Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1909, p. 8

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== GINTRACTS AWARDEDITHE DAYS _EPSODES Furs | ||| For CHEMISTRY BUILDING [LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS mine AT QUEENS, IN GENERAL WE HAVE | Michael Sullivan Gets the Occurrences In The City And|Casselman and Dobson Meeb--=The i lg: : Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Students' Parade on Saturday i asonry an 'arpentry Con- Interest Easily Read And EK» Evening Promises to Be a tract--The Tenders Wers Close membered. Great Event But Within the Architects' ag : 4 Blué or green grapes. Crawford. The fi i si wv \ SKINS a. Zola Shampoo, in powder form, Tour unis in. the ee ocidod the The governoms of the Scheol of Min- at Mcleod's drug stores. day, when Casselman, the winner of ing met, on Thursday afternoon, to For the best in Oysters, Fruits, Cel- the present series, will meet Dobson, IN EVERY award the contracts for the erection ery; efe., go to Carnovsky's. last year's champion. KNOWN of the new chemistry building. It was| John Johnston, the Napanee man, is| George Hicks played remarkable ten- } AN] found that the lowest tenders were weil iil} hissing. also Burton Rape ia nis on Wednesday; he ran off no less po within the estimate of the architects, illiam Swaine, piano tuner. {Ir v -onsecutive sets, defea FUR Power & Son, the latter having figur- | received at Avie 'Phone 778. than, seven bi Tuttle, 6-2, ng Mr. Howard came over, Tuesday 1 ed quite close on such a good-sized Col. Kent, Kingston, was chosen an [yo going down before MacLeod in the lamogn, from ton on his way work. Eighteen tenders were reccived auditor of the Ontario Horticultural emi finals, 6-4, 4~6, 6-2. ta ew York, At Cape Vincent he {from contractors of Kingston, Mont- Society. Casselman defeated Dyde, 7-5, 6-1 ght a ticket to the metropolis, but {real. Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton and | blue or green grapes. Crawford. and Macleod, 6-1, 108,64. In the 1 ded to stop over night in this city HY wholesale distributors of SKINS | London, and all were quite close. The H.. Cunningham, piano tuner from mixed doubles Miss Chown and W. ¥. and go on in the 'morning. He got a : I. or ZaNINGE: ] {following was the award : | Chickering's. Leave orders at Me Dyde Qefeated Miss Mclonis and Mr. eam at the house. Yester- . i J Fl | Michael Sullivan, masonry and car- Auley's Book Store. MacKeil, 6-4. 7-9. ay morning, AQ his story, % Us ! : All New Yi k - models nd | pentory, $59,634. "Buy Zam-Buk" for cuts and The SCuERazIent will close to-day. he mel a man about sixty years old i A i 1 : ork x a JOHN McKAY | McKelvey & Birch, plumbing, heat- viaindy. a Gholi ia Kingston at aby ug . nd With sove ht iuliows went to| BR i the newest and p tiest designs, | ing, ventilation, me lat- |Gibson's ross drug store. > Bie . 3 : . says men were | B a " : 149-155 Brock S Hen i y Mets] work an slay The steamer' Alexandria makes her Prof. Yissen al ects nthe Sci: Fabout the hotel when hel bought a * Bo Fi all different. Wi : =155 Brose Bt. E NoMehon & Co. painting and {last trip of the season next. week, for ein the West." a drink and paid for it with a $20 gold | | .The colors are Paris, Navy, Kingston, Ont. glazing, $1,940, Montreal, returning up on Friday. 2 . piece. 2 ; Re 1a, B 'Hunter's G n Em : Newman Ilectric company, electrical From one acre of ground W. H.l , pines board notice announces Howard claims that ; . [ ) ' art ray work, $1,195. McNish, Elm Grove farm, Lyn, has that the Journal has mado arrange he was given a drink which i 2 | Taupe, Black, White, Wisteria, | Contractor Sullivan will begin work harvested 500 bushels of potatoes, ments with the Calgary Eye-Opener out for about two hours. When he ! i ao Bt Amythest. | THE DAILY BRITISH We are large collectors, and on the foundation immediately, the ex- which establishes a record in this for any who may wish to secure copies came back to realization his money, The prices rang from cavation having been made some time BCI I0R, x Te Er (4 about $170 in gold, was gone. All A. Gi. Delamater and William Norris of this breezy publication. that was left 5 3 go im-- | 0 . ' CHOP ! ago. h Loosht aSal Tan and ill ---- ah ian, usvording to his sae A : "4 The governors have $92,000 for the ave houg al Salomy ane ang: Ww} The following will represent Queen's story, was his railroad ticket. y A Px . 