Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1909, p. 4

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' J THE DAILY py WHIC, _THURSDAY, DECE ER 16 1909 |THE WHIG, 76th YEAR| don must Le an 'ecclesiactic of : 11 n | ¥ : Uneey » y - ! 306.510 Rog ISH WHIG, published. at pronounced gi i] pd learning, wi Al al. LUKE 5 CHURCH bs the added , y chock pr Item Welcomed By Many Men liom Welcomed | year, Fditions at' 2 30 and 4 virtue of complete conse- : be erat'on. With him the call ag BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, . ™ means : tatty dts PO Lot tof apirivual service of he [LADIES - HELD CHFISTMAS day MOFnig L a year. To lgited x tutes, charge for postage - b 0 be highest, the purest, and the most AND SALE. i Weekly ma ping Trice uf Dally 33 and of exdlted character Hencvforth his : s. one of the best Job Print- will be the cara always of the souls | Sum of $178 Was Tealized As Re- i Canada rapid, stylish, il YhiAy 3 * 2a} work ; nine improved presses. © his people, and with Mgr, Fallon sult of Effort Put Porth By The British Whig Publishing Co., Ld. this will be a continuation of the Workers--These : Who Had task in which he has been engaged. Charge of the Different TIabiss EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. This recipe can be filled at howe, so that no one need know of an- other's troubles, as the ingledi~ ents can be obtained separately a any well stocked drug store. They 3 are in regular use ani many dii- ferent prescriptions are constantly being GOlled with them. his will prove a welcome bit of information for all those who 1 \ Fall i i are overworked, Prony. Sesponde o Mgr. allon's friends, many o --A Music Tr amme. ent, nervous am ave trembling ¥ : ical Progr a limbs, heart' palpitation, dizzinéss, without cause, timidity in ventur- ing, and general inability to act naturally and rationally as others do, because the treatment can he prepared secretly at home and ta- ken without any one's knowledge. Overworked office men and the many victims of JocieLy's late hours and dissipation will,' it is said nd the restorative they are in need Ii the Souder decides to try it, get three ounces of ordinary syrup sarsaparilla com) gi La one ounce compound uid balm- 'wort ; mix and let ond wo hours ; then gel one ounce com-~ pound essence cardiol and owe ounce tincture cadomene compound (not. cardamom), mix all togeth- er, shake well and take a tea- spoonful after each meal and one when retiring. A certain well-known medical ex- pert asserts that thousands of TORONTO OFFICE. fe afford them sincere pleasure, and in| their Christmas tea and sale, in the lita 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- | their congratulations the Whig ioins church hall, on Wednesday alternoon bers, {42 Church Bt, Maronto, H. #. mast heartily. aud evening, which proved a decided mallpeice, J. P., representative. i success, financially, and otherwise. A Pho ography! 5100, EDITORIAL NOTES very fine programme was given, con- 4 a { i . . ba 4 . |sisting of songs, recitations, etc., the { The lady mayoress of London is}; : . hed y ® . ' oe - following taking part: Christmas {looking after God's poor. Distinguish- {carol by St. Luke's Junior Woman's STATE ALL THE FACTS. ed patronage sometimes lends popular- | Auxiliary; song, Miss Gladys Cald- " back hoop drill by St. Luke's Junior Woman' s Auxiliary; recitations by Mr, thout Kodak Plewes. : a aodak tituents as to what he should do |, "he iol ing or : p ; y S Nitle while ago. Without 'a tremen. I'he following 'membe ry of the church the naval question. He states the ; » y . had charge oi the various tables, dous turn over in England, where the | which were loaded with good things lords