~ THE DAILY BRITISH wHIG SATURDAY, . OCTOBER 30, 1908. oa TRAVELLING. [HT AND TR TE, Sea HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Hound SH tickets at SINGLE FARE tober 1: o Nov, th 16 points ir Fama New Brunswick, Nova 3 pe 1 hese : o Muskoka Tandsa 5 TeROris y return until ' Timne-table. at City Pe Local Branch s will lowe fotlow GOI und arrive NG BW Pst { . Arrives . 12.57 pm. $3.17 aun . 947 am . 12.87 p.m 3.501 p.m TO% pn Arrives 4 Mai | 1.40 a.m ow kis 4.4) aan 14 Local . . Bld am 6 Mall... A225 p.m. 3 Fast Ex . 1.08 p.m. 12 local TO00 pm. 7.08 p.m frajns 1,2, 8, 4,0,6,7 and 8 fim daily, other trains dally except Sunday. Pullman accommodation re ved in ad vance und all other information furnish- ed on application to J. PP. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson and 0 Ontario Sts TONG Ha RAILWAY. IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway HUNTERS" EXCURSION Round Trip Tickets SINGLE FARE 6th, to Arthur, stations runswick 12.57 pom 1 40 p.m Corner all stations, Temiskaming and points and Nova Oct. 18th to Nov. Maitawa to Port Narthern Railway in Quebec, New 3 Heotin, Oct: 21st to Sudbury to Hharbot Lake. tn North Bay. turn until Dec. ull particulars It. Tiwket Ofee 6th, Marie. lindsay Branch. All tickets good 4th, 1909. at K. & V Ontario Mt ONWAY, Gen Nov, 8. to stations. Hdvelgek to Savern tp re 8 and C. PV 'Phoae, Su. Puss Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves unios station, ater street, & p.m. duly (Sunday es: fur Tweed, Sydeubam, Napanee, or oul, Bundockburn and all puints north To are quick despatch to Hunnock burn? Maynooth, and poluts on Central Uniatiu, route your shipments via Bay ol Quinte Railway. For further particu tars, apply & 'Wy DICKSON, Ageat. Phone, No. was ADIN CRUISE 10 the 0 #4 i Wu T Leaves New York.) January 90, 1010 Madera, Spain. Mediterranean Porte Palestine Egypt Cont $400 and upwards for TR aays, 'ueluding Dept White Star Line, or Agents. (Gasoline: I6¢c. A GALLON Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. Garage Repairs tu Auuteunicbiles and : \Tjne Engines promptly attended |, Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Turonto, / R SO! n in conversation with ye nny Last of the Season' and Keeler Years, for pro APPLES Calverta Canada's pr Sheldon de. | 1 Ia Coast Sealed Oysters D. Couper. 241-8 'Phone, 70 DRESS AND MANTLE. MAKING Mrs. T. Smith, formerly of hale experienced Dress and Mintle Maker. | Fit and workmanship guaranteed. | 71 Pinc Street. Sr Roofing Gravel and Sand Surfaced Pp. Walsh, Barrack St., Kingston, wrenee States and .C Princess St. Pro np t Delive ry | Use Sashweights made in King- ston at Angrove's Foundry. Special prices for large quantitiea: OUR ROOSTER BRAND "OF TOBACCO Waiok Ing and Chewiog at furiy-five cents a pound, ts a good tobacco. Why pay eighty-five cents Andfew Maclean, SmTAarin street For Scranton Coal _ All lLinds Wood Try 3 S. BENNETT & CO, Bagot Barrack Sts 941 ol and Lumber and "Phohe, DRE.L FANCY, HAUSTION AL ds ME Ir a gre at benefit 1 have de 1 awe your that : any Ontario St t - structipns, yimend ta vo Rhytkmo- therapy i Treating Nerves and Mental Afflic- | Bs Medicing That /Did Any Goo After Suffering Togtures For Years, This Lady Found L Happy Relief In "Fruit-a- tives". 1th Fraukville, Ont., June 11th, 1908. "1 have rece sclinostewon ies ful benefit fro: staking *Fruit-a-tives.' 1 suffered tr vesrs from headaches and pain in 0 we Lock, and | co: sulted Goctors and took every remedy obtainable without any relief. 