PAGE SIX. They Keep Tho Brakes Set KNIGHTS OF COLONBUS [And So Can Never De Their Best Many men, and more women, go through life like a train with the engine tugging, but the brakes nard on. The never get anywhere near top speed, because they are never really well. Probably they do not own even to | themselves that they are zick, but they scarcely known what it is to really | "feel good'. Always there is Headache, | or that "dragged out feeling' which makes' good work, either mental or | pliysical, utterly impossibie. | The most common trouble with all these people is that they have Consti- pation. Their systems are poisoned with the waste matter, which stays in the blood, instead of being promptly removed by the bowels. Harsh purga- tives are worse than no treatment at all, | because they weaken and irritate the bowels, instead of curing the trouble. | The natural and permanent cure for Constipation, is "Fruit-a-tives". , "Pruit-a-tives" combines the well. | known laxative principles of apples, oranges, figs and prunes. So perfect is the combination, that "' Fruit-a-tives"' acts like the fresh fruit, by stimulating the sluggish liver to supply the lope | amount of bile to move the bowels regularly. The most stubborn cases of Constipa- { tion promptly yield to the curative and | corrective effects of ' Fruit-a-tives'. | i soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box, | 25c.--at dealers ot from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. | LEATHER COLLAR BAG $1.00 FYHIS Collar Bag is truly remark- able value at this price. It is made in beautiful tan leather, lined with silk, and holds 15 collars. Delivered post-paid, for $1.00, to any address in Canada --except the Y ukon--Order by the number--657. SEND FOR CATALOGUE R Our handsomely illustrated 144 page cata- logue of Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Leather, Arts Goods aad Novelties, free upon request. RYRIE BROS., Limited 134-138 Yonge Street TORONTO WANTS HER LETTER 'PUBLISHED | | ing | ent : jald, J, | local ling clergy { Queen's, | tenac TENZER RECEPTION TO ARCHBISHOP. ---- And Present Him With An Address and a Beautiful, Cane--The Re- ply of His Grace--Cathiolic Students of Queen's Present. The new home of Frontenac Council, No. 728, Knights of Columbia, of this city, was formally opened last Thurs- lay evening, and the Knights took aavantage of the occasion to tender a reception to his grace, the most rev- wnd archbishop of Kingston, and at | the same timo to present him with an address and a 'beautiful engraved { gold-mounted ¢bony cane. The beautifully furnished rooms of {the new club were tastefully decorated {and a profusion of flowers were every- | where. visible. About one hundred and fifty Knights were present, as woll as about seventy-five Catholic students from Queen's University. The foflow- members of the clergy were pres: Revs, A. J. Hanley, M. McDou- Meagher, and Richard Halli- gan, His grace the council cham- Rev. A. C. Han- cathedral, and entered thor accompanitd by ley, rector of the Grand Knight J. J. Behan, the choir singing ' Vivat Pastor Bonus." Knights extended a cordial to his graeo to and come the visit- students of and to the The following address was then pro sented by Dr. Edward Ryan :- May it please Your Grace :--Fron- Council, Knights of Columbus, The wel- 1, = THE BATLY BRITISH was e wstnblish- | The It for for which their society . This was . the groper spirit. lword knight implie great deal Fetands for mobility of character, bravery, loyalty and fidelits po matter what the sacrifice demand- ed. Like the valiant knights of old their motto should be 'without fear and without reproach.' They should be ever ready to don their armour in the defence of their faith and of good morals. Living up te their duty as true 'knights, their example would ex- ercise a salutary influence upon all around them. Concluding he expressed his satisfaction at their renewed pledges of loyalty and devotion to holy church, and hoped that they would long enjoy the advantages of their new home, which he was pleased to see so handsomely equipped. Speak- | ing to the Catholic students atte nding Queen's, who were the guésts of the! knights that evening, his grace ex- pressed his surprise to find them quiet. In his own college days he