Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1909, p. 7

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BP pm" ---- ) THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1909. AACE A AIA SO "City Brokerage" 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON. J. O. HUTTON J. R. C. DOBBS a AEA WILL BUY: WILL SELL: Silver Leal 2.000 Cobalt Majestic, 1.000 ochest 5 ke abers-Ferland, 1.00) Nova \ Scot 2,000 100 Nipissing, 5.000 Yoter- r i Cobalt Lake 5 shares Farmers Lake, 1,000 Nova Se ¢ } Bank, 20 1 hares Frost & Wood, 40 shares Y O00 Foster Home Life # A ¥ } 8.000 otia, 1 500 Cobalt Central Loan, 150,000 of lumber vacant lots n any part of the City Improved Farm, Saskatchewan.) List Your Buy and Sell Orders Now. To | A SEER A Phosphates Property 19 shares Stgndard in » Front ena FEA AAA RE HE CISION a LET US GIVE YOU This is the season of the year when you should keep your feet dry, and its a hard thing to do it unless you have good Shoes, As a result of our knowledge of Shoes, we recommend THE ROYAL. FOI MEN OR WOMEN The Royal is made in a dozen different styles and leathers, and you arc sure to be pleased with it. SOLD ONLY AT Reid & Charles. REAALEELLLLLLLLLARAAER PAALALLLLLALL000400000 Malaga Grapes i 4 3 + « 3 Large Clusters of Sweet Grapes at 20c¢ per Ib, * Pine Apples, large and fresh, at 20c and 25c. : Grape Fruit at all prices. 4 & $ 4 & « & v vd @ Poy ES 7. rvevesevevd Fine, large, Red Snow Apples at 30c pk. 302 King St. R. H. Toye, Phone 141 GFF SPER RSTO PPI PUES VERSE RSPR Seed Sede w ACADIA BONELESS £55 CODFIS No bones or waste; nothing but pure Adanuc with a delicate. sear sakness. i 1 LB BOXES AND + LS TABLETS eT er Weak Kidneys For Two Years. 'Doctor Failed to Help. Doan's Kidney Pills Cured Him. Mr. Edmund Assels, New Carlisle, Que., | writes:--""] feel it my duty to let you, | know of the great cure 1 have obtained by using Doan's Kidney Pills. I was troubled with my kidneys for two years. 1 tried a doctor, but, he failed to help me. I read in the B.B.B. Almanac about Doan's Kidney Pills, and began using them, and after the first box began to feel better. I only used four boxes and they completely cured me. 1 am very thankful to have found so speedy a cure, and would advise everyone suffering from kidney disease to try them." Perhaps no other organs work harder than the kidneys to preserve the general health of the body and most people are troubled with some kind of Kidney Complaint, but do not suspect it. It may have been in the system for some time. There may have been backache, swelling of the feet and ankles, disturbances of the urinary organs, such as brick dust deposit in the urine, highly colored, | scanty or cloudy urine, bladder pains, frequent or suppressed urination, burning sensation when urinating, ete. Do not neglect any of these symptoms; for, if neglected they will eventually lead to Bright's Disease, Dropsy and Diabetes, Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto. In ordering specify '" Doan's." Asphalt Roofing Gravel and | Sand Surfaced PP. Walsh, Barrack St., Kingston o Thursday. Shellington's horse ran away with his spring waggoh last week, badly demeging the wageon. but the horse escaped injury. Mrs Charles Hick is seriously ill. "Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. , ; The Story of the Dollars . The ideal way of earning money is to make your dollars work for you. Make your dollar work where it will earn the most by seeking for the investment that will pay the best. The dollar that earns but 2 or 3 per cent. is almost as bad as the idle dollar which earns nothing We advise Taxi- & 'cab Stock at The Idle Dollar ---- The dollar that is tied up in bad invest- ments--- * time-- --the dollar that is invested in (conservative) low interest bearing securities, usually sold at a high premium--- of returns--- ---the dollar that is not invested anywhere, re- posing in the old stocking under the mattress, or in the tin teapot on the pantry shelf--- ~-the dollar that buys the things that you would be better without----- --~-this is the idle dollar. The idle dollar gives no man comfort in hold- ing, keeping, owning or wasting. per share, par value $5.00, for beginning January 1910, it can pay a dividend of 10% per mmmum or 234% quarterly, The Busy Dollar The dollar that is working for you all the --the dollar that brings you a big percentage --the dollar that is invested in good commer- cial stocks or industrial