Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1909, p. 5

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1. . ---- ---- . -- _-- p-- i = = e - - ToSead vs Engent_Resar Yor LMS) LURES GHURGH al --] : -- ' | Military College. . | - [RE-OPENING S SER VICES Militia orders of LA Hh con} : [h Hi | 4 b LD ON SUNDAY. (ia "mii Soi, e ristmas 0 i | Rox Milit Col : | tary lege for ra | Addition to Church Found Neces-|standard jor entrance i= to be wll | sary Owing to Increase in | °d ip view. the unfitness of s0 me any i oF 3 Membership--A Good Attend. of the offic oe attending during the ! : a ay . + st two or three years. The Great Oanadian Souvenir Number with beauti- | ance at Both the Services. pus a a i In future the number of candidates | ful Colored Supplements and Holiday Stories of St. Luke's church, which >' ), . has been ) permitted to undergo that portion of 71 . > ' » in the hands of workmen for some |the long course required to be taken | C 'anadign Ww inters, In tubes ready for mailing, 50c time, undergoing alterations, ys ne at the Royal Military Coll ge will be copy. opened on Sanday, limited to twelve officers f§ ear bh and there was a i s for | large congregation at both services. It |Course. FOR SALE BY was a day of joy aud thanksgiving, in | Commencing in January, 1910, a pre that it opened 'a new chapter in the liminary test examination will in fu- | U LOW & 1 CO AN Y ' history of the progress of the church. | ture be held at School: of Instruction, { An increase in membership made iy [OD€ month prior to the commence | 1 IN NOESS STREET. | necessary to build an addition to the [ment of the RM.C. portion of each | y 11 PR present place of wonhip. Abd thes course. Candidates iaing 10 unity} Sales take place at 3 and 7.30 pm. Store is open only | the work was undertaken by the lay- {8% this examination will be required to | = ee [| from 10am. to 12, 2t0 530 pm. 7.30% 10pm. © erected, new seats placed throughout An Automobile Accident. the church, a new lighting system in- On Saturday afternoon a local auto- | stale sd, in fact the church has under- |mobile lover had a slight mishap on gone a complete renovation. The ar- | Bagot street, near West street. Be angements have been well carried out, | sides the driver there were three others | R every respect, and the rector, Rev. |in the car, and when coming 'along the S. Forneri, and members have cv- [street a front tire blew out. The car | Done at the House of Quality is satisfac- ery reason to be proud of their ne came very near capsizing, but by the tory proof that honest trading, efficient place ol worship tan SXpEtS management of the Swer, was i . so 2 : ws . 1 services on Sunday, Cane ept night sade up wo of the service, coupled with fair prices, wins the Starr preached in the morning, engers were thrown. Gut into: the : confidence of the public. Bishop Mills, in the evening. The rec-|and were rather seriously 'shaken up. | tor, Rey R. 8. Forneri, was present {One was dazed for a few m at both services, and in the morning [upon recovering was removed te 1 /9 d Re Edwin Scammell assisted in the [hospital in a hack, where his injuries © PV ere atte sd te i érious AA, -» < O 9 | ho were attended to. No very rious 1 At the morning service, Canon Starr [sults followed the trouble Qa= | prea hed a thoughtiul sermon from Ou! Psalm exxii : 1 was glad when they Went Through Ice. vd unto me, we will go into the A {house of the Lord." He ret THTATATAVTTTVTTATRAVASATLTLVVETTRVVV AVATARS TTR VVRB BABAR NS ase Bread at 5c... A Book of 20 Tickets for $1.00 Cash. These Tickets are absolutely sanitary and will not he used a second tirtle. a 86 Princess St. The House of Quality. | Phonan: young lad named Wilson, had a pointed out {cold bath on Saturday ifternoon the great importance of the word {while skating below the bridge. With worship." and also referred to the number