are mighty, the liberals must | for sale: win. Conservative candidates admit St. Agnes' Guild, fancy work booth, At Best's. , and adds candy booti: and home-made booth, v 'a o 4 5 . he same thing. IIVILIIIISIININIIIIIY "The British admiralty has expres ae thing were looked after by _, shall, who represents West El- '1ty 10 a cause, ® BAADAMIALLA mas list is ! i the commons, is consulting his The London Mail had it fairly a Foverument's proposition (and it is » the proposition of his party lead a drsesesasesesasasesses oh ( Wodaasa men and many women are suffer- | {whom reside here, his devation will] The ladies of St. Luke's church, held cold extremities, insomnia, fear ) PC -- ed the view that.from the st wndpoint he field, Mrs. W. Carroll, a ers all because of dormant circu- . : i » work of the Cannon mmissy : 8 Y » € vi trategy a direct contribu BS On commission Misses Hamnah Caldback, Gladys Cald- lation. of the blood apd a caonse- 4 tion wonld be preferable.' in Montreal can only. be regarded as back. Flora Schofield C.F i 1 quential impairment of the ner- : preera, mek, ora Schofield, . -Forneri, L. vous force, which begets the most complete When some of the distinguish-"| Lucas, F. Johnson, F. Ward, HE. Me dreadful symptoms and untold Oy Pheadmiralty did not say anything . ' : : as ON MARGIN - he Kind. It did say this wl leaders have been extinguished from | lobald, E. Saunders, V. Wiltshire aud Ld public life. A few of them should be | the Misses M. and M. Gof. § Be mple contribution of money or hte " Hy es . x deposi material mav be i ; t in iail Fish pond--The Misses Hentig and | : 9 ¥ i i sit Required. | y ost ein any 1 % to one dominion the (put in jail Miss Norma McoFedridge; fancy work Of x | . os Requir ed. imost acceptable form in which to as. | ---- tables, Mesdames W. H. Reid, J. Cald an S : 30 t i pe other. | The irc ounties ill e ; 8 20¢. per share n imperial de gece Another he iron bounti will end with {yk J. Saunders, J. Marsh, Chalk- & lean! per share! While ready » provi naval | 1910, and it is to be hoped they will ley, and the Misses Waddington. Oo the » 1 ", 3 aa y _-- ! 9 I i 2 Jace je ey - then end altogether. The industries Home- made table--Mesdames C, Gift rw wish to lay the foundations | that havi been bonused by the people Graves, ( Jench, Hue ay. Sul] Beruhug: Some Good Ne News for the| e i ; : . ham; Jnui man's ary ct Mich 3 lmure navy -of ja own fin the last thive years to the extent of (oor) "ihe Wises Thelma Carroll | Ruptured of Qur Country | a I e bi a ne - as ik S15,000 000, hold urvive on their Reta Green, Lillian Green, Dora Mur # : che & Co ist. in promoting Tn de art [merit ray, Ruth Lyons, Amy McDonald, 1 wish to add something more, to: | ? 9 1 1 promoting ww interest of Daisy Johnson, Alice Metcalfe, Mildred | day, to the news 1 have recently pub: | K Uk AI IRN, i in ur tak ng ria Mr. Fost y s bout the increase ! Compton; Blanche © Davidson, Beatrice | listed of the coming in Kingston of | irche Block tl servi wt directly of a naval > 2 \ . r orders We: show the season's swellest Neck« Cc . . . 2 ¥ wear, for Hue, Fancy Hox. APS. in revenne and ' expenditure since he | Davidson, Eva Reynolds, Lily Cavey, [A. ( faverie, the distinguished French | %° - in oy ox 0c. The, $1, $1.50. } 0 ole ald specialist, w se method and appara x He does not | Edith Drake and Violet Weld on =prcia Ose my od PE GLOVES, $1.00. i thervi fall eh I'he tea table was looked after by | tus have been adopted all over the See: Our Vine of Nunglish Kid and Moch HOSIERY otherwise 4 on Ww wilize int 1 A ne ds x x . : oe ine of I i id Moe . li on hot ' tha his |} a new ( ana la, | Mus Daykin, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Johp- [world and specially in Canada, with | Glaves, lined or unlined, for $1.00 a See Our Special Cashmere Hose, & pairs that under the Laurier government the | son Mrs Simpson and Mrs Arm- | the greatest enthusiasm by patients | for $1 y E country has hoomed and taken on the | strong wd * doctors " GLOVES, $1.50. 