enterprises and earns away above the ordinary bank interest-- ---the dollar that by quick turns and clearfore- sight doubles, trebles and quadruples itself-- ---this is the busy dollar. To keep your dollar busy make it work for you and earn big returns. An Investment in Taxicab Stock will the best; known medium, omy The Ideal Investment An industry that fills a long felt want, which supplies an insistent and which has possibilities of great future expansion, is the ideal investment. growing demand, Such a one is Toronto's system of Taxicabs, for in barely six months it has proved its big earning capacity. : - hat it may do in the future Taxicab Stock has a great future, with an outfit increased many times, you can paly surmise. and the time to buy Taxicab Stock is now. SUBSCRIPTIONS will be accepted up to 100 shares in the order received at this office. MAIL US YOUR CHEQUE AT ONCE if you wish to participate before the issue is exhausted. E. A. ENGLISH Victorta Streets LTR Shoe for wv nen WoS-------------- eee Bene ets $2.50 Here's an All-Round Serviceable lined .Just 'the Really worth 3 3.00. and shoe f TORONTO $2.50 Men See the Special Values in Men's Heavy Sole Box Calf Bluchers in our window. They have double shanks and are I leather or this season of the year. Our Special Price is $2.50 ABERNETHY'S. EINE SENN, is out and save iy for some friend. | Ti i NEWS OF NEIGHBORS. WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. Sep-- The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern' Ontario--What People AreoDoing And What They Are Saying . Notes From Perth. Perth, Nov. 19---Quite a number from here attended the concert at the Oragge hall, Drummond Centre, this he. Ashbury's apnual tea is also being looked forward to on Monday night. A. H. McLaren has returned from a trip to Manitoba and other western points. Edmund McCann, of the Bank of Montreal, Montreal, is spending a few days at home. The party in Drummond, Monday night, was enjoyed immensely. J. HT and Mrs. McMillan and children visited at the latter's parents, Mr. George Fournier, Althorpe, over Sun: day. Mrs. J. Berlangeite returned from an extended visit in Renfrew. Dr. Benson, former pastor of Ashbury Methodist church, here, is renewing ac quaintances here. He will speak at the Canadian Club, here, on 25th. CrowsLake Notes. and Mrs. ; McLean. 'Mrs. Eo .J. Walker has re turned to Mississippi, after visiting a week at Wagarville, Seta GEN. BOOTH AT HOME. An Interesting, Sketch By One of v GENERAL BOOTH. Crow Lake, Nov. 19.--Rev. Mr. Stewart is on the mission now. There was a good turnout on Sunday. Miss Vera Flaherty and Miss Alma Knapp wore the guosts of Mrs. James Flah- erty last weok. The hunters have fin- ished their scason for hunting, having killed some nice deer and foxes. F. Whitmarsh mada a flying trip from Westport to Crow Lake and back on business. James Cassell, of this place, is moving to Boling roks for the winter; D. Bedore will oceupy the house Mr. Cassell is leaving. Middleton, of Watertown, father, who is in poor and Mrs, James guests of Mr. and son Olden. J, McGinnis _have finished their theres! ing and report a grand turnout. Joseph McVeigh and, daughter spout a fow days visiting friends at Oso. John is with his health. Mr. Hawley were the Mrs. James Davi- Knajp and 3. News From Murvale. Murvale, Nov, 19.--Miss B. gave a party to a number of her triends, on Thursday evening, at the home of Richard Lillie. Arnold Shel lington: has fully rocovered from his illness caused by typhoid fover, which ho contracted whils in Cobalt. Frank Clark has moved to Kepler. Grant has purchased a residence in Portsmouth, and intends to move there in the spring. Orten Henderson shot a fine deer while on his hunting trip ncar Cloyne. John Ferguson and Jet Purdy secured two fine foxes last John Justace John Ir. Collins, Holleford, st William Harper's: Mrs. J. Y. Parkhill, Kingston, at John Young's; < : Frederick Sowersk Sydenham, at W t William 8; Hamilton - and ) oy denbam, at John Shellin:- tons; Carter Davidson, Wilton, at William Wallace's, : x Taylor Tidings. Taylor, Nov. 18.