Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1909, p. 1

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YEAR 76-NO. 255. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TU ESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1908. GIVE NO | PRAISE FOR COLLEGE WOMEN. on Best Equipped For Humanity. Cincinnati, Nov. Ihe college wo- {mad is the best equipped to serve in {the home and for the uplift of hu 9 lmanity, according to the concensus of or Country's Attitude to) ion to-day at the aunual conven: Political Parties. VERY LITILE INFLUENCE giate alumnae. Miss M. Cary Thoms {president of Bryn Mawr college, chair HAS POLITICS IN MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS, i Uplift o man of the committee that has taken statistics on eccllege women in this country, reported that whem men and women are educated there is no great er number of marriages than when the sexes aPe educated separately; that 778 out of "1,000 college women en- joy excellent health; only eight college women out of 1,000 have ill-health; that the health of women improves British Government Trying to Miss I homs declared college women : ' Sed in general have better health than Avoid Conflict With the House women who do not attend college, of Lords--Many Amendments, [that college women marry stronger But Only & Few Are Serious, men, and they choose more wisely and that one-third of the husbands of n ) 2 Yet ap 2 . London, pr hy Muni al el i college women have higher salaries on 4 were he t rla Lions 'w hele throughon ngland, ihe average than the husbands of wo- yesterday, but they are not likely to men who have never attended college. Miss 'Thoms declared college women average three and six-tenths children, while non-coflege women average three and five-tenths country soliti ! in have a domivating in- furnish any indication of the attitude toward the two great cal parties. Politics have cease recent years, to FIFTEEN MILLION ON HARBOR. Enlarging Docks and Doubling | Elevator Capacity. Nov. 2.--A report recom Ottawa, - the expenditure of approxi- mending mately 215.000,000 on the Montreal harbor works was concluded, on Sa turday, by the board of seven engi neers who have been preparing plans It is proposed to spend it on the basis of $1,500,000 yearly. The scheme is to extend the harbor eastward, en large present docks' and build new ones, double the elevator capacity, deepen the channel and effect improvements, minox AN EXCITABLE MOTHER. Threw Baby Out--Jumpéd, Fearing Collision. Chicago, Nov. 2.--<Believing the au- tomobile in which she was riding with her husband and baby boy was about to collide with a rapidly moving taxi- cab, Mrs. Mary Blakeley jumped out, HOX, JOHN BURNS, = -- -- _ |and was run over and killed by the fluence in municipal affairs. Socialism | taxicab Before she made the plunge has. however, become one of the cru- | Mrs. Blakeley threw out the child, cial questions and the most note who was in her arms, bat the little worthy feature of yesterday's' contest | One escaped injury. Mr. Blakely was the defent of the socialist and |avoided the collison by a quick laborite candidates tury. TE ---- SAVED CHILD SENDS MAN TO OTTAWA. New York Herald to Have Its Own Representative. Ottawa, Nove 2-=An evidence of the = increasing interest which the United Siates is taking in the national pro- The Mother Defended It zm nod commerdal importance of | Canada is shown in the arrival bere, Against Wolf. today, of R.'H. Patching from | the) Distant Places. steadily in the face of the good de |: press gallery at Washington, to act | : and the various importing cen- as permanesd «a tative of the | tres in Great Britain. The better feel}. New York "He ~at. the Canadian ing in cheese here and on the other capital. The Herald is the first Aine- rican papers to send a special man to represent it permanently and clusively at Ottawa. A WESTERN TALE ¥ SETITLER'S WIFE AND CHILD WERE ATTACKED. ex- WILL KEEP HER PROMISE. | Japan Will Withdraw Her Troops : From Chientao. Now, The Exciting Chase For a Prairie Washington, 2.