MRS eee ALL READY FOR CHRISTMAS |i wopsoxsrie pemeor| somiar oni =m i SPANGENBERG, THE JEWELER, ™* ¥ Wilh Swaine, pi "per, Warbeg 46 Announce our grand opsting dGulhy" of Rie) JUDGESTOACT. | Ilium Swaine. piano' tuges,_guters " = 2 a 9 ; . ? "Cadbury's Chocolates" ate sold in » hristmas Cards . Will Ask That More Stringent | Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug i Store. Canadian Laws Regarding The Portsmouth public school rooms Art Calendars x Licenges to Americans Be' Ene are Slling wp, chiefly by arrivals from { . n, Eng. : : Windsor, Ont., Nov, '19.--Chazles | * Blue and Red Grapes, Crawford. : . r Holiday Books: ' wall, aged twenty-two, and Asie: **Talcum: and Toiles Powders." I TI y ¥ as $f hi Charbo i fourteen, cro pays to buy them at Gibson's Red J 8 . , J : § E Ou: stock of Christmas, New Years' al ¢ J pi ung, god October 27th last | Cress Drug Store. - ' ok . ards is st elaborate, from the World's' t Arti ati 'and upon = making the usual declara- The A ican Sunday school, Ports. : : : : ful and dFtistig/'dbsigns, at very low pri look through ; thei , were granted (mouth, has added another ' ' : : : PRY A 'marringe. license," The gi * swore a infant class. o_o Jf you want a good Watch--one that will keep accurate time--one that he ighteen years old, an . Cunningham, piano' tuuver from ' . . . 4 hn . : R. UGLOW & COMPANY though she. looked somewhat younger | Chickering's. Leave orders at Me- you can depend upon and at prices that were never offered before in ~y the issuer, with the sworn statement | Aulev's Store, ) : " rn 141. PRINCESS STREET. before him, had no hesitancy in hand- | Witchazd cream ond cold cream, Kingston. Just drop in at SPANGENBERG'S. Seeing is believing. ling over the license. The ouple were {regular 15 cents, for 10, cents, at bséquently married by Rev. Mr. | Best's. 13 : of the Church of | Blue and Red G , Cr E Articl * Ou or i Ti eet Tae Upon turing 10 | Councillor Sider, ob. Portamouth, very rlicle In Tr Stock Reduced For Cash 'her parents' home across the river {has sold his property © ie the li \ . : 9 5 2 and informing her father of what she | asylum gate for a good round figure. 3 . British 'Whig SS. " Bs had done, the young bride and hex| "Rubber Sponges" from 30o. to : - husband were taken to police head- | $2.50, real beauties. Ask to soc them S. » , uarters for an investigation of the | at Gison's Red Cross Drug Store. . 3 x S ecial Music Offe | afiairs When it was learned that the | The rush with the express companies \ y 347 KING ST. - |wedaing had really taken place the |will soon be on now. Christmas gifts y n en Tr Kl Ss ! | authorities came across the river 10 l{or ithe old land will have to be sent ® a $ NG TC YIN - . . 2 3 a. {learn how a fourteen-year-old girl learly. ; . * . f.7 TOE Tmght Ys OF You could be married under Canadian laws. es and Gr J. Crawiord. ' - x : apes, J. d "My Every Thought is of ==%&~ arm [Spade Seht to light the fact that | "Nyal's Cod Liver Oil" and Nyal's fou" is i i Ye 8 3 i Wall and the girl had both commit- | Pinol Cough Syrup. Buy them at Yeu 18 a high class ballad. " ted perjury in order to procure the | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "The words are by Boston's license, ole affair had wtirred up' # a ee a THE NEWS OF WORLD ES SIXTEEN ARE IN All . The ad sul wind us or i mst popular Tenor Singer, The whole affair Dad tire pg I oo Decl aa an Gustave Terry Injured in Duel at hornets" nest in Mr, Charles 8. Chapman, the lof the circuit court judges have de-the cheesemen say it has been a good Paya. . music is 'by' Mr af E. Mac- ik cided upon a plan a bring to the at- |season, OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED | paris, Nov. 19.--Gustave Terry, who | THEY RAN ILLEGAL DIVES : Y soa Tue ? tention ol the Canadian government | Blue and Red Grapes, Crawford. IN BRIEF FORM. stirred up the recent naval scandal by . Arthue, musical director of 'what they denoutice sa he . tnild Wl three schooners, Major Ferry, alleging corruption in the purchase of IN NEW ONTARIO. % . N Marriage Evil." Within the past few itthen and Ford River, which clear- Tha Ateres verybod. supplies, was wounded, to-day, in a the Ginger bread Company. weeks several cases of young gicls | od last night for Oswego, are now Matters t Jo tE Y | duel with Laurenti Tailhade, the poet. And Af Cc Could NN, . h . : : 3 --Notes From All Over--Uittle | dr ter Conviction Co ot = marrying men to whom they were held up at Four Mile Point, wind { E 4 The latter escaped injury. Terry had Pay the Fines Imposdd--Good There are two verses and y {little more than strangers, and cross- | bound. o verything Easily Read |}, offence at a newspaper article y h » 1 . = . 