- --_-- - Ji Ti : Ontario Provincial Fair Gall, 0at., Dec. 6th iv 10k, 1509 $6.35 Ik good ret 1314 International Live Steck Exposition CHICAGO, 111... NOV. DEC. 10TH, 1909. v. auth, i 6th wefore Dec. 12th » and from Ottawa trains 2 and 5 ion information good returning Through P ~via Brockville daily, « Pullman accommoda vance and all other ed on epplicatiou to $4} to Ire- 27TH, issued 29th, All tickets reserved in ad- furnish- 1m 1 4 Frm cow GRD FIGHTING JBL, 3 me 'ontiac, Mich. --Louis Barton lies in a critical condition as the result of a most unusual accident, While driving cows across the Northwestern Railroad tracks, one of the cows was struck by a train end thrown three rods. During its | flight through the air, the cow struck { Mr. Barton, who is now suffering from yncussion of the brain. It is the unexpected that happens. Mrs. R. C. Small of Ottawa, Ont. says: 'I suffered from Rheumatism for years and did not expect to be free from pain, but I tried "'Pruit-a-tives" and they cured me", Hundreds of others write similar stories. After suffering for years, paying heavy doctor's bills, and tr: ing all sorts of remedies without beneht. they are cured by "Fruit.a-tives", For Stomach, Liver and Bowel Trou- bles, Headaches and Backaches, Neu- ralgia and Rhetmatism *'Fruit-a-tives' may be depended upen to effectaspeedy and permanent cure. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24 1909. A -- -- - -------------------- -- | J W. Geddes at 5 Is Well Up With the Lads. A record perhaps unequalled in this country was made a few davs IS WHAT SIR E. P. MORRIS! HAS SHOWN. Newfoundland the Only Colony That Provides Any Machinery of Naval Defence--Premier Has Been Long in Public Life. Sir Edward Morris, the new Prime despite his fifty-one winters, ran in the Ward Marathon at 'Toronto, fin- ished with'n the limit and had enough time tc spare to help a lad who was suffering from the dffects of the long run : Mr. Geddes has a long Nst of hon- ago when J. W. Geddes of Toronto,. | the Gos Minister of Newfoundland, somewhat spectacular figure at the recent Imperial Defence in London, as representing the only colony that provides any machinery of naval pddience, by her naval re- serve. . Newfoundland has already was a { been. much in the public eye because of her fishery dispute with France, her similar dispute with the United States, and her recent upigue politi- 'al situation. which was énded by Sir Edwarl Morris securing control of Haen, Conference | ors to his credit as the result of an active athletic career. He was only beaten by a few feet for first place in the ten mile walk at Guelph three qr four years ago. He has been a champion quoit pitcher, fancy roller skater, rifle shot and jumper. € is best remémbered in Canada es the owner of the famous 'Little World," an entertainment with which he traveled some years ago. . Geddes is 51 years of age, and was the oldest man in the Toronto Mara- thon race, and for his pluck and en- BRITISH COLUMBIA™S CHARMS. Coast Province Has Huge Areas of Fruit and Farming Country. Much has been said of Kelowna as a fruit producing country; but Kelow-{- na is only one district in the Okana- Zan Valley and ORunagan Valley is only one district iitNSouthern British Coluthbia, and ev outside the southern portion the province there is a large area Well adapted by reason of soil and climate to agricul. ture and fruit-growing. H The agricultural and pastoral lands are not restricted to a small propor- tion of the total acreage, for Professor Macoun, after personal investigation on the ground says: "The whole of British Columbia, south of 52 degrees and éast of the Coast Range is a grazing country up to 3,500 feet, and a farming country up to 2,500 feet, where irrigation is possible." This 1S a most important statement and its truth is being confirmed by the practical experiénce of settlers who have established themselves in the its own cattle, its delicious 25¢.--At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont, durance, combined with his age, J. J. Ward presented him with a special medal for being the oldest in the race, besides. the bronze medal that is given to every runner that finishes i Mf rs of age, he has spent holf | that tin n public life and has been for sixteen vears a member of succes. sive Ministries. Elected first in 1886 weriod of sectarian animosities, 5 2 a Sh his fellow-Catholies found | Within the time limit. ; Opposition, with a |, When all is taken into Four vears | on, Geddes' time of 2.52 is pretty formed a, 18ir going. Geddes' time from the creeds, and'| exhibition out to the turn and back olic Heuten- | © the Humber was 1.55. At this pt tl ry and for | Stage of the raca he stopped to get Morris " Minister | Some nourishment. He was starting ortiolio, actii Attorney- | 0 leave thé Humber when some during Whit s visits to | young boy ir distress from the long in . connection, the run came along. Geddes started to himsc!li hauving one or | Murse the boy along and gave him sions. When the White- | Some hot tea. He stayed with the Paul, sted in 1897 Morris | Poy till ~they came to the Oééan Portiang u 8 be : g ! 