'then I began taking "Fruit. a-ives * and this was the only medicine that ever did me any several boxes altogetih entirely well of all my dreadinl hedd- aches and backaches, | Quarter | transpired that the engagement ring i which {to the plaintiff w WS FOR PEs NOSE... ENG AGEMENI RING USED | FOR 1H S PURPOSE. a_i Evidence Given During Hearing of a Breach cf Some Queer Cases the Judges. During the bearing of .a breach on promise case tried at the Macroon Sessions, County Cork, it Promise Case-- the defendant had ig as originally made for the purpose of putting through a { pig's nose. In another ease heard some time back, the defendant stated that he i did not consider himself called upon "to fulfil his promise to marry the { plaintiff as the engagement ring on | which much of the evidence turned { came from the interior of a Christ. i mas i while not traversing the truth of this cracker. The jury, however, statement. showed by the verdict that they did not consider that the defendant's meanness had invalidated the significance of his gift. No niggard spirit was it that prompted a young man to have his fiancer's engagement ring made from | a portion of an old horse shoe which he found { when on his way to the lady's house to put the fateful ques- tion. Another iron--substitute which many vears previously had | been the instrument of avenging the | outraged honor of a member of f the | bridegroom's family. In this instance, MRS FRANK EATON I take " Fruit.a-tives' ocgasionally still, but I am quite cured of a trouble that was said to be incurable. I give | this testimony voluntarily, in order that olhers who suffer as I suffered may try this wonderful medicine and be cured, (Signed) MRS, FRANK EATON, "Fruoit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at soc 4 box, 6 for $2.50 or trial box, 25¢ or seit pos «t-paid_on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives 1, imited, Ottawa, "TUTTERINGg TAMMERING » {VENBURGH Ton Ae =r PROPRIETOR, | gage in bof" one farthing TORONTO InsTtTyTE AND SANITORIUM 695 Spadina Averdun Institute for the Trea ment of STUTTERING, STAMMBRING, HUST | LISPING, SUCTION AND BX. | THE BREATH, ANI | SPEECH TMPEDI- | FORMS OF Read Ecliowing Testimonial 2/0e Toronto Rivenburgh, Degr Sig, Just a life to let yau know whit ved for ybur 1 may say that a per would | ver imagine that 1 ever si tutlered, and my present condition A Hy fo instructions sincerely tueieye | person. no matidr how vy Micted, may be cured in a very chart if they will but 1oRow yaur in god 1 will certminly recom- | any. stammerar that 1 miny | ome {n" contact! with. N North. Lisgar N Sept. 1¥th, 1908. efit course, ime J. NHILSON. Sanatorium 5%: - Therapy tion. references of Best of ei Y fients from al p: arts anads. and endorse the United | Call and see what I can do for "you. | Patients' poming fron a distance way | secure. rooming accommodation in Sani- avium Write for nanes wen cured. of those who: have Quick Returns den Honest Assortment Correct Market Prices Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS and SKINS Send your collections to 'REVILLON FRERES WEVABLISHED (723 The Leader in the world's Fue Trade. 134 et 136 Nail Street, Montreal, Our 19091910 PRICE LIST FREE for the asking wh PAY EXPRESS CHARGES mista van : Bn ASB ICATION STAR BUILDING, hy STW. Wok's atten Root Gt Compovna ~ The great, terine TN gOnly sai efter tal Regal do, and, Sold in Fl wha of Etruiigth--No, 1, #3 10 dees sles oO, 83 Jor special cusses, 85 per Sol bY ail @ reat x Rigid or sn woladd on receipt of pri . Frew pamp' der N Ba. TaneK. Par on | 0. 