fear- ed that the students were much more noisy than were the students of Queen's" that evening. His grace was glad to know that the Knights oi Co- Jlumbus and the other Catholic ties of the city had always a welcome for the who honored them with a visit; they would also be very welcome visitors at the palace, where any assistance that | could be rendered them would be cheer- fully given. After the close : Tans to duly, 20 Kocie- warm of his address, which was received with repeated and pro- ylonged applause, his grace imparted this blessing to all present. . After the close of the ceremonies, I students of $Jueen"s University were en- tertained by the knights, {cluding one of the happiest events of the season. the WOLVES, IN "TWO WOMEN AND THAT MAN. ' AT THE GRAND, ON THURSDAY, NOV. 25TH. { feel honored by your formal dedication of their In opening for our members these rooms, in which we tako a pardonable | pr ido, we are but following the 'our organization, whose single pur pose is the clevation of human char- |ac ter, the promotion of our holy re [ligion, and of the ideals of perfect fe itiznship. Not from the seats of the [mig shty, nor. from out the | cradle, have our members come, hut | from the great army of toilers who, | by mental and physical labors, are | carving out their own destiny nation. we [ye yuhe and growing that our members, [founded this home | when tho day is past, may find labors, cease from. their | hy influences that will clevate fine, sand in the companions thosq who love naught morc | the ir welfare and prosperity. ithe cankoring It teps of youth, - nor the presence at So hip the ! new home. aim of gilded | in this sur- surrounded and ro- In of | And half I smile, and half 1 weep, than Neither influences that trail the corroding | "Down To Steep." | BY Helen Hunt Jackson. j November woods are bare and still y 5 November days are clear and bright ach noon hurns up the morning's chi t! The. morning's snow is gone by night ; | Each day my steps grow siow, grow | light, As through the woods I reverent creep, { Watching all things "lie down to sleep. before what beds, to smell, and soft to toueh, 1 sifts and shapes and spreads; | I never knew before how much | Of human sound there is in such [Low tones as through the forest sweep i hen all wild things 'lie down to sieep."' | ly never knew Fragant he forest Each day I find new coverlids Tucked in and more sweet tight ; Sometimes the viewless ' mother bids Her ferns. kneel .down. full sight : 1 hear their chorus of "good night," eyes shut Listening while they lie "down to sleep still ; good'; morning woods are bare and days are bright and burns up life's November November Life's noon chill ; students of Queen's | thus con- wHiG, MONDAY NOVEMBER 22, 1909.9. Sic Every bar of Taylor's Borax Soap is put 'under a pressure of: 2birty tons to drive out the moisture. § When you buy Taylor's you get all soap-- not a large percentage of water. It makes a saving of half in your soap expense. @ There's a big differ- ence between "just soap" and Taylor's Soap. @ We use only the purest cocoanut oil from the Isle of Ceylon. Then we boil it doubly long and mix in the borax. While boiling we run thousands of gallons of clean water Ee ae el SELLS EE Fen rr zs S$ [27] | Skin Diseases. | from one cause or another, for if the blood TRAVELLING, RAJ ow 34 INTEL LI \'SYSTEM Ontario Provincial Fair Culgivd ut, Dec. 6th to 10m, 1909 iss at b Under this name such troubles as Salt Rheum, KEezema, Erysipelas, Tetter Shingles, Psoriasis, Scurf, fiehing Rashes Eruptions, Boils, Pimples, etc., are in- cluded. . Skin diseases, as a rule, are not ous but are unsightly, irritating and often terribly annoying to the suf. ferer; they depend mainly on bad blood 3 pure and the girculation good no skin 4th, di sease can exist, except it anse from lack of proper cleanliness or from contagion. T 0 get rid of skin diseases it is necessary to observe strictly all the laws of health maintain regular action of the bowels avoid high living, e: ating only plain nour- ishing food. Cleanse and keep the blood pure by taking Burdock Blood Bitters, which unlocks all the gecretions, and makes new rich blood by acting on the | entire system. } 4th + + 4 Had 4 4 Salt Rheum 4 13th International Live Stock Exposition CHICAGO. ILL., NOV, DEC. 10TH, 1909. trip tickets will be i good going Nov. 28th, 30th, Dec. 1st, 5th and 6th. good returning on or before Dec. Round $24.25, 12th. Mrs. I. "ast Ftd N.S writes :-- '1 Hon't think there is anyone 4 Six Years. 