Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1909, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEBNESDAY NOVEMBER 8, ember 7.4 . 3 | he LOVED | SS Jnuscnents i | 1 afher Says as Cost Him - SuiRD OPERA joi A J = TAY on st Wi nter Coats . fir Sas 10 Mas © wm =] pp ge, Eo rae a ADVERTISING pr 2! Ere He Runs Away So Often. A x i Another shipment of Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats will@ | New York, Noy. S.--Alfred Bryan, of 4 | First insertion lc. a wit Each con- : avs COUN AND SHEL arrive in a few days _ This shows that we are selling quite a 129 West Thirtvesixth' street," who secutive insertion thereafter half cent ang. In 48 . Pply number. composed 'Are You Sincere?" and : a rd. Minimum charge "one in- | FIR HEALTH Sears, 1 One coat which we are showing comes in Black, Navy Blue, i "Sympathy". arrived in town from wou ay Rex Seachy, oe Eup secon. 25c. : three alge Sof 80e.; Shh rates in " or Greén Beaver Cloth, which is quite popular. It i& 50 imches [London Ont., and straightway hustled NES and a --r"ot im Tavorites. " | . 81 ; Ole month, $2.7 first-class. Cr long, has fine velvet collar, braid trimmings, ete. Is handsome his son. fico, to the West Side pohve | Prices, 25¢., 50¢., T0¢., $1, 81.50. i Agent, 139 street. i i in design, well sewn in every respect, and is worth every cent court. Heats Bow, vn sale. 3 HELP-- WANTED. laclic nani hogs ER TEE Ho like you to send him away for threc | SAM 8. and LEE SHUBERT (Ine. | oq 9 sir 2 Rimovarl, 38 months, of until | can arrange to send | present CLYDE FITCH'S Vivacious and | jTHE to. ki Lg on REI an Y and Mutuals, 57 The {hin to a mintary school in Stanton, ! Audacious Comedy, inves electrician. Clarence St., 3% |onockny stout s : = He's not a. bad boy, but he is | } Dw { with stock. a Leontinually running away. It has cost 66 99 | y . LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND © to 3 - a R. SH g {me fully 31,000 in the past six ae cont | : | COMPETENT Re SERV ART: f rh Tusrranee oc King : : } i y ' | "Apply to Mrs. innett, ° Cor ito bring him wack from London, Ont. : Sydenham and Er Sts.' between 6 assets $61,187, 28 "addition 3 | "fie as Bin love with his cousin, and § pon. Eh Te SE ad ve "tor TWO, SLEEPING SACKS, REAL W ' school teacher, who Eves in ny | One Year at Daly's Fheatte, New York, the stockholders. a Mio 2 the . Lents Green, Navy Blue, Brown s:d Red Colors. Come in and but. he it anly a kid and she is twen The funniest play on the stage. AN, INTELLIGENT PERSON MEY Fat Store 1 in Tor S$ "Vuyers, ters. A choose now, while they are all here. ty-one. The girl R32 danghter : Jolin Prices, 23¢., 50c., T3¢., 81.81.50. $100 iy. corresponding 16F a hone, c 'We still have a few Coats whith we carried over and are McGregor; 652 York street," London. | o RL No. Sonvaning, & Duane a selling them at Half-Price. Good bargains dor those who are Every chance he gots he goes up there, | Seats now on fae. portent -- ng, 39 ALL TYPEWRITERS, LATE 8) looking for durability and comfort. "These things are all on 'and he gets romantic ideas | Aiwa s Aan ad HOTELS AND Em Rewui Qliver, Underwood, 8 second floor. { leo who is tall for his age, stood \ uch embarrassed during his father's A HERADY : CAP ABLE GIRL. on t er trial, 350 Jered. ust ts v middle-aged woman, for general house- recital, hs a pightened whew Hag. Ck Family of two. References ve- H REST. RANT Detroit Bo ped