0, | The First This Season, Myers Roe | Made Pork Sausage and Blood Pudding itor SATURDAY. MYERS Give us a cat. HH 60 Brock 8, "Phone, 570. | Samuel is the * | having been | fhrough 'the | listinguished surgeon. however, the dull hue of the grim memento was relieved by the inser- { tion of a ruby, an opal, a sapphire, | and an emerald, 1 the initial letters of which gems formed the - bride's Christian name. ' By the advice of a lady on whom | his affections were fixed, a Ji verpaul gentleman was rash eno to en- a law action. en he waited the day, the nominal damages left him a Hogsy pecuniary loser. When subsequen! he became engaged to his fair oy viser, he had the small bronze coin that had constituted his legal award made into a ring, which was accepted by his future wife in the same spirit | of humor in which it was offered. Distinctly novel is an éngagement | ring composed of tobaeco. the present made to his fiancee by a member of a family that owed ils wealth to the possession of extensive tobacco plantations. The {fragrant leaf, so strangely enlisted -in Cupid's service, was, by subjecting it to an indurating process, the consistency and appearguce of iron, the sombre tone of .which - was it 'up by a' single brilliant of con- siderable value. To be 'knocked over by a bicycle, aven though'its rider be a lady, ig not pleasant ; 'still* less so when « ybu 'rise from 'the ground minus a tooth.. Such some time ago was the painful experi- ence which gained a Brighton gentle man an introduction 'to his* jitute wife. On their becoming eng Te made "the customary presen a. ring. which 'took "the form: of , " souvenir of their 'initial meeting, being 'nothing less than his displaced tooth surrounded by a cirelet of go. The Baby of the Cabinet. Although not in' years, Mr. Herbert 'baby' of the Cabinet, raided to the post of (Chaneellor of the Duchy of Lancastér jonly a few months ago. For a member of the Jewish com-{ | munity to become a Cabinet Mints. | | ter is a rare occurrence inthis coun- 1 tev but, hy his conspicuous abiliiiss, id, his services to his 0) a Samuel has well merited the honor. His father was a Liverpool banket, and the boy was. educated at Univer sity College School, afterwards going to Balliol. College, Oxford, where he took the M.A. degree. At Oxford he soon gained a politi- 'al reputation, and twice contested Oxfordshire, but unsuccessfully. Only n 1902 did she succeed in getting into the House as member for Cleveland, nd thre d Under sartiment, in which position be gained olden opinions for his work on the | 'hildren's Charter. Mr: Samuel has an extraordinary rasp of figures and finance, and has wlped Mr. Lloyd-George with the Judeet. In the past he reat traveler. and the ie brought home ral. Africa were subsequently incor- porated in a Government blue book London's Next Lord Mayor. The laverymen of the City of Lon- lon meet on Michaelmas Day to elect he Lord Mayor for the year. There are nine aldermen eligi. photographs Se for the high office. but as it is cus. | vinary to elect the ist it folm Knill, Bart., will be elected the shief «citizen of the Empiter Sic Jahn, like Sir Wyatt Truscott, has 'followed first one on the in his father's footsteps, for his father | was the late Sir Stuart Knill, who wae Lord Mayor sixteen years ago. It is without parallel that sons of previous ford Mayors should be elected 'to. the righest civic office in the State in sue- | Sir John first became ceasive years, in alderman in sheriff in 1903-4 1897; and was, a He is a splendid business man, and no better selection |. us "'uncrowned monh- of 'the metropolis. A Clever Authoress. could be made drch" Among recent birthday celebrations | nave heen those of Miss Helen Math- re. the cleyer abthoress of Comin' ye." In private hoe is Murs, Miss Mathers declared that her Jever son. was her . "first. success,' though 'Comin' Through the Rye" was published befbire her marriage. chen she was unly eighteen Id, in Spite of some Ruskin once told wherever he went books: the Bible and the Rye.' ee luuvhingly adverse criticism he * found "Camin' two Thro' Not Like Shakespeare. vou enjoyed my Hamlet?" 