Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1909, p. 1

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YEAR 76-NO, 271, i _ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1909, \ ks That's the best answer 1 can make] - DRIVEN TO REFUGE. : : . y Tf : i ; P REFUSE REFERENDUM "ur. MePariand-- | 3 d le J : A WEATHER Ww IE 5d ' Mr. McParland-- 'Name one." Unable to Agree With Family y F X : 'y t.. Nov. 20. Mr. Macdonnell-"No, I'll not 'do Goes to County House, , 7 Rf ATE Li 3 t Taine: as that now. I have. made a straight Woodstock, Ont., Nov. 20.-- Because & dk i EE BL > orl therly ie . : : 2 (Nov, 20.-- ] winds, Ei 3 & offer." BF. he had a row With his wife and decid- a Te an . . . Continuing, Mr. Macdonnell declared | 4 (hat he could not live Ponceably ut 3 ' On the Question of Liquor License| :: viz si tinmse fone a sitbpons ti wesc Taft Demand q ston had places that do not keep ho- fyrmer, owner of one of the Nest 8 ema : . : tel. They have accommodation when 11. ne in Oxford county, has ome. to a" Wo} 3 : - Reduction. ho ekpaton gon aro aa RY ue comet er a £3 . 'The question of liquor license ve-|,,5 to Spentl the winter as an in: : 830 : mate. . ° people throughout the province, and | The man Owns an hundred and fifty- 3 -- - Tht . oe. v y . o | why not in Kingston? Arve we a pe-lgepe farm, well stocked and with 3 - TH 4 i ; pe : ? : 11 wing | BOTE R wel ith good ? P . Civic Finance Committee Holds That There is| ilu eon. ini Linitione ie" [Siar on i, id te weoperts" «| Shooting of Grace and Cannon Makes Situation : . Can we not trust the people with a reckoned a8 one of the most valuable n . ~ question of this kind? It's most exX- {in the distriet. He has beon livi Delicat. ol n C / Not Enough Hotel Accomodation traordinary to give you few gentlemen | with his second wife and . a. . # a / e ae. ee entry ! al is ; f 2 : of the finance committee the reasons |grown-up sons. He is seventy-three po ne #3 in Kingston. _- : is seventy: thro why you should submit to the people |years of En' a member of one of America. 5 Fi duction," he said, "has gone to the : a question vitally affecting the social [the best known families in the district. : and moral condition of the city. The |Becoming discontented at home, he ap- - The findnece committee will recom- the people on this matter? How hast vitally = chat its 8 Shiestion plied 1g the reeve of the tow nship for| Washington, Nov. 90.--Annoufite corporation was wartied by agents of i onday y x roe potiti in g ally PELs © 1 ye e ordel Ce, Ini Ni i i mend to te oily tial , - day Shout th Other large. potition against and girls, our family life "our whole jand wi ind amisnce, mest that, the United States governs $e a os evening thai no action be taken on |reduction : ; a me ' : be ! ae is ti : that the vessel would be liable to the petitions for a reduction of li J Mr. Dav We presented, some time community, Do you undertake as Aa ager Murray, on Tuesday, and was Sent is tired of the high Banded :ue- seizure, and the steamship mal ent quor licenses, on the ground that the | ago, a petition with a very large sig- finance committee to determine that |admitted, mo other course being open [tions of the small Central American 3 i Fihis . : a ) romptly called on the state art- hotel accommodation of the city would [ nature, and it only covered a part of [this question shall not be submitted {to- the refuge authorities. He left hisircpublics was contained in, a despatch DIP announce the protection this not stand for reduction at the present [the city." to the people * To call it a financial {wife and sons in charge of the farm. | gent to the Bluefields Steamship com- {government would give in such a ca Ald. Givens--"What virtue is there | question is: to name it by but one | He appears to be contented with his! s which t th oid Er time. . Hh y e : ; : ; : x = pany, which sough e protection of | The state department promptly re This decision was arrived at after | in reducing the licenses 10 one for fragment of what it is. A question of |surroundings. He is given exactly hie |ihe state department against interfer- [plied. The answer was the result of a deputations from both sides had ad- [every thousand population 7" i this kind should £0 to, a commitiee on sume privileges and accommodation fence by the insurgents now operating |counferonce between the president and . vanced their arguments. The Social | Mr. Davis--"That's a fair basis for [Social anc moral matters. The