Pv 3 strate Nrote old the father that the quired. Apply in the evening (ex- # 8, Shen . h. : g % boy could not be sent away simply for u ; cept Friday), to Mrs. w. RC. Dobbs, a a - cre of $10 00. Others at different prices. | "ihis boy is ineursigiblc," said the | = . father to Magistrate Krotek *'f should | ! THURSDAY, NOV. 4TH. being in love 60 Albert St. Cor. Barl St. ; "If he is absolutely incorrigible,' 3. TO-DAY AND THURSDAY oC tu 2 TO-LET. » ' 2 laid the magistrate, "i can send him |1 EARN THE mane TRADE NPY Pihaan' to the reformatory: But he will have A GIRL AND A GOLD MINER Ee, i$ Dia complete course, - air Jo REX iD ARRLY ap to stay there at least Lwo years. A Real life drama among the wild tools free. Graduates sarn {iwelye!~ DENTAL. Me. Bryan didn't want. to do this! mine men and the vast mountains of | Sr dollars Weekly. Write, net "Judge." interrupted Leo, "I'll pro- California | ue. Bt. t, HorORtos } EVE or SE : {price to stay Home and not go to Lon Xs SPARKS A AND SPARKS. DENTISTS VEN hewy "bagnted "and wwii don ag ain without pop's pe rmission. TWO COMEDY DRAMAS | B46. neess . Moderate rent. . CCl { Wh want to. go again I'll ask | PERSONS TO - GROW MUSHROOMS [2 hers. \ THE MAJOR AND THE MAID cy for us during Pall ant Winter LARGE FRONT SITTING ROOM AND nm "The Awakening Wanrasd a Clo" jo months. Waste space in cellar, outs ENTIS n room, for, oily Boy» near tl ------------ Mr. Bryan's face lighted up fhese plays are hy the Celebrated Bio- | house of barn can be made to yield DR. yO Clase. jatane, AT Rue University. Pp MM." he / graph Company, Whose pictures can only $15 to $25 per week all Winter. Send eS Ph ty office. be seen at The Bijou . for illustrated booklet and full pare one, "That's all 1 want, judge," he said. Mr. Brean then withdrew his charge " s. 61 _ DIVISION 8 NER Special Re ductions in Toile t and |. of Inorfigibily, and Leo was permit [Srisman Acted, well worth see-| treal. / Ww. R. GLOVER, DENTIST, D.D.O Fal, a. ON rEAREET, on ed to go ith his father | 'Certificate, office ground floor, modern conveniences; Apply 25 Uni : y a den ing. | King and Johnson Stag om opposite street. PPiY 2% on Tlothes Brushes | KINGSTON BRANCH an a ear or mieap== WANTED--GENERAL. George's Cathecral. : - DWELLINGS, SEA wi ------ Gh 3 ) ores, 25 dozen Toilet and Clothes Brushes. We clear at 10¢ © {Of 1'Alliance Francaise--Prof. EA TRE \ISTOMERS = FOR "FRESH PORK CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS ro etc. McCann A' quantity of our 2B5c. Brushes All marked 15c. Macgillivray Presid Tao FOR Kite 1 f ivray resident. R. McLAUGHLIN, Mgr. | Fenderloins, - Spare Ribs and Kidneys, Our 35¢. line Real Brist] s, reduced to 25c. ! " yr Hi 117 i + ME )n Thursday morning, at, A.' Mac- - Our 50c. fine quality, Very thickly bristled. Now 35c. | Fyenday Se, Ee I Ti ait ""|COOPERING, WASH TUBS. DASH ts Oa REPAT T 208 UNI- le e mtenad Jus ness 0 and pairi . - . venue, conveni- 65¢. Rosewood and Ebony Handles. To ¢tlear at 40c. id in th : WEE Shoot EE " Jolliffe, 102 Pine street. Suces, wi ply R., W. Nesbitt i ee building of thosa interested in the K OF NOV. 1ST * Tbe. ; These ars champions, extra fine, at FAc formation of a branch of Alliance |THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH - | ST ychnnet Fh 4 s 0 e . r 2 1.25 pe oo A $1. or Special Brushes of Superior make. We offer at $1, $1.25, |p, qice, and thirty prominent lad I'he Three Corelands | ae? promptly. dome. 1: All Xind* | pROP A CARD TO CHAS. 'W. KELLAR 15¢. Dressing Combs, 10c. oo aid Bem prasent HE The Rag-Time Sailors. iesrician, 348 Heltngya street. : SP roabonale prices on Bivision ONE SS § AND DO a 25¢. Dressing Combs, 15¢. i: . Lanos, of the Loyal Ahhitary The Pheil Twins x or of jobbing, all work deme promptly. s Sweatt 15¢. to 50c. Boxes of the best Comp Jlexion and Toilet Powders. | i Novelty Act : GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Alf first ¢lass French makes. We clear these at 5c. and 10¢. per box. | oa cloth and have jt mide up into up OSTEOPATHY : Graham & Townsend todute suite, PE hor Brags TOR OFhy FOB FUR J i Singing " Faiking Cc . aad i d the shortest Mcl ntosh Bros : |. Singing and Telking Comedian: notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.O Froavs at's By oe. so A : Jack Ww olff 8t., next Bibby's Livery. Earle Se Ahern D0 grodu. | mi tn ete Sl | ticulars. Montreal Supply Co., Mon+ | _ Foot. Juggler. Losi Osteo) v n. Minar, 5 Manager, PERCY JESSE. : . : ARGE STONE BUILDIX ger, FL 4 | : ; Moving Pictures _ | hours p to 33 a 8 pam | "A070 Oar 0 street, | ? | Suitable, for hearging howas Mati laily, Kcep Monday © : pilatinee duly, excent Monday tnd px vierniy or (KINGSTON, ONE B20. nak E he Be and' 10c. pair of Homing Pigeons. Cock Blue ; BOARD AND ROOMS. Barred, No. Hen «Grey Barred, n ONE DOUBLE AND TWO SINGLE PIANO TUNING. Fvenings, continuous performance, No. 12. Finder kindly ndtily at my See the Minstrel Show on FRIDAY expense Joe Curran, Box "s8™ § rooms, also table board. Apply 137 Colborne street. Perfect Underwear-Fit § || = oo nih ve "Sh, | S-------------------- . Teal - i J. LOWE, PIANO TUN NO CHARG Means Perfect Gown-Fit Tra Eighteenth Annual Alain Conference ARCHITECTS. |r an RAOUL 8S Cn ENRY P. : Ci ol Mag 314 HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC . Pp 268 King street, 'Phone, 3435. _ Diliverilty Ave. * 5 9 . . a A NY woman knows that no gown can possibly E § } U i . : E . a 4 B { > COMFO BL NISHE! b = look well if fitted over ill-fitting underwear. : Ra teen S niversl y ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, | Mg Ry ROCMs BUSINESS CHANCE. 8 Watson's Underwear overcomes Ave: I 00 Jue t rig Apri ki Ak ANYONE ANYWHERE, CAN START ats 1erw "4 b } > . 4 street, near rincess street. this weakness most common in Sa | oe Meeting Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, SPM. ! ei ti a mail order A, business at ho A = { ] 8 CONVOCATION HALL. (war. NewrLANDS & son, Arcmr {TQ SNORT RO OHS: for Bree free booklet. Tene Row. Te ! ; The . . and a sitting room, fur- most other underwear. tects, etc. Office, 258 Bagot street. | nished; moderate rent, with or With 9 Lockport, N.Y. graceful, sn snug and perfect fit of Sg* ! i Address by PROF. J. L MORISON "Phone, 608: I f 7 - of Watson's is knitted into the Un x | : OWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER | MARRIAGE LICENSES. derwear oat in the makin | instead I: "John Calvin, his' Place in History chant"s Bank 'Building, dorner | a out hoard. Private family of two. Call-at 446 Division street. ® and his Influence upon Modern Thought.'* and Wellington streets. 'Phone, Pha. PERSONALS. ? i of being stretched in afterwards. ; : . : } 8S. KIRKPATRICK, I1SSU I Atmissi ening ings, 23 ! BUTe HERING DONE BY NM 11 Ye ks Ge "ls Admission to all evening meetings, 25c. | Honeysett, 150 Raglan Road, B, Clarence Bt Tinea ingaton ot This wonderful glove- efit is per- MEDICAL. {> oneysett, King! phone ¥ .gardless of washings, PROF. "J. M. ANOS . ee : street. manent, regardless shing 78 4 : A ) CONTRACTO S| | 4 2 ------ atm 1 ROBT. J. GARDINER, M.D. PHYSI- | HATR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, ria Ey cian and Surgeen, corner Bagot and | warts, etc.,, removed permanent) LEGAL. College, delegate of. the sliiann e, Was TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT | William streets, Coroner for Front-| without scar. Twenty ors et present, and explained the, workings the Office of the Registrar Queen's Umi-| enac, Leeds and Grenville. Office snea Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS- of the body in. France, and also in versity, where plans and specifications | hours 8 to 9 am, 2 to 4 pan, and | No Throat and Skin Blemish ters and Solicitors, Law ! ] may be seen and at the Office of ti 7 9 p.m. N % . % | foreign countries, and outlined also undersigned up te meon of en ag to ® pm "Phone No. $70. Specialist, 258 Bagot street. Clarence St., Kingston. is skillfully the constitution of tommittees and | --_-- -- made of the finest | Ki hureau. : : : Wednesday, Nov. 10th Established 18686. materials, in a sanitary factory, by clean ft was decic 4 to form a Kingston ; 1 { ) anch and the following were elected: For the several trades works r tove i 1 > l equired er people. The lovely softness and smooth- il i {17 lent, a, John Macgillivray {n 'the erection and completion of a 9 8 ness of Watson's affords Underwear Comfort you 0 RRL {viee-pres sd nt. Mrs. W. R. Givens: sec- 5 bemistry Building for the Governors of| SRALED TENDFRS addressed to the | | : the School of Minin and Agricultun never even dreamed of. And the wearing qualities i Lietary, Capt. ) A... Rov: commit- | Queen's University. g gricy e, | undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for ---- '1 Se ai' 5 > rf i additions and alterations to the General - ~ of Watson's is worth about two suits of ordinary i\ i A alo. J. B. Watkem, K.(';, | The lowest or any tender not neces-| past Office building, Toronto, : Ontario, \ EL Pics : i Miss | sarily accepted. will be- received at this 'office until 5.00 "oval . ' 9 } ranees 3 n Norton- ne a underwear, yet Watson's costs you no more. Ask to l Franee Sulliv ih, POWER & SON, P ber 22° 1909, iTavlor, Miss LL. Swift, Mrs R. Hale, Arebitéets. .M., on Monday, November , sce some of the many different Watson styles. for the work mentioned. | Miss Marion Redden. The officers and t WATSON MANUFACTURING LTD. fi BLL 14 {committee form a council Plans, specifications amd form & son 0 : T THR WATSON MANUFACTURING CU, LTD. PRIS ORT : a i 1 ex, 3 LEE . tract can be seen and forms of tender . AT ma HN = | The branch will meet again on No- EXCURSION 10 TORONTO chtained at this Department and on Phone 135. ur Coal is all kept under cover. | vember 11th and fortnightly thereal- application to Mr. Thos. Hastings, Clerk ter. Two «lasses will like Iv be or Vig Grand Trunk 'Railway. of Works, Customs Building, Toronto. "We Guarantee When you want any, try us. ganized, one for those whose knowl Queen's Athletic Committee, Persons tendering are notified that fen- . yory " . lodge of French is limited and one for F ders will not be considered unless made : he nerd en | Friday, NOW. 5th onthe printed forms, supplied and AE THE ONTARID CONSOLIDATED MINES LIMITED pecial train le aves City Depot 12.5 Yheir gr ho aad blates a Tesdnse. : ; I i : peli R : In the case of firms, the actual. signa- : | | - Bulgarian Army Restless. noon, ture, the nature of the occupgtion and Si da Er -- i Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov. 3.--Following R t F 3 5 35 place of Xesidunte of each member of the . i e I 1SL1I i i i ? e ugh are, $ % . firm must be given. ar 1C€ ' bitter dispute betwen King Ferdi | AUTHORIZED CAPITAL - = PAR VALUE OF SHARES |" : : : ape] hnd the ster «¢ +, Bul . de » ed $350,000.00 25c EACH Ie Bo" military cris' that =: and 4, 0 lle ov jJach tender must be nccompenits, bv! - Best "Tariff Companies. Dwelling House and Fur- a 3 . 3 4 abl th der of the Honourable | threatens to upset the government. |payiie to the ordtt, of orks. equal to | niture risks éspecially solicited. 40 Acres in the rithest-patrt-of Cobalt, the world's most famous Silver {The army, for years in a state "ol eee rere ten per cent (10 p.c.) of the amount : . : : S $ p i > ter, which will be forfeited if Field. !chronie dissatisfaction, hae assumed an of the ten PRIN 4 Acres prospected, showing 6 well defined ¢ te Veins attitude toward all authority hich in on i6 d the pérson tendering decline to enter in- 9 ; 167 CESS Shait 50 fect deep and all necessa on properly. . . Yop ; to a contract when called upon to do ® ST - . Write for prospectus, maps and special letter. Applications for stock amounts to practical defiance. The of: so, or fail to omplete the work con- ficors aro encouraged by the saccess of tracted for. If the tender be not accept- t filied_in order of recoil 1 the tlitar P i 3 . 3 ANNUAL MEETING ed the cheque will -be returned. For further particulars, apply military league in Greece, and it is fearcd the empl al g 8 p The De en Ps NO i C O is feared that a attctpt at » imilar | oor 1 held in the COMMITTREROOM, | The, Department does nat bind itself 10 | places' forms of tender may be obtained. iN & .y [or ganization wi w made here, OiTY BUILDINGS, 'on { accep € west or any tender. Parties tendering will be requir to en ------ dp By order, A : accept the fair wages Stheduie prepared Members. Standard Stock and Mining Exchange 18 King St. West, Toron- |G. I. Storrs, Dunkenfield, Eng f or to be red by th artment of 10, Canady ! : ' eos agit NAPOLEON TESSIER, ands prominent man, was stabbed to death THURSDAY, November 4th, a 8 PM Secretary Labour, whid Schedule will orm part of iby unknown man. The murderer broke i i Department of Public Works, Cotitractots are requested to bear in ee ------ Hnto Gorz: Hall and. the servants hur | R. EB. KENT, A. W. MCLEAN, Ottawa, October 29, 1909. mind that tenders will not be considered, fried for. help. When they returned they Presidentt Sec Tress. ail > i . wiles. mide Jirietly in, accordance with ent 1 2 < . Ty tte i bt tities Newspapers will not be paid for , this n offinieb fried trib ieieeb {found their master stabbed to. death, = pe if. they insert it withont |Brms, unless there are attached the sevidently in a struggle with the intru NOT ICE. authority from the Departnient. actual signatures, the nature of the oc- 4 cupation, and of residence of each - | f jo 1 . THE MEMBE ne OF KINGSTON member of De Bem. en 10N0 I The attorney-general's department is | Lodge No. 38, Cataraqui Lodge No. 10, An accepted bank cheque for the sum .8 