of companions the lad ST E G I S harm which would be brought about skating around near the cotton S ' R Lx , bv a decline of worship. If 1 tod kK pe pie ne and going out a little too far For good investment, emsurlug profitable return we advise purchase hayek. it - their hildren came to thin jee und fell through of St. Regis Hotel (Co. Limited, Stock. vl wo ve a very bad ef | cries for help brought hi Shares $100.00 each, payable 10 per cent. upon application and ba)- t upon the 'welfare of the nation ance on delivety of certificate | Blossiy which Write or 'phlione for further particulars | 3 companion who, after quite a hard time, rescued sing ame 10 a nation (him. FEvery season such accident ould only be maintained by public happen, but still the bovs will skate Hennessy & Gilmour ora i gl ER EO thos who are erecting houses fou how thin it i 86 MOTRE DAME ST. WEST, MONTREAL. rap aL Sad, are doing mo BY Or t he nation than 108¢ who are B. A. Hotel Arrivals building Dreadnoughts," added the | +4; | a Poe thao -- ws a : . msm peaker. The blessing to be derived [po Va ive, Bostan; 1 3 rom worship was pointed out, and in wLrOl aridn Simon, Montres] : : ontlusion, The spiaker eomt- And it | Wheeler, London; S. L. Richman, Ham Did Cook Rcach the Pole cane] 3 he spe lated lion; | B odin, omen, Ham members ol the congregation on ! JH Ottaws Abert tosenberyg he work they had accomplished, which 3 Jorg, A a ] rence, George Lewis, New York > r x TQ H > 1 id N ¥ (necessitated the building of an addi : ry , : I ca ry Say S C Ji ot ® {ion to the church. Tribute wi: also an Wake field, l ondon; 1 B J paid to the laymen. who had stood [2d Wife, Miss . wkson, Arthur x : by their leader in the work. He hoped [50m Los Angels McMinnu Whether Di% Cook reached the| kidnewwor liver trouble, indigestion | _\ (i,d'« bl sing would continue Boston; Mary A. Greer, lov North Pole or not is yet to bel or it headaches, FIG PILLS will to increase, and that the member hip I rskin I Manse Wl ®, E. ( proven. There'is one certain thing ! cure you. 25 cents a box at all would call for more accommodatior iW mat ront R. H. TOYE, . : +. Phone, Retail, 141 ; Wholesale, 467. certain, if you are troubled with leading dmg stores \t both do rviees, a Jen a coll » "\ 1 " was taken on hall of the I ild Z fu vd h h STAT TTeTTRATTBTR BTR NS sSsaet ease Ba BWVN is rian arin his se x the \X/ en | e - - *ssssesssaasse - yon TATTLE TLL ATRTTRRRTRRRTRRNBAN \seee~ i CERN Soe a le : evening service Bish o the tora} WE made the church Stomach Stops GRAND orERA BOUSE. In ...|PITSBURG 6 GIRL DEAD LOST HIS GERIES. pleased with the work 2 Was p eas ---- The Daniel Ryan Company Students HadiClag 'Clash n With a De- bad aud fatal results. The stomach od. Mis patois was so real as to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Connor, of the groceries were thrown in every United States," 8S. H: Dudley, of and a carload of geese and turkeys juicy oranges, which fell from a er = % 'od at the progress made, and hoped | Working Properly, Because There Hera Saturday : / livery Man. & that i ould continue is : ca Stunrl' ® wsaturiay. } eCla | "Fhe church was filled to the doors, | 'p Wind init, Use Stuart's | pe hagiel Ryan company was the |SHE WAS A 'A TEACHER IN 2 hie ih ape [matt in Kingston wh : is . : : yspepsia ahlets to Set It t otion at the Grand on Saturday: ould like fo get out usé a hig t the evening service I'he first los 3 3 ittraction at ) and on Sa BY, THE NORTH-WEST. p. son re ad by Rev. William Lewin, Going Again. ifternoon and evening, presenting two ' tick on the students who were in the embarrassed and hampered with wind, | jead Pittshurg township, in the north- direction. Jie vied lo get rae but LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: cannot take 'care of its food properly |, west, Sefer she went a year or two e cond that. followed made it a 3 to