fin- [a= the offs iomates. {against President Zelaya. the seerctary of state and carried full Any of the items mention 3 and Moral Reform Lengue asked that '@ city of this size.' ance committee has the moral and so- ng : An hour later a peremptory note, |weight. It gave the steamship concern below are extraondin a referendum on the question of re- cial questions to deal with. There ONE BRIBER CAUGHT. {couched in diplomatic language, but {no encouragement and practically re- values at the prices guoted duction be submitted to the people. Opposition To Reduction. shouldn't be any doubt to what : ¥ _ 'none the less direct, was delivered to |cognized the revolutionary forces op- It's an opportunity you can The Licensed Victualers' AGsociation | J. S. McParland spoke on behall of a mepher of the committee should do | Sentenced to Three Months in) Senor = Felipe Rodrigues, charge d'ai- re ------ Zohn in not afford to lose. and the cigar manufacturers opposed | the Licenses; Vietnallers' Association. | Jen it Fecerver two Jetitione, with House of Correction. {faires of the Nicaraguan legation, de- [iration, .a proceeding for which there submitting the question to the peo- | He declared that it was the duty of 14 u iy On one am 1,400 on an- | Cambridge, Mass, Nov. 20.--George manding a full and complete explana- lis probably no parallel in the records ple, on the ground that the council | the Sodial and Moral Reform League other. at are you going to do H. Warren, of Malden, was sentenced | tion of the execution of the two Am- of thi government. : was better qualified to deal with such | to give reasons for roducing the num- Turn down the petition for a referen- to serve three months in the House ericans, lconard Grace and Leroy ~The secretary of state has asked the ow 6S F n matter, that reduction of licenses | bor of hotels. Its speakers had taken dum ? Our government is a govern- of Correction, and to pay a fine of | Cannon, who were executed by order [secretary of the navy to order the would not reduce drinking, that the {the ground that the matter should be ment by the people, and we think in five doHars, after pleading guilty to fof Zelaya when they were found in the Vicksburg to proceed in all haste' to city would lose financially, and that referred to the electors. Has 'every this ¢ase the people should govern. In a charge of bribery, involving only {insurgent army. Corinto for the purpose of protecting Bath Towels Kingston hadn't sufficient hotel ac [question that comes before the council | most matters they govern through the {five dollars. : Warren admitted that | 'Pending n satisfactory explanation | American interests. The Des Moines commodation: NOW. fo he referred to the people ? 'What is | city council, but wien the council {he gave William E. Dunn, sealer of loi the occurrence, President Taft has [was also ordered to proceed to Port Col 1 White. Si The finance committee thought that [ the use of elocting a council if it can- | meets a matter which in their judg- weights and measures, of Malden, five | refused to recognize lsidoro Hazera, |Limon for the same purpose. These | [3 be ew RO oh the last mentioned reason against re- inot do the work 1t is requested by the | ment is of sufficient importance to war- dollars to refrain from prosecuting athe new Nicaraguan minister. Mr. {vessels will be in constant communica- SALE RICE s AGE * duction was a very important one jpeople to do. He, as a taxpayer, rant it, they submit it to the peo- conl company in which Warren was Taft is thoroughly aroused by the ac- [tion by wireless with the state depart : ' .. : and upon 'it they Based their decision didn't want matters referred to him ple. : ; interested, and which was charged | tions of the Zelayan government, and [ment. - not to refer the question to the peo- {ior his opinion. He voted for a Ald. Elliott pointed out that the with giving short weights. {apparently is determined to make the | The Des Moines is mow at Colon, ple mayor and aldermen to do the city | Onlario government left the question {lives of American' citizens much safer fabout 150 miles from Port Limon, Bath Towels It was 8:30 o'clock when the com- business, and he claimed they should [of liquor licenses entirely in the hands {and considerably more respected in [which she can reach within twenty-four . 