~That Japan Woli--The Brute Flew atjintends to beep her pledge with Child's Throat--A Hound |Ulina and remove her military forces Soon Killed the Beast from Chientao, a territory Wing be- x : tween Manchuria and Korea. which Kamsack, Sask., Nov. 2.---To the lonz has been in dispute, is indicated south of this place, a thriving little Uy the fact that by November "nd town on the Canadian Northern rail- [uct all the Japanea: LOOPS HOW in way and about twelve niles distant, lthat - rerion: will he entively: with lives a settler, with his wile and Wo "drawn, Announcement to this effect small children, about five years of age twas minde at the Japanese embassy. and one respectively. Oue evening re i ™ : cently the mother placed the younger | EI in the baby carriage, and with the | ; older went out for a stroll on the | prairie. Twe young. collie dogs. and | s Nero, a wolf hound, accompanied i . them, The little party bad not gon | - far before the quick eve of the hound | 3 caught sight of a woli some distance awaviand with a bound it was eff. fol- | lowed by the yapping collies. The dogs kept on the chase, spreading Out as i | by instinct to surround the foe. | Lhe chase was getting warm for the t woli, and he' suddenly turned and came | direct towards the lady and children who were a mile away. The hound y saw the change, and with his long | loping bound was gradually lessening the gap. The plucky mother, realizing the danger, picked up a stout of | willow and stood awaiting the mitack. ! When the woli, with its snarling teeth, | i was within fifty yards, t hound : was still yards behind, an he collies | one hundred yards away. With | bound the woli flew at the throat the child, clinging to its mother's skirt, and before he kl reguin his feet Nero had him by throat, and never let go till the wolf lav dead at the lady's feet | Mrs. Ransom. for that the vd | 4 SE 8 » name, has the pelt, and will he it Yormesl pe o£ ihe British mounted as a souvenin Hote Em RE Yt. Ad Now ---------------------------- York and inxions to know what the Unconscious From Bite j house op Lordy Sil: do Wher the beogs New York, Nov. 2.---With three do : tors working over him, Albert Pie . Hazleton, ® Pa., a snake charmer, lies RATHER MILD WINTER. ner death, in Post-Graduate hospital from a bite on the hand bv a rattle 4 Farmer "Sends" the World His snake. Pierce | was exhibiting his | Observation. shakes at a local museum, dressed in | \ > . A Sif I I New York, Nov. 2-C. F. Bennett. Indian costume as Chief Yell ; . 1 § rg dwner of the Elmwood farm, near Boy When the rattler struck him \ 1 , A West Cheshire, Conn., has issued his on the finger the crowd rushed \ : . " annual prognostication of the weather ward the door There's no danger fon 4 . wt the coming winter, He savs he he shouted in good English I'm not |, fict] 1." hart.' Ye wes driven to 'Heli bases his predictions on nog mil A : en - be el eY ne Milt is another word for spleen. Fare a cab and the wound cauterized mer Bennett writes : Q - Hoy rot APTN : " J . ? : Shortly after he returned i tl : My predictions are as follows A museum his arm began to swell and 1.40 fall 1 Jook for the month of No- he became unconsciou vember to be warmer than October. 1 Se------ don't look for anv wintep weather un A Cowboy Millionaire itil well up in December. Idon't look Wonderful stunts are being done by "dor much snow or dee. I don't look a cowboy millionaire at he Bijou. for any ice until after the' first of Well worth: seeing January. The milt indicates the cool weather 'we have bad the last two Rev. Mr. Fleming, Shannonvill I look for a reasonably early ill at Belleville. 