'ing the river to have the ceremony | Blue and Red Grapes, Crawford. and Remembered. in which he was criticized by Tailhade. Work of the Provincial License a C ofus to this song. tis | performed, where more or less secrecy | The Grass property in Portsmouth, | The steamer Bransford, of the Haw- | Terry's charges regarding naval sup: Inspector. not a difficult song to sing 1s observed by the marriage license | 4¢ present occupied by Mrs. Kingswell good line, is ashore on Isle Royale plies involved, him in several damage | Toronto, Nov, 19.--Provincial License . . issuers, have been brought to _the at- | has been sold to Mr. Grass, Murvale, | 3d is in bad shape. suits with officials of the naval depart- 1 nector ' George "Morrison reports STW. tention of the Petrol authorities, and who purposes giving up farming and | (General Booth has Sofi gly decidec | ment. that two more conviciions have been it a probable that represer # 1to live retired. ; ( sit C ia: duri th tt r i ------------------------ : k * 4 | will be made to dither Toronto or | "Cadbury's Chocolates," fresh, at 16% February and early in March. - ., BOUGHT AN OLD TRUNK. mde aguitst keepers of Hoge} widthey WHIG'S MUSIC COUPON {Ottawa setting fort a "the Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The | The Wells Fargo company has de- gone to jail, as they were unable to 5 a more stringent aws Be gf ro who | house of good sweats. cided on an increase in tapital stock | Albany Merchants Found Bonds pay their fines. NOVEMBER 19.--"MY EVEPY THOUGHT IS QF YOU." granting of Liesiises 10 Ce TIONS Jie and Grapes, J. Crautond. lfrom eight millions to twenty-four mil- | Worth $5.00 in It. 1he earnings of the Temiskaming & cross e rive Ve : id thie Wea thos gerntits the ¥- 1-0 4 fion, b 2 Albany, N.Y., Nov. Dati Klien | Northern Ontario railway foe the | AE. a } {ne revival rumors regarding offers { and Joseph Booth, Albany merchants, | month "of September, according to a MAME iis iii nsion sein i a a _ CALL SPECIAL FUND Satay A ey hors to buy government houses, 'loronto, | yesterday, purchased jointly for $2.75 | statement just issued, were $157,777, ' | . 4 ! ort) 3 p r ¢ 1 z eh pn h ° ] Suréet and Number | And An Appeal Against the Sen- |=, good time is losked forward to. A c. Wher. Satly desied by 30 a oi od Bg pe OO rion City or Town | : tenes, |The Hatriers Bad a nice little run on" novo Ris, J.P., former police | victims of accidents, and found it con- | account of $61,626. This does not Province . Toronto, Nov. 19.--The featute nk | a Asn | magistrate for West Toronto, will be |tained fifty bonds of a French trac-|include $10,000 in royalties received by the American Federation of Labor | . assistant police magistrate at 'the [tion line. They received word, to-day, | the railway from various mines. : convention, this morning, was the re- | The Situation In England. | Toronto city court. that the bonds were believed to oe| Before the court of appeal, to-day, To cbtain"the sheet music above, fill dut'the céipon' and en- [port of the committee on the aunts! Mobtret 3! Leas. : : William M. Laffan, publisher of tho [worth 895 cach, with accrued interest |A. R. Hassard, Toronto, is arguing close tén cents in stamps or coin. Address Music Department, British |address of the president. Tn this the | All that Mr. Asquith can do is to |New York Sun, died on Friday at his |from 1903, on behali of a motion to compel Jus- Whig, Kingston. main thing was the reference to the | make tho propriety of their appeal 10 |country? home at Lawrence, L.I. He -- tice Riddell to grant a stated case for ( ¢ .