Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1909, p. 6

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7 PAGE SIX. HIGHEST GRADES] yop win 1S FHISHIED LU¥RICATING 0158, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, W. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Clarence and Ontario Strest. Lu You Suffer From Headaches or Neuralgiag Frequent attacks of Headaches or Neuraigia are Nature's warnings of Blood Pe The pain is due simply to the tortured nerves, inflamed by tbe blood being overloaded with impurities, because of inactive bowels, kidneys or skin. There is nsually chronic Constipation | and the foul matier, instead of passing from the body, is absorbed by the blood. The kidneys are not as strong as they should be and fail to filter from the the blood, the necessary amount cof | impure matter. Instead of the skin throwing off one and a half pounds of waste matter every day, it becomes inactive and does only | len" | matter in a number of United States THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THERE'S A REAL Ln UNITED STATES WRITER | TELLS OF TORONTO. Startli Di ference Between : : ne 4 | the newspaper men in Edmonton the { other day, in | Montreal and Toronto on day---Everything Closed (ueen City. The following story of Bun- "Hugh Ab is being published as syndicate newspagers: Did you ever spend Sunday in To- ronto? s If you haven't, don't. Take my tip on it, and don't, You can get to Buffalo between 9 o'clock and noon, and it's a good idea to do it. Buffalo isn't the best ki CONCERN NG G JOURNALISM. Edmonton News Rep to Some Replies Criticicms. The News of says: When Saturday Edmonton Lord Northeliffe addressed he urged that they should give more attention to imperial and international problems in unins. Later Premier told them that their papers were severely local. - Yet with all due def: erence to these distinguished men, the country phblisher probably know a good. deal better than they do what the readers. want. The perils of launching out too much on. affairs of world-wide terest sre well illus trated by the case of that sunniest of their col- Rutherford two MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1009. FUTURE FERTILE FARMS. a : Clay. Belt Has Almost Unlimijéd Wealth For. Farmers. Samuel J. Martin of Kemptville, who has returved from an explors- tory visit to the region along the Transcontinental Railway east and west of Frederick House river, speaks in high terms of the quality of the land there, saves The Census and Statistics' Monthly. The soil is 'a rich clay and much of it is naturally well drained, standing well above the streams which unwhter it.. The tim- ber is chiefly spruce and jack pine, 8 to 75 feet high and as straight as | gun-barrels. The sprue is usually 10 to 18 'inches in diameter and ihe jack pine 6 to 12 inches," and the wood that it can only be traversed slong the banks of streams or the surveyed lines, only a delightfully refreshing drink --='tis. a wholesome food as well Drank with meals it aids the diges- tion and tones up the entire system. A beer brewed especially for tem- 'perance folks, Bohemian Hops-- pure malt and filtered water. That's all. Brewed by : 2 REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO The Best Beer Sold | half its work, leaving three quarters of | a pound of this waste 10 poison the body. | Headache powders and pain killers simply numb the nerves and have no helpful action on the organs causing this poisoping of the blood. To cure Headaches and Neuralgia, the blood | must be purified, which can be done | only by making the kidneys, bowels and | skia healthy and active, "Fruit-a-tives", made from concen- trated and intensified fruit juice, is the greatest blood purifying medicine. | "Fruit-a-tives", or "Franit Liver Tablets", is a scientific cure for Headaches and Neuralgia, and never. fails to cure because 'Fruit-atives' stops the cause of these troubles. soc. a box, § for $2.50,0r trial box, 25c. At dealers or from FPruit-a-tives see Limited, Ottawa. 