» WHIG, 76th YEAR year. Editions st 2.80 snd 4 and A DURABLE FLOOR VARNISH : Made by The Sherwine 'Wiliiams Co.eIs tough and elastic. Doesn't scratch or mar readily under foot Can be walked on next day after application. representative. wear. 8 Daile Whig. A TRIBUTE OR VALUE. Mr. Willison once published a life of Laurier, and in it delineated the vir- tues of the man in glowing language. It has not been quoted much of late because its author has been spending editor of an opposi- tion paper, in delineating the premier his energies, as as a political failure. "'Angther man - We sell it. Corbett's Hardware. Tins 35¢, 60c and. up. has risen unexpectedly to do honor to Wilfrid--the historian J. Castell Hopkins. He was formerly the editor of the Mail, but withdrawing from journalism has been cultivating Sir since the judicial spirit. He has written for | the National Monthly an appreciation | and these concluding { lines suggestive of the whole: "Sir Wilirid Laurier has been a great of the premier, are Builders' Supplies Portland Cement, | Canadian in the sense of personality land oratory and idealism, a great po- and {knowledge of his, people, a great lead- litician in tact and forcefulness 'ar in his faculty of winning and hold- opposing elements in harmonious We hope Mr. Hopkins not, like his contemporary, have occa- i | ting { faction." will Brick | sion to repent of his tribute. It is not Leth i the offering of a partizan follower, but * the unprejudieed opinion of one who Shinglcs, desires to be absolutely just and fair ---------- VIRTUE OF THE BOYCOTT. the Pre:i- * dent, Vice-President and Secretary of of Labour--must A: halt Roofing, | Buick Tile. | failing to get a respite of , two weeks, Wellington St., North. | The three labour leaders re- the Federation port at Washington on Monday, and or an appeal to the supreme court, ---- | go to jail. afford to be less determined than the women men | cannot eee | The ee t EVERYBODY Has stoves to sell, but nobody ean give that value that we can. We have all kinds, cheap for cash. We have all kinds of House Fur- nishings, from the lowest grades to the most beautiful Antique Furniture, Don't fail to come and see our stock before you buy elsewhere. L. Lesses, Ours Priocess and Chatham Ste. Kingston. Ont. any in ithe assertion of their views, and the suffragettes of England went to pri- |son and refused its fare, preferring to | starve than give a sign of weakness | The labour {to the { ples. . John Mitchell, in Toronto, enuncia- ted position, and for the first time since the court trouble has been brewing. He defends the boycott. He . [says it car be used advisedly and ad- . Effet befefalefofefeinleieluiniet | vantageously in the interest of la- ------------ He claims it is an inalienable his 'pa- No one men prefer imprisonment abandonment of their princi his bour. lwght that he ean bestow tefeeib WE ARE YERY BUSY ut not too busy to give your Electrical Work: Qur best attention, W. A. Spriggs Practical Electrician. he likes. 'The law prescribes what he 235 Bagot, one door from Brock. 'Phone, 68. can and cannot do. Does it interfere delete tofatolafaleputnfe fof fodotatas | with the prerogatives of any one ? Does the e -- should enjoy with other citizens? 9 Bibby's Cab Stand" Phone 20l. : cost six hundred thousand lives and DAY or NIGHT |-vou three billions of. dollars, and the - |emancipation of slgves meant what will dispute Can he unionism ? The boycott is an Irish expedient, and it is not upheld in the British courts. Mr. Mitchell gave his definition of personal liberty, the liberty for which he opition with regard to what true li | | tronage as 'he pleases. that. The question is, listan , offender against stood. But there are differences of berty is. The individual cannot do as Sf he It interpretation, Mr. Mit- lehall referred to. the American war. It _ lit deny him opportunities needs elaboration, Or the highest court. gome contended interference Cliff's Real Estate Agency win thei nets ESTABLISHED 1882. o Where you property. vritten in best companies. was an rights men who stand up for their opinions, who, in defence will an buy or gell 'co to prison, is to be admired, but Also Insurance their incarceration will settle the at issue, soundest of a free press and free speech, not The mdgment of the highest courts should | give them deliverance, and ws s QEO. CLIFF, Lu." « Verran ind ® ie | 90 Clarence St. { --, THE ROAD TO RUIN. Byron 'E., Canadian