3 f public opinion by ad Mrs. Watson was in charge of the | IU is not my intention to enter into} She Our Dent's Lined Pogskin Glove, KNITTED VEST. 14s nD R re a test / | 8d 4 dbiés Stron ! : rp ulu ew ation i ; | r explants s because such [at $1.50 See Our new Ii of PF a ! ( ¢ people a misleading we deor, and Mrs. Forneri received and [very long explanation CAUSE SUC a of ne ancy. Knitted od n DO U fetter He give the people. info \lh Posier save: the Giomol welcomed the visitors. The handsome [ave better given by speaking in per- . Vests, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 - ( | 4 . ph sum of $175 which was realized, was [son to those who are interested, and GLOVES, $2.00. TROUSERS. - ' gel some advice in inadian government financially beyond the expectations of all because A. Claverie will be entirely See Our Silk and Wool Lined Kid Bes O it the disposal of the ruptured who Gloves, Dent's make, at $2.00. oe ur line 'of Tweed Trousers, $2. 3 -------- -- . See Our Dogskin Fur-lined Glove, | $2.50, ounsel they must know all the facts. | the provinces, in adding to. their re XMAS GIFT WORTH WHILE hall go and see him; he wid give | Fowne's make. / See Gur Worsted Trousers, $3, $3.50, ose | s Mr. Ms: : a : ; iy them free and willingly all advice and $4, $4.50 wet r irshall has not stat- venues by hundreds of thousands, an . i b hall i SHIRTS, $1.00. LLA { 1 ra aba A Timely Su estion Sure t Be information they sha require. { . oy nually, in increased subsidies, is due y 2 Eg : d 0. I shall only say that results are way. | Our New Shirts are ready. New Rain- Ss vem ais ppreciated. : beyond all = expectations under the Dorey lens neat White Pleated Shirts, 82 oe aur Special, at $1; others, $1.50, IVIL MATTERS a -- : hat ote, SDpropriste hrisunas pressure of the apparatus, carefully $1: 00, ry auly or : : ; ate ' y w railwav commission as the | Present--wha ore novel am nique | ealeulate ever 'ase, ) uT ER : nate that Jud 1 . Hn a. he gift could you make than *' Salada" ulated Aor very : a tne ipture | AUTO OV COATS. made enquiry into y guidance in counsel pn ill technical Tea ¥ It will be aporeciated those 15 pressed bac in its normal place | SHIRTS, $1.50. A dandy, for $15. indals, think the ward biects of the expéfts of the depart tires Ie +} aj pe 1 ; Ti and not protrude out any more. : See Our new partly Colored Shirts, iY primarily to blame foi much a day as lone as it lasts. we he apparatus is warranted to main- [neat Whites, with fancy trimmed cufis "VARSITY 'OVERCOATS. . 3 the finest Cev} te: tei] ! tain any rupture w hatever its size. ang fronts, something different. A dandy Something Special, $32.50. of five million dollars, a Ment or the senate cannot be helped re d = ey on ea ie perfectly pre Moreover, it never displaces itself, 4 it went in wine drinking, lout of its insurance difficulties by the ih ri by Salada packets. . - owing to its. suppleness, which is ex- DRESSING GOWNS COLLEGE OVERCOATS. - dr ¥ Sproas prepaid _-- a_i tremely delicate and which makes it . With new collar, $10. » s n dress yy - or JH po nas o oak R , ior . 