Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1909, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 2, 1909. Digestion? | This is one of the first signs of stom- | ach weakness. Distress after eating, { sour eructations, sick headache, bil- | jous conditions are all indicative | that it is the stomach that needs | assistance. Help it toregain health BEECHAM'S PILLS for they are a stomach remedy that never disappoints. They act quick- ly and gently upon the digestive organs, sweeten the contents of the stomach, 'carry off the disturbing elements, and establish healthy con- ditions of the liver and 'bile. The wonderful tonic and strength- ening effects from Beecham's Pills,' make them a Safe remedy--they Help Weak Stomachs Sold Everywhere. in Boxes 25 cents, Gasoline 16c. A GALLO} Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. Garage Repairs. to Auutomobiles and Marine Engines promptly attended to. f Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Ontario St. Last af the Season APPLES Lawrence Calverts Canada Coast Sealed Oysters D. Couper 241-3 Thone, 76; Pears, flor pte s pride. Princess St. Prompt Delivery. For Scranton Coal All kinds' of "Wood and Lumber. | Try S. BENNETT & CO, Cor, Bagot £ RISE OF THE ' apd Barrack Sts, 'Phone, 941. | ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC Price, 50¢. ddress British Whig. Kingston | | a I= WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer Furniture Sales given special at- tention, County Sales of rarms, Steck, etc., have been"my specialty ! for long years. If farmers want | the high dollar, get my services. MARKET SQUARE. tment i ie nee diti : THE FRONTENAC |{ {LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright OUR ROOS1ER BRAND OF TOBACCO Smoking' and Obewing at lorty-five tents & pound, Is & good tobacco, Why pay eightysfive conta. Andrew Maclean, Ostario street. perties. Municipal tures. Mortgages Ju received and interest allowed; S. C. McGill, Mapaging Director 87 Clarence strest, and: Oounty Deten- rehased |GAVMOQUE_ AIOE + given a hearing, Monddy. On his pro- { . . J . ~ United Empire Loyalists | An Informing 'Sketch of Ameri. | {can History, Valuable for Librar- Money issued en Uity asd Farm Pro Deposits | ECZEMA AND PILES CURED. : | A Magistrate Healed By Zam-Buk. L Zama Bet dn ifs howling power has carnl tos praise of wen and women in tha highe t stations of life. One of the latest prominent gentlemen io <enk bighly in Zani-Buk's' favor i Mr. C. KE. Sanford, of Weston, King's Co. NS M+ Weston iv a <Justios of BARBED WIRE PLACED | ACROSS A ROAD is | And a Horse Received Injuries--A Whiskey Furnisher Skipped His Bail--Valley Canal Man I. Treated a Horse. Gananoque, Nov. 2.--Thomas Flood, of Bpllycance, came into town on i Sunday with a rather large dose of wre water. He had over-driven the horse \from. Lansdowne here, and was taken h 9 charge by. the police and the Board of School Commis- Lsioners. Hew is also deaeon of the Bap- tist Church © in Berwis Tndeed, thromghout the comnty ic would be difficult to find a man knows' awd more highly rospested. wl Some te back he had eccasitn to wet Zom-Buk, sod here is hie opinion of thivgreat balm. He says: "1 had a pateh of eczema on my ankle, which had boom theve for over Lwonty vears. | Sometitnes also the disonse would break out. on my shoulders. . k had taken solution of armies had applic variols outtamtnts, and tried all ports of things to obtain a oure, but aw vain Zeam-Buk, unlike all else I trie 1, proved highly satisfactory, and cured the ailment. 