FAG ---_ E FOUR. NYY Razor For Men Only Well for Boys too if there's any indications. However J there is no more useful "or Z| Suite 19 and 20, Guess Oft, appropriate "Xmas gift you & bora, 33 Shueh Br od . Poy could send or buy for your- & Daily Wabig. self. TALK OF RETALIATION. L| The Philadelphia Evening Item has | been considerably disturbed over the proposal to practically prohibit the AT : 2 export of Canadian pulp or pulpwood % to the United States. In one article it Best J 2largues that the United States papen ® #| manufacturers are not so dependent * S ¥ upon the Canadian raw material as FARRAR AAA AAR ANKE | some people suppose. But in a secs or ond article it is confessed that "pulp- vital to American paper- makers under present methods of man- ufacture"; .and it is pleadeéd that there is a big future for both countries, and that it is a serious matter to cause interference with the material on which Then a mild threat is used, namely, that the Unit- A complete display FROM $5.00 OP. FHCRC ASIII FI Now Is Your Chance to Prepare for Winter. SPECIAL SALE IN OVERCOATS All $1 coats wood is newspapers are printed. 2 new and 2 for $8.50 up-to-date, Over- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1009. rdiately concern this countrys or it welfire. ES CUTTING OFF A SLICE. The blue book has brought down in detail the differences that arose be- tween the contractors and the National Transcontinental commission, with re- gard to the over-classification of work in certain districts. The complaints originated with the engineer represent- the reason that the rental of {road, covering the these districts, would it. The casé was at once referred to arbitrators, selected {with the act which governed the com- | mission. Following this a new difficulty jarose, The arbitrators were appoint- {ed in May of 1908, and in June they {began their inspection. They were ex- [pected to make a careful survey the work, to make measurements, and take evidence when necessary, and {make themselves competent, with all {the facts before them, to render .a {judgment that would be complete, But they went travelling over the [road at the rate of about twelva miles " day, and could not make other than a cursory or superficial inspection, and the district engineers protested. The | contractors also joined in the grie- {vanee, and as a result the commission {passed a resolution declaring the $n | spection inadequate and incomplete. ing the Grand Trunk Pacific, and for | be governed by the expenditure upon in accordance of, THS 15 REAL 600D No Stars and Stripes Over .the Border Except By Permission of Government. g Watertown, N.¥., Times. : li you have a cottage in the Thou- sand Island region of the Si. . Law- rence river just over the Canadian line be careful about raising an American flag over it next summer unless you have the proper permission from the. Ontario government. The dominion government has barred flags of other lands except by permit. : Jt is said in Toronto that during last summer and the present closing hunting season there have been nu- mérous reports that Germans, Swedes, Americans and others have been in the habit of hoisting their own national flags at hotels, on tents, and on ves- {sels hired temporarily, and that many jof these people, under the impression {that their flag protected them, pro- ceed: to violate Canadian law by shooting game not in season, running gasoline or electric boats in defiance | 'of all regulations, 'using fire arms | without license and doing other things | contrary to law. To avoid trouble in the future and rotect many Americans, who have complained of the conduct of a few of {their countrymen, the Ontario govern- | tect has issued a stringent order that [no flag but that of Canada or Britain shall be hoisted without government the brain there is certain to be failure in the other functions Dr.A. W. Chase's Nerve Food is a creator of new, rich, red blood and hence a builder-up of the ner- Also several other lines at unusually low prices ed States might not only retaliate on 1 . | permission on any lands, streams or | t was, therefore, set aside, and Mr. | akon over which the Ontario govern I . a 4% % IT PAYS TO TRADE | Lumsden, the chief engineer, resigned. | ment has control, except on the na- He alleged that his instructions ori-|tional holidays of the various coun- | {tries to which travellers or tourists | may bélong. ! V Bum : a had lost confidence in some members { n 1 8 of his staff, and that these were re- AFTER CRUEL DRIVERS. | 1 : 8 - sponsible for any irregulariti th : had occurred. gyiarities it Must Look After Horses - in the t Weak Babies Strong y the paper question, cutting off all dealings between the countries, but cut | |ginally ' 4 : off the supply of raw cotton for the |ginally had 'been disregarded, that he English and Canadian cotton mills, a Men's le. at $5, $6.50, $8.50, 310, | $12 to $15, | Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Underwear, iwealers, Sox, Caps, Gloves and Mitts. t reduced prices, at ISAAC ZACKS, 271 Princess street. trade amounting to some nine million | dollars a year. 