4 i CHOP 1 | building. Tue contracts awarded to- feud iv out with Louise Coleman in the | The [OTONEE to HE riers' meet : Stil dazed Howard started out to . O » {tal $70, , BO P " that there is $21,559 ) Messrs. Lennox, Gellineau, Akroid and find an attorney and¢met Detective | 1oft for fittings hited? % Blue or green grapes. Crawford. 3 : ? » Willi 1 i K ho advi v A | hor Seis and bitte Tho" bucttcss men uf Ogdepaburg are [Fiero Mim to. tl hin. troubles 10 the Police: SECURE ONE TO-MORROW. CHOP . plans and specifications for the metal- getting after dnd, heats, They have The lLevana dramatic production, Howard said he had already related Even if not quite ready to buy | lurgy building, for which Prof. William decided upon the formation of A cen iy gy fo. November 17th, thas been the tale to one policeman on the we will hold it for you. How tired are the arms that use the| Nico A Mini tral bureau into which all will turn Er ' alow 4 od are the arms wt wu ie | Nicol donated $40,000 to the Mining | 0 30g poy list. postponed indefinitely. street and that the officer laughed at "Horehound candy," 10c. a. half him. He. said he difl not know. the . ° Fity Tenders for this building will hin ?e Ral Cross On November 27th, the sophomore | Bame of the sixty-yéar-old man with . - - BK he Uni ersal- called before the end of the month. pound, at Gibson's Red Cross drug and freshman years will debate before | Whom he went out br whose saloon I W i ERA BUHE | Victor is exe arrenging.: for (the Alm Mater. they went to, but assured the detec- Hon | RUGBY ON SATURDAY. eon ictor 1s here arranging or tive that he would know the man il . % . the production of "The Wolt,"" which . : Ana i nnn { | -- o . : : wn Dara 5 The classes in mineralogy and geolo- he saw him, and that he could con- Food hopper Local Teams Ready For Toronto made nh : ig re Ts heres rey gy, will visit Lake pi Park to- | duct the officers to the thirst parlor. - i se. . 8 © y 18 © 5k : A i V i - | and Ottawa. No. 1 company. M. H. Wilkes, the as- {MoroW: oi Se Ro or --y fhops better, casi i quicker, doe wn's seniors will li gainst |sis rent, is also i > city j is ars p : i ay "th RR work "ad clon ig oc ong es lined wow inhale Don't forget the Queen's 1ll-Varsity | Upon his arrival here, =Tuosiay With every purchase of WOOL DRESS everything. {as thoy lined up against Vaisity on "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills" for Pale II football match, at the athletic night, floward reported to Station MATERIAL te the value of $2 arover we will give FREE the new DECEMBER Only $1 B50 | Saturday last. The team has been People are sold in Kingston at Gib- grounds, Saturday morning; at ten Master Jacob H. Herman that he had . * . - Delineator | working steadily all week, and should |son's Red Cross drug store. o'clock. left his grip on the train and asked Or any Butterick Pattern you may select. School govevnors, in return for ar an- |oasily give Ottawa a good drabbing. | December Smart Sct has 160 pages! m---- that if found it be sent to an address Elliott is the only Queen's man whe {of bright reading. McDougall," by The members of the hockey team | at Fort Richmond, Staten Island. The FOR SALE BY hag felt any ill cffects, but it is hoped [James Barr, is a great Christmas ; Wil commence their training classes in | grip was not upon the train and it is : he will bo able to play. The am |story, an account of an unusual house the gymnasium on Monday. These will | believed by the railroad men that 4, ' H d will be: Williams, full back ; Leckie {party and of a hero who, through ait | be continued three days each week un- | Howard left it on the boat. It is said wv A Mitch S ar ware and Moran, and Dickson or Campbell, [his various exploils, says never a til" the ice is in shape. he did not have it when he boarded ath -- | halves; Moxley, quarter; Kinsella, word, Truly, an unusual character.