Cobalt, Saturday. Thomas Me- * Smart Set, earned 'the applause Lennan; River street, went - with the tossed high in the air. The erawd of al wrge audience, kept it laughing ' AIT turned on last night the church pre sented a fine appeavance V I one to imagine he was a genuine TERE ETE i sn I ruth "on "Saturday night. He is em- and" the second by Rev. Archdeacon g | comedic Sy Is N riage A | ailyre Sal s Xn d i ployed driving ya waggon for YN acmoring A Trial Box Free. and Sweethearts, in whichy. the | Salaries creased in ananoque a well know ters Pri Qt. Luke's .church. can now comiort The doctors call it fldtulency, but 'charming actress, Harriett Duke and Public Schools--A Carload of streat and Jos 3 Sr the ot x ph fessi { folks i as ane dvs X . © i \ aw 3 ito aa. ably seat three hundred people, in np ples ional Jolks Kuow it 2 ving Daniel Ryan tock ih 1 ading roles. | Horsés and Pogltfy shipped to | coming down Princess street, at a p ac € ¢ )S stress. AWE i a "rence ang . J . cluding the chancel, the seating ¢ = t Ne oma Re hg 2 me 4 a x Mterward ns TN . ren ; oi than Cobalt. . lively clip, he was coming out of the {pacity he g heen increased about g stato o gs it is s a seri- (drama o he Fox' was given. n : . : , jpacity having x lial ous condition of this great motor or- the character oi "Joe Laplante,' the Gananoque, Bee. G--~Word was re shop with a box of grocaries, for de | one-half. When the electric lights were Ss aract t + 3 eived 'the lato rt of the k of|livery. As he stepped on to the side- i gan. Always anfloying and {painful in | suilen, morose and wronged habitant, | Cee 'e latter part of the week o walk, he was rushed off 'his feet, and the extreme, at times often leading to Daniel Ryan could hardly be surpass- | the s vd death pf Miss Annie Connor, ® ) ench-Canadian instead of a native i 5 very difficult * and indigestion follows, and this has 8 'of the green isle. ago for, Phe practice of her profession Ma iiculs. tagh. cg Paaites Soll " 8 ; | Canon Starr's Statement. train too appalling to enumerate. The ds Scifto! teaches, She wat a_Jormer take his medicine, | Bu to make dt ¥ Kingston, Dec. 4.--(To the, Editor) : lentire system is implicatéd--made an "His > ow? teacher in Willow Bank school, a few po > 8 s } 1s 8 : i is Honor The Barber tes. wi f th d ters worse, the groceries were stréwn \ paragraph in yesterday's issue re-{active or passive factor in this trouble . i "The Smad Kel Miles. westgof,, the town, ah well ali over, and in oh a stata as to be ferring to the consumption of liquor|and life soon becomes a questionable Bycaking : 3 . big "known. in this section, The remains i ' aired swhat micdeading. hoo whi mes to the Grand, oneTuwes* {40 boing forwarded here for inter | V0fit for use. One can very: easily rato 8 8 aN 8 S18 1g, tl % a dg King : n, is, on he 5 = ending, 5O0H: hie } otncd bed av, Dec. 7th, tha Montreal" Herald | nant. imagine how mad thé groceryman was. I Band tvorrct. [hau this is explained in doctor books; | yp, ; «Ay his 'antics in. Wie ale ah 3 p00 tL | Packages of "tt, iampak, ete, Weg Raspberry Snow, 4 colored barber | otis aps Sed te Sayers & } tus! trodden under foot, and a crowd of : wiion, s : OTSe8 | "Ate rr sure must shave dé preSident oh ripped a carload of horses|«kiddies" fought aver .a dozen of nie rtain alderman' was found incorrect, |how undigested food causes gasses by the alderman's statement was |fermentation and fomentation in which | perfectly correct, as he simply called [process some essential fluids are de my attention to some statistics, which [stroyed--burnt up--wasted by chemica ndicated that the consumption of | action, followed by deféctive nutrition ; : ie I . A shit passed by ; no one paid any attention Ain QI Fancy SilKs Fir tm mo hd fe' doimdon h the of 115 5, Pe ais shi! 7 0 7 A I eer El for. s y { Xi g 2 - and sent it home in good humor [ AtTthe town