Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1909, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1909. 7 7 SEAL TEWRNT 5 CIMTE OS PISSLIGHTLY DAMAGED ns Spe © THE CANDY CURE|OF KINGSTONELEVATED BY WE WILL HAVE STORMY LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS a ad vilow It's a real insurance LADIES' MUSICAL CLUB. WEATHER CHRISTMAS. : AN GENERAL | 1 200--One Hundred Dozen- --- 1 200 ba of throat-health you Occurrences Im The City And i A Fine Programme of Well-Render- So Says Weather Prophet, Irl R Vici : OY > vot & \ cinity--Other Brief Items of « og SB Five Cents." get when you buy ed Music, Given on Saturday-- Hicks, in His Forecasts For | Totorss Easily Read And Ro» Ladies' Fine Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, slightly imperfect, i P A TERSON"S Folk Music Was An Attractive Month of December. a some not more than « pin hole. These Handkerchiefs 1 FACH Feature In his forecast of Dectmper weather 0 are worth as high as 0c cach,' On sale ako... . JC ; Leather backed st card albums, COUGH DROPS Phe programme of the Ladies' Musi Rev. Il. R Hicks says that from the | 4 is et Poe ie : | . | (lub meeting, on Saturday, was th to the 14th violent winter storms 0 . wns will debate i . oe ¢c Candy Curel, ged by Mrs. HP. Smith and will sweep eastwardly acrbss the coun aw. gid i ate | Just received another lot of Brown Corded € ashmorelte. consisting of Peterson of Brantford | Miss Peatrice Tandy before the lat- try. Fierce gales and high tides willl "Grong bazaar at Zion church Tues | different shades. On sale at the old price, 18¢ yd, for New York. Mrs Smith prevail on" the Atlantic ocean general v na te ! " Jay and Wednesday. 3 ane , : : ro meas eas SVB at Thi amd folloming. Docume | "eid petted: tutor; to Children's Double Wool Mitts, 15c. and this was followed by a periods. Blizzards from the north-| ong 4 few days in New York - Boys' Fleece-Lined Un lerwear, 28¢ and up. sion of Norwegian folk dances by | west, followed by a cold wave and See Johnston-KRetchel fight at (hr . 2 » - g : » . . + Christmas Grieg, desriptively played by Miss high barometer that will reach iar |pheum to-night, 15c. and 25c. Boys' Pure Wool Stoek ings, Special 25¢ Pair. Anna Lesslie. Mrs. J. J. Harty, into the south, from the 12th to 15th William Swaine. piano tuner. Orders . . | 4 hose sweet and tuneful voice is A regular storm period, central on | eceived at Crh 'Phone 738. Babies' Dresses, ages and 2 2 years, in Pink, Crean, Blue, 88¢. pialled by her charming simplicity | the 22nd, covers the 20th to 25th Nature's Remedy, in 20c., SUc., amd Shaker Flannel from 5¢ yard np of manner when singing, gave two This period is at the centre of the win- IS] boxes, at 'McLeod's drug stores. or Ps numbers, "Ah! Love But a Day," by | ter solstice. In all reason it will bring | Canon Starr preached at St. John Mrs leach, and "Sprig," composed! heavy winter storms on land and sea. | church. Portsmouth. on Sunday even ry Mrs. W. A, Grant, fornerh of | The Mercury period begins at this ing : : O RR I | G A MN? SS. "Roselawe."' time, and will increase the' intensity "Concentrated violet and rose per- Cc I Mrs. RJ. McClelland chose two of land prolong' the existence of storm fume," sold at Gibson's Red oy | Mendelssohn s "'songs without words" conditions. This means hardship and {drug store. | 'Swert Souvenir" and "ihe Yiunting | danger to unpro ected live stock and W. J. Fair in is New York, but ex Ladies' Tailoring and Bresomakist, Sony for her perfectly plaved piano unwatchful men. These storms are apt pects to return about the middle oi numb r<, and Miss M Hinckley's | to continu over the limits of the per- | (he week | -- . = . m-- - i ongs were the bery cots Wha iod in consequence of the Mercury dis H. Cunningham, piano tuner from f IVORY | | | { Hae and sweet 'Robin Adair." Nor-! turbance and fhe opposition of the Chickering's. Leave orders at Me | wegian Folk melodies, also Greig's moon on the 26th : g Aulen'e Book Store. f i mu Ye, as before, Miss Lesslie rendered | For the balance of the month we are Matinte every day at Orpheum, 3:30 { : | on hie second appearance and Miss promised storms of sleet and dnow Johnston-Ketehel fight pictures lor | S pEcia \rdelle Elder sang a folk song, and blizzardous winds and very cold three days only. ! 