1 i | their seats and led the | House and at this point the young- roar i) ith : aad Went | fro nan osition until the great Reid | ster said he was all right, and would 7.45 a.m. Mix wr Renfrew and In-| Ji bap '} ot ntroducad by .the Winters] be able to continue the journey alone. termediate Wednesday 10 Morris supported it | In doing this kind act Geddes lost 12:01 q 1 and Bond opposed it, Morris and four | Quite a few minutes, and" it is the Peger »! oid . { ing a third perty | tmipression of many that if the veter- 1oronto, pn. ; 3 | when the Wintsr Ministry | 80 had kept on running he would rot -: Boston, 7.30 a.m. \ 5 AN. J Wel ieces Morris and Bond unit- | Pave finished somewhere around the KIN STON--OTTAWA i J TRARY ni assamad Morris | forties instead of where he did. Ged- | a port and not | des was in the best of condition when 3120] dam, arrive) FIT HIS $5.00 set of Military Brushes [f | 0reil two years late J. FP. HANLEY, Agent, country. Within the boundaries thus / Johnson and Ontario Sts roughly defined by Prof. Macoun the ra +8 capabilities of the soil are practical = Le ly unlimited. All of ft that is not - too elevated to serve only for grazing purposes will produce all the ordin- ary~vegetables and roots, mueh of it will grow cereals to perfection, while everywhere the hardier varieties of fruits can be successfully cultivated As far north as the 55th degree it has bean practically demonstrated that apples will flourish, while in the southern belt the more delicate fruits, peaches, grapes, apricots, etc., are an assured crop. Roughly estimated, the extent of these fertile lands may be set down at one million acres, but this figure will probably be found far below the actual quantity, capa- ble of cultivation when the country has been thoroughly explored. The antieipation of such a result is justi- fied from the fact that at several points in the mountains, even in the unpromising looking localities, where clearing and cultivation have been attempted it has proved successful. In several instances also, bench land, promeunced only fit for pasturage by "old timers," has been broken and cropped with very satisfactory results. West of the Coast Range are sever- al extensive tracts of arable land of the richest quality, notably the Low- er Fraser River, Westminster Dis- trict, Vancouver Island and adjacent | hours. In a trial a couple of weeks islands in the Gulf of Georgia. These before the race the veteran made the sections of the province are recogniz- round trip in 2.42, so if he had had [ ed as agricultural districts and are | nobody to care for in the Ward race fairly well settled, but much of the | he would certainly have lived up to land is still wild, untilled. North of his trial time, and at that he was | the main line of the Canadian Pacific eight minytes within the time limit, Railway, on the Pacific Slope, and his time being 2.52. but partially explored, are vast areas his attempt to elect a | ---- of agricultural and grazing lands, 134-138 Yonge Street Speak ised a dissolution. GAINED A FRIEND. which will be turned to profitable ac- ' CRU " § | it und elected 26 n ne -- ph t when the country is a few years » TORONTO i it id elected 26 men. Bond count w 3 \ "ARABIC Pe ISE ® Ss i ! : y ten . a How R. J. Fleming of Toronto Heard o the . never lost a colleague | : : ORIENT » =| in -inembered district of St. | All About Himself. » : older. Much of this northern region Sixth Cruise leaves New York, January Wi st, where he sat since The other morning R. J. Fleming, Tell Some Sick One! is fit for wheat growing, and all of it will produce crops of the coarser rercals 8 1 regetables, exce 20, 1010. Madelin, Spain, Mediterranean, 3 - ! « Bars For Riles Sor als Tous and yegesab een Onent, All arrangements under our manage entry poiitics, a dis- | nanager of the oronto hallway 0., ihe higher pia £aux, which wi anor ment Everything included for 73 days, § nan here can claim. | was rolling down Avenue Road on . disputed leader of the ! his way to business when he observ- It Is Free If It Faia third of the population. [ ed a solitary woman walking in the 'Will you do an act of Humanity, 'Will you tell some sick friend of this, my | remarkable offer? { pasturage to cattle, horses and sheep Cruise Dept, White Star i 1904 they returned 13 | same direction, and looking sas if she | established, are Chileotin, Nechaco, Toll him or her, that you have learned ofa | | and many of his clergy strongly | thought, so he got the chauffeur to free if it'fa » Catholic "clergy supported Bond. | asked her ii he might carry her some Corner Try a cup of OXO between meals--after outdoor exercise--for a bedtime snack. Give it to the children as often as they want it. It is delicious and strengthening. " considera- iment... 