Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1909, p. 3

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How About Linens for Christmas Gifts? When one comes down to the bottom of the list, nothing makes more acceptable gifts than Linens. Linens are very ac- ceptable at any time, Hut particularly so at Chgistmas. They are articles that are in every day use and the nore they are seen and used the more they are appreciated. Our stee's of Linens is all new and has care. In our large variety of patterns you something suitable. y been can with find chosen surely Qur special lines of Table Linens, at 85¢. and $1.00 per yard are our leader;. Will they be yours Our Table Napkins run from $1 per dozen up. Our 2 special ae Satin Damask Napkins, in neat designs, at $2. 25 per dozen and a little better quality, at $3.00 per dozen, make very sccéptahle gifts Why are you leaving this Christmas shopping so long ? Come in now while the stack is fresh. By ru Crumley Bros. THE FAIR Santa Glaus Headquarters old $ 6 Gifts for the little folks, all the favorites, all the most amusing Sleighs, 25¢. to 75¢. ; Magic Lanterns, 50c. to $5.00 ; with tracks, 75c. to $3.00 ; Large Skin-covered Rocking $4.50 to $7.50 ; Engines and Mechanical Toys, 10c. to $3.00 : : ec. Polls, 16¢, to $1.50 ; Kid Body Dolls, 25¢c. to $1.5C ; Dolls ages, 25¢, to $3.50. Great array of Games, SPECIAL SALE el CHILDREN'S BOOKS: 15 for for18ec ; 35¢c., for 25¢. ; 50c 35¢ 75¢ for 0c Real Bargains in.all kinds of STORE. QPEN TO-NIGHT Mcintosh Bros. ~ IF IT'S A BRASS BED See Ours. $11.50,%$16.50to $75.00. Newest Designs and Finest. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Holiday Gifts. Robt. J. Reid. the new / ideas, toys, many of at the lowest prices. Train Sets Carri at reduced prices. 10¢ , for Gifts Ambulance Phone §77 + Yangve" 2 hese lis sid Cason 0 these wa hs + Prise gh a {: Vv. LANE'S. aCC y ime e or wer oon a Chicago means the 'ime as you see it at ah these different points Night time is mds cared by he shaded watches. Holiday Sale now on. Discount on all stock from now to Christmas. Get my.prices before you buy. Goods can be selected now and laid aside until wanted. C. W. LANE, 192 Wellinglon$t. Everybody Who Eats Bread Should avoid danger of Impufities Oven to the Home. in delivery from the Insist on your Baker wrapping his Bread in EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS We are the original manufacturers of BREAD WRAPPERS now used by Leading Bakers, Ottawa,' Montreal and other cities. THE EDDY CO., Ltd., Hull, Canada. FO AE UK EC ---------- a [OUR ROOS1ER BRAND OF 10BACCO Smoking ang cents a pound, pay eighty-tive Outario street, - " Don' t 'Neglect When doing your Christins a8 shopping to W pottle of some of the Hh Mowing a bri 'Corby's Celebrated, Whiskies Cortiv'ss Special Selected Corby's od Dominion Corby's Superior Blend Corby's Whiskey Blanc You make no mista in ods, because they're the J. LAWLER, Golden Lion Block Chewin at forty-five is & good tobacco. Why Cents. Andrew Maclean, t hese -- any of best. What she doe a gird likes best is what she nt ul R. Ay - FINE NUSICAL TREAT R.C.H.A. BAND CONCERT WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Programme Was a Most Delighttai | One, and Was Much Erjoyed--| ¥ Band Was Assisted By Local Talént--The Selections Render- ed One of the finest concerts ever given in Kingston was that put on at the Grand last night by the RC. H.A. pand, assisted by local talent. There was a good attendance, and everyone was delighted with the programme. "fhe band, under the leadership of Alfred Light, hal already made a name for itself, both at home and abroad, but last night the members excelled themselves. It was, indeed, § rare treat:that the audience enjoys fd. Theve gas a feast of good musioy find the programme was a well select- ed one: There were fifteen numbers, and 'every one called for an encore, which was readily given The soloists for the evening were Miss Hazel Massie and Charles Har- vey. Mr. Harvey sang with fine fect "The Sailor's Grave" (Sullivan). Miss Massie, whd has a very sweet voice, and i ys a geweral 'favorite with ton audience, rendered The Nightingale" (Nevin) and he Cuckoo" (Lehmann) She rmly applauded, and respond- ed 10 an encore. R. F. F. Harvey was the accompanist later on she rendered "La Spagnola" (di Chiara) with the band, and this was a most delightful number. St. James' male choir, uuder Percy Marshall, favored with a couple of fine selec tions, "Juanita" and "The Old Ken- tucky Home," The band's with a patriotic (Lavallee) and grand military tatoo the King." Sergts., ef- programme opened anthem, "OO Canada" concluded with a and "God Save O'Neill anc net duet in "Merle et Pinson' naud) Bandsman Connolly favored with clarionet solo in "Concert Arig' (Schnergo). In "The Battle of Vrafalgar ' the solo part was taken by Bandsman Clark, and 'in the chimes solo by Bandsman Sullivan The members played well in their different parts, and deserved the ap- plause showered upon them The rand bos attained a very high stand- ard, and. much credit is dae Mr Light, the conductor, who has spared ne means to make the organization ahe of the best Kingston has good reason to be rol her military band COMING TO THE GRAND. (Rey a The Return of "Bi ny" Event. . "Billy," direct from its long run at Daly's Theatre, will play a return en- gagement at the Grand to-night, v the piece comes here under the direc tion of the Shuberts "Billy's tombstones," as the hero's false teeth are called in the family circle, were acquired 'as the résult of ah accident in a football game. Dread- ing to let the girl that he loves know that his four upper front teeth were pot grown on the premises, Billy, when the fair Beatrice takes ship with her mother for Havana, s#lso takes passage for himself and sister Alice, as an aid to help in keeping Beatrice from learning the' awh truth. On the same ship, of course, is his deadly rival rouble be at onee A heavily laden stews suddenly slams a door in Billy's face, whereupon his false teeth fall to the deck and are lost, consequently, as Billy cannot pronounce any word with an soft "*¢"' therein, and #8 his sweetheart's name is Beatrice and her mother's "Mrs. Sloane," Billy has to sit by and see gain ground A new complication in the farce involves another set of false teeth which Billy in desperation steals from the stateroom Mrs Sloane Accordingly she appears on deck whispering "'Beatrith,"' *'Beat- rith" in 4 way to draw tears from the eyes of a painless dentist Will Be vg" op of Huberland rendered an excellent cor- | | »WOOr | poor | his rival | A THE DAILY BRINSH WHIG, 'Return Engagement | i BY SPECIAL REQUEST, Sats 8S. and Tee duubert, (6g). Fal "BILLY THE NEW FOOTBALL, FARCE wir EDGAR ATGHISON.ELY i And Original cast and production from! Daiv's Theatre, New York. The play that | kept New York Inughiog alt summer. Prices 25 50c:. The $1, $1.60: -_--tt., Seats now ou sale. SATURDAY, DEC. 18TH. Bargain Matinee, 2.30. THE HOWARB HALL greatest lafifhing comedy wm 3 Aerts . i I i E vening, 8.15 CO Presents the | bf the period, chararter Come and «a With the well known dion JAMES BR. WATE campuny of Players he funniest' comedy ever written Matinee, ( hildren : Adults, EVENING 3 ai Beats no hod ol 3 WONDERLAND 3c VAUDEVH.LE ALL THIS WEEK The Christmas Choir Girl and Company |; A be slectrical effet bir miss it irmation scene, with Ne met Wig entirely new Pictures : I SHE SOLD HER 1 "THE DEVIL. IN Watch this space NEXT WEEK Vaudeville, ev ADMISSION TRESRES PHE INN BIG ery 5 CENTS afternoo Come LAND with the crowds to WAYORALTY, THE 1910. ro ELECTORS nd olier Yielding to eonstant re sts, 1 have decided 1d In my ried t record, tion urse as your Mayor pledges he true to my and, if you are 1 hope d support. and my with my efforts, by I. COUPER To The Electors: of Ontario Ward : he retirement Alderman repreSented our 1 Juve hwemn re indjdate. 