0 . . . . | hnow a Lovely Garden,' by Harde- ---- | i : p- George Dean, Union street, entered | jot Lang ¢ "Moment de Caprice CITY AND VICINITY. the general hospital, this morning, , ne i. | 1 t 00 S os Fievney, closed a most res------ be operated on for appencicitis i By the unanimous verdict « ss, Herbert Stra ractive programme, 14th Rifle Practice St. Mary's cathedral's new marble | been acclaimed as the "best living 3 tor boys" 8 he - w- - I'here will ke gallery practice in the laliar will not be ready until Febru- trae successor to G.A. Henty We Offer IN MARINE CIRCLES. armorics for members of the 14thlary. It is being made in France | We Lave a compicts line of Strans's book on . reyiment, Wednesday night of each Put kodak on your list. A full | $rom 25¢. Tor ths plete | an 3 or i + Ane 1 Lous, ranging in price on Sokotios bs ie Arrivals and Departures of Vessels week, commencing Sth Dec. line to show you at' Best's. book's Ca, =elies LOY 0 for his three lates i oa dig rh ues by ax at This Port. ten -- Miss Emma Veale, formerly of King ST { ! Sh . e . Mun To Cure A Cold In One Day. ston, has been appointed superinten- One of Clive's Heroes. A story of th + r Fadia ey Roses, illustrated } treal with one barge I'uke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab Sant of the hospital at Kamloops, Samba. A story of the Rubber Slaves of ti ongo. i S - els | ruggists refund money if 3. Jack apdyv . dred Yenrs a : Pitstenmer Meths ytiade her regy or to pops E I eho yeni The second. class at the Royal Jack Hardy, or a Bundre Yen : An Old Sweetheart of Mine, is on each box. 2% Military College are on four days' re: | Al! Strang Books, cloth bound and beautifully illustrated illustrated by Christy, $2. mm er ent stricted leave. Were a little noisy on in color: Riley's Songs of Cheer, lea : or RO Rew. Eber Crummy Successful. their flat Th : . kre rs % ther, $2 16 ice vs CCHUMS 1 re sally. illu A « Mr. Crowe, of the Portsmouth The Ideal Book for Bey UMS," 1044 pages, fully ill Riley's Songs ated and handsomely bound : leather, $2 Ihe tug filvde arrived irom lar trip from bay poirts, to-day Ihe steambarge Navajo has been up for the winter at Richardsons' <teamer Arabian passed up, Sa Friends of Rev. Eber Crummy, re Rev v of Summer, to Hamil. [cently pastor of Brock Street Meth Methodist church, and Rev. Mr. Tap | » odist church, will be pleased to hear |ping, of Wolie l:land, exchanged pul- | a - am---- vesterday tight, 'on her way Dundurn 'passed, up that he i= making a wide circle of | pits, nda on her way from Montreal to friends in hiz new field, Winnipeg heep your feet warm by using elec $14 x i "0 -- - vic insoles, 26c. a pair Meleod's Carpet Department 3 he | : vind ) : = a ) Sn . Are Fou ana Your Neigh) i iy Covi J Se pete The Co lege Book Store, . : boro, has been elected president = of can do for tempérance at Mrs. Ma hy I dite & we ancl'. O07. Alfred street. 3:30 poor, Queen's \lumui \<zociation for the 260 PRINCISS ST. a = £ P a Ol k f the Mer I Midland 'district HY ne. has gone into | Tuesday. Mrs. Pugsley, of Toronto, An A aay u Rev. W. Hillvard Sm Swift will tell what women have done in CL TOAAANANNAAA MAAN, A Eglish Oak REDUCED IN PRICE, ance ix on her way other cities the appointed mission wld res wmded with grain, - EAE George 5 eathedreal Advance will be City Council Meeting it 5toi sil "fot childrer Harrison Co. I ug O The city council meets this evening. | joe. a bottle Gibeon's Red Cross OF the edifice I'he electric fixtures will 3 b, 1 1 ple ' 1p lew q |] ' tellevifle left the gov: [but will have very little business be iru Stor + be completed in a few t IE TO SR RRS Brrr mas Novelties The re is crowded 1 - with terest the Blabordte decsaation ots Ti IMPROV] erfumes JOXES sachet | AT IMPROY to-day after under- [fore it. There will be ane more regu When the students rushed the Bijou d Fan 8 in box ® and bulk, sachet i J _ h t t t ! owders, bath powders, toilet water repairs. She was | lar council meeting before the end of atre, Saturday night \ ane. 