'It might sound ab- | surd, says the Evening Item, to talk | of forcing Great Britain and Canada | sucscedad to transfer all their cotton plants to {Grant who ada = the United States or go out of busi- the eo oth pe g 4 comp) etion of ness, but it is not any more absurd inspection upon satisfactory lines, Cold Weather. Inspector Arniel, of the Ilumane So- | 1 indy. : i ig of i t is most important that your Bab nets, 4 Jou with a big stiek, after | be assisted to best of stre Baad It crue rivers, who . allow horses t0 | now, which will last all througn life With a stand around on the streets, in the | little care. Don't fail to attend to 'this, bitter cold, without blankets. Yester- | thereby preventing broken dowm health, Mr. Lumsden, as chief engineer, was by his assistant, Gordon Remember quality is the true test of cheapmess. ' Yom're in luck if you need a New Overcoat now, Low Price coupled with quality. SSH TLB LBBB Builders' Supplies than for Canada to figure, by legisla: tion, upon forcing the American paper- making plants into Canada. From all of which it would appear that on this | pulpwood and paper question, | deducted $600,000 from the gross esti- mates. The charge has been made {that the government was blinking' at |over-classification, but the fact is that |it has been holding the commissioners and ur : > [to their duty, the commission will eventually demonstrate that it | ha ic STORY OF A LIFE. h 8 Hol been neglectful of any public TE re, |service, The public accounts com- Gillies has been reciting in the | : s . % mittee will have an opportunity to the story of Jean Valjean, and : ey . the ane ob epyniiusizin two probe the subject to the limit, and if or ihe purpos amp 8 janything be missed or overlooked the i rtant facts, The one es oe \ and. importa ._ |erities of the opposition will be to |is that "a poor man has no chance in biame 1 . of the law, while a rich | | neighbors are very much disturbed. | Portland Cement, Brick Dr. | west Leth, Shinglcs, | | Asphalt Roofing, greal Brick Tile the hands man can fight thé"consequences of his | , EDITORIAL NOTES. } e | S. Anglin & Co. | misdoing till he tires the courts of the | Who will rule in British politios--the | great American republic." Money has {lords or the commons ? That is 'the It hires the men, of ex- { question. | perience and genius, who can use all | The great Uterine Tonic, only safe effectual Mon ow {its influence. Wellington St., North. possible in averting | The judges of the supreme court of 'New York have done an amazing | thing. Some sentences are | They refused an increase of of all propor- |salary and. to the extent of $4,000 each, {the experiments {conviction or in mitigating the pun- | ishment of crime. iy | exceedingly severe, out Women ca | tion with the offences, and the suffer: of srongrNo. 1. $1: No fers are made to feel that they are the | The bungalow is taking its place fou 5 Ee Yor | victims of Justice rather i A in city architecture, and it suggests a prepaid on recto of price. plied. The poor man who does wrong hange from that sameness which has ax MEDION 00. TORNTG. ONT. formerly 1¥ indi 3 in his distress, or under great tempta- {too long marked building operations : | tion, chafes and feels that he is get {the city. The rich | | men--not in our. country, but across nw depend. Sold of strength--No. 1, h TRS PTORRASIIVS Datantes' PS a JCAT {ting more than his deserts. ARRAS R So a cigar has been pronounced a | | the way--never give up their appeals (drug by a judge in Toronto, and the i [i the courts while they have the sale of it is permitted on Sunday. The | means to engage men to defend them, {#Fect of that judgment may be imag- | and persistency has its rewards some- ined. It biings one feature the The other point which Victer Sunday law into contempt. Hugo made so clear is that the French of times. The tariff reformers have been driv- law was more concerned about the | ay 1 jen to admit {}i pure spirit of a prisoner than about {cannot be paid his Valjean foreed, | | ' > J {made for them as i through. want, to commit a crime, and | ~ | : {George budget. then it shut him up because he was a | that old age pensions unless provision be by the Lloyd- In other words the imperial budget, as it is, must be ap- propriated if the financing of the em- Em | r an .. \pire's obligations is to be a sucess. | their redemption the more difficult, if | Bibby's Cab Stand Phone 20l. DAY or NIGHT WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer Furniture Sales given special at- tention, County