1 i when flanking parties may be thrown {out on either side within. hearing {dis tances In this wav the country {may be explored securely and this | | was the plan taken by Mr. Martin {and his party, who located about 15 lots for settlement near Frederick House river. The trees have no tap roots, and thes stumps are readily {cleared off with a team and chain when the trees are felled. Mr. Mar- tin brought home some fine samples of wheat, barley, oats, clover and timothy which had grown this year from grain scattered at the feeding places for horses employed on. railway construction, and he is sanguine that under, proper cultivation these grains and grasses could not be excelled in Winches quality elsewhere in Canada. The (he wheat. shows 30 grains per head, va. to the extent of plump and well matured, and the Hon. 4. A. Case ix-rowed harley 60 grains, and the jh. aged town in the world, but Sunny Alberta's journalistic guides, Well, Goldsmith's "Deserted Vil philosophers and friends, "H.D."" he lage" is like 43nd and Broadway in | oi the Cubbage Patch at Beaver comparison to Toronto on Sunday. | Lake, who writes ior The Vegreville I spent two days in Montreal and | Observer.. In the last issue of The one Sunday in Toronto. There's a | Observer he huis this to say: startling difference. Like--well, say, "Dan tells me. there are quite a od like between day and night. { of Observer readers down in Ren- Montreal is a wide open town. You | frew and they are not satisfied with can laugh and smoke and talk Freneh | ye 1 don't give enough local items; and sing and drink Scotch whisky at | | deal too much in generalities, meta- mahogany bars and get into a hmit physics and philosophy. This does game most any hour of the day or | not interest them. What they want | hight, seven days a week, there to know is what Jim is getting lor But, Toronto his breakfast, who's sweet on who, Well, I came into the town early in | and when baby cuts its first tooth. the morning Sunday moyning. Unfortunately these events frequent. There's « hotel alongside the depot, | ly gecur outside of my knowledge but | figure I'l go farther uptown and | | would suggest to my neighbors that | a little of the city on the way when anything of this kind should | take a car and ride for blocks | he brought before the notice of their through the business section of the | aagtern friends, (especially" who's | ¢ity. Evervthing is closed up Tight- | sweet) that they drop me a cable timothy grows four to five feet high horn al | Y, | : was Athens, er'n the proverbial drum One long, three short, one long, and | wit}, heads of seed six inches long. Aiter a Jngering 1aS0 ine Banks are closed, of course, and | down it goes." | Land "growing such samples is sold er a ling g wholesale Engines thurches an invitation was Rev. D. A. Lough, of (ue... to become the pas- tor of this circuit in succession to native of AL {Hev. 11. W. Burnett, whose term ex- Phursday, aged sixty j Pires in June next Mr, Loagh has ac { cepted. » Sunday NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. | Methodist : extended to interesting Events Occuring in the | Sawverville, i Vicinity. Fhomy died on David thorpe, Sven Vears on, a Your orders will be filled nromptly and patisfactorily it you deal here P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. will be asked to Ottawa-Morrishurg ter oveming, at. her Fleetrie rail- 1 Dundas street, Picton, 000 jaway an estimable Alpetia, {Of Mrs. J. B. Robinson, she having He undergone an operation in June in Kingston hospital, tumor, from { which she never She is sur { vived by her husband and one daugh- iter, Mrs. (Rev.) W. J. Rogers, Mill- brook, Sunday, 21st, was a day oveniv-vight | of happiness and rejoicing at the home va {of Mr. and Mrs. 2 two | their farm. near Engadine, Mich. The iptincipal feature « was the celebration {by this fine old couple of their golden $ | wedding aniversary ; while at the same time it was the first in twenty-five vears, {sons and «ix daughters from California--assembling once more A deal was put through by which M | under, the parental roof. 