|injunciion proceedings which resulted the people against the people's Louse | yas operated on last Monday for ap- SOLD PASSES ON I.C.R. Samuel Spinnelli, the young Italian in the sentences on Mr. Gompers and the principal question for the people | pendicitis. sentenced to be hanged at North Bay' i other officers of the federation. The [to decide, over and above the ques- | Abel Cheney, ninety years of age, Parties Said to Have Been Doing | for murdering a Chinaman at Hailey { committee held that the injunction | tions involved in the budget, which is 'of Concord, Vermont, and Kliza J. i ; i i i Sdn : : aa A : | hn ; > Big Business. bury. Justice Riddell had previously, AAAASHAHAASIFASA AAA ATIIAHAASAAHASIASISIIIIAINSE. | was not legal when applied to cases | the subject! of the referendum. But : : { ndur But | Martin, * seventy-two years old, ot : { refused: to gran st ca where 'actual property is not involy- | would he be altogether wise in doing |South Hecket, were married. at the Halifax, N.3.; -Qet..19. ~The latest grant a stated sme, 3 ad : . so? The Lords have taken t ol Nr . rt As I report in Intercolonial railway circles A MONEY-SAVING d oo ad maint sited thet Pe i Sos Lion of appealing RE ahi oridde home on Weide. a J bis is the lis that some parties at headquarters | Woman Overpowered Burglar. X18 8 pi fe s amd gr : Be : " . : Bud y pi} % | that store or article or establishment, | final Judge. The premier ggks them to | Applications are to be considered by in Jonetom, Jiave for Jeary been doing wiiinetomind., Nov. i Gracy % |patronage being controlled. solely by onal wh inet, th yf h Jule and | the government for a number of tarifl |o,lo of passes It is aid ae that wered burglar y J had entered - % each individual. The committee very | C5) are k Sr oT b W Sppeal changes, including one from they, aT th tie gh ve k 3 Pe home. and eid from his grasp : > * | strongly condemned the pontenes, of ja Wig Premier ve ini a ey Sheet Steel company, Morrisburg, fa ostiratiog we a Tony a a pillowslip containing two hundred & li i the labor lgaders, " £ oad- | whiol i 4 : . . 3 rs i : ¢ that = Exinet 'the |r of the liberal party and constitu- which wishes the duty on tin plate |,:4 unless the matter is hushed up [dollars worth of jewellery and furs 2 x x " i ral dollars per ton. -- : i i oS % ing : th 1 | tional ehampion of the Tights. of the raised several doll per. tor there may be startling developments. which the intruder had stolen from an FoR F [Maghy chivia and the'decration of | Foun ETL ou" arto | ith fie beiaming toda of "te Ee sueriksg do rego ; o Ra ad sablishment of a naval base at the rr E11 3 i) : . | tactical wisdom to accept the jurisdic- ada i {Or : . % | imprisoned , without a trial by his | JONC) Sel To Cr ng ontain ae (Orkney Islands the North | Sen be. LIFE IMPRISONMENT. G. W. Kyte, member for Richmond, peers. The committee recommended | ; =: : 3 . comes praeticafly a Biitish lake which N.8S., has been appointed ernmen ZL |ihat an appeal be made against the Je, "Shcey Stanly a r on 'the outbreak of war could be im-| Five Men Sentenced For Holdin, whip en hp - i Bo sentences and a special fund for the Ea) going 9 ords on he oediately closed to the rest of the g P " . : hs | subjest matter of their appeal as Up Train yurpose opened if necessary. This sec- | a % 4 eC world. { : ' . dd would mako'such an appeal very im- I'hat the New York board of educa- | Omaha, Neb., Nov. 19.--Judge T. C. : ¥ % ¥ | tion. of the report was passed by a standing vote, amid much enthusiasm. | probable in future. ion will follow the plans adopted by | Munger, i te United States Sistict Intestinal Indigestion ; T i -- 4 : % . the board of superintendents to do [°OUrt, sentenced to lle imprisonmen ---- NEW BOOTS AND SHOES : Mr. Wade Exposes. Hunting For Children. away with football is certain accord- ithe five men who held up "the Union & ¥érm of Dyspepsia Usually Re. x Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 19.--Frederick | ottasa Journal. ing to those familiar with the situa- | Pacific Overland Limited train at Oma- sultink From the bility to " For SATURDAY BUYING, It will pay you to see the bar- & | wade, K.C. speaking at. Nelson, cre: | hilo the cities of the old world nro {jon as a result of the several re tha, on May 12th last, and robbed the & Inab y gains before buying elsewhere. 