Salen of Farms, Stock, etc., have been my specialty os jong Joars. If farmers want t i : | 8 3 reform. was fallen. They harden men and make not. impossible. | Mr Lord Roberts does not hate -- rare |M8ke speeches any more than DEBT OF GRATITUDE. people hate to rE them. It is re- Dupuis' idea is that Canada {markable how small a percentage of : to [the people fit themselves by careful Aig ving ; |Freparation to speak publicly "and country at stated intervals sufficient jentertainingly. A lot of men think Oliff's Real Estate Agency| ors to build a modern war vessel | they can talk and impose upon their ESTABLISHED 1882 {for her own use. What is the differ- 'fo)10ws. There ought, lence between giving a Dreadnought or against it. : ; Ih : Where you can buy or sell the "The lord chancellor of England sta- property. Also Insurance arise ? The professor's opinion is that {ted the case of the British government written in best companies. [in the event of war it is doubtful [clearly when he said that unless the , | whether the*Canadian navy could ever house of lords changed its attitude a GEO. CLIFF, {get to the scene of action 'or inflict |literal ' government need not again injury upon the enemy. Against any [undertake to legislate for the common 95 Clarence St. | contingency on the other side of the {people. . The upper house has ceased | Atlantic the British nation is pretty to be an impartial judicial body. Its | provided, but the routes of partizanship has been singularly of- | trade would have to be kept open; and 'fensive in the last four years. | the Canadian to CANADA'S some Prof { should pay its debt of gratitude Britain, and by the mother to be a law yuilding and giving the mother coun- use of it should occasion | J | q ' \ well in | in this as well as . protect the country | Capt. Smith, ex-M.P., Stratford-on- The Avon, now visiting Canada, says attack that the colonies should be partners eruptfons at far distant points, Wit- jin the affairs of the empire, and, kke destruction of the Spanish England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, Manila by the United States {should be represented in the councils Admiral Dewey I tof the nation. The dream of many a peace say craft owned by | public man, in Canada and the moth- oder the direction country, and regarded only as department. In dream. times of war they would be under the of the "Oh," some one says, navy could assist from the assaults of the enemy. plan of sometimes involves ness the fleet | Cruusers at under "times of {Canada would be a of some Canadian Which Is You? have your winter's coal Gr : The appointment of & successor to British admiralty. |the lato Justice Curran on the bench "but did not [of the Quebec superior court, is again would not en- |being discussed, and the name of the war without the cons Hon. W. A. Weir, provincial treasurer, . {is now mentioned in connection with Yes, but par- | the office. liament is represented by the govern- | The Quebec = government ment during the recess, and it could [volumes for tlie provincial : 4... | Toronto. act as circumstances suggest. The | words of the premier were used to apn allay the alarm of those who. feared | de- | stroyers there would be the itching to | it command the premier say they gage im any sent of parliament ?"' the fellow to the happy ou haven't » probably the fellow to the left--you're worried ! We're Ready to Fill Your Order are you're sent 700 library, y that if Canada had cruisers and CRAWFORD, | give "Phone, PD, Foot of Queen 84. i not something to do, and it was | locirable that it should be drawn | . y . i mto ditliculties which did not imme- | Cr care of the horses. A great many of the runaways are caused by horses be- ing allowed to stand out in the cold. | The poor horses suffer so much, that | it is no wonder that thoy break loose, {and make things lively. The inspector {and the members of the society will be backed up by all good citizens in their work. Drivers who ill-treat horses by applying the whip when itis not néces- sary, will also be attended to. complaints have been made, and these ie being investigated. May Have Auto Service. It is reported that prominent Kings- ton and Portsmouth residents are fi service between the city and Ports- mouth, and also for meeting the trains, in view of the close of the street railway. They aro trying to get the big auto car run by C. H. Finkle, of Newburgh, between here and ' Napanee, The Wearing Of Furs. Our furs still maintain our weaal high standard of excellence and our values were never better. It wll pay you to consult us. Campbell Bros.!, the manufacturers' of r¢liable furs, Taken A Drop. There is a falling off in Kingston's "prohibited - list."" * There are eighty-seven' registered. To-day six names were taken off, they having been on the required time, one year, and two names were added. Y.W. C. A. Tea. At Mrs. I. H. Breck's,"72 Barrie street, Friday afternoon, November 26th, from 3 to 6 o'clock. 