Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1909, p. 7

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aa » PAGE SIX. : ; a "THE DAILY BRITISH wii, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1999. ee ---- ----- m------ -------- ONE OSE EADS INDIGESTION, 615, TWAS REMARKABLE. -- HEARTBURN OR STOMACH HEADACHE ev scammer sac co 52 8 ED BUT SIGHT SAVED. | Kingston, wet With ndelriols aosiaert Ivesterday." Whilé eng aged THnrOYiag : ka =} i nis thresitiy stachine frou A little Diapepsin now will make here nothing gse Better to take | Cornes apd Iris Cut to Depth of | | mises of Willen Frousdgles Gax from Stomach fund chumse:. the] Quarter Inch--What Medical l | gitie becime Wain Why t get some naw--iis mo al ip. a i fod ntl: pre | Sieill and Diligent Nursing Did. | {ing to reverse, urasiied Mi : | ® {tween the s#eaner sod" wer rid yoursel of sto- pare for assimilation inte the blood] New York, Nov. 3.---With a cut Lug 3 : , : : i [hic ribs SuvBroken, Awe ut trouble and indigestion ? A vour food the same 8s a sound, | quarter of an inch deep across the wid: ted and Ms tight ybu feel fine Eo id d . arm batlly parngisd. stomach g@ : 5 ard healthy stomach would de it dle of his loft eve, Jon Rober a hir- ppg accident. ocenered Sel iH ame qmbles. Give it a good then | When Diapepsin works, your stom-fiy'eght yems old, of No fr, McArthur, Verona, Whs imihies] take Pape's Diapey to Hr i pe ach rests-girs itveli in ofl leans Fortv-fifth street, is ous oi the happi- | diatell moned; and Attended gestive juices working. There will ap-and then you fre Ww eating ess patients in Flower hospital, where » no dyspepsia or belching of yas when. vou come io the Ctable rd hy HR, igsterday. that wy would » oan | he. woth wed nab oma ah Fiber or eructations of undigested food: no what von eat will do you good. be able to.see plamly with the injured [eat or his ain Vr al i ws i < : 3 ke 4 feeling like a Jump of lend in ® the Absolute reliei from all Stomach (gan {be yo pan alain 4 r % A am . 0 One cake of Taylor s rax Soap stomach or heartburn, sick headache Misery (is waiting for you as soon Roberts was told more than a week | corEaLY ou on Ort Inn oo o € - Bo and dizziness, and vour food will not as vou decide to take u little IHa-1 avo that his eve would not have to be {cape ings what might Rave proved a i Another of our villager: Penajmin ; . nauseous odors want Pape's Diapepsin, beeaus von at: 1 whethe . < 3 7 : A or oo Pa : that time whethe: it would be possi- | pol TL Mine gt Go neatent | Ip a year's time that means sev: ake oO. : & care of Indigestion and Upset Stom-| ut-of-order and uncomfortable now '{ingaishi an object held before th allowing a number 'of heavy coin | ee _-- en -- = TT ne == ter at the lippodrome, was injured | ¢ at his : ry « ferment and poison your breath with pepsin, Tell your draggist that you'regoved, but it was nat known at {fatal accident. . goes twice as far as any other soap. Pape's Wiapesin costs only Se, Jor alwant te. become thoroughly cured his te save £he sight. When the band | i 1 : Last Sathiday whila storibg corm in Jarge case at any drag store here, tus ture . ges were wamtoved, vesterday, for a > . and will relieve the most obstinate Remember if your stomach funks sng o Roberts said he could dis | J. E. Freeman's barn 'the sling broke. { dollars' saving. But that /isn' t all. : Soiled ribbon, light colored silk the eve, ach in five minutes. vou ean get relief in five minutes. | he patient, who is a stage carpes- eh Semi nd ik. sheook, You save on the clothes, 100. "For : eed delicate laces ey J be very