------ ----------y PAGE TWO: v vVeV ¥84n.11 the Shape ue tS Threat -ease; sweet bre bad the ¢ vou get when you use PATERSON'S" f from HAD A GOOD SEASON FRONTENAC CHEESEBOARD ABOUT TO ADJOURN. rices Did Not Go Quite So High As Last Year, Bu® Milk Supply P known, boph in the county ad _ ee city, and i= very popular. Another man who has = bring the bogrd up to such a high Ustanding, is William Pillar, of Kings- ton, who has fitled the office of secte- tary for ten years. Mr. Pillar has de- voted many yesrs to the dairy busi: ness, and has a valuable dairy farm, at! Glenvale, which is looked upon by helped to PITS TO-MORROW. A Distinguished London Preacher Will "Be 'Heard Cooke's in "SND SERVICES. Loder & Childrems ne 'THE FILLING G OF THE PUL- . Childrest s Underwear fromi.15¢c up. Ladies' Underwear from 25c¢ up. Men's and Boys' Underwear from 25¢ up. Special line of Black:& Red Check Flannelette on sale at 10c y Shaker Flannels at 5c, 8c, 10¢, 121-2¢, A 5¢. Children' S Small Winter Coats Sizes 3, 44a 5, G, at $1 00, 1.23, 1.75, 0. all men in tie business as a model es- tablishment, Mr. Pillar is weli known in the Kingston district. For five vers he sat as a member of the coun- weeks. ad-ity congal, aud ook an ac uve inter journ winter. after another) ®t. iin all maths of intereet to the most \ CREO. While this people. He also quite prominent in season has been a most successful oney--odge circles. Me is a member of the the prices did not go quite so high as Masouic order, and a master workman last year, but nevertheless, all the of Limestone lodge, AO0UW, as well | member the board appear to he #% hi enunetfio of the loeal lodge Tue fie ; oanlts ast (Of Chosen Friends. : ho i a ' ie on hast he buyers who attend the board gh ad Students Fark board was 123% Jowest, 10%c, [from week to week are all welt known | St. Paul's © re " a subbing + } This the }29, and | to many Kingstonians, some of them giving services. oly cow + TelGeh the lowest 103 price the having been in attendance at the 'S a ko; ca Rot Taat: veas veason there | hoardior guite-a few years, The buy- evening o cloe Preas er, his been more and that has ave: MH." Lancaster, representing [Rev. WF BY, P Deaton amounted to the long James Alexander & Co, =-Montreal: | Fiest Raptist a, a 3 ale . ey George Thompson, FPF senting A Laing. pastor. ATV ioe . ut Din: Last - Aver & Co., Mobtre al: AJexander, 'and 7 p.m. Faster § at bot re Fens. urtains {a great deal of complaint™ was made | presenting Hodson Boor. & Rowson, {Tible --_ at 3 P ™ hii : |about the pastires being dried up. It limited, Montreal; Johu Gibson, ve- eat & ary ial v Jon ° i 1:3 mtd {was a very dry The result [PY senting Lovell & Christmas, Nont- | te vend B ona yrontaMorh that the were poor, | real; Joseph McGrath, representing A. Iner Jolinson ur ar sivete=4 be supply - ran WwW. Grant & Co., and L. Murphy, the ing service, 11 'o'clock, cone Kingston cheese buyer, who is well (Mr. Ramsay Queen's studeny Avanjeg both scrvicns, Fam known to all Kingstomaus. service, 7 » cock, Rev. R. B. elles asic : Morhing anthem, "hight of the Following is hist the salesmen {will officiate. Strangers welcome, Seats "World. We ftail - Thee"; solo, "Will who attend the boged, with the name all free. There Be Any Stars in My Crown? of the cheese factory, and place of resi- {° St. George's Cathedral--Twenty-first by Annie Don Cochrane. Scottish vo- {dence : Sanday alter Trinity. Holv commun- evening anthem, "Seek Yo the { J. McGrath, lion, - 8 a.u.; matins and jitany, obligato solo, Miss Orser. { Mount Che<ney; Christopher Lang- |ote lock, preacher. Canon Starr. class meoting: 3 p.m., Sunday with. Cold Spwipgs, at. Inverary; Sam- {day school, 3 p.m. Baptisms, and Bible classes; Monday | uel 'Sloan, Sunbury, at Sunbury; {Evenséug. o'clock, preacher. the evening, Y.P.S. union rally, Queen I(ieorge Rattray, St. Lawrence, at Bishop of Ontario. * itreet church: Wednesday "ewsthng, { Wolfe Island; « Frederick Valleau, Ca- Chatmers, 'Presbyterian, corner Bay | prayer meeting; Friday evening, Boys' { turaqui, at Cataraqui; George Porter, [rie and Earl streets--The pastor, Rev. | Brige ade. Strungers made welcome. ! Elm Grove, at Elginbwrg; I. Drice- | Dr. Macgilliveay, will 'prench mornitg | Queen Street Methodist 'church--Rev. | land. Wolie Island, at Wolfe Island; land evening. Sunday school and qc ° Sellery, M.A., B.D. pastor. 