2 JEFFRIES ON LEFT, SNAPPED ON BOARD OF LINER The undefeated yweight received an enthusiastic welcome when he returned to America land ing in New York from the Lusi- tania. The big fighter has been in Europe for many weeks, amd the change in his appearance shows that the trip has helped him im- miensely. He has lost his paunch and most of his excess fat through rigorous training Carlsbad. He asserted that he will .at once close a match with Jack Johnson for a fight next March or April "Amd I'll beat him easily' said Jeffries as he turned away with Sam {Borger his manager who. is the man on the right side of Jeff, in heavy n The government is trying to avoid a conflict with the House of Lords ! over the housing and town planting | bill just returned, to :the House of . Commons Trom the upper house with NE. 181 amendments. John Burns, presi- | TOOK A CHANCE IN THE dent of the local) government, made a coneilatory spec He said the gov RIVER. erithient considered that only four or five of the ISI amendments vitally | Hiram Knowlton, Jumped From damaged the hill. He relied on the ailr ido ; . Ho of Lords giving more sympa- | Railroad Bridge. Near Water : } | town Thirty-five Feet Into thetic consideration to the measure | on second thought. The house dis the Water. . cussed" and rejected a number of the| Watertown, N.Y Nov. 2 Fearing amendments. The speaker ruled one | that he was about to be struck by the out entirely, because it altered the | approaching shifting engine, Hiram incidence of rates, which was a breach | Knowlton. seventy seven vears of age, of the . financial privileges of the | residing at No. 128 Ash street, jump- House of Common I'he debate con {ed from the Cape Vincent bridge near Linus the roundhouse, and plunged into the tn waters of Black river, thirty-five feet Substitute For Cozton. below As tbe old man was sinking Berlin, Nov. 2--Owing to the high | beneath the current, J. Bynes, fireman price of cotton the German teXtile ex- of the shifting engine, jumped from perts have been, turning their atten | the cab, swam to the struggling man | tion to other fibres that might be used |and "successfully sustained him until | as a substitute for it Recently a | the shore bank was reached. Know] | spinning tompany at Chemnitz has {ton works at the brick vard ! sucgeeded in spinning the fibre tontain It is the custom of many persons to | ed in the kapok, or silk tton tree of {violate the railroad company's orders | the tropics In its natural stat thi and walk across the bridgé as a short | tibre cannot be spun, owing to its ex it home. Knowlton was coming from treme brittleness, but roi. Goldberg, | work, walking in the direction of the of Chemnitz, has found a method -- of | roundhouse, whey the shifting. engine treating it to make it spinnable, and | hore down upon him. The aged man the yarn is deseribed as having a rawled to the ratling and lay down, culiarly soft, silky feeling hoping to escape injury As the en I ---- gine t closer and closer his fears Will positavely cure wi headache | inex ed. With a vell he released his and prevent ils return Carter's Lat hold and jumped into the icy waters tle Liver Pills. Tha ne tall A second later Dynes saw the inci truth. Ono pill a dose. See advertises | gent. Without waiting until the en- ment, Small pill. Small dose. ' Small gine stopped he jumped Engineer prio Barton saw Bynes' act of bravery and "w dy a close vot My S. R. Wright stopped the engine and with the crew Foronto, was reelected. p dent of 1p ried down the river bank and as- the Dominion W.C.T.1 tS ohn sisted Bynes as he dragged Knowlton I'he vote was 34 for her and 30 for |, ; } b it a assisted Mrs Asa Go dot _ Ottawa to the shore NNOWilon Was assisiet ry ys 3 to his home, apparently littie [the A tickling or dry cough can } X ent quickly "Japsencd with Dy Shoan'c | Horse «for his exciting experience. Cough Remedy. N¢ nh. ho. chloras though greatly lamenting the loss of Fira : : : ro is he his cane and his dinner pail form, nothing unsafe or hars Sold his hat, hi 3 i by all dealers. EEE ee a cis. ALLY MEMORANDA. = |; Aq ABSOLUTE HEAD. % nestday ! = * Oddisllows Gatl YM.C A. Buila.]