2 Whitews IN CONNEOTION WITH whiteway Canadian Pacitic Railway Trains Leave Kingston Expre Give a new and gore tempting flavour to your stews and gravies, soups and sauces, by using OXO freely in the kitchen. : Just Try : other name. * | Canadian Offices: 21-27 Lombard St, Toronto--41 Common St, Montreal. ss--For Ottawa, Mor John, N.B., Halifax, ito, Chicago, Denver, Hen- Marie, Duluth, St Vancouver, Heattle, with fish- frew, You cannot get OXO'S goodness under any when ving Kingston at Ottawa at & p,m gston, wm complete his last lap. His time for Awa { the lap was 3 minutes flat, and that 1s stepping some after a grind of twenty miles. Geddes is not disap- | pointed with Kis "showing. His aim was to do the route as fast as pos sible, but do' it within the three 1ecept he entered the exhibition track to is one of the best values we have f Justice, retaining it 1904, and differences imself and 10.45 a.m., arrive King- neral ction 1907, when between | 4 ever shown. & P. and O. PF The Brushes are made of genuine [L ebony, /contain fine French bristles, (| aris! ne v and are enclosed in a handsome 1 tired "from the Ministry morocco leather case. t th ¢ m in the winter of 1908 Sent post-paid, for $5.00, to eny u to lead the Opposition, address in Canada except the : 1 hy election November Yukon--order by the numbér--415, | he ( eight against SEND FOR CATALOGUE R ite ecured by Bond. The re Our handsomely illustrated 144 page cata- well known logue of Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, it another dissolution, was Leather, Arts Goods and Novelties, free . aod resigned ce. Morris upon request. Ministry control, RYRIE BROS, Limited . nv d the Legislature, and _when CONWAY, Gen. Pass To Produce Best Results | Flour Must Be Properly Aged MiLLs with insufficient storage capacity are forced to ship their flour before it is properly aged. Underaged flour requires expert handling in order to secure even fair results. In Agent last BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves unions station, Ontaric ptreot, 4 pun. daily (Sunday excepted) for Tweed Sydeubam, Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all points north fo secures quick despatch to Bannock: burn, Maynooth, and points on Central route your shipments via Bay Railway For turther particu ' y Re W DICKBON, Agent, Phone, No. een seats, 'idents are ASSY 1€( our big warehouses in six different cities we have storage capacity for 370,000 (98-pound) bags. We are thus able to store *'Purity" Flour until it is properly aged. 8 was You can never get underaged flour if you always specify "' Purity." } has mto Line, Toronto, Good results come easiest and surest with *¢ Purity" Flour. HEE li ere ofor folic lonfertofoofert EVERYBODY Has stoves to sell, but nobody can give that value that we can We have all kinds, cheap for cash. We haye ali kinds of House Fur- nishings, from the lowest grades 10 the most beautiful Antique Furniture Don't fall stock before you I.. Lesses, Princess and Chatham Ste., * Kingston, Ont. - PREHERTR e tetonfo fr foefmfofeofeteifoderi Black vater, Bulkley, Ootsa, K Skeena and Peac: River Valle they are estimated to include 6,500,000 acres. That this is a servative estimate is clear from the fact that the late Dr. Dawson .and Prof. Macoun credited that portion of Peace River Valley lying within Brit- ish Columbia with 10,000,000 acres of wheat land. "More BREAD AND- . BETTER BREAD." PURITY FLOUR WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO., Lp. \ Mills at Winnipeg, Goderich, Brandon. Some of these districts, best known or Agents and in which settlements have been in 1909 Morris secured [ might appreciate a lift on the road. the Catholic archbis- | At least that is what the manager Log 3 t some medicine so certam that its maker dare say to | "'upporting Bond. One of the remark- | slow up, and hailing the woman he con- the sick, al i absolutely and unconditionally | - le features of the election was that put on his most genial smile and or De dutia, sively Ji of