'So | Sy rngton Barnes. es inswerad the Woman who rivs to be complimentary. I am glad of that. So many peo- ple nowadays do hot enjuy pence To know that nay it it doesn' But the way you . : ike Nhakeésoéare seen the least bit | Heard By ! was a sec- | | tion 'cut from the barrel of a pistol Such was | made to agghme | vears later he was appoint | Secretary for the Home De- ! has been a |. with him from Cen. | next civie:! ic practically certain that. Sir | fife | Henry Reeves, wile of a | : years | and immediately became famous. | its -authoress that | said | Ehake- | DUMMIES. Delusions Mead Hanestly and Otherwise. Sham packigrs 4b lapdon shops |. are rhe most iiyiliaF Bowls dae | my." Tphacconlatal Aindows 130m | with they Bofiie are filled bre activals | ly. with nothing. lic, sas &iew pipes, { pouches, and whiking-sticks, [These pretended goods are. nade to | | fd flat, to take up little Aphee till | opened ot for ay firms send their' dressors ever Tew ks to arrange customers' windows with dum. | mied free off chitge. i The packet ft 104. trade de Tas ite its a i mies; as the "testified. iy ol pe bg) to him, pat sold it at the fal Hy wh for the advartised curticles. He convict La Large Kast: Frid Ja premises caugin fire after ¢ © oe mit | utday night, "The arte | ner ed, but there wae dd ay..dn tur on the water at the fig, Aroused Trom sleep, the md in his ¢x- citement, took. down tier fo har! upp the blase.: = "Stop! Spirits will only add nel to the flames?' abo og the firemen. But the dogens of 'shew bottles con- tained only cela alar, and with these hand-greusy 'the 'ontbroek was subdued. fel painted rei A mukér u plums did J "Withe rosters mongers in hres The lead plum was; usetl 10 .wej down real plums, andl thé Cont" pip; a being "one, {v0 Jury it yo % had opened a dutny Dasitae PE | i . # £ MUCH-WANTED Cr Interesting Experinort For Island The propastt 'ot oy ey M. E=glish, hamnhiny inte $1. na has been subtuitted by. that St Gallwey bas awley, Dartford; that ~shiotild be imradweed an' to' the Governor of , and Col. A. L. expressed himsel in: favgr of , and believes that the be suitable for the birds. th gf the tlen: s is the prevalence most destructive | und it is «4 curiens et that among 'the. birds at present on the "island there dood of ming birds would perform udeful' function by 1a ther. They would jena plenty of flowers and hess | ih no efemies of any fecount. the greatest numbers of these. Notth bitds hove 'their home ih Aftierica, and there is a large for their plumage, From ment proved sncecssful, the many other pleees, and' the, bir ld he worth more alive dead, In this way, it would pi Ig tend to create 0 value for und secure their proteciion. Aphemigratory | spegica have surrdundiogs, varicting, new new make their appearance. "1 {entionc that living .thibg in St. keep down inscats. id wns lately introduced there und whin is multiplyiag very rapidly. ve Numbers Objected To. # house in the suburbs apd christe it hy come fanciful name. such Monnt Plessant, Fair View. or Mou Prospect. - He the ot "denote wherenhouts osidehe Many po- coptain sppeimiens ¢! Aelity it These inf for » #hil iain authorities calle ¥ e t to en Te he had the wmdaeity fo 1 fe him: | 5 Fs hue inde Dummy cogak.miats, Swe frequents iy bt fairy : Seti They savas " propriet aytjay, lor eid v they 'do PQ get Kk tu dow, ks Nuniaton, the other on] ia 'vod hers HH were Pra ning wion- oy by false 2 SREON: of the guts' om tl