3 "1 have also used, Zam-Buk for itch: ins piles, and it has cured them cani- petely also. 1 take comfort in help- ur my brother man. and if jhe. pub lication of my OXperinco of Zam: Juk will load ouher suffecues to try it, 1 shoald be glad. For the cure eof piles or skin diseases 1 know to equal Zam-Buk." Zam-Buk also cures dams, culs, cers, blood poisoning, ringworm, scalp soovs, chapped hands, cold sores, aml all skin imjuries and diseascs. well on to the chest in eases it relieves the o All dregiists and stores sell 'at 30¢. a hax, or post fee fm Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price, 3 boxes for $1.25. Ter of mise to.do better he was let go with. a warning. Edward Shurtlif was caught rad- handed by. Chief Ryan, farnisming li: quor to Willism Keyes, whe on' "lndian": list," but in the medn- ume. heves has taken log bail across the fine and the case is hanging firs until he can be induced to return. On Sunday evening, Karr was driving in township with one of the N. Webster's stabies, he into barbed. wie, stretched jwcross the voad thy some Hallowe'en celebeniors, The { hiorse was badly eut about the bresst. the funeral of the late John ¥irke {took place from 'the residence of his brother, James Kirke, Vine street, to {the T.LRi station and thence to | Parham cemetery ior interment. The funeral of the late Thomas | White; Wellington streer, took place { this morning to Christ church, where {Hev. b. R. Serson tonducted service after which the remains were interred at Willow Bank cemetery. Mrs. Robert Orser, South street, in Wrockville General Hospital for the: past week, is making advancement to wards recovery. Capt. DJJ. Kenney has purchased the steamer Columbia irom Capt. H. Gould, Clayton, and, according to re ports, wil place it on the Rideau line { next. season : Miss Viola Crawford, Hickory Mt, i® the Gordon the horses from willie the rear of ran ul- of, cold SHOT IN SELF-DEFENCE, mitted For Trial. | Brantiord. Nov. 2--Consiable Gar- low; who shot an Indian in two places | while effecting arrests at a Pagan was | dance: near Ohswoken, on night, was his morning v for trial by Police Magistrate Livin- Laton.. Ho waived | examination | am clectedk to he tried hy jury. Carlow, | who was released on $200 bail, he shot in self defence, as it was case of shoot or take a clubbing from | Martin, who came av him with a fend rail. It develops that lLonghouse was a aid of funds for carrying ox Indian street, yesterday, where has taken graphet for -W Fhe Salvation of Ensign and for Kingston, a situation Crothers & C Army corps, in charge Mrs. MeDonald, will farewell tea for Mrs. Ida La who Toronto to re- Mrs { member as steno. 0, a nold a | onde, de leave for i a of th Londe has been Ww local corps for twenty- and for | the gathering al the one vears the past nine years The name tands for all that is best in'REFINED SUGAR All first class grocers keep it. Manufactured by The Canada Suga Refiuing Co., MONTREAL, QUE. + AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS IF YOU THINK OF wy Ordered Clothing Crawford & Walsh, Exglusive Tailors, Princess & Bagot Sts S66 Our Window Display--A Furnished Drawing Rem \\17 A beautiful display of Nj three piece Mahogany Setts,| fancy odd Silk Chairs, bean-| tiful Parlor = and Music| Cabinets, Parlor Tables and! Jardiniere Stands in oak or! mahogany. Just arrived -- Our big 2 $6.50 Imitation Leather Scat wand Back Rocker, in polish- ed oak frames, for only $6 50 } JAMES REID. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER «N11; EL A PHONE 147. | cans * | See | has been secretary Miss . Mabel Spafford, Leeds town: ship, spending the week with friends in town, has returned home. Miss A. Shaneman, Tanner street, is | visiting her Mre. Grant, in| Cape "Vincent Kidd, Market | street, has - wwluwrned from a visit in the western provinces. Mrs. DD. Dro- | han, spending the past few weeks with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. William Corby, Stone street, has left to jain her husband at Ii : work. Garlow was calle" to see that no 'liquor was disnonseed. Ho savs saw no..