3 mittee convened to hear the petition settle the question now at issue and |of the common counells. I'he only y {Central America than they have been hours _ steaming under forced draught. \ 39 inches' long, fringed ers present their respective cases. The not refer it to the people. : questions the council here submitted | hitherto. I'he Vicksburg is on the Pacific const ends. Worth 20c. each. SALE Social and Moral Reform League Ye Mr. McParland declared that if The to the people were questions they were NEST ---- | The attitude of the government was at San Jose de Guatamala, nearly 200 PRICE, 12i¢. EACH. presentatives were given twenty min- question of reduction was 'submitted [compelled to submit. The question at THE CHINO-PORTUGAL clearly shown, when the state depart mild from the Nicaraguan coast, and to the people the liquor men would |issue now was not one of these, tes 1 acht their ide ahd. iment telegraphed to the Blueflelds will be able to reach Corinto at about rien Pt the doe on eds the not get a fair show, as those opposed Mr. Davis acknowledged that, but CONTROVERSY CONTINUES {Steamship company, the headquarters the same time the 'Des Moines arrives | § A11-Wool Blankets other side the Licensed Victuallers' © reduction would not take the same | pointed out that both the dominion {of which is in New Orleans. lat Port. Limon. ; 4 interest in the voto as thoeo in favor. L -- cnn Chian Refuses to Recognize Portu-| The companygs regular steamer was The exeention of the Americans is be 3 White with Pink or Sky Re Ltlers bi He ve_ ihe Socal sud : gal's Clainis to Macao--Great | about Ao suil for Blusields, Nicaragua, plived 30 have tak play at or Jeu A Borders, $4 QUALITY, AT vx aa Britain Supports Portugal {With a mn 4 8 cargo, 1 po gi 4 ost} 0, which is in the immediate $3.25. with the situation They don't visit 3 ; gal: rifles and other munitions of war. The vicinity of Greytown. 4 . ihe Jute : According var. Jaw the oe § i L 20~The Seculo Bi ee : " 'i i wtel had td come up to a high stan $e sil ' mese delegates to the -- i , The Réterenfinm Sle dard. before it got a liconse hs to . » it Hong Kohg conference having~ refused | TOWN OF GANANOQUE. VERY SUDDEN DEATH. Black Stockings . aidlaw, president ol the S0- convictions, he pointed out that it : CRS to recognize Portugal's claims to | ---------- -- cial and Moral Reform Langue, In in- wasn't only hotel men who were con Macao or to submit the question to|Laymen's Missionary Movement |Coleman McCoy Passed Away at Phiri heavy Ln Wool troduciag the matter, pointe out | victed for breaking laws, There were arbitration, Portugal, with the sup- | Banqugt Billed. Napanee. oolings, ith large nb, wat all it asked was that the ques: ' others, including men high he . . it : : : : : ' ; Just the thing for Bi that - pled wis 2 ye De snclugin men high up in Le port of. Great Britain, has opened Gananoque, Nov. 20.--Miss Lydia| Napanee, Nov.\ 20.--On Wednesday Girls, and ey * Boys and J y : pe 4 yourpurlers diveet with China for the! ? . } en " 7 ; : dw 2 to the people to décide. A large body Mr. McParland declared that not ¥ Bo b.. * ] agerid wii | of the status quo. on Gowers ie ad i .: Sitiiare sunt aied his Ladies' Stock : Bi of people favored reduction, and the half the little hotels in Kingston & i Macao, in Ching, situated on an dis- bet Bales -- aiotly married op id 3 he bh br iE ahout 8) to 10. EXTRA SPEGIAL, league, representing that opinion, ask. could exist on their par trade. When 3 bo 5 land of the . namie at: the mouth a y We q Wi " djous Irends to e number ol a ut AT 25¢. B : : si fag i thet same > S at the residence of Rev. Wil'iam Me-1300 to a complimentary supper in his 3 the ee ub wi the | Connell, Cushendall, on Wednesday new wareroom on Dundas street, A k : . S WO Nma adjacent islagds of apa | aveni - inst, y or shia! 3 oN [ j thousand of population. The league onough hotel accommodation, he said 3 TN nd Colowns a "province. the: eity - | evening, ba st Her mother ted which has inst been completed. The ? LS to See the Easy t asking the council to reduce Until the agitation against *hotels 3 : rity' livi ne, a | rirds y be jvery suddenly in a Gananoque - store fsupper was laid on the first floor of | [® The 4 enses. hut to permit the, people | ceased Kineoton would nob get n X ; : i bbe ld I 8, he in last dg while making preparations | the third storey building, and com- |} Bow Maker # lensed, : ? A ly = : iS a aay wabited by nese an we other by for » weddi : a " x aivtire" a to say whether 'there should be a re- | new hotel for mon would not invest non-Chinese seach having its own ad | be a of