4 in this Dominion ean + <4 recommend Burdock +4+4+4+4+944 Blood Biiters more than l.can. I suffer My rs, | via Brockville daily 5. e ¥ Pullman on trains 2 and accommodation ed. on applicdtion to J. FP. HANLEY, Agent, | vices that lure from the path of recti- Life's night rests feet which long have ed terribly with Salt Rheum for six years, and did. everything for it without relief. 1 or curiosity sake 1 bought six bottles of i Purdock Blood Bitters, and it completely | cured me. I would advise others to | use it." IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Borax Soap to good . return- 2TH, issued 29th, All tickets Through Pullmans to and from Ottawa reserved in ad- vance and all other information furnish- Cornér Johnson and Ontario Sts. choo 5 the soap which carries away all impurities. { Twenty-one days are required to take a single cake. - The hii more thap 200 ~ people is represented in the cake. : g We put every bar through an ageing process equal to six months in your pantry. You don't have to age this soap. @ The bar is hard and firm. It wears much longer. The borax softens the water which also reduces the amount of soap by al- most half that ordinarily required. { This pure soap is utterly harmless to the skin--it leaves the hands whiter and softer than ever before. At All Dealers John Taylor & Co. Limited Toronto ALL THE FEET IN TOWN Can be fitted here with Fall and Winter Shoes. The new Fall styles of shoes are now in--~many changes of course-- for the better. Last year the shoes were inclined to be clumsy--this year . they are symmeterical and shapely. Gratification, Comfort, Contentment Are some of the meaning words that describe the satisfaction that our customers secure with their shoes. The longest wear and the best service, combined with the most elegant forms, fashions and beautiful appearance are other qualities of im- portance that purchasers get with shoes bought here. ° In one word those, who buy our Footwear, secure the best Boots, Shoes and Slippers that are made, and pay the least prices charged anywhere for good Footwear. For sale by all dealers, only by The T. Toronto, Ont. Manufactured stood ; 3 . eb Milburn Co., Limited Some warm, soft bed in field or wood I'he mother will not fail to keep | Where we can 'lay us down to sleep the encouragement, kindly inferest and solicitude vouchsafed to ' : Cont r © cils of Belleville, Deseronto, Frontenac Council,;and to the Knights The councils Y h y, i - oO, . | Napanee, Bloomfiela, Picton, and Wel of Columbus, by your grace, our linat ) : rate with Picton | . : | 4 > F 20~C i. 3 Oo members are devoutly grateful. Mind- | "8 on aay Jota I a . yp eNoray > g alec CE ower or enorgy | we that in the days when as< | lt Proouriig sh, > | tude, can reach thers "he re. From For Benefit of Women who | imptation and danger aro. they thus Suffer from Female Ills | "5 "For Minnea sufferer Trains Leave 12.01 p.m. Express--For Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. Jobn, N.B., Halifax, Boston, 'l'oronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- {réw, Sauit Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Franscisco. 5.00 p.m~--Local for Sharbot Lake, Fonnesting with C.P.R. East and. West. +45 a.m. Mixed--¥or Renfrew and In- e Kingston lig, Minn.» was a great rom. femalé troubles which caused a weakness | and broken down | condition of the Jul are J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO, THE SHOP OF BETTER SHOES, EVERYBODY your from Trenton, or from the sources of Has stoves to sell, but nobody « system. 1 read so muchof what Lydia | Pinkham's Veg- | E. etable Compound had done for other | suffering women I | felt sure it would help me, and I must | say it did help me | wonderfully, M pains all left me, ety stronger, and within three months n was a perfectly well woman. "1 want this letter made public to | show the benefit women may derive from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."