'Thomas Fw O'Brien is he | long and Margaret Manning were mar- and squire of land on th ried at St Lregory s Catholic church, t 'the Txchange hotel: Rag. 1D Picton, Pringe Edward county, Ont. Renirew {November = 2st, A859. Their children WeNeil iwere all born there, the family going amber 1 to Michigan in 188]. She | sdowne. Shé we t Me 1 bonus residence on there passed lady in the person dead at 1ny-seven Seve vears tor Nelson recovered Pre died on rans aged died on November weed, She a Thomas Furlong, on davs or Renfrew's will be in actual | course of ten x pected office that Hew Frankiord where loc re-umon stalwart some coming fanily four charged liquor, ud option | and fined | CHIEF JUSTICE AS REPORTER. | Sir Glenholme Made Popular Reading : Intricate Case. | 'hose who peruse the joke columns ' the newspapers have perhaps read (Orner nex ries relating to a curious and in. Jan street, .sting custom in Japan--the scrub- Mrs ng of the backs of guests, while in downe, on De the bath tub, by the. landladies of ty-seve { wi hi hotels But these tales have been both of La to go and secure a story of what hap: | pretty generally set down as being |thodist pened in court where an lmp Flan [ pr ducts of the peculiarly active imag- Miss Mulloy was being heard, won Ered. | ination by jokesmiths in teacher in the how she vould, gel along general. Here, however, -is a tale that [fas Leen Iter she hac en hive s tru $ the court ceased wondering, 100 | 1p, other evening at a meeting of realized that it was utterly beyond | the Men's Association of St. Anne's | the She "did not understand what | Church. Toronto, .a letter was. read Ls Leyers ere Jriving mn n ni irom Rev. R. M. Millman, now in gt as taik ¥ abo 8 rE 4 bia ¥ > rirele § bites me?" juss a he His was a complete | Japan, who has a wide circle of foree, was mvicted £20 and S1L5S cost hotel look A Story From Japan, JJ now possessor of stone store When one of the feminine reporters | on the staff of one of Toronto's even- ing papers found herself some time since shifted for the occasion to Os- | goode Hall, where she was expected Sally died A Great Sale For the balance of the year. Pre Brock street, has greatly redue- ed prices in the order and ready-made clothing department, also in gents' furn'sh ns, Stock is well assorted with goots, mth vea AA Ain Ahh the de on au I A A BA4044004 0400002002 "4 KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE " (LIMITED HM HEAD OF QUEEN STREET oy "Highest Education at Lowe est Cost" enty-Rixth for six SIX years Winchester, Gananoque high ence |Vost, case she possessed school, and her salary in She is a re-engaged eased to 81,000 Mulloy war Br mifiutes m sister of lost hi ight ir she Irooper who new t Walking Made Easy 350: Ferm oer oe Y August 4 Bookkeeping graphy, Ci Our' gra tions. Within sixty secured } of 'the largese 1 anada Enter time information Principal HY WEARING THE ACME CUSHION SHOE Made with all-wool felt innersole, which relieves all jar on nerves, stimu- lates blood circulation and protec's the m heat or cold and dampn s 188, FOR SALE BY Lo marriage of kEih it Col Jeremiah kwood Glendower Items. Dec. 4.--~The Richardson men have taken the boats of the lakes at Glendower mines. Wilson and his men are pros the mica at Glendow- the sick Me. and Timmer- Richard Leeman's. Enterp », announce the the she Glendower, to 'company's out their only daughter, Lora an Arthur Switzer, » SON « eman mond, take railway 15th pleasant event t 21th, at "Fairview Farm, Miss Katie Murdock of George | Mace oh James out I nme ons in write MET mine Any Metiowan, better Archibald pecting in on. ar, Miss «list, is Maggie. Mrs, ( McRea, very { November r, Ont., yok place Annie not much Babcock, Mise May visited af on TrTweTEY ew TI ¥ vv when she daughter of i : ¢ he ave of se t 's that. But so are restaurants and drug | character that found their way into and it is now said that the ex- , at the ave of seventy-two vear Inspect them before pur- ishment life of the pe opl sre registered. This town