11 ele ve. a square deal to ind the city at large same busjpess fue! commercial mat deal {o the taxpay- their interests, before political par If this, plat vote Ward sing the a in a square msulting any Ontario EXER private HARRISON KINGSTON AND BATH ROAD COMPANY A special meeting: of the above pany will be held at the office Secretary, 194 Ontario street, on SATURDAY ]S8th instant, at twelve vVelock noon, to consider thd offer made by the Municipal GCouneilseé the - Town- ship of Kir igston for the purchase f the Company and i deemed ad- Com- of "Other People's Money." Among the best comedies brightest, wittiest, and laugh maker is "Other Money," by Edward . Owen telling an interesting story but in a manner so humorous that it is one great big , laugh from beginning end. This famous comedy will produced at the Grand on Sat becember 18th; matinee and The company will be first class in every respect headed by the well- known character comedian; James R. Waite, with special stage mount- ings and effects the | greatest | People's | Towne, | to be ay, night B. A. Hotal Arrivals. J. A. James, Montreal: Tho Calderwell and wife, Lanark: G Montreal: T\ B. Poucher, ' Wm. E. MclLelland, New Rennick, Hespeler; Robt Pavior, B H. Neill, Toronto: E. W. Dawson, | don;. P. Panneton, Montreal: J. Denver; H. C. Tavlor ('. Milligan, St. Catharines; N. McMaster, Toronto; New. York; John J. to; J. Simpson, Montreal: M. Morris, Boston; H. H. Cowherd, P. E Kidd, W. G. Davidson, J. G uggenham W. F. Ci Turnbull, Montreal: F. M Williams, Watertown; JJ. E. Richard Trenton; F. W. Meagher, J L. Montreal; RR. S. McLaughlin, Moyse, Oshawa; Charles Mac- Gananoque: 1. E. Haultain, WW. F. Es 1, Toronto B Fens tis, Toran to) York: W on Flem I'orontq apt. H Barley, Toron NM. ming, Geo. Gilmour, son, Grady, WW. H Donald, E. A. James, Fur Seo Sets And Single Pieces. what Alaska sable. Persian mink, we're showing in lamb, black fox, ACCARRRINY sum, R. VASITON Ca . and £0, h For Christmas. Seedless 50¢; dozen. * Californian Oranges, 1K 15¢. to ibe, to o & k Mexican Sweet Driffus, 35¢c. per Dogen. tainang 10, 12 ane 15 dozen, | Tangerine Oranges, Grape Fruit, Bananas, Pine Apples; ak "Malaga Grapes, Oysters. W. H. CARNOVSKY. ON. THE CORNER, | 'Broek and Wellifiptoh St& | A Portsmouth, Road Dispute. | ermine, ete If you anvestigate quality | and vals this will he Campbell Bros' the: makers of furs your fine | sm ii | 'Folding mirror : hand nirron 8 Christma Gibson's Jed | Store and goods fo Cross Drag There Christmas them rors' w I= not a great Perhaps addy. goods { alres hought { Only One "BROMO QUININE." ie Laxative Bromo Cures a es a Col in One Day, | Day, Grip CA 2 Nnige on dvery | 25¢c , lon | asked the {Al i Watts i whi there 1s At the Portsmouth Wednesday evening. Wawel Wats | counail to i1oyvegiigate the closing the extension of nie] street, "known in Porteméut iW ad Road, the "who driving aver vlabms ownership, right-of-way council mee ting of Rag Forty-fpat Road. prevented peo Bind, to lan near has ple fre the h he no over it A prepared tvears ago by T. Wp! Pi shows a right-of-way. council will 1adK ingos thesmat ter: the closing - of} ie= Poa di a Fart! map Nash, S By {eut to. the* Bath. raad™i3 wal Bil. A ynanimous amt hBeaity dk ¥ was agreed upon hy the ~ Presbiierian | church; Chippewas fo~~the 'Bev Folin 'Radford, Belmore, Ont, in the Mait Jand presbytery. [AT PE XPERIENCED MAID, Other People's Mon: y superh | XMAS BILL | WONDER satisfied | you will indicate | ities | the | Kingston, | of the | Road | Drapes by: the Box, $2.50, con- holds that { Dec | Holly, Mistletoe, Order early aml get first choice. ' CONDENSED ADVERTISING, RATES =~ © = iat thaertion le. a word. Fath tobe urs. Re a Tor gue. ic Sorlion, 3%. | three 80c.; . 81'; one 'ments, BLUE DIAMOXD EARRING, SET IN silver, to Whig Reward for return to Whi i or FOUND. HELP-WANTED. | GIRL, FOR UE NERA Hot SE work. Must slesp Wie! 174 Barrie sfreet. A A LADY a ki OWNER same Friendship, I aa paying for this advertisemen AY Ea Bt. - ONCE, A LADY Tu. TO sell tickets at Wonderland. Apply at box office, to Gordon Staley, ane ager. FOR GENERAL family of two. Apply to ¥ Lavell, ; Runnynde, housework, Mrs. (. Lion street, IMAN AND WIFE AS SERYANTS, MAN | to wait on table, and | do 'general work, woman to cook and de part i of housework. | ollee. i te { AGENT PERSON MAY W monthly corresponding toy newspapers. No canvassiog. Sead for particulars. Press Syndicate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. {AN earn $ WANTED---GENERAL. |= A = VETERAN SCRIP TO BUY. +. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. TWO OR THRER PURNISHED ROOMS light housekeeping, centrally Apply to ABD Wellington St. for Ie rented, THE OPPORTU NITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric Nok. All kinds of work promptly done. Birch, Filectrican, 206 Wellington street. FURNITURE COVERING, by the day at customers' homes further particulars, ~ énquiry at 23 Ontario Dror, or calls 'wil' be niadq n Fenponse to. letters. TL TO BRING THEIR loth and have it made Wp into up to-date suits Price "and workman ship guaranteed to Pressing yr repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Broek S¢., -next Bibby's Livery. ! gine fp lt THE BARBER r ADE, constant practice, careful in few weeks complete course Graduates earn twelve .te dollars weekly. Write for Moler Barber College, Bast, Toronto. ETC. DONE please. | LEARN i system, struction, tools free. eighteen Catalogue 221 Queen i TEACHERS WANTED. { api lat (PROTEST ! Amherst Tsland, | and experience Collins: Bay. Q AV IFIED TH ACHER, ant), for 8. No 4, Apply, stating salary to Wm. Gaitskell FoR to |8. NO commency stating Card Nn TEACHER 2. Clarendon. Duties January 4th, 1910. Apply, salary and experience, to J, J Sec.-Treas Plevna, Ont. QuULrrIFr: 9 A PRINCIPAL FOR SYDENHAM HIGH Schoo!. Duties to commefice Janu | ary 3rd, 1910. Address, stating | salary and qualifications, to Wm Griffith, Se Sydenham P.O. Ont. TEACHER, FOR © Sq Harlowe. Duties; to cemmence January. 1910, Apply, stat y E. Cuddy, Sec.-Treas. Qu Al, ar Bn 4, | iy in A QUALIFIED. FEACHI FOR UNION 8.8. N Oso, a) 14, Bedford Apply, "stating Jag. Mahon Sec. Ont. Protestant preferred. salary expected, to as. Crow Lake, TEACHER, PROTESTANT, FOR 8S. 8S. No. 2, Township Olden, Frontenag, to take charge on 8rd January. Balary, $300. Apply, stating experience, to Alffed Charlton Chairman Sehool Board, long Lake, Ont, OSTEOPATHY. | ! | t | | | Do. gradn- al ROBERT Edna ates CARSIDE ASHCROFT, Iarle Asheroft, D.Q., | of the American, School { Osteopathy Kirksville, Missouri, 40% Princess street. 'Phone, "447. Office | hours 9 to 12 am. 2 6 5 .pum. | Outside treatments by gppointments. | ! IT WILL PAY YOU To visit' our show rooms before "buying that CHRISTMAS PRESENT Reduction on Electric Portable Lamps, Electric and Gas Fixtures, Elec- tric & Gas Shades. W. A. Spriggs 3 Practical Electri¢ian, 235 Bagot St., one door from Brock, "Phone, 68, Apply Box 1,042 Whig | 84 ve : WATO IN > fLany 8 sway SIAR on TCH, i have 5a ju id proving r this RL unto. FARIES TMPORTED AN CA lv as ¢ birds will make 8 niianie cared re ES an w. J. ver, Cor. Qlieen and Barrie Sts., "Phone, Address owerty, sod or Ave., Tor AN UP-TO-DATE Range, with », "Phone, FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES, Karke Godwin's Insurance um, nrket Square, Kingston, one, "IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALY, Liberal policies and moderate rates in fragclush oompiuies. T. J. Boon, Agént, 159 Wellington street. A. LBATEMA a = ike Ins, " Inembers of the board ters. 2+ Rimouski, Established 1876. The York Kingston. Pho: 896. an Clarence St., ORION AND GLOBE Fire Iusura assels $61, 187, 258 oy which the ploicyholders have security jhe an niin Nability of ai + the stockhol Farm and city property Inwired at lowest possible rates ore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 825. AGENT FOR LIVERPOOL, IOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, Lo HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW open. 'Service A La Carte, open day and night. Up-to-Date service, at papular prices. Private dining room. jutrance on King street, next to Gibson's Drug Store. Haag, Prop. Con, ARCHITECTS, HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, 258 King street. 'Phone, 345. ARTHUR FL LIS, ARCHITECT, Stic and residence, 181 University WM. NEWLANDS tects, ete. Office, "Phone, 608. & SON, ARCHI- 258 Bagot street. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner 'Brock and Wellington streets, 'Phone, 213. DENTAL. SPARKS . AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, Foo Princess St, Kiggston. 'Phone, OR, C. ©. NASH, J. Gibson, Street. DENTIST ; assistant, 18¢ 'Phone, 7385. DR. M. Princess DR. W. R. GLOVER, DENTIST, D.D.C. i -------------- Sealed Tenders WILL BE dersignad up repairs and in the RECEIVED THE UN- to Noon, on Pec, 22nd, for alterations te the. stairway Council Chamber BY B and a Clty specifications may Le seen Engineer's Office $ W. W.SANDS, tity Lik, 15th, 1909 'Wallace ® Parks Florists, "Phone, 239. 