-- TRAVELLING. RAILWAY ISTH EE] Ontario Provincial Fair | Guelph. Oat, Dec. 6th to 10th, 1909 p tickets will be $6.35 d going Ie issued at Saturday, oe uth inclusive, wie Monday 4th, to ood return fi 3 13th International Live Stock Exposition CHICAGO, ILL., NOV. 27TH. EC. 10TH, 1909. kets will be Is going Nov, 28th, 29th 3th and 6th. All ticket un orf Leflore Dee. 12th Pullmians to and from Otlawe via Brockville daily, on trains 2 and 5 an accommodation reserved in ad » and all other information furnish application to J. ¥. BWANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson und Odtario Sts ued , good § Ist, ot turning ae v 1 0 oe i NAST IN CONNEOTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway [rains 1 eave Kingston 12.01 p.m. Kxpress--For Ottawa, Monr- real, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, ton. Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- tL Ste Marie, Duluth, St. nipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, 4 and Sun Franscisco. uh p.m--bLoeal lor Sharbot Lake, ecting with CPR. East and West. . Mixed--For Reofrew and In- points--Muonday, Wednesday saving Kingston at 2.01 ive in Uttawa at d p.m. ; Peter 38 p.m Toronto, 6.556 p.m. rel, 7.00 p.m. Boston, 7.30 a.m. John, 12.00 noon, KINGSTON--OTTAWA 12.01 p.m. arrive 4 Kingston, y pa Ottawa 10.45 3.556 p.m, particulars at icket Oflice fenve a.m., arrive King- K. & P. apd C.F PF. 'ONWAY, Gen. Pass Agen FAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. leaves union station, Ontarl 4 p.m. daily (Sunday excepted l'weed Sydenham Napanee, t Hunnorkburn and all points portl secure yhick despatch to Bapnoch prs, Maveooth, aad polots on Centrs Ontario, route your shipments via Ba nis jtaliway. For further particu apply HR Wi DICKSON, ne © 4 ARABIC CRUISE to the ORIEN I Lenves New York, January 90, 1910 Madeira, Spain, Mediterranean Ports Palestine and Egypt. Cost $409 an uwwapdy for, 38 aay, | rain trent for lars Phy Agent so Dept:, White Star Line, or Agents. Toronto, ES a SS KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE HEAD oF "QUBEN STREET. Highest Education at Lowest Cost" 3 Sixth Fall Term ist 80th: Courses in . Shorthand, Tele phy, ivil Service and English. Our graduates get the best posi- 1 Within a short time over , secured positions with one o largest railway corpora | in Canada. 1 Enter any time. tor information. CALFE, Principal. r Scranton Coal Fo All .kinds of I'wenty > t + + + + + yOar. + + + $ ' sixty f th write Oall or . MET. ¢ H. reve ww Wood and Lumber. Try NETT & CO, Sts., S. BEN Ba and Barrack 'Phone. 941. Builders and Contractors Use ( Sashweights made in King: at Angrove's Foundry special prices for large auantities | the | writes | responsible. Blemishes On the Face Don't go about with a face full of blotches or other skin eruptions. Clear off these disfigurements in 2 short time at little expense. These unsightly blemishes come from im- pure blood and a disordered sys- tem but will all disappear after a few doses of Beecham Gls which do the work quickly and thoroughly. Salves, ointments and washes never cure a pimply face. You must get the poison out of the system. This is what Beecham's Pills do. They move the bowels, start the bile, carry off the impurities, cleanse and vitalize the blood and Beautify the Complexion Sold Everywhere. in Boxes 25 cents. CEETEE UNDERWEAR Only the finest Aus- tralian Merino Wool is used in making « CEETEE" Under- clothing -- our special process insures an ab- solutely unshrinkable garment--soft and vel- vety to the skin. In all sizes for men, women and children--every garment guaran- teed. "CEETEE. THE C. TURNBULL CO., OF GALT Limited GALT, ONTARIO 1874 Manufacturers--Established 1859 Insist on Could Not Sleep. DOCTOR SAID HEART AND NERVES WERE RESPON- SIBLE. -- There is many a man and woman tossing night ater pight upon a si. cpless bed. : Their eyes do not close in the sweet and refreshing repose that comes to those whose heart and nerves are right. Some constitutional disturbance, worry 'or disease has so debilitated and irntated the nervous system, that it cannot be quieted and causes nightmare, dreams, starting in the sleep, twitching of iscles; restlessness, ete. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are a specific for all people troubled in this-way. | They have a soothing and calming effect on the nervous system. Mrs. Calvin Stark, Roesmore, Ont. -¢ About two years ago 1 began to be troubled with a smothering sensa- | tion at night when I would he down. | 1 got so ba | and would have to sit up 1 could not sleep in the dark, and rub my limbs, they would become so numb. My doctor said my heart and nerves were 1 saw Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills advertised and got a box to try them. 1 took three hoxes and can now lie down and sleep without the light burning and can rest well 1 can recom- Y Price, 50 cents per box ot 3 hoxes for $1.25, at al! deales or mailed direct on receipt of price by The I'. Milbuwn Co, Limited, Tortento, Ont. GR ANULAT ED SUGAR satis ara pou FE on Crd Le POUND BAG or = Bp a0 ot The cleanest and most sfactory way to bay nulated Sugar is in 20 nd Cotton Bags. Every bag bears the registered brand as shown this out. MANUFACTURED BY THE Canada Sugar Refining Company, Ltd., MONTRE Our Sale of Fumiture Will Now is Your Chance for Some Beautiful | Christmas Ex Continue Un Des. Ist'9 Presents. Five O'clock Tea Table, 1iglish design, with or with- out glass trays. Card Table, cover with # green cloth, from $1.00 to $18. Karly English Finished Card Table to. match. Setts at low prices. Music Cabinets, and Stand, White EK Brass Den Beds, Mahogany Dressers nawel Dressers and Stand, Bird's ive Maple Dressers and Stand. Bed to match. Robt. Jd. Reid. 230 Princess St. Phone §77 i of Germany WE EXSULTAN HIS $3,000,000 STOWED IN A GERMAN BANK. And Present Ottoman Ruler Will Sue For It--Special Seal Ne cessary to Secure Withdrawal. | Berlin, Nov. 25.--The Imperial Bank | holds some $3,000,000 de- | Abdal Hamid before he from the sultanship of Purkey, and which, according to The Frankfurter Zeitung, the present Otto- man ruler proposes to recover through 1+ legal action. ft is learned here that the Imperial Bank is quite willing to surrender the money if the from the same hears the signature of the former sul- tan, authenticated by the special seal] adopted by him when the deposit was made. At that time, Abdul Hawid entered into a strict compact with the officers of the hank under which no withdrawals from this account were to be permitted except upon the author ity of special seal. Apparently, the Turkish government was not aware of this deposit until re- cently, when a letter sent by the bank to Abdul and referring to the account fell into the hands of Mah- moud Schefket Pasha, inspector-gene- ral of the first and second and third army COrps. The inspector forwarded the letter to Abdul along with the information that its had been noted. Subsequently, the royal prisoner sign- on the bank for the money, but the signature was not ac- yosited by was deposed order contents ed an order bad | mend them highly to all nervous and run | down women." companied with the seal, which he avers"had been lost THE WHIG'S FASHION HINT. Whats Copprisht by Ruwtlinger Ruchsive Copyright New York Herald Black liserly satin costume, HARTINGTON TO FIGHT | Against Repeal of the Local i Option By-Law. Hartington, 'Nov. 24.--In spite of {the ran last might the meeting with regard to local option by-law |fairly well atténded. 'Rev. Mr. Guinness, pastor of the church, Harrowsmith, occupied chair. WH Mq | here and | tending court. | sustained {broken sidewalks. on Wolfe Island, many years ago Mrs. |born. They then moved to Minnesota ! both ¥ « WOLFE ISLAND BEATEN. Flinton Correspondent Tells of a e Family. Flinton, Nov. went west to the lumber shanties from Tweed are located in Sell wood, Ont. Andrew Pringle and fam- | ily have moved into the woods sorth of Flinton. Rev. Mr. Willinmson call- ed on Charles Airheart. He has made many friends here already. The Me thodist church is gaining a" new footing since Mr. Williamson's minis- try. Mrs. Hasler is in Napanes at- He is suing the Flin- for damages for injuries in falling om Flinton's seventh daughter, ton council Speaking of the Joseph Harrison, of Big Bridge, had nine daughters. Then a som = was and had several more children. Quite a number of this large family are living to-day. Mrs. Harrison was the eldest daughter of the late Agel Cook, } Wolfe Island, her first childeen being | twins, who are now seventy years old, | smart and well. Mr. Harrison prospered well in the west and died at | the ripe old age of ninety-five years: | Mrs. tricon prodecossed him to the grave many vears ago, leaving a fam- | ily of thirteen children. BROCKVILLE"S WATER SUPPLY i Making Pxamination to Determine | Impurity. i Brockville, Ont.,, Nov. 25.