11 1 1. Ferouson, Model, at Inverary; W. Tile class, 3 p.m; praver meeting, iy mm. the pastor. Subject, "Indivi- | Kennedy, tailton, No. at Railton; (Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. . Sumdents agd | ay Work For Individuals," or 'Per Arthur Day. Collins Bay, factory, at strangers cordigdly invited to all' the! sonal Evangelism:" 7 p.au.; Rev. J: Ie ollins Bay; J. C. Fraser, Odessa iac- | services. 4 | Bruce Wallace, the celebrated Loudon tory, at Odessa; J. Taylor, Latimer, | First Church of Christ, Scientist} co ngelist, will preach; 2:45, Sunduy at Latimer; W. G. Woodman, Gilt} unday morning, 11 o'clock, subject. | school and Bible classes; 2:30. Young | Edge, at Wolie Island; Patrick le Zverl: isting Punistufient." Wedne sday | Men's Club. Quarterly rally of veung viv. Mowe Island, at Mowe Island; [evening testinionial meeting, 8 o'clock. seople's societies on Monday, 8 pan; | Daniel "McLeap, Morning Star, m \ | Free public reading room. every aftey- Rev. Bruce Wallace will address the; Pittsburgh: Asa Hough, Ontario; at noon, exeept Sunday, to' o'cloe | meeting, Prayer meeting, Wednesday Wolfe Island; 'Mr. Ryan, Hartington, {Monday and Thursday evenings, § p.m. Music: Morning" nuthem, at Rartington; Joseph Garrah, Thou- 19:30 o'clock. cordially wit. | "Draw Nigh To Me Ye Weary; solo, lqaud Island, at Howe Island; Mr. lcomed to the services and the res ding |. 'Father In Heaven," Mr. Taylor: even: | Johnston, at Iuverary; Wilbur Craig, {room. ing anthem, *'Look Ye 'Saints;'" solos, Glenburnie, at Glenburnie; W. Faw 'Lead Kindly Light," and "I Know | cett, Silver Springs, Wolfe sland; W. That My Redeemer Liveth,". "Miss El | J. Franklin, Pine Hill at Joyceville; i ! vos | Jlinckley. A cordial welcome to stu- 1B i Se iW. i. Anglin, reprefenting Sand Hill, pastor of a workingian ® church MC dents und strangers. Ax a od | Excelsior, Battersea; William Pillar, E ast London, will pe ach at the orgs Sydenham 'rect Methodist church-- |G lenvale: factory, at Glenvale, also jing service, and the - pastor tn 00 ¢ poglag cdl Nye, eB.D., pastor: -Wil- {Rose Wl fnelary Sat Dufigrin; Samuel evening." Suit sghool . abd : Bible | im ritig, pastor's helper. 10 a.m, Grier, / Fairview, Tat s Fairfield; *.J. clises; "ats HY pam; LYounk People Junior: "Epworth | League and monthly [Camphet. Hinthinbirooke, at Hinchip- {eeting, S15 pin Students and oth tétlow ship mee ung; 11 gm. public ser- hrooke." Ly lers will be courteously wilcomed 8 | ee. they "Work, Wogkers And' Following is a list 'of the present oi- all 'services. "Madam Cochrane, Be, li | | Working; A S.p.m., Rible school abd! | ficers® of "the hoard: + President, Fred- ville, 4 tale ok gp Mo sig. Men's Club; p.m., public serviee, | eritk . Valleau, - Cataraguj; first = vice- | St. Thies pg? yg M: xe 89 | ane, "The Filth Commandment." or: president, - William Craig, - Glenburnie; Arch ro ER d : Cle ie Indy Children And Their Parents." Wed- second 'vice-president, 'F. Ferguson, In- ALA," D Re Fesant "hi Stregt | &sday,. 