'of 3 Cheatre, Saturday IL p | # ll Kinds Mcleod s drug stores, } tornir hing dnd Brock and ornet bv the overcrowding. Mont | Ape CE ar 771) ad the 1 ontreal and Princess streets place on December 27th, and the poll Ihe police say that the students : . : ; Mar vthedral, next in Mt | we she < 8 ye e 20} © > ¢ lip wher le has [thé year, on the 20th. The nomina- | joc in the front door was smashed quarters acer a sues tions for the municipal elections take teamer Westiiount made the ling on January 3rd feaused no trouble on Saturday night * uip on record. She made the 5 I'he boys had their fun, but there was trip from Fort William. to Kingston, Presented An Address no great rowdvism land back to Fort William, in nine | J. McD, Mowat, on behalf of the | Our 15c. specialties MeLeod's davs and seven hours, leaving Fort | Kingston bar. read an address at the [Witch Hazel Cream and Mcleod's William on he night of November | opening of the high court of justice, 'tooth paste. Both good articles, nore 22nd W110 o'clock, and arriving | to Justice Sutherland, congratulating |ketter. Mclieod's drug stores morning, the oflice in connection the forty hou devotion to the acrament Wi be entered upon will be continued until Sunday I'h sam inations for the othicers wha | (Oak with wttended the long course, commenced Cs articles suitatle for gilts Ladies, Gentlémen, Gir Roys. Every member househo) can be fitte nly (Stag 'Hern and Oak) Dinner Gong, was $10. Now crew of union liremen ment. His lordship was grateful for {ing the aty's smelter site the kindly words said: he would seek I'he sleet, snow or rain scheduled for = : "back 'on the morning of December 2nd | him on his elevation and saying the I'he city property committee was | : > a : . thi= morning, at untario hall, Col. I at seven o'clock. That is going some {bench, the bar and the people general- called to meet at three o'c lock this af D. R. Hemming presidin Fiftoet i ) | h { emming . u ifteen © ind. shows what can be done with a | lv would be benefited by his advance- | ternoon, to discuss the question of sell- | . : heels are writin to quahty lor promo tot Lhe rush is on at the post office; the postmaster and! his assistants a at a very reasonable Our Stock of Handkerchiefs than e, Oak, with a was $10. Now $7 instance of picked up 1s a useful = . oA to emulate tne many distinguished | Sunday Cedn't Yome. The day. how CRITICIZED COUNCIL ent ! men who had preceded him on the [evi wad Alismal enough, cool and | - . ene di y At night the fog was thick : - For Stand Taken on License Re- bench SH} ny : 4 fia before Chiistmas, which consist SEE OUR EIDERDOWN ------------ Lead juarters for tooth brushes, word ttime 1 Ke it t . : n wo ¢ overtime o make tl res y | duction Question First. Baptist Church combs and hair brushes McLeod's '!} Kis 2 Ee ald} : i i i Mg ton Or IC wmppsy During the course of his sermon at Rev. J. L. Gilmour. -D.D srofessor | drug stores, cerner King and Bro k All OF 'out hea. soa Pp e Christmas! * Je - » > » » MU 4 « " ir S0O¢ = ) nris 1 COMFORTERS Princess street Methodist church, on of ehureh history. in M Matic Cui and Princess and Montreal streets ! exis bitio All ps k and u " ch s [ s 1 n n. Al ssh an goo ? Sunday evemug, the pastor, Rev. F Proprietor Lipman of the Princess od le y in price Mcleod' iru : t y 3) cl.ec 8 « ¢ First Baptist ' church, Sunday even- Iheatre, re ports that a numba uf his stores, corner King and Brock an ing. to # verv much interested "con photographs leit out in frond of his corner Montreal and Princess streets gregation. His theme was, The then tr were stolen on Saturday | Rey ~ Sellery preached an 17 | bs f a ' ! » designs and Rf / cagtic. He claimed that the) gy dg of) Successful New Testament | ig : <ermon. on: Sunday night Fhe Kingston Old Boys, of Toronto 4 Rugs and Mats iis \ as hot o ded y . : | g v ahd. X ats, ; was hn I ug dey ; with Church The text chosen = was : oid : ju *IStroet Methodist church op g We An { «= an outburst o 2p 1 Tiese., 1:3 Phe 'arrangement of lave ettl on July 23rd