| .. RE . . the tram. Kingston. ? | Overend, Clarke, scrimmage ; Lloyd, {Amy Lyman Phillips contributes a de The parade on Saturday evening will I'his morning Howard hoarded the Gallaghes, inside wings ; McKay, JErs- |lightful essay on. the joys a id sorrows be a monster. Each faculty and year [Cape Vincent train, but having neither kine, middle wings ; Smith, Elliott, {of an old maid. is endeavoring to surpass the other in{tlicket nor money, was put off at ------ outside wings. : Yue or green grapes. Crawford. beauty and brilliancy, and some stact- | Brownville by the conductor. He said Ss watton Root Compouna Cadets seniors are in_fine condition | TFe steamer Welshman, burned near ling novelties will be introduced. he had a ticket for New York, but Tho great Uterine Tous, ani for their game with Varsity II, on |Lachute, last Sunday, was bitlt in freemen did not have any money, and could uly afc offertual Monthl Saturday afternoon. The soldicrs have 1874 for the late CC. F. Gildersleeve, Y.M.C.A. BOYS AS SCOUTS. not go on. which women cat | been working hara, and should casily |by the late William Power on the site Regulator on t p depend. Sold an three 8 Tord increaso their one point lead. The [now occupied by the government dry They Will Go on An Expedition on Of all kinds and for all purposes, och, 83% Cadets will linc « follows : Merc- |dock. The machinery de i Saturd; {ni i 10 degrees stronger, 3 ' Lig 1 up aw Ic oF ; ac » machinery was made in Saturday. L fi K tec for special CAC, dith, full back: Greene, Stuart, |Toronto, and was installed by John| A rather novel outing Las beer ar | Relatives Are Anxions Concerning WOO S for Kuitted Slippers, pond Smith, halves; Campbell, : quarter; |F. McEwen, of this city. 'l he Welch- | ranged for ' the junior and collegiate John Johnston. 2 WOOLS for Babies' Underwear, \ampdet. Pw | Young, Holt, Blue, scrimmage; Ar- man cerried wood from Rideau canal {hoys, oi the Y.M.C + Saturday . % fur 'or w noldi, Rogers, inside wings ; Parr, Mc- [ports for the R. & O. N. company. ill LCA. for Saturday, When Jobs Johnston, the Napanee ; WOOLS for Babies' Jackets, i > | man, left his home, the other night WOOLS f 4a? I$ : or Babies' Bonnets, e---- -- -- | Avity, middle wings; Boswell, Gwynne, | Years afterwards she was sold to the! uw v e side Wing: ith . . ! x = Bs expedition, and with fine weather the } zs s To BEAR A BioCK. |r var co mins sat {Lenore tr. Minsiow is 161 3 Jpn WOOLS for Fine Stockings and Mitt I Hel BO her or or Kin ockings and Mitts, WOOLS for Sweater Coats, mt The Collegiates feel guite confidant door unlocked. He has a brother, en- WOOLS for Clouds and Scarfs, Similar to the Ontario Chambers |of casily defeating thar old rivals, ' ing one. isd : . Tenants Must Vacate. Ottawa Collegiates here on Saturday. HERE'S SOME GOOD NEWS The boys will divide into two par. gincer on the steamer Aletha, and he was around ' the city this afternoon, WOOLS for Shawls and Fascinators, Wools for Stockings and Sox. RCE POORCRCRORCRORORED pL LEFT LIGHT IN HOUSE. : . ronnaie. Bud The Ottawa team will come up on the : . Hes, One party will leave the Y.M. W. H. Reid, Francis Burke and M. ax aFgions. amd: will' be ST bw the From W. W. Gibson's Red Cross |C.A., at 8:30 am. and the second endeavoring to find the missing man, locals, who will act as hosts during Drug Store. party to take up the role of Baden hut was unsuccessful. the day. W. W. Gibson, proprietor of the Red Powell's scouts will leave later on, and | johnston is married, but he and his hes Cross Drug Store, has just returned erideavor to locate the other boys. wife separated. He has beep living by Asking Amentments, from a buying trip to Toronto, where The first party will head for Barrie- | himseli, in' Napanee. It is undenstood field. William Manhard will be in |that he had about $12 in his posses- charge of one party, and