THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, NOVEMRER:S, 1900. The woolen season is with us again. Every housekeeper knows what's in store for her, if she uses yellow rosin soap for washing. The woolens and flannels shrink and pucker up alarmingly small. Don't let your household silo this winter fom uncomfortable underwear. Try the Taylor way of washing and keep woolens their origi- nal size. Ii vou are lhoking for real estate | x either town or country we car undoniztedly help you to get what] iesire, where you want it, | = : : : : + price you want to pay. || , A jen da : ; he x Gir | : ? s We have some s; lendic properties | Fven an expert won't buy Ln x 35 Fey bh * To 3 4 * in. which you ean inv to your : koffen by fislacks. Hawants i Official test has been made of the | . * . es 5 a Borax Soap advantage, and we shall be glaa | Bl 1) coffee looks very much retrie locomotives to be used in the | Ba RE a y | to show you same a any time | $8 alike. id York tunnel extension of the We buy. s)ll and exchange Real If you want a delicious cap [Jl | Pennsylvania railroad. The test. was! q washes woolens without shrigking, and brings Fante of ail clasces > of coffee, get a brand that Bl with a six-car train on a six-mile | them out fresh, clean and free from any "soapy 46 Th AE | 8 has proved its quality like stretch of electrified track on the old h a | foe | "SEAL BRAND" BE ISOuthern railroad: the Far Rockawas TBE Ry smell." It is not necessary to boil the clothes ¢ The delightful flavor and branch of the Long Island's system. | H fof : : a § --you don't even have to rub them, except ragrant aroma of the hines I ng at Jamaics , 5 i 5 3 nN A. { ays Q! cotice herr are. brought ~fRIDrginung ut Jampicn, oe wa eT PERT ; : : very soiled spots. The borax softens the a a ~~ divest to Yuat table by means RB made at a speed of sivty-throp : ; bi ! y ; water, so less soap is required. It purifies and o . 3 hr ova at was. made a Fat: 5 foe ? : The flavor and aroma sre. gi ian hour. The return sa. made at a Yi p sweetens, and leaves the hands soft and white. SS 57 Brock St slower rate. The machine bebe aled in. } sealed tly throughout the test, .exhaus- | Insist on haying Chase & {tive records of which were made by a | ns et a a a -- a - : v 8 1.x : Od = 5 ; Sr < -- . Sanbern's "Seal Brand" H nember of a: uta [ Cdarve Gibbs At All D ¥ l ---- ' Coffee in 1 and 2 pound i x of the stall of Cory ibh | . Li : 2 4 ea ers sealed tins--never sold in . gineer of the electrical depart- | oblong window I'he cabiue concen Fhe average speeth of the Jogomotive | - bulk. 113 L ment of the Pennsvivania Railroad | the motoss with whi he driving while drawing a trad i loaded cars| Y : op, ' J CEASE & SANBORN, - Montreal. jrompany rads connect : tthe. cha vill be ses v i wn hour if de | ea ---------- | EEE As In appearance the locomotive 1s gives an excellent id i the dred miles | {similar to "two passenger coaches, | tricacy of oe wchidios: whicl wi wt hour ¢ ' vel i » be 3 2 : . i (Gc A ( Al : ON } 4 i with huge drivige wheels and rod oon to haa ' thousand ui i Mhicials of the railroad are: confident | . { = {tm each side of the steel cabins dre and out of © the \ ew ork" stat ne em will be in hill opera- | windows, while at the end Put in Your Tank | am ree a et 7, Made by at Our Dock. Ay hit wedding Ta hn News lias rancho Polnod of - the 87 | Weak Kidneys | "uss Exeonr a ee iy ot Tout Biba aa. ot Toe} 74 John Taylor & Co. © . rre as Contributed A ie nah) A WN obert . lormerly © a resident LL LI) 34 arage ror Two Years. y Cy maria 0 Lass fa Hoods, but who, 1+ now settied in th , Limited : Information on North. § to Aunutomobiles and Doctor Failed to Help. Doan's Whan it comes to proving ot di Toronto Marine Engines promptly attended proving the statements of