7 ' . ' hile the ree de ab EXERC : . Sy wear nigh 1 wen by a ampbell & Co. : . ablic s . ¥ ke Al Io wa x nd SE RRR ada ea dn original cases upon re- : Y lo db A a ght, Of Cay oven Dy the ; HARVARD SUITS. a Te publi works, which had 1 Was A Real Success. ceipt of the price and the name of most sensitive persons. SMOCKING JACKETS. y * ! mothers meeting at St. George's | vour grocer. Be sure and state So, it is nol Surprising lo hear that Splendid: values, $5 and $0. hl Wareeir a delight, iu ' ae. Wiathes 4 ' ¢ MONTREAL I'hen came thé judgment. that . I, will be discontinued till January | whether black, mixed or green tea is 3 . various Sunday school enter- | desired. The finest quality of "Sal- tainments. during the holid season | ada" is sold at 60c. per pound, and "ARngton t ole \ h may relieve the ONT I Wer ent oO oN pe +. AIL 1 © : © Market } nner from pen y fina minister \ member of parliament can not dentall but before people ean 'due to the farmers. The success mem------ of cony to the same cause ment. It is strange that 2» gove ravden freshness ¢ ative ri o soning that weil OO Ti 12 it the govern- | garden freshness and native purity of ior and other evil pm expe i the department Extra values, $7:75 and 9.75. the method and the apparatus of ('laverie have been adopted so far by SWEATER COATS. nearly 1,000,000 (one million) suffer- | Good ones, at $2, $2.50, $3, $3.30 : RAINOCOATS. " 2 srs all over the world and that th >. iyi . Sn * ond Good Rain or Shine, in Dark (Grey, or will keep the workers occupied. Wed- | other grades at 50c., 4Uc. and 30c. b allo or Ean a po Tan Rainproof Worsteds, $12.5 many irregularities, the al jusday night's meeting was as great a | per pound. Write direct to the "Sal- most flattering testimonials of grati- . SWEATERS. f 1 N 1 rine in thor frenzied fight for success as its forerunners. I'he pro: | ada" Tea Co., 32 Yonge street, To- tude are in numbers to the eminent - Necks, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50. SUITS. i al 8 Oal ron ontrol, losing sight of (gramme was a fine one, consisting of | ronto. specialist. : o Serge' Suits, $10. ' 5 : "s " " ing No doubt that the unfortunate suf- SWEATERS. Serge Suits, $12.50. songs by Miss Mildred Macmorine, R - . 4 i J S Sul 1 {R. F. Harvey and A. Klugh, a duet How The Fi c fevers frem rupture from all our dis- i Neck, fine German Knitted Wool, | Der#e Suits, $15. have differed on this point. | het wee ACTRORBE. | RR 4 bd e Figures Compare. trict will go in haste to try these ap- +» $1.50. ( lean In certain municipalitios 10 © Oatio, | Rath Fo Xr (roranto. dlobe peatus Shick bave Fought. hemi FULL DRESS SUITS. er 3 tha mn Harn A lug, qumg hy ATH slare,; an Ihe liberal government. had spent : : PAJAMAS. $25 and $30. A perfect fit guaranteed. y ni i z » 3 = + . and p 1 S ; afflic : jected iets imental mu ie by Miss C. Dupuy, £212,500,000 during the past thirteen nd life to so many aii pT Special, $1.50, ] ir, Harvey and Mr. Rlugh years on capital and special account, Andrew «Claverie will be in Kingstor Syis CASES. ancrew vie 3 gston HATS, $2.00 A 'Cane Suit Case, $3, $3.50, $4.50, at thé /Frontenac on Saturday, the * A Real Leather Suit' Case, $4.50, $e Sp r, ier the thie ( tion, ou Mrs. fund - had added - and had provided A lugh and rs 14 othill, was | g147 reve > HL ar $147,000,000 out of revenue, or 69 Per 118th. and on Monday, the 20th, of We show tHe best $2 Hats in Canada. [$5 to $19, sitated specially tempting, « and the evening n of the city into wards, giving opposing factions, was the of the community very cent, i this month. uneil, and | throughout was a bright one I'he conservative government during : . : : He will give interviews from 9 a.m. " 3 " roliti 1 he c« : 34 Wi the ro hall upstairs we : a : % - | reve ©. Darts ' bounded ile we la ha pstawrs a5 | the last thirteen years they were in of- o : 200d 0a hounded | ceupied by the Mothers, = the down |g $167 165 5: : to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 9 p.m. All - Vie 3 aban b regard