waggon rack. Though stunned by the 3 EARNING GOOD DIVIDENDS. FASTED FOR NINE DAYS. October sib, bi: Wl Spr ith oman, some * time, and eomiewhat you don't have to rub them so hard with Taylor sBorax Sex oak: Shave MAC as y 8 8 v fa Ta 7 bruised and shaken wp, he it able to ' * up alf a r oO avior's ; i wa avine! Conld Get N h point of the tool entered the eyeball. : | or. hev'll go more times fine ) Guelph Ray Paying | Could Get No 2k rer Food on A rush and the ifis were cut. tu a : be around agin. opin dam { nor so long T y g .B x Soap, add add a it fie 1 il i . ell Ces lepth of a or of an inch and the r a erona, od © e pul- T tan Guelph, Ont., Nov. 3.--The Xih a New York. No Orthodoxy ig TH ta a Ea TR ror] | pit here Pact Sabbath, "and preachéd | to the tub. rr hi ki x We ¢ t 3 nual report of 'the Guelph Radial rail- | uo ompEomI ing shat it prevailed over part of the stlera. Roberts was sushid | # an interesting sermon. swhich was | ; forms a thic el y. © Ie ar wdy commissioners was presented to en the instinets of seli-preservation it. (he Flower hos spits al 'where Dr. R. much enjoved hy Eis tisleners. ler. A. 4 ' ae S 0 Tay - ticles to be cleaned with Hike. thé city council and showe that this {eqoied the death. to day; in Ellis Is-g '0 ojand. d he insti : | Fokes has begun revival services ih x rat th ad ' } 3 Ss peland, dean of the institution, ' . warm water cn spre on a branch of civie utility has increased ind hospital of Gizella Dreiner.- ad op is also professor of ophithalmolo- | this church. He 'is assisted by Claire i lor S Borax flat surface and run in the soap until it is now earmng a dividend of | young Hebrew immi wt. On.the nine! 0 ook oh hé case {| Smith, tenor singer well-known in! 6} per cent. upon the $105,800 which days of her voyay vss he Atlan Br Copelate . a vdges of the Kingston. who charms all by his sweet ! ---- Soap saves jelly with a fine, soft old tooth Guelph has invested in it treet rhe tie the givl could no' Kosher food fo Con together, dressed the eye and voice. We fre enjoting: an exception- | brush. Go over the entire piece' way Reccip te were £20 149 and expen and so fasted, with the result that to placed a nurse at the side of Roberts ally beautiful Indian sammer this difure, 3 day she died of inapition, bed. with instructions to apply cold week. The ters fine wenther is pros { I A you 1mon- in this way without rubbing at ent rT applications every minute to allay the ing ¢ a boon to potato diggers, i 7 % Ir . all until thoroughly clean. A ha At R fi inflammation. This treatment was | Fr - 7] €ynevery Rinse and spread on the top of a sphaltRooling A Bios Man Can't pictivied sadly ior iow ov. sui! MERCHANT pISAPPEAFS {| way. Make | table, smooth out ccty wrinkle x : : & the inflammation the cold applications | Neighbors Don't Know Where Wil- : i . with the hand, and let remain Gravel and X enjoy himself or his busi were changed more than five thousand g i Has Gone . 3 I / & us proveit. until dry. A glass wash board ness. What then? Take vimes. Dr. Copeland told Roberts ten | 4 re . { f H d tw Fr three extra sms if $ davs aga that his eve would be saved, | Delhi, Out.. No 3--The strange | ' 4 B ak an 0 0 > . Sha Sand Sur laced 9 aithough it was not known whether he | disap Jpearanee of John Wilson, an en- | / uy ac € sized tubs will be found a great - terprising voung business man of his oul : wr. his sight. fe ;ant 3 > au 2 would recover. his sight Dak been today. _convenience in every la ndry Within the last few days the nurses told that their a aiton. |refts have abrived from Toronto or Pp, Walsh, efter Salt I