'For Xmas large stock of Plants, Cutffowers, Wreathing, ete. Certificate, office ground floor, corner King and Johnson Sts. ite St. ONE FRONT JR Rn y Soca . ante Gents an ND AND re N- for Furnis Brock, Cor, DWELLING, a pra He, STORAGE, FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, dry 'airy n absolutely moth pigot, your own lock 08 and key. Uity Stérage, 299 Toon BY. 'Phone, 5260. PERSONALS. CHADDOCK BROS. P OF ON horse trainers an 0.) a AY Clipping a specialty. tar, ty, with Mr. Wood, Jeweler, ¥286 Pri St, DITIMARKS. ete., Feet. tv (Jeary Lake, Kye, i be igr +, Skin Thr \ Shecialiot' 1 Bagot street. AIR, MOLES, warts, without red DERMATOLAGY AND, BAIR DRESS. ing parlors, 109 Brock 8Si., face massage, manicuring, chiropody, ol treatment, shampoo, hair dress ne. Davenport. Appointments 'phoned to Best's Drug Store, will receive prompt attention. BUSIN ESS CHANCE. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN STA a mail order bus . a ome. rpanvaksing Be yo r free ohlat Tells yds, Heacoek, Foes Lockport, N.Y. 7 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. PROR A CARD TO CHAS. W.K Carpenter and Builder, 258 8L., for reasonable prices on all kinds of jobbing, all work done promptly. George's Cathedral. "Phone, 11. MEDICAL. ROBT. J. GARDINER, MD. PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, corner Bagot and William streets, Coroner for Front. enac, Leeds and Grenville. Office hours to § am., 2 to 4 p.m/, and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Phong No, 870, BOARD AND ROOMS, COMFORTABLE FURNISHED - ROOM ¥ih Doary, a lighted and nS: 0 go University re Sad, Arty 304 DROP A CARD PO JOHN R.: MA YELL, Carpenter and Joiner, 262 Sydenham street north, for reatoaable prices oh all kinds of Jobbing, All work done promptly and neatly. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS- ters and Solicitors, Law ice, 79 Clarence 8t., Kingston, MARRIAGE LICENSES, 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER, Clarence St. ingston, Ont., phone, 568, Residence, 88 Fi C. 42 Tele rontenae rr -- Street, Wood Housekeepers sometimes find it hard | kindling, especially at this is nothing more annoying t Our WOOD is al eR Synopsis of Canadian North-West (Land Regulations. ANY person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must SPpodr in person at the minion Lands Agency or Sub-Agenc: the district. Entry "by proxy ny he fade &t any agency, ou certdin condj- tions, by father, mother, son, daughter, Jodie or sister of intending home Te. ~--Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land 'in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oeccopied by him or by his Jather, fisher, son, ' daughter, brother or er in certain districts a homesteader fn good standing may preempt a _quarter- section along his Price, 00 per acre. Duties--Must reside six months in each of six from daté of bemestead entry Cinclod the time required to earn domesiend atent and cultivate fifty acres A homesteader who pas tinted his homestead right and cannot Sbiain a pre-emption may take a purchased stead certain pA ey Price Fo per acre. Duties--Must reside six months ) paid to get dry season of the year. There han wet woo stock of both KINDLING "AND HARD- ways well seasoned and dry. Prices reasonable. Any quantity delivered. Swift's. atres Sul srect a house worth : y of the Minister ~--Dasuthorized nt advoriraaant will not be paid tor, 2% The 'Office. will be open WEONES. DAY MO NING, Pee. T13 Pion for sale Season Tickets and Lockers. or ot Son Ticket will be the present you can ive phristm or Girl, y g Season Ticket Rates: Ladies' Single Ticket ........... >3 Gentlemen's Single Ticket Children under 15 years Family of Two .. ree Four or Five Six , Ww. E. BONTER, Wah Long's Laundry Firstclang rant Sudrantid. and I w 1566 WELLINGTON ST. o Sl promptly for your OFFICE, A AT ae he CARRE FER fs Fe ARE TR WE Between Brock and Clarence Sts. ; The United Kingdom manufactures in each of three years, cultivate fifty ¢ 260,000. tons of soup yearly.

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