front oy wi ore balls of iron, we 'ghidg ever! poutids cauh, Wetting a chped éoat, -pleckpockets somelitiies work with a demmy ano. In train, gloved: wapden hand: is pleoed on its | user's krige, whilg his i hand is | Lusy 16otinig is. neighbor under eégver; of the 'cape. lag uifiisenind these. i.i¢ d I data in dal with jos, ust fhaling of, .peshaps: the fagnods) AR hen. ri | Bank of Ep wy ing pote: he "offi oil' «descpiption Anesy is Auth) AT | teresting a i Bank of ure. pant | Cgsimiles of with the excepting ad es | Pggving APRYALS i emia. The ike of tht pal eqlor sof the ink. Lyle , 01 Pein Yip Kasai any 0 hoe bs is aut t ) upon . ny loghd : oh pn' uy the oli he oA hire sod be ir Snel Ay ps, Who Wiey Fl tora uf Ang ure (dengiesl 'genuite il 1d | Ms Bank, | criminal off with these ced | garded' Ww ha § A Te nd! <ard-shagpecs ed mobs Tt a of to uns | ~ bao receive gn banknotes. | N\At'a recent: 1 onlon oN likin not | indicated--un exhibitop - + nameless Ceekagd on his , §t Se vmmies, re hve He he 2. ran An inexperidpe eh ng a i Tey {te [ois 3 SE bd HL ph hE "gain. or TE oy rte ey 11) 1, dnrepid Acrpw. . LC Iispe. ston "Arroky, tipte bf nt vird, Twhoser Téturn: from 1 Byre ipa before "tla; expingtion uk his opritraet | caused sony Swrprise,. has met | Ath strenuous QUOositidiL from som setions of © the Spamish publas since | Ji; went out, &, cull of, yuats aga, | organize new police, nagvies. vhich lie vgs to BC the A with 4 wlary 'of '$0000 a. year.' Shortly * tfter he ark a ona a hug: weiting wi A in O * the big thtat tid 10 rots seiner | the new pole; * organisation, "wid "" vasgit long hie: the? th fig Uh cme riot, "Chairs being | thrown bout, * atid Newky blows dealt with slicks, ¥ Tike: ery Thad ra Foisnd fet Ars ows: spied were Tn the baitdivg Tliey coren'ty but @ Noung mah was shot Joa before the fnedbing broke up: inspector Arrow had affected many pamatie arrests in His' tisde «On one occasion hi elbtered is yawbling «ul off. Tottenham : Court Roll don; ais Yin Buuio officer? hivid dia ammed in their faces: but | Lésitate «to push - duasiih" uu ards, the' bank, und, other, ov. pt {f ga-ubling, and thea woplly, Suis thie ovteast of, them, siichs Hit ey Y | Vins h a were Bis prizgacts., LA Pays! ot Debifich,, *Alexdndes Lawrenge., ii dghet wuss one al flv brothers u Ipdis daring he, yr 4ogen presehited the iristol, us us ay § original decushent Putty Ly Hs grapdfgther ur dha {ime MG sieges | ingluding. & Tacsinyile, of thi "despatoh fam Quite + ATP D, urtied be av ATE MEguised Tag he wa Not, cxpgesing: any. on ated. fp wathon- "ou nad nat mop ny eyputt, so (rose «ol, hem. 0 selvet. S of el oe Phe wesd written Lin Protieh, fhe ght 'ohar Tin RnghisH, + then = thé whole i ak nprasd into, da: k churge- ters © Jt Reid popd dei) tof the ad- Jah ades of the, ol pablonad. clalsfeal | wHueation : that * Sit Fann: Campbell's "af had no diffictity ih ading the "From "A Little Tour in In' al yok nie andi pa Lucknow rag Tha: ely wa eng evil B 3 "h by od #1 'Barges | VABd it was on thal" contempt oth tpamesr; 'or omnibus, Wie | (he young citizens operated. In the dead of the night they quiet. their ty took the various. gates off 2 pocketf | jiidges and changed them: The result. was that: Mount Pleas which showld have been 39 t gate, was lifted on to the hipges of Mou faradice. which is 43, and instend i Ta igh. ( ge > Frise olge dhe fun; bewan. .of* the servants' He waht is Villa driven' away . with a ° poker. A podfish was | taken to i fioase, nd. delivered fecording (6 1 naine on the gate, which, ghd | dlaly 4 Shu pened to be one ofsthe wat was goth the master; who ordered . it, but a8 8 i fact that codfish this. delicacy.» The