT) store pair alone with Pent, N robbed the & Brossean dentally marvel by deep calse of hat r effect the wine our choice of or heavy ! John ous invention Goodyear $1.50 \ clotang a Coup le of weeks » Stole Wife's Ik his as. + al where 1 t rtain known v was : I 85.40 wd prolonge H. Jennings, King 5 beoffoofoiio 3 nile thet Titi Hos led NON n nature able starth y produ Many 1 have Machine Davis," machine the ones dollar nt peaking 5 of bunching discrimination differen haw rest of hair re wa, them | Winnipeg William who stole wife upon which she veme. { HVelihood of and then pawned it for fifteen which he spent for drink, w jail for four months. The second-hand dealer got t machine walked back cewing Se without na Le A Holiday Gite i be appreciat i vour wife or daughter nt i picee of our BI AL riFui I wuE FurNITUR) We are giving = count on all our ext month As this line « Line hy in them rless articles Call in and see " wrong 1 I wn . clive ante' en i. LESS ' ~ ATION TO INVE : Princess apd batham N Lon arsuicat weak inside > Kingston, Out Dr. Shoop's Rest rb bed 3 quickly again, I dealer George W of 1 long illness "ie py was depen for ide is as from other herself and orers wd s from might preparation prepa purpose of destroving microbe dand 1 nto court and « od to give han : i I to Lhe intortuanats woman w char ide = As dan ha ' { ss That would x sedontifi x the sole : | w calp that LHses 0 dh ithowut Send a! + Herp drug sample investi 1 an stomach, instead kidneys. That WK ner that Vitalize nerves Bont t or stimu the heart late our sto = ves are ng out these controlling with Cor Sis amd see good health will co Test it and orative, how Pilea me to vol Builders ang Contractors ghts made in King See Sold by all Clough, a wy roekville, on Tu . vears Mi art of telegraph Foundry ih raphy 1 3 \OeQLs prior his illness adantitise. weted with local inter , GPR [ More cases sick: hea copstipation, s time, with less medicine. | less money, H-known ¢ umbed aged A learned sident ae : sdav, lime Sashwei Clough and for aton at Angrove's to the was con Special prices for large of the tachs be f Oo WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer | 2 a Furniture Sales given special at- tention, County Sales of rarms, Stock, etc., have been my specialty for long years. II farmers want tbe high dollar, get my services. made i MARKET SQUARE. it i i. MYE RS an marriage - - eee sen - Bt St Pl . ) ; Eliza 'A. M Nil can : and for Little any other means Rev. Thomas wnited in | « and Miss Brockville, by using Carter's Liver than by th in Brow: ur Araut ? It is now and you can depend on its { Canadian Northern management - loriginally found two | MAY FOLLOW LAKE SHORE. 1 1 Ottawa Connection May Be Aban i doned. Tokomio World ith a + {thirty miles as of twenty-six woes deration ving the oF the man route and the : Apollinaris THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS" decide to abandon the Ottawa for their Toronto-Eastern line follow the Lake Ontario shores Wav In conversation" with the Macs, viespresident, 'said ompany s only reason for to touch Gttawa in the frst plac to get the business of that ra growing city, but there was that they would now decide that business amd mak: distance and gra ade the par amount | consideration. By following the lake through Belleville, Kingston Prescott and then up to Hawkesbury, which is already touched hy the CN R. Ottawa-Montreal lige, they would save nearly thirty miles over the located line via Ottawa The company, Mr. Mann said, has charter to build both wavs, but it was altogether probable that of the | dl-luke shore route were adopted the | Ottawa proposition would be drop ped Contracts have been let struction of the line and Trenton, a distanee of HM miles It understood that Kingston busi ness interests have been working gorowsly to have the company the lake shore route. The Lin Cli touched at present like other 1 ake Ontariq towns, Grand Trunk spur, and that will place their city on through line, it is understood they wall promise ali their r-- NEW JAPAN Hi The Carbonate of Soda which is its natural and chief constituent | World" D that the proposing: i nas pidly possibility to forego . 