Pr. while the Orangemen supported Mor. | distance on her way: For 20 yeags it has been the standard rem | ris Nothing loath, the woman entered ody for Stomach, Kidney and Heart ailments | Edward Morris is one of the | the car. She sat alone on the seat class of men who by sheer merit go | at the rear capable of holding three, everywhere in America. Be on Ea © outroiing nerves of to the front in the e¢plonies and in | and enjoyed herself immensely. Restorative that has quickly vitalized, and streng | the United States. Self-mmade. the "Let her out a little," whispered fheted, iq brow a these nerves and organs itéet of own fortunes, he | R. J. to the chauffeur, and the latter 1 do not dose the Stomach. nor stimulate wight school at first, took opened up, and shot the car down the Heart or Kidneys--for thas is all wrong. a iwa. University, and. then enter- | the incline at a speed that would have Dr. 8hoop's Restorative goes direct to the | | gz ion, where he soon | made a policeman hasten after, had cause of these nllments--the failing, faltering, ablest crim- | there heen one in the vicinity. Inside or controlling nerves. And herein lies the | { "My, but that's grand; it's the first keynote to my success. ; When these nerves ars n made well and | ro: very outset his energy | Hime I've ever been in one, and I am Strong. then that is the certain end of all such | and activity marked him for a man | enjoying it. It's a good deal better . { than those trolley cars. 1 tell you Siukness , of unasual powers. In his first elee- Tome itis a great satisfaction that I'am tion he stood 2s an Independent, | the way Fleming runs that system is a disgrace. I don't know how he the only physician able to my to the fafleriug 1 i Fre inst iC contest I LE 1 constituency agains a " - < « : . © are is good vy and ever got the job, but'l don't believe The peat here of good que oY sick, "Take my prescription for full 80 days, an ne-Rot youre," TOU he entire expense B | trio cujaving the wdvantages of cleri- : ; . eight or nine feet thick. Extensive but won a signal | hel hold 4 long. Jake that Arthur Forks have been installed and the 8 yusiness, stance-- mine--not yours." tion. poll hundreds of ." : manufacture of peat fuel by the air Let her out again, whispered ' Purity Flour is packed in 7, 14, 24, 49 and 8g pound cotton sacks. Also barrels and half-barrels. Sir ' to co n 5 phe and see our Ontario's Peat Wealth. The .Department of Mines, under the diréction of Dr. Haanel, has been engaged upon a series of peat fuel tests, which bid fair to solve the fuel problem in central Canada. After ex- tensive investigations into the meth- ods pursued in other countries, the Department procured a peat bog of about 300 acres at Alfred, some dis tance east of Ottawa, on the C.P.R 3 rel his t a course | Cor: foundland's Ignition Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, Carburetors, Etc TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES Tumba Efeccal Mig. Co. "Phone, 273 Bagot. ~~ e | ider Pure and Sweet. Fresh Oysters Coast Sealed. them at weal en | victory votes ahead of Then why should the stck take any tesdisie the chance an any other medicine, whose leading the second man. In| tried 5. hes} : full maker dare not back it just as I do by career he has intro- | R to conceal the blushes that the SL lihrocess Tag een Sucresslu ly behalf of | woman's. praise was causing to flush | = a } this remarkable offer? : : A Es hat | duced many sures un > Among the favorable points to b Eg mg si Ne the workingmen. and he approaches | his countenance. 8d they had a1" | noted with regard: to thi method are to the idea of a Luborite | other spurt, which took the woman's the cheapness and economy of ths breath away, and soon she had reach- help, no pay" protective plan. nore arly t Besides, you are free to consult me Just a2 | ; ember than «ny other in the colon D ! : . BL iallv " | plant. There is a minimum of appara- : ed her destination. She finally took tus, and as the peat is used the plant {a good look at the man in the front his Great sports Canadian Tunnels. . iL "gi It really does not pay a woman to make these handy garments for morning wear, when she can buy such pretty ones in the "Duchess" Brand for 75¢c. up. Every "Duchess" garment fully guaranteed. Neen Sey es all drug. | 1,060 men for wring Ask your dealer to show you the new "Duchess" styles. If he does mot handle them, write us. '2 DUNLAP MANUFACTURING C0. Meatreal hone, 76 Americans as Emigration Experts. : Life, the New York humorous week ly, can get a little fun out of the most serious subject. For exampl read this bit of amusing comme We certainly