is six miles with selling details and cautiously sneak cigars ed the man, Wilson and town. They've got some of their coun- courage and moved up to where Chief | came the Buell, a i : . » N Wrichtm:s ¢ stores and news stands and souvenir | the country press were on a par With | tent of the clay beit is not less than ave Ash htmyer, "an postal card emporiums--everything those which come from Beaver Lake, | 20,000,000 acres which the railway WHa resit 60 neat : . ' chasing your new Kngine. i "Why, ycu're lucky to be riding on ast of Frederick House river, which i. in Engines from 1 1-2 to 20 » cars; you couldn't used to | flows northward to join the Abitibi. and papers across to me 4 "We're not supposed to do this a "Nd chance," he said, Ly at i snake But what if & sn: 3 imends and acquaintances in this John a room at | ¢,i10re for the time being e Te 3 Wilson Sanford i a ral com- ' \ | friends wanted to have some fun with ; Ba { cilmen up now before the royal com- | j,, don Falconbridge on he L315 so thew asked him if he would |P°l resident of Mallorytown | i mins mission for paving graft Toronto is | {ich To him: she gave . ) "Restaurants? the conductor | there would be few who would join {traverses from east 'to west. The 'Wednesda; echoes, "Well, if you get off at the | jn such protests as that which origin- | town of Cochrane, at the junction of vars of second block ahead, and walk four | ated ut Renfrew. But "H.D." isin |the Temiskaming and Northern and In the blocks to the right, and round the | 4 class by himself. The best part of | the Transcontinental Railways, which weeks it is corner to the north a little way. most district papers, both for the | was surveyed last year, has now 400 fine post H P e I make my way back to the i> \ by the depot. After breakfast, I 1 for a newspaper and some cigars. They size me up like a secret service man of S Ib & Y ould Ltd. does a visitor to the President. Then elby & Youlden, Ontario St the man says in a stage whisper Not supposed to sell stamps, even on Sunday. They round up about 15 or 20 places every Sunday for selling papers and things "Well, you ight engage J . a) ny th the : \ 'in rave vo | country, and who was curate at St. [QSuiizer. Des the ate} and try to fix it up with the solved to stick it hiow : r Sie Anne's before entéring the Mission | pee tor "eB ai Montreal it fed io make notes but 1 ji nates field. ©ne portion of the letter very \ My in rad po English wg}, § XePe INAH absurdities. at she a niuch amused the young men assems- 1 BL * | not going to let the thing get away | 10" 14 read thus Tyre Y from her entirely, and when the law- x g RISE OF THE "1h § sat | pul Mablorviown, © 0 2, Te } { a stated Case, | 64 like a bath. He said he would. \ : ot - , maeting 1 ; Ea ow i Ton bal hs ihe we United Empire Loyalists pi Toronto is clean, all right [out she, did s lly x iri rd Then they told the landlady that this : P08 ant Swueal son use its language and miss its life, , go > : didn't really understana Cl fhe 4 ~ i. | Nice, pretty streets and parks. Good | what . seid, and more than thal pewcomtl as De ic Te | An Informing Sketch of Amer SOLE AGENTS. government and all that. And Mont- | ir Coe 16 (01 me all about { | having his back rub (wiih 1 £ tan History. ¥alvayle Jor Librar. | real"s streets look like a big green understand it. I am pose was perfectly true). They further. ies and Research, | : ferstand it, : v minutes aw Cobden sure, Ye Was Si } X Anabhle SC Nove ny groceries you'd expect If all the disquisitions of a general | |,v the Government at fifty cents per 1 dle, ani, vember I express a small part of the aston- | which has to do with the every-day | and a school house where 80 pupils W. fl. Hubble, coast seems clear. They whisper for drink?" | hazard, my curiosity arous- | 4 4 8 < { gre that | las cing tnakad here's all kinds of graft in al | vers were leaving, plucked | came out here recently to teach. His 8 y an in it. | y Tie have Been She \ object it would be because she was But if Sir Glenholme Falconbri Price, S00. 