10 cents. The coroner's jury, at Uxbridge, re- turned a verdict against Archibald McLaughlin, for the murder of his wife and fWao children, found dead in the house after a fire. erham, M.P.P., are going to Paris to secure a loan exhibit of pictures from the French government for Toronto exhibition in 1910. How To Cure Old Sores. First wash the sore with warm wa- ter and then apply Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. This is sure to heal the 'oldest sore and cure the worst burn in short order. No ointment so rootling, so healing and antiseptic, as Dr, Hamilton's Ointment. Get a 50c. box from your druggist. A WOMAN'S GRATITUDE. A Mountain Woman Writes in Praise of Newbro"s Herpicide. "For several years 1 have been troubled with dandruff, causing me much annoyance, and my hair became very thin. I have used Newbro's Her- 'picide for a month and the dandruff {has entirely cisappeared and my bair 'is becoming much heavier than for- merly. New hair is growing where there was none and | amr very thank- ful to vou for the benefit I have re ceived from Newbro's Herpicide. Very truly yours, MRS. C. B. FOSTER, No. 985 Utah Ave., Butte, Mon. | Sold by leading druggists. Send {10e. in stamps for sample to The Her- { picida -Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. Geo. W. Mahood, special agent. day, he was out on the job, and gave | notice to drivers that they must take | Some | uring on establishing an Ee obit now Hon. Mr. Lemieux and George Good- loss and failure in later life, 'The Royal Food Makes weak Babies strong. | rapidly, is readily assimilated, is pleas- ant to taste, | ical. 1 is nutritious and the most e . It is end d b ici | retains its freshness better than {other ; is put! up in sull | Tight Tins. Get it to-day ; if your deal- jer has not got Royal rood, write us {and send his name. ns | Kenneth Campbell & Co. MONTREAL. COBALTS ON MARGIN We require Stock Selling From 80c. to From 60c. to From 80c. to $1 Over One Dollar a deposit as follows: uired. 2s share per share per share 80 the Market Price. We also handle 30, 60, 90 day tracts. Write, 'phone or wire us your orders, cash or on margin. Patriarche & Co, STOCK DERLERS, Patriarche Block. Corper Scott and Wellington Sts., TOR- ONTO. of con- RN Cleaning Feathers and Plumes Wé clean, curl or dye the most delicate and expensive feathers and plumes. In no department have we been more successiul in making pleased customers. R. PARKER &CO., and Oleaners: Dyer 69 Princess 8St., Kingston, Ont: $1.00, 75c., 50c. Girls' and Ohildrem's W It digests any Pound Air- Men's Warm Slippers, in plain angl fancy plaids, 75¢c., 90c., $1.25 and $1.50. Women's Warm Slippers, in Red, Blue, Green, Black and Fancy Plaids. Prices $1.50, $1.85, Men's Overcoats Men's College Ulsters Men's Auto Overcoats AT $10.00 Step lively, if you want ¥rst aboilve.plt, will be for you to |! say how much the regular price of these Overcoats were, Working Mitts Mew's. Flannel Shirts, 50¢ Men's Leather Mitts, 15c., Men's Xe Tweed + and Heavy 2 pairs for 25¢. Flannel Shirts, all sizes. ' s 4 ; Men's All Wool Elastic Ribbed. Underwear, 50c. All. sizes. Don't miss this snap. Men's Knitted Gloves, Wool, 25c. The H. D. Bibby Co. Kingston's One-Price House. Solder, Plumbers' Wiping and Bar, Tinsmiths and Electrical Wire Solder. Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. VV E TRBVNS Can. { The i -- Every man, worban.and.child should have a pair of our Cosy Slippers, It's no fun these cold mornings to go around the: room barefooted, when at small cost, you can enjoy real comfort. & . arm Slippers, 35c., 50c., 75¢., $1.00. We also have everything in Spats, Overgaiters and Leggins. ABERNETHY'S. The Monroe Myth. { Toronto Telggram. 1 Star-spangled proprietors of {Monroe doctrine - mean well speak kindly towards Canada. {| If defeat overtakes the greatest navy that the people of England can put in front of the British empire, what is Canada to expect from any the and ARS AS AR TN SRR navy that the people of the United States can put in front of the Monroe Doctrine ? What is the use of telling Canada to depend on the protective qualities 'of the Monroe doctrine, when, if British freedom be ever driven from the seas by European ' autocracy, the Monroe doctrine itself will need to borrow the 2ed Rose Tea running shoes worn by the federal army at the first battle of Bull Run? Miss Jean Armstrong, an old resi: dent of Lyn, Ont., was found dead 'in |labor. fat house by neighbors. The president of the German reichs- The records of Dr. Cook's polar trip stated, in » that in his will be despatched to Copubegen to- wr. Fi the day oF pean shat in is day. approaching its end. . "Is Good The priceison every package