contusion whieh letters pomp wrong, livered, an a. houses w Som of wanted, tap ged thar desoribe, pA er + Ai; as Visi Sesred Winptony rch da § jam mes or Ti Laan 19 ier ¢ | dof bra seated sic Je' by side: Thyra! I cup thie meal 'the Tattet wos, fring views,- until - at Tast Mc could i glubid' it' no" Johgdr. { vou know," he saidy quiet "3 ae today who wou'd ghd | ly forfeit ten pounds for the ploasurel] | ot being dble to Kick youl'y To' kick We. sir!' esclainged 1 |- astonished soldier. UE mpat 8k ¥ | to tell me his. name nt one "Oh replied Winstep: "I'm quite' sure: that" I eught to + du tfiat, ftBut 1 iogist on knowing v des LAN ed the other, angrily "Well. ther, 1 sup | you, It was a Po ellos | the hagpital who has "Hoth { legs 'by the bursting of "Eel." "The, Hoid Buceleuch." Preparations are already' wade ini various parts ef Scot , the celebration of the. olde nn weddi of fhe, Duke snd Dutliesk of clench, r untlf Névbinper i +. hore nu ify north off the | thas Re. Duke amd Dichess live" lived ton 'thei- lanka, Th dinidl various Reottish résldenees, pops: have' always beef thekrs. Oke , Pilkaith. House. iz perched (upon More then 'ogce et y a-guest at Dalkeith, and has im talized the, housé. 5 "her! 'Journal " ridge." ha vos aa) . x rm Badly-Written "Copy", 5 Arh folowing is from. the pages; ws 4-In dian Literature," compi aehor, Spink & Cc.. of Caléutis | is s tof a letlet from lager at 'of d ot us say. hurried." The Jeut obvioysly * was quite peri tion of owning this" = the gdvancédystate of ignotance - our men, whic gard your weitiog a= mys , and Cold . CBritieh Parcel Post. | Last. year he, British Post Offipe | delivered 11336235 parefls, ie re, oeipte {rogh this Source being $11,240, When wants | Stare. { hoe, H. 'Cuhninghfim, pidnd oy Chickering's: Teave! orders | Auley's 3 BookStore. ™ No Lin_a harry talephone © 82. Prompt : . for-yonr drig? Proudt™s Drag | messin nr servige | Jrom | | SMe i ! inoralising' to courage. is'the best I huve seen, but they still | are prone to consider. the. copy | style asthe. anly. pure and ;Mirtaouy | meiod." start. steshge > and wild = over inscrutable dissyllables, We store cdrpets il ypu are ' elosing the winter, and pack Ba | up . house for ; { them in tar paper, got 'street. Uhestatts, 5 8. 1. Iphone. 542. - Hickory! Nuts, "at Milne, 272 A stm One drawbacks {rom which St, 16 be one insectivorous species keéping ihe sels down. and the climate would. |e r. English's opinion, be Songer] he polat of view. their estab | lishment 1n St Helens, outside their [HGger zoological region; would be ex- ngly interesting, and, if the ¢x- be a demand for them from than 1 eg uot species, would, dlmost crim may be at present the only Helona whieh' een i frog which A wag bas, remarked' hint no svoped Jops & than begin to rise jn the world a little in Birining®am than he takes has a great contemy fog sich common things as numerals : his Fair View gate being on | fopnd- its. way on ito. the. hijges 4, boasted of | the { The. Feigult - I liftle short, of ealympitive poor man 'Was py ing his dovrr 'natead al Beech, House, J And on' Roing to th back" dodr Was another unforton The: iden sat. the! houge 'hyd jst off bh business for a few ahig's. adise: which' fone, in vain for: exists, "wath deoounts., misde goods aml callers going here they he pot ander 4 ator imag. hy Chiure wit nose 1 fast Gr bah pd, for, p= Ih although' that 'event dees fof No vge difjoFs Tweed their tile: impartially. betw iin their and we interests Cf their tendnts anid af the hordes of *'the Boll Bacaleushr : rocky -height looking over, the. Esk. betoria, was! .the place jwhé-e. she' fieat fasig) pat; iled , Dati ¢ 'printing q an official whos wr, jung i 7. réatl {Be writing, but he had no uten. "We are working day ard night; bot pe inélines them to re. ations is de: "The writing bouk rd, of {is of to ot a re J# | Rengo + ne paid, by fale, a Very lithited banae. 