--An ex- | pert sanitary engineer has ventered | upon an cxamination of conditions surrounding Brockville's water, supply ] with » view of making a report ol the . same. Samples taken from the | river where the intake. pipe is located | havo shown pollution, and the water : is thought to have been tho cause of | the typhoid fever outlireak of the past | summer. With a view to obtaining "a remedy the services of the expert have been secured. : i The Riffian tribesmen at Nader, Mo- rocco, appeared before. Gen. Marina, | governor of Melilla, and formally sur-| rendered. | 24.--The boys who which is its natural and chief constituent * of Gout, Rheumatism and Indigestion. ~ - Logs _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1000. "THE. QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS" The Carbonate of Soda is the sworn enemy Three cases of small-pox have been | Middlesex The discovered in Norfolk county. quarantined. MAKES. HAIR GROW township, cases are all | 1G. W. Mahood Has An Invigora- tor That Makes Hair Grow in Abundantly or Money Back. If your hair is thinning out gradual- | ly it won't be long before the bald spot appears. The time to take care of the when you have th'n hair the falling best hair | har to take care! remedy known to mankind is Parisian | Sage. "It is compounded on scientific | principles and furnishes to the hair root a nourishment that acts quickly and promptly and causes the hair to grow, : But remember this: It kills dandruff germ, the pest that appro- (priates all the natural nourishment that should go to the hair root. Parisian Sage is sold by G. the i | i | TL Mahood under a positive guarantee tc | banish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp in two weeks or money | back. : It gives to women's hair a lustre and radiance that is most fascinating and causes it to grow abundantly. Parisian Sage is pow sold in every first-class town in (Canada. A larg: generous bottle costs Sle, | | i | | and | the girl with auburn hair is on every' bottle. | Presbyterian | the | He gave some useful informa- | tion regarding the success of the by- | h he where county of Grey, In that {law in the county formorly resided. claims that {t has proved of indispu- | {table benefit. Mr. was called on to give his views of the {by-law in the county in which he Rogers, of Escott, | bves, and his remarks coincided with } those=of the first speaker. Rev. | Fokes, of Harrowsmith, also vouched Mr. | for the beneficial results in the town- |} [hip of Portland and gave the testi- | of the most' prominent !chants and business men in the rounding villages, who claim that no way has trade or been lossened during the three years in which local option has been in force jin the township. A discussion was held over a petition which has been presented to the council for a repeal of the by-law. A number of the names attached are not, it is clatmed, bona fide signatures and it has been decided to bring the matter before the council at the next reading of the petition. A permanent assocation was formed to fight the liquor traffic The following officers were elected : President, Rev. Mr. McGuinness; secre- tary. Rev. Mr. Fokes; treasurer, Ben- iamin Campsall; first vice-president, E. M. Yorke; second vice-president, Wil- liam Shellington; third vice-president, T. Bradford. The revival services are still meeting with marked success, A meeting for {men only will probably be held next {Sunday afternoon. HoRY pusinss {PAID $1,000,000 INTO COURT. | Ohili Prepared For the Hague De- , cision. London. Nov. 25.