-- Mrs. Jou~ GG. MOLDAN, 3 Second St., North, Minneapolis, mn. Thousands of unsolicited and genu- ine testimonials like the above 20Y8 the efficiency of Lydia E Pin Vegetable Compound, which is am exclusively from roots and herbs, Women who suffer from those dis. tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health If you want special advice write | to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass, | Shewill {reat yourletterasstrictly | confidential, For 20 years she has been helping sick women in this way, free of charge. Don't hesitate -- write at once. The great Uterine Tonic, and = 2only safe effectual Monthly # Regulatoron which women can depend. Sold in three dogrecy of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2 10 dogrecs Stronger, for SReaia 1 cases, 3 Sold all druggists, or sent repaid on receipt of price. ee pamphlet, A dress : us Cook Meorarwa Ca, T TORONTO, ONT. (ormerly Windsor OUR ROOS1ER BRAND OF 10BACCO Smoking and Ohewing at forty-five | tents & pound, is a good tobacco. Why Ra Nev an cents; Andrew ntario. at 3 No.8 | T on istance counted, grace was near wit h timely aid and generous encour- agement. So in perfect harmony Was tho incident with your whole life, on- couraging, guidins, extending the hand | of fellowship the struggling and | | the kindly influence to {those whom sorrow's hand has touch- jo d, who need the kindly word whe tt | 'the day is dark but friendship dear." | i | | supply on the Trent river, through | | the Hydro-Eleciric Commission. | | Dr. J. T. Kirkland, postmaster, 1 Miss 8S. M. McGregor, * daughter | Mrs James McGregor, both of { monte, were married Wednesday. | The Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock | | ae ition holds it show én Deccem- | ber 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th. | | and of Al- | to light of your Te thank you for 'all these we do Earlier would we have ex- «dour gratitude and . devolion | all we owe, but we awaited the when we should have a home the Knights of Columbus, worthy tho honored name of Fron- tenac, worthy to receive within portals the distinguishea prelate who rules in Kingston's anciont We ask vou to bless. ash. encourage ou memberg and our ovder, that we may wear our knightly shield spotless and unsullied. "To your | now i for day worthy Doctors Gave Him Up A Terrible Experience With £idney| Disease and Dragging Bacxache. Expected Death Any Day. To get well and keep well after be-| {ing pronounced incurable by his phy {sician, was the wonderful experience of | 1A, P. Chapman, who was snat tched | from thé very jaws of death by the | timely use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "For two years 1 had suffered from | advanced kidney disease, was stooped, back-weary, hollow eyed and complete- | ly played out. One 'Saturday night 1 | was seized by an acute attack and ol Sipred on behalf o. Front: .: Coun- came so sick I had to call in my ph | 0%, a i: od sician. For a week he attended me cil, Knights of Columbu { constantly, "but X grow weaker and Hennessy, Wm. Gibson, 'N. 0'Con- | joker every day. The pains in my| hor, W. G. Bailey, J. J. E back, the blinding Bonde the aw Ryan, James Hogan. : ful weakness from which 1 suffered al i Dr. W. Gibsdh then stepped forward |, i killed me--the doctor saw it was| and in fine well-chosen words pre | sented his grace with a be autiful | hopeless. .lcarved gold-mounted chony cane, with the following inscription thereon: "Presented to his grace, the Most Rev. C. H. Gauthier, archbishop of Kingston, by Frontenac Council, Knights of Columbus, Kingston, Ont. November 18th, 1909." His grace, in reply, thanked the Knights of Columbus ior their beauti- ful and thoughtful giit. No doubt they considered that in his declining vears, he was in need of support. He [was thankful for the many kind senti~ ments and good wikhes contained in their address, for he knew these to be stipation, kidney, liver bladder from the heart. When admitting the | complaint--if vour blood is weak and Knights of Columbus into the diocese, | your system run down--then use Dr. the members showed their intelligent |familfon's Pills, take them continual Catholic piety by expressing the wish |}y til] you are fully restored to health that the inaugural ceremonies take again, . . place in the .church, with the holy | "Give Dr. Hamilton's Pills an imme sacrifice of the mass, and now that |djate