-------------- eos |IRDERED Tl Te Timely Hints for j= Mg. *G Llane roopies Christmas Shoppers !§ "5/55 wt ~ TONIGHT a ar pr i KEY ABOUT < om a : ry «Wed --Care is Required. f First insertion lc. & word. Bach con "dug Finder return to St. Petersburg, Nov. 25.--Very con- | The Great Play of Alaskan Life.|' pucativg logertion theraaftar hal cont' ~ i tradictory reports have lately been y : & ow inimum charge one A SABLE MUFF, ON JHE 16TH, BE : i o ilines th Boe; | . As there are only 26 shopring days before Christmas, it will cHprent Tegarding the iliness o the "Two Women ser fo dh Ay res Jar tions, tween Johnson and the Gen.) be to everyone's advantage to watch our announcements, con- ct, Billie un ism Fan month, Tor Genera) Muspitar "kindly mj! cerning articles for gifts. , Jlished; "and. newspapers; whidi mention and Tha t Man"|. HELP-WANTED. joer. 8 1s BROOCH. ON THURSDAY. | her illness are heavily fined. According, : 3 Nov, 1 on Princess 8t., or on one Fine All Wool Blanket § fim ani | SER ws | So Eo p « re ri 17 > ne 00 Pr noni i ar in Shoe the A Stirring Romance of "Alas Pe 'BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. TENN C1 ti b empress' chief trouble consists of a | Life, by HENRY D. CAREY. AA MAID TQ ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK | J " : Apply to Mrs. Robert Fraser, nervous disease, | Play. Laid in that Theatre of West street. MPORTEDL, SERMAN CANARIES, Ra Thus she is unable to support the venture ' ho y a 'guarasteed select- resence of : many ry without Tragedy - and Lad us: The GOOD RELIABLE MAN TO TAKE presence QO . Po Persl Valley of the Yukon." Entire| care of stock on a farm, etc. Apply fainting. Noise and shouting cause her Suitable for Gentlemen's SB mohing dd and Lounging great suffering. 'She is however, fond Company and Production, direct at Whig office for address. : robes, in mixed shades, Be » Slag et Pan: Another uy of music and conversation in the com- | from Majestic Theatre, N.Y. AN INTELLIGEN FEMSON MAY! FINANCE AND INSURANCE. able gift comsists of 1 "Pair Bapesders, od a sta a' pany of a very small circle of friends. vei 25 50.75 earn hevaptpers. Bonthiy jor = Pais =» Hous: prio dhe And for Chen " this She takes particular pleasure in the Tie, Trey ir F5e $100. Ay Trew ai 8,06y | FOR © i gi < aorance Fa ear we . 8 wl Dn 4 RES Joa: we hope to see.everyone get one of these boxes. aodiety of her lady-in-waiting, Mme. | geats now on sle. Square, Kingston, ] dditi k yous YoU NG MAN OR BOY OF GOOD p In addition to her nervous com- SATURDAY NOV. 27TH: address, to learn grocery business | ern Smet ACCIDENT AND HEALTH. plaint the _ezarina suffers from phlebi- Bargain Matinee, 2.30. Evening, 8.15. and assist in driving waggon. Apply Liberal ral vo A dorato tates 1p G , 808 Mont- STABLES CHAS. H. WUERZ, Presents the Great 10 a Bpenee: rover o Sophie, = 3! Hoon, prado LE FH Melodramatic Success Ament, 159 lington street. 0088. Blioot. ; ------ in . . " A RELIABLE AND PUSHING SALES | GEo. A. BATEMAN, AGENT YOR TH i i Y Bo : 1 t vesent us in Kingston anc | G0; A BATE Oo, membere | GOOD _ BARN NTY OF ROOM Fey B OS. i a A 3 % Billy, he Kid district. br POTARORY position : fo, of the board of I ters. The comfortabie' stabi Avey to 1 { the right man. Stone & Wellington Rimouski, = Establ 2876. The Colborne street. With FRANK DICKSON, As Billy. A Fonthill Nurseries, Toronto, Ont. ork - and Economical Mutuals, 8 Story of the Western Plains, Pathos, arence St., Kingston. 'Phone, 896 | DWELLINGS, FURNISHED ND on Laughter, Comedy, Tears. Presented by |LEARN THE BARBER TRADE, NEN furnished, Stores, big Furals An Exceptionally Strong Cast. system, constant: practice, er LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND SLOBE ? King alien. anata, Brack, Son ---------------------- ---------- i 3 i m cours . ; Bargain Matinee, 15¢c. and 25c. i a rava re Tnkturants Evening, 15¢., 25¢., 35¢., 50¢. eighteen dotliry weekly. Write for hold or on ; . catalogue. oler Ba ollege, | the wut THabilit LAD, PER MON ¥ ROM Seats now on sale. a 291 ue. st. ts Toronto. fe Porm ey oy Ae a TN Le r Dro: re sured west possib! vi LR, TUESDAY, NOV.30TH. er hot il Di PL mow St; 1." Chas TT } Frogs old od or ving Wellington street. SAM 8. and LEE SHUBERT (Inc) TEACHERS WANTED. TH afin Offes. ; ; TEA IER -- THIRD - CLASS, FOR ONE FRONT ROOM OFFICE, AT 846 tv ; 50 Junior department of S. S. No. 6.| HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. King street. Centrally located. Suite P---- . B L. IL. Y Lanark, {Middievillp,) for 1910. able for pofioge. Avply J.P. Forrest, Gents' Fu Salary $300. Applications stating won HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW The New Football Farce by GBORGE age and experience will be recaived | wy A La Oarte, day { En 1 W Ai 3 CAMERON, with EDGAR ATCHISON. Avch. _ Rankin,; Sec./Treas., i Midy ie vaso atirien, at b i FLY nd Origina } d Productio * inde 9 ovm. Halt Car Load o amel Ware || 28 RB] | FLY he Origen nd Produces : futint{ooti| nova, cooh herein, 41 wes oxi: ne ; Ry at, Bopt, New York Laughivg wil WANTED--GENERAL. Sistns: Diu Sacen, with gas. Apoly R. W. Nesbitt y q ; BRL E 'rices, 23¢., 50¢., T5e., 50. HE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH , - Pought at One-Third L3ss than Manufacturer's F : in f Pri es, 25¢ ir - $1. $1.50 THE OPPORT acure: Tors "ATH inde . fe i Prices. Fi -~ EL | Seats on sale Saturday. i. Cg A PL Tn HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHATECT, ETO., | BT OR LURK IIL EE further particulars, enquiry at 23 Ontario street, or calls will be made Ave. in response to letters. ' MEDICAL. At 8.30 Sharp. Nf wl OENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR WM, ct oe Obs, $ Sse "Bagot ART cloth and have it made up into yp- "Phone, 608. to-date suits. Price and workman. ROBT. J. GARDINER, M.D, FRYSL ig -_ Nei King street, 'Phume, 345. prot . 4 ORR FURNITURE COVERING, FETC. DONE . Bi ite ON SALE FRIDAY, Nov. 26th 3 ol ir i the duy at storie homes Foy | ARDUR |, BLL, AT elvan | = cian an 'ZARIN : JSSIA. ship guaranteed to please. Pressing POWER & SON. ARCHITECTS, MER- CZARINA OF RUSSIA and repairing dome on the Shortens chant's Bank 'Building, corner William C I : er oe » Al ren 30 to 50 Per ent ess tis, which, affecting her feet, renders Bote. xt 'Bibby' ny 3m S14 Wellingtoln suet cave, 313 3 AW. 3 Ne hn. and . : : + De Y 9 pm. 'Phone No. her oiten unable to walk. Her ma- DENTAL. jesty is also aficeted by an internal . Than Regular Prices malady. A Masonic Lodge of instruction under | _ SITUATIONS WANTED. SPARES AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, . iron ids ¥ . mee erm ---------------------- 2304 Princess _St., Kingston. 'Phoné, I'he court physician lately ordered : pq Auspices of the Grand Master, Most : MA Hh COUPLE. WOMAN TO ae. i MRS. So HERON, Movement, tne! ori: the empress to take a course of thirt.- | Worshipful Brother D. F. McWatt, -of BY a MARRIEN COUPLE, look © after] === ginal. osteopathy), 1 au' {8 1 mud-baths, the mud, being brought aria, ill De helg jn ine Masonie Hail. horses or furnaces. Apply to Hox "2+ |DR: 0, O; NASH, DENTIST; DR. M 'body t from the celebrated health resort of | a4 2.30 and 8' p.m. : . ' 811," Whig office. J. Gibson, assistant, 183 Princess Also. head, rh So p g : a on street. 'Phone, 786. ferences from leading prysicians Adeusburg, dn the Quit of 1 inland, The members of The Ancient St. Johns, BUSINESS CHANCE on Kingston. Address House of Provis ; C Nn OS ros he baths aie Some: er majesty good Cataraqui and Minden Frode are 'here- . DR. SEE DENTIST, DDO dence. 'Phone, 810, and as 1s natural, We improvement o JY summoned O atten w ca of ON oor, col 2 *9 the local campiints: is rally fol- All M t the Cit ordi ANYONE, ANYWHERE, OAN START King cnd 2 pposit ' 4 | ! 4 3 f : lasons visiting he ity are cordi- a mall order business at home: No Ge py Qathedral. "Phoue, 911. wn PERCY JESSE, lowed by an improvement in her ner- | ally invited to be present. canvassing. : Be y . Bend our own . OSTEORATRY. vous condition, The brethren will dine together at the for free booklet. Tells bow, | ock, Al : Hotel Randolph at 6.45 p.m. sharp, : 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. PERSONALS. mn. 3 3 A. R. B. WILLIAMSON, M.D. FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY DONE, AT ROBERT gansme Asmonor. 