-agtual li pier, of booze were apparent. past rt Ap mn, 3 BIAMED ON ONE MAN & sister George ééndiarism. charge of incendiadisnyn Peoria, Pairs of women, head pains, or any pain'stopped in twenty minutes sure twith Dr.. Shoop's Pink Pain full formula by all deafers: The death took place on Saturday, {on tha stand to defpwd himself as | hist knowledge of a dozen other Loceyrripe hete recently, which Tablets. | dons damage of ¥50),000, on Be. box. "Sold He" is [married and but thret years vut from Englana. AM the fires | took plac at Battle Creek, Mich., sanitarium, of | within a short distance of. the plac James Coulson, Belleville. © He was where he boards. + Hi was arvested aged fifty-four vears and was secre- [last Wednesday night after a fire hac tary treasurer of the Ritchie company. jlwoken out in © the stable rank J. French. bookkeeper in the !Cockbwpn. with whom he heared I. Eaton company, Toronto, and Miss | The townsfolk arp kefhly interested the Pease foe the county, aud a mem- | more widdy { of nothing | Rubbexl. tightness and aching. | {| officer Who Wounded Indian Com- Saturday antimitted save | sort of pink tea, in | be | but. the efiects | ayo legwithe Mt S€And Trial For (Cohourg, Ont, Nov. 2.--Robert Gow- ling willsbo placed gueitrigh hove on fa | Crown (Attr- | ney Keer will question him i he gos | to fires | have | twenty-seven years old, wn of Robert | [and | d | Medici Mary E. Sargent, Siduev. vied in Belleville on Monday. A GUARANTEED CURE For Indigestion and Dyspepsia ' : There is no hesitation or quibbling sbont the claims which the Coleman | Medicine Company . make for their wonderful 'Little ers", - They | Come out straight with thé statement | that "Little Digesters" will positively | cure even chronic Indigestion or Dys- | pepsia, as well as H rn and Sour | Stomach, {| They GUARANTER * | ers" to cure. y If they fail, you r tuoney back, promptly ; and ta | question. a | Of course they would not make such RE ment or give such a gua- rantee, if t not proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Tittle | Digesters' WILL CURE, Tia "Little Digesters" do it simply and vaturally, too,.. by { helps out the | weakened ' st --- i j what it needs in the process of digestion, enabling it to assimilate the food. the whole system regains its vi . and the stomach needs no further lp A ' are put up.in for asc by your by the or mail Coleman' ne Co., of Tosato. 4 NEW SCIENTIFIC PROCESS. A Praparation Will Destroy the Dandruff Germ. For some time it has beet known | that dandruff is caused by a germ that digs up the salp into little white flakes, and by sapping the vital- iy of thehair at the root, causes falling hair, of course, finally baldness. For ars there have hoon all Kinds of hair siamulants and scalo tonics on the, market, 'but there has Leon no pormanmmt care for dandruff aitil the of Newbro's Herpicide, which vs: the dandruff germ. Pestrov the eficet will ease 10, exist, Kill the udruff germ and vou'll have no dandruff, no itching sealp, no fall mg hair _ Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in 'stamps for sample to the Herpicide and, Ve disvovery 1 the | Co,, Detroit, Mich. #1 bottles guaran: FFER YOU More of Bet- ter Toilet Tissue for the Same Money thah any other make on the market. Made in Every Known Form and Variety and Every Sheet Guaranteed Chemically Pare. Insist on Having Eddy's. Ava, Everynhers in. Canad, Ask for Ed's Mahe. | | | | i { % J aig. { teed. G. W. Mahood, special agont. | fleet fff 3 Glace Goods, Butter Wafers, Cream Grapes PRICE = Princess & Phone 845 hh, hbk were mar- in thé trial, Little Digest. | Discovered That | a preparation i des | | ANOTHER DEATH IN RUGBY. | Game Ranks Now With Fast Auto | Kansas City; Nov. #=#Rov Spyhuck; 119 vears ol, iis Titliun Football: play [ol ihe sscond team of this Haskell 1n- {dian Institutes Lawregees CS | | last might of His injuries sustained in a game at Buckner, Mo.. Sailurday. Spybuck played 'right tackle, and 'as he divel for the hall he slipped and siruck his" heads «Henry Sppbnek. the young man's fethor!" 