ion , fice spent $167,166,252 on capital and : . : ga o terrs rooms were hives of industry, in aed p 5 advice given free. Absolute secrecy. con . ; ASL) special account, and provided only s : . : . . . » ¢ cement «t interest © room number of faithful ones |g ; © |Special attention for ladies e * - S49.000,000 out of revenue, or 29 per party there making wreaths for the adornment of | an¢ That 1 t Ir al hristmas, and in Fhe per capita debt on an estimated Cook's Root Com \nglin& Co. 2 : i c wo at I ; In Ne nother Cauon Starr ible class, | nopulation of 150.000 is $45.85. In The great Uterine Tou. and TRY BEAVER FLOUR For Scranton Coal Je £1 making preparations for tribu- | 1806 it was $50.82. ly safe effectual current year the total trade on w three d« Good for Pastry or Bread. No com-| All kinds of Wood and Lumber, wd cliques ci pon of Canada is expected to. exceed 'that a st § /{plaints. For the last fourteen years we | |S. BENNETT & CO., | i ir' fine work, and with cot : otith Walks Bad. of 1907, the record year, when it total ) nge! 3 No.3 pave been handling it. Price is moderate. | mou} oF Writes the a mouth t aver writ ) Paid on arg t of price. A. MACLEAN, | Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts., led $650,000,000 bn sm, tizens of t ren as follows: "Allow me a fow Bibbv's for : ohlet, Address : g ley }ibbv's f en's Chris 3 rs rece pamphlet, i Thi O " ; valuable paper on hehalf hivhy or men wistmas thing Coo Mepioine Co. TORONTO, ONT, (formerly hey ntario street. 'Phone, 941, edence ) m of Christina heer For the ' ! A y orders issued, letter@@register- u to in ; Sot w of ti fety o wep lo this vil- | OS otes bait 8 iq aa s Cab Stand | ou : . Tarr 4 1 idewalks nfit to walk oS getal : Or dT # plea : y ' RO hey Are n a most dangerous | ur Christma ¢ kes tor t © ve ' : , e-hiople. W he - Li . vO s packages for mailing, FNNonNne 201. ; ot g Would the council's com at Prouse's Drug Store (uptown post ABERNETHY'S--WHERE THE WISE BUYERS BUY. + draw the attention of the per- | go \Y of NIGHT inte ; 2 " : ul put ar nd o bs : on who rh paid to look Oe seu Princess and Clay . 0 . : : he W ter b K 3 WM work Some one } Yibbv's fo en's C} s ti ss. " . ' Cn = village 5 ; b geiting injured and I'he y 1 a ans ris ee: S U I ¥ hy { A N Make Gifts That 8 Real Estate Agency : ' fem on the ( wnadian budget, says . the S - BISHOP FALLON, OF LONDON a . : manner in which the public debt of ESTABLISHED 1882 tion hs oe Hompured by the! Stanley, No. 199 C.O.F. [Canada has been kept down, in spite hE A tda. : : : oftie ver lected a of the growing prosperity of the do = Chief 1a . minion, reflects the highest possible i vOHU can buy or sell = of tondon bécatise T va 10 ' : ranger, Charles credit-on Mr Fielding . Cane Suit als es cai horn. and hor i iis bovhood, | bard; financial secretary, James Berry "There is no excuse a man can of We L ad th S t Case T ad Fby. Also Insuranc ' Fr. Fallon was lon ince marked out | ording secretary, H. Graham; trea- fier," for not sending Huyler's or Me e 8 ul P 8 ten in best companies. | ; incat vice in 0 : a : ne I. Wells; chaplain,..H. Jen-|Conkey's sweets at Christmas time. In ry Cases or vminent service in the church. | pings: senior woodward, M. Donnelly; [fancy * packages from 25¢, to as high Pe > Lo FF, beelliant scholarship was recog woodward, J Thompson; senior | as he wishes to go. Rip only a ae 3 Real Leather Cases 00 . 