--lomingo Gana, Chilean Minister to. Great Britain, to- day dopesited with the Rothschilds £1.000,000 to the order- of The Hague arbitration court This sum repre sents in round' figures: the Alsop claim of the United States against Chile, and the bankers are instructed to pay the same the government of the United States should. the decision of | The Hague tribunal confirm the con- tention of the: claimant to Seven bovs broke into a publi school at' Passaic, N.J., nearly wreck- led the buildings, and then attempted to set fire to it. When arrested for the crime = the boys said they did {not want to attend school, therefore {did the mischief Gil Leth- nts women prohibited from restaurants. lespie, n Chinese mer- | sur- | in | | Special Holiday Sale. {duced in price Ce W.L. ANE, 192 Wellington St. t ! { HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILS FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY WwW. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Clarence an? Ontario Streets Stop! And have a look in at our Urocery the corner of Montreal and John and clean BUTTER--€hoice Prints, 25c., 26c.; EG dozen Table 27 per 27e. Rolls bh andl Cider (mo acids), 385: per gallon. Gage's Grocery, Cor. Montreal and John St. "Phone, 549, Prompt Delivery. WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED From 73 Clarence St., ington St., between Brock énd Clarence Sts. Best laundry in the city. Goods called for and delivered Our stock is complete. Everything fresh | S{ookiag, 28¢'; Boiling, 85¢c. per to 155 Welk | Entire stock re- | | | | | | | | 3 | i i { at Sts. | We have tle old-fashioned Home Made | | | i | { Special | Sale Saturday Morning, 8.30 O'clock. 300 Underskirts BLACK SATEEN NAVY MOREEN -- COMPRISING | | Regular values $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 BROWN MOREEN 'BLACK MOREEN 180 Special Black Sateen Undershirts Regularly sold at 75¢, 90c. For 48c Each These are the best values in Underskirts ever offered in Kingston. Half Price Sale of Coats and Suits All New Styles. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY R. WALDRON 'T-rooms, ¥ stable: Modern, sa 5 rooms, Double Stone Dwelling, modern, down in city, $7,000, stable to each. $4,300 Brick Dwelling, hot water heat~ ing, stable, etc, AT D.A.Cays 57 Brock St Gasoline Engines MADE IN KINGSTON Inspect them before pur- chasing your new Engine. Engines from 1 1-2 to 20 H.P. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Ontario St. Ignition Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, Carburetors, Etc TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES Tumba Eicetrical Mig. Co. U$hone, 873. 273 Bagot. EVERYBODY Has stoves to sell, but n can give that value that we can: We bave all kinds, We haye all kinds of nishings, from the 1 to the most Furniture. . Don't fall to come and see our * #tock before you buy elsewhere. L. Lesses Oor: Princess Chatham Ste., * : Ont. * & oH eo HE + EAHAHK Nv AAR AAHACK RE AASB AINE "City Brokerage qr a tw 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON. J. O. HUTTON J. R. C. DOBBS WILL SELL: 2,000 Cobalt Majestic, Chambers-Ferland, L000 Scotia, 2;000 Cobalt 5 shares Farmers shares Frost & Wood, 40 Home Life, 19 shares Standard Loan, 150,000 feet of lumber vacant lots and houses in any part of the City, (320 acres Improved Farm, Saskatchewen.) List Your Buy and Sell Orders Now. ; WILL BUY: 5,000 Silver Leaf, 8.800 Rochester, 5,000 Cobalt Lake, 100 Nipissing, 5,000 Peter- son Lake, 1,000 Nova Scotia, 1. 000 Foster, 500 Cobalt Central A Phosphate Property in Front- enac. EERIE SSSR: FERRE FATES GANONG'S % Toasted Marsh Mallow, Plain Marsh Mallow, 2 3 FH ' 40 Cents Per Lb. Toasted Cocoanut Balls, Jap Fruit Bars, 30 Cents Per Lb. 3 i A.J. REES, 166 Princess St: Phone 58. : HAIER ISIE » Yi 3 9. Pure and Sweet. Fresh Oysters Coast Sealed, Get them at . COUPER"S, 241-8 Princess St: "Phone, 76: Prompt Delivery: RISE OF THE United Empire Loyalists An Informing Sketch of Ameri. can History, Valuable for Librar- ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price, 50. Address British Whig, Kingston. Say, call and see our Mums and Ferns at the Conservatories, Johoston St. and Store, King St. Order early. THE FRONTENAC LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY