EEE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ntrimmed Hats For 25¢ and 50c. Many women (who have the taste and ability) prefer trim their own hats. We have good ngws for these people. to We are making a raid on untrimmed hats, that onght to make it. worth while for every one to visit our second floor. The shapes are all small, which makes them very attractive. For convenience we have divided them One at 25c. and the other at 50c. into two classes. Crumley Bros. THE FAIR We Lead ; Others Follow. Free. I---- Ror Hundreds Will Remember This Sale of China With Pleasure and Profit. See the Great Values To-Day. We have made many great sacrifices in all kinds of goods since we have come to stay in Kingston, but never anything to equal this slaughter of prices in these Beautiful China Dishes now offer. Those who fail to secure one or more will certainly. feel "left."" If you come here and have a look for yourself. You'll find the values obsoliitely convincing. Grand opportunity to buy Xmas Presents. wo STE WINDOW. Mcintosh Bros. Manager, PERCY JESSE. THE ONTARIO CONSOLIDATED MINES, LIMITED AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $350, 000.00 PAR VALUE OF SHARES 25c¢c EACH 40 Acres in the richest part of Field. 4 Acres prospected, showing 6 well defined calcite Shaft 50 feet deep and all necessary Write for prospectus, maps and filled in 'order of receipt. For further particulars; Cobalt, the world's most famous Silver Veins buildings on property. special letter. Applications for stock apply MERSON & CO., Members Standard Stock and Mining Exchange, 16 King St. West, Toron- to, Canada SE Hennessy, Ryan & CO. MEMBERS MONTREAL MINING EXCHANGE New York and all Cobalt Stocks bought and sold on commis sion. 86 NOTRE DAME ST. WEST, MONTREAL Tel.-Main 7204. TIIE DIGESTION Faund More Than Mcdicine. New York Tribune Digestion is seldom the taking of medicines, old family physician. plenty of old bodies of both who have taken medicine enough float a battleship--taken it as of pious duty," he says, old bodies hang on to life their dosing, not through "A large glass of water GOBELINS. Treatment HelpfeliRi and € Decadence cf Art of » Tapestry. Each vear the problem of finding re cruits to keep alive the Gobelins becomes more difficult. the Adam 'canons the difficulty of jattainment does not in this case secure : a sort i, hyresponding remuneration, and | but hes =e © youths, their parents them, 1h spite think 'of oecupatiohs which' permit it | their children to beeciie wage earners taken lat a much earlier age than if they ning irect afte si Ie ng Ri HE abter 5 a sid tied down as artists of Gobe lins, e « the woth » worth & the clea € ef are worth all ui iobelins takes its rise from the time apurient mixtures in the world. The | Henry IV of France juice of one two oranges, taken *& can a long before breakfast possible, workers from . Be Are neal is excellent for cle aning out the diges- | Pyrenees. as Henry of Sgvaite. tive tract and giving the appetite a edict is deted THOT, Ju thel ie Infancy fillip. It is well to follow the morning atelers DE ho alae 1 tub with ten minutes or so of exer | BU Ee me 0 the glory cists Xhich will stimulate the stomach} Gia was under Louis XIV. and liver. Stand upright, with the |. . " ia dice] : hands above the pa then bend bert was under the: direction Cot down, keeping the knees straight, un he til the tips of the fingers touch the | floor. Repeat this eight times, then | put the" hands on the hips and bend | from side to side. This massages the liver and stimulates the digestion. For | | 0 breakiast eat porridge brown | foo bread and some fruit. Prunes ar ol best if there is a tendency to constipas bun tion. glass of water taken just be jusny fore going to bed is excellent for Hus ing out the stomach and keeping the {ial o + commences the decadence digestion in order.' art' of tapestry improved i de lar = "We all wo glories | of an know sexes to It converse of one of emer -- of wages,' or for in the or the His the des ot Under Lebrun marvel succeeded mar- I, which found place in the~ palaces oi the kings or princely dwellings { Among the Globe, ve masterpieces, "Les Elements" and *'L.'Historie du Rei," Jardiniers," Histoire 4° Alexandre." Sud- there a change. The work- longer created, they copied pic- {don were and ints the ! was of Influence Of Sunshine i ii altogether competent the subject, concluded from some eyperiments he made that the cold of youd external space must be at leasp"253 of Fahreabeit's scale Jower than the temperature of freezing water--that further below freezing water than . boilipg water is above it. Such would certainly be the con- dition of things upon the surfac of the earth in the entire absence oi sun/ shine, .and such the earth will even- tually. become, for 'it is as certain anything in the world that the heat of Match-Making In India. Thirty-five specimens of timber now being tested in Europe their availability for making splints and boxes. Tests are ling made of timbers in India by the imperial forest research, and it is ex- pressed as an official opinion that the match industry likely to take a firm footing in that country. -M. Pouillet, authority, © are as also be- 18, Best's Short top eures all eo alwavs, and costs but 15 cepts Many people are made giddy al whirl Penman s 13s will cea i Lav S yaghes as the finite SOK will came. whve the the sun flovee lined 1 NX it mngston Smith's | who brought | "La fille | says the Lon- | "Les Mois" | 's, and with the diffusion of pictor- | to match | DID HE POISON WIFE|[™ ARCHIBALD ) WLAUGHLIN IS ACCUSED. Burned Down and She and Children Perished--Her Stomach Was Amalyzed and Poison Found in It. Uxbridge, Ont, Nov. 19. Detective Greer, of the provimial police force; Larrived hee, this morning, andi arrest {rd Archibald McLaughlin, who is sus Ipected of poisoning his Wife. Me | Laughlin's house was discovered on fire, about twelve o'clock at might, .n October 20th, and his wifeind vo little boys perished ' from what supposed to be suffocation. The tlic were not satisfied, and an was ordered by Cororfer Bacon. several sittings the LI journed to November 23rd, stomach of Mrs. Mc Laughlin ito Toronto {or analysis. From coveries made, the attorncy-gone department authorized {arrest. Mc Laughiin raigned before W. 1s now on the way charge of the detw Johnston. was Pri Inguest Alta wi ihe sent Gis al s Mcpsughlin hwrniediy Hamilton, J.P. to Whitby tive was and was was are and jal, ia and Constable | A Ducal Melon i Seattle Post-Inteiligencer. | The Duke of Sutheriand, at a dinner in New York, praised ardently the icy and delicious watermelon. | "1 better understand 'a_story that 1 heard on over. Lover. now,' the he said, voyage told me by He said town cried veh the "Ihis story was an in southerner. a color in lis August course of his sermon : 'Breddern and ag winst de heinous sin ©' jcrapg | Ah charges vo' against | bragk rascality liftin' pullets ! above all breddern an' Ah demonishes yo' at dishyer against de crime melon-steahin 'Ch--' 'A brother in th odd' sound with his lips, snapped his fingers, Then he again .with an abashed look. 'Whuffo, mah frien', said | preacher, sternly, 'does rar snap yo' fingahs when speaks {melon-stealin" ¥' * Yo t {man In 'Whar one Sunday in Ah w shootin sisters, yo' tut gistern, 0' else, season 0 | e back seat made an and sat down the an' of VO Ah up the k reminds me, back lef' pahson,' answered knife." " She Saw Theodore. | Youth's C ompani on. Phe an old story long « lin re howe city, Br¢ wokly n, late Dr. Theodore L, illustrates how a son 1s to his mother the most important being in th | world. In Dr. Cuyler"s cast, one could | | not justly question his ability and | usefulness. Besides x ine a successind { pustor, he the author of many religious books, which: were read here anh abroad, as well as a freypue at con | iributor to cortain magazines. When ha was in England, he {mother corresponsied mgularly, and at | grant length, *o the tradition | Ono day a letter came | deseribed his poesentation to Queen | Victoria. Mrs. Cuyler read it with vgerness, hardly able to wait till sho { hod finished before telling some what had happeossk. When she al got through the letter hastened No a ex ighbor's house and announced : | "I've just got a letter from Hand, amt do you know; the Queen sen Theodore." scat mah mee Ah 1 Iv, irrend about the Cuyler, which | was Foes she | Practised Hands. Herald agv pensions { Family | Old are respon {a pretty country romance I'l lof tha little village church, at {in Wiltshire, will ring next week | the widdaine of two old-age . who were fiity years ago, | met again only. after cach othr married twice, It postofficn that thoy when the Old Ago | inter foros The | sign his pension ible for bells Reovil, for and had was in the village met more Pension Act came old. man could not order and a vene able dame who happened to -be in | office came to his | name was familiar to her, next pension day came old folks eompared ered that they had i half a contury before rievh twice then, amd no | iny %o be macried | each other lovers oe His anh when around thet tw notes and discos boon gweetheaits Fach had mar \ assistance, th third a time--to Doing A Man's Work. The Widow | bereaved, | about her tw a. | "Boggs { droamily yo to git drunk has was - Skinnex been twice and telling two husbands over she me a cup of the ornery hound wot and come home and lam- haste all over the place. Arter Bowgs died 1 married Skinner. He | was a good for nothin', ornery critter wot "ud turn up full, and I'd lam him till he couldn't sce She chuckled with quiet amusement. "Well," said a Tlistoner, "the last | was better than the first, at least." But the widow shook her head. "No, "tw'an't," she erick "I'd | kinder got used to Boggs' little ways, {and in Skinner's case 1 never cottoned {to the idea of doin" a madn's work { about the house." was first;;' she said used me | i | | | Sugar To Preserve Cut Flowers. Flowors are being sent to us "spit n by country friends. the cut blossoms, There are thos to clipping the giviog in prison' in London How io preserve that ie the question. who pin their faith stalks every day fresh watar. Others vole for a pinch of salt in the water or dash of ammonia or a piece of char coal: An eminent Acsculapius, whom I met the day thatf ac: cordine to his experience, nothing kept flowers so well as lump oad wat numbers thon a other told me a sugac popped into ther Getting A Renewal. Dorothy was playing "house" il friend, Elizabeth, when a Pit have I Little with her suddenly to go home."' "What for good al of said; gupes de concern "ry fo hor if T can Borothy ms mamma answered One hundred Baskets Of Grapes ( Bla ors, at Sweet, atawba, Rid and {Ro 's Larnovsky | rns de | and his | in which he y pensioners | and | TTT ) Amusements. (GRAND '1 OPERAY HOUSE | SATURDAY K NOV. 20TH. MATINEE, AT 230. Queen's Theatre Night, at 8 15 AM BN, LEE SHUBERT, (Ine rf Original New York I rion WOLF" FAL PERS (ir ny and I exandra rt | i and ) st Hiceess | oduction as mire," 'Tor- EUG ENE Toe seal. G0¢ ryved fO-DAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNDON | THE GIRL SCOUT A Phe War anadian Contin the FHE GAME OF FRENZIED FINANCE | \ Evenings leant, nt overs ALL NEXT THE CINEPHONE | PRINCESS THEATRE ROD LIPMAN, FO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. Y Vaudey WEEE "rop. our good GUS CAMPBELL al ydueir RAL ntr 80 in the ARNE) and HOLY Ty ANOTHER BIG ACT qT a rs Rt or pies BRFOR] the city { ny n Fic i TER STING "BENEDICT FRAYAL can Ww AR AM ME The Annual Lecture ON Christian Science ch i ; Nov. 19| the finest PROGR ison Str riday Evening "ROVAL = CHAPTER | REGULAR Hall ATION IN CONVO 'FRAULEIN STOLLE MONDAY OF 10¢ CARD OF THANKS MIRE Pi REALM Ye indent 1} MY GH the | | Miss wy no FERN Womatband I'hursday, FORTER, That Man » WW. 2ath Returns. Wit Fhe Gr Happy and. ~ Mrs ghtful'y enough almost am- ittered 1m togeth +8 ome 1} ratsol golden will be Chansimas here, railway, ained { In Pirst insertion le, {YARDMAN iA feooK. {AN he 3 | CONDENSED ADV ERTISING RATES a word. Each con- secutive inpertion: therealtet hall cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 25c.; three insertions, 080c¢.; six, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED. rm --_ CHAMBERMALID. AP- Amwrican Hotel Office. + AND ply British ERVANT. AP neess street. GOOD pry at GENE RAL once, Lo 480 P GOOD GED FRAL . SERVANT. APD ply in the evening to 123 King St. AR IS AT ONC Apply MUST . BE Frontenac Hotel, FIREY class Rina SMART YOUNG GIRL, TO in general housework. Apply at Mrs M Hughes', 58 Clergy St. be . uhuson and William Ha. ASSIS tween INTEL LLIGENT PERSON x fo earn $190 monthly corresponding fo: newspapers. No canvassing. send for particulars. Press Syadicate, 3,960 Lockport, N.Y. ee et et Are mm A HRELIABL I AND PUSHING safes y present us in Kingston and permanent. grasition fo man. Stone & Wellington Nurseries, Toronte Ont. A Fon ith MEN "Wie CAN FURNIS' to become traveling sales experience unneq ; wrile for full particnlars. Bradstreet Dept. 619 Rochester, N. X. YOUNG references, men | to-day System, ARN THE BARBER TRADE, NEW system, constant practice, careful in struction, few weeks complete course, tools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write for catalogue. . Moler Barber College, 221 Queen St. East, Foronto. gH ik Boy Wanted. = Apply Laidlaw & on Dn. billable LE to John TEACHERS WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED throok Publ hip A iy, Hyland, Ont I CHER FOR School, Kingston stating salary to Sec.-Treas., West- ic BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. IN Come -- J Driver, Cor. NT GERMAN CANARIES, song. bird a i i Conter o or i Queen and Barris sirens deck FOR INSY fare to G FIRE, FIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH. Abera cies tos and | moderate rates in €h first-class Sommpanies. J. Boon, Agent, 1 Wellington street. ANCE THAT INSURER, ngston, Telephone GRO. A. BATEMAN, AGENT FOR Jum} "ire Ins. "s of Board of underwrifers. The Rmonski, Established 1876, ™ Xi and Clarence St., Kingston, hoa 390 LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLO! Fixe iH Insurance Company, 8 $61,187,215. i "addition hed ye CR ly 8 the stdckholders, Farm insured at lowest Tates, renewing old or afing w business get rates from Strange : ra Agents. 'Phone, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. HUB HOTEL RESTAURANT Row Service Carte, day and night. ate service, at Popular prices. Private ining _ eum trance on King street to Gibson's Drug Store. Bor > Ws Top. ARCHITECTS, HENRY P. '258 King street, SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC. "Phone, 345. ARTHUR office and Ave. ELLIS, AROHITECT, 181 Umi WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, etc. Office, 258 Bagot *Phone, 608. ARCHI- street. A KITCHEN Cam, on © "Fone 705. " ZION RINK. APPLY TO REV. J. Boyd, 106 Pine street. DWELLINGS. ie SE AND Jaruished, ores, torage McCann's, ete. King street. FURNISHED ROOM, WITH USE ining room' and Kitchen. Rent modes biog Apply for particulars to Whig o ONE FRONT ROOM OFFICE, King street. Centrally loca able for offices. Apply J.P. Gents' Furnisher, AT Sis HOUSE, GOOD REPAIR, AT 263 UNI versity A venue, an Jnodern, 3 ences, - . a37 ors: root > STORAG FOR FUR R! 0] dry Ey Foams, Rib Foote a To Storage. 399 200. Quen POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212 -- DENTAL. I'MiRD - CLASS, department of S. 8, NL idleville for 1910. App dations stating be rece hy Middle- ACHER - Junior No. 6, See bi rors! WANTED GENERAL. STORE re part « in town. office WOULD LIKE in business Hox 1,711." OR store Apply of cer Whig THE OPPORTUNITY = TO FURNISH estimates on electric 'work. All kinds of work 50 done. -¥F. J. Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellinguw sLreet, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workman ship guaranteed to please. Pressing aad repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 180 Brock St., next Ribby's Livery. VEIL. WITH 1 ARG - on Wednesday evening, on Division Finder BROWN NEY wn dot Pr please incess or CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS DROP A CARD TO CHAS. Carpenter and Builder, Division for reasonable prices on all kinds jobbing, all work done promptly. ot BRE AD SHEETING. ried Dough Land amids nd the is brought un cooked bread erved 1t looks like ch chamois leather and is of being compounded sole the ged pulp of Iti mty to han be crumpled up in the frac of of the pyramids when visiting heeting is in to a therewith taste lour 'and exp nd without ad sheeting ticle ture, 1s a. most commi®oee, among the Asiatic H has for thou their combined all in one. ng is used in as minor furnishing. mr paces im of interior vans, and bazaar been of years I, cracker and cake the bread int es farm sheet} the rin ture as the a bewil just make of and its products, lanterns, and their sun blinds, for bold through a dozen climates these but in rainy wetted collapse like paper Awnings; ing papers In practic good cashiers so on dry able, if use ure the SOASONS almost, Even in Manhattan among the Ital jan be tke rs the peeuliar trellis work bread (made in big ringed about a yard squaie) to do duty as temporary shelv- ing t will stand much weight, but sed § ioe ont