404, "mor direct, L sitver For by J. sh RE iacie, brn ng up in t i § on can easil tent of a porn Rego ang do it wi ith' Roepe is nothing Excess fwthis a S-- dangerous | disease. Ae a ) arse oo Sp a 3 Aone ; the heart, ete, which means tha 1 aif - too much fat. id these - reducing the Mood, and the o a day hy the is harmless. 'just as For 4 ale by all per ar a box, io: Co. fn. company you a. box free by ou you "will write them 10 cents in or Jaime to help cover post |= and packing o free stores. to et and enclose packages i p---- sale find recothmended in B. Melgod, Druggist. Eg fat. 1 sant to i eal' it he proper assimilation of nutriment ere it belongs and builds and nerves, Jnswend perfect safety good" arvggiats, or - pre- 3 any Rengo will Rengo-- | up the. pil ex ot for the use as at gladly at drug Kingston ns as nt wt THE FRONTENAC LoaN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863 President--S8ir Richard Cartwright a Sm oddS 1S "PER riers RY STAL Eh SE nt of | LE nt ! ~~ id 4 ar Th pi? rs x 2 « done in South &! } ries, an r.. Ghwchill al 'the of: tl le! ot onl ot f ip! his nig py ng| f r- ay i of he "of mo An Absolute Necessity For vo on Bt as healthy Good Health well expect to find a man or woman constipated bowels as to find a city healthyawhen its sewers are blocked with refuse. , Nature demands that the indigestible food and waste matter which'collects in the lower bowels shall be got ri this is of at. ce in twenty-four hours. If t done it décomposes, filling the bowels with which bo a akon up into the blood and carried A ough the bod Nat! organ. i this. poison affects the work of every is deranged, digéstion is upset, and biliousness, headaches, lassitude and dizzy spells follow. Literally millions of people suffer these restlts of constipation without realizing the cause, or doing anything to remove it. Yet it can be removed, easily - and with tertainty, by using Dr. Morse's indian 'Roag Pills. Take, for example, the case bf Mr. George. Andtews, Hilifax, N.§., as he himself. describes' ite: ' "For many constipation. 'add ¥ have been stipation brings Rs ¥" | 3 ears Ihave been troubled with chronie dilthent never comés single handed, | victim to the many illnesses that con. in itd train. Medicine after medicime I have taken it order to find relief, iit 'the same hopeless condition. At last I but one and all left me read about these Indian Root Pills, That was indeed a lucky day forme, for T'was so im therein that I determined togive them a have regulated mv stomach and bowels. by the stalemesiainiatind r They 1 am cured of tonstipation and claim they have no equal asa medicine." Pr. 'Morse's Indian Root Pills were first taken to cure constipation nearly a hundred years ago, and during the last. half century they have been very- extensively and very successfully used throughout the world, 7hey are entirely vegetable in composition and donot sicken, weaken or gripe like mineral purgatives. For Constipation For Sale Everywliere at 5c. per Box. 2 Millinery The superb and ever varying dis- play of Autumn Minar tinues a source of delight Beholders. The great Willowy - Plumes, Osprays and the rich Ea e Velvets, Ottaman ake the Millinery: a palace of delight. . Costumes, Costumes On second floor, We | Intent Cos Cos- tames, in Taupe. Wine, Black foe 'the Len Yr os of Corsets, to $2.50 DAVID M. SPENCE _ The Leading Millinery Store con- cal] -* valanos of rh Costumes i 5 41 | - | <|