--The "Gem" : factory bas closed after a successful season and 8. McCann, cheesemaker, has re turned to his home in Newhoro. I'he young people of this section are prac tising for a school concert. Miss M. Kelly has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Quinn, Dufierin Miss E. Berry visited friends in Gan- anoque. The Misses M. McCalpin and GG. Hinton spent the week-end with the latter's parents tn Kingston. R Luker is home from: the west. Visitors: Mrs. D V. Reid, Escott, at J. Dun don's; J. Honan at Mr. Dier's, Lans downe; PB. Ruttle and J. Thompson pent Sunday with friends in Ganan oque;' W. Bundon at D. Reid's, ks cott; Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickson, [eed at J. T. Nuttall's;- Miss M. Phillip it Mis. W. Martin's, Brewer's Mills. A young gentleman of this vicinity would like © to know who owns the stray horse and rig he found when re turning home, Sunday evening Wagarville Wafts. Nov. 19. --Hunters home and all were yvry sy (Pray the Wagarville, returned cessful ed in Mr Tastes and R winter In Wesley into have meeting was conduct Methodist church by Rev. Stewart, Thursday evening MeCimber to spend the woods. Mr. and Mes. will soon be home, en Main street, the post office. departure for his last week, and al} to see him go. IL Cronk and Earl Storms are preparing to go to New Ontario. Mrs. Chair- lotte Wagar is getting ready to visit her daughter, Mis. Devo, in Cobalt, Mrs. G. Raymond has returned home, after visiting a week around Long Lake. Mrs. Storrings, Tamworth, is visiting at M. Cronk's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kirkham visited his mother, at Me Lean, on. Sunday last. Henry Cronk | spent Sunday at Mountain Grove. Earl | Storms is visiting at Mrs. Kirkham's_ | FOR THE PUBLIC New Fornyula Cures Coughs, Colds, | Bronchitis and Hoarseness ! in Five Hours. i Much is being done in these days to stop the ravages of consumption, but ! probably nothing has been so effective | as teaching the public how to break | up a cold and.cure coughs, bronchitis tonsilitis, ete., with simple home-mix- ed medicine. A laxative cough syrup, free from whiskey is the prime need. A cough indicates inflammation and con- gestion and these in turn are due to an excess of walle and poison in the system. 'A tonic laxative cough syrup rids the systém of congestion, while re lieving_ the painful coughing. Get the followthg and mix at home : Oné-half | ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one compound essence cardiol 'and | three ounces syrup white pine com- pound. Shake the . bottle and take twenty drops every half hour for four hours. 'Then one-half to one teaspoon- ful three or four times daily." according on sve Prrnet Smith have gone the Wager their one block from took' his Elgin, sorry Fhomras moving new Sterry home in were very ounce Give hildren less, to age. Out! waist--Maison { the field beside them. {was all in a flutter; skeleh of from the! officers, Lieut.-Col. | Here is an interesting { "General Booth At Howe," {pen of one of his {Kitching : " "Tea and buttered toast | {sounds an almost impossible breakfast | {menu for an old man who knows that |before him is a long, hard day, but Ithe general thrives on it, his variation in luxury at that geal be- | ling perhaps a boiled egg. At lgeneral's. house the rule is, 'Alter { breakfast, prayers,' the main petition | 'being that he may have strength and {wisdom for the day's work before him. The first and most there like ' Booth, chief of the bring a liundred only regular visitor-- | ockwork--is Bramwell | staff. He . may | and one different | matters, but most of them wil be | iproblems. For an hour, perhaps a couple of hours, careful and thought- | ful discussion follows. Then the gene- | {ral turns to his desk. Before him is a | pile of important letters from hali the countries of the world; at his | right hand the proofs of a book | shortly 40 be passed through press, at his leit manuseript notes to help him in an- interview he is to have to-morrow. "In response to a touch of the bell a secretary enters the room, and the | general proceeds with his dictation. | Messengers arrive from headquarters, | telegrams and the call of a pressman | from town on the off-chance of finding | the general @at home, occupy the rest of the morning. 'Inen dinner, and after the general goes to his room | for a short map. This has been his custom for many years, and his abil- | ity to keep at work during the re- | mainder of the day is largely depen- dent upon 'it. "At tea-time a couple of commis-'| sioners join him, taking instructions | upon matters of policy affecting the happiness and usefulpess of perhaps a | million souls. Then the general goes! to the door. 