investigating the repost that -Otlg and Granite Lodge No: 383 1.0.0.F. are | of $2,500.00 must accouipa each the Mueller, alias G bhardi, confessed mies requested tw meet at Granite . Lodge | 2 5 der, 'which sum will be & eited, it en » iL wv an . . Hooths, Fine and Moire Sts t t Don't forget the place whe"c ti.y handle the real matty derer and big st under arrest in THIS. io y ednesday). when 3 Paar erin ie ster; o ve High-Class Gent's Furnishings. Pew York, was the perpetrator of the | Bro. DD. AL. Smith will be installed in | ed .in the offer submitted. See our new line of Dr. J aeger 's Sanitary Wool Coat Sweat- Fipsolvid Barton township murder, four office, by Bepu ¥Geand Master : 8, M. Department of Railways and Canals, The cheque thus sent jn will be return- ers, not 2 alike. Thompson,« of antford. 1 'members of ed to the respective Sotitraciors whose Resa years ago the order welcome Canada tenders are not accep! Exclusive patterns in Shirts and Neckwear, made by Welsh Ns the redili of cutting the LaRose A. 1. MURRAY, Jo POLEEE The lowest of any tender not = neces Margetson & Co., London, Ex ngland. | dividend in Chal, 13,100 shares changed NG. Hee.-Se | L sarily actepted "A. . WAGGONER, 'F {hands in Montrealjo-day; and Trom | ~~ oe TT TRENT CANA By order, oo 86.55, on © Tuesday, slumped to $1.50. N ) 1 E tary. | Later it sold at Xb, ( Tr C | Concrete Dam at Burleigh Falls. Department fatal S and Canals, : ' s . bes t A 0 ith, 1909. w Bt, Catharines, 0 restign- 3 VING LLAIMS IAIN i . ulededed a LB t arin & ut June tiga ASYONE a I . 2 Lan Af Al ST} NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ( ewspapor p igherting this advertisement + 3 Teetenp - n in he a gat n of gral in the Ks ate of ein e LE mer, whe SEALED TENDERS jdvessed to the hud at. wa! hen the Department - onpection h thé pay ng contracts, | died on Friday, ctober 29th, 14 08 ), are undersigned and endorsed "Tender for it. has closed, 'ne appearing to press | required to forward same to Meg A. FL -{ Dam, "will be received at this office up thee char Elmer, 28 Division street to 18 'o'clock on Tuesdny, the 16th of SAAARVAATIATATIALASIA TLLIAWIRAR WANA IAL Fx * 2 ash of - - | November, 1909, for the Yo homesteader early 70.000 votes were cast in the | == =. al nt . h th ct { a © te Daim Ww ® P Lead Pipe, Pure Block Tin Pipe, Traps and 8 [sition for wacker mpmentatie (0 eon Gabon, on nwaday, | 2 boric Fas, Ontario. on, the THR allace arks EEE on the Ontario advisory council of | lad the cornerstone of O hawa' s new Canal. A the ol 4 stead in Bends, Pig Lead, Ingot Tin. § hart. Mh baking of whch clon | tment" onan dollar YN. ©. 8. | geile Stat tla 8,2) FLORIST. [aroun WE ARE HEADQUARTERS. 2 Jd to-day building. . = seen on and after this date, at the office acres and erect o hbuse A guaranteed tooth brush free with "The children's favorite," Gibson's jof the Chief ineer of the Department | s,y call and see our Mums and Ferns The Canada Metal Co., Ltd, Toronto, Can. yi otf Rolways aod Cai Ottawa. end at |, l, Comservatoriés; Johnston St. and x yee heg A the Interior: EAA ESET EEE LTATALATITILTRLLILAAILLLRRNR at Best's cough: Trent Canal, Ppterboro, Out, at which | Store, King St. Order early. advertisement will not be ba for » 1+ 178 Wellington street. Finn at gs Ef # eich tube of the new flat teoth paste Red €voss cough syrup. It cures am Pee

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