edsuncil's special session {last "bunch™ of rushers" *taok t IE Fasi WT TE, w ed for an explanation of , this ime ats and as a consequer nce the stom The necting of the Social an show introduced somo fifteen or, | 1486 week the Sum 'of $500 asked by | departure, he had revenge by or { An sixteen song numbers. all of "which.ithe board of education over and | the box, all that remained of his eform | eague, a week ago, and fy of food, you sce, but spoilt in pre-| Low oh oF the *teatohy' type above the $10,500 asked the beginning |load, at their heels. He received a then 1 have made enquiries t {paration and worse. than worthless of the year, was voted to be paid. severe shaking up, and it is, indeed, = evenue office .as 10. how the sta A Deranged Stomach is. the epitome --- 4 At # special session of the board| wonder that he was not seriously in were obtained and through the lof evil; nothing too bad to emanate "The Retugn Of Eve." of education - lust week the following | jured. The groterigs. were valued ad 3 among the stati} 32, and they were 4 totdl loss. The of an official gained the fol-ljrom it, but the gas it generates is : 5 w alterations in salary information { probably its worst primary efiect and Under the direction of the Messe of "the public school was made Miss | orcer had to be filled out sgain. sed from $425 to] -------- lhat it was very diflicult to get|ihe only way to do away with this is. Shulbert, Bertha G land will § ent | Hazel Lloyd, increa tatistics re individual con-l{; remove the cause. Stuart's Dys here her Herald Sguare The tre Suc 450; Miss Mabel ( arpenter, - 3425 tol Ellioft. of n'd, i nti 1 by . pepsia Tablets go to the root of this | (0S "The Return of Kwe," the Lee | g50. Miss Crane, $400 to $425, Missly Ottave Foe is anentioned by ose referring to Kingston lg.ouble They attack the gas making Wilson Dodd modern fantasy, which [Gérdon," $00 to $150, but would ni a t Wa «J ourna - one of the out- sented the liquor bonded, lids and render them harmless. Fla- attracted such attention ip New | weept less than $475, having an ofie® f wings. in. an all-star Canadian 1 | : k i 1 { vhaolesome . ; r | football team, i the surroundi |tuleney or wind on the stomach sim York for lelightiully whalesome [of £300 from Deseronto I his will | , am : untry. -g Nu AS In the aly iply cannot exist where these powerful : 3 mean at least one vacancy for hi} ws rip hipped points north as lax sland wonder-working little tablets are 8 thor won | Spurs With this play. tend. of the vear, Miss Crane willl Real Pembroke, Gananoque |i idence t ing 3 first. "The sod Miss wd Napa | without reserve ; : ; s Gordon 1 64 9 | They were madgAdor this very pur Eve' is not a problem play, yet ev. C.J. L. Bates, home on fur Pale And Depressed : Ik L ? F h Bonnet's French Silks, yon's I'renc a flhose to attack gos making foods and contain an interesting problem t lough 'after spending the past seven! Anaen Bad . . | . the per capita consumption was madel. nvort them into proper nutriment, (Wo children and raise them to 10 | vuire ue missionary Tu Jans, ot auga, ad Bloot) Indigestion, Peau de Soi Merveiles I sto e 0 jup of the spirits used in the manufac pig jo theip/province and office A ww world and its peopleg introduced | 4yetea missionary services in Grace ie eadache, Dizziness. ' ' { ture, of patent medicines, vinegar and whole book sould: be written: aboui th m intg New Yor x 8 most, inshions hurr vesterday. : | Success ef Dr. Hamilt 's Pill i lavoring extract | the and. then not Al told that might able society, and what will fe the At the Grace New Movement adult > \ i But that as far as facts could be!p "Va "Wiel profit to: sufferers from T*8ut? Will they return to their whole- {jibe class session Sunday afternoon |) OF her fifo and health Mrs. E, K. d 0 as 0 ins a er en oe. 8 obtained there had been a decrease, EE id, hi n ity Buf EE a ! some innocence ? It ia a contest of |, attendance of 139 Was véuidtered Wilkinson, is indebted to the mazvel- y y this painful disease, pepsi ai a § TN: { lous curative properties of Dr. Hamil i {would mention the years of patient 4 : he. class was, addressed by Rev. » ita. i | off R [ Rust dude Shan he did; thirly yours | yd expensive experiment in effort te 'nhocence against] worldline . "Bates of the subject of missions { fons Pills. 