Bank of Commerce, questions 14 of the just re- Walker, president | turned from England, says the old age of relief that and suitable social condi the will lift eventually above the awful degrada { pensions will religve some but that st at the wrong end. people their poverty, is His idea us education, tions for young, people tion to which the present social con- ditions tend. One gets an idea of the brand of = heredity the crimes of Thomas by reading Jefierson = Hall, a representa- tive of the wild and woolly west, boy pa- pers have devoted a very large part of The lad, to get the Dgitimate reward of his crimes, should be large. i {> invite some new tragedy, since it bandit and tough, to whom the of shovelful OU don't get a pound with COAL dirt ad their space buy from us. 4 : you hung. To let him go at ALL COAL is mofe or Joss dirty when it leaves the is long since he had any idea of moral responsibility, if it ever had a place in his mental wake-up. He is the bye-product of the street, a fair sample of what may be expected when mine but every pound is well before we deliver it. screencd CR the human passions are allowed to go unbridled. CRAWFORD, "Phone, 9, Foot of Queen St. Pe ople will ask in affected surprise, What is to be done? There should | 5¢ compulsory cducation, not occas. but Phere is now only a sham com ionally, to the limit of school Alsop Ag + : to arbitra it the thy lying certificates of age. Rete them go on the streets, and, like two per cent. of the people can under- she shall have a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, at the third book. Some of them go to work, deceiving their employers Some of young Hall, start on the broad road that leads to perdition. Is society doing ite whole duty the risipg generation ? Not unless it is hudgijg the young people about with every reasonable protection; not un- less it saves them from immoral and degrading shows; not unless it that their homes are pure and heal thy; not unless it sees that there is no evasion 'of the law, and that edu- cation is given to every one under wchool age. The number of children who rove about the streets at night, who consort with evil companions, who are becoming eternally spoiled, is amazingly large. So long as this goes on the prisons and asylums will * be filled with degenerates. sees EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Gunton, of the Children's Aid Society, is wished success in his at- tempt to cleanse Hastings county of some of its -uncleanness. But the less one hears about the filthiness of some people the better: The Toronto News gives away a pro- found secret, namely, that thé conser- vative party' is 'hopelessly divided" and must bo united. Yes; but how ? Why doesn't the political doctor offer, a prescription ? Herald of a The Montreal Canada's neucleus has it that navy "will cost only $7,250,000," which is 'quite enough, considering that its baby ap- to! | childreo, in Kingston, leave the schools has said that music has a language of | WG ea rit: street, Ontario, | 'its own, and that it speaks directly to the heart. Next to music without {words is music with words that onl stand, The imperial idea is all right. There are some people who regard it with uneasiness. Why ? All Canada has, in the life and spirit and independence of her people, she owes to the mother of nations, What would Canada amount to without British connection? The imperial idea is something' we should be proud of. Notice To Intending Patrons. The astern D ool will open as a Creamery aber 30th and continue as ing the month of December. Milk will be received three days a week, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, and the skim- milk will be returned to the patrons. A charge of three cents per pound of butter will be made to cover cost of manufacture. During the months of January, Feb- ruary and March milk will be pur- chased outright as usual. G. G. Publow, superintendent. It is estimated the earning power of the proposed copper merger will be be- tween $25,000,000 and $30,000,000 an- nually. ig Just before winter, with its added isks, is a highly proper timeto take on some fire insurance. McCann would like to write you a policy. The Presbyterian Foreign Society has decided to undertake raise $30,000. for industrial work India. The Dowager Duchess of Manchester is dead in London. Sacrifice 'sale of coats and suits at Waldron's to-night. ; Mission to in SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20.199 9, ou will never know what shaving com- fort means until you use a "Gillette" Sakety Razor. The 'Gillette' -- illustrated above -- is the new pocket edition--so compact that it takes up no more room than a card-case. Finished in gold and silver--with handle and blade box to match-- also gun-metal--§s to $7. Gillette dealers everywhere display Gillette Signs. Look for them. The GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. ot Canada Limited, Montreal. 