as the « I Would Deo i TP ats of next vear home-going, a week Ono thing) ouldn't do yeginning to experience the jovs of ti every -day SMITH BROS., » Jewellers, Opticians 350 King St Issuers Of Marriage Licenses, versity, Toronto preached, iw the H. Sprouls, eriticized the action of \ specially sclected, the city incil in turning down the have 1 shown petition of the Moral and Social Re-| | | Table Cover ause during the remarks. The speak y vi i= his, opinion that it be far better to have women city council, and. they would his sermon was simple and easily re- : 1 | | membered, his language transparent, |¢avitet and better than the usua It was harcdi his message helpful and inspiring {date people I'rotter, University |! Spi at 2 for 23¢. loro -------- Stanley | vhle to be around again, voll able to deal th the questi < ' i ¢ a 1 1 on Big Loss To The y. venus 18 i . fume Mel eod drug tores, corn R M FAUI u it a fa trial ter sufie r fre severely spri y | ' y th ittin off of It is rather unfortunate for Ning after uliering from a sevei pr Ln Kinz and 'Brock and corner Montroal srring g the t Ship- | ed ankle. He i till quite lame, but and Princess street Soe our windows for Christma ok EEE AAA Ate de bef fd eee SA { WwW Ningston I that attention should n that ne King an etting better every da | building company didn t have control < = y he Ro val pen Kingston : ir | . 1s well wm past | the \ as a great many who Carpet Warehouse. | vated: to dink «didnot care to yo ! | smaller or second 'class ho but had no ob-|! of the government dryv-dock now, The | Shaving. brushes," shaving stroj x, she g cups Mel.eod's drug government is going to use it for [MUTors, having cug leo gf stores, corner King and Brock and who [corner Montreal and Princess streets ECS minor repairs to its dredges this win er, and several big vesseiz that ap If | the past two. Jd fe dB Abb fT HALLER RHEL LIT LLL LR ab ps ) 1 | ' ode hool examinatrons to. going into the | plied for it will be lost to the city fhe model school cxaminati | start making 3 I Rl thie DBL to Le open at Ontario hall, on Monday hy sua el Cook's Cotton Root Compound. larger hotels Fully 340,000 worth of repairs would | 05 wy ng will] continue until DE i have been done on them, one-half of i 0 | 17th . has New canned goo corn, peas, oO Fri ay pn "t Ne examina: atoes, - pumpkin, beans, plums, pine tions being held every day le. 90 : apple, 9k \ great number of people visited. St PIE das i 3 of dral vesterd: : owed | Mary vthedral vesterday and vi [fostival® of the Immaculate onceptior { 5 3 . Judge's Judgment : Best's Gift List 1 Tey c = 4 ' of the Virgin Marv (th dogma of . ! FOR STYLE, FIT, AND a Peron | The divisional court has dismissed, | Iinest opera ARSON, = 15 | {which was promulgateal. by the lat . COMFORT ~ Fro e pamphlet. Address: THE with costs, the appeal from the judg Fountain pens, 2 ; : RE Pop Pius 1X, on th sth of December Coox Menioing C0. TORONTO, ONT. (formerly Windsor) y,.nt, of Justice Teetzel on the action | Toilet sets : : 1551), which will be observed with . 5 i A y | : ' {i Wa WR | A a 8 .. Sh SEG ap gary ar 3 Wear Gourdier's Furs nd D.'H. Friedman and } Shave se $1 to 86 4 re 1 wel Menicure sels, cuticle hives, seis 76 to 80 BROCK ST. Dauiel Muhiielder, Albany, N.Y., and | Hand bags, 77c. to $7 | : . scrs, vail buflers, nail files of ali a Aes descriptions Meleod's drug stores C. L. Dubbar, Guelph, Dut., as de | These goods we specialize on. Wel - : fone. Nelende : sndants warding the plaintiff | have at lowest prices | 3 rorya \ el hing re r ok wi Cornel : y vin . hrdriie, : . ro and Prince streets 12 and costs. The plaintifi = sued Purses, wallets, cigar cases, cigar-| Hu de : ontre il an nn e : york i ow Or judgment on behalf of wage earn- jette cases, antique brass, paper | : Fhe publishers of the ers employed by the Wilbur Iron Co. knives, desk sets, collar and cuff Chipper have .in preparation a setuies ltd. of which the defendants were (boxes, shaving mirrors and an end- of articles on Notable Ly ers Of directors. and which having failed, [less variety of small gift things. We I'he Past And Present," beginning was ordered wound up {want vou to see our stock whether with Edwin Forrest and continuing 3 x : vou buy or not We await the op- ive down to the present tin The first Sojutey sale instalment will appear January 1st #4 3 : portunity of serving vou. ) vet one RI ASK G, W. MAHOOD| LT. fess ji two or i ------------ seneral meeting of the local nation interest + LE . al council of women will be held on pay ? 