George "Taylor forahly seated the raure Somptny. A simple device d duction or not. It would be was® of | money in them The hotels . have 3 nistrator. China: holds that al the MP Svdent . o Meorg Lyon After the good things had been done it me e 'an a s, he cl d, to discuss the que vested/ interests, for licenses are not pa Ahr vig {M.P., Sydenham street, was throw i,gtice to, speeches and toasts, inter- novelty. You can make your Tl ET : : dependencies of the city of Macao have {open to the public last evening when spersed with music and vocal solos, own Neckwear without even hess nesupind illegally i Portugal for fa musica e was, hold: A large sid AP tmade one of the most enjoyable even- PRICE Raddls and thread. » years ane : » only conces- |preeis . or , o. . : : : . , that everyone present-had his own set.| Ik eight. licenses were cut off Mr. Me Pre Arr atte to Port preciative I sticnCarhe "lings that has heen spent in Napanee 2 Oc. EACH. view on: that matter. Mr. Laidlaw Parland said the lo in revenue to , . | -Arralgements are hem mate ere [1 a long time. Trinity churéh . or Te uo 010 re SO [got ne the town of Macao, und dhe to push forward the Lovmen's Nis {Choir Turned tha ui. lore Oull and see them. be evacuated by Portugal is. the convenor of a committee which against reduction, then the Social : Flected president of the Dominion] Some time ago the Portuguese gov- | has the matter . in hand, and it is 5 Moral form league would he per. | Paving. Commercial Traveller's Henefit Society. | yment sent Gen, Joaquin Jose Ma- [proposed holding a big banquet in In fancy stripes of linen! Association had halfran hour and the rar manufacturers fifteen minute Every minute of the allotted time wa taken up. s ed for a referendum on the question of there were too many hotels hovel some reducing the licenses to one for every would «lose up. Kingston hadn't tion as to whether reduction of licen iver: for a year, bud for so long a es reduced drinking, for he was gure | hotels keep the law. dispersing the company sang 'For we it belonged. If the people voted [ing of doss in taxes. That could pay |; yaminron Ferns (TREAT ; ) " where it belongec t peop 0 ERNS, MONTREAL, He's A Jolly Good Fellow" agd "Auld {the interest on $50,000 worth of roel Lang Syne. c------ he waker didn't believe there was | - . f ; hs ; : . Terribly sudden was the summon pe g fectly satisfied and abide by the ; vd unblhin 1 n tl ity inci {chado to 'China in the hope of reach-liiraco church on Dec, 3rd, when Rev. a Seevibly ame to Coleman Meloy £ ') 2 ' dive or § 1 or place ' ¢ 4 x . \ y a ants g * po bs . wm . roy «© p Me p. of the people Ki : : Lu oi ne m Ni and the provincial govern: nt had ling an amicable settlement of the dis- I. C, L. Bates, missionary from Ja- A atin ) ight. The deceased at 3 * i 1 N ave otels si it » "We Q » » a 2 - 8 y . p Oe La - g Rev, (. A. Sykes claimed that the | a hel in ldn't | ot 1h 3 submitted questions 'to the pe ople in {pute, but little progress has been pan, at present home on furlough, will on estiay mg 8 Uenn a 4 ; | classe were couldn w J { @ | matter was of such importance that the shape of referendums on prohibi- |. qe. give an 'address on the work in for- tended the Gibbard banquet. and not { | lo: : : feeling well left' for home about ten ? -- demanded an expression of the people A in teat Me. Blob Strep {eign fields and its needs. rclock. When . he reached :h I That was the safest and wisest course more charity in hotelmen, r. Mci'ar to do so. A new time table for the GAR. 1x10 clock. en ie reachec ome he. land said, than in many of those who Ald. Givens said that if Mr... Mae | NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. {expected to hand to-day which will complained of not feeling well, but - BORN. | 1 a : A ol " ol SPAFFORD.--At Svdenham., Ont., Nas | Interesting Events Occuring in the |P¥minate the International Limited talked cheerfully and commented on A a 'Wi pensive. class of hotels. There was Jj, It was regarded as good policy for all concerned, and évervbody could mado great preten ions. He declared abide 3 res » league asked donnell could convince him' that the 4 abide by the result I'he league asked that it 'Was better to have sufficient « 18th, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. that a concrete question be submitted | A fl community would be benefited by I Vieini {from the number of trains stopping the fine speech made by One of the Spafford, a daughtery - and not