3 v : B.C, Seki Bing Be rei] looming with homeless and parontless 'cont deathe. mail car. The men. are William Ma- Digest Starchy{Fopods.: ated i" sensation ir Fie oD children, over ome hundred thousand | N. Lewis, M.P. for West Huron thews, D. W. Woods, Frederick Torgen-| There are a t many persons who i the re ees souncl signed by Lremier |gpplications from prosperous Canadiun | has given notice in the commons of a |%on, Frank Grigware and Lawrence K. |are victi i in- 6 ya S$ McBride, recommending that a quit |g mers in the past cight years for giv comt | Golde are victims of what is known as in . claim of reversionary rights in 3,238 | children to adopt had to be a resolution to place prohibitive duty |"olen. testinal indigestion, a disease which is 1 | We place on sale the choicé of Our Entire Stock of Come to the ¢ | acres in the Okanagan Indian Reserve | gooount of the scarcity of finprovided on pulpwood except to countries, " due to the fact that the starchy foods : Z |at the rate of 82.50 per acre bo issued | children in Canada. Tt is a real pity which admit Canadian paper free of Busy At The Locks. ave either partially digested or not di- . | ' # |to W. A. Long, Peachland, formerly | that these childless homes and parent- duty, to which countries pulp. or| g.ult Ste. Marie, Ont., Nov. 19.-- gsted at all, and the result of this ) ZL |president of the conservative associd- |)ess children could not ho brought io pulpwood would be exported free. | The opening of the Poe lock, Wednes- uouble any bo hel bet . . : tion, -if Mr. McBride wins the fight | ona another's knowledge Could not ' {day night, is rapidly relieving the con- constipation or a persisten arrhoea. Cor, Princess and Wellington Streets. : against the dominion government for | tho government, arrange for an exira WHAT WILL HAPPEN | gestion of vessels which hn above. This , inability to digest starch ais a CAC CICA Akers aks i 7 reversionary. rights in Indian lands | thousand or so of proverly voudhcd . - | Locking has been delayed by low wa- called 'amylaceous dyspepsia, a dis- SEEHERACIAOK HH AASIAREE HF HSER throughout the province, The order | for children, t6 be sent across yearly |If Street Railway Company Re- ter aud, as a consequence, the Cana- east which is much = avidente Am- bm was signed by Mr. McBride while the {from Britain to fhe good homes that fuses City's Power Offer. {dian lock has been working overtime, Srieans are notoriously poor digesters ? llocal legislature was in session, but ill t active - them ? Suet i : | several boats being deep of starch, and as starchy foods, such : . gts BS ned Et amen ate ng SA On 9 hil L If the street railway company does |. i Ba lk k a $00 ep y laden as potatoes, rice, bread, etc., are di- < ob BRON : AAARAR RAL ALA as hot co ate assem- | wou ye a New and Westward child or y Ty oF «Airy Hor the Poe lock. hree others of sixty or 2 » or y AGH ASAHI AISI AAA K bly nor made public till Mr. Wado | renfs.crusade that would meet with a eo [feet beam will have to either await gested antipely in the gual intesting, read it. The lands in the same neigh- | approval from all. ling, there will be no more power to | the rising of the water or to lighter, an nol In Stoning Drops: po? borhood sell for orchards at $300 to : : mn . as the Canadian lock is not wide en |5°D rally supposed, it can readily | run the cars after Tuesday night; in | y 1 i ne hi : 1 indi : il $400 an acre | ; A ough to admit the seen how intestinal indigestion wi ' { Meanness To A Blind Man. other words, the street railway' line |2"8h to admit them. usually produce diarrhoea. -- - | Cleveland Plain Dealer. . {will be disconnected with the city | e---------- In th all intestine the a Drots Mad To pictus Redpyon --1=A an {5h Sark gases aver his power house, for the present agreo- | Cannon Saved Once Before. juice ty . i i adrid, NOV. 9. --Mount OSalores. is | eyes ouchec © conductor on ne le > % . in eruption, according to despatches |shoulder as the car neared Euclid ave- marily. I a at ol te recoived here, to-day, from Teneriffe. {nue ,and East JFifty-F ifth street. . There is good reason to believe that {shot to death in Nicaragua as a revo- grape sugar and pri Wy Starch So violent has been the disturbance Pardon me," the man said, "but if { (ho city council will adopt the recom- {lutionist, was a native of this city Vist be so transformed before it can shat i ig has hoon Jormed, Yoise. she onducte J va 10 ask mendation of the light, heat and pow- jand was twenty-nine years old. He he of use to the animal being. Re- Smoke and lava are pouring out and |8@ or. V you er committee, and there is also reason {had been living