8 Sail blood of Msnadetie, Ok- yy | Wyandotte Indign {lahoma. emit Better Than 'Bridge.' The latest fad "in s0€i®ty- is the tub In this the patiehl arises just as the crisp ser of the 'morning is mellowed By the! frst" sufibeam. An 'ordinary washtub "i thensfilled with {hot water and soap suds, into which various articles of linen are thrown, [After they ari - thoroughly saturated the patiemt takes* Hp 'ope nt a time land rubs theg briskly, up and down fon a washboaed, placed in the tub (This ix keptup untilSe hands, aims and face are p gloging pink The |patient then (goes enis she open an ine hangs all the linen articles on a le steetched foi J pose. The hah announ- one 1 { . crs the time to others over the tele iphone {exciting cura and is entitled to a prize. 1 is sport and alse 'nvigorating | exercise Favors Enlarged Canal. Tie Guelph Board of Trade, hy reso- lut'on, urgently requests that the Po- |minion. government should proces, {with the least possible delay, with the improvement -of the Wolland canal or the & struction of a new Welland ca- inal with safficicert depth and capacily to take care of the largest boats now running on the great lakes, oc likely 'te be constructed in the near future. These will be of- (dered at cost price as we do not in- {tend continuing this tine. Mcleod's !drug - store, corner King and. Brock: streets. The mariage of Edward |. Bayly, assistany solicitor {othe attorney. general: and JMiss Florencs Campbell, | jnughter of John Campbell, Belleville, v quiet Waterman pens. jwas celebrated jn Toronto ver ly on Sktoper 27th. Hot" Water Bottles, rcgular price 81.35 and $1.00 ; . spacial price $1.25 and 75¢., at Prouse's Drug Store ~{up town post office branch). I Clrgvmen ae making a cansas of the village = of Westport: im Becds county with ry eviow of ascertaining the fecling in regard to submitting a { by slaw for local option. 0. { "Safety corn knives," sold in Kings ton only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, All's well that ends profitably and th sno expose in sight, according to the graiter's dictionary ; 'Huyler's peppermint." Sold fai in Red Eo wa NCR OR Raa IE Shir WOLFE ISLAND NEWSEH | | {Local Option Petition Presented] = i | Wo'Comail : &r tal Woife Island, Nox. Lapping is stil being continted for the ody of Metzler Weaver. A reward of fifty dob lars is offered by his casters in Cape Vineet, 08 the recovery of his body. | The death of Archibald Geant oeeur ved in Watertown, NX, last week. {Deceased was formeriyv oi the island { The engagement has boon announced fol Charles Ryan, to Miss Mary Doyle, [the wedding to thie plas this month. A party from Brockville, 'op' a hunt ing expedition to the Bay of Quinte. fealled at the island ior D. 8. Molaren {to join them, The group onsisted of Messrs, Going, Witkinson' and South- tworth. They journeyed in a homse boat. William wal 3 gi i .Atbreakfast with porridge "C + Brand Syrup' is delicions. Used with plain puddings or made up with pastry, odd scraps of cake, "eter, it makes a delightful after dinner dessert. : : 5 At supper it is just the thing to eat with bread and butter, toast or biscuits, © "CROWN BRAND SYRUP" is syrup at its best and in its most delicious and wholesome form. we ALE It is preparéitin a perfect; manner: from absolutely' J pure ingredients. It is far ahead of all other kinds in deliciousness of flavor and rfect wholesgmenes: ri you inks it's Woh while insisting on * 'Crown Brand Syrup?" Your dealer has it for you in 2, 5, 10 and 20 1b. air-tight tins with lift-off lids. Order some McAdoo has purchased an up-to-date * motor bout. © Capt. amd Mrs. George Hammond! whe have made many friends for themselves since their adven? here, leaving, this 1 week, for Boston, to spend the winter. Bre. Victor Kingsley leaves for Boston, on Weduesday, to resume his practioe. Michael 0. FE. Conbell deft, last week, {for Rochester, N.Y. to join his broth- ter. who is in the real gstutg business. { Henry Boyd has returned home from | the west: Miss Lillian O'Rielly, Kings: : ton, was a guest at Mrs, Murphy's for 'the week-end : The required number of signatures to | a petition for a local option yote: was presented to comncil to-day. With very ! (lew exceptions, every ra lepayes signed | the petition for the opening Wolfe