0.0. STATEMENT 1S FALSE Secretary. to Committee. | | CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 28 Ulergy St. West. Kiln or ne ¥ an: ; 3 & " Mal 8 : That"800 "Hingetun. People. Emil. : DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR | HAIR, woums, winrmMankS. | Briscte sires grated to United States. y / © Carpenter and Builder, 255 Division | Warts, etc. removed Permanently hours. 9 to 13 mam. 3 to bmi In the House of Commons, at Otta- ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY CONCERT hes far reasonable prices on all kinds uithout scat Teanty YD. Far Outside treatments by : wa, this afternoon, George Taylor," $ ot jobbing, all 'work dons. promptly. Nowe, nar gat and Skin Blemish wn M.P., for Leeds, intended to ask if the GRAND OPERA HOUSE Bo ARD AND ROOMS. 58 Bagot street. . y . { government was aware that during the ---- EGAT MARRIAGE LICENSES. et Weather [frist MONDAY, Nov. 20th "rere mmo CPOE lo 1909, Kingston had' lost nearly 800 of . ith board. Well Mghted and heated: 2 . i a. BRUER, Sa 7 its population by emigration to the ' Also good table board. Apply 814 CUNNINGHAM &: MUDIE, BARRIS. Clarence, 3t., 1 a. if nd Solicitors, Law Office, 79 phone, 568, Res! a8 United States The statement of this 'AT 8 P.M. University Ave. Prine St., Kingston ; street. , emigration figure is attributed to Un- y si . ited States Consul VanSant. St -- : Maw + Co birt Mr. VanSant was very much annoy- Li o ed when he read the despatch from Ot- im erial Scots Com I WE ARE 3 ; @ Tel 1 , tawa regarding the matter, and sai : 4 ' od oo n u rs 'how. his report to Washington had [ Bul not too husy to give your : " B 1 ence A been mis-stated. The Whig was the Of Scotland will render a programme : first paper to report the emigration of | of Scotch Songs and Recitations. Electrical Work A 1 di $48 . | settlers from the Kingston district to re lea ing propositions just now, ithe United States, and Consul Van Our Dust attention, We are well stocked with the best [Sant says its report was practically ch ii? correct. JAS, STEW! TT, range of Shoes for wet weather wear ie save he deported that, during the ; Sec.-Treas. that we have ever shown. first nine months of this year 110 fer 1 Plans open at Opera House, FRIDAY, 'at 8 a.m. Prices, 2bc., 35¢., HOc. " Must be the first and last words in a business: that WwW. A. Spriggs would progress. If the public have confidence in you : I first. nine months of this year 110 per eel Era and four goods, you can be assured of a generous share 235 Bagot, one door. from Brock, of their patronage. Our Rubbers *:e rerfectiy i Te Sw by Demiedn the ACTION SALE TO-NICHT, 8PM "Phone, I6 hos-alwane. been out aim. 10 promote this fool new -- bein dius of twenty-five miles. {t was mere Heh. from the Lat faurics Hoe eas, work 16 estimate how many peo. | +A ADWARDS & JERKIN'S. |. reer ling _in'our customers. gosh Atom lho best laclories, eV ple those: permite represented. Possibly | New National Ugsh Register. Show |. Our yards aré well and completely stocked with - Rubbers will outwear the 'Store they didn't represent more than I, | Candy Pan Pickles in Bulk, Largo Ol We Ns the very best in Coal and Wood. Try us next time Stale" kind. Consequently, it will ol whom only a small proportion went | Painting! Jandy Boxes, Balance of . from the city itself. Groeeries, 'Shelving, Mop Wringer, Store pay you to get the best. The best is To-day the Whig telegraphed Hon. Fixtures. (ut Glas, owe Lage Woes: County of Frontenac A 1 - y our bid for your patronage. Try us. William Harty, M.P., at Ottawa, in- | to mention. nw SEALED TENDERS will be received h : TPIT TTT forming him that the statement re- « W. ALLEN, Auctioneer. lat the office of the County Clerk, Court garding Kingston was false, and say House, Kingston, up to NOON, on SAT. ing that United States Consul Van- Y, the 27th day of November. r J : 1909, for furnishing the undermentioned S &. denied: making the report at Wp ) 0 } 0 Sant has denied making the report at Fancy Dress ad Masuerade Canin fuppiies for the County Gaol, trom the | Kot of Johnson 8t., Princess St. and' Barrie streets, . AT ROLLER RINK, day of, December, 1910, hoth days in- Montreal and John streets. 