in Central America for maining as unchanged either WILL BUY: WILL SELL: great anxiety is felt for the surround- |to lead me over to the curb when the ang 5,000 Silver Leaf, 8,000 2.000 Cobalt Majestic, 1,000 $ ing country. Earth shocks, accom- | car stops if you'll be so-good. to befieve that the stent railway com- aight years, bud 0 Lig time had been | passes through the alimentary paul; . y : 3 : : IN : 2 pany will accept the five-year provi- |D¢ a dozen times as figuring land proves a useless burden to tl Rochester, = 5,000 © Cobalt Lake, Chushers- Ferland, Thy panied the eruption according to re- | . Nov shay I inded jue little both- sional agreement offered it, at the rate In hazardous enterprises: Within a i because it resists absorption, 100 ~ Nipissing, 5,000 Peter 5 shares | Farmers Bubk, 20 ports here. Many settlements on = ol or Shat mm Yumarke) lof 1.20 cents a kilo-watt hour: |year word was received that he had |or jt causes intestinal indigestion, the son Lake, 1,000 Nova Scotia, 1.- shares Frost & Wood, 40 shares Tenerifie are in danger and ships the conductor when he go ack on | y ..t now the people are wondering {been condemned to die for participat- | food products becoming acrid through 000 Foster, 500 Cobalt Central. Home Lite, 19 shares Stqpdard % were, to-day, despatchedy from Span- bed s.r, "but "Sant. sight to let ht {if there'll be cars after Tuesday, par- {ing in an uprising, but was saved by | putrelaction, which often sets up a oa- A Phosphate Property in Front Verne lots and houses in any part # ish and African ports to give aid to | el man 4 : & A 1%e | icularly the uptown and Portsmouth | the intervention of the United States. |¢arrhal inflammation of the intestine, enac. : of the City, (320 acres Improved the threatened towns and to take off{ that at mg t trying to find his way i 'tions > cars doris- | ETT Farm, Saskatchewan.) around in the dark.' | sections. 'If the cars stop, the Ports | resulting in diarrhoes. « the refugees. {mouth people will have a bus, of | Can Supply Canada's Needs. In a complaint of this ust I i | teourse. $ Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 19.--Hon, '3, |ma ns use paregoric, Squibb's, List Your Buy and Sell Orders Now. Manitoba Boundary. A Great Tudustry g ov. 19.--Hon. 3. [many perso : HISAR BASIS SAOSICICINSK AAAI HK "City Brokerage" 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON. J. O. HUTTON \ RC DOBBS 5 + HHA HGR FAH ment with the city as to power expires | Harrisburg, Pa., Nov, 19.--Leroy on Tuesday, the 23rd. { Cannon, who is reported to have been » apc ASHEN lw s | Another communication from the {y. Picotte.. minister 'of maine and and tannin to relieve the 3 Ottawa, Nov. 19.--Sir Wilfrid Laur- Ny pouot of the canning and jam street railway company is expected to | fisheries in the Newfoundland govern- diarrhoes, all of these remedies being ier informed Mr. Roche that until the | faotories of Ontario, in fruit alone, make its appearance at the city coun- | ment, is in the city, with a view to powerfully astringent, and they stop government of Manitoba had notified | pay be safely placed at $3,580,000 a cil meeting, on Monday evening, E establishing better trade in fish be- | the trouble suddenly, "locking up the the federal government of their ac- | year. Tender fruits disposed of in the will have to be acted ypos v the | ween Canada and Newfoundland. He morbid secretions, throwing the toxic ceptance of the extension of the boun- | raw state will account for at least |council itseli, as there would be, no [says Canadians have ignored the ex- intestinal poison back on the system, darieé of the province, defined in the | oy and onc-hali millions more. The [Us® referring it to the light and power | oilent fishing conditions in Newfound¢ and often causing death through auto- ReLeeettettttltetttetd LPLLLLLL LLL LLL 8LRLS |, lution adopted on July 30th, 1908, apple output of the province--count- committee, which practically has an- |jand, and points out that an cnter- intoxication. : : t : IH F and until the two governments & had ing in that consumed on the farm, the wound to the SO that Jt will con. pulsing Canadian By vould Supply Sarre ep Ee rns Wi resh Sat da come to an understanding as to hnan- ortion sold in the maw, and the | 81¢ er no more re ests ithe entire anadian trade