¥ London, Nov. 2---The ¥ a 8 ¥ pom & Madrid correspondent of ¥ Bijou Theatre ™ Million-| % the Chronicle wires. a rumor § i "Fiddler who Nodes B 4 that a group of generals, + Dicice 4 including one holding a % Queen's Alumni Cot X » 1% high official position, held a +4 Ha. N is LAddress by | & secret meeting on October # Be the WW TRIE an # 27th to discuss a coup ¥ -- ---------- ____ |#¥ d'etat, aiming to overthrow # the constitutional regume # ¥ and to substitute a mili- 3% + tary government with King » 4 Alfonso as its absolute [= y % head » 3 | : $e | FARSI { ha i i Another Crack At Husband i Another crack at Husbands in the All sizes and. shapes just | Hard luck On Smith's arrived. | it the Bion You're miss- | n ng it you don't see it, » wo phenomenally heavy evops, su v See the Jllusion {oeedin t somewhat indifferently : | wood Id of 1907, have produced b } general business through opes t unprecedented in the his ountry Somet#ing novel and new The little Candy Cold Cure Tablets {called Preventics, will in a few hours isafely check all Colds or LaGrippe. Robertson Bros. Try them ! 18-2 Sold hy all geile rms - 5 eri feloalars, Tar ite -- ----------ti Dev elfening. My Valet. the picture. The above photograph was taken aboard the Lusitania. . {Cariboo LATEST ty GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. me Matters That Interest Everybody of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Hall, Cobourg, | Faraday iz being razed. ' | Storm signals are up at all the lake ports, Four. men were drowned iu the flood- ing of a Welsh coal mine. The Italian government has decided ito construct a fleet of dirigibles. Municipal elections took place {Great Britain, and Ireland, on day. | Archibald Herbert Brandon, G.T.R. agent at North Bay, died suddenly on i Sunday. | Arthur Frankland assistant assess- iment commissioner, loronto, has re signed. { An aviator at Hamburg, Germany, made a thrilling descent in a burning \aeroplane, | North Essex conservatives nominated Oliver J. Wilcox for the vacant seat {in the commons. | A. Souhart, in Mon- P. the French minister ~Notes From All Over--Little # coing vn at present is heavy compared CHEESE EXPORT E. men Prices Advance, With Better De-! . mand, i Montreal, Oct, 30.<-The i tone of the cheese market, whi came apparent at the end of wre, has continued throughout this week, and prices have been advancing side has heen reflected in the country, where © the uyers with better limits than they have had for some time, have been able to buy up the offerings at good prices, each s ing mar ket showing an advahce over those of the previous day, until at Cornwall, on Friday, the climax was reached. when the offerings were all sold 1ljec., bringing the market back the level at which most of the sea- fon's cheese have been sdld. The fine open weather than has pre- vailed throughout the greater part of the month has helped to maintain the flow of milk; and the make of cheese NO MORE. § with recent years, reports from all parts- of the country indicating a de « merease in the output. The quantity, however, will not Le sufli- ent to have any, material efféct upon the course of the market. The ship ments this week have been fairly could have genuine If you diamonds at the price of paste, which would you choose ? If you could have} solid gold at the price of plate would you hesitate ? These are homely illu. strations, but they have theigl merit of plain likenesses. The Steacy Silk Stock is the cream of the world's pro. ductions as judged by ae. heavy, the quantity going out being somewhat larger that the receipts, aud the stock in store here has been reduced somewhat as a 'consequence. The stock, however, is still large, and there is no doubt that the figures, when published on Nov. 1st, will show a decided increase over tne quantity in store here a week ago. OPERATION BY MAGNET. Sliver of Steel Drawn From Man's "to Colombia, has been appointed min. Forehead. knowledged experts. ister to Cuba y : Camden, N.J., Nov. 2~By means of There is no imitation or i The Canadian Northern railway isi, magnet attached to a city electric false glitter They - ate experiencing difliculty in securing an light wire carrying $0,000 volts of genuine or hy a seloat entrance to Ottawa, : electricity, a sliver of steel was ex Our fabrics cost customers | Track-laying on the Ontario West | pncted from the forehead of Richard Bo more than the lowest Shore Electric railway, between Gode- Stephens, a boilermaker, in the Coop- | 8 ie 1sewhe hd man 'rich and Kincardine, will commence in prices elsewhere ar nanny a few days, | Nix men will be {United States sentenced by supreme court