one of mere reduction-as was Mo places than insufficient ; [quer license reduction, he would vote : or jeinity. {at Thousand Island. Junction. It goes | Speakers at the banquet. In a few -- done three years ago. That would A COMPromise had been uggested, | eop reduction. He asked if the reduc Oliver Hawkins is cleaning up all the into force to-morrow, lst. moments he was gone. He died sit ROBERT J REID, only be duplicating an action alvead | ud i Fhe Hieanted victusiiers a tion of dry-goods = stores had reduced [turkeys on Wolie Island and shipping | Miss Gussie Dempster, King street | ting in his chair. Deceased was in his The 1sading Undertaker. » { prepared to meet 7the Social and or the demand for dry goods. them to New York. . west. is spending 8 'few weeks in eighty-second yedr and was at one "Phone, 577. 227 carried out, for the people had vpted on that and expressed théms€lve o cigar manufacturers, 5 : Mr. Macdonnell replied that they 0 Dn Ee tioh Coit: the hotels suggested to _be cut off weren't there to convince the menkbers {be constructed in Cape Vincent, N.Y, ipraderiek Campbell. Miss Muriel Brit- Furniture eompany. He leaves, be q gly . You pay one-half and we'll pay the th » | during the coming winter. . ton, Kiiig street, 'spent the past woek sides his wife, 'two sons, Wilkie, in . { speak. Was asked by Alds. Chown and fy hit apd value of license reduction, but their | The Cape Vincent, 'N.Y., Motor Boat lin Brockville, the guest of her sister, Cobalt, and Samuel at home. The a pe sent Some. reasons for ro 1k You It's not 3 hrigtian W fellow citizens | Club, of which R: J. J. Newman is|Mre ¢Rev.) H. H. Bedford Jones, at |funeral takes place on Sunday after- ee S sivens to present some reasons lor ry hro en © hf siness withou : rr . . . ng sbyarehi Lar ; he P EW duction. --Ho-claimed that -it-would be a BT ut 6) usin withey I'he committee then held a private | ¢ommodore, now has a membership of qi pagers rectory, noon at 2 p.m., services at the West GS . and : 'ti yr tv convince : oY above announced. The many fiends of E. C. Kelséy guésts of the latter's mother, Mr Riverside cemetery. Suction E Bow The ro peli y i . Peters Iu i Shai it Yeiis UBialr to Ald Cite wy at «J that the com- jCnpe Vincent, N.X., very much regret | Haines, King street. Mrs. Albert Mc-| Mrs. Jane A. Fralick, Seattle, is ? ' anybody "present. e league belove elect liquor license reduction for par d w RAE fn A 4 is a 3 a} 2 "BS is sickness has . : an : et (bac! Rein : it 5 that it represented the opinion of a Hila JUS ios in this manner:' The mittee considered that it whs given |i continued illness. His sickness - Lean, Oak street, has returned home [revisiting her many friends in this S 7 oy eg 4 a the licendt reductiofh question with-|the best medical assistance has done Napanee. The Canoe and Motor Boat | the winter. Walter B. Vanalstine re : oe 4 Tole thou El . or oe th th I lly. There [Out submitting a ne i to thy lite £0. far t0 bette hie ond | association held a well-attended dance {turned this week from a three months' New Season's Chocolates. . ' * y HLA . . » or an 1 people generatly, ere 3 a i 4 " ator spi 3 nireal, ; 3 > ye : % 3 di ' a crote proportion was placed before the not enough DT for the people, and in this: particular case it | At the Western hospital, Montreal, in their assembly -hal,| on Thursday stay in the North-West. C. H. Finkle ' br re 2 ff Mr lt Fe Qari hin 8 4h : ine made of. the op better than the general public and | Carleton Place, and daughter of Mr.| Frank Starke, of the staff of the | Mys (Dr.) Sills entertained a few of a political football being made of he | puters claimed. and if hotels were cut 4 . I | BN 5 ! » D h . 3 ni ~There are none betteri. matter. Mr. Davis said that if ho | tt I ag ata Hutt that st. was its duty to take the re | und Mrs. Johnston B. Elliott, passed Merchants' Bank, operated on in|her lady friends on Thursday after : was an alderman he would welcome | Hg sxe. The ' f ) . e) tu va canes to hiro a question ike w d get the axe. The question o self. . typhoid fever. The deceased was twen- | pendicitis, a few weeks ago, has re |Croks. Alexander Henry, 'Téronto, this placed beforo the people. length. The local cigar maouiacturers Another alderman stated that "the |ty-nine years of age. {turned home to recuperate. spent a few days in Napanee this : Ald. Givens--** How. do you know would be affected by hotel reduction, commiiice sal last evefig ns a jury, | : week. f that