fare had th bean a are anxiously awaiting news from i BE A ; . ak those > ave been searching for al Barrack St. Kingston | i h * ioberes" wou wean with the doc | IEE OR ene ner ar: 1 JOHN TavioR & Co, Limited, TORONTO EVERYWHERE. at the hospital, did not tell the pati Wilson, a young married man, con - dont the good news until yesterday, [ducted a bakery. and confectionery when © the specialist's prediction that business + and his business and - --- - dight would be restored was verifi d {home life have been all. that could be ! El RY ! with the removal dv: the bandage \ | decived. His habit« have been exem | B nb bod : hand was moved before Roberts ince | lary: he " 1 then het in goad 3jand as stoves to se ut no y i, . oH 3 : (. ing in the local' lodge of OddieHows : can give that value that we can. «= {und he declared he could follow its hi izhly. Taspe er in the ta Rheumatism and all Blood Disease. The great kidney We have all kinds, cheap for cash. movements. , i : ine dp it Ava Wo ave Mt kinds of Houses Fur | \ | Roberts will be discharged within a and there is no reasonable ex- and Liver Pill. 25c. box at all leading drug stores, or pishiugs, from the Jowat Erades | fille ANC ex ve 'no' AUS ee BR! week: it wae said at the hospital. and pls wnation of his disappearance sive by mail from THE SCOBELL DRUG CO., St. Cath. fo the most beautiful Antique oy b Hey Sn g Re hie Ei ; . : 4 ot that he has met with foul play or is . 3 Furniture, A he me bis sight by that time will be almost I ; 3 arines, Ontario. Don't fall to come and see our % | 1 te pansiv curtains upd normal: wffering from mentalsdisturbance. He , stock before you buy elsewhere ] i i---------- dropped from sight while on a busi a -------------- I. Losses THR PARKER & CO. | *scoonioms asvmas. (iimiiinis, und fo | em vee + | - RISE OF THE - 4 ' jan hanksgiving dav, vamshing com w. Cor: Princess and Chatham Bts., Dyers and Cleaners: | Supreme Court Tus stice Orders! plete : : ; 7 : | United Em ireLo alists % Kingston, Ont. 0 Pr ht St. K t ts It Struck From Records. | ison is about thirty vears ot age, " ' 9 0 i : : L | 69 Princess . ingston, Om eh S | five feet 'seven inches in height. of me ! . 1} tad IC pd == a i S dium build, with smooth-shaven face, fn i, - : An or aa Amel ----------A------------ i y HR . light blue eves and light brown hair ZO ; 3 in and aren . 4 5 A SMOOTH Hirer : 4 Fin } ess : 3 Wrappers and By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Your money wl >> i § i A X LER | mn 7 or § House Dresses Price, -50¢. | Spruce Young Chinaman Under back if = " i 4 g ; g { Arrest at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Noa 3. --~0One of the : AL 3 4 : a - i WR A, 75¢ up « le Fr British Whigs Hingston. T WM, MURRAY. A Auctioneer | t Furniture Sales given special at- { tention, County Sales of Farms, | | { i . " " i h | *moothest sncak-thieves who have op BD Pav » ally Purity \ LARA } i lerated herve in vears was arrested. ve i oer | fi It really does net pay Fl a i ; werday, in the JJersoi of Lec Gee, u PALL a woman to make these spruce young Chinaman, who has fol | { Hp : our | lowed a criminal caveer all over Am $ t A handy garments for morning : y 'I ered . as en ar i) does not prove entirely 1 CHIEF JUSHICE NM. W. FULLER [Tria Ae Jas - biten; charged with: a 1 \ wear, when she can buy such ah cin irom hotels here, and MARKET SQUARE A | Was t Nov. 3.