Island capak | William Cooper has a fichl of turnips } and the writer { them that measured over inchés in circumieren: the noted trotting Oliver Hawkins, 'who ha in the circuit down in Maine, arrived home, cent, accompanied by her drives and | owner, on Saturday. She made good | her name while down east. It = ox {pected her driver will train a bunch of horses in Kingston this winter Mrs. dereminh Daly left, last week, for I New" York, where she will spfnd the {winter with her daughter. a rown ave of the | : was shown some © thivty-three | Sika Lirect, | owned by | been taking | the via Cape Vin eo, mare, static of ESTABLISHED 1858. Works : CARDINAL, Out. Offices: MONTREAL, TORONTO and BRANTFORD George Bolton, well-known _resi- dent of Newboro, and formerly of | Portland, died, Friday, after an ill- {ness of one year's. duration i Belleville is talking of having ah old » | bays': reunion week in 1910, a TWO FRIENDS RESCUE | . BUSINPILS The Kidney an + Remed | i d Bladcer f y Mr. Herbert Bauer, of Davisville, says | he owes Gin Pills a debt of gratitude | which he can never repay. He suffered for years with Bladder Troubld, and could not pass urine except by 'teuch | straining which caused great pam. Mr. Bauer sent for a frec sample-of Gin Pills. The first dose did him so much | good that he ordered six boxes and began % to. take them regularly. A month's | treatment completely cured him. { In high glee he called on. his. {riend, Mr. Simpson, to tell the latter about his recovery and what a wonderful remedy Gin Pills proved to be, Mr. Simpson, at that time, was suffering intensely' with his Kidneys. = Gin Pills ware promptly | recomniended and faken--with the grat- | | ifyingresult that both these good friends | are well and happy men today. Gin Pills are a special remedy for three special diseases--Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Troubles. For these, Gin Pills are sold wiih an absolute guarantee ! of prompt relief or money refunded," 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50. Writé'National Drug | & Chemical Co. Dept,B. Toronto, for | free sample 0 Furniture See Our Hall Furniture, Hall Seats, $50. Mirror 10 match, £4.50 ; Mission Hall Seat, in Oak BE, E. Finish, for '$5 to $15; Umbrella Stands, for $1.75 to $4.50; Hall Rack, for $4.50 to $25 ; Quarter Oak Polished Book Shelves, £1.25 to $6.50. The genuine Sectional Bookcases, best made. Bookcase, with glass door, for $8.50" to $23. a" ROBT. J. REID, 280 Princess street. Jelephone, 077. RR | { | i } Lead Pipe, Pure Block Tin Pipe, Traps and Bends, Pig Lead, Ingot Tin. ' WB ARE HEADQUARTERS. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. f : : Scere iYaWesee%%9%% S---- - ---- _-- ---- Vital Tablet - TT The Great Brain and Nerve Focd Cure Tired Brain, Strengthen the Nerves, Purify the Blood, Cure Rheumatism and all Nervous Diseases. If you are tired, run down no ambition, try a box of Vital, 50¢. box, or 6 for $2.50. For sale at BEST'S Drug Store, or by mail from the Scobell Drug .Co., St. Catharines, Ont. "You will eventually wear "Ceetee'" Underclothing--why not now? "CEETEE" is the most comfortable underclothing on the market. SE knit to the form from the finest imported Australian Merino Wool, ai and elastic--absolutely unshrinkable. URE WOO THE C. TURNBULL CO. It is perfect fitting-- nd always remains soft oom OF GALT, Limited, Manufacturers -- GALT, ONTARIO -- Established 1859 In all sizes for men, women and children, Insist on your dealer sh "CEETEE" Underclothing. We guasantis #, : |Phillips Cracker Jacks Phillips Cracker Jacks are solid leather Shoes for) ° Joys' School Wear. They bave doubl: thick seles,| solid counters, solid leather heels. Everything about the shoe is of the very best: material. : THEY SELL AT $1.50 & 2.00 Sizes for Poys 11 to 13, $1.50. 1°45"°5, $2.00. Sce the Solid Leather Shees in pyr window. Sold in Kingston Only at i { i 1 jo Kingston _onl¥ at Kingston's Cross Drug: Store,

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