73 BISHOP-ELECT W. C. WH Who is to preach in St. George's, - or Sun Typhoid fever is disappearing Ottawa. ing that the people have stopped tak- ple avoid the water The Montreal Star wants Canada to contribute to a British navy in whic h voice. And Canada proposes, through her government, a navy in which the admiralty shall have a voice. Which is the more popu- lar proposal ? A story from C.N.R. deal is really in, the interest of the C.P.R., that the companies working with a perfect understanding, are and that eventually the C.P.R. com- pany will be the owners of the whole outfit. Do you believe it * Rev. William Steacy--a former Kings the of the world, with He not taken into account the grip of the tonian--proposcs to unite Protes- tant denominations Jerusalem. has headquarters at and Mohammedans in the holy aty, it is exceedingly tenacious. p-- Some people don't know when they are off. Here's Mrs Chrisfian Scientist leader, York, at $5,000 a year, who and has been ex- look good a job, Stetson, of became well too gay for her sect, communicated. She will around a good while for so It will soon be order the life ground that he may be in to inter: vene and save of every mur derer, on the dan giving and insane or imbecile. There is the ger of some of our people away to maudlin sentimentality, it is not condicive to the suppression of crime. The governor gener al-in-council could not reprieve Dillon, condemned murder- er in Montreal, but a superior court judge did it, and now people want to know what the government is going to What the royal perrogative if do about it? is the use of any judge can act independently of it? ------ Goldwin Smith, retired from journal ism, has come out of his retreat long enough to. say that he is against a "We en- "The United States is really a protecting power." Is it ? Another the story, 'The Tiger and the Mouse." Canadian navy. have no emy,"' he remarks of really version to sit for a It's night while the company simply heavenly sings its chor with the. law, Scores. ol uses in Italian or French, Some one | Tells from | lother day. 'Speaking of farms," : x : as | said, "we have some sizable farms out ing microbes in theirs, that the 'peo- |} TH Lota, Yes, sir; I've seen a man of the Ottawa | on one of our big farms start out in when it moveth or stirreth itself. ) i shi | Which is another way of say-| { { "On our Dakota farms," H : the coast--that the | The women were weeping, the New | ITE, OF HONAN, CHINA, Sunday morning and in St. James' day night. « petite will cause expenses at the rate | SIZABLE FARMS IN DAKOTA. of $2,000,000 annually. i Story That Eclipses All Others. I- was talking with a Dakotan the he the spring and plough a straight fur- row till fall. Then he turned around and harvested back." "Wonderful ?'" said L he went on, "it's the usual thing lo send young married couples out to milk the cows. Their children bring back the milk." * "Once," he said, "I saw a Dakota farmer's family prostrated with grief. dogs were barking, the children were squal- ling and the tears ran down the farmer's cheeks as he hitched up his twenty-mule team and drove off." "Where was he going ?"' said L "He was going hali-way across the farm to feed the pigs." | "id he ever get back 7" I asked. [ "It isn't time for him, yet," was the reply. | A Curse Of City Life. Success Magazine. One of the curses of city life is the | unwillingness of ;young men to marry | and assume the responsibility or obii- { zations of a family. The consequent absence of the refining, elevating in fluence of the home and family upon the character of both men and women is most disastrous. They live urmai- ural and unhealthy lives and often Le- iome abnormally sclfish because they are completely "absorbed in getting the most they can for themselves and consequently © think very litto about others. Many girls seem to think that their chances of marrying men who can support them in luxury are much enhanced