1g naive there's a place that s usually open. local and the general reader, is that | dwelling houses, 15 stores, two banks everyday use they look cautiously around The "What's the chances for buying a 8 a Frene " he observes X r A ft in i "To tell a true story. A young man up | | shouldnt more wold her that if he seemed to FRONSAC cheese aiter the told the chief justice By VISCOUNT DE FRONSA waits every pb ole COAL! The kind you * the kind we sell SCRANTON we guar Phone, in five in mouth, constipation, leeplessness Hes sick Ness. OF pain in limbs, gas, hilious nervousness, dizzi imilar symptoms. fickle, and noth vou belch gas or if alte vowr a lump of lead on your can make up your mind bottom of all this there is cause--fermentation of undi sufferer bel hing of it-of-order stom headache, Indigestion wiarrh of | take many other are ooking for is mach mat tor vour |g you eating, or vou cat any trace « food Ihe oc Food Digestive org ) veaks troubl minutes good as any; really wrong and begin eat- without fear of dis- five Ferms ourmg; the there s at rece lack of gastri « our food with The Last Spike. A recent book contains an { of the construction of the Canadian | Pacific Railway, and the last page | contains a story which may be repeat- ed 'here. Mr. Carter notes that the | people: of this country are a thrifty folk, the reason perhaps being that Scotchmen are numerous and influen- to us sometimes in Kng- tial hese. He says that the ceremony flected and fullne ter « ng, vomiting nansen, | heartbure omt account misery for how relief i= wi merely i take a little ling matter of Diapepsin tender taste | Luke's Church, sensible; with times epigram- ness tf it of stomach, bad oon vou sane Florists, 'Phone, 239. For large stock of Plants, Holly, Mistletoe, Order early and get first choice 'Xmas .Cutflowers, Wreathing, etc wit, and at use for boy preachers Ns. E. M. Myers, Last Jeddore, Ns wriles q don' t think there is anyone in thie Dominion ean ay to go up In my room, | draw all Sey blinds ; close the wy . imit that if 1 were to | tub, and scarcely had he done so, I Graw a The 3 : You cven admit that i were 10 | when in walked the landlady and Be- | ventilator, explain it, you would not understand, Sr . : " . in jut he did not know a word of Navy Chaplain J In Canada. Whereupon the chief justice pulled 0 nor did she know a word of Paul Bull, C R., R.N., better' | a pad -of paper towards him, took up | 2 Riona ! | eral 'to the royal navy, who was in | utes engaged himself in getting up a | on at last she felt her duty Dyspepsia \ or { had been done, and she left him a =! fot Bloated Rheum, Fezema, KErysipelas, -Tetter | 41 Providence, R.I., is a picturesque | over to the young woman, bade her EL ii vO isk hipi to open I od lies lke Shingles, Psoriasis, Scurf, Itching Rashes | orsonalitiy and has had a stirring | good-bye, and then hurried away to 3 CARE ' i 'oal is good coal and will have a direct line |i withi am { we 15 heft but one rates prompt delivery. , | dangerous, but are unsightly, irritating | yours he was chaplain of a camp of | newspaper congratulated the reporter | via Wetaskiwin between Strathcona [ested 12 and often terribly annoying to the suf- | 5 54) boys, and is a natural expert [on her court story, and she confessed Prove to vourself in | two years _ Premier Rutherford Xe pure and the circulation good no skin | fores Aldershot and to the Guards ved while in Winnipeg a few {Stop this fermentation o fofitefisfefofoefeetoolnlfodntntetuied | disease can exist, except it arise from lach | he ing What vou want - -- X jivision, and has been through twen- pany is hurrying to completion the Wallace ® Parks bo Suserve sdiy ul the lass of Jatth | ty-five battles unfinished portion of the line east of vou. Ht ia | maintain regular action of the bowels, | sure by tuking Burdock Blood Bitters, | 1#shes of it is stated that the line of the Cana; ud aking ure ond Janters; 1 matic dian Pacific between Winnipeg and %* which unlocks all the secretions, and n »r Rutherford says that it is | land from America to