$3. $3.50 & $4 AH FOR $1.39 We have about 50 hades' Skirts on oar tables s, which we want to clear out to make room for new stock w hich is coming ir. The materials are Panamas, Lustres, and: Venetians, in blacks, browns, hlues and greys. Sizes 38 to 42. Don't let this bargain slip by. a ite le sa se -- THE FAIR There is Logic in Oar Low Prices. Extraordinary Values in China Austrian China, Tea genuine $6.00 value, reduce 40 Piece Austrian China Tea Set, Pattern. Priced at $5.00. A bargain, 100 Piece Dinner Set, Blue Carnation design, at $4.75, (2 sets only.) A new line of Fine Canvas Glo ves, cleaning stoves, etc., 10¢. + 15¢c., 20c 40 Piece Decoration, Set. rey shape, Blue and Gold to $3.50 artistic Pink at $2.89. Semi-Porcelain, 1 $10.00 al Festoon Rose Strong very - serviceable, splendid value, at A rare bargain, ust the thing for housework Mcintosh Bros.,: Manager, PERCY JESSE. J EN EE EE TE EN ENE EA IERIE IE N Better biscuits than Chris- = = oi B- tie's money cannot buy. Every ounce of raw mate- rial entering into our bakes must be proved good enough to sustain or better Christie reputation. That's why particular housewives in every corner of the Dominion of Canada accept the name "Christie" as an absolute guarantee of biscuit purity, quality and lasting good- ness. I of sweet biscuits Our latest line Christie Zoo Biscuits will delight and instruct the children. The Zoo line embraces every letter from A to Z, making it an alphabet for the young On each biscuit special and delicate machine ry E apubisses the figure of an animal every child wants to'knew something about. © Christie Zoo biscuits will entertaigt and enlighten the _childre sn. These delic- ious dainties "are wholesome and nutritious food as well-- The purest of all pure foods." foil on La g = 1 Sold by all Grocers y: & CHRISTIE, BROWN & COLIMITED, TORONTO & sinks aAl I dh i COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA (MAPLE LEAF LABEL) Its richness and exquisite flavorgive an added delicious- ness to homemade "sweets" and dainties. Be sure you get COWAN'S -- the cocoa with the Maple Leaf Label, TIT COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. 133 eee ee ee { Attention ! Don't forget thé place where they High-Class Gent's Furnishings See our new line of Dr. J aeger not 2 alike. Exclusive patterns in Shirts and Neckwear, Margetson & Co., London, England. A. C. WAGGONER, 178 Wellington straet bb fo fefmfrmiaeimieinlelnied handle the peal natty s Sanitary Wopl Coat Sweat- ers, made by Welsh THR OYIRTT I + i ¥ | | LocAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Hee Popular music, page Bi william Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | received at McAuley's, "Phone 778, RB Neleer Kingston, was elected cretary the provinvial Y.M.C. As ation. "It's the new taleom powder," flesh color. Buy it at Gilwon's Red Ue rug store, NX, 16c See coupon on Qi Pirch and Miss Peatrice . Bagot street, are home after a months' visit io Ottawa, H. Cnaningham, inno tuer Chaskeritg s. Leave orders at Aaley"s Book Store, "Flesh color deum pov Kinz vstn from Me- sold in at Gibson' TORS ding stove. fi wis bright but on Monday fread November dag, t Beef, aad Wine, in pint Nl } Stove Alex Mie ously ui, bl Pay phate, m and } o on Sunday, Thi wy and rainy an: ideal tone, Prouse's Drug branch) S00 sold : <= Was a Iron bottl uptown at post offi Sullivan, Rideau home, wilh bear der a of street i trou. Sullivan at his t drug tors tele 230 Gils n's want Red ( s drug Prompt delivery service. Hattie Wartman, Bath v few days in the aty Mrs Nash, 1583 Pnn = the pending guest ot street he (Ir) Mining afternoon to open of the new School of on Wednesda tenders | ! governors y bu i Pir Kidney in King for wwe happ Remember dence, We 6 Ho ymemade and cane Arliss, in to the Grand ith. le and real live story to tell br. Nash, Princess ' Plevna, huntin wok Saturduy gh, § inesday Nurse 1 10th, 4 to tables, 10c Septimus," comes Vhursday, November have ilome, ember dy on his company t deer night pent last He re bringin Wt wd home fine specimen with him he genuine" Morsé pills are in-Kingst s drag store the British-America and Sunday, sho Indian Roo tt Gihson t sold n $ Red Cro rl register wand Sunday inl nt mks Abrams candle « fire 1 x p a Ring pail that was need 0 pul li hy telephone = 18 it ae Shop son's Red Cr prompt delivery Donald Craig, a the township of appointed to the driver at the gan his duties On Wednesday Street Mothodis { rick Danby, of ordainec I, pre idle nt (athe: the young Kinet in man from n, ha been fire department . n wer station, He on Saturday aight every in Syd church be Ren , will Rev, Ip, of Mantes al mducting the service "For drug store wants" Gibson's ' Redd Cross {Prompt de Ssery. (On Fride John | Daniel 0 re ary, penitentiary, ter of John R. were n warried church they 'The famly smap i hig ston thou = store. 3 Nickie d om the with mission. The completed; hs etn, I mee 't it's stom Gibson's prompt del On Monday ceived a telephone dehelvey & Birch, found a pile of vard, It only the work gf HOmEn!S {o put out the bla spontaneous combustion "Morse's Indien Root Pills" im. Kingston at Gibson's dive store Iroquoi the conierenc phone 200, diag TOT F. O' Lean ey Miss warden of Ca dav alvin, Carleton Pl in the Rom will reside the and rmel, ath mn Montres size.' Pinol Cou bottle. Sold in King Red ( druy 3 in a { YO83 M.P.P.. returned, to extended trip through the Ontario Milk Com sitting now near! w ption ommission. will an west th the and the X of to | telephone. 1 hone 220 Ye ote Ls, easy IY wr Rea by hivarvy. ss drug st morning the firem call to the dcock rubbish on fire street Wns a few vised sold Cross Ren mn Queen Sunds Ww speaker PY ar Red yy. MA. Methodist church He an admirn add force to men Kingston, He sionary pan on furlough ane will be in Ringer mn until May next What alled. the most novel attractive ind formance is "The © iby the little Dresd May Ward, ich comes to the Grand on November = 9th "The Cash wu big hit and filled wi preached on ble the morning and is will of is to 1% th TO MUSIC LOVERS | Late st Popular Music a Copy. pleased to at Only 10¢ Whi moun weit siieevesind in making ae with the rest and mo house in Canada, whe 1H Ai big pelinhle musi by its readers will be to the latest m a copy. ugstonians, who hay New . York } house nd publis} reed {hitherto Ch patron 100 mn done uble to bay Na-dru-co Taleum. calor, at. Meleod's ner King and Brock ¥ Montreal nd 3 Flesh SEOPES. 0 nd corr sirerts. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- HAmusements. | (GRAND 1 OPERKIHOUSE ) TUESDAY, NOV. STH. oly = Amuse Ca... hic pars p Deenic AGC Toa, ay "The Cash Girl vied hy { MAY WARD And a7 Comp? of 00 People, Mostly | TOTTES by i offer Pr Afr ad iy i SMITH. | CEURGE GEORGE Music 4 { noe, TH on sa &. $1.00. Seats now THURSDAY, HOV, 11TH \ HARRISON GREY FISKE Presents. | ARILS RILS Ww LOCKE'S ge SEPTIMUS" Ry PHTLID JAI ELYL able rO-DAX FEESDAY ON A MEXICAN BARGE faved i "Ranch A Fat AND i! 5 Bankie ROBT. DAY'S PROC RAMMI Gus and Marie Kohl Feature LCogwedy gling Act Song, by Mr. A. Hi. Goble JUST ¥ CAUSE 1 1L.OVED YOU 80 To-Day's Pictures LIPMAN, Prop. 1 2 | son of | 3 I hey in the | i NEW e that | "THE GAMBLER A strong dre hut nt Ss co I * A QUE MINX-UI aw TRE ia 'omedy, COME TO 1 LOW THE every -~ oT HE PRIN CROWD will nd FOI play TWO EW FAL MONDAY WRT Rs AND BEST os alwa SHOW IN a ne ol | ORPHEUM THEATRE R. McLAUGHLIN, Mgr. ------------ {WEEK oF NOV. 8TH Moto Martinell The oll Violet Gleason Singing Comodisnne. Olive Hare Moving Pictures daily, at 4.15 and loc Méchanie tines irsday except p.m. ; Monday Saturday, © continyous p 1 erforms ny time 5 WONDERLAND Es r-- Yiu PENI Mackie and Rowlands IN A MUSICAL GOMuBY, : 1 | L nwsaca e 1 Wonds nd Weugiesday Pictures "THE BROKEN VIOLIN GROWING. FLOWERS "MAKING THE POT BOIL * Pi EPP oF EATING ME George Hammond intr Iin- | RET, Special Notice VAUBEYVILLE Y THURSDAY N ACTS, TWICE SION ALWAYS THE SAME © MATINFPER WIT Vl DEVHAE, EVERY Bb LON tv WONDER | IAND FOOTBALL QUEEN S vs. S vs. OTTAWA Queen's Athletic Grounds ox 'SATURDAY, Nov. 13th: AY 230 PH. OLR EVER AY Dyeing, Cleaning, Curling Feathers R. PARKER -& CO., vers and Cleaners. 69 Princess Sti... Kingston, Ont: Robert Henry ong Price mas arrested i» we'lion with ndiary , fires ow | CONDENSED ADV ERTISING ] Wola ! ome FA {WORK PRINCESS THEATRE, | TENDERS WILL HE SOME ONE | { handing | years respectively. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1909 = RATES "irst jusertion le. 'a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter hail cent a word. Minin charge for one in- sertion, 20e.; three insertions, 5c. six, $1; one montn, $32. HELP---WANTED. GOOD GENERAL phy GREEN CELLULOID BICYCLE PUMP, on city streets, Jast week. Reward for return to: OC. Cor. Princess and LINE. BAG OF 'stGA same and PIN hincon cldtimed at 290 i Ree LACK COW, WITH WHITE SPOT ON face, Friday, from Rideau St. pas ture. Any information will he grate fully received by Jolin lughes, 19 Ridean Rv. . BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. MPORTED GERMAN CANARIES, IN song. Each bird a guaranteed select- «d songster or wonky refunded. Come in and hear them, v. J. Driver, Cor. Queen and Barrie streets. Grocer, BY PROVING of advi. Caan be street. SERVANT. AP- in the evening to 125 Kiang St SMART YOUNG GIRL, FOR, GEXERAL housework. Apply 182 King street, + - GOOD GENERAL SERVANT ply Mes. Jumes Rejo's, 256 streel, AP: Princess SMART GIRL, TO late Work. Appdy Fain cess strest TH RNB BURL. KE L to. Kingston, Out. perienced electrician. LEARN CHOCO- wt Price's, 288 CTRIC MFG, requires an ex- "MAN, FOR A Apply by letter Whig office ON A FARM, By AN ENGLISH and wife. No family. Apply ton Mr. Sands, Latimer FINANCE AND INSURANCE. OR INSURANCE THAT INS ki te Godwin's Insurance kE. a Square, Kingston, hous "IRE. LIFE, ACCIDEXT AND HEALTH. Liberal policies anl m te rates in first-class companies. ki n, Agent, 159 you NG care iv n L 3 TO WORK IN KNITTING MILL good Ww steady - work. Apply t« Kir agstow un Hosiery Coy. Limited, King street "Nellington street. EO. A. BAT N. AGENT FOR THRE i ire ins. Coy., member: o the board of The uski, Established 1876. The Yon and Economical Mutuals, 6% Clarence St., Kingston. 'Phone, 398 Ages COMPE TE NT GENERAL TSERVANL Apply to Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Cor Sydenham and Earl Sis, between and 8 pau, ONCE A CLOTHHNG goods salesginl no others peed WIVERPOOL. LONDON Fire Insurance Compan; assets $61,187,215. In addition tol. which the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the Stockholders, rm. and of property insu lowest possi rates, fore it old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 325, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. AUB "ROTEL, RESTAURAFY NOW open rvice a Ca of and night. Up-tg-Date i ~ ponuler prices. Private dining trance on King street, next Gibson's Drug Store. Con. Prop. A { AND CLOBE Must y. Avaliable apply, OMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAI two in family. Apply Ba Lavell se west of Co \ k x INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for Bewspapera. No canvassing. send for articulars. Press Syndicate, 3,969 Lockport, N. -Y. Fl RAISE D om and throom, peutieman. State price without board. Write P.O Ki ngston AN PARLOR, BLED for single per week Box "150. to {LEARN THE BARBER TRADE, NEW system, constant practice, careful in- struction, few weeks complete course, | 'tools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, a Hueen St East, Toronto. I'Boy Wanted. Apply to John Laidlaw & Son | CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. sieimininlsininlnielnisialpinijeinluieleld | DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR Carpenter and Builder, 255 Division WANTED--GENERAL. 8t., for reasonable prices on all kinds of jobbing, all work done promptly. 10 HIRE A BARN, -- ¥ I re TH tes OSTEOPATHY. price, located, Box "611 | Whig | ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.O., Edna Earle Ashcroft, D.Q., rr of the American School Osteopathy Kirksville, Missouri, Princess street. Phone, 447. hours, 9 te 12 am. 2 to Quiside trea*ments by tn DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 2804 Princess St, Kingston. 346. DENTISTS, 'Phone, | DR. 0. 0: NASH, DENTIST; M J. Gibson, assistant, 1 'Phone, 783. DR. P DR. W. R. GLOVER, DENTIST, D.D.O Certificate, office rund King and Joh George's Cathedral. hover 0911. 2 --- stalls. d where office. |THE OPPORTU NITY TO FURNISH | estimates on electric work, All kinds | of work Promptly done. ¥, J. Birch, | Electrician, 206 Wellington street | J ENTLEMEN BRING = THEIR of 4058 Otlice p.m. floor, corner : GROCERY STORE dD DPRELLING. 'RJ. 8 RN "McChnn wreck "T ing street. PARLOR, y ostetuion: Ad Whig. A LARGE, ITY WL bs md ore, Preise 4 DOUBLE JBARREL REECE 1 LOAD- of am. Cost S30. 3 years ago. Whi" ace An . TWO SLEEPING gE ) a the gain for Phone, i ma! REN untae. A TO-LET. . ---- AR Ss xo por. Carriage: SEPLY TD JAS SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE, yer bath, neyly painted and W. J. C. Crothers. Moderate rent, COMEORTAHLE gh 245 modern Pe: per ®t. Apply 28 p/p ann's, ro, DWELLINGS, FURNISHED furnished, Stores, Storage ture, etc, . McCann King street. 'HOUSE, GOOD REPAIR, AT 263 UNI. versit, Ry 1 venue, all ences ty A R. th gas. A ed ONE el AND iD ONE. fodtEA aw ing - "Sucanis Jor Gites: Forrest, "ray Sain" FOR x Eo = oo lock and Sroats iy storage, 209 Queen <"ARGE STONE BUILDIN i od ROE G, ON _ON it Te oadiy house. suitable for bo: te D. J. ian, ng Princess Sts. Sor, Gntarto an} PIANO TUNING. J. LOWE, FAX oF UNER, No o unless work satisly ders ri at class work guaran D. J. Hay's, 126-128 ret t." MEDICAL. ROBT. J, a BRDINER, M. cian and corner William re enac, Leeds hours 8 to 9 a. m., 7 0 9 pm. ROE or- Dy PHYS Coroner for te ville. » 4 p.m, and "Phone No. 870. BUSINESS CHANCE. )-s ANYONE, ANYWHERE. CAN srage le Ei To 1 | for free 2,969 , NOY wi cloth and have it made up into up-! to-date suits. Price and workmau-' ship guaranteed to please. Pressing aaa repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock 3t., next Bibhy's Livery. BOARD AND ROQMS. COMEORTARBLE, FURNISHED ROOMS, | Well lighted and heated. - | Also good table board. Apply 3814 University Ave. A TEACHERS WANTED. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, wi board, also table boarders. Modern conveniences. Apply 369 Al fred street, near Princess street. PERSONALS. MOLES, etc. AC HE R, FOR Denbigh Apply ing qualification and salary to Tho xipaon, Sec.-Treas., Slate P. MARRIAGE LICENSES. vie TRIER, ATRICK, ISSUER, 42 Clarence St. 'ingston. Ont. Tele- p hone, B68, Residence, 38 Frontenac { 1910 , stat-} Thos. Fails pam, MB THMARKS a warts, rminen Femoral pe! withou! once, facay Ei ls a Ra Eye, our Nose, T hroat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 58 Bagot street. 10 CONTRACTORS, RECEIVED AT the Office of the Registrar Queen's Uni- versity, where plans and specifications may be seen and at the Office of the | undersigned up to noon of 'Wednesday, Nov. 10th For the several trades works required in the erection and completion of a Chemistry Building for the Governors: of {the School of Mining and Agriculture, | Queen's University. { The lowest or any tender not sarily accepted. The working man, he neces. mize. ' POWER & SON, Arc hiteets. NOTIGE I HEREBY GIVEN On behalf Railway ( ated hy Chg Canada, 1904) made to the } t Ss he Dominion Central 3 a Company incorpor- 90 of the Statutes of that applieation will he 'arlinment of Canada at hereof for an Act ny to increase the ¢v thousand dollars i the time for the ompletion of the for two and five pot per mile and 10 ex Tu and Company's railway SMITH & JOHNSTON, Ottawa, Ont., citors for the Applicants, at Ottawa this tairtieth day 1904 THE DISSOLUTION OF partner hip _ of the firm of Kirk & Jo Land Regulations. 111 outstanding accounts are required to be pai hy Nov. - 15H to Lhe-andereigh- EL Person who is the sole head ofa dd * y. OF any male © year AIK homestead ef 18 years oid, may 'a. Tarrsaction ol available Dominion I'rincess street. atchewan or had in Manitoba, cant must ni anion' Land Agency istrict. wade at Ang ency., tions, by fa rr mother, son, da Beothey OF 'sister of intending Date Octobe r of OWING TO Synopsis of Canadian North-West 8: 1 aR] ~ HIGHEST GRADES ASOLINE, ne OIL, LURRICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. Ww. F. KELLY: Toye's Building, Marence and Ontarin Rirastc rE nS months' dence sod tultivation of the land in t and Decupiad h : mathaer, suff ee sis a certain districts a_homesteader hu ood standing may preempt a Sutter section me his homestead, $3.00 par acre. Duties--Must six monuks in: of six time required ter, bro or K Leith; 1 Ges ithoncht., had heen - a Prof whe t was grologist, lost in and cultivate fifty acres A bhomosténder who has d bis pre-emption may take a home stead in tertain districts. for acre. Duties--Must reside six months each of three years, iva a» Y, y offs' Mintel of CR Ao yi Boi a of this ) ARCHITECTS, | HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITEC 'T, ETC. i 258 King street, "Phone, 345. | RomITEOT, | ARTHUR ELLIS, giles and residence, 81 WM. NEWLANDS & SON, CHI. tects, etc. Office, 258 ( "Phone, 608. POWER & SON, ARCHITECT chant"s Bank 'Building, eo} and Wellington -streets. : RL LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & WUDIE, Banus. 3 ters and Solicitors, Clarence St., a COAL who knows best how hard it is to make ends meet, must econo- One of the ways is to buy OOD AND COAL FROM ift's 2% TRY OUR DRY BATTEKIES = Tumba Becta Mi, G0. "Phone, 873. 273 Bagot. M. P,. KEYS afr and Sha parlor, 336 KING STREET Next Door to Wade's Drug Stores OLR ROOSIER BRAND tomestead right and cannot obtain @ rchased. Price $3.00 acres and erect a advertisement <i pai be Gass fur Haile bury