J. J, Thomp- | sion, when he came to Kingston. He Leach, auctioneer, who occupy the stores on and near the corner of Brock and King streets, have received notice from the rectory of Kingston that they will have -to vacate the property on April 1st next. [It is un derstood that the owners will build a Toronto Star: Another amendment [he made bis selections of fancy bas- in regard to the O.H.A. juniors comes kets and hand-painted boxes of Me- ' block similar to Ontario Chambers, from James Sutherland, of Kingston, Conke r's famous choice of royalty, and wot will Insle miter the oun Pasty: owns some property in Napanee. Some that it will be occupied by FB. Mc who suggests that all: games in this Huyler's delicious sweets, for his go g are inclined to believe that Johnston Loni and a Targe fraternal associa. series be divided into quarters, with Christmas trade. The Red Cross Drug at the YMCA. are endeavoring to went. off on a trip in a vessel. His iL cod, and a large lraternal BSsOf | ve minutes' intermission at the end Store has the highest reputation be- |E'Y¢ the boys the best possible out- | brother says that he has a fine collec- | § tion. tween Montreal and Toronto, and even | PES: and this is much appreciated by ¥ We have the largest and most complete stock of As of each fifteen minutes of play, in-} ire : Ee. Tt ih 1 i a tion of chickens at his home, and he stoad of one ten minutes' intermission |in these cities more beautiful baskets the boys. It is hoped 11at there will was very much interested in poultry at hali-time. Mr. Sutherland contends | °F bogps are not to be scen than are be a large turnout to-morrow, york, aud while he does pot believe : that the young players exhaust them- sold at this store during Christmas ina} e104 Deen drowned or met with Venera' le Min, Maboram vicar-gene| cjues quicker than the intermediates | Sason. Last year orders were reccived BROKE INTO TEARS. foul play, he cannot account for his ral of the" ar dioeeka o ingeion, im | 1d seniors, and should be legislated from as far as the West Indian Is 2 3 Fai ; long absence. McMasters, who was | reNses_ everyone in a great gathering | "0 Lilie. The only objection lands. British Columbia, Texas, Hali- Poor Baptiste Goes to ail For | with Johnston, in Kingston, has ye- lke the plenay council vs goad and that can be raised is the tendency of |18X, New Orleans, Pittsburg, and Chi- Three Months turned to Napanee, but he does not Sonerous Al brie 1 evet wy Hg ny the players - to. overstep. the time cago, for these high-class sweets, for | John Sauve, commonly known as [know anything of the whercabouts of n . hy If A aly welesiastica 114 » . : . . salivary tg ¥ i" o HH "" x r 8 iv Thi in fi uy i Fe io limit during intermissions,, and not delivery mn Canada. : 'Poor Baptiste," was before the po- Jehnston. Semraice a Li lemeanor The respond quickly to the referee's whistle I'his year Mr. Gibson promises even [lice magistrate this morning, for Pearants an oO Ch m ™ I | which would be unfortunate irom the more beautiful designs and also a |drunkenness;, and when he stood up, LITTLE GIRL DISAPPEARED Sm o 11 ne re at _ ne: spectators' standpoint. Nobody likes larger assortment than he has ever | he broke into tears. Baptiste is about : : here ho Ha good | old | Sitting in a cold rink: waiting for dila shawn to Kingstonians. Last. year [seventy-seven years of age, and has }And Police Are Trying to Locate el hy ell, that is a. good. of, © was a record year for Christmas trade] been before the court on many occa- Her. ing » ; Silk and Wool Ivorine Wools, in Black, inst, ay,--one ould ot beltory p ayers to come on we 100, and |, ry . ; . ) p p ft : . . ' . > Ded i nlold BY mat the delegates might consider that fo in this See She store Hat die jens, His Jove for whiskey has been | There is still another disappearance, White, Blue, Pink. . » oh io) oR cle : & ops poses o PLAS pounds, or one on anc his downiall. this ti Ny 1 ek, } t fourtee FOATS vr Tm - » AT 1: thoughts to. b ufficient. to kill, the proposal at three hundred pounds, has an enviable| The