'Gyp!" he calls, and] Gyp bounds and barks, and. jumps | with delight as the general takes him ' off for a walk. But Gyp's joy is] shorl in duration, for the general's! thoughts are still at his desk, and | the unfinished work that lies there, In| a few minutes the general is at! home _ again, with the gas lit, the | curtains drawn, his slippers on, hig| pen in his hand, and his mind on his, work. Seven - o'clock nihe--but the general door opens. 'Well, general, what gort | of a day have you had ?" .asks - the | chief, as he comes in, looking as he | though he would drop with fatigue, | and, handing him proois, more letters, begins at once to Lalk problems. HK is eften s later, before the mounts the stair \ strikes--eight-- The works on. more some | more eleven, times general | and Lin WHIG'S FASHION HINT. Toots Sintiintes Purlasive Copgricht New Took Homid Cerise dinner gown with black tulle Rondeau While John Stewart and son, R. M_, of Calahogic, wee engaged in killings a pig, two fine deer passed through Directly R. M. and, running to the house for the pun, with his heart in his shoes, he returned and let fire, | regardless of aim, bringing one down | in the yard. Turning around he fired on the other! one, leaving it also lying some few vards away. Alfred Craig eldest son of Adam Craig. Calabx passed away at the Red Cross hospital, Cobalt, on Wed- nesday, at the age of twenty-three, Deceasext had only been ill soventerm days with typhoid forex Mrs. Hester A. Laks, rived im Napanee on M¢ spend the winter with hs Martha Finkle. Liverpool, ar- | will MAP, There is a good story told of a visit Kinz Edward onco paid man to Warwick Castle. asion his majesty | of history new to be to most legitimate historians. It 1 oo | : | who had boon housskeeper in the fame ily for a number of the honor of showing the | ® the |. the Castle Royal visitor. At one point nh him a relic with the romark that it had bolonged to King James HL "Ring James HH1.¥* echoed the King. "Oh, ves, the Old Pretender." The elderly servitor drew herself up sharply. "© We don't think so, your Royal Highness," sue soaps' ped The Old Pretefider. London. ' as a voung On this oc received a reading himself, ag it will a grave and dignified oly lady, Shady transactions are many timed years, who had ; A committed in the open. tho interior of UNNINCHAM Recommends | ol For Weak, Run-Down People. «| was run down and weak from indigestion and general debility, also suffered from vertigo. . | saw a cod liver preparation calied Vinol adver- tised and decided to give it a trial, and the results were most gratifying. bottles I regained my strength, and am ally well." -- HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Elder Baptist Church; Kinston, N.C. Vinol contains the two most world-famed tonics--the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron. Vinol contains no oil, and is by far the Best Strengthening Tonic obtainable. We return your money wit question if Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for it. TE a A » o (Yi Zoo Biscuits Children enjoy Chgistie Zoo biscuits. They are specially made for the purpose of satis- fying the palate and appealing to the mind and fancy of little folks. : There are 26 biscuits in our Zoo Line--embracing the alphabet from A to Z. Each biscuit is also em- bossed with the figure of a well-known animal. The care exercised in buying raw material --the cleanliness--the quality and the science of baking --everything that has contributed to 'Christie repu- tation is embodied in our new line. The main reason for the superiority of Christie biscuits lies in the fact that all our energies are con- centrated in the making of better biscuits. Having no side lines to distract our attention is one of the reasons why particular women call Christie's " The best biscuits baked" and "The purest. of all pure foods." Our Zoo biscuits will delight the children; but they are a wholesome and nutritious food as well. Sold by all Grocers PERFECTION - COCOA (MAPLE LEAF LASEL) Its richness and exquisite flavorgive an added delicious- ness to homemade "sweets" and dainties. Be sure you get COWA -- the cocoa with the Maple Leaf Label. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. 133 LITTLE DIGESTERS Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote (: 2 Digestion: Money back if they fail to cure. Ws At all Drugs' sts or direct from : 25c. a Box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto

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