are smart people ir this country, and we do well a goo many things that we undertake, ever when they are novelties. For example: Since civilizavio first ry here we have, unti very lately, done hardly anything a all in the line of emigration. But three or four years ago some of our people began slipping over the north western line into Canada. And last year we passed over to that country 50,832 citizens who took with them sixty million dollars! Can any country, however experi enced in emigration, do better as to quality than that? RISE OF THE United Empire Loyalists An' Informing Sketch of Ameri. can H Valuable for Librar- ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. : 50c. Br fish Whig, Kingston. | ---------- We Can Help Some 'By suggesting what would be suita- ble to buy for a Christmas Present. A Pretty Green Shade Portable i Lamp for Electricity. A Bissell Carpet Sweeper. A China or Plate Rack. A Medicine or Toilet Cabinet, or Select a Faney Odd Silk Parlor Chair from our well assorttd Holiday stock. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147. Buy early. tory Price, Wallace ® Parks FLOR!ST. Mie and Ferns uson te VOY Trade War. Because Germany is losing mone; by. the present trade war is no sign that Canada is making it; and the re. cord of exports of farm implements at cheap prices, does not help the western farmer who is paying pro. tectionist prices at home. As to the call and see our Bt the Conservatories, that ey 1 reached the : "top end of the earth." Berner is a modest, dar- an Lo! worthy I'HE FRONTENAC ~ | na itor worthy to LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCUETY | Barrack St., Kingston punk with the Franklin: and other you would your home physician. My advice and | the book below are yours--and without cost. 0 He oH it 1 said follows it. By next year the sale « ap some serions allment. I have helped thousan ; Montreal state | 5€3% and said: 3 begi is ed th the upon shousands by my private vrescription of | ; from i ne al Sai t > Usluy. I: believe that youlsre R. I fuel will begin. It is hoped that 4s been col it C 0 he m worth your simple request ; : : 4 $2.25 a ton. As one and eight-ter x two spiral tun. | of him. You are, eh? Well, I've tons of peat fuel are equivalent the message to some sick friend . nel , the Cina heard a good many hard things about ing pportunity els on € ana- C 1 st and trustworth: dis fic Field : is obvious. Some of this fuel wil ] Sill have an honest und trustworthy drug. | dian: Paci Field added to | this. 'I'm awfully obliged 'for that | c1q 1.n : fay ot first. ask me for the orde r of the track Md friends to Ottawa for consumption in the fue) ay test. mile of tunnelling and | © Friends, testing plant there. 80 write me now and save all delays. Re | but the 'Big 2 Raci . Il be : for domestic purposes, for which it Dr. Shoop, Box 12, Racine, Wis. wi 3 oe a : Q i a : ren ts Ee men in the United States are backing eomotiv While the 'work | results are also expceted from it i No. 2 0n the Heart No. For Men cavation of 650,000 gubic | for the manufacture of aeroplance. gas producer plants. The idea of th twenty .uonths, the : plants can be established, gas-produc Get ching in the Stomach. ) mountains 10,000 feet high, power for miles. 'A peat bog thus wil and the building of two bridges over . : Indigestion and Stomach power now is. 241-3 Princess St: | mate t it will prove a splendid i . ' - will reduce this big grade from 4.5 Dr. Hamilton S Pills Cured. a meximum of 2.2. This will mean "From using a cheap remedy /re- £ P ) Eke ol soap that makes successful dyeing ins over the Rocky Moun- | gist, my condition was made much colors are fast and brilliant. ft dyes to the fature on this section of the ie, daughter of a well-known citizen of { any shade. No streaks. No mess or line two éngines will be able to do | Portland. "I suffered so terribly with real pleasant treat with : t i . 1 Soap to ible to do, at one-third less very sight of food made me shudder. most complete elimination of the gan to fail. 