magistrate said that he would is Hime a Girl, £300 1OUFeE Ton W XV ERN SAXONY WOOLS for Mitts JR i the convention. of age, and the police have been asked At The Princess - reputation. Br Sidon days je Hor impose a + Sine of §i0 and eels, or | to look for her. Constable Armiel is and Sox. This is an unusually strong, i lh 3 "WVarsit T, s§ C 3 ; 0 has always been to buy we best | three months, and as he was without | at work on the case. - . . . yo George Madéline De Vere, the great : Vary y 3 same Joming. will goods money can buy and to get the | funds, he went down. His case was| The little girl, so it appears, bas | fine yarn, imported by us for Ladies' and ou singing ard Sane ing et sve seen Brg A ot t ndh iy lock very latest designs, and it's always a | the only one before the magistrate to- [been living, for about two years, with Mens M itts, Sox and Stockings. ; in Kingston. This is vour last chance | arrive ftom 1a onto at Td5 o clock, pleasure to show the roods and give day. wr gr : wr ivisi tren TAT : to see the great drama, "Drink," | this evening lor their games with R. Iprices, ink " hot grauduother; an Wisidial sbrept. UNBREAKABLE YARNS. Only place in which Wwe are repeating to-day to | M.C. I and Queen's 111 to-morrow. and she as been mic ing from the Rv 4 a ot out 1 Rando!ph Hotel Mystery. house. The father and u.other parted, the city where you get the genuine, Each aalsly we m 1) requests ol o r "wm- . -- ny oy Court Of Revision. There's a Dr. Jokyll.and Mr. Hyde and the four children were taken care k i ed trons.. In addition. we have the beau Medicated Soaps. The court of revision yesterday af- {at the - Randolph hotel. One of the | of by the grandmother. Some time sren tagg : ternoon made the following changes G« |. Generous, True. The ( thowe Register says: "The And at prices that mean a saving to you. Beehive Yarns in Black, White and all Wanted Shades. Berlin Wools, single or double, 65 shades. Zephyr Wools, same shades as the Berlin Wools. Andalusian Wools and Shetland Floss. CRORE NOH tiful drama, "Destiny," which is also| Sold at McLeod's drug stores : Re- staff, to-duy, is what he wasn't yes |ago, so it is claimed, an attempt was one of the best to be had. Remember sinol, Ahite Coal Tar, Zam Buk, lin the Victoria ward assessment :|terday. He's changed entirely, and is [made to kidnap the child, and it has today's programme is the longest and | Pond Extract, Harfina, Herpicide, [A. H. Muir, fixed at $2,800; W. C.|the wonder of all who have gazed upon |been hinted that this has happened in best we have yet offered vou. Don't | Sanitol, Kutike, Ingram's Milk Weed Baker, income fixed at $400; A. Dick-|him. The individual Téforred to: is this case. miss this great opportunity to see a |Cream, D.D.D. Soap, Woodbury's fa- lgon, dog tax off; L. W. Gill, reduced | Henry O'Brien (alias "Solid" and However, no charges have been made great show, cial soap. McLeod's drug stores, cor- |8400. John Litton, $500 off; E. J. B. Hank"), the chief clerk of that hos- | #8 yet, but the police are endeavoring | ner King and Brock and corner Prin- |pense fixed at $12,000; M. Robinson, |telry. Last evening, he left his desk | to Fmd out where the girl is staying. She Passed It By | cess and Montreal streets. roduced to $1,800; D. A. Rea, income! looking like himseli--this morning he It is believed that she is still in the A woman passed by and then re Ifixed at $250; Elizabeth Gilchrist, $200| returned looking like some one else. city. Her father went west several gretted it. She had missed something Basket Grapes, Grapes, 30c. off building; J. B. Walkem, reduced to |The change is in his head, and the years ago. It was a good show at the Bijou, the | Extra choice sweet grapes, 30c. bas- $300; W. C. Way, fixed at 3100' on in-|only explanation of it is that Doren- : i tes . ; s T. W ce. income fix : ; house that has the pictures. . Bd hi J. Crawford. > |S; H. T. Wallace, income fixed at}wend, the celebrated wig artist, of To-{ Gowns At Parliament Opening. 