8 p.m., mid-week service in verary; © secretary-treapurer, -W. Pillar, |" anf)' Ret. 2. Wo Swvwry, B.A, vig + ible school hail. Rev. J. Bruce Wal- Kingston marker, Rattray, ! Wolfe 'Island. Was Ample--The Qdficers and the Menbers ol I The Frontenac course and Queen Street Methodist CEarches. : charch--11 a.m, Torranes., Subs vn GOOD FUR BAD THROATS -- the Board DELICIOUS TO TASTE -- DUCTORS APPROVE THEM 5 cents a Red-and-Yellow Box full |; MADE BY PATIRSON ©! BRANTFORD board will, in of chees: i First Congregational aoupi and 7 p Kev. Dr. day school at 32 p.m. ~t. Andrew's--31 a.m. the Very i Rev. Robert Campbell, 4.0. of Mon jtreal, ex-moderator "of the' general as sembly of the Presoyterian church in it 'anada: 7 pap., Rev. Dr. Mackie, | of jor eens 1s Car pets "urniture, an d COUGH DROPS THE CANDY CURE | io ot ¥ sat the § the year as wae x but this milk re ors % 1 at deal in wson, it will be remembered, sedton will proach and «p.m. -- LATEST FICTION, $1.08. nm RR A nt nt THE DANGER MARK EY ROBERT W. CHAMBERS" ' whieh love alone ' helps her to + ovetdbige.] Mr. Uhafthets has used the financial Panic of two years ago with "effect. His char acters AR aa all. feom vicious +e 1st the exquisite er of a cay hood. dies not Juince: nor -- Sie ignorant of: ed meanin of the ma in drinking and firting. At'times the story is repellant in its candid revelation of 'the of merul it presents a truth that compels the attention. It is & story*destined for "om immense Sie. Our Price, $1.08. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE, 60 Princess St. Phone 919 Where We :i SPECIAL Lead Knives and Forks in Oak and Walnut (Cabinets. 500 yards Taffeta Sille Rib: bon 4) inches wi in These are dir Imports. tions from En wa, dnd We are able to gell them White, Pale Blue, Brown, Cardinal, Scarlet, Navy and Black. - I was nil pasture of cours milk E. Burke, B.D., pastor, short upply { very o at | The ol cheese 1s getting very of calist; ean] tlord ; 110 a.m, E15. 1 bool from McGrath's factory, i . ; { Is a characteristically clever porte; wal of New - Jaekise.soalthy fast set where to amuse and be amused is the apparent aim of all. The story tragic in its depiction of the shallow feverish, desire fox unhealthy exgitement 4 - told i dialogue, and there are few raven ists of to-day who Write better dialogue than Mo. Chdmbers. Here we have the life swf use rich orphant twins, a oy and girl brought up by a Trust Co., and in ignerance of their wtalth. and without friendt: When of age they are launched into the idle rich set and their -fight begging, the gifl's against inherited desire' fof aleohol Publishers' Price, $1.50. New designs] 3 "Our stock is attractive, showing Surface Oak Suites, $20, $24 up to $35. good, value, being i and of to-date de Suits. are VY YY YY TTY YY YY YY Dressers and Stands go 1d Brass Beds Springs, Pillows, and Comforters. A Lace Curtains to room al a) | 1 i | | i : i © Mat w 1 vool esses Blankets Rug a ce anda vonr ar Ss pet oh Cooke's Prevhyterian Broek 1. chur strect--Rev. W. 8, Mae Paci Ph.D, pastor. Rev. J. Bruce Waliace. M 4 a of hi h | |] Woo! Rugs isl gher in price, but | in quality and de- Wiltons and y room Phone 90. . F. Harrison Co.' (The store that improves.) . Iwill oni jbourd this at hittie as hig €) - a a a a i AAA NARAAAAAAARATAAAAANAAS YY YY VV VY YY a 1 § i 3} | | i 1 i | { i FREDERICK mtenag VALLEAYU Cheese" Board 4 "" now, wl i= likely that there y more meetings cof. the I'he board. will | about" the "seq April of next p---- a ason | ™ | Scrubbing ' se ons third «v jopen again OM | yeaa The Frontena in existance 'boards in the 1 on ook in bourd has been | twenty of. the best meetings at | council' cham- | Hien vhout 101 NOArs, George the bag cornet Union and 1 3 Lim MA of.the Garden City Leth rie' streets. Ty Sunday af eth Emr SH. speak: Frivihy 15 Trinity. * 8 a.m. holy communion; 3 th hs 5. 