50 vj i ¢ el while he was first a professor vdle, Purdy: junior beadl . Geor son's Red Cross Drug Store. NE - $4.00 and 4.50. VV, m : on the cumaior of Onee.. (Abrams; court deputy, S. McCullaghy] See Bibby's sweater coats g i» = : wl 05 5 Clirence St. ny th : Wi Supgrior Of Ottawa | ory auditor, T, Healey: physician.) The Landen Dal Cro ay NS A See our $0 Special. ad $5.00 - nif l i Ano Je gave svidence of Ris x gart; trustees, S. McCullagh, H. | Andrew Bonar Law. a Canadian by < 4 See our $6 Special. . ¢ ERENT : or sf wimmmistration--and o | Jenning Jogart birth, is the ablest of the tarifi re See our $9 Fitted Bamboo Suit Cases, $1, 1 25 & 1 45 W 8 always the tacti Ee ee form leaders now that Chamberlain is sds Cases A Bir whe He ars; A Great Sale no longer in active service, xt SAC Cases, : latting Suit Cases, $2.00 and 3.50. : For the balance of the year. Pre-| Preventics--those Candy Cold Cure / d 2 See oar $15 Filted Suit Cases (imitation leather) $1.50, deste lin =o fire Hlvost, Brock street, has greatly redue- | Tablets--will safely and quickly check a 0 5 Cases for Ladies and 2.00 and 2.50 ; Buster Brown Suit ability, wees in the order and ready-made [all colds and the grippe. Try them % ? x . tiring industry, gfihing dopartment, also in gents' {once and see! 48-25c. Sold by all 2 Gents. Cases for Children. $1.25 10 2.50 } i urnishings Stock is well assorted |dealers. 2 . . : with new woods See Bibby's new sweater coats. o : A : - F. W. Diehn was found guilty at D Persian Lamb. Chatham of having robbed a Sover- And Persian paw sets, made in the [eign Bank messenger of over fifteen A B RIN church to the thee fnew fancy tyles, from $15 up, at [hundred dollars by "switching' @ shop is the natural sequence to [Campbell Bros', Kingston's busy far valises, of events. The wan possess. St A few . hundred 'pounds. 0c. choco ' CR ------------------ . eo) tates to run off for Christmas trae, 1 marked d e all the 4 a » nd¢ ! d's Auckland [at 20c. Tb. (fresh). Gilbert. SEL m-- : . a A ons : Ihey = fol orrespondent. wriles t the greatest Bibby's suit cases £2 to $19 Deserve To Be Robbed. future civic administration. Unless the| The death took place on Wed H U owed , ) ery duty in est is being taken there the ef I'he Academy of Music, Halifax, is [Montreal Star le of Montreal are like the people | at the home of her som-in-law, Wil- wt t iblish a line of st ships [for sale, having found it impossible | The people of Montreal will deserve: of yg gland as described by Carlyle-- {liam N. Rogers, Spring Velley, of Zealand and Canada to compele with the low-priced thea- |to be robbed if they allow Judge Can-'mostly fools--Montreal will become a | ane Porter, relict of the late Richard s of good perfume," | tres non's scathing denunciation to be con- better, cleaner, and cheaper city to live [Disley. The deceased had attained ww ATT sd NT PETRY iF se i ' minor capacity 1 which he was CIRRTENR 3 i d : : ages. © to 35. Gib Ebony "hair brushes" It pays to |temptuously dropped into tHe civic in through Judge Cannon's report. the age of nl years. She had His removal to Buffalo v y ted gs Drug Store buy these at (iihson's Red Cross Drug | wastepaper. bs asket It should have, it} been an invalid for the past three ppointment to the peopl v r Georgy Reid Australia's | Store must have, serious - consequences for| Many a man compels himself to be- [years. Two daughters sarvive : Mrs, i ¥ . 1 'appointed | King Leopold still maintains his [the implicated gang of grafters; and it{ lieve that he is having a good time |J. H. Stewart," of gr ockville aud tion von J, 4 or Com sturdy' struggle 'for Life can hardly fail to have far-reaching ; when he is spending more money than | Mrs. W. N. Rogers, Spring Valley. many ye \ calihan London Gurd's ginger ale at Gilbert's and most beneficial influences npon ou sup te can afford. y Bibby's for men's Christine things. re s found e 1 op leader of} th i Bei crawromD, Bay Hn "Is Good Tea' os, RA RE wR

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