for cou- tempt in connection with the lynching of a negro in Tennessee. Two masked highwaymen held up the | stage at Une-Hundred-and- Fifty-Mile-House, B.C., securing shout five thousand dollaxs. Hon. Duncan Marshall was sworn in as minister of agriculune and ernment at Fdmonton. | {pany has arranged with the City entire output of the factory. The Ea Auti-Socialist ~ 'nien, London, response to its call for a million shil lings to 'train workingmen to com bat socialism." A. B. Wharburton, one of the liberal members from will probably be appointed to the va cancy of the senate, caused hy, th death of Senator Ferguson. with the power contract and decided the mayor, to refer it back to the Hydro-Electric Commission for' amend ment, i ! Beginning Monday, vegistration for mail matter throughout the United States will be ten cents instead cight cents. This orate the twenty-first anniversary of | an attempt to wipe out $20,000,000 de- | 1e Canadian Temperance League's | fieit ! is 3 a [work in Torouto. At Amoy, China, it is officially Te~1 Wf "desire. 'a8 a Citizen of Ontario," jported thai there were fifty-two | oniipyed the premier, "to join in {deaths from cholera and sevemiy-eight loco oasonable efiort to diminish {deaths from the bubonic plague and minimize the terrible evils of the | MARSHALL--THOMESON --A( the Meth | that city during the fortnight ending ldrink habit. T will not sey that has odist ~ Parsonage, Arden. W Souk, 1 FAN : i. Y ; s 4 all, n Satwrday, last. . G {been my position for- many years, but ha eon or dunn Marshall, 1h State Comptroller Charles H. Gaus, 354 Foi heer my desite for some time Ta hall dn Marshall, to Albany, N.Y., died, Sunday. at a last, and T appreciate the opportun- John W. Thempsou, both of Harlowe, {hunting lodge on the preserve of the [fio of .taking part in these proceed nt v Bie : . | Bourbinnais-Riamika Club; on Long ings THOMPSON ANDERSON A the Tens i : a ad . ' lesb yerance otel, en Ont et. j lake, in the Laurentian mountains, He i "I have been told," Sir James add TAD 004 by Rey, iufus (areatt, pas attacked with pneumoma. od,. after a pause, that men in public Carmon Dewitt Thompson : of Kaladar nas . * fo oly Napanee | {positions should hesitate to givé ex formerly of ¥ 3 3 : ¢ prsOn dar, daughite | THE TRIAL BLGUN. {pression to all their convictions, for Anglerson Baladar re | ; fear of the consequences You hear} _ ee ---- son wn Nine Are Accused of Stealing Vast!{},¢ sort of thing on the strest cot DIED Stoves. ners; you sometimes read it in Uw PRLLIH Ih .Chisagn, Oct . Kiel. Nov. 2.--The trial of nine per- newspapers. Well, such a course may Frances Fuller, duughiet : | sons implicated in robberies from the Lo worldly' wise in a measurable de . (John Lauder od i, ing on, i " r - . ac- | gree 7 av rer 3 v nterment oo h o. 3 {navy yard began yesterday. Lhe ac "gree, but 1 have never been accused of I A pace rd please leused include four officials and five hesitating to express my convictions copy.) | merchants, and the thefts included [be they right or be they wrong, wo | waggon loads of coal and amor plat- ing, the total amount involved being at several million dollars This case has aroused mntense interest | estimated | throughout Germany, owing to the in every loxtent of the frauds and the high is shown to me to have for-its ob ek standing of some of the prisoners. {act the minimizing and ultimate do A G G | One of the merchants accused, a man ing away with the evils of the drink {named Henrichs, is repufed to be a habit. And having said that, let me | millionaire. d {have been called to testify. i 'of doing awav with avery thing asso i ' # ciated with the liquor evil will joir Yih a ad ih 1 hands with those of his fellows, per il. be demonstrate in |X THE PLAY GROUND. 2 haps some of them not 'even ~ total] store all this week,. 4 Ie President Tait says: 1 x abstainas, 'who ae prepared to de % |% think every city is under ky something to lessen it.. a conlition : st to 3 + the strongest, obli- ation to @ Will be formed which will enable the ° i farm: . cause of temperance to make mors : : * op. _-- ie ¥ vrogress in one year than was ever Convenient and Economical, |% they begin to walk until i Greumed possible % they reach manhood, places ¥! md en : 4 'within the city walls large &! "MA-IN-LAW' HIS JAILER. 