3 adic te ! Boworth: lef 343 a.m. morning ayer, litany and "sl h m., inter Beha, P! THI oy i : "The Congregation it | Music : « Morning anthem, 'The Eyes w Sunday 'scllool and Oi All Wait Fpen Thee' solo and ble classes; z 2 me evating prayer wind | | quartette, "The Penitent;" solo, W. sermon, subject. continuing series upon iE Ye artes Mrs. Mooney, ies Joseph, the prime minister, Tempt. | SHEEN STH. . Atmstrong Lh ok" . : {vey Angrove. Evening anthem, "Ring 4 Out, 0 Bells" solo, "The Better Princess, St. > p x : Yea : 1. and Mrs. James Smali; solo ederic Spronle, 1B.A., 'pastor. Ser: ' rs. 5 jo. , Frederic Sproj ! "Heaven Is My Home." Harold An- vices, 11 am. and 7 pm; Sunday i, school and Bible class, 3 p.m.; Junior! 7'OV¢ Christian Endeavor, 10:30 a.m., and} class mebting at close el 1 nor: ning sor; vice; Epworth League, "Mhnduy even: | ing; prayer and praise service, Wed- i : nesday, © 8° p.m. Prehcher Cmorming | Night Rev. Mr. Gilbert, of Alberta: preacher, - Hurmony with the stage settings evening, * Rev. T. J. Jewett, of: has been the plan of the management Queen's University; morning anthens, § with regard to costumes in Frank' "1 Heard The Voice;" duet, the Misses | Holland's greatest success, fhe benu Timmerman; evening anthem, 'I Will | tiful romantic drama, "The Lily And Magnify ~~ Thee" quartette, 'Softly i The Prince," companion play to 'When | | | | and is looked upon a district Thursday the city one The afternoon, a Sohal Reso TTT TTY INCREASED MAIN CAPACITY are. held every 1.30 o'clock, ber er e-------- Frederick prietor tory, is Valleau, oi Ciraraqdi, pro | 1 the First Thing - the - Water- of the Cataragui cheese fad % the president of iu hy ard, te works', Plant Ruqptiizes. CT NT TL The waterworks committee is to meet Monday afternoon, and will have [before it aghin for consideration = the | question of main extension from . the corner of West and Wellington streets, |S srintendent Hewitt will be asked {to explain in detail the object of the | extension. The superinte sndent's recom- mendation to the committee at its last i ceting was pretty eloar on the point, | and vead as follows : | "That a fourteen-inch main be laid {from the corner 'of . Wellington and | West streets; 'along Barrie to Princess street, and connecting all mains on the way from Union to Princess street, that * a larger quantity of water can { he delivered by the pumps to meet the | incre ase in consumption and the re- quirements of the fire underwriters for Hi lve standard streams equal to three and a hali million gallons in twenty- jms hows." The superintendent' s object is to in- {crease the supply of water both for domestic, and fire purposes. City Engi- neer Craig and Prof. Willhofit are both Ira that the capacily of the mains {should be increased. [he superinten- {dent evidently is of the same opinion {when this extension is the first thing { he ommends from yr $10.00 to $16. 00. These goods are First-Class and ut the above prices genuine bargains. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 King St. Issuers Of Marriage Licenses. i ; ton Methodist church--Rev. A hm eee 4 % For a Leader 18¢ a Yard. Extra svecial in latest style, with long and with Four. Mose Sup- porters attached. A Dollar Corset that we sell for 75¢, all sizes See the line of Men's Black Cashmers Sox., A regular 35¢. line that we are making a leader at \nd cover your kitchen with Linoleum, Buy only Nairn's The best in the world ; | To bahad only at i R. McFAUL'S Kingston EL loor COMING TO THE GRAND, hi - vi "The Lily and The Prince,"' To- Corsets, hack 80 And Tenderly.' haighthood- Was In Flower," which Young Men's comes to the Grand ta-might. In the' --Rovs' meeting, first act, representing a Florentine? Alexander Laird will speak rose garden, Miss Lucy Blake will ap- boy: invited; ° male quartette; [pear as Angelo di Savelli in a gown Rible class, 3 p.m.» address by imported pink and white silk, em- J. Bruce Wallace, pi England; | broidered with red roses and green meeting for men /in Grand Opera Holiage. In style it is graceful, House, 4:15 p.m. Rev. J. Bruce Wal- | princess mode and