light arti- 1 the objects both von ck hard shoots made not ir dry air strikes and above en Paris Actresses. for actresses Tt is ® wiry usual thing Paris hostess to engage perform for her guests, and they, rae, mingle with these guests fairly emal terms daring the rest oi the evening. But I know of very fow Parisian soeiet hostesses who would invite actresses to dinner. sure, either, that the actresses would such an invitatioh HM they got 1 I may add that it is'a, amus- inr lesson in "equality and fraternity' Mme. la Marquise address an as "madomoiselle."" The tone is exquisitely volte, but it freope on the hottest day in sum- And yet numbers of Paris murrid women, and, if un- sentially respect table, actress 18.5 label, wr town of labels, vo on to hear actress Wi ict Lax mare ses are word the Pari $ sal of articles of. cocoanut the | of | I am not | i | Cora would | ac- | { Campbell Bros, Kingston's hat store. bat | and {people who believe all he fall coats and! SPARKS AND SPARKS 2304 Princess St., DENTISTS, | Kingston. 'Phone, DR. OC. J. QO: NASH, DENTIST; DR. ¥ Gibson, assistant, 183 Princess street. 'Phone, 735. DR. W. RB. GLOVER, DENTIST, D.D.O Certificate, office ground floor, corner King and Johnson Stis., opposite St. George's Cathedral. 'Phene, 911. 14 OSTEOPATHY. ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.O. na Earle Ashcroft, D.O., au ates of the American Sch Osteopathy Kirksville, Missouri, ot Princess street. 'Phone, 447, hours, 9 to 12 am. 2 to Outgdide trea*ments by ho BEB BOARD AND ROOMS, COMFORTARLE FURNISHED . ROOMS, with board. Well lighted and hea! Also good table board. Apply University Ave. BUSINESS CHANCE. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. "No canvassing. Be your own boss. Send for free hooklet. Tells how. Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, A SPLENDID 7 ROOM HOUSE, per meanth, clean, well Piinted, north of Princess Chas. Bell, Real Estate Agen! Wellington street. 3 HORSE TO RENT. BAY HORSE, TEN-YEARS-OLD, WELIL. broken for city driving will be loaned to suitable party during the winter, for his eare and keep. Apply . Box 1,118," Whig office. MEDICAL. mini ROBT. J. GARDINER, ager. and cian and Surgeon, ©o Willis streets, Coroner for Hagel enac, Leeds and Grenville. hours 8 to m., 2 to 4 pm. 7 to 9 pm. Phone No.™ 870. et MRS. ¢. ¥WEROD, GRADUATE: SMAS. seuse, Swedish Movement, (the oris ginal osteopathy), including References from leading p Kingston. Address House of dence. 'Phone, 310. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIREPATRICK, 1888 4 Clarence St., - Kingston, oat Riel Phane, dence, 88 Frofiteass reet. ¢ "e---- PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, warts, ete, remov CUNNING HAM & MUDTE, ters and Solicitors, Law Clarence St., Kingston. ct te BARRIS Office, ro-- Owner will lease to view to purchase: addition, location. Apply at once to | SUNTHMARR p without scar. Twenty years' ence, y Ear Nose, a tia bert eg 258 Bagot street. sii ---------------------- TO LET desizable tenant with Brick dwelling with store very suitable for grocery. Corner. Dwelling has separate entrance, contains nine® rooms with Bath and C. get started in business with little expen8é. Excellent chance to James Swift & Co, 167 PRINCESS 8. SATURDAY'S MEAT LIST Per The People's Meat Market. BEEF : Roasts, bteak and Stews, usual prices. Kidneys, Tenderloins, Flank, at low prices. PORK : Best Skinned Best Steak Best Loin Roast . Best Leg Roast .. LAMB : Roast 115c.: Stews... { SPECIALS No 'Fluid Finnao Haddie Pickles; (best), Canned Goods Lard, (in Dripping Peitied Hocks essed Coen Beei and H. ¥ . Cooked and Windsor. Bacon, at _-- prices. Blood . Pudding and Bolohna _.10c. 1b. Alo Homé-Made Sausage . 124c. 1b. H ..10¢. 1b Corged 00. and { Cabbage. Awaiting 'orders With pleasure. We are. GAGE & LEACH Earl and Bagot Sts. "Phone, at Shanks and Loin Chops 15e. 3 from Tis. pa ckages) your 8/76. 'The New Styles In Hats. Ard" dif, Bere 32, $2350, £3, $4 -- A great talker may not be a fool, but says are foolish, Considerdtion i» ssmm-- Synopsis of Canadian North-West i Land Regulations. ANY is the sole head of's family, or mnie" over 14" yet Duties. --Six mon sna cultivation of means to ent and we the family something ¢ than ar wow ty of the Miuwsier of N.B.--~Unauthorized publi ter Line op? Hi not be nis :