5 ! } is the sworn enemy TT of Gout, Rheumatism and Indigestion. Lore m--- { A Wonderful Stock of Wonderful for the between Toronto on is 1 choos stom is many by company Electric Cs deseri and Doll iv 4 avery 1 direet | garg that | busines | Baby Carts Sleighs : Automuot | Trycicles ; Aimed at Protection of Women Cs and Children "( Dec. 16-7 brought the Monteagle, factory owners of who employ "T4280 hands, oi whom W200 are women avd a big percen we of oRildeen, are excited over factory | to be brought down the int tion ; Swords Victoria, ordi wlvices by steamer | Japan China, Fruits and Confectionery. J. HISCOCK, 160 and 162 Princess St. Fancy thi session of Che law provide plovment cntldren oars, but those ibove ter wed will be Warkers permit te under iNteer be worked more day, and must be given rest each month. In day an Shour's rest must be give wre being made ma ners, may not than hours a davs ol ten hours, lactory ow Ww hose wees number the most childreer han non {factories Ne - pr OTTAWA PLAYERS STRANDED Gerard and McCann Left Clothes 16. Dave rard Without I Mt 1§ nail backs o ODitawa wn Edd itawa nn | the fooths team, ave to forget ip to New i'l vot off i it rbed only not hikeh Ye n then Orme leit TR in oal ld hurnm on then way hom in ret wet tron ors Ianch Fhe there and intending to train pulled out aml then without a friend. The of the remained over ascent or others Ottawa team who returned this the plight was discovered, them transportatic to buw clothes 1 heir that they were off [James McParland, Agent, 339 341 King street, E. Kingston | experiences had} morning of Gerard | Ot and | and as soon as Mot wired wd ann the ULL OF ren | il 18 N10 3 AND HOPS tawan nn money enough tonight wired 1 despite their and '| they would be home stayed in the seured for to-morrow depot at Troy lothes were hen GRANULATED SUGAR The cleanest and most satisfactory way bun Granulated Sugar m 20 poiitid Cotton Bag: doesn't le fault + boy un to mother' RADIANT HAIR to 15 ¢ a hy : Fivery bar bear the &. + turbulent w har - od Lt shih di ristered brand as shown this cut, unstinted that mNIon mpels But now IANUTACT RED BY Canade Sugar Refining Company, Lid, MONTREAL. IH} remarkable ur notirisher nirely respn 1 the m nar --. the demand for Christmas Stockings. 10¢, 20¢, i 35. CRACKERS OR COSAQUE ous Parisian Sage 1 hing glad to g Canada Mahood. tor eradn and who is : o ots Lots of fun, all sizes, Se. Soc, abe, Toe, ind itching money back but th SS ECR Xmas Presents Men's C irling Boots, Men's C urling Boots Boys' Hockey Boots, Men's Hockey Boots Skates attached Hockey Boots, free JACK JOHNSTON Shoe Store, 70 Brock St S -0 i d in boxes, S0¢, 07 contains Hats, ( 10e, Hc to $1 aps and Toys, 20¢ at 1oe, -~ s =, box. per A.J. REES, 166 Princess St on FRAN BEAN FEB farses sasnsesan . TRB ATATBTLBLTRTLLLP HRISTMAS PRES E NT Whiaoh Home f SATB TTRLTRTBATRIRTIAR. bring iappines to the many y rs t CON Ghe Souvenir. pre much ¢ asier ver th 1 p at RSEY, ; A COLD PREVENT! VE. led with Coa Sole Agent, ) Princess St, Fb dtd $9944694040440044404 4+ Fevesessnsiasesess [Preven ine Every young ouple think of mars | riage TUGSE also Bing, ot eae H they are og thoughtivt al thrif! they wil wot think about aL. but owning, &« Bowe. 11 is, the: a Fler of interest to hoth sexes Lo at alwouh teal estate. We a in a position just pow Lo flor ready bulit homes, or sites for: Tol and attractive homes, at excoptinn- ly idw prices and on very easy terms. Special Bargain Balaclass St. Brick Cottage, gid stable and well purchasers, I can kind of peopetiy No. 2% large block of land, To intending 4 With any enced furnish yo wanted rn ---- D.A.Cays 7 Brock St. Here Are Just the! Things for mas Gifts: Lay rs and $1.00, Ton » AL i Re BE & SONS 18356, 5 wks, Hutter HRnives, 'rices Heason- universal, y $2.00 te, $5.00, the $5 00 £1.00 warranted Strap Heady vies, all $1. bide , 85.00 Children 10. to Sie Marshall' S, Ol all sizes, tes. for Stick oA IRACHAN ne HEP eben l RU1-281 Princess § See Window Christ also "raid for Pure Jiced 1 Yo REQ SERVICES 7 David Hall 66 Brock St. "Phone, 335, LE LB 54 SrEssssssssssstetteees Bining Roow » $12 ud for "Xmas pr High Portable Lamps 1 Eloet ri from A ww Line of rom $6 { cheap a x events the Fa wnly Wh to 8, ete, fiw Newnan Bectic Ca, Phone, 441. 79 Priocess Street. FYVSTP III IOIO PR