Dr. F. A. = ; to : Kidney Pills Cured Him. Cook, and Commander Robert Pp ary, Selby & Youlden, ™ wees 1 feel I me dts 0 6 vor | of the Eskimo wii come: Strongly SMART COAT OF WHITE CONEY. know of the great cure have obtained | 10 play. } Ontario St. | by using Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 was Such is the opinion of J. B. Tyrrel! Peiefwfuiejudujofels i : | troubled with my kidneys for two years. | Shejenfule ojeirleinio lds | ' i i | of Toronto, mining engineer and ex I'tried a doctor, but he failed to help me. | plorer, who has spent several years i 1 read in the B.B.B. Almanac about | investigating the mineral possibiliti COAL ! Doan's Kidney Pills, and began using | of the Arctic country. To him and " } them, and after the first box gan to | his brother, James H. Tyrrell, uf The kind you are looking fox Is feel better I only used four hoxes and | Hamilton, is due the credit of pn the kind we sell; ¢ they completely cured me | senting in book form more light | thankful to have found so spe 'ure, | the frozen north than possibly bis N { and would advise evervone suffering from | longs to anv other two individual {| kidney di e to try the | outside of Cook and Peary. si ) 3 | shou! Coal' 1a: good oad and We guar Perhaps no other organs work harder | the latter's stories be verified ent in Bid Can) aIq XPT | Juan the kidneys to preserve the general Mr. Tyrrell was asked, some yoar ; J Fh b BN ahs ' UR Fall Shocs are now ready for 183 iealth of the body and most people are | yuo to take charge of an \rgtie 3 . 2 . A troubled with some kind of Kidney ied #1 EES » is i TR admiration or for service. : ) pedition, but the project didn't uj \ 4 he . ' Bn 3 . . t3ooth & CO. : Omplaint but do Hot susp etit. 1Lmay | peal to him. Still, he ean see 1 y 2 oh { We've the best Shoes that money ~ a ave been in the system jor some time. | mediate Cason yoil 5 % Lf RY 3 E # LEAKE > vi > ath 2 + FOOT WEST STREET, There nidy hive heen hackuehe, swelling | jmamed te, 2 son a I 3 : J I : s 5 o could buy and experience secure, ee lesfonforts shosfasforfotiocfeeferterfonfunfesfertinfiefnay | Of the feet and ankles. disturba ©! | ios should not be behitved:: oth a AL 4 3 BY y of . apd oe the urinary organs, such as brick dust | I Rou 2 be beloved. Bi ie Jneh Ti & i aan y d Better Shoes, Better Fitting deposit in the urine, highly lored * seanty or cloudy 'urine. bladder ains travel and the distances they claim J 1 5 3 p 3 FOE 3 ! 3 Better Styles, Better Service. Asphalt Roofing] frequent or suppressed urination, Lurning | have traversed were not at all pro- \ "re : . 4 : : y 3 $2.00 to $6.00. Ir tomdvadnafodualraioniun} fouls sensation when urinating, et hibitive He could not see, however, / FI ; £ : . $ oN } Men's Shoes, . n Do not neglact any of These symptoms why any country should care to eith \ ¢ WN ' ra Women's Shoes, $2 to $5.00. Gravel and | for, if neglected they will eventually lead er prove or disprove the statements ; Spr : state ol a a ob : shoes f Joys, Girls and Children { to Bright's Disease, Dropsy and Dialietes either explorer The scientific results % ; 3 : ! ; Shoes fo 'Y8, ris $ | Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for | 01 @ Tush to the pole never scemml ZUR i Ey at ni / in every good style and correct shape. sand Sur aced $1.25. at all dealers or The T. Milbura jo im to warrant the expense or = : . wv : Wd & { Co., Limited. Toronto. trouble. Such an expedition as Nan ; Ss A ' th 1 satis In ordering specify Doan's." sen's, where the time was spent in 7 : a : Our patrons bear testimony to the all round Shoe satis- 4! Sd making scientific observations of tl Hie 3 ¢ a . uu good Shoe service they receive here. a character of the sea, the lund and th fab ; J : = Le | . ro . 