VTE a ---- ---- THE DAILY BRITISH WRG Town or Country? Dont For THE BEST, INVES TIENT If vou for real estate | COULLYYy We car | help you to get what where want it, | yuu want to pay splendia wie look mm either tc tedly you de wii or undon dire, vou sad at the We have in whick price Sone you and Even an expert won't buy coffee by i its looks. He wants totasteitin the cup--because properties can in your | ntage, wo glad | how you same buy. sll tn te time Real | at. any alike. If you want a delicious cup of coffee, get a brand that has whi | its quality like "SEAL BRAND" The delightful flavor and fragrant aroma of the finest coffee berries are brought direct to your table by means of the sealed cans. The flavor and aroma are sealed in. and exchange of ail clasces, D.A.Cays Brock St (iasoline (6c. A GALLON Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. id | Weak Kidneys IArage ror Two Years. Auutomobiles and | Doctor Failed to Help. Doan's promptly attended |" gianev Pills Cured Him. Mr. Edmund Assels, New Carlisle, Que., | writes: --"[ feel it uny duty to.let know of the great cure I have obtained by using Doan's Kidney Pills. [ was Ontario St. lod i Kid : . Aga troubled with my Kidneys for two years, {ejejwefuisedoo)e) it I'tried a doctor, but he failed to help me 57 Insist on haying Chase & Sanborn's "Seal Brand" Coffee in 1 and 2 pound sealed tins=--never sold i bulk. CEASE & SANBORN, 113 - Montreal. to Marine Engines to. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. I am very dv a cure, 1 i is cen baleen toaten ender} dust lored pains, irning or 3 boxes for he T. Milbura 11 read mm the B.B.B. Almanac about COAL! Doan's Kidney Pills, and began using them, and after the first box began to The kind you are looking fos 1 feel better I only used four the kind we sell; ? they completely cured me thankful to have found so spe N and would advise evervone suff | kidney disease to trv them. Coal ia good coal and we guar { Perhaps no other organs nal one LO "op | than the kidneys to preserve the ha prompt, delivery 'Faoms, health of the body 2 miost : troubled with some' kind of Kic 300th & CO. Complaint, but do not suspect it tm FOOT WEST STREET, have been in the system for some time There mav have been hackache, swe tte Sef lbetee B of the feet and ankles, dist the urinary organs, such as brick . deposit in the urine, highly - fi scanty or cloudy urine, bladder Asphalt Roo ing frequent or suppressed urination, L sensation when urinating, ete d Po not neglect any of these sy mptoms, Gravel an i for, if neglee ted they will eventually lead to Bright's Disease, Dropsy and Diabetes ~ $ d Price 50 cents per box sand Sur ace 25. at all dealers or 'o., Limited. Toronto. In ordering specify " Doan's." P. Walsh, Barrack St. Ringston (SIREN CURES LIQUOR HABIT CURE #i i AAetA4 ddd na ddd "KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LIMITED HEAD OF QUEEN. 'srrEET. 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-Sixth year. Fall Term ° begius August 80th: Oourses in Houkkeeping, Shorthand, Telow « graphy, Civil Service and Eoglish Our graduates got the best posi: tions, K¥ithin a short time over sixty scoured positions with one of the largest railway corpora tious in Capada. Enter, any time. Call or tor information. H PF, CALFE, EFpg ny ED OK MONEY 'UNDED. pe write { MET. « Be Uiven Secrotly MoosTs ONLY §1 A Gua rantee in Fach Box r free' ORRINE Booklet plain scaled envelope) to Cu YET LC ARINNK Bauding, Washingwn D.O) ORFINE is sold by druggists everywhere. Special Agent : wm G. W. MAHOOD, Cor. Princess Sts. re ---- SANSA EAELE LLL LFALY i yr 1 { i 1 + 1 i i 4 1 1 1 1 Principal. BOX RISE OF THE UnitedE mpireLoyalists Informing Sketch of Ameri un P History, Valuable for Librar and Research | leading DESTROY THE CAUSE VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price By You out Destroying the C M. An) Cannet Cure 50¢ Andress By 1tish ¥hie. Ringsten, ause people wash then of -§4= scalps Sat 1 to try to keep THE FRONTENAC d Nn jor the weik might the scalp has be [uesday morning suppl dandrufi when 1863. hair is brushed. There 15 but one uring dandrufi; germ that nd finally baldness preparation that will germ, and that New t enirely new hair prepara based on the Yew seen In addition Herpiede amg hair dressing wili ol ESTABLISHED, Piesident--Sir Riohard Cartwright n Way Money tneued on Uity and Farm Pro f tha it 1s to kil peri ien Municipel and County Data