1 h 3 un _ fos i a Sentenced to Go Home to Wife's] IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES: ; 4 of all sorts of games which * Mother. ad 4 are known to our boys and "| Trenton. NA. Nov. 2 Charles Dar o fi A 4 girls and: are liked by them. & ren. convicted of attacking his wife TAKE NOTICE." Ba * « #! was punished by Judge Cinichtel by It you wast any heating stovus, ve FEES HISIINSICIIF GISIIGIGINIGISIGNS being released from jail and sent 10 | them ia all sorts 00: Prices. The Wages Of Sin. prosecution. Darren . | Ogdenspurg, N.Y., Nov. 2X sad mumbled something about not want Ax an acknowledgment of the kinds suicide occurted at the Franklin jing to go home, but the judge told | pecs of his, landlady, Mrs. Matto house, terday. . Miss Grace Bareler, him he would hate to face the music. | Quackenbush, Toronto, with whom b an Massena girl. aged nineteen years, Mrs. Darren had admitted that she | jodgdd for eighteen months, the late was the victim. That she had de land "ma could attend 10 Darwen in | Charles Frederick Stein, formerly of liberatelv planned to take her life case the court freed him. Muskoka, who died on October 6th, (was revealed in letters addressed to} Added a codicil to his will just = her father and her sister. The rea Fountain Pens At Cost. week before his death, leaving hee json for her-rash act is atufibeted tof! J§ vou are thinking of investing iv | 51.000. {the fact that she was in a delica | condition. { i £750 damages for false arvest, the pro- vincial secvetary 'of the Alberta gov-| The Colborne Cheese and Butter com- Dairy company. 'loronto, to take the has already received 50000 Shillings in Prince Edward Island. Hamilton council is not vet satisfied Monday night, by the casting vote of fee of advance is made in Two: hundred witnesses § Frank Foed, Toronto, tas awarded er hospital. It was found impracti- cable to operate in the usual way, as the piece of steel was near the optic nerve, and blindness might have re sulted times a great deal less. dust Now Fashion Favors The magnet wad procured irom an Black Silks electrical plant, and the curvent turn- 2 ed on. Then the maguet was held We are showing an un- close to the man's head. An instant usually large assortment of ) Dress Silks, inéluding MOUSSELINE DUCHESSE, IRISH BENGATINE! MOIRE. ANTIQUE, PAILETTE-DE-SOIE, later the sliver of steel was clinging to the magnel. The patient felt no pain. " the new weaves in rick Black MHITNEY'S DESIRE TO HELP MINIMIZE RAV- | AGES OF DRINK EVIL. MESSALINE, ETC. {He Suggests a Coalition--Let ilo. Sa: f Total Abstainers Join Hands Our Peau-de-Seic at 75¢ With the Moderates and Pro- For Dresses is a good wear. yi gress Will Be Tremendous. ing, rich, lustrous Black fp ' 9 ee : Silk, | Toronto, Nov. 2 There bas come to me what comes to the lives of CALL AND SEE IT. most men who have passed middle age, the longing to do something or be identified with something that will be of lasting advantage to the world," was the declaration of Sir James Whitney, who presided at the great gathering which assembled- in lassey Hall oun Sunday to commem- i ROBEART J REID, The 1lsading Undertaker. "Phoné, 577. 827 Princess street. {any subject. This may be wise or un wise, but I have Leen accustomed to lit too long to change mow. So say "to vou frankly 1 am prepared to joip reasonghie movement which add, with the earnestness of one whe 'has seen and known, that if the time comes when the most ardent advocate SOUP Ris reasonnble, at TURK'S, "Rous, 708; mother-in-law. - He also mast pay cost the the of It is safe 3 say that Rev, Pra Cleaver's lectins on "Jean Valean, Victor Hugo's masterpiode, is the most popular leoture ever delivers] in the sity of Torovia, a Bis te la fountain' pen wow 'or in' the news (future it will pay you to jook at the stock in Wéleod's: drug store, corner King amd-Brock streets, The stock is well aegariad, ¥ -

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