3 : 3 . Se 5 : § » prices read and sound about the same as the Shoe P. W alsh, -- inliabitants. Bak . \ Ls : C= ond Our Shoe prices re a and animals--withi the polar zone, always seemed to hin ' Ty : 3 ' 30 prices that confront you everywhere. , Barrack St. Risgston exceedingly interesting, but the mer : i ® | It's OUR SHOES that will impress you and prove their ex- dash to the pole--to be the first to d : ! b oy SE cellence. A4E4040040 | reach a theoretic poini on the earth's R:: S ie : 3 =| : Come to see the hands®me new Fall Models--well worth i a Bl rls 1 f | suriaee looked to him as though th RE. et i$ N coming to see. kingston BusiNgss corLece "+ | IOLUGA BIN nN game was mot worthy the candle. A yo § 7 a. | at IMTS) am time, as an example HEAD OF QU¥ CURE EFFECTED OK MONKEY in, RUE ad RoTenIlrdis Sm. . $ Sh : FUNDED. coulc n + wip bu admire ti mai i os J vou knot nyone who ought t who had done 1t J H if) 4 IN | \ 3 be i * K I Mr. Tyrrell has made ree qotal : . : A ~ 4 Rest hemp WW ¥ ! mi | tours oi the extreme northern lat 2 : 5 8 TERE fh) 0 ® ' 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost" [ tudes On two occasions he tit some dat] T companied bs. his brother James Fle FA EL Se 7 The Home of Good Shoe Making. cotnmer Thre: most entertaining books from eh oh AE a 3 "1 1s . brat ala] | pitions: are mone in cireutation. 0 = Sa ; A 8 Ee -- i iv recomended e 10Ns are no culation. Or ? : 2 4 i : Toh in : | w those ve used i 1 } 1 ruissi i £ Ars 3 Pl "4 an Be Given Secrotly. t azo. they. traveled: fi rircint te : 3 . ATS . . - ------------------ ORRINE COSTS ONLY $1 A BOX y re Hye oi fy x 3 EL ' ivabhes] Guarantee in FE "ach Box | th Athabaska || vies 2 pai sca eavotoney a | ele of Huudeon Bay snd don 4 Re 0 ANE] 6 Our Window Digay Furnished Drawing Room RISE OF THE ao y ere jhotes of the Fudeon, Jate jn He fal SRE eh UL A beautiful display of leading druggists everywhere. # . ! ; SN 3 United EmpireLoyalists | nm Spector Agent na Ke le i ; GRE Ere: aid 30 NE 3 . =f three piece Mahogany Setts, G.W, MANHOOD, Cor. Bagot and| rc Lituoor he 2 SH AR 2 ¢ NTN PAT fancy odd Silk Chairs, beau- An Informing Sketch of Ameri. | Princess Sts. {| Hudson Bay. and t me down tl N " eae APAY | \ 1 tiful N Parlor and Music Story aluable p- Lf vi Ly ? t 'it i , A RT - : FRI f. Ry . . : un Histon) > Yak able for Librar- | TR {sh ra t Ch \ 3 fet i 77 : i F) ) Cabinets, Parlor Tablc 5 and Fata [ w fo. goin strength and 10 coll Pa Es | | Tre), - ; Jardiniere Stands in oak or By V ISCOUNT BE FRONSAC. |vyou Cannet Cure Dandruff With- | loss : An oye: Ji pias --~. mahogany. 'rice, § out Destroying the Cause of It. | x yu u : - ; ~~ FG Th -- A id ress Byifish Whi. Kingston. | Many people wash their sc dlp Sat { end of vember and ro i \ SEED Br ios OF THLE a -- Just arrived Our big + ardas night u fay, Ho try to keep | Lot, S00 in With the therrdamotes LOVE CURE GO" «> Peeve wr fom resem : : } ¥ $6.50 Imitation Leather Seat HE FRONTENAC the d down for the week, . but | Churohill: and sturtes ;uthward . {oR w and Back Rocker, in polish- CRI 0 ) ight the scalp has begun | 1,000 ork t tanr 1] i 'he acme. XUry seems to have been reac 1 in these sumptu- J Rv , . LOANAND INVEST MENT SOCIETY t h, and Tuesday n if ili fad en 8; VE + ctor ott Jas a raps which will seen in the opera foyer A / ed oak fr ames, for only $6.50 EH Q mprererm good i of dandruli when the | Hons nd reaching: Winilipeg on th he seaso egins. This cont » white coney pelt, with trim-| Yj ETL ESTABLISHED, 1863. hiv i { here. 1x but -- real | Liens i he 1 Rage oF white fox a raat expens far With the a is shown : . JAMES REID Piesident--Sir Riohard Cartwright | "inti way of curing dandruff; and y, ubleet te th pdinury ndi- one of the new 'dog nauffs' which are a fad just now. The maf has . THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Money issued on Ulty and Farm Proe't o kilt the germ that causes it ior } 7 natural looking legs and is carried over one arm like a pet dog. 1 porisem Mubicipel and County Debems |. il ir, and finally "baldness yagi ife Ginad hey tra fas ures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits : She SrepRrRtioh That CH oug eth Canad, <2 hey S53 . . --- . mmm -- T---- received and interest allowed. 