our intense dis- of driving . P BR. Premier y g the last spike of the C. +4 re . expected that the C.P. will also Tree + gust. If you encourage a boy," he | yuo conducted on economical lines. | Pacts R. 1 8 MODERN TONSORAL PARLOR |& nas 3 | 4 Salt Rheum 4 his modesty, make him « mass of con- | aod an iron one as there is between | which it will enter from the south- Now open to the public at eelt east, 72 PRINCESS ST. FRED. N. ELMER, Prop. 1 lived in Toronto and had | 1 wa to stay home Sundays, I'd be tempt- | . lhc uch amused at t not rubbing hard enough. Anyway, : : ea seer the unsuspecting victim got into the Address British Whig, Kingston: ed some | form of address 'bribe everybody to secrecy, and try to smoke a cigarette, eh--well." UH what 1 can do. for jE3n 10 rub. Of tourse he was shocked in SE he hy 3 and strongly objected to the proceed Relief Skin Di a | oN l ise ses. Rev : » . : English; so the harder he talked in ke Si Hur, on as Father Bull, chaplain gen- | a pen, and for the next twenty min- English the harder she rubbed in Jap- cl r mgybe you all it tite I Toronto recently on his way to the | "popular" account of the intricate tempts you, or Under this name such troubles as Salt | Brotherhood of St. Andrew convention | court action. Hé finally handed it cleaner and a wiser man." tora I ' ht w ith ir Pharm ta 1h fa HO pepsin and Jet [stome wh, vou | Eruptions, Boils, Pimples, ete., are in. | .. reer. In 1887 he went to India to | lunch. C.P.R. In Strathcona. sule and seq fhat it the cluded. * Skin diseases, as a rule, are not | ,,.inister to the troops there. For four Next day the managing editor of the The C.P.R and [Winnipeg in operation by the is | Booth & Co. terer; they depend mainly on bad blood. | 11\i enthusiast on boys' work. For | that it was all written by the chief. firsf of November. This was the in- that vour stomach a as FOOT WEST STREET. from one cause or another, for if the blood | | he was chaplain to the | justice. formyation which e Mhat there is nothing in London. During the Boer war days ago at the Western office of the of proper cleanliness or from contagion. | chaplain to Gen. French's cavalry C.P.R. At the present time the com- comfort. or L'o get rid of skin diseases it is necessary \l A most instant : His address at St Hardisty, which will connect with | avoid high living, eating only plain nour foronto,. was Saskatoon. When this is completed ishing food. Cleanse and keep the blood | : : ] He has mn Strathcona will be shorter than that makes new rich blood by actirg on the | | who. BUH of the Canadian Northern. eanlire system, F , A 3 ] start shortly the line from either seid to preach to other boys or to | "The last spike," said General Man- ! h : | § i B al 1 2 § oi nls | his elders. what you do is to imperil | sor van Horne, "will. be just as | Camrose or Sedgewick to Strathcona, 4 Six Years. 4 + + F444 44+ recommend Burdock Llood Bitters more than I can. 1 suffer ed terribly with Sfalt Bleum for six vears ind did evervihing tor it without relief For curiosity sake 1 bought six Lottles of | Burdock Blood Bitters, and it completely | before a boy and perhaps of hypocrisy play only upon a bay's emotions you run the risk of shattering his [i vou put a fair »nd reasonable idea I believe he will live up soul. to it." If you | Montreal and Vancouver. Any one who wants to see it driven will have to pay full fare." As a result there were very few spectators when Mr. Donald Smith, now Lord Strathcona, had been struck without any prelimin- | C.X.R. wielded the maul, and when the blow | b The completion of this line will | bring Strathcona even nearer to Win< nipeg and the east than the Wetaski- win line. With the C.P.R. on thid short time in competition with the and the G.T.P. Edmonton and Strathcona will have the best trans- OUR ROOSI1ER BRAND OF 10BACCO Smoking and fteuts a pound, pay eighty-tive Lntario strost, The "Bandage Rush." This novel type of student warfare waz introduced at MeGill a few days | ago by the students of the first and | second vears in the