th fish [am Tr a . ' X We ave for ne y < cial torditions, 'the federal' goveérn- 53 product--is worth not Tr railway compgny for power conces- { from that country. substance called "diastase, Whi x ment had no authority to introduce | than $7,000,000. Here is a total out- |Sions. The people are hoping for ian | --------as thoroughly digests every particle ol C Roll and Cocoa Cak uny. legislation 1a. give se 0 the | put of $11,000,000 a year aside from |smicable settlement of the vexed ques- | ArchbishopTo Censor Plays. starchy 'foods in the small intestine, ocoa S$ - e resolution. | threo =tq three and oae-hali millions j tion. Montreal, Nov. 19.--"We are. going and provents the possibility of neith Coll Professor Suicide Iopteseitiog She vegeluible Pack of the to submit all . our plays to the arch- Bo a of fond eaten . ' » . ollege essor 1 . ctor ag rub ¢ ng. { S00 hi 3 p Joo .aalem. Try one for Sunday evening's tea. You will Champa ss I Nou Ie The bods | ar TE VEEL NE et bo Jy cima ora oi Thess tablets also contain ealcum : ay ha . § | , h 3 x" which i i Hl be well satisfied. ot Prof. Wilirid C. Wheeler, of the Postoffice Extension. The Government Dry Dock For Cliarlebois, manager - of the Sarbouste" whith is « ny Bir i To > chemistry department dt the Univer |. 1¢ jd stated on authority that the Repairs. : Academy, when - asked as to how his |. : i | i . diarrhoea sity of Illinois, was found on the lgork of building an extension to the| The steamers City of Ottawa and plans for the future would be afiected lieves and cures by easy $ e ) ud. es, 4 PAAR FAA EA 32. > SOG wa "wr wo y - " ae al } X y : tages, lt d not act with such T 302 King St. pou of Mo eon pie (Rom mak oSatn Si Sie ce Bh of Moo "(By arn ofthe ribho sshtoa | GH, bem ce peo ® . oye, Phone 141 A Sma hatte foun iy Pi cated |gpring. The plans are now being pre- lia the government dry dock here in condemnation of the class of plays | 30 systém, but on the contrary, by its : , that he had poisoned himsell. pared. § The goverliment has [laced {yorm, after ihe steamer Keyport comes produced. there. antiseptic properties, all toxitn, fates v FEFVSII ISI IFIP PIIIAVIFIIIVIRIFIIIIIITINNG STAs ox {twenty.ive ousand dollars in the l,i The steamer Keywest will receive s tinal germs and poisons alw r dh ' | Penitentiary At Calgary. lestimates for the work. . This will Fg10 outside repairs, and not enter Child Born In Lavatory. ent in intestinal indigestion and diar- - Calgary, Nov. 19.--A ipenitentiary {not be sufficient but another vote will {ha dock. All four vessels will win- Winnipeg, Nov. 19.--Amelia Stack- | rhoea, are destroyed. === |similar. to. the Central prison of On- {likely be made in the supplementary Yor here. « hoski, a German domestic, gave birth | Not only are the starches digested . { tario, will be erected here, ncxt sea: estimates next spring. The [local | The government dry dock has been| ~ a child in the lavatory of the house of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab MAAS IAAA4AAASELE TELA AS | son, by ihe provincial government, {post oitiee has been in need of this leased for the winter by the M. T. | where she was employed. The infant was | Jo Cs . a of . . ' { for the accommodation of short-term extension ior some years. lecompany, which will place one of its [found lying dead and the unfortunate |i ¢ Solder, Plumbers Wiping and Bar, Tinsmiths * feonvicts. / | 356 Rod Or Blue 6 20¢ large steamers in it for extensive mother is now. in the hospital in RY . - ' \ ; -- oe r Blue Grapes, « . |repairs. a dying condition. Infanticidé may and Electrical Wire Solder. "Everything for the man who| Red or Blue Grapes, Table Apples; | "The steamer Alethy will continue on charged against her if she recovers. ¢ shaves! himsolf."! See the window dis- | Crawford. f . {her bay route a week longer and then pottoereettteot tell le a The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. CTE RTT RHLTLL TARTAR ARVATTTRLRVTBE RAR IRRRSNE = play at: Gibson's Red Cross Drug | 'will lay up at Deseronto, Kingston| "Shave yourself." 'No, waiting. S Store : : |. Cheese brought 11fc. in Bellev lle: "loses the Aletha as it is now owned by ! the shaver's comforts in Gibson's Red Apples and Grapes, J. Crawiord. {11e. was refused in Brockville, the Quinte Navigation company. Cross Drug Store window, / :