4 ay 1 ; A COLLINS-WALSH WEDDING. Bread, Barley, Oatmeal, Corniueal, p-- vee RORY EVENING Na, 26007 ee RL . y H ' A Queen's Science Graduate Weds y . per bs Sat aR, Holhshes, Loal, Lit g ® : . i : . Qos ! a Kingston Girl. Biggest and last night this year, 14th|Uarrots, Beans, per bushel ; . , ' Brown Family Soap, at per Ib. A very quiet wedding was solemn- | F-W-O-R. Band in attendance. Electric Soap, . : . oy . : F - h- '" ¢ 3 ! 2 ized, on Wednesday morning, Novem- Thtushed Oat = raw, a per Set = BUSIN ESS MEN $ * op. , ne da Ap a . ee ---------------------- e whole of the above su ies t & S 4 ber 2th, by Rev. Father Hanley, the of 'good quality and iy bo Ppies at Synopsis of Canadian North-West contracting parties being Maude NM. Sowa rds the Gaol as required and tol ' Land y £i® xin Walsh, niece of Miss Mary Walsh, Al- be subject te the inspection of 'the Gov AT THE Regulations. * ernor of Gaol. bert street; and Everett Alired Cals id N » Separate Tenders will he received for link, B.Sc.i a recent graduate of Keeps Coal parts of the above supplies, and security s 2 1 { ? Queen's. The bride was attired in a . will be required for' fulfillmént of the ¢ 3 travelling suit of taupe broadcloth and . d contract, 1 ¥ = ) : he | ; tender po THE ONTARID CONSOLIDATED MINES, LIMITED \ toque of amethyst beaver, and carried an i sarily Oe any tender not neces : # | white roses and lilies of the valley, J. W. BIA DSHAW | County Clerk. | {and wore a pearl and amethyst pen- i K , s AUTHORIZED CAPITAL PAR VALUE OF SHARES tdant, the gift of the groom. She was Coal €Cps 3 * Have alorded them all the RE , isa J ; a 000.00 25 assisted by Miss Florence O'Donnell, Rian : % $350, Cc EACH B.A., who wore a crimson tailored suit So Vy ards. i I of Baik o carried crimso : hb "RR ' ' *! 40 Acres in the richest part of Cobalt, the world's most famous Silver (8G Doser Jat, old seri q Sriason g sessing ample resources, and ad. Acres prospected, showing 6 well defined calcite Veins. | Ottawa, assisted the groom. The bride . . " Ny 4 \ ; hull squipment and connec, Shaft 50 feet d and all necessary buildings on property. was given away by F. D. McAuley, of Have You Tried Him ? . # 40nS Tor the. anking trans- Write tor prospec us, maps and special letter. Applications for. stock | Railton, an old friend of the family . By ) ill actions of all classes of busi- . M x NY» " i x filed _in foros: I apply {who vears ago acted as her father's ---------------- / i s, both large and small. |groomsman. The happy young couple . ' ; M E R SO N & C O . (left on the noon train for a western Phone 158. ' | trip. Many are the good wishes fol- Members Standard Stock and Mining Exchange, 16 King St. West, Toron- {lowing them to their northern home. : 1. Chief Justice Mills, of the New Mexi- JUST RECEIVED {do supreme court, was tendered the | Anether consignment of Extra RR 1 {office of governor of New Mexico by 'Dry Shod Shoes ........ oR Al a vie \ > 3 } | President: Taft and' accepted it. Judge The rubbetlass Shoe. s 3 T3 f | Mills was appointed chief justicé iw o Your arders will. be Sled Promptly ands Why Fig Pills Ww ill Make {1895 by President Me ee of Nias dian Make. . { satisfactorily Jf you: deal here. served continuously. since. ck Johnston .. P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. You a New Person' a "Dutch Drops," three bottles for Ja 3 es at Gibson's Red Cross drug 7a Brock St. TRY BEA VER FLO . fr Ew o r There is always a cause for sick | PILLS and see how quickly you|. Four commercial houses were de- To-day the McBride government of | Good for Pastiy or Bread. No © KINGHTON Ra SOM, mm Print headaches, biliousness, sour stom- | get better. A 25-cent box of Fig stroved, on Tuesday night. at Sao | British Columbia, is appealing 10 the plaints. For the | last fourten gears na i ach, rheumatism and other dis. I Pins will do you $25.00 worth of Paulo, by a fire which started by a provineo for re-election upon its policy | 2ave heen handling it rien 18 Mhodarate. . &haorge B. McKay, Managety eases. If you want to be well, get good. Just you try them. For bomb thrown into a German store. !of railway extension, guaranteeing the A. MACLEAN, ' hg at the root of the evil. Take FIG isale at all leading ¢hemists, {The loss: was very large t bonds of the Canadian Nerthern. i ; Ontario street.