3 Parisian Sage, the H Hair Grower, is TTERS TO THE EDITOR. Wednesdav, De sth, 19049, at 2:30 grea Uterine Tonic, and | DISMISSE 5 | which would have been in labor. How con which women cag | ISMISSED THE APPEAL. ever, 'the dry-dock will be a busy place Sold in threo degrees Ee ------------ the kd ] 3 = : . for o. 1, $i iE ae Divisional Court Upheld | a doz, at Gilbert's stor next twenty-one winters will be the great Catholic just such x Now Sold in Canada on Money An Appeal To Women. \ p.m., in the couneil chamber, city Back Plan Kingston De. 8-(To the Edit . hutldinzs Ih public aie cordially ' invited to hear interesting reports Quite an novation in the way 'Gentlemen's Effort! home of Mrs ling 1 street on Saturday r forty sat' down to supplied and served en Kingston t's a mighty good thing for the for): Women of Kingston! H vou improved. i men of Canada that Parisian Sage | are interested in creating good citizens a gilt-edged ¥ tan now be obtained in eviry town of [and developing temperance sentiments | everv wav x SeqUenc, will you come to some of the parlor . ra weparation fon the hair has | meetings to be addressed by Mis not take a done. <0 much to stop falling hair and | Pugsley. of Toronto, an experienced ney to handle 3 ! te dan i and make women's orker * She. will speak on Tuesday. down, W | oa sian Sage 3:30 pom... ar Mrs. Maclelland's, 307 extended -pay- § wisidn Sage ie the only certain de | Alfred street, and on' Wedsiesday, -H] } ng a | F A Chni tm about this 'over of the dandrufi microbe which |& + nt Mrs Henry J : i : he . | or 18 as man," and the! rest of , } iy Cunningham's We are constantly receiving] ladies, one 1 all. voted the cent. of hair t ar! stree at 3:30 p.m it My - Reynolds'. 214 Nelwon siteet. and. < |]shipments of Men's Hats. The Ten pers a themselves in the | Present ertainit : styles. are the laest and are - . ' (4! or! So x dis thud Se os > He ee ATE t ywote c . sure to lease our taste. At The Princess Theatre @ : ry : . . =» T Mew I ve to ros sr am, | re 0 please your tas ru Toe Tones Ter, ol fi, | EEA gts 5 sian ¢ is such an extraordi- | You must know the answer to the ob De and Lean "rame, Wa 1 ick. $1 400 Ew od 2g ting reluvenator {jection and the arguments jor. the | "Everything in Men's Hats " jeaturing high-class musica' act and | \ ' aunts 18 , $1 2 "that fahood. who ix the agent | temperance wise, Bring your neigh- | ' / . fine singing, three davs onl Special | [& we cu t any ev. Ei ha a yw. $2,300 , bin Kingstor 1 utees t 'to mre bor Every woman Welcome - pictures to-day (1) "Fhe Iii of] ¢ with tha a1 als Tag dandrufi, stop f g haw and itching MRS. M'CALLUN M J the nest historical picture | 5 1 wit 4 3 1 hd § ' Sy EASY TERMS. scalp in two or money back : wer made. Cannot be describéd, you . We guaraniee perlecily a | It ix a" me cent dressing for wo Nearly all the cheese 'factorics in wo this great picture to appre : & i | 3 1 i M ~ C n men who de ixuriant, lustrous | the Kingston district are closed ion ciate ; 43) "The Sins Of The | } 2 Kin elon Laundry, C an ' hair that compels admiration \ the season. ' Salesmen on the Fronte- Importers Of Fine Hats. Fathers," a thrilling story of an old {2 Dr A. P. ( own | 3] ~ < And rge bottle of Parisian Sage | nae cheese hoard wore in the city, to Makers Of Fi kentucky feud. Commencing Thurs- = Brock Cor. King St - &¢ in a N 1 akers ine Furs. . . ies « g "t= only 3 i. W. Mahood's and | day, making their last shipment of 126-128 Princess St dav, the Mitchell tio, in a great! @ DREGGINT AND OPTICIAN. 5 Cor. Princess and Sydenham So seagoll, . wedy sheteh ELE RIE 'Thone, 22. (Calvary Congregational bu 5. Chm, ot Pr i ARHAAKHA I

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