--Chief Justice | ts rom hots i we WA . fi | A : Rar. o : IF oa Jn Did sensation in the | At Jeast one of thesd has been proven. | mH pretty ones in the "Duchess" -------- satis actory in a ng. WILY CTbAs A 1 States } { He has on his person considérable un i HR * S------ r-------- aupte Unitec s . os i f -re MG upteme bet o he | Ape rs in the identified but initialled pieces of jewel | b WH Brand for 5¢. up. Ey ery ou . - tout . h 5 How b 'oplar Lumber f ler, | " Duchess" ¢ irment fully R ROOSIER BRAND hsv did ase of the Yelle ¢ | HCHess od Pp T simply buy flour from the dollar and centside of it. , Buy high- company ¥s. 8. F. Chapttan would he | wat Te ] : Oe ££ ! OF T10BACCO quality flour. That means PURITY FLOU R.. The: firstlittle extra {dickies from the records of the court Lie os rn gions Ee Wilt, ho oi | : 2 guaranteed. y Smoking and Chewing at forty-five . 5 as we 1 1 rg 0 RA cost is motethan shade up by the extra number of loav es of bread it makes-- Ligpcausa of . thei Bo ws Baiure. tend: continuing this "line. Mcleod 's | . FEHR Ask vour dealer to show you ants a pound, Is a good tobacco, Why © i sg contract | . et J Y \ \ a £ . . i by the supe riority of the bread and pastry in sweetness of flavor REN] Pus. | he Ee ¥ val ria tad |drug store, corner King and Brock | x \ the ew "Diichess" styles. If i | gay. sight ive cents, Andrew Maclean, shite. qualitie ing Putity Flour is a safe investme 4 i "pu ) | strents. | 1h / ' - ishing qualities, Buying Purity Flour is a af » jnvestment. You get large pany 50,000,000 fect of lumber in Vir- be # Hi Li ind | or 1h he does 'not handle them _-- returns, not duly on dccourt of Purity's ability to pre duce more, but bécause ania The comet of appeals. de vided | or ory Ne bi ie a 1 be the guest of | : 3 write us A - Os 1 ~ r § ¥ 3 | od AL a - Purity contains the greater nutrient and tiie vim of a strong hard wheat in favor of Chapman, and its petition | kta she ana Ns on 5 Ot ah Ii 2 i nae Sire This Season. Myers' Home- on urdav and will give an | y , | Made Pp flonr. Food made fran Purity Flour gives the consumer health, snap and the company aske 3 gle Os arious address BUNLAP MANUFACTURING €0., Montreal. | tor SATURDAY. 'Cree us n call udting force. which cannot be gained from the use of the weaker soft wheat flour. grounds. dpe stated as lows | YERS', 60 Brock St., 'Phone, 570. : * Phesopinion of the court: of ap- Ipeals ise grotosgue in: ats vomelus- "MORE BREAD AND BETTER BREAD" ] ions of law, and prepared with < [1 oa tle care and study as to be almost uninelligible, even grammatically, not | to say k ally 2 | The chiei justice said the papers | wore "so impertinent apd improper | (that they would be. stricken from the | 3 5 tocket an order to protect the records : You tats 'Biv. ds Title S Purity may costa little § | of. the pure from scandal.' We have the most complete n Fa N an some Ts cme---------- * © 3 2 : asa 7 pound cotton bag : ; Tore u 35 pon flours | , d ma RESIORES - GRAY | line of Cosy Slippers for Men, {3 y \ ut yon 3 re HAIR i or in 14, 24; 49, and 98 \ than worth ie iffer. A GIR) FARMER. { VIGOR or om lh Women and "Chitdren : \ ey f ence. To be genuine, | Cent. Per Cent. Profit From 330 You canlock young f your hic gry. faded. X C ; : . barrels and half-barrels a must bear the Purity Aftes Sol sod eles Hays H pie Eiealth will biisg hn i See our Special Collar I; y trade mark. | Londen, . Nov, 3.--An English gil nat color, just as it was when you Sones a 3 fe na who has successfully farmed 330 acres Were i 4rve, #0 Stops dandruff and falling out: { Slippe rs for Women, 83 in Canada related hes experiences to Gk he hair begh, silky and fall of life and | n { $1. 00 and 1.25. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO., LIMITED the conference of the National Union | «kin not a dye-- won't coloror soil your | . | I haudon "of Women Workers at. Portsmouth. A guy Red Stippass for Women, , Mills at Winnipeg, Goderich, Braudon {whole session, under the pre widency: of | Be. BOTTLES, AT DRUGGISTS. Stock, etc., have heen my. specialty for ut Jos: If farmers want the hi ollar, get my services, pound sacks. Also in xx? Soap Ci wd ve BD $ - Lady Knightley, of: Fawsley, was de- | tough and chapped i Sapp tues I iy fed, We have the best as { fur tops, $1.25 r . 3 ' voted to discussing openings for Eng: fKecps akin fie aid soft, 23¢. druggists. d sortmentof Ladies' But- | ' . a: 3 - wt lich women beyond the seas | 3, oc Free Baoke TS Lars of tae Sine ton Boots in Kingston. | : Red Slippers for Children, ls il shonder, pnd Sovtlookine. | Ca. fd Patents Tans, and Gun sizes 3 10 7, 0c. gracefully dres in ack a white, | y : ' A Miss Binnie Clark scarcely looked as Jas. B® McLeod Metals. €3, $3.50, $4, | Also Plaids, Greens, Browns, Purple and Black. Special | though she had combined the duties of | 7 TED ! for Women. at $1.00, $1.25 to $2.00. farmer and housc-wife, had ploughed $4.50 and $5. ! ; ood's : Men's Comfort Slippers, 90c., $1.25 to $1.50 her own land, and tended without help i 0 Girls' Button Bools 5 pers, . ' $1.50. of any kind fourteen horses and cattle J and $3.00 2 i Slumber Boots, for Men, Women and Children, 15¢. to 26e. winter SR w Disaity, Ment Si Ba Children's Button | t : : ' N She is an enthusiastic advocate of jo ] Geng eg Boots, high tops, $2 00 | a ro (Canadian land as an investment tor | 1 of a Coco® N Englishwomwen, sand i= now agitating | ill cure. § t : B 0 3.00. | s neiled A x § | and a number of pigs through a whole | [. is the most economical that > Hor the extension of the Canadian free } 8 to © A ose you can buy. MAPLE | ea LABEY Half a teaspoonful 3 {land grant' t : women t Pr i : homesteads for women other thai will make a cup of cocoa -- rich, J [widows of the heads of families, are | fragrant, AOtritlous --with the delicious against the law of Canada, though. } Fact ording to Mis Binnie Clark. it is flavor that is characteristic of Cowan's. BE |e <pinster scutler who can best find | BETTER TO-DAY THAN EVER-- - ~ HS Leisure. to ink and work for the gen- | x y . _ THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. u Teral welfare of her settlement : JUST TRY I RN ; BN | 'Il bought an improved farm of 330 | acres and worked it ior three vears, | {through good seasons and bad. and at i ithe end of my fourth season I found | had, made a cent. per vent. profit on the year's working,™ 'the lady farmer | | (old the delegates. She spoke of oth-| {et Englishwomen who have made su | cessful investments in Canadian land : land advocated. domestic =ervige in Ca- | PN Positively cure Dy ipepsia. Promote 7 ! |nadian households as good cmploy- " -_e You enjoyed a package six months ago. Digestion. Money back if they fail to 5 4 | ment for Englishwomen. She described 3 > They ere delicious. But much more 80 a Canadian dipner party where the : L cure. | English 2 attired In an evening to-day. « Improvement in process and materials has " . n resultnd In greater crispness, finer flavor, & morse Al all Drags' sts or direct from > English auth. he son of a ok -- gown, waited at table, assisted by Ian. also in orthodox evening dr 1 : delicious guality. They are superior to 9 all. Prove it. f me ( oss. | : 25c¢. a Bax. COLEMAN MEDICINE €O., Toronto en ne Make a test. Try them now.' T. P. O'Connor hopes to raise $50 | gow for 'the Irish national cause while in Chicago,

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