by extravagant dressing. This is a great delusion, for men asually see through them. Girls who dress beyond their means, as a rule, fail to attract permanently the weal- thy men whom. they would like to marry and often frig away the mane of small 'means who would be drawn to them by their good quali- ties of mind and heart, which their foolish clothing and hollow pretence serve only to conceal. Young men who arc determined to make some- thing of themselves will think a great many times before they: many a young woman with cxtravagant no- tions, for they know that omce a wo- man has contracted a taste for lux- uries and formed the habit of living beyond her income she is rarely con- tent with what a ' man in moderate circumstances can afford to give her. The Stylish Man. Will not be content with anything bat one of our nobby new hats. Camp- b Il Bros.!, hingston's hat store, A great shake-up is expected in the United Stages customs service as a result of the sugar fraud éxposuves. Scidlitz Powders, fresh and full strength, in tin boxes, at Prouse's Drug Store {up-town post office branch) © TUTTERING Stamm ERING DR.E.L.RIVENBURGH PROPRIETOR. TORONTO INSTITUTE AND BANITORIUM 595 Spadina Avenue Institute for the Treat ment of STUTTERING, STAMMERING, HESI- TANCY, LISPING, SUCTION AND EX- HAUSTION = OF THE BREATH, AND ALL. FORMS OF SPEECH IMPEDI- MENT. Read Following Testimonial 276 North Lisgar St. Toronto, Sept. 17th, 1909. Dr. Rivenburgh, Dear Sir, Just a line to let you know what a great benefit I have derived from your excellent course. 1 may say that a per- son in conversation with me now would never imagine that I ever stutlered, and I owe my present condition wholly te your instructions. I sincerely believe that any person, no matter how badly afflicted, may be cured in a very short time if they will but follow your in- structions, and I will certainly recom- mend to you any stammerer that 1 may come in contact with. - N. J: NEILSON: Rhythmo- Bree: SALON Trees Therapy Treating Nerves and Mental Afflic- es tion. Best of city references endorse- ments from all arts of United States and Canada. Call and see what I can do for you. Patients coming from a distance may secure rooming accommodation in Sani- tarium. Write for names of been cured. CONSTIPATION "For over nine years 1 suffered with chronic constipation "and during this time I had to take an injection of warm Svater ;once every 24 hours before I could have An action 'on my bowels. Happily I tried Cascarets, and to-day I am a well man. During the nine years before I used Cascarets I suffered untold misery with internal piles. Thanks te you, 1 am free from all that this 'morming. You can use this in behalf of suffering hu- manity. 'B. F. Fisher, Roanoke, lL Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste G . Do Good. Never Weaken or Gripe, 10c., 25¢c., Never sold in Bulk. The tablet stamped CCC. Guaranteed cure or your money back. and the those who have Ralph = Merchant, Gloucester, Mass. has been added the foree at the Cape Vincent fish hatchery, to ® i. 2 i on IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BIBBY thet dd od | Bibby's Underwear Special 50c. : Today we placed on Sale 40 dozen Men's All Wool Elastic Ribbed Underwear, Shirts and Drawers to match. All sizes, 34 > See to 44. This is a line of Underwear that would fell in most stores, at 75c., 90c. and $1.00 a garment. Our Price, 50c. Don't Miss Seeing Bibby's $10.00 ollege Ulsters. e H.D. Bibby Kingston's Only One-Price Store. ATCT Pap o "A 3 DINING ROOM FURNITURE THIS WEEK . Buffets and 'China Closets and Extension Tables and Leather Seated Dining Chairs. COUCHES, Fancy Shades of Tapestry and Leather Couches. PARLOR SETTS, Fancy Three- Piece Maho any Parlor Setts and Odd Chairs. JAMES REID, Phone 147. The Leading Undertaker LIN i { be R, > A. Hh Tayi d FY gEs } A : -------------------------------------------------------------------- » ABERNETHY?'S Special Attractions for Saturday $2.50 One lot Men's Heavy Box Calf Bluchers, good heavy soles, good value at $38 See them in window. SPECIAL, FOR SATURDAY, $2.50 Men's Rubbers $1 to $1.25. ee We have t received an- other lot of Girls' Fine Kid Laced Boots. Sizes 11 to 2, Low Heel and Spring Heels, Just the kind Lor TAL TOR Ss. SATURDAY. . 99¢ Girls' Rubbers, sizes 11 to 2, $1.50 See Our Special Fine Xid Bluchers, for Women. Sizes 24 to 7. EXTRA VALUE, FOR SATURDAY, $1.50 Women's Rubbers 70c. £o $1. ABERNETHY'S.