Lures. Mortgages purchased received and interest allowed; 5 UC McGill, Managing Director, ||" R7 Olarenca ALE. | of 1 th & ha and wuses it wd Tali "1 There stro one is only WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer | Furniture Sales given special at- tention, Count Sales of rarms, tondin:e. dros Htock, etc., have been my specialty fending: « ru oN for long years. It farmers want | amg or sample to the Herpicid the high dollar, get my services, , Mich. #1 battles guaran MARKET SQUARE. Mahood, sueciai agent. for ists. Send le el Wallace ® Parks FLORIST. Latest Popular Music § 10c a Copy. the Wh Coupon 5 Wood's P! The Great English Remedy Tones and invigorates the wi nervous system, makes new Blood in Veins, Cures Nere Hentad and Brain Worry, Des Saal Weakness, Emissions, wt Effects of Abuse or I box, Sixfor $a One willpl Lo Sold by all druggists or mailed b on receipt of prives he Wood Maodicine Ca i vison Toronto, On{ Ceaing "Sd of Wal Paper | H 1st, last chance the roll. Na Starts Oct. buy Bo der by FR \LER'S, 73 William st 3 + to & The Pirst This Season, Myers' Home- Made Pork Sausage and Blood Pudding, tor SATURDAY. Give us a call. Ja! : MYERS', 60 Brock St. 'Phone, 570; 'oraciu MW all coffee looks very much ele theginning made lan hour | slower { He e records of which were { mem i je hief eng {comp mny tsimilar 1d. B' Tyrell vou | hoxes and | ering irom | work harder | ral | pee ople are t immediate re iling | irba s 01 | with a istreteh of electrified track on the Southern railroad, hax been made of used tunnel extension of The test on a thelial text trie locomotives to be New ' York Pennsylvania railroad. SiX-CAr train six-mile the the Long Jamaica outward trip of at a speed of The return was rate. The throughout Far Rockaway Island's branch of system at the six miles was sixty-threg machine tly the test, exhaus mide stafl of tieo of the electr Penusvivania peri by a her of the ginecr the Gibbs, depart Railroad went of In appearance the to two passenger huge driving wheels each side of the while locomotive is coaches with tn and rod steel cabins at ire ten windows, the ends are = CANADA'S EXPLORER. Has Contributed Information on North, When it proving the Cook, to comes to proving or statements of Dr. F. und Commander Robert Peary, on the North Pole issue, the veracit: of the Eskimo will come strongly to play. Such is the opinion of J. of Toronto, mining engineer and ex- plorer, who has epent several ye investigating the mineral possibilitios of the Arctic country. To him .and his brother, Jumes H. Tyrrell, ui Hamilton, is due the credit of pre sen in book form more light on the zen north than possibly b longs' to any other two individuals outside of Cook and Peary, should the latter's stories 'be verified Mr. Tyrrell was asked, some ve: ago, to take charge of an Argtie ex- pedition, but the project didn't peal him Still, he can son why boih and Commander Peary's r- uld not be believed 3uth me appeared to have found good ice travel and the distances they clain: to have traversed were not at all pro- hibitive He could not see, however, why any country should are to eith- er prove or disprove the statements of either explorer. The scientific results of a rush to the pole never scbmmd tol him to warrant the expense trouble. Such an expedition Nan- sen's, where the time was spent in making scientific observations of th character of th , the-land and the inhabitants--fish and animals---within the polar zong, always seemed to. him exceedingly interesting, but the nicer dash to the pole--to be the first reach a theoretic point on the earth's surface looked to him as though was not worth the candle sume time, as _an_éxampl hardiheod and adventurous pirit, couldn't help but admire the who had done it Mr. Tyrrell has made thre tours the extreme tudes, On two rasions he was a ais in B. Tyrrel! ars to See Cook's ies sh as of northern OCC I'Three | Dandruff With- but | gun | find | the | real ! tune, { Mabon | a Gove companied by his brother James entertaining Dowks from pen relative to these « in circulation. Or 135101, SIXteen vears from Edmonton t antry, then nortl re 1 xtreme northeas Hudson Bay and dow of the Hudson te in the Peterbore ro I October nos t the latter's peditions ¢ rnment Bagot and | At Chureh wait for a i and 'to eotle ngth sleds preparat to Winmip sh vd GIT in with the thern tho 3 WwW and York he Nalson "and react [Janua An oy About 1 Hrs win ome! they