and thorough trial, your faith 'they are opening their new house | jn them will not be disappointed, "Fe. thoy wish it to be blessed by the {per box, or five boxes for $1 at "al church, in order that they may al | dealers or the Catarrhozone Company, | ways bear in mind the noble objects Kingston, Ont, its is Se. grace, and to all your holy office represents we pledge loyalty and = devotion, and from grateful hearts we breathe the fervent prayer that you may ever the "pe. a, which passeth all understanding." enjoy E. Behan, | "As a last hope I was persuaded to) take Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They | brought back my strength, aided my | stomach, created new appetite, cleans-| ed my blood and gave me relief from] pain. After I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills for a month I was like a new man. 1 continued the treatment A three months and was cured." Surely 'there is an obvious moral 4 you are suffering from any derange lesson here for all men and women. |i ment of the system, if vou are torts 1 ed and distressed by indigestion, if you are weakened by the ravages of con- or can give that value that we can. We have all kinds, cheap for cash. We bave ali kinds of House Fur- nishings, from the lowest grades to the most beautiful Antique Furniture. Don't fail to come and see our stock before you buy elsewhere. L.. Lesses, Cor; Princess and Chatham Sts. Kingston. Ont. I i termedi ate points--Monday, and Friday. I'assengers leaving Kingston at p.oi. arrive in Ottawa at 5 p,m. ; boro, 4 p.m: 5" Toronto, Montre. 7.05 p.m. ; Boston, Bt. Jc , 12.00 noon. KINGSTON--OTTAWA Leave Kingston, 12.01 p.m. Uilawa, OH pan Leave Ottawa 10.45 a.m., ston 8.55 p.m. Full particulars RR. Ticket Oflice. K. & P. P, at and C. P CONWAY Gen. Pass' Agent. {Ignition Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, Carburetors, Etc TRY OUR DRY BATTERIES Tuba Electrica Bet iy 00. 'Phone, 273 Bags, RISE OF THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. [rain leaves uniou station, wreet, 4 pum. daily or Tweed, mato, fo secure quick warn, Maynooth, utario, f Quinte Hallway. ars, ly = Wy 5 hone, | No. 8, Sy denham, Napanee, despatch to and OKSOUN, Agent, OF THE JRA To Madeira, Spain, Mediterranean, Orient. Costing ouly $400 and including all expenses. for - days Cruise Dept., 87 or Agents. Wednesday 12.01 Peter- arrive arrive King- Ontario (Senday excepted) Deser- Bannockburn and all points north. ock- oints on Uentral route your Sante via bay For further particu D White Star Line, Toronto, United Empire Loyalists An Informing Sketch of Ameri can History, Waluable for Librar- | ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price,, 50¢. Address British sh Whig, ; Eingston. Wallace ® Parks FLORIST. call and see our Mums and Ferns | and | 'Phone, Cider Pure and Sweet. Fresh Oysters Goast Sealed, Get then: at D. COU PER'S, 241-3 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. Biles and Contractors Sash Say, at the Conservatories, .Johpston St. 76 Store, King St. Order early. THE FRONTENAC {OANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money issued. on Oity asd Farm Pro seriles. Municipal and Oounty Debeo- | Lures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits | 13, First This ceived and interest allowed. McGill. Managing Director, 87 Clarence street; chts made in King- 5 at Angrove's Foundry. Special prices for large quantities. | Season, Myers' Home Made Pork Sausage and Blood Fudding, for SATURDAY. Give us a cal MYERS'. 60 Brock St. aa oT = C DINING "ROOM FURNITURE THIS WEEK Buffets and China Closets and Extension Tables and Leather Seated Dining Chairs, COUCHES, 'Fancy Shades of Ta pasty and Leather Couches. PARLOR SETTS, Fancy Three- Piece Mahog- any Parlor Setts and Odd Chairs. -- JAMES REID, Phone 137. The Leading Undertaker a SHARAN HSRASKACIASIS ICICI, FHHAAAAATK GANONG'S Toasted Marsh Mallow, Plain Marsh Mallow, , 40 Cents Per Lb. : Toasted Cocoanut Balls, Jap Fruit Bars, 30 Cents Per Lb. A. J. REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. A AA AAA IAAI | ! i AAS ERIK ¢ ¢ '. if es -Tn SMmmtessassasseeteB eens Solder, Plumbers' Wiping and Bar, Tinsmiths and Electrical Wire Solder. SEETIENS The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. ne i i { | aes TAN