you tepresent the majority of |i. they did much business with the and that it simply decided on the side Sheriff Loses Office. | WOMAN IS INDICTED. , w TE In reply. Me. Davis said that the |The Moral and Social Reform argu- een, to-day, declared the office of | Says She Murdered Toronto Acro- : ! DAILY MEMORANDA. loss of revenue to the city. would be jments had failed to convince the com- |sherifi of Alexander county vacant, bat. In the Administration of the TO UET RID OF. For mittee that any reduction was requir- |pecause Sherifi Davis allowed Wil-| lal Reform . League hall way, by buying : | A number of fine motor boats will Guelph, the guest of her sister, Mrs. [time an employee of the Gibbard Klmer Davis, when he arose 10 {other hall. We'll put up dollar for dol of the finance committee as to usoless to advance arguments for re On: behalf of th session and came - to the conclusion jover eighty. | Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Kingston, are lern Methodist church, ~ thence to : thi rer re : ec wtlnit . » Abititl y i large séction of the people, andy that | iv council. he held, should deal with JPOWer by statute to deal directly with extended something over a year from a short visit with her mother in | vicinity. She expects to remajn for matter as it knew the situation eloctors 'there would be less chance of {fi mers who come to the city, Mr. considered that it knew the conditions | Florence Elliott, wife of R. Godden, 'euening. Newburgh, has made an assignment have arrived, rt sponsibility and settle the matter it- [away after a few days' illness with [Brockville general hospital for .ap-{ngon, in honor 6f her friend, Miss loss of revenue was dealt with at muller hotel that advanced the stronger argument. Springfield, 111., Nov. 20.--Governor | DEMAND REFORM Importers Of Fine Groceries. m------ 8 le ls, 8 | Fine Furs of every kind. ; met by tha addition, of fifteen cents for | | * Chicago, Nov. 20.--Mrs. Annie Van Congo. Our big stock of Heaters, Uook Including lovely ) each 81,000 assessment. He wished to ed. . : {liam James, a negro murderer; and | goog, who shot and instantly killed | London, Nov. 20.--London has nev Box and Fug Bove T wil sell at That Campbell Br soll the best say that he had the highest respect The resolution passed by (he finance | Henry Salzner, a white man, to be | philip Hardy, an acrobat of Toronto, [er seéh a more remarkable assembly on rifice price. RK'S, ' 1s what most people think. for hotelmen who carried on busigess committee was as follows : "That on [{aken from his care and lynched _8Uigue, in her home in West Twenty- |than that which gathered, last night, : Special Sale gt Drees Hoods 3 night fon a lawful manner, and wished to" be the petition of the Moral and Social |Cairo, Ill, on November 11th. The |f th street, a month ago, was in: [in Albert hall, to protest against the Not At All Possibl . I M ig Pour Reltel Assn. City [cleared of the imputation that he held Reform League, to submit the ques- | governor's action was in observance | jitad on a charge of murder by the {oppression of the natives in the Congo Lond Nov. 20.--Replyvi o Buildings', 4 p.m, Monday {uncharitable opinions of them. tion of the reduction of licenses 10 of a law that provides that whenever |orand jury. Independent State. Although the hail ti 'on, by hans op yitg to A.O.H. Euchre Party and Dance, i one for every 1,000 of population, to |a sheriff surrenders a prisoner to a| The shooting was inCivectly caused |is the largest in the metropolis an question by - a correspondent, theirs Hall, Monday, 8.15 p.u the electors, in January, the commit- mob his office Pnmediately becomes by a quarrel over a dish of apple |was filled in every part, four times the Manghester, the Right Hon. A. - mtim---- ff . Referendum The Practice. tee is of the opinion that the hotel 'yycant: |sance, and voast pork. Hardy, who [number would have entered hud i: Balfour, Jor prime minister id Macdonnell, K.C.. im closing | accommodation would not warrant a a | was a boarder at the Van Eyck home, {been physieally possible. The magni niogigl an -_ Fate that a tax om ion for the Social and Mor. |reduction of that number, and, there-{ Fall And Winter Importations. |according to Mrs. Van Eyek's story to [tude of . the gathering, however, wa: id cotion cop ¢ Tisver » contempla- na i League, declared that re fore, recommend no action, On the | provost, Brock street, has reseived|the Harrison street police at the tie {less noteworthy 'than its character tec = en rom dels Jomible, Such a N Jardinieres fers was the practice on the |question of the reduction of licenses | Jj hig tweeds, cheviots and vicunas of her arrest, entered the home while |The Archbishop of Canterbury, whe jax, gr Ei ie alter, would v ow h r question As there wera two [We are of opinion that this is a mat- |g guitings: also a great variety of she was asleep and devoured the con- presided, had at his right hand Dr, le, . undamental principles rge petitions before the finance com- | ter that will affect the council of 1910 [overcoating for his order department. tents, which she had prepared ir her [Clifiord, the most prominent leader of istal retorm, mittee, one on either side, the proper | and should be dealt with by it . |His $18 suits and overcoats made to |hmsband and other boarders. the Baptists, while more than fifty re AD aR J way to settle the question was to let a etree |order surpass anything he ever had | Mrs. Van E remo rated Ween bodies co-operated for the oe yspepsia Revelation. The European manufactur {the people ecide Mr. Muacdonnel Women and Girls, yet. | Hardy, who, it is alleged, struck he casion $n a manner rare indeed 313. Those who havo dyspepia, von a ers of Jardinieres have pro complimented McParland upon the Toin. XY. W. and take free educational { While lying on the floor, she alleges) gta The Archbishop of Canter | chrogie form, will be surprised at duced some very striking and Fstraightior wd manly way he |elasses Elementary and advanced Buckley Hats. » |Rardy drew a revolver and threatened [DRG inangural address was worded results when they get hold of th highly artistic specimens this tt ussed the question work Pest teachers. Further 'infor-] The hat: that style lovers are'to shoot her. She claims she sprang {with = stafesmanlike restraint, but it | right remedy. That remedy is Day' season. eve are 'cight places in King: [mation at rooms, 196 Johnson street. buying. Sold' ip Kingston only at to seize the weapon from his hand, | was none the less emphatic in condem Dyspepsia Cure. It always gives ston,"" continued Mr. Macdonnell ere et pein Campbell Bros.'," the leaders in men'gi when it was accidentally discharged, [nation of the Congo evils. The arch somal the help and the strength "that are not keeping hotel and yet Lace And Net. hats. the bullet entering Hardy's heart, bishop was followed by Dr. Clifiard | qu do properly digest "food, ) have licenses. Ti the 'city council will Blouses on sale to-night at Wald -------------- JS---------------- and other. members of the free | bottle . containe sixteen days' § ipploint a commission to investigate ron's. The annual meoting of the City| Corpofation men got busy on the churches of waridus sects," some of ment. For sale only at J, B, hese eight places to be named, 1 un ; Poor Reliel association will be held down town crossings, yesterday after whose fiery denunciations contrasted | Lood 8, drug store, corner Ki rtake to make thé statement that erhert Gl has accepted the in the city buildings, committee room, noon, and their work was greatly ap- strangely With the Archbishop of Can | Brock streets, (Wade's old stand) ring this year they haven't given Wernor ge of South Ai- on Monday afternoon, at four o'clock. preciated by citizens. terbury's calmer words, but who rous | corner Princess and Montreal stro j 1 : : All interested are invited to attend. | Nyal's Stone Root Compound, bet ed storms of applause. A resolution |. ' . . : to such an extent as would satisfy any Wanted--Castomers to get photos Money comes too hard to place it ter than pills for the kidneys, in Ble. was carried, by acclamation, demand A few youngsters enjoyed their Le Robertson Bros. fai-minded jury that they were gen o avoid our usual Christmas in any risky proposition. Buy King- bottles; at. Prouse's Drug Store, cor- ling a complete reform. in the adminis | sleigh ride of the season yests ' . } nine We'll take eight and rush e & Co. ston realty; sound as the goverh-'ner Princess and Clergy. z tration of the Congo Independent | Hand slvighs were noticed on 1g X Men here khow it. 1 Ne & Shaw ¢ cial, ment. MeCann can interest vou, | Newman & Shaw's * Monday." State. walks, We have a large variety in all lines, from the cheapest to the best. Special designs in Mintons t and Doultons, which are d worthy of your inspection d n enls or beds to hoarders or lodgers Fini

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