'At first I had constipa- wnt I Rewedict Wer-present x to li operat- | : . a - yo - on ever-present risk to | of operat- | ¢ion liver sluggishness and occasional Montreal - : io anal as $1,500 . en f the improvement was $1,500,000. --I wanted too many sweets--then 1 ' . : ; osire A h ItR fi Captain Bernier. stant aching in .the stomach, attacks Sp a O00 n i Canada has 1s be proud of | of dizziuess, pains between the should- : 2 | , ] | Beruer So far Jernier has [felt I wasn't going to recover. not been crowned he good for- ! { Pills I felt better. After' I had taken ; t} 1 . rifto nd Surt ed we Pole, no t. Bernier gifted |g few pills my chest and back were a aC with the in that enatged | one or both o | clear and no longer was full of blood to report and rushing noises. I kept on using | long-sought Pérhaps a word or two from me will clear . " ¥ lant. will be able to sell the fuel at personal advice plan. My best fort is surelv mpted in} Fleming. You look like the picturbs | AT 80 let mo send you an order at once. Take i he 1 of : one ton of the best coal, ! p hs nes and Hee- | You, but I won't believe them after eon 9 Sa } ' anc 20- gist to whom you cau conveniently go for the 0 | al vill a sold locally. the rest will be hrought lar ml Ne ¥ ride: And they shook hands like 1 - together with ' gists are not authorized to give th 3 bridges, : . The fuel is expected to be of valu member that tomorrow never comes. Address so reduced as io A number of prominent financial n double the tractive power the: Wright | } i 1 understood to be well suited. Groat he right br T'S DOT'E No. 1 On Dyspepsia No. 4 For Women ' ts brothers : in a cotperation No. 3 On the Kidneys No. 6 On Rheumatism. | n rock, the employment department is that beside peat fue! of about 1.6 miles of tunnels er plants, which can transmit electric D COU PER'S Bilious Headache, Sluggish Liver, | pe a power centre even as a water . ' ing Horse River, it is esti- prove Disorders. Prompt Delivery. tment for the Canadian Pacific t the biggest obstacle to the run- | commended by an unseru bulous drug- " Mavpoim'ithat's the name of the d i 8 { st bome cicanly, successful, safe. The | tains has been removed, and that in | worse," writes Miss Minerva E. Mich- Ma » 1 trouble. Give yourself a + wok thi four have hit} : ae . pc ypoie { much nore wok than four have hith- indigestion and biliousness that the cleanly * Maypole "1" a = expense to the compagy, and with an | J¢ was two years ago my health be | ing trains on a steep grade. The cost headaches. My appetite was variable {lost all desire to eat and had con- | her own Arctic reur, Captain | ers, stifing feeling after meals, and Gravel and wih "The moment I used Dr. Hamilton's tune.that carried Cook- and Peary to {relieved of pains, and my head- felt rican explorers Johnston St. and | . to ps { Dr. Hamilton's Pills and slowly but | But Store, King 'St. Order early. - apt surely my appetite returned and 1] | gradually regained strength, color and spirits. To-day I am as well as ever | and attribute my present splendid con-| '°¢ . : : such s A363. Bs | dition entirely to Dr. Hamilton's| dispute with Germany it will be end . {company than such successes as the { Pills." ed whenever. that comes "off it 3, { Cooks and Pearys. Capt srnier is | yy : . ns erch and remcves the barrie TTT Wood's I ra h : Sa lg itn li you are troubled like Miss Michie | PfTch." and remdves the barriers that > The Great Hngitsh medy. a teedit an ve Bi {was (and most people occasionally | ave rise to it.--Calgary Herald: 2 { Solder Pampers wip + Tones and invigoratesthe whole . 3 \ ' ¢ ' - ! enduring | ----------1| And these failures are a more glorious ESTABLISHED, 1863, resident---Sir Richard Cartwright, | Money issued on Uity i Farm Pro perties. Municipal and County Debem- | tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits | received and interest allowed. i 8. C. Mcutill. Managing Director, 87 Clarence street; } - _-- ' Solder, Plumbers' Wiping and Bar, Tinsmiths snd an honor to the all-Canadjan na- | ©" : jon. --Toronto--Telegram are) no medicine will do you so much tion. --T¢ v oe gram, {lasting good as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, ™ i, 4 Beware of the druggist that asks he : ; British Literature, For Canada. 1.4; 10 take anything in place of Dr, | election in and Electrical Wire Solder. ster-Gene ral Buxton of Grent Hamilton's Pills, which alone : : : 50.600 periodicals help and cure vou. 25¢ a box, or five {nationalist}, resulted in a majority FY : C J i the year end- | boxes for $1, at all dealers, or the Ca- {for the nationalist candidate, Dr. °C 4 The Canada etal Co., Ltd., Toronto, > tarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. ON . BS Xa nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nero- Mental and Brain Worry, Des- | Veakness, Emissions, Sper ts of Abuse or Ercesses, for$i One will please, six 8 gwists or mailed in polling in the parliamentary South Armagh, rendered itis can | necessary by the death of W. McKillop Season. Myers' Home | L P pl kg. ot rice, © pamphlet Blood Pudding > Medicine Co. i First This ' Toronto, Ont. ' Lg Pork Sausage and TURDAY. Give us a call. H. J '. 60 Brock St. 'Phope, S74, FTETTATTATT TBAT VAT LA TATRA VL TE TALL AGT RODS