Faculty of Ap- | plied Science, and it was voted a great | improvement over the style of "rush" that had hitherto been in vogue at the University. It was played as fol- | lows: Two goals were erected on the | field, as for football. One of these | Was placarded the "Freshman's Morgue," the other the "Sophomore Morgue." The members of the two classes gathered around their respec- tive 5 and at a given signal made a concerted rush for the centre of the field, where -they grappled and then the fight was on Each man was equipped with a large supply of strong bandages. The idea was to take a member of the opposite side, tie him up, and then drag him to the morgue with as much heste as possible, and the side which had the largest num- ber in their morgue when time was a called was declared the winner, In rem this case the Sophomores won &n easy Wood's Phosphodine, victory The Great Engii Re: a Tones and invigomuissthow { nervous system, | ood in old Fete Che ures I Season, Myers' Home joa Debility, Mental and Brain W Made Pork Siusage and Blood P ding. i ney, Sexual Weakness, Emissions for SATURDAY. Give us a call H 1. | matorrhaa, and Effects of Abuse or nc: MYERS, 60 Bre ek St., 'Phune, 570 | Price $1 per box, six for One will please, six -- -- -------------------- | will cure. Sold b; MLS ruggiss oF mailed in ¥ fon {he | Plnin pl on receipt of price. New pamphlet antil to-morrow the | Disin BEE. on $00 Medicine Co. Yormerly Windsor) orting facilities of any city of the cured me. I would advise others 1¢ West. i" ary =neech-making or festivities tha, use it." 'ttle party went fishing I cesses p---- Up, Boys | IT'S TIME TO PICK OUT YOUR Hockey Boots The season Tor sale by all dealers. only by The T. Toronto, Ont. -~y Manufactured Milburn Co., Limited Chewing at forty-five is a good tobacco. Why cents. Andrew Maclean, | WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer Furniture Sales given special ate tention, County ales of Farms, Stock, etc., have been my specialty for long years. II farmers want | the high dollar, get my services; | MARKET SQUARE. | ce That the best body-building and strengthening tonic for Delicate Children aie J mit Five Months' Trial 25c. half - price offer, so cvery Canadian shall know their own women's pational magazine. Doubled in size-- quality --circulation --all in one year. Mail 280. to-day, Just write "* § months' thal." TRY BEAVER FLOUR The Home Journal Bread. No coh Earn Money in Spare Time fourteen years we Work for us in your spare time gelling Price is moderate. | renewals and new orders. IUs easy work, 3 good money, and cumulative eau! ts A. MACLEAN, Write for our salary offer Ontario street. wagazine preposition In Canada. Good for Pastry or paints. For the last will soon be pave been handling it open and you will want to be all prepared.' Come in and see our "AMATEUR CHAMPION'S SHO ' named in honor of Queen's College Hockey Club. The Amateur Champions of the world. Price $4.00. : Others at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Boys', at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. J. Hi. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Guod Shoes. WAR LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED From 73 Clarence St., to 155 'Well-| 4 faecton St, hétween Brock and Clarence | Sis. Best laundry in the city. Goods called for and delivered. ly | od tonic for ht pe --- Mich. | Mrs. C. ALLEN, New Bedford, Mass. i. ao up Ee flesh and makes thin little limbs round and plump. Childrén love to take it. We return 's momey without question If Vinel dees not accomplish all we claim for it. Try it, please. A GEO. W. MAHOOD, Druggisi, - Kingston, Ont. i i > write Poisonous Fish, Poisonons fish are rare commen in the tropics, A Japanese fish, fugu, has deadly poisonous roe Roe of pike and meat of sturgess are puisonous when spawning he bile snd liver of many fish are poison. But most fish peison is due to decay & A The First This here, but Few men put off penne s they can do to-day.

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