sonthward fact r the mouth up, to Oxtord ¢ Winnipeg on th The tr erland ubpeet th rdinary condi- attending northern C withont ! uld possil ing in pov xpeditions They tra- unexplored ! \ toch tions north pole. She alre: Aretie territe question 1s neration lishing of + mons and ¢} ent Mr. Tyrrell's in ' ttn Sng i Hugh Adams oruers, was destroyed by Friday nigh Mr Mrs a wakened b ex The rresidence ald's ( Tr ne {ER 'and w peri phle vi the | tn the ! the | Was old | miles | made at a behaved | L oblong ior | MONDAY. NOVEMBER:S 909. : - re O'MVE, NO. 5 086; LARGEST windows abing conceal the driving 1° the the Fhe while dra will be the train of tVerage etl of su wing a seve locomotive : the motors joaded cars | rods « H de- undired m developed onnect cha miles an hour! 12 Fives an excellent idea of v speed of Hes tri sirable on winch can bw i the railroad is ended soon to haul « woe conlident and ont in full opera every A ghiet w ward's cn vhen Miss S td in marriage m, Mallorvtow ob san 'oland the | hari Pa formeriy a eldest resident ul, Robert Hoods west of | The wosien season fs with us again 'Every housekeeper knows what's in store for her, if she uses yellow rosin soap for washing. The woolens and flannels shrink and pucker up 'alarmingly small. Don't let your household suffer this winter from uncomfortable underwear. Try the Taylor way of washing and keep woolens their origi- nal size. Borax Soap washes woolens without , and brings them out fresh, clean and free from any "soaby smell" It is not necessary to boil the clothes --you don't even have to rub them, except very soiled spots. The borax softens the water, so less soap is required. It purifies and sweectens, and leaves the hands soft and white. At All Dealers-- #Jobn Taylor & Co. * Limited Toronto | SMART COAT OF WHITE CONEY. -------- If EE . tA1SS OSE, "=F, THE "LOVE CURE, co" WELLINGTON Prove my Joi FLbewm > The acme of luxury seems to have be ous far evening: wraps which will be see the begins. This coat is ure white coney. peit, mings of white fox---a most expensive in With the coat is shown one of the new 'dog 'njuffs" which are a fad just now. The muff has natural looking legs and is car over one arm like a pet dog. reached in these sumptu- 1 in the opera foyer season OL. 1 eC Choice Fall Shoes UR Fall Shoes are now ready for admiration or for service. We've the best Shoes that money ' could buy and experience secure, Better Shoes, Better Fitting Better Styles, Better Service. Men's Shoes, $2.00 to $6.00. Women's Shoes, $2 to $5.00. Shoes fo Boys, Girls and. Children in every good style and correct shape. Shoe round satis- Our patrons bear testimony to the all : they receive here. ood Shoe service ek EB Our Shoe prices read and sound about the same as the Shoe prices that confront you everywhere. It's OUR SHOES that will impress you and prove their ex- cellence. Come to see the hands®me new coming to see. J. Hi. SUTHERLAND & BRO, The Home of Good Shoe Making. Fall Models--well worth when | with trim- | S66 Our Vid Disap-A Fis Drawing Room A beautiful 'display of {; three piece Mahogany Setts, fancy odd Silk Chairs, beau- tiful Parler and Music " Cabinets, Parlor Tablcs and Jardiniere Stands in oak or y Mahogany. Just arrived -- Our big 5 S60 Imitation Leather Seat S& and Back Rocker, in polish- ed oak frames, for only $6.50 i JAMES REID. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. PHONE 147. FATHER 80-MOTHER 76 The aged father and mother of a prominent Boston lawyer safely carried . through the Jast two winters by The son says: "My father and mother owe their present Frag and good health to Vinal. During the last two them had a cold, and were able to walk {arther and do more than for years. I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is the greatest blood-making, strengthening" tonic for old people 1 ever heard of." We want every feeble old person in this town fo try Vinol. We will return their money without guestion i it does not accomplish all we claim for it. try ing winters neither of ielwdeiedele olen) EE I ; n RQates--New Dates: 3 Pounds for 25c¢ © Finest Fard Dates 12c¢ per Pound. A.J.RELS, 166 Princess St Phone 58. tae TTT T LLL VL TAL DVL VLLELOLS . ' Lead Pipe, Pure Block Tin Pipe, Traps and | Bends, Pig Lead, Ingot Tin. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS. 2 The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. ' Ssarrtatassssasiass iat itasa sss states anes « & °