0 HY eights, tivity Satin Diichesse &6 & | egu ar a0 jarrive at this result--of failures author is an optifuis =t, thoMiore : John baker, a j| anc present good if due to ' ' * . n (Giibson, who was fie Further 1 found that the financial} anny play. is wholly delight dull "The Re ' . nothing else but the enormous benefit 1 [ae h and entire system is starved. Plen- Now Offered at 20% Off In order to reduce our stock we are mak- ing this sweeping reduction. Everything love story anc novel plot Ihe dl AGO NURIA ANT BFR wie A. That a considerable afpount of uy that each Canadian consumed about) purity against sham anil deceit I merable and at last success. It would : a in police court for sefling' bread" under | Prices Feturns are no eritorior the duty Jokes "me tion of the different stomach Wor of I ye EE to the Grand, on | eight, wishes to explain that his | 3% Syxived from using this grand me tax changes constantly d the re] , »s that enter in to this tablet 'evnesday, lec. Sth. | fapcy spread is made in pound. and acne, In Black and Colors : jvonue of thirty years ago was based], 4 ake it faithfully represent all = quarter loaves and has always been! From her home' in Newton where sis » on a tax of We, per gallon, wherea ; | to-day it is $1.93, Our reputation for high class Silks is well {. There has been considerable. increase in the consumption of beer during the Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not Wilton Lackaye In The Battle 7 leh ticketed Last Monday. his helper | WoT ith het Jurgs fags, Bs {alone intended for the sick, but well! Cleveland Mofiett's successiul play, [forgot to ticket part of a batch and Inson | Writes ; i or years oh liolks as well or the person who "The Battle" which has heen doing | that day the authorities -happened "to | Pale, anaemic ang 'lacking in vita ny. olk a | for th person I ] PF craves hearty faods and wants to « good service for Wilson Lackaye * gver | come around on inepection if | was a Sonstant sufferer from indiges. . . Svar : Fase a . hove period but this may be aceount artile x i t ha since he became a Licbler & Company Fhe propert d houss d effects | tion, anc © ess and pain 1 ywn. Kverything offered is from our hove per) : 3 heartily and run no risk of bad ofiects, | since h ime a ny he property and hov anc. pa know y 5 ed for by the large incr#ase in foreign |} nt like arm } make eat. star, is the attraction scheduled for of the late William Jackson, Victona Caused me, coupled with ever-increas- gular stock population fino: apd Fhe 8 a de and plea- (th: Grand, on Thursday, Dec. 9th, |strest, wire disposedeof by public ne anaciais Made Wa Sreaker day or . | The fats . seem to have a distinct | = © . : 7 banks he notoriety attending the ion" Saturday af v day. Constant headaches, specks : sure. They keep the ston active anks to the n riety a nding austien on >aturday alternoon bearing upon the Acne of he suse urs cnerceti Soe able and willing 10 | parti ipation of Joh DD. Rockefeller Mrs. William Carpenter, résident on j lore the tyes ain] aitasks of diaaisivon reduction.