4 pat at : ie aL tl | ve i it. tent wd erythang oh . 4 , C McGill, Managing Director, |" ; : t germ and tht in. ew- | t} could possibly b>» digponsed with, Fo - Ce an a RA Ab R7 Olarenca street: i b erpiade. 1 an "enlrely new ping Jr overeat t al i only hair prepara: | time was the t unexplored men on he nk on he Sw Se | atta of dnd in irl FATHER 80-MOTHER 76 'D N D A. WORGAY. Actione HE or reshing hn resing i a ion Dy iy Tae the ®a,. , - The aged father and mother : ates~~ ew ates? Br, Rey Tey | Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e we tr A led by 2. throy ke 7 WN of a prominer nt Boston lawyer 3 Pounds for 25¢ for long years. If farmers want | an for sample to the Herpicide =kimo country i Huds the high dollar, get my services, ®o., Detroit, Mich. 81 bottles guaran t y official geologic SUP safe ly carried thr oug zh the last MARKET SQUARE. wid. Mahood, stociai agent. - Can ul - : ra 4 nya rs 5 f 1 , gE LWO winters by Finest Fard Dates : ' 1 1 4 i $ Twentv-Sixth vear. Fall Term + begius August 80th Courses in 1 Hookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele « + kraphy, Civil Service and Boglish { Our KEaduates got the best posi. tions. Within a shart time over _ 3 sixty eocured positio with one _ 1 ot the largest railw corpora 1 tious in Capada. 1 Enter any time. Call or write 1 tor information. H F. MET. " i+ UALFE, Principal. rr TF YT TYTTIYNRSYTYITY TCS. A ARR ATBALLAAAUTED verst-- Wallace ® Parks. org | aii tr ent 0 NCEE A ol | 12¢ per Pound. FLORIST. ales op dr SIG & i to | i ¥ a TI : alt S 5 -- es DR ry ey A. oJ. REES, 1 66 Princess St Te 10c a Copy. apex does ne within the seo 5 -- %' strength and good health to - ; . the Whig's Coupon on of 'practical i at prescr rT NR = Vinol, During the last two y Phone 58. time," were concluding words of ¢ q Mr. Tyrrell's interview, trying winters neither of them had a cold, and were efi Hd seein v | : able to walk {arther and do more than for years. Ciearing Sls of Val ot SOR Wraad'e 1 SaCL ad we sosidepce of Hugh Aduuss, Ji I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful, It certainly is | Wood's £Losphodine : Tl iy amu strengthening tonic for old ------------------------------ y i He greatest blood-m Starts Oct. 1st, last chance to 4 BR The Great English Remedy e last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs tiie great t piood-mal 1g, buy Border by the roll. : 2 Tones and invigorates the whol vere awakened in the . people I ever heard of" Lead Pipe, Pure Block Tin Pipe, Traps and | Bends, Pig Lead, Ingot Tin. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS, The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. of ABA ALAA STATE IAEA SS SESA LALLA GAMMA LEAS nervous system, makes now Ra A ER S, 78 William st 3 +i feral id Veins, Cures Nerv s Debitity, Mentgfand Brain Worry, Des 1hox of which had |} t 'hyd i We want every leeble old person in this town fo fry ond eu Eres | el Vinol. We will return their money without question if it - YNoreh 3, ond vets "se ar & },, haps . 'Lice $1 pe A bx, six for $4 : 2 whurgl does not accomplish all we ¢laim for it. ' The Fics This Seaton, Myned re on Sold by all druggists or mailed ir madseed] AWN wWanihe Sad: } Made Pork. Sauss and Bloo ud ng, l 2.00 I weipt of pric NE for SATURDAY. uso call H { no : The Wood Modicine ca : MYERS', 60 Brock St. 'Phene, 570; oeasclu Wilson Toronto, On{ Taesssesean