opens over a front lace, formerly pastor | of Mansfield | of heavy pink «lk, covered with rich House Congregational Mission in East embroidery From accurate détails, London, will give an address on hia the quaint pattern of silk is well suit work. The Y.M.C.A. male chorus and jed to the period and moreover lends a the male quartette will sing. This is distinctly graceful and girlish appear a live meeting for men and the YMC; {ance to the wearer IA. depends on silver collertiop to: meet expenses. YE Brock Street Methodist Brock and Montreal Assoeiation Prof. Every senior | Rev, Nuss | Christian Qe Rev | Cv G00 000000000068600000¢ - 25¢ a pair, all sizes Men's Wool Underwear, fine apd warm, all sizes in Shirts and Drawers. Regular 65¢c. garinent, selling Special at 50¢ Each Ladies' of a Carpet Warehouse. M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Hair Dressin and Shé¥ing parlor, | Turee Chair. quick Service. Your pat- vonage solicited: 336 KING STREET Next Door to Wade's 'Prug Store Elastic bbed Un- derwear; Vests and/ Drawers, White of Grey, 35¢c. quality that we are making a leader at re: "The Barrier.' Conditions of life in the far northern wilderness, where rude eager humanity | i finds its primitive Passion unleashed, are vigorously depicted in Eugene W. Presbrey's dramatization of R. Beach's famons Alaskap romance, 'I'he Har- Irier," which will be presented at the {Grand on Wednesday, November 3rd, lunder Klaw & Erlanger"s manage- ment. "The Barrier" is romanée {built upon. a romance, a story of long-deferred, finally sated vengeance; land of love strong enough to break ithe strongest bonds of prejudice nnd jreadition. i Order of Good Templars. The quarterly election of: officers t Hope of Kingston lodge, LO.G.T. well "took place Thursday evening, reswt- | the | mz as follows : Chief templar. H. vl Norman; vice-templar, Miss L. Sew-| etl; secretary, B. Sewell; assistant sec- rotaryi Miss No Meisner; financial se retary, W, Doolan; tressurer, A. G. { Keel; marshal, W. Skipper; deputy marshall, Miss A. Eastwell; chaplain, 'W. H. Beswick; guard, G. Eastwell; sentinal, G. Leighton; past C. T., A. J. Keel. A strdng programnie com: mittee was also «elected and an attrac tive syllabus will be arranged for the {winter months. a aS Grr h, streets Cor. -Rev, ot | 7 i ne ¥ -- 25ca Garment We are leaders in Dress Goods, Coats, Suité™ &nd Waists. Would like to prove it to you. has of in. the' interests FOR STYLE, FIT, AND COMFORT Wear Gourdier's Furs 76 to 80 BROCK ST. HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, " $0AL OIL, LUBRICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. Ww. F. KELLY Toye' s Building, Clarsnes and Ontario Street. i AHH WE ARE VERY BUSY But not Electrical Work % thir best | leay bas been twenty-three vears with every br anch | followed it from | g. His entire energy | n the work, and in se the head of the cheese | wb ertainfy made a } filled the of the | and has hand with board, to ould out inns ' e Du « t J > »QO00C0 0 YOOX How About the Futare ? SOE ® Q having a ahly he by-laws » O4 » OO-O-O-OC ewman & Shaw HY ALWAYS BUSY STORE ALA a an ---------- "Girls," "Girls," under the management the Shuberts, will be an offering real importance at the Grand on Thursday, November 4th. The play: is from the pen of Clyde Fitch and has lo its credit an all season run at {Daly's theatre, New York, To create laughs was the intention of the play- {wright and in this he has heen most in tH | Why Have Indigestion ? You cannot have indigestion for day without injury your }uhole system, while continued indiges- tion undermines the entire foundation {of health. Decide to cure vour stomach trou- srr et (The mark of quality and sty | A fur purchase comes ofice in life time to most {5lis, and that very fact makes quality the chief factor in Eh] buying. Cheapness By : as you understand Ar. Economical Remedy: Rican have ao Wade's Ointment is put up "un large boxes at a small, price. It is Jheap in part or compan' the truest semse because yon get for tonship with qual- | i [the price a large quantity of a niost iy as we under- v valuable remedy. Wade's Ointment leures skin affections that many dol: . . ars worth oi other remedies would stand it--or as you demand it [probably not cure. 