--G. LOTHROP STARR . k : . the authorship of its dialogue, and | Wellington street f » Aroars made me feel as if life were not wort - . ' : ido. extra thout cial labor or In the auth I i alc ington street for many Years past, H0c¢ Silks. On sale 10c. $1 25 Silks. On sale $1.00 yd. y . leone. oh Well wiih] the attack upon ithe play by the New [hes taken posession of the house | living. My constitution was complete- 75¢ Silks. On sale 60c. $1.50 Silks. On sale $1.20 yd. Provincial Ornithologist Here. |... often neglected, but the Stuart | York socialists, The Battle' is well { ~n Charles street, owned by Mr. Mc | ly undermined and the constant pallor . vs ) i . Mr. Nash, of the department Ie spbpsia Tablets have them ir { known, even where it has not yet been | Rea, j ana dullness in my eyes showed what $1.00 Silks. On sale 1 $1.75 Duchesse Satins. On sale icult®re, and the branch of te | A free trial package will be it any Seen t is roughly described "as a Mrs. ' Cecil Bateman, spending the! ® sick. woman I was. 1 began to taks i 3 : ~ WN 3 » > ARNE 80c. | $1.40 yd. gv, was' in the city, Saturday, and {one who wants to know jus at | Play op brains, business, and the | hast few ~months with her parents, | Dr. Hamilion's Pills and the im called on Edward Bsgupre and other | they are, how they loak and taste, be surroundings without knowledge of { Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Refers; Qvdenham provements although slow was sure. "T ! bird authoritiep and discussed {fore Heginning treatment with them. |to0ement question { street, left for her home in Cobalt, ac-| gradually got back my strength and | | 8 3 . 'tv IPOAIIrS hap r ology 'in its-telations 'to this | Afte s go to the drug store for T"ompanied by ber sister, Miss Ora Ro-|my appetite grew much stronger and A splendid opportunity to procure accep- vee xan be | His go te re, Bee at Be Queen's Trustees. # foots, who. will 'spend the winter there. |; Sujeyes my meals thoroughly. 1 felt, " ' Q 'mas Presents' adie been giving some lectures in various {the are Hic. a box and by getting A special meeting of the board of { Mrs. F. H. Hurd, Kingston, s Rng | pier and more contented a table and useful Xmas Presents for ladies. parts of Frontenac county to farmers thay at home you will save Fie and | trustees of Queen's University, will be'| the past week here with oy re: | sickly pallor of my face was replacad on the necessity of preserving the {postage Your doctor will prescribe held on December 17th in order to [turned home. Mrs. T. R. Prough, by a bright, rosy eolor which proved insectivorous birds. He has returned | them: they say there are 40,000 doc appoint a committee to copfer with |spending the past few weeks at | that a strong medicine was at w » to Toronto {tors using them, but when you know the general assembly's commission on |"Blinkbonnie," guest of Mrs. Charles|In a few months Dr. Hamilton's Pills, ' tt eens {what is the matter of yourself, why go [the subject of the future relations of { Macdopald, has returned to her home brought me from a condidion F ""McConkey's and Huyler's high-class {to the expense of a preseription;? For the university' to. the Presbyterian jin Brockville. deathly despair to robust health." fsweets," for Cnristmas gifts, are ex-|free trial package address F. A. Stuart |church { S. A. Lyons, Garden street, spend | You can obtain: the same resuliscbm.. $3 pected at Gibson's Red Cross drug!Co., 150 Stuart Building, Marshall, ing some time past in Calgarry, Alta., [the substituior that offers you an 8 ! store this week | Michigan. . Nature's Remedy Tablets, in 25c.,|has returned to town. Mrs. 8B. P.!thing execpt Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 8 Upwards oi ten tons of poultry were { P.S.--Better send to-day for samples |e. and $1 boxes, are sold at Prouse's| Dawson, "Ottawa, is spending somes 25¢. per box, or five boxes. for 81, at purchased by the various buyers at jof the tablet. You will get quite a box 'd ve, ' (uptown post office] time in town, the guest of ber daugh-|alf ola or The Cstarrhozone coms< tending the Athens fair. of them. ranch. ter, Mrs. C. A, Lewis, Church street: |poay, Bisgier, Ost. Ai a 2

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