200. ronto, was in town yesterday; and « me Not more than $25,000 was taken |that the Randolph 3 Lady Cartwright--Silver grey bro- s > : ashes L . . n ph man was seen in | : : : + : : FELL PE EPP 4 0040 F444 4E EPP E2440 off the figures of the city assessor inlihis company last evening. ! |caded satin richly trimmed with honi : an assessment total of nearly nine . t ton lace, white carnations. i Miss Cartwright--Mauve brocade em- 2 PARE FOR WINTER _ On An Unknown Tale. |yooiiced tn con. ig in > 2 A shipwreck on an unknown island, Mi r . rhb: Prineasss PRE RE OR : Masonic Lodge Of Instruction. with hie quo gelguing over Miss Molly Cartwright--Princess I The local Masonic lodges have com-|blacks is the unique shbject at The robs, of Black'. velvet heavily wmbroid: _-- : : ] 0 BE : | bla od in' gold. You need not fear thé chill of winter--the pleted arrangements for the lodge of | Bijou, to-day and tomorrow. Tt is | "Sra! W * ® 4 . cos . instruction to be held here on the 26th, A Hes 8 PP Gordon--Rlack sequin- ) : | searching winds --the biting cold of blus- | mat at which the grand master will as. unusually useful. deama, full of ned robe over black satin, black trim- 0 tering storms--if your are protected by foe prt dg the | gen const scenery. A unique comedy WE Godan White satin draped one of our evening. An informal supper will ne | DY the Biograph company accompanies | gown, with touches of gold; pink F i a di | held at six o'clock. Masons from dis- fit > roses. 2 8 E ; or 1S. trict lodges will be here for the event. Mise Nora Gordon--Pink satin prin- | rid a Overcoats | Emme (Sm - | Nyal's Face Cream i One of Kingston's new policemen was and crystal trimmings; pink roses. . : : . . o \ : With por ide A Superior Lon-grensy jsacorting an "old tima™ to the jail, | Mrs. Adain Shortt--Black lace robe 1 Table Silk Pump Slippers,in White, Pink ; d idhane akin foo sorbed] a orning. over black satin with jet trimmings, 9 We sell warm Overwear and Underwear at | Surishing skin. hod: oon abscrbed| "Mind the step, now," said the 608 Detidote ssl WI NE and Blue. Regular $2.50. $1.78 Now. the most reasonable prices in the city for |store, corner King and Brock Ste, stable to the old fellow. a Mies Muriel Short--Cream net over 1 Table Fine Kid Blucher Cut Lace Boots, reliable goods land corner Montreal and Princ:ss iv Z right, boss, replied the prison- | cream satin, trimmed with Princesse { h N y . fo knew that step before you were |lace, old gold necklace. Stamped $3, Empress pew shoes. INOW } « it . a OC ro o 3 ' J PREPARE NOW i 30c. Baskets Grapes, 30c. ay | J. Crowe, black sequin over black | 3 $2.65. { Blue or green grapes, 30c. basket. Ex- | Trouble For Carters i Miss Crow ] wa . v ' o "Y af} 3 ed eawlor . ' " Miss e, pale green satin direc xa? : ' 3 and escape the colds so many people carry [tea fine dnd sweet. J. Crawford. | There is trouble ahead for some |toire gown cmbroidered in silver. Ladies Oe and 3 A : . ------ jcarters, who have not taken out a Mrs. Frank Strange, black sequin ings 1 SK. during the long winter months, ; i "Kasagra," in 2%c. and B0c. bottles | license. The police have been making [robe over black satin. \ : at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The an inbestigation, and found that some | Miss Constance Cooke, white silk es s nN 9 : genuine"is sold there. {are at work who have not taken out |gown, with silver and bands of silk. \ : Vi gS Ol 1 SS. The Roman Catholic church at a license, and summonses will be is- - ; , . : Marysville has been handsomely paint- sued, Shaving Brushes. THE LOCKETT SHOE STO E ; 3 od. decorated and réfurnished A choice assortment. of best aunlity A ? | . ] 75-79 BROCK ST. : The British museum was founded in Grown = Hot House. adger brushes at Mcleod's, corner ra a hn Same SPT dis 2% koma in ade : 1:53 '| Lettuce, Endive, Cucumbers, Pars Montreal and Princess strerts and 5 ; . A SFFFIFIFIETHIFI E0000 PEF PEE4 E0042 Bhie or green grapes, Urawford. lev, Mint, ote., at Cernovsky's, orner King and Brock streets. 2050000 SEE00F 50000000 4P0IC400000000009000,

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