'therefore we emphasize qual-§| Cures ccroma (salt rheum). scaly itching eruptions of the sking ity. We guaraotee it whether blotch es. dandruff, etc. In big you buy - a jacket, a fur<lined r DE « : garment, a searfl or a muff, aad [Tie14 COTE Hee An EEO our styles are exclusive styles. loess "and Moutreal streets . Catalogue on request. ! ~ { many persons disre- of gard 1t by neglecting present opportunities Because they have plenty for to-day, and sibly for few yefirs to they miss chances they tg become independent. you realize that there 1 opportunity to secure » independence in good vestments in Kingston real & { Dutch Bulbs af ------ in Lennox | single to ident of Ca He well eT Cg > Ar >OOOO00O000 a ne, vé Do We have just received consignment of Dulbs land, including Hyacinths Narcissus Tulips and Crocus These are in single and varieties and mixed enlory. large Hol- a from OOO OOOOH are getting them- well fixed' every year in this way. Many who start- ed with very few dollars have turning their capital until now they are mong the wealthy v{ the communit y ought to selves ** OOOO HOO OC 00000 interest $3.2 Double Brick, Rent- $312 $1,000 $2,600, $324 81 800, Brick, rental, Others in proportion. McCANN, Brock Cor. tao busy Lo give your Frame nec King and Brock streets Five 'double Fr i yental. Planted now, bloom, will he Christmas. Dr A.P.Chown DRUGGIRT AND OPTION AN. those for indoor in x ftossom for at. J. B. Meléod's drug $180 attention, W. A Spriggs ab pl rsstical ior trom a agot, one door ow Brock. "Phone, 68. My. Valet. Repairing, préading, dyeing, clean- ing, properly done, prompt delivery. Warwick Bros., 'phone 60. : i phd . " " " "~ . - . - be . . . market was | ble. Do it to-day. Day s Dyvapepsia OSIS Cure does cure all forms of dyspepsia and inc days' treatment. 'For sale only I. B rods o 2 © ate exercise, sleeping in the|fin Neleodie Ding Store, corms open air under cov er, and a!stand), and corner Princess and Mont- and helpful, but the most im-{ The Orpheum Theatre drew two portant of all 1s crowded houses again on Friday even- formance. This week has heen a re cord-breaker and next week promises It is the recognized treat. secured for next week. ment and pre: scribed bv Phy- | A few small bets were placed on the sicians all' over the w orld for| day night. All Queen's money had to this dread disease. It is the {zo up along odds, some even four and ideal food-medicine to heal] {wagers were qv ite small. the lungs and build up the | On account of the death of Albert I ALL DRUGGISTS [hold its test on the market square to- Send 1 be ay [might This will be postponkd until | Sand 10. amme, of Taber aad (his od. tor our an ll be hostponnd wnt SCOTT & BOWNE The Saturday 126 Wellington Street, West Toronto, Ont | 4 VOIV Jarge one N ligestion. Each bottle contains Plenty of "Fresh air, moder- sixteen A and Brock streets (Wade's old nourishing diet, are all good |"! *"™* . S y . ing, over 600 people being at each per- cott S Emulsion {to be still better. A fine hill has been McGill-Quedn's 'game, to-day, on Fri {iv ¢ to one, to get any takers. All the wasting | iv. i Elmer the re départmient will not a i nt Lay Pap sies-Beot. | some future date Velvet collars. King St. The thermometer early Saturday